HomeMy WebLinkAboutA05-0110 A06-0004 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN� VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT � 75 S. FROI�iTAGE RQAD 'VAIL, CO 816�7 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JQBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A05-0110 Jab Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Lacation.....: G�RE CREEK PLACE T[INNEL Applied . . : 12/07/2005 Parcel No...: 2101072Q7002 Issued . . . 03/07/2006 Project IVo : Expires . .: 09/03l2006 OWNER VA�L CORP 12/07/2005 PO BOX 7 V�IL CO 81658 APPLICANT PATTERSON ELECTRiC 12/07/2005 Phone: 970-468-6166 P� SOX 358 DII,,LON COLORADO 80435 License: 716-5 CONTRACTOR PATTERSON ELECTRIC 12/07/2005 Phone: 970-468-6166 PO BOX 358 DILLON COLORADO 80435 License: 715--5 Desciption: RUN CONDUIT AND WIRE IN TUNNEL Valuation: $12,800.00 r*�s***�*xss�sssss*sssssrssa*ss*****s�s*t�*�*��r�s�r�s*****�s*�xr�*** FEE SUMMARY *'�rs��a**x�*�****�*��*******�**s********�**�*************#*** Elect�ical---------> $o.oo Total Ca[cutated Fees--> $�12.00 DRB Foe------�—> $o.00 Additioaal Fees----------> $o.00 Investigation---3 $0.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $712.00 Will Call-------> $0.0o Payments------------_-�-_> $712.o0 TOTAL FEES--> $�12.00 BALANCE DUE-------> So.o0 ��*�**��s**********��****�******��**�****�*�:�*�***�*�*s*��****��*��*�:*****�x�***�****���******�*����w�x*wx�***w*****�*x***s*�***�*�**�:�***�*��*a�� Approvals: Item: 05600 F�RE D�PARTM�NT 12/a8/2005 mcgee Action: AP ��****��*�**���**���,�****s«***�*«�**�*:*««��::**:**«*�**�**:�***�*:*«*��**��*�:*�*��***�*:****�*�*****��*�*«***��#«**��*��*��*��*:*�:�*�*�*******�* CONDITIONS OF �►PFROVAL �*��*:�*******�**«**�*�******��****�*��***��*****��*�*�*�*�****�*******�*��***�.*��**��**��*��**��������**�**��***�*��*��*«******�*«�****.****,�**� DEC[.ARATIONS I hereby acknovvledge that I have read this ap�lication, filled out in full the int'orrnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infnrmation as required is carrecC. I agree to comply with the information and plot pian, to comply with a11 Town ordinances ar�d state laws, and to build this structuxe accarding to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ord'rnances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR 1NSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TW'�NTY-FOUR HQURS IN ADV C TELEPHONE AT 479-Z135 FROM 8:00 AM-5 Pl1h. t7?1 �"" SIGNATU E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWl�EF • i ***:�****************************�********��*�*******��*****�*************�*****�**********�* TOWN OF VAII,, COLORADO Statement **********************************:�******�****��*��*�************�************************** Statement Number: R060000200 Amount: $712.00 03/0'i/200601:24 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: PattersonElectric 5121 Permit No: A05-0110 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel 1Va: Zaol-o�z-o�aa-a Site Address: 825 F�REST RD VAIL Location: GORE CREEK PLACE TLTNNEL Tota1 Fe�s: $712.Od This Payment: $712.00 Total ALL Pmts: $712.00 Balance: $0.00 �**��*��**�**�:*�******�****�********��***��+��******a�***********s**�***�****+******�******** ACCOUNT iTEM LIST: Account Code DesCription Current Pmts BP 0010000311L100 FIRE ALA12M PERMIT FEES 480.00 PF 0010000311230� PLAN CHECI{ FEES 232.