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Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road TOWN OF VA!! Vail, Co 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project# PRJ13—0 0 4 6 625 F0,<C5T ROgb DRB#: DRB130091 (Number) (Street) (Suite#) Building/Complex Name: Building Permit#: F13-0192 Contractor Information SC-07r 721~1O.5GE/] Lot#: Block# Subdivision: A.QChrlT C7t// 02;V6ILU070V Business Name: Business Address: ,?O- 80?c 3 38$ Work Class: New a Addition Alteration City 4F4&GE State: CO zip: 6/6 3 r Type of Building: Single-Family Duplex 0 Multi-Family(�} Contact Name: .SGO7T' ?y�lyiP-S�'+~!� Commercial() Other Contact Phone: 9135 Contact E-Mail: 5G07y[*)S57 a,a.Co►77 Work Type: interior 0 Exterior 0 Both I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application, filled out Valuation of in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Work Included Plans Included Work and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Electrical Yes �)No O)Yes ONo //�O comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to Mechanical 0Yes C))No Yes (:)No JO8 p1111 the town's zoning and subdivisi codes, design review ap- proved, International Building nd Residential Codes and other Plumbing yes O)No &Yes QNo 6 y 000 ordi=1= Building &Yes ())No vXYes 0No24 /36,0010 X Value of all work being performed: $21 y00/ 0009 Owner/Owner's Representative Signature(Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3) 2MNI/6 Altl b Ow 'oR ..5G07T?cl,WrpSEffb Electrical Square Footage 4 6i7O Applicant Information Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Applicant Name: 5Go77- Tu, iVlf'SL°E] .9„S11d -5.€ S,rIG� �;7,1wILY /- usE Applicant Phone: 970— '90 V-- 89 39 6(C/u eQ1VS77XLJC,77ate1 Applicant E-Mail: JS-t-OIG C0r1V7 Project Information Owner Name. V/T/L GUSM&I 1y047E Ct>L[EClic�n! Parcel#: 2101 C2-72-/ e901 3 (For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970-328-8640 or visit wwweagle-county.us/paibe) (use additional sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Date Received: Fee Paid: Received From. Cash Check # CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# exp date: RECEIVED Auth # By David Rhoades at 8:11 am, May 30, 2013 15-Mar-2012 TOWN OF VAIL REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN TOWN OF VAi� ' IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY (THIS FORM IS REQUIRED TO BE TYPED) SC07T OWNER OF PROPERTY VA/(_ Cu57-0,-V1 HOD Wf CoLe-E, ian!{_GLC ADDRESS ;'C7• SOX 3 3 8$ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT 3- BLOCK 2- SUBDIVISION VRIe— ✓/4-L1a6-E f_"144-AJG (If necessary, attach description on separate sheet.) Corner Lot Inside Lot TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Fence Wall y1 Landscaping ✓Other L&EAM DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(s) INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: /29 i ArQfZ S c.ArC .' -5^1C 95, �-Oel&CH. ,sOb h2�yEu�54Y.• /G fbvT-,ccJ/ � 2a.2 iy'E,eyr4Y Cr_r�� sn�a..�.�,�-r�c�'� ?QA.rE' n.r R,,Q. /Sc�• f1� s�r� � Gfr'iyasc�'tP��/� Does structure presently exist? IA/0 Proposed date for commencement of construction 6, /3 In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Project Planner and Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provided defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless,false, or fraudulent. 5. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. 6. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance of snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail Property, streets, sidewalks or rights-of-way. 7. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right of way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. 8. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving the notice of any revocation of said permit. 9. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. 10. That in the event said removal of encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removaJ in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 11. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. 12. The Revocable Right-of-way Permit is $40.00: $16.00 of the fees pay for Eagle County Clerk and Recording. Make checks payable to the Town of Vail. 13. Special Conditions: 90 77,1Y SC677- :5 S nature of Property Owner Print Name Date (If joint ownership, both signatures) Signature of Property Owner Print Name Date (If joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Project Planner Date Department of Public Works Date Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. OOMW* 5020 Co Road Glenwood S prings,Col G< oTtech orado 81601 Phone: 974-945-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Fax:970-945-8454 email:hpge(i@lipgeotech.com SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 2, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 6t1i FILING 625 FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO JOB NO. 113 062A APRIL 30, 2013 PREPARED FOR: SCOTT S. TURNIPSEED, AIA ATTN: SCOTT TURNIPSEED P. O. BOX 3388 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 scott rr ssttaia.com Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY........................................................................ - 1 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION................................................................................. - 1 - SITECONDITIONS................................................................................................... - 2 - FIELDEXPLORATION............................................................................................ - 2 - SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS..................................................................................- 3 - FOUNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS ............................................................... - 3 - DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................. - 4- FOUNDATIONS....................................................................................................