HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 1st Addition Block 2 Lot 5A� � EXEMPTION PLAT BIGHC�RN SUBDIVISI �N FIRST ADDITI�N , BLa cK � � TOWN aF VAIL, EAGLE C4UNTY, CaLORADQ . \ � <G� a'^'F"��:� — - ��.r���i�. �a=T° _ = na -- _ _ _- _ ' - ' - 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, �AGL�—VAIL T� P.Q. BOX 1230 EflWARDS, Cp. 81632 (970)949-14q6 C� i�' so. � 'o � 'J \ \ \ \ D' L�T 5A CER71FlCATE OF DEDICATION ANA OWNERSHIP �Cnow all men by these presents thc�t P.E. Corpnration S.A., being sole owners +n fee simple of pI! the real property situcrted in the Town of Vcail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as foliows: Lot 5A, F�nal Plat, A Resubdivis,on af Lot 5, Block 2, Bighorn Subdiv;sion First Addifion, aecording to the mqp thereof recorded in Book 583 at Page 610 in the affice of the Eagf� County, Colorada, Clerk and Recorder, containing D.6955 acres, more or less. have by these presents laid aut, platted and subdivided the same inta parcels as shawn on this final �lat under the name anc! style oF Bighorn Subdivision First Addition, Block 2, Lot 5A, a subdivision in the Tawn o# Vail, Eagle County, Coforcado; and do hereby dedicate Qnd set apari all of the public roads and other pubi€c improvements nnd places as shown on the accampanying plat to the use of the public €orever, and do hereby dedicate those portians of soid real property which ore indicated as easement on the accnmpanying plat as eas�ments for the purpose shawn hereon; and do hereby grant the right to install and maintain structures to the entity respons�ble for �roviding the services for which the easements are estabfished. Exec�ated this � �" -day of � q.p,� ��� � Owner: P.E. Gorporatian S.A. By: �G,.�s�. A%w� ✓ ' � � �,��� � � � , (Print Name) �:'� v1�� {j��'��, �'�� ��1r' fvQ�4t�� AS ...�_a_r_�a�,� ___._____--. Z `� � � 5 � 1 Address: 3�.�a �-t��j �]�.,�..,.�J__ —1�.��.1...._ � �..._ 'd �.���.-. sr,ar� oF_ �%io r'Gt d�„O ��_) COUNTY QF _� —._.____)��5. TF�e foregoing instrument was acknqwledged before me tF�is �$� ay of —�r� G�.° vl�i�`� v� e l A. D. , 2D �� by Marj�_ �-S1C�.14�...C�e..�__,,.,. of P.E. Corporation S.A. � €�y Commission expiras: ,,,�0 �_�J13 �uNaE c. � � �rf Witn�pay F�pnd and seal. � NOTARY PUBLiC STATE OF CQLORADO — _._._.� _ _ ,�„ NOTARY ID:2005403&359 No�ary Pub ic a ' �� ° MYCOMMlSSfONEXP1RE50CTQ8ER3,2013 Address:__�,QSL_ � �r0 h���- _}Q,�l '",a� �,Q p __� oul C O $ � 5 �7 -�-- - --� TITLE CERTlFICATE S�l�,���T��'� t,.�M��,/�t� does hereby certify #hat the title to all lands shown upon #his finaf plat has been examined ar,d is vested �n: P.�, Carporation S.A. and that title to such lar�ds is free and clepr of all liens and encumbrances, except as folfows: �_..__ �N �� � _ :�.�-�.�-�.--.�__-��_.�___------ �, Uated th� s � �{ _4..� ....,_ day of �?.�,L.._.___�_.._,__.,..�___...., A.I�., 20,..�,. 4,�a_ —� _ � Title Corr�pany} Add ress:��,,,��,,,��Q� _��� � _���.SQ �Y: .�.��l� �^LA/��..__� _�'�w�f �I��oar�Y �s: _�i ���_4 ffl CCr______— 5urveyor has rriade no investigation or independant sec�rch for amended piats, eqsemnets of record (other than pfatted), encumbrances, restrictive covenants, ownership titfe evidence, or any other facts #ha# an accurate and current ti#!e ssarch may disclase. NOTES: 1)TF�e sole purpose of this plat ia to amend the GRFA limit for Lot 5A per sectlon 9Z-15-�2 Town af Vail code. This p€at has beer� prepared without the benefit of a field survey. 2}Date of Plat: Decemb�r, 20i2 3)No field survey has been conducted in the preparation o# this plat to find, set or confirm any monumentatiar� oF the porcel. A�) Notice: According ta Colarc�do law you must corr�mence any lsgal actinn based upon arry defect in thRs survey withir� three years after you first discover such defect. fn no event, may c�ny ❑ction based upon any defeet in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the dat� of the certification shown hereon. 5)Protective Covenants recarded in Book 174 at Page 4Q3, and as amended in instrument recorded in Baok 175, Page 33 and as amended in instrument r�carded �n Book 1 i5, Pvge g1, 6)Lot 5A shafi be restri�cted to the constructian nf one single farnily residence with a total GRFA not tp exceed 528D square feet. 7)Portions oF Lot 5A ar� located within eolog,cally sensitive areas (snow avalanche, debris flow and rockfall�. 8) The U.S. survey foat is the fineal unit used for the dimensions on this plat. LAND US� SUMMARY �R�c���E�� �at �� 0.6955 Acres ADpRESS 394E Lupine Drive SURVEYOR'S CEf2TIFiCATE I do hereby certify that I arr� a professional Lar�d Surveyor licens�d under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th;s plat is true, carrect and compfete as fa;d out, plott�d, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such p�at was made from an accurate survey nf said property by me and under rrry supervision and correatly shows the location and dimensions o# th� lots, ec�sements and streets af sa�d subdivision as tha same are staked �pan the ground in compiiance wi�h��a� licable regufations governing the subdi�isian of land. ����� �,{� In witness thereo �� ����q� qnd , seal th,s ,,.,a1�� day of �► a�,. ...���A�y ..���,., zo1�� 5tan �1agfEldt Colorado PL5 2 l�.�tir PlANNiNG AND E'NVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION C£RTIFlCATE ihis final pfat was c�p�raved by the Town of Vaif Pfanning and Environmental 3r Commission this __...,_�., day af _ � . ., 0 � . ATT'ES7• �.� � �� ���i •.blu.(�,.,+( • , Tnwn Clerk � � T�� rman� � � Town of Vcail, o own of: ail F'lanni g and �nviron ental Co missian CERTIFlCATE OF T����" I, the undersigned, do h es�y�rtify that the entlre amount of taxes and assessments due and payable as of ,.�Q.^����[ �l upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. ��^� 17a#ed this ��� day of _..�_ ���„_______, A.D., 20�_. �� S ��... � � reasurer of Eagle County 'p � � � � C�ERK ANO R�CORD�R'S CERTiFiCATE � 1� This Plat was filed for record in the Office ofi the Clerk and Recorder at . �__ 53__o'ciock p.M., an this �_day of �_ ___..____, 2013 _, and is duly recorded ps Reception No. �v�Q���3 `_��. r • lM�� Cl�rk Racorder ��� " '��— � � ey: _� 7 Deput --- -----� �, � — — ��w� .;'p' � >� � �