HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 3 - Amended Final Plat� ` � � �, \ � \ . \ , � L�T 2 GEN TEf WEST MIL APPROXIMATE °LC 100–YEAR FLbO FROM FEMA FLC RATE MAP �080 EFFECTIVE DATE: FaUND �5 REBAR 6 AMMENDED FINAL PLAT � TC��YN QF VAIL, GQUNTY �F EAGLE, STATF C�F COL�RADQ . '�'�� � / SET' �4 REBAR W/ 1 1�2” ALUMINUM CAP LS� 26598 LAND iJSE SUI�FAARY �.QT AREA(ACRES) USE DWELLING UNITS ADDRESS 3 0.288$ Single Fc�mily 1 *303 Mill Creek Circle * Addresses are for inforrr,mational purposes only and may ba subj.e�t to change, Plsase verify addresses with the Town of Vail Departrnent of Community Development. 41199 HIGI�WAY 5& 24, EAGLE–VAIL P.4. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81fi32 {970)949-1406 M��L Ndl'E5: 1) Date of Survey: June, 2012 2) 5tewart Title Guaranty Campany Policy Nos, 0-9301-0018401�7 and Q-9301–C301840128, dated 3/30/12 were relied €apon for afI title and easement information. �) Notice: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal act�on based upon any defect 1n this survey within three years after you first discover such defect, In no e�ent, may any actian based upon any defect in this survey be commenced mare than ten years from the date of the csrtification shown hereon. 4) Basis of �earings: A line between found monument at the northwest and nnrEheast carners of L.oi 3 having a bearing of S81'35'�lD'�, as shown and deacribed hereon. 5) The purpose of this p[at is �o abandan the property line between Parcels A& B, crepting a new Lot 3. �asements related solely to the pr�v�ouefy spfit parcels are also abandoned by th€s plat. fi) The U.S. survey foot is the lin�al unit used for the dimensions on this plat. 7)The 1D0 Year Flpodplain line as shown hereon is based on the Town af Vail adopted FEMA Floodplain Study nr the best ava3lable Flaodplain data as approvecE by the Tnwn of Vaif Floadpiain Adrninistrator. �or future reference, the 1 DQ Year Floodplain line as shown shall be verified for consistency with the currsntly adapted version of the FEMA Floodpl�in 5tudy. ' � ! i ! � � � � SCAL.E: � " = E / CAP „. R p�p�3� � �o� a��t CERTIFICATE OF DED#CATION AND OWNERSHIP Know a!E men by these presents that Mili Creek Praperty, L.LC., a Colorado lim;ted liability company, being sole owners in fee simpie of all the real property situated in the Town of Va31, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Parcels A& 8, A Ftesubdivision of l.ot 3, Block 1, Vail Village First Filir�g, according to the mdp thereof recorded Febru�ry 24, �986 in Book 436 at Page 981 as Reception Na. 333234 in the of#ice of the Eagl� County, Colarado, Clerk and Recorder, containir�g 0.2888 peres, more ar less. ha�e by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this fiinal plat under the name and style af Vail Villag� �irst �iling, Block 1, Lot 3, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby cfedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places ras shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property whsch are inciicated as easement on the aCCOrn�anying plat as easements for the purpase shnwn hereon; and do hereby gra�t the right to install and maintdin structures tn the entity responsible for providing the services far which the easements are estabfished. Executed this_��� � day af--- ��.�__.,T___�., A.D., 20 L? . Owner. Mill Creek Property, LI.G., a Calorada limited liability campany Address: 5310 Ward Road, Suite G1 Arvada CQ. 8d002 By: �-- ---�,� __��'�'L� (Ti t l e ).__���C°a.���---- /(�✓IxJ �°d��E L (Name) �____.---------- S7AT� 0 F-- � � v��� � ---) j�n�� �'l )ss. GQUNTY QF _s! 1S�J� r�u ._....�_) The foregaing instrument was acknowledged before me this �i..._! _.., dc�y of __—���L---� A,D., 20�� �Y --����I-���.�...� __._._ as ..,..__.....���1�__..,.._._....._,.. o# Mill Creek Property, LI�C, a Colorado limi�ed liability campany�� �r1y Camrnission expires: 7�..� ��,..2�?,� Witness my hand and seal. ��� .....W..___�� `� ----- – �T�7E a � �fotary Public �� � Address:_� l� �� �_�t-�!'_�_ ...� �..�.i����--_� � � 2.. 1 0 � TITLE CERTfFICATE Stewart Title Guc��canty Company does hereby certify that the title to all lan�s shawn upo� this fEnal plat has beer� exam�ned and is vested in: Mill Creek ProperEy, LLC, a Colorado limited liabili�y cornpany, and thq# title ta such lands f8 free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: � Dc�ted this _,e�"�` day af .............�[�_�____.�_..,..__� A.D., 20..y,�. Stewart Title Guaranty Campany 97 Main Street, Ste W-201 Edwards, CO 81632 BY� -�----- � ------- ----- _..�._.��± �_-- Q5: ---���i_. ���! SeS�.__M.� AL�MINISiRATOR CERTIFICATE Th��al pl � is he�e�by a�roved–by the Town of Vail Administratpr this da af _�y?�if�_ � _,_,.,..., A.D., 20.,.,,��? . ATTEST: � �= � — � -- -- iawn �ler Tawn ^a � .; '�O ••ss�s 3 ��� �� i : � �'i . � Adrrsinistrator �� �f : Town nf Vail � 1 : ���� � : �, . �� SURV�YOR'S GERiIFlCRTE ,~ �� 4RAU,�� I do hereby certify that I am a professiana! Lar�d Surveyor licensed under a{ �*�..x�r7'' the Ibws of t�� 5tate of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and corr�p�ete as laid vut, piatted, dedicated and shnwn her�on, that such plat was rr�ade from an accurate survey of said, property by me and under rriy s�pervisian and carrectly shows the Ioaation�; and dimensions of the lots, eas�ments and streeis of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in corr�pliance with applicab�e regulntions governing the subdivision of land. � In witness thereof I have d seal .. �°°,.°",,e� �A�' .: - this_:...�� day of �a° � � 20_l..�! ��._ , Stan Hagf�ldt Cdlorada PLS �� C�RTIFICATE` OF TAXES PAID ` I, the undersigned, do hereby certifiy that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payabl� as vf ��C'..QWi�.�n(_3i+e?�1���__��____ ,��_ upon ail parce�s of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. Dated this ��h _ day o€ `_° �+i i 1--------, A.D.� 20!.�.__. _..�!�r� l., . S�o¢ a-� � ro� Cln�� eto.. N-� �irn ______._._M._______ _..w. Treasurer of Eagle County ��t)� �IID Q � L0� .�0 �p.1�i �3 CLERK ANC� RECC11it3Eft'5 CERTiFICATE �� [ � This Plat was filed for record in the Office af the Clerk a d Rscorder ai __°_� � ��o'ciock _� .M., an this _� � day of ...,....._,� t { ___�__, 20�+� , and is duly recorded as Reception �Vo._______________. - -��:_ �� �• �'" �. S�im�n �v�^ ����.�, .� � �t �w �F� � ,� �� � �. C[erk and Recpr er _._..� `�..._._...__.---------- �� q �� • ;� � � � �� ey: ___.�__----------._._.____.�_______ �.� ��; � DeputY `��'�-���� 1 aG6–PLAT2012.dwg JOB N0. 1066 DRN. BY DJE DATE:7/1 �/12 PAGE: 1 E3F 1