- 4 FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS......................................................... - 5 - FLOORSLABS...................................................................................................... - 6 - UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM............................................................................:......... - 7 - SITEGRADING .................................................................................................... - 7 - SURFACEDRAINAGE.........................................................................................- 8 - LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................................... - 8 - FIGURE 1 - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE 4 - SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I- SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsoil study for a proposed residence to be located on Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 6"' Filing, 625 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure 1. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for the foundation design. The study was conducted in accordance with our proposal for geotechnical engineering services to Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA dated March 12, 2013. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on the subsurface conditions. Samples of the subsoils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and other engineering properties. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed residence will be a three level structure located on the site as shown on Figure 1. The lower level will be a basement with a slab-on-grade floor at a finish elevation of 8135 feet. The garage level floor elevation will be 8147 feet and the main level finish floor elevation will be 8158 feet. The lower level and garage floor elevations are shown on Figure 2. Grading for the structure will require cut depths between about 4 to 12 feet. We assume relatively light foundation loadings, typical of the proposed type of construction. If building loadings, location or grading plans change significantly from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. Job No. 113 062A C�ecPtECh - 2 - SITE CONDITIONS The lot was vacant and covered with about 1'/2 to 2 feet of snow at the time of our field exploration. The ground surface appears mostly natural. The terrain is strongly sloping to moderately steep down the northwest. Slope grades range from about 10 to 20%. Elevation difference across the proposed building is about 12 feet and across the lot is about 23 feet. Vegetation consisted of grass and weeds below the snow cover. There are existing residences on the nearby lots. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on March 29, 2013. Three exploratory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a track-mounted CME 45 drill rig. The track rig was needed due to the snow cover on the site and moderately steep terrain. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. Samples of the subsoils were taken with 1% inch and 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the subsoils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figure 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. Slotted PVC pipe was installed in Boring 2 to allow monitoring of the groundwater level. Depth the pipe was installed in the boring is shown on the Figure 2 boring log. Job No. 113 062A GGe7tE:Ch - 3 - SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Graphic Iogs of the subsurface conditions encountered at the site are shown on Figure 2. The subsoils encountered, below about.1 to 1% feet of organic topsoil, consisted of relatively dense, clayey silty sandy gravel and cobbles with scattered boulders that extended down to maximum depth drilled of 17 feet. Drilling in the dense granular soils with auger equipment was difficult due to the cobbles and boulders and drilling refusal was encountered in all three borings in the deposit. Laboratory testing performed on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisture content and density, and gradation analyses. Results of swell-consolidation testing performed on a relatively undisturbed drive sample of the more sandy soils, presented on Figure 4, indicate low to moderate compressibility under conditions of loading and wetting with a Iow hydro-compression potential. The sample was probably partly disturbed due to the gravel content. Results of gradation analyses performed.on small diameter drive samples (minus 1% inch fraction) of the coarse granular subsoils are shown on Figure 5. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table 1. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling. When checked 27 days following drilling, free water level in Boring 2 was at about 12 feet depth, and no free water was encountered in Borings 1 and 3. The subsoils were slightly moist to occasionally moist. FOUNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS The natural coarse granular soils possess moderate bearing capacity and relatively low settlement potential. Spread footings bearing on the natural coarse granular soils can be used for foundation support of the residence. Boulders could be encountered in the excavation and should be carefully removed to limit disturbance of the bearing soils. Voids resulting from boulder removal below footing areas should be backfilled with compacted gravel or lean concrete. Job No. 113 062A tech - 4- DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the building be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural coarse granular soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. 1) Footings placed on the undisturbed natural coarse granular soils should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Based on experience, we expect settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be about 1 inch or less. 2) The footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. 4) Continuous foundation walls should be well reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussed in the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section of this report. 