HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 6 Lot 1 & 2 - Bishop Park Condominiums Units 2, 3 & 8GEN�RAL. NQTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: AUGiJST, 2011. 2) �ERRf1VG5 BASED UP�1 THE LINE CANfVECTiNG, THE MQ[�iLiMEfVTS FOUEVD MRRKING TI-IE NORTHWESTERLY AND iV�FiTHEASTERLY CEIRNERS OF THE SUBJEGT PARGEL, BEWG N53°3�'29"� {S�E DRAtAiING). 3) BASlS OF ELEVATiQNS: TOP OF MOIVUMENT FOUND ItJ PLACE MARKENC.�e THE NORTiiEASTERLY CORNER OF THE 5UB.1�CT PARCEL, ELEVATIQN = 8i422' 4) THE 50L.E PUF'iPOS� OF THIS CON�DRAINIUM MAP IS TQ fiE�EFIfJE �EVEL THREE OF UNITS 2& 3, AN� PARKINC., LEVEL AN� LEVEL ONE QF lJNIT $, BISFlpF' PAiiiC COM�OMiEVIi1MS. ALL OTHER PORTIOEVS dF SAID liNITS 2, 3 8 8, APlD ALL OTHER PORTIOPiS Q� BISHOP PARK CONDQMINIUMS ShfALL REMAfN A5 DEPICTED ON TiiE CONDOMiNILiM {VIAP RECORE3ED MOVEMBER 12, 19871N BOOK 473 AT PAGE SS1 AS FtECEPTIQN No. 37€Jf77. 6) G�RE RANGE SURVEYING LLC DI� NOT I'ERFDRAA A TlTLE SEARGF4 OF THE SUB,�ECT PROPERN FO ESTABLI5H OWNERSHIP, EASEMEIVTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY qF REC4RD. RECORD DpCUME�kTS UTILIZED i1J THE PREPARATION O� THIS CONDOAAiNIUNE NIAP WERE PROVIDED BY STEWART TITI.E OF EAGLE COUNTY, ORDER Nn. 6p3797$a, DATED AUGUST 15, 20Q6. 6} NOTICE: AGGORDIiVG TO COLORADO LAW YQU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTIQN BASED UPON AlVY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIR5T D15COVER SUCH �EFECi. IIV NO �V�iV�i", MAY ANY ACTION BASED EJPQN AREY DEFECT IN THiS SURVEY B� CAl1AMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROh/f THE F�A1'E OF C�RTIFICAT"EqIV SHOWN HEREON. 7j BISHOP PARK COidi3DMIiJIUMS ARE SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE CO��tVRfVTS FGR VAIL VILLAGE FiRST FlLING fiECORDEk3 AUGUST 1 Q, 1962 IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 178 AS RECEPTION No. 96381. 8) BlSHOP PARK CpNDOMIiVIUiNS AR� 5l�BJECT TO THE CONDOhAifVtUM DECLARATION FOR BISHOP PARK CONDOhAlNIUMS R�COFip�p fdC�VEMBEFi 12, 1987 AT RECEPTIpN Np. 370178 (TNE "D�CLARATION"). 9) 7H� TERMS "G.C.E." OR "GElVERAL GOiNiNON ELEMENT" USED ON FFilS CON€70MIt�lIUM MAP SHALL {4AEAN THE SAME THING AS TH� 7"�RM "G�NERAL COMMQN ELENlENT" AS DEFIlVED IN TME DECLAFiATIOEV RND TF{� TERFAS "L.C.E." OR "LltuIETEQ GOMMON ELEMEiVT" U5ED 4N THIS CONDOMIiVIUM itiAAP SHALL MEAN TH� SAM�THING ASTWE TERM "LIhAITED G�1AtNQN ELENiENT" AS DEFINED W THE �EClJ1RATIU[V. 10} AI.L FiECORf311VG REFERER{CES SNpWRI HEREpN ARE �O THE R�AL ESTATE RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAC,,LE GOUNTY, COLORADO. �a�� ����� ����r������ ��� �� ��ax �� ����. �� ����ii 4�?�� ���-��� � ���; ����� �����i3s� AME NDE D CaND�M I N I UM PLAT BI I� P l�A � ND MII�I M S � R Ct� 0 NIT 2 & � U 7 3 �FQRME RLY LUTS 1& 2 B L�CK ��1� I L V I LLAG� F I RST F I L I NG� , � , T��N �F ��I L, C�UNTY QF �.�►.GL�, STATE aF COLORAD� Cer��ficate of Dedicatior� and Or�►nership Know all r�ten by these presents that Bishop Park Homeowners' Association, a Coloracio nonprofit corporation representing the owners of all that rea! property situated in the Tawn of Vail, Eagie Couniy, Colorado described �s fnllnws: Bishap Park Canciort�iniums, according to the Condominium Map thereof recc�rded Noverr�ber i2, 1387 in Book 473 at Page 96� as Receptian Nq. 370177 in the Q##ice of the E�le County Clerk and Recorder, cantaining (1.i134 acres more or less; have by these presents laid qut, platt�d and su�ivicied the same into condominium units as shown on this condarninium plat under the name