HomeMy WebLinkAboutE05-0073 inspection . - � � ���`� - �' t �c� -�0�� - �to ` 06-27-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 15 4:43 pm Vailr C,�=C� Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday,June 28,2D06 Ins pection Area: CD Site Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL 790 WEST L.ION$H�AD CIRCLE-GORE CREEK RES A/P/Q Information Activity: E05-0073 Type: B-ELEC Sub�'ype: NCOM Status: ISSUED Const Typ�: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: CD Owner: VAIL GORP Ap�p{icant: PATT�F2SON �LECT�IC CO Phone: 970-468-6166 Contractor: PATTERSON ELECTRIG CO Phone: 970-468-6166 Descriptian: ELECTRICAL ROUGH AND FINISH FORTUNNEL ReQUested Inspectionis) Item: 190 EL�C-Final Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor: PATTERSOPV ELECTRIC CO Phone: 970-468-6166 Comments: final for the invertor, Gore Creek tunnel Assigned To: SHAHN Entered By: DG4LDEN K Action: Time Exp: C�amrrtent: ravi e e arrows in the exits lights per approved plans. Emerg�ncy lighting has not been tested as mverter not fully charged. E.C. to schedule. �;, - . � ; � �, � , , , , � ;, ; - _ -. -' ; / , /' Inspection Historv � � /� i ,/-� Item: 110 �LEC-Service 08112l05 Insp ect4r. shahn Actio�: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL �Comment: INSPECTED UNDERSLAB LOW VOLTAGE,TELE,CABLE CONDUITS �ROM GRID 1fl TO 12. RQ�1 WALLACE CE�L 97Q-418-3310 10!'f8105 Inspector: eg Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: inspected gridlines 21 thru 25 underc�round PVC. 03(22J06 Inspector. shahn �4ction: PI PARTIAL INSPECTIDN Comment: Did not inspect exterior landscaping below grade pvc. Item: 120 ELEC-Rouqh **Approved*` 05C24/05 Inspector. LPW Action: AP APPRQVED Comment: inspected stairwell east 05/31/05 Inspector; Ipv Action: AP APPROVED Comment: cond;;; grid#2�3 06I03l05 Inspector: 6pu Action: AP APPROVED ComrrRent: inspected#3--#6 geid line f16/09/fl5 Inspector: Ipv Acfion: AP APPROVED Comment: inspevted grid line#6 thru#8 underg round conduit east end by stairs. 07119Cfl5 Inspector: shahn. Aetion: PI PARTIAL 1NSPECTION Comment: partial inspected gndlines 12-18. fl7l28/{l5 Insp ector: SHARN Action: PI PARTIAL 1NSPECTION Comment: INSPECTED CONDWT IN FOUiVDATION WALL GRIDLINE 18-2Q 07/29lfl5 Insp ector: SHAHN Action: PI PARTIAL f�1SPECTION Comment: INSPECTED UNDERSLAB LOW VOLTAGE CONDU►TS FROM THE EAST TO GRIDLIN�#10. fl8125/fl5 Insp ector: SHAHN Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comrrzent: INSPECTED FOIJNDATIaN WALL(NORTH�PVC FROM GRI�20-24. 10/04l05 Insp ector: EG Actiam: I I'ARTIAL INSPECTION Comm�nt: INSPECTED GRID�INE 25-31. 10/11/05 Inspector: eq Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: inspected gridline 31-33 narth tunnel wall. 111�7105 Inspect�or: shahn Action: �FR N�T READY FOR INSPE�TION Comrrtent: cancelled before appointment. 11l10/05 Insp ector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTIaN Comrnent: LIGHTING IN POLES 1-2-3 APPROVED. NOTE THAT ALL 120 VOLT IN BEDROOMS TO BE ARC FAULT PROTECTED. 12/65/05 Ins ector: SHAHN Ac#ion: PA PARTIAL AI'PROVAL Comment: EN�RY SOFFIT FOR UNIT 15 APPROVED. 01/18/06 Inspector: SHAHN Action: PI PARTIAL I�ISPECTION Comment: UNDERGROUND LV CONDUIT INSPECTED FROM GRIDLINE 25 TO MECHANICAL RC70M. 01/27106 Inspector: eg Actfan: PI PARTIAL INSPECTI�N Comment: I�JTERIOR WALLS IN TUNNEL�GRIDLINE 1 THRU 5,2 ARPROVE�. 03f03l06 Inspector, sfiahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comrnent: GARAGES 13& 14 ROUGH RPPROVED 03/22106 Inspeetor: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Waived inspeetion for exterior in belaw_grade PVC as is similar as previous. 04125J06 Inspector. EG Action: AP AF'PROVED REPT131 Run Id: 5446