5) The topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to the relatively dense natural coarse granular soils. The exposed soils in footing area should then be moistened and compacted. If water seepage is encountered, the footing areas should be dewatered before concrete placement. Job No. 113 062A C Ptech - 5 - 6) A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computcd on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 50 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Cantilevered retaining structures which are separate from the main building and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. The backfill should not contain topsoil or plus & inch size rocks. All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. An underdrain should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90%of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill in pavement and walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall, since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected, even if the material is placed correctly, and could result in distress to facilities constructed on the backfill. Use Job No. 113 062A CCh - 6 - of a select granular imported material such as road base and increasing compaction to at least 98% standard Proctor density could be done to limit the settlement potential. The lateral resistance of foundation or retaining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.50. Passive pressure of compacted backfilI against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 375 pc£ The coefficient of friction and passive pressure values recommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should be a suitable granular material compacted to at least 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. FLOOR SLABS The natural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab- on-grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50%retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 2%passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on-site granular soils devoid of topsoil and oversized rocks or a suitable granular fill can be imported. Job No. 113 062A 9tech - 7 - UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although free water was encountered below proposed excavation depths during our exploration, it has been our experience in the area that local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff, or the groundwater level could rise. Frozen ground during spring runoff can also create a perched condition. We recommend below-grade construction, such as retaining walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with free-draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum 1%to a suitable gravity outlet. Free-draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2%passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfiIl should be at least 1%z feet deep. SITE GRADING The risk of construction-induced slope instability at the site appears low provided the building is located as planned and cut and fill depths are limited. We assume the cut depth for the basement level will not exceed one level, about 12 feet. Embankment fills should be limited to about 12 feet deep and be compacted to at least 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum moisture content. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. The fill should be benched into the portions of the hillside of 20% grade or steeper. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts and flatter slopes may be Job No. 113 062A G(tKtech - 8 - necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence has been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90%of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free-draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on- site finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill.- 5) Landscaping which requires regular heavy irrigation should be located at least 3 feet from foundation walls. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled at the locations indicated on Figure 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or Job No. .113 062A Cx�teCh - 4 - other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH - P AK GE IPICAL, INC. � s 0.9 David A. Young, P.E. s p 32°21 Rev. by: i `�;= �,�3 Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. DAY/ljg cc: Newkirk Engineering—Paul Newkirk(newkirk56 r�gmail.cam) David Mado (davidmado a aol.com) Job No. 113 062A Gecrtech APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 20' 8132 8136 co co co CID I col i / BORING 3— 81 r 40— / BORING PROPOSED — — / RESIDENCE — — / 625 FORFEST-RT5AD LOT3 _ 8150 LOT BORING 1 • 2 5 1 / — 8150 FOREST ROAD 113 Q62A H "'� LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Figure 1 HEYWORYH•PAWLAK GEOTEGHNIGAL BORING 1 BORING 2 BORING 3 ELEV.= 8149.5' ELEV.= 8144` ELEV.= 8136' 8150 8150 4 a. PROPOSED GARAGE LEVEL FFE=8147' 8145 52/12 8145 WC=0.2 a� 4 a. 8140 34112 81112 8140 ;q= WC=8.1 WC=1.4 DD=113 ;q. -200=12 na i CD LL PROPOSED LL BASEMENT 8135 5014 57/12 FFE =8135' 8135 g Q� W=2.4 a CD +4=41 a� w a '4 -200=13 •'• 34112 27 Q, WC=3.4 +4=38 8130 5014 'q• -200=14 •' 'd; 8130 WC=4.5 .4• -200=23 o' •" 27/6,20/0 •• WC=5.8 :Q. -200=24 8125 'o* 8125 e' 8120 8120 Note: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. 113 062A Chi~ I LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Figure 2 He worth—Pawfak Geotechnica[ LEGEND: ® TOPSOIL; organic clayey silty sand with gravel and cobbles, moist, dark brown. SAND AND GRAVEL(SC-GC); with cobbles and scattered boulders, clayey, silty, dense, slightly moist to occasionally moist, brown, rocks are primarily subrounded to subangular. Relatively undisturbed drive sample; 2-inch I.D. California liner sample. Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 13/8 inch I.D. split spoon sample,ASTM D-1586. 52112 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 52 blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the California or SPT sampler 12 inches. Depth at which Boring 1 had caved when checked on April 25, 2013. Caved depth in Boring 2 immediately following drilling. qe o.: Indicates slotted PVC pipe installed in Boring 2 to depth shown. 27 Free water level in boring and number of days following drilling measurement was taken. TPractical drilling refusal. Where shown above bottom of log, indicates that multiple attempts were made to advance the boring. NOTES: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on March 29, 2013 with 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were obtained by interpolation between contours shown on the site plan provided . 