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------_____ � a' I � APPLICATIOf'�lLL N07 BE ACC�PTED I�YNCOMPLE�R UNSZG�J �� .a � 3� . PrQject #: � Building Permit #: -t� Alarm Permit #: 4S� 6�� • �� 974-479-2I35(TnsvectivnsJ ��p�p�q�„ TOW�I OF VAIL FtRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICQTION C�ommercial & Resident�a� Fire A�arm shap'drawings are required at time of 75 S. Fr�ntage Ftd. ap�Eication submittal and must include information li5ted on the 4'ail, Colorado 81657 2" page of this form. Ap�lic tio i!I not be accepted without this i 'on. � � NTRACTOR INFORMATIOf+! -• �ire A[arm Contractor: • Town of Vait Reg. No.: Con ct and Phane #'s: �,�=��s�,� �l�-�,� � '1 l�, --� ��` G /�,� �-Mail Address: � , �,� �--- Contractor Signature: �t`��� ,������ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM P�RMIT (La6or & Materjals),_:r ' _ -�r-_:-.,: �✓�< <3�� -- - --�._._.�_ Fire Alarm: $ �'� �Y _ _.=;�� in.;,, i�/� /-��% ,� � �� - - - ---- ���' �i �7J ;J - Conta�t Ea /e Cocrn As.sessars O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea /e-coun .com for Parcef# Parcel # Job Name: ���� � Job Address: , �� ,�e �S � d 2� ��� ��-!/���= 1 Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: I Owners Name: � Address: Phone: I Fngir�eer: '�� Address: � . Phone: 1�� Detaiied �Loeation of work: (i.e., floor, uni� #, bldg. #) ` �- �� r.rl -�z��-�a Detailed description of work: , WDrk CI855: New Addit9on ( ) Reen�del ( } Repair ( ) Rekro-fit( ) Other ( ) Type of B�dg.: Single-family ( ) Two-famify (�) Multi-family ( } Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Othe� ( ) o. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiiding: No. of Accommodation units in this building: 9�oes a �ire Alarm Exis�C: Yes t ) No ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) f�o (' ) ,��*��.**�::���,���,�,�*,�,�**,��,.*�,��***�:�*****�FOR (?FFICE USE aNLY,�*�*,���**,�*:����*,�**,�***,�,�*,�*,�**�**,�*,� .._�_ ___ _ __ _ I����'N��'� _ �� _ _� �. _�---_____ ..Ather Fees:. -... ._. .._.._ _ .. . Date Received: � Rubtic Wa F�ermit Fee: �` � Acce t�d B : .�______._--- - _ .. . � ����' 0 � EOJS Oecupancy Group: _w ,r � , �` y� � I Z. J �`�`�-COMM.C1l�V� ��Vai1�data�cdev�FORMS�PERMITS�ALRMP�RM,DOC 07/25/2002 ! �r „����. � �,�. APPLICATZOI'�ILL NOT BE ACC�PTED IF INCOMPLE�R IDNSIGN ,-, (�� �� f �� � Project #: �� Bailding Permit #: ,O Atarm �Permit #: �S - Q�� ;� 970-47�-ZI35 tlns,vections) �� 7�WNOF YAI�. Ta'�� OF VAYL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICAYION Commerciat & Resident'ra! Fire Alarm sho;p drawings are required at tim� of 75 S. Frontage Rd. ap�lication submittai and must include information listed on the Wail, Colorada 81657 Z� page of this form. Appli tio i!I nat be accepted withput this i 'on. . � ; NTRACTOR INFURMATION Fire Alarm Contractor: - Town of Vail Reg. No.: Con ct and Phone #'s: ��rz���,� �l�-Er��C � ICv `-�-�-' ��'- � /lo..� �-Mail Qddress: � , ,� � Contractor Signature: COMPLETE 1/ALUATIOiVS FCIR ALARM PERMIT (i�abor & Materials) F�re Alarm: $ j?� �� Contact Ea /e Coun Ass�ssors O�ce at 970-318-8640 or visit w�vw,ea Ie-coun .com for Parce!# Parcel # Job Name: Job Address: j' C'�1� L�c�e � ,�S r d Z� ��� 1�1�iU� Legal Descriptior� Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivisian: Owners Name: �� � Address: Phone: I Er�gineer. ��� Address: . Phone: Detailed �ocation of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) • � �- l� /�� -�z��� � Detai4ed description of wark: - Work C�ass: New Addition ( ) Rer�odel ( ) Repair { ) Retro-ft{ ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Sangfe-family ( ) Two-family (�) h'l�Iti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) C7ther ( } Na of Existing �welling lJnits in this building: No. of Accornmodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) Na ( ) �oes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (` ) �:��*t�x*�**�*:�,�*�*t,��*;�*,���x��*�x*�*���FOR OFFIGE USE ONLY*x��**�,�*,�*��x�:�**x*���**:�,�,�****{,�=xn ,- __. Other Fees: Date Received: - - � Public Wa Perrnit Fee: Acce ted B : DEC 0 6 2005 Uccupancy