arid style of Bishop Paric Condc�miniums, a s�bdivision in the Town of Vail, Gou�ty of Eagle; and dpes hereby accept the responsibility for the corrt�letion of required improvements; and daes hereby dedieate and set apart all af the p�bfic roads and other public improvements and places as shown or� the accompanying plat to the use af ths public forev�r; ar�d does hereby ciedicate those pt�rtions of said real property which are incficated as easement nn the accnmpanying plat as easemen#s #ar the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby �rant the right ta instali and maintain necessary structures ta the entity responsible €nr providing the services for which the easements are established. EXECUT�D this � day of 1M` t�'� A.D., 20� Owner: Bishop Park Homeowners' Assaciation a Colorado nonprofit corporation . By: �� Tit�e: �y t n�N"l STATE OF Gfn-0 � �� � ) }SS C�UN7Y �F ��'W� ) Address: 63 Willow Place Vail, CO 816�7 �he foregoing Certificate of Dedieation and Ovv r hip w�s acknovvkeclged befo me this � day af f71, _�r.Ls� , A.CI., 20� by �frU��f,� ���4;�1, as I,�f'lSi ���^ � of 8ishop Park Homeawners' Association, a Colorado nonprofit cor�ora#ion. My Corr�mission expires: AMANTh1�k I��! .��#�..:-:. . NC3T�IItY P' � 1� , . $TATE t�4� � I.�i?�AQ�l. ness my �and oi#icial seaL , `t�bT��Y+c►� �'� . � �-.-� ,u � ot y Public Title Certificate Stewart Title c� � � does t�ereby certiiy that #he "iitle to ail lands shqwn u�n this plat have been examined c and is vesteck in Bishop Park Homeowners' Associatior�, a Colorado nonprofit corporatior�nd that title to such lar�is is free and elear of ail liens and encumbranees, except as follows: ��t,� t�i°�� �� O� • �st �r��� � � �, .: ,. � G " :�: ` !'' + z� Dated this �`day af „�, A.�., 20� Age�t signatur Agent name 1 � - � • � � . � i. ,h' �`: � �; ,�`; . � ,., ; , a; Surv�eyor's Certificate I, do hereby cerkify that I am a Professipna! Land Surveynr licensed under the laws of the State of Coforarfp, that this condaminiurri plat is irue, cqrrect and cqmplete as laid aut, pfatt�, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condaminium map was made from an accurate survey of said properry by �e and under my superrrision and carrectly shows the horizanta! and vertical Iqcation and dimensians af the condorr�iniums, parcels, easements and streets of said condominium plat as the same are s#aketl uppn #he grauncf in cpmpEia�ce with applicaE�le regulatipns goVerning the subdivision of land; and that such map complies with, a�d contains ail the infarmatian req�ired by C.R.S. Section 38-33.3-209 and aA other statutes and regulations applicabke ta maps of condorniRium common interest communities that this condominium plat fully and a�ur�tely depicts the improvements, inCluding the condominium units and common areas, and identifies the locatian, layout, ciimensions and horizontal and �ertical boundaries of the impravements; #hat such �alat was prepared subsequent tn s�bstantial cnmpletion of the improvements; and that, in accordanca with the requirments of C.R.S. Sectior� 3$-33.3-201 {2), all structural components of the buildings containing the candominium units created by the �ecfaratipn are substan#ially campleted. ln Witness 1Nhereof, I have set my hand and seal this !�� day nf ���'1� l��° , A.D., 2(3 �L. 5amueE H. �cKer Caiorado P.L.S. Na. 34091 0 Admin�strator Certifi��te This eondominium pfat is hereby approded by the 7ouvn of Vail Adrr�inistrator this �o�day of �e.cc�n+�e.r' , a.d. 20 r �.. ATT T: ow lerk Town of 1lail, Colorado Certificaie of Taxes Paid �. ..r.