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under the conditions indicated. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling. Flucuation in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content(%) DD = Dry Density(pcf) +4 = Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve 113 062A H LEGEND AND NOTES Figure 3 HEPWORTH•PAWLAK GEOTECHNIGAL Moisture Content = 8.1 percent Dry Density = 113 pcf Sample of: Clayey Sand with Gravel From: Boring 1 at 9 Feet 0 i Compression upon 2 wetting 0 N to 3 m E a U 4 5 6 7 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf 113 062A Ch SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 1=figure 4 He worth-Pawfak Gectechniccl .1 Ir Ir 1 1 1 ii•rr�i ii i� ii ii�r�rrrr.iwrr�! i-rr�i i i i i i i i i i��rrrl i 1�:�■r! iMll.l■��rr�i ii iiii i i i i��ir��! i�'iii iiiii lilt►,i rrr■•Irrr 1 �r-viii iii iir✓r-��r',�i�r! iwr��irr�i iii iiiir■� i�A! irr�r•iiii ii ii■il■wrir■�ii�w! i��ii■:...:.::.A■i.:..:..Al.ii iii i�rrtii��� i rrlr�py r*Irii iiii iiii�f tii rr��! i��ii iiiii iii tar•ii'r! I iirrrirr�i ii ii iiirr_ rr�■rrrr! ii�iii iii ii�I��iir✓r! i��iii iiii ii�/r:■wsr�iirrrr! ■ i r�ii ii iii irr�,���iirrrr! '� ■ irrrrrl rr�iiii iiii-I i tr�iirrwr! i rrrr��•i i ii i i ii-.�i t r�i i rr�w! 1 i�rrri iiiiiii--i�r_ rrr�w■rrwr! irrrrrl Ali ii i i i i-Si ii ii rr�r! i-�i ii ii wlMrri rl�ii�r�ii rr�r! ■ •1 i��iii ii ii•,�iis'iiw�w! � ■ ■ i-viii iiir►�i ii��i irrrr! ■ i rrrrrlrr�iiiiiil.�i iiii irrr r! 1 ii♦�iwr_i�Al--i ii��i rrrpq:�r i rrrr�rrrii lilt+A ii ii��i iw:w�wrrr i rrrrrl rr�i i ii ir��ii i i ii irrr�! i�rrsii iii-�ray■iiiii_i�_�!_ i®wrrii iir�i iiiwlirrrrf�r�rrrrrrr i■�rr�iiirrr►-i iii i�rr[ii rrrr! i�rr�iiir�ii iii i��ii Ar✓r! •1 i�rrriiiiirr�i iii��ii�rrrr i rrr�rr�i i i AMrM•i i i i i i i i i i r*.■w rrr i rr■rNwr rr�ii i iiii i ii i iii w! 11 i�rr_i iii iii iirrrr r.r�rr�irrrw! � E HYDROMETER GRADATION TEST RESULTS .1 If II 1 1 1 rrrr�wrrii iwli rr�ii�r�rrrr.iwwrr! 11 irrrr�F:.�.rl■ii iii ii iA■Mw�i irr��i�w! i rrrrrl�i i iii ii ii i ir��i�:•.■rrr i�]■rri ii iiii iA�ii'�irrr�! i rrrrrlrrriiiiiiiiii�r�iiwpr■r! . �rr�i iiiiiii iii►�ii�w! i��iiiiiiii^■:Iwri�iii�r! i-rr�ii isli iiii-.�r�.Il:.:irr i r�■.I! i�f.ii iii ii ii'A�r•r•i i��! 1 •1 �rr�iii ii ii i��iii i�wrrr •1 ■ i�r�iii iiiiwlr✓�i��i irrrr! ■ irrrrrl rrr iiiiii^:w�rr�iirfr�iirrr rr� i rrrrrl rr�iiiiii i•�iirt�iirrrt! ■ .I ii•�i iiiii-ji i��iirir! •1 ■ ■ i�rr�i i�i`i is-iii��iirrtr! ■ �I�i ii i irr►�i ii i�!i irrr w! i-�i i i i irl�i ii iii ir•�! i�wrr ii i i i►-i irrr:r iii i�r! i-iii i i�'i ii i i�rr■ii��! i-rrriirrr•i��i iirliii raw! i-iii i i i i ii ii r•r�iirr��! •I i��ii iii i���iiiirrwl� I i�rrriiiii lilt! ^�iirrrr! i�rr�i il::�•rrt ii ii ii i_i_i i rr�w! 11 11 If 11- 1 • 1 1 1 11 .11 • 1 1 2 k « 7 � \e U w U U } ( & k k 2 k 2 k ! u 7 & 7 e 7 \ ) § k � g cn V) cn A Cl? U U U U U b V z 0 � \ G CL ! � m < LU cc § w � ) 3 F- LU ( c 7 >- \ w U < 0 ° \ _ L � u § § \ Rca < § B F- 0 ± 0 ¥ / } N / w 7 ) I m q 7 q m kZ \ m � _ ) \ 2 q « « m # m = em ± . § ] ) — � ) j e « a cn 00 m m @ 0 co k k 0 M m Iirpti ono-I'm0A (.icoiL-d nicA, 1110. Glen C(I,"I ry Iing's. I G(iqoFtech U1rnx iniJ Sprints,(:r+lora.l')tilt;0l Pholic Q70-945-7L)M HEPW©RTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Fax:970-1f454y454 May 28, 2013 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA Attn: Scott Turnipseed P. O. Box 3388 Eagle, Colorado 81631 scott@sstaia.com .lob No. 113 062A Subject: Additional Recommendations to Subsoil Study Report, Proposed Residence, Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 6h Filing, 625 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Scott: As requested by David Mado, we are providing additional recommendation for the proposed building underdrain system design at the subject site. The services are supplemental to our previous proposal for professional services to Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA, dated March 12, 2013. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical previously conducted a subsoil study for design of foundations at the site and presented our findings in a report dated April 30, 2013, Job No. 113 062A. The recommendations are considered an addendum to that subsoil study report. The proposed construction is similar to that discussed in our previous report. The basement floor will be slab-on-grade and have a finish elevation of about 8135 feet. As part of the mechanical design, there will be a radon mitigation system consisting of perforated 4 inch diameter PVC pipe and drain gravel at several locations below the basement slab. The radon mitigation piping locations are shown on Sheet Ml.I of building plans (dated 5-23-13). It is desired to incorporate the radon mitigate system into the building underdrain system. Of primary concern with the systems is the potential for groundwater rise above the free water level of 8132 feet encountered in one of the borings during our field exploration. It should be feasible to incorporate the radon mitigation system with the building underdrain system based on geotechnical considerations. The radon mitigation pipe and drain gravel can serve as interior lateral drains below the basement floor slab and should be connected to the perimeter foundation drain around the building on a regular basis. The interior lateral drains should be constructed a minimum 12 inches below the basement floor slab elevation, similar to the previously recommended minimum elevation below the floor slab for the perimeter foundation drain, and be backfilled to the bottom of the floor slab with drain gravel. The drain pipe should be 4 inch diameter perforated PVC pipe sloped at a minimum %%to the drain outlet. We expect gravity outlet of the drain system to the northwest of the building is feasible. The interior lateral drains/radon Parker 313-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA May 28, 2013 Page 2 mitigation piping should be connected to the perimeter drain system at three areas on the east and west (longer) sides and one location on the north and south(shorter) sides of the building. The connections from the lateral drains to the perimeter drainn can be made at block-outs through the as feasible with the structural engineer, or with a 6 inch layer of drain gravel below the footing areas. The previously recommended minimum 4 inches of drain gravel below the slab should also be included. Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. We should review the drain installation in the field at the time of construction. Some field modifications to the drain system may be needed and can be evaluated at that time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH—PAWL AK GR ICAL, INC. a•� r � a David A. Young, P.F,-o's 2-216 t DAY/ksw �. �' '••-......••'' �� CC' David Mado (DAVIDIV A 3O @aol.com) Job No. 113 062A Ge Pt�eGh REScheck Software Version 4.4.1 Compliance Certificate Project Title: 626 Forest Road Energy Code: 2009 IECC Location: Vail,Colorado Construction Type: Single Family Glazing Area Percentage: 26% Heating Degree Days: 9248 Climate Zone: 6 Construction Site. Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 625 Forest Road Scott Turnipseed Scott Turnipseed Vail,CO 81658 Scott S.Turnipseed,AIA Scott S.Turnipseed,AIA 1143 Capitol Street,Suite 211 1143 Capitol Street,Suite 211 Eagle,CO 81631 Eagle,CO 81631 970-328-3900 970-328-3900 davidmado @aol_com davidmado@aol.com • . trade-off Compliance: 14.6%Better Than Code Maximum UA:1287 Your UA: 1099 The%Better or worse Than Code index reflects how close to compllance the house is based on code trade-off riles. It DOES NOT provide an es4mate or energy use or Bost relative to a minimum-code home. Assembly Gross Cavity Cont. Glazing UA or or D•• Perimeter U-Factor Slab Floor:Slab-On-Grade:Heated 265 10.0 181 Insulation depth:6.0' Floor Above Garage:All-Wood JOIStlTruss Over Unconditioned 753 380 0.0 20 Space Cantilever Areas:All-Wood JoisUTruss:Over Outside Air 65 38.0 0.0 2 W Foundation Wall:Solid Concrete or Masonry 1102 13.0 10.0 34 Wall height:9.5' Depth below grade:9.5 Insulation depth:9.5' Window 6:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-F 66 0.290 19 S Foundation Wall:Solid Concrete or Masonry 499 11.0 10.0 17 Wall height:9.5' Depth below grade:95 Insulation depth:9.5' E Foundation Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry 181 11.0 10.0 6 Wall height:9.5' Depth below grade:9.5' Insulation depth:9.5' E LL Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 518 23.0 0.0 22 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 35 0.290 10 Window 2:Wood Frame:Doubte Pane with Low-E 46 0.290 13 Window 3:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 35 0.290 10 N LL Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 473 23.0 0.0 22 Window 4:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 35 0.290 10 Window 5:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 35 0.290 10 W ML Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 855 23.0 0.0 41 Window 7:Wood Frame:Doubie Pane with Low-E 19 0.290 6 Window 8:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 38 0.290 11 Window 9:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 28 0.290 8 Mud Room Door:Solid 24 0.200 5 S ML Wall Garage:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 437 23.0 0.0 23 Project Title: 625 Forest Road Report date: 05129113 Data filename:C:1Users\MeganlDocumentslActive EnergiesQobs120071625 Forest Road ResCheck.rck Page 1 of 2 Garage Man Door:Solid 24 0.200 5 E ML Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 568 23.0 0.0 13 Window 10:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 127 0.270 34 Window 11:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 127 0.270 34 Window 12:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 75 0,290 22 N ML Wail:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 496 23.0 0.0 23 Window 13:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 28 0.290 8 Window 14:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 28 0,290 8 Window 15:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 14 0.290 4 Window 16:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 14 0,290 4 W UL Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1329 23.0 0.0 57 Window 17:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Law-E 12 0.300 4 Window IS:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Law-E 12 0.300 4 Window 19:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 61 0.290 18 Window 20:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 28 0.290 8 Window 21:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 28 0.290 8 Window 22:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 10 0.290 3 Window 23:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 76 0290 22 Window 24:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 14 0.290 4 Front Door:Solid 48 0.200 10 S UL Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 489 210 0.0 16 Window 25:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 56 0.290 16 Window 26:Wood Frame-Double Pane with Low-E 14 0.290 4 Window 27:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 26 0290 8 Window 28:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 96 0.270 26 F UL Walt:Wood Frame, 16"o.c_ 886 23.0 0.0 25 Window 29:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 96 0.270 26 Window 30:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 127 0.270 34 Window 31:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 128 0.270 35 Window 32:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 81 0 290 23 N UL Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 477 23.0 0.0 22 Window 33:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 13 0.300 4 Window 34:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 42 0.290 12 Window 35:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 12 0.290 3 Window 36:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 5 0.300 2 Truss Ceiling:Fiat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 2152 15.0 34-0 43 LVL Rafter Ceiling:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 959 51.0 0.0 20 Ceiling Under Garage:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 753 49.0 0.0 17 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.4.