G�roup: � �� --� � TOV-C�AA.D�V, ��Vail�data�cdev��ORMS�PERMITS�ALRMPERM.DOC 07/25J2002 TOWN OF VAiL FIRE DEPARTMEN� VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEi�T • 75 S. FR0�+ITAGE ROAD VAIL, Ca 81657 970-479�2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST B� POSTED �N JOBSITE A.T ALL TIMBS Ai,ARM PERMIT Perrnit #: A06-0{l04 Job Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : APPROVED Locatian.....: GORE CREEK PLACE TUIVNEL Applied . . : �1/05/2006 Parcel rio...: 2 1 0 1 07207002 Issued . . . Project I�io : Expires . .: 12/26/2006 OWNER VAIL CORP Ol/05/2006 PO SOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT APEX TE�HNOLOGY SOLUTIONS O1/05/2006 Phone: (303} 221-4354 1803 EISENNOWER WICHI"I'A KS 67209 L�cense: 698-5 C'ONTR.ACTQR APEX TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS O1/05/2Q06 Phone: (303) 221-4354 1803 EISENH4WER WICHITA KS 67209 License: 698-5 Desciption: FIRE A�.ARM CONTRQL PANEL AND TUNNEL DEVICES Valuation: $18,852.12 s**+��*�*�**�w*s�*�:�w*m*x���w*�:��sw**�*�**x:s**�**��w�r��x�**+wss*x�**�*s FEE SUMMARY a***:��**�*�a�**+�*****�**��**+s*w�:x�*******�*�►*sw*��x�*�.r�* Electrical---------> $D.Do Total Calculated Fees--> $1,645.90 DRB Fee--------> $o.oo Adc�itional Fees----------> $350.00 Investigation----> $7D6.95 Tota]Permit Fee--------> $].,995.90 Will Call---------> $D.DO PaymentS--------------> $1,995.90 TOTAL FEFS--> $1,645.90 SAi,A9VCE DUE-------? $0.00 **********��**�*+***x��*�*�z��*r*�t*��*��r***w�*��stw******���*�a**�*w�*��a���**�:*****��**�***�*��***�**�*******�***t»��*�*�**�:*�rs�x*ss�**��*��*�*** Approvals: Item: 056Q0 FIRE DEP.ARTMENT C11/05/20Q6 mcgee Action: AP Apprpved as noted: 1, Revisions and ehange orders must follow process as developed by RJA and agreed upon by 42/40 and TOV. 2. Coordinate flow indicator with fire sprinkler contractor. Two di€ferent devices are submi��ed, one by each contractor. 3 . Verify wiring to tamper switches in main water entry room. Plans do not reflect accurate count. 4 . Caut�.an; Flans ar� insuff�ci�nt to give guidence ixi lacating smoke d�tectors near beams on sioped ceilings (Sheets FA124, 134, 144, 154, 164, 174, i84� . 5 . Notes from 42/40 ir�dicate potential contflict in locating fire detection devices and fire sprinkler heads in the same location. 6. Narnenclature �FA201) is not sufficient to reflect specific dsvice address. Alpha descriptions are redundant. 7 . Id loeatian of AC breaker. 8 . Specify monitoring agency and means of monitaring. 9 . �lans do not reflect garage flow switch. 10, Control valves for antifreeze loops may need tamper switches. Cansult with fire sprinkler contractor for fin�l design. �*�**��**���***������*���*��*»***+�*��«������*�*����*�«����+�***+**�*�:��*��*�«����*��***�*�*�**�*****��****���*��**�����*��**�����*�**���*��*��� C4NDITIONS OF APPROVAL *��**�����*�*�***�**�*�**�*�****�***�***�*«*�****�*��*�*:�*****��****�*****�*��.*��***�:*********��*���*�**���«�*�*�*�**�****�**�*���****�:**�*«*�** DECLARATIaP+iS T here�y acknowtedge that I have read this application, filled out in fuli the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tkaat all the inforzrzation as requi�ed is correct. I agree to comgly with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Tawn ordinances and state flaws, and ta build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisioa� codes, design re�iew approved, international Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Tawn ap�licable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSFECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR5 IN ABVANC�BY TELEPHONE AT 474-2135 FR 8:QD AM-5 PM. _ � // - ��j � SIG TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI11�5ELF AI�D OWNEF