HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 11 Tract D�•� . ', k' f � � � %li� TF�i.�?'%/�? �i ... _, � i_ �._-------�.— -...,.,,...�_—____ , � ..,...,. a ,�.,.,_ I i . � , :,. + � , - A RESU80/V/S/4N OF TRACT D VA/L V/LLAGE ELEI/E`N�'H F�'`L%NG A RESUBD/V/S/ON OF PART OF THE SW //4 OF SECT/ON 2, AND THE SE //4 OF SECT/ON 3,� T5S, R80W, OF THE 6th. P. M., TOW/V OF VQ/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO �, H.�:�,k�rfY /U'C'. 7C:? u a�rr...��.��... : t'��i ';';" - �%� �- :�i�f?Y 0 L /ONSqHEAO � I � V,4/L � �� s�b;. �DO1h Creek KEY MAP S�G'U/a � / s �, � 0 //l:h. F.�L/�'�'� t _..._.L_ _ _�L ___ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PLATT�D LANDS . The easterly nart of Tract D, Vail Village Eleventh Filing, a subdivision of part of the south�aest 1/�4 of Section 2 anu the southeast 1/4 or Section 3, Townshi�,� 5 South, Range 80 [^7est of the 6th Princinal r?er.idian, Town �f Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more t�articularly described as follows; Bec�inning at the southeasterly corner of said '_rract D, said noint also being a poin� on the northerly right-of-way line of Aspen Lane a dedicateci street and said point also beinr the TRU� POINT OF BEGIrdrIIVG; thence N 0° 2E' 33" E a distance of 184.01 feet �o a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence the follow- ing three (3) courses along said southerl_y riqht--of-way line: (1) N 87° 30' 49" W a distance of 115.08 feet; (2) N 88° 19' 41" ��l a distance of 150.0� feet; (3) S 65° 10' 31" [�7 a distance of 33.96 feet; thence leavinc� said southerly right-of-way line S 18� 04' 32" 4�l a distance of 78.99 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of said As�en Lane; thence alonr said northerly right-of-way line S 71° 55' 28" E a di�tance of 335.26 feet to the TRUE POIDIT OF BFGINNIN� containing 42,575 scruare feet or 0.977 acres, more or less. CEP.TIFICAT� OF O���R1ERSiiIP + KNO'r�] ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersianed, Fitch Investors Service, Inc.,l�being the owners of the lands described hereon referred to as "�latted lands" certify as fallows That ritch Investors Service, Inc. is the true owner of all nlatted lands subject t� ea�e- ments of record. That Fitch Investors Ser_vice, Inc. does hereby lay out, �lat, and resubdivide the platted lands into lots as shown on this Plat under the name and st_yle of A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, VAIL VTLLAGE ELEVENTH FILING. That Fitch In��estors Service, Inc. declares and agrees that tne nlatted lands shall'be. subject to the ��rotective covenants of Vai]_ Villac�e �leventh Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, as recorded in Book_ 221 at Page 140 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, which are hereby incorporatec� by reference. I'ITCH I?JVESTnRS SERViCE, INC. ' . . B�� ' / -- '- - -- - Th s J. Cacchi:one, 0 STAT� OF COLORADO,� Vice President ) SS ' COU?•JTY OF EAGLE ) ' ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24th day of October, A.D�.,'1977, ' by Thomas J. Cacchione as V�.ce Preside�t of Fitch Investor.s Service, Inc., a Colorado � corporation. � G�litness my hand and seal. ?dotary Pu, ic - :u rRy c�mmission expires ��Z - �"�' � , ,� APPROVAL OF VAIL PLANNIN�; Cnr4P'►ISSION _ _ � � This �iat of P. RESUBDIVISIO^d OF TRACT D, VAIL VILLAGF� ELEVT'NTH FILING, be and the s'ame is hereby apnroved. � „ r VAIL PLAidNIN � COP1P�1 �ION � � 4 � Dated : /pi - � �' � B� ' - - irm • `� AT'i E S T : ���� � �'i�E""_ _ ' — � � Clerk ,� APPROVAL OF PLAT BY THE TO�•�`J nF VAIL ihis plat of A RESUBDIVISION OF TR�1CT D, VATL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING is her�b�.'� b?� the Town Council of the Town of Vail. ��;`:M< iF �: . TOWN COUNCIL O�, TtiE TOV�i �' , :.; ,' "� � �s�, ,a,,3_ � B�. �. �� Dated : �__ ____ __ Plav A'1'TEST : CIer `rr� :. 1-_ _ �, �..� �� � � �' ,� ��` � i � �= CERTIFICATE OF THE CniJNTY CLERK AND RECORD�R OF EArLE COUIITY I ��� :i 1 �, �''. I, t�!axwell R. Barz, Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, hereby accept this plat � of A P.ESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, VAIL VILLA�E ELEVENTH FILING, in my records indicat�d belom. " M This plat was filed for record at �_� A�. on the /S�h _ day o� �Co�G/'���� _ , A.D. , 1977, in Case � , Dra4�er � , Recent�_or. No. ro ,: tective Covenants are recorded in Book 221, at Page 140. Plat in Book • at Page r�, 57'� ' , � �. , . C nty Clerk and R order . � iC��� t��l `�c"�/ ��i�/i G � C��G�V '. � � �,� a CERTIFICA.TE OF SUR�IEYOR "- `�`���' �� ' ' , . I, James L. Viele, a Land Surveyor reqistered under the laws of the :�tate of Color�do, : do hereby certify the survey of A R�SUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH.FILING was made under my supervision and that this plat accurately shows the platting and sub- k�" division of such A RESL'BDIVISInN OF TR�1CT D, VAIL VILL�GE EL�VENTH FILING. The bo�ndary � � j corners have been pinned and monumented. �` Dated this 24rq. day of __�__�'cro� _, A.�?'... ,1977.-.',� b� '• � - - ce `} . '� � f l i w �' �� . e � �R � � \ j - Y m�s L.- Vi�le ; lc�xado P.E. &��� L.� . No. 11�413 _ � �� � �� �� � � . ti � ,,A _ �: , `4 -.• ....' , �r• I�I \ ; J,