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements Ii st in the REScheck inspection Checklist. Names tie Signatur Date Project Title: 625 Forest Road Report date: 05/29/13 Data filename:CAUsers\Megan\Documents\Active Energieskiobs120071625 Forest Road ResCheck.rck Page 2 of 2 CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE COPY 7.61.1 Sierra Pacific Windows 3/29/2013 _ A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Order Number 90304332 Page 1 of 11 y= 1121 Singletree Road, Box 2040 Edwards, Colorado 81632-2040 SiCrr�Jr 970-926-3715(Phone) Terms Invc by 25th, Net 10th-2 Direct Ship: No 970-926-3745(Fax) Required Deposit: $0.00 Subdivision : VAIL VILLAGE 6TH FILING PO#: Tract Number: BLOCK 2 May 20, 2013 Job#: Property Location: 625 FOREST ROAD Permit No#: LOT 2 VAIL, CO 81657 Box Screens : No Box Hardware : Yes Sold To: Ship To: Property Owner: Lender. SCOTT S TURNIPSEED ARCH DES SPEC RESIDENCE CONST 625 FOREST ROAD BOX 3388 VAIL, CO 81657 EAGLE, CO 81631 (970)328-3900-Work (970)328-3901-Fax Order Check List Species Jamb Size Drawing Page(s) Owners Manual/SPW Warranty Color(Clad) 001 White Quantity Primed vs Clear O/S Purchase lead time Installation Instructions Operation Exterior Trim O/S Purchase warranty No Shop Drawings Required Rough Opening Hardware WUI Compliant (Exterior) (Interior) Distressed Glazing/Lites Screens Terms and Conditions Colonial Contemporary Warranty Information Order Summary Limited Warranty (Applies to these line item numbers) No Warranty (Applies to these line item numbers) (This order is subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back page.Please read them before signing.) Net Total $ 141,815.75 Customer Signature Date 4.40 Tax Rate $ 6,239.89 Labor Charge $ 10,500.00 Sales Rep Signature Spencer Butts Order Total $ 158,555.64 Order Number 90304332 Page 2 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper Sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 1 1 C-AC-3054-3 90 3/4 x 54 3/4 LSR BEDROOM 6 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 2 1 C-AC-3054-1 120 3/4 x 54 3/4 L MEDIA SITTING Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine Mulled Unit LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash **First item in unit Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 3 1 C-AC-3054-3 >See item#2 SSR MEDIA SITTING Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine >See item#2 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE3-366 7/8" Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 4 1 C-AC-3054-3 90 3/4 x 54 3/4 LSR BEDROOM 4 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 5 1 C-AC-3054-3 90 3/4 x 54 3/4 LSR BEDROOM 5 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 6 1 C-AC-3054-3 90 3/4 x 54 3/4 LSR BEDROOM 5 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 7 1 C-AC-3030-1 30 3/4 x 30 3/4 L BATH 5 Insulated 2W 2H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 8 1 C-OBD4-041 3/16102 169 x 108 3/4 LZRR FAMILY ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Verona/216 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 3/164 Tempered OR Brass White Bifold Outswing Door- Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir E4 LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. Temp Int -Hinges 21/."Panel LoE-i89 Bronze Cntmp Profile Drawing Required Head:4 5/8 -Track U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Stile:4 5/8 Doug Fir Sill Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 Kick:6 13/16 Spl Trim Sets Brown-Qlon Order Number 90304332 Page 3 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 9 1 C-OBD4-041 3/16102 169 x 108 3/4 LLYR FAMILY ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Verona/216 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 3/164 Tempered OR Brass White Bifold Outswing Door- Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir E4 LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. Temp Int -Hinges 2'/4"Panel LoE-i89 Bronze Cntmp Profile Drawing Required Head:4 5/8 -Track U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Stile:4 5/8 Doug Fir Sill Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 Kick:6 13/16 Spl Trim Sets Brown-Qlon 10 1 C-SD-108096-3 110 7/16 x 98 1/2 OOR BEDROOM 2 Insulated 1 Lite Verona/216 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Shasta Door Tempered OR Brass White Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 OR Brass Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 45.00 LoE-i89 -Hinges Head:4 5/8 White Stile:4 5/8 Ext:-Screen Kick:6 13/16 1580 Screen Spl Trim Sets Brown-Qlon 11 1 C-AC-3066-2 60 3/4 x 66 3/4 LR BEDROOM 2 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 12 1 C-AC-3066-2 60 3/4 x 66 3/4 LR BATH 2 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE3-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 13 1 C-AC-3066-1 30 3/4 x 66 3/4 R BATH 2 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 14 1 C-AC-3066-1 30 3/4 x 66 3/4 R BATH 3 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 15 1 C-AC-2454-2 48 3/4 x 54 3/4 LR BATH 3 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Order Number 90304332 Page 4 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper Sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 16 1 C-AC-3060-3 90 3/4 x 60 3/4 LSR BEDROOM 3 Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 17 1 C-AC-3066-2 60 3/4 x 66 3/4 LR STAIRWAY Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 18 1 C-AC-3066-1 30 3/4 x 66 3/4 L NOOK Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 19 1 C-AC-30664 120 3/4 x 66 3/4 LSSR NOOK Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 20 1 C-AC-3066-1 30 3/4 x 66 3/4 R NOOK Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 21 1 C-ID-3696-1 38 7/16 x 98 1/2 R NOOK Insulated 1 Lite OR Brass No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Inswing Door Tempered -Hinges White Capillary No Trim Set Doug Fir U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE3-366 Ashly Nt Bore Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 45.00 LoE-i89 Brown-Cilon Head:4 5/8 Stile:4 5/8 Kick:6 13/16 22 1 C-OBD4-041102 3/16-3 126 15/16 x 108 3/4 ZRR HEARTH ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Verona/216 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Bifold Outswing Door- Tempered OR Brass White E4 Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. LoE-i89 -Hinges 2'/"Panel Drawing Required Head:4 5/8 Bronze U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Stile:4 5/8 -Track Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 Kick:6 13/16 Doug Fir Sill Spl Trim Sets Order Number 90304332 Page 5 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Qt Itm y Product Code Width x Height Oper sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 23 2 C-ACP41 3/1621-1 41 15116 x 21 3/4 S TRANSOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.20 LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash Vt: 0.44 CR: 43.