�.�� _ Administrator Town of Vail, Coforado I, the undersigned, do f�ereby eertify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable as of eC ���(� upon all parcels ofi reaf estate described on this condominium map are paid in full. Dated this � ay of ���t� , A.�., 20 d�, �v�a.�8f ����`� �r �. � �. � c �� ��o �pp� �°°"��9 Treasurer of Eagle County ������, ���i� A ��o����, s2dar��u ��p��.y� ��°� � ��o�a�� �c� 0�977 Clerk and Recorder's Certificate This cond inium pl t was filed for record i� the Oifiice of the C1erk and R�order at��a'clack �/✓� , on #his �� day af �'��-�-�''� ., 2fl i� and is duly recorded at Reception No.�2o i Zt 5�.6 � — . ��F � � Clerk and Recorder ' � Q� � � � �. 8y: a� 7/' Deputy ��G�S �2���-��9��7 * :�coa+►'�° � DRAINV BY.• 's'� bATE:. 7/ �6/2��2 cNec�rer� er� S� r�Axrroc No.: 11 �579cando .�a No: 11-579 sr+�r 9 0�` 3 N O � N N � N O� t;� C7. �+� 10 p . � � GRAPHIC SCALE ,Q 20 FOUND �Eo. 5 RE�AR WITH A 1 �" ALUMINIiM CAP P.LS. N0. 27598 (�r�E�) � ��n = ia �� , `��El 1��9 �63 ��� � � N� � 3� � R O� ���� 2i .�� �0 ��.�RIO t LC.E. ELEVATOR ur��� � � ,$O• i1 �t���' � s.��. 60.�,0 �;� � �o.s� � w n' o • � 18.0' � � � - . � �— - --�-- 3.6> � UNIT 3 L.C.E. DEGK i` c� i6,�' UN1T 3 ''�. +° ELEV. = 8172.7' o � jr � �r � � ��.o, - -�-- - �I3 �� �4a• 3.s �MEl�DED CCJND�MI NI UM PL�T B I I� P PA I�. ND MI NI 11fI l� C� a NIT 2 & S U S 3 � (FaRMERLY L�TS 1& 2, BLOCK -�, �AIL VILLAGE, F�IR,ST FILING� TO�N �F VAIL, C�UNTY �F EAGL�, STATE QF� CQL�RADQ 11.2� 11 4_8' FLOQR PLANS UNIT 4 (NOT A PART OF THIS MAPj INDICATES A CHANGE �� IN CEILING HEIGHT CRflSS—HATCHING — INC3ICATES AREA ADDED BY THIS MAP LC.E. ELEVATOR UNIT 3 L.C.E. DECK .6 � rn / . � uNi� z J o /o , of ��`]��¢ � � �' j� jC�• '��� Q! � l ``�' 11.9' � LC.�. �ECK � ^'> 12s' ` � — -- — J i i►�i� 3 � n i 3.5' �' a` 8. 7 1 4 n �� �2.9' 5.1 � � • , y2.g' � 1 � � 1j � v- � F� / �i 3, g' 13. 7' `'`-\ °� s 8.Q' �'T' 3. 7' (. � � 4.S' ,� •,� ?� Q, 9_ 1'� , 4 � 3'g � 13.7'� � � � �6� , ;. UNIT 2 - i� �LEV. = 8172.7' 3•�� �i oi STAIRS � <o . w� cs> 7�� z��� a ai � .� .1 "v� 4.5' +� (NOT A PART OF THIS iulAP) UNIT 2 — LEVEL THREE CROSS—SECTION DETAIL ���� �e��]�� � t� �`1���'1 tl�# �.L+� y . . - `+�+�u...u.�.a»wwn.r.w.�.x... ����`���-^ ' � � �X � � � fi� , ��5�r� �t�#1,��'����D {�?�} 47�-��� � ���c ���� ���-��� fEV�IGATES HEiGHT OF CEILING A60VE FLOOR CRQSS—HATCNING INDICATES AREA ADD�D L.C.E. FLUE �Y THlS MAP UNIT 2 � UNITS 2 8� 3— LEVEL THREE (UNIT 3) (NQT A PART OF TFfIS MAF) UNIT 3 — LEIIEL TNREE CR�SS—SECTION DETAIL � N O � N N � �D v� CD / / / U� (NOT A PAF UNIT 8 (NOT A PAR7 bF 7HIS MAP} UN�T $ �- °° �.c.�. a�c� L.C.E. DECK ���.� � UNIT 8 EL�V. = 8158.5' UNIT 8 � ELEV. _ $148.d UNIT 8— PARKING LEt/EL Bc LEVEL ONE CROSS—SECTION DETAIL INDtCATES A CHANGE IN CEILING HEIGHT / / 1�� /� ,�o• ��� "� � ^ �s� LGE. DECK �' �� UMT $ o�/` � a �; � ' � 14, L.C.E. STAIRS �$ �1 UNIT 8 1 ELEV. = 8158.5' i 8.7' . L.C.E. ��.EVATQR UNIT 8 �i ,�$ p UNITS 8 & 11 � � � 8.1' 3 �. O n• � .� 1 ��5 1 LC.E. DECK .�2�' � UNkT 8 i t �' a3 � i�s •�y �, i � � ?� UNIT 8 — LE�fE� �NE (PLAZA LEGEND X.X' IN�ICATES HEIGHT dF GEILING ABOVE FLOOR —•— IN�tCATES CHANGE IN CEILING HEIGHT G.G.E. GENERAL COMMqN ELEMENT LC.E. LII�AITEEI COMMON ELEMENT Al.i. WALLS ARE PARALLEL, PERPElVDICULAR OR AT 45° EJNLESS NOTATEQ OTHERWISE . � ,l, r � � t-i ~ �., : � �' .. � ♦ rl / _ . 1 . / f . ;, �r � �, , , :. , , '� - �1}�, ` ` -N_�. n,eA�rrv ar.- 5'E �Ar�:. 7/26/2012 ��� s�, SE �A�,,,�,; 1 �-579condo � No: ii-579 ,sv�r 3 r,� 3