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 24 2 C-ACP-39 1/1621-1 39 13/16 x 21 3/4 S TRANSOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.20 LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash Vt: 0.44 CR: 43.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 25 2 C-ACP-41 1/421-1 42 x 21 3/4 S TRANSOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.20 LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash Vt: 0.44 CR: 43.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 26 1 C-OBD4-041102 3/16-3 126 15/16 x 108 3/4 LLY HEARTH ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Munchen/374 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Bifold Outswing Door- Tempered OR Brass White E4 Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. LoE-i89 -Hinges 2%"Panel Drawing Required Head:4 5/8 Bronze U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Stile:4 5/8 -Track Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 Kick:6 13/16 Doug Fir Sill 27 1 C-06134-041 3/16102 169 x 108 3/4 YRRR HEARTH ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Munchen/374 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 3/16 4 Tempered OR Brass White Bifold Outswing Door- Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir E4 LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. LoE-i89 -Hinges 2%"Panel Head:4 5/8 Bronze Drawing Required Stile:4 5/8 -Track U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Kick:6 13/16 Doug Fir Sill Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 28 4 C-ACP41 3/821-1 42 1/8 x 21 3/4 S TRANSOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.20 LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash Vt: 0.44 CR: 43.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 29 4 C-ACP-39 1/421-1 40 x 21 3/4 S TRANSOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.20 LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash Vt: 0.44 CR: 43.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Order Number 90304332 Page 6 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 30 1 C-OBD4-041 3/16102 169 x 108 3/4 LLLZ HEARTH ROOM Insulated 1 Lite Munchen/374 No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 3/164 Tempered OR Brass White Bifold Outswing Door- Capillary -Trim Set Doug Fir E4 LoE'-366 Bronze Clear Int. LoE-i89 -Hinges 2'/4"Panel Head:4 5/8 Bronze Drawing Required Stile:4 5/8 -Track U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.17 Kick:6 13116 Doug Fir Sill Vt: 0.38 CR: 43.00 31 1 C-AC-30304 120 3/4 x 96 3/4 SSSS MASTER BEDROOM Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine Mulled Unit LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash **First item in unit Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 32 1 C-AC-3066-1 >See item#31 L MASTER BEDROOM Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine >See item#31 LoE3-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 33 1 C-ACP-6066-1 >See item#31 S MASTER BEDROOM Insulated 1 Lite No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Picture Capillary No Screen No Sill Nose White LoE'-366 Pine >See item#31 Temp Int Designer Sash U-fac:0.27 SHGC:0.22 LoE-i89 Clear Int. Vt: 0.50 CR: 43.00 Cntmp Profile 34 1 C-AC-3066-1 >See item#31 R MASTER BEDROOM Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine >See item#31 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 35 1 C-AA-3030-2 60 3/4 x 30 3/4 XX MASTER BEDROOM Insulated 2W 2H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Awning Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.30 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 42.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 36 1 C-AC-3066-3 90 3/4 x 66 3/4 LSR MASTER TUB Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 37 1 C-AC-3054-1 30 3/4 x 54 3/4 L MASTER CLOSET Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Order Number 90304332 Page 7 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper Sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 38 1 C-AA-3024-1 30 3/4 x 24 3/4 X MASTER CLOSET Insulated 2W 1H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Awning Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.30 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 42.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 39 1 C-AA-3024-1 30 3/4 x 24 3/4 X MASTER CLOSET Insulated 2W 1H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Awning Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.30 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 42.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 40 1 C-AA-3024-1 30 3/4 x 24 3/4 X LAUNDRY Insulated 2W 1 H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Awning Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.30 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 42.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 41 1 C-AC-3054-1 30 314 x 54 3/4 L LAUNDRY Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 42 1 C-AC-3054-1 30 3/4 x 54 3/4 R MASTER STOOL Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 43 1 C-AC-3030-3 90 3/4 x 96 3/4 SSS STUDY Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine Mulled Unit LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash **First item in unit Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 44 1 C-AC-3066-3 >See item#43 LSR STUDY Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine >See item#43 LoE3-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 45 1 C-AC-3066-2 60 314 x 66 3/4 LR STAIRWAY Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Tempered Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White Capillary Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 SIM DL Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE'-366 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Order Number 90304332 Page 8 of 11 Initials: Rough Opening Lite or Jam Itm Qty Product Code Width x Height Oper Sym Location Glaze Grille Hardware Exterior Size Additional (Inches) Options Pattern Trim (inches) Options 46 1 C-AC-3066-1 30 3/4 x 66 3/4 L POWDER Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 47 1 C-AC-3048-1 30 3/4 x 48 3/4 R PANTRY Insulated 2W 2H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 48 1 C-AC-3030-4 120 3/4 x 90 3/4 SSSS KITCHEN Insulated 2W 2H No Hardware No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal No Screen No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd Pine Mulled Unit LoE'-366 Colonial Designer Sash **First item in unit Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 49 1 C-AC-30604 >See item#48 LSSR KITCHEN Insulated 2W 3H White No Brickmould 6 11/16" Clad:1 Aspen Casement Capillary Equal -Hardware No Sill Nose White SIM DL Non-Stndrd White Pine >See item#48 LoE'-366 Colonial -Screen Designer Sash U-fac:0.29 SHGC:0.17 Temp Int 7/8" Clear Int. Vt: 0.38 CR: 44.00 LoE-i89 Cntmp Profile 50 1 MULL COVER ALLOWANCE Parts *Priced By Factory 51 1 OS Screens(47) 52 1 Boxed Window Hardware-HOLD 53 1 Custom Lock&Slide Order Number 90304332 Page 9 of 11 Initials: Abbreviation Key Glaze Options Hardware Options Exterior Trim Additional Options Insulated-Insulated Glass SIM DL-Simulated Divided Lite TSL-Tandem Sash Lock Swing Screen-Swing Door Screen SMB=Stucco Brickmould ESH=Extended Sill Horn SDL-Single Divided Lite Lami 1 Side-Laminate 1 Side FOL-Foot Operated Lock Life Finish-Lifetime Finish ESN 2=Extended Sill Nose 2" Primed Int.-Primed Interior IDL-Insulated Divided Lite FCH-Folding Crank Handle ESN 3=Extended Sill Nose 3" Clear Int.-Clear Interior Primed Ext.-Primed Exterior Clear Ext.-Clear Exterior Warranty Information LIMITED WARRANTY. Sierra Pacific Windows warrants certain components only as more specifically described in the written Limited Warranty and disclaims any other express or implied warranty,including,without limitation,any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.The product is not certified for air infiltration,water penetration,structural loading,forced entry or hardware load testing.Damages are limited by the terms of the Limited Warranty.Customer is advised to carefully review the Limited Warranty for the specific provisions applicable to the products purchased. NO WARRANTY: Sierra Pacific Windows warrants only that the product has been manufactured in accordance with the specifications contained in the order. Sierra Pacific Windows disclaims any other express or implied warranty,including,without limitation,any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Disclaimer Information Outside Purchase Items:Warranty covered by product manufacturer's specific warranty. Sedonas with jambs greater than 4-9/16: Limited screen opening Radius Sedonas: Limited sash opening Terms and Conditions of Sale 1.TERMS: a.All C.O.D.orders are to be paid in full to the delivery driver with either a Cashier's Check or a personal check,preprinted with the Buyer's name and address,prior to unloading the order. Or orders where vouchers are pre-approved,they must be presented to the driver prior to unloading the order. b.This quoted price includes a 3%discount for payment made in cash,check,or other means not involving the use of a credit card.This discount is offered to all prospective buyers. Payment by Credit Card will waive this discount. c.No deductions may be taken from the invoice amount unless authorized by Sierra Pacific Windows prior to delivery. Sierra Pacific Windows will not be responsible for any back charges resulting from additional materials or work performed by others(see Warranty for further information) d.Past due balances are subject to 1.5%monthly finance charge. e.Any check or other payment returned to Sierra Pacific as the result of insufficient funds or canceled payment will result in a$50 processing fee added to the order total. 2.RIGHT TO LIEN: a.In the event the contract amount is not paid in full,Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to place a lien or bond which may be asserted under any provision of the law,to secure payment of the contract amount. 3.ATTORNEY FEES: a.If any legal action is required,Sierra Pacific Windows is entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees,court costs and all other reasonable professional expert or consultant fees and costs related to such legal action. 4.ESTIMATE OR BIDS: a.All pricing is good for 30 days unless specifically noted to the contrary. b.Sierra Pacific Windows assumes no responsibility for errors in take-offs or pricing. 5.ORDERS: a.Upon signing,Customer agrees to all terms and conditions of this contract. b.Orders are subject to delay due to strikes,fire,floods,accidents,or any other cause beyond our control. Sierra Pacific Windows will not be responsible for loss or damage beyond its contro c.Seller is not liable for prospective profits or special indirect,consequential or incidental damages,nor may the recovery of any kind against seller be greater in amount than the purchase pric of the specific material sold and causing the alleged loss damage or injury. 6.CHANGE ORDERS: a.Order changes will only be accepted within 3 days of signing the original order. b.Special order items may only be changed or cancelled within 3 days from signing the original order. c.Cancellations may only be made within 3 days from signing the original order. d.Order changes are immediately binding. They do NOT allow an additional 3 days for modification or cancellation. e.Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to adjust prices for order changes made at the request of the buyer at any time following original order acceptance. f.Any change to the order may result in a delayed delivery date. 7.TAILGATE DELIVERY: a.Sierra Pacific Windows is not responsible for labor to unload. Buyer must provide sufficient labor at the job site when driver arrives. b.Back orders will be noted on the paperwork and will deliver as soon as possible. c.Any items missing or damaged must be noted on the driver's paperwork at the time of delivery or it will be assumed complete and in good condition. d.Sierra Pacific Windows is not responsible for goods picked up by buyer in his\her own vehicle. 8.SALES TAX: a.The Sales Tax rate in this quote is estimated at the time of the quote. Customer agrees to pay the actual Sales Tax in effect at the time of delivery of any portion of this order.