HomeMy WebLinkAboutB04-0233 TOWN OF vAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN�TY UEVEL�PMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 N�TE: THIS PERMI3' i41UST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PRrJJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,F'IS,I�UP) PERNII'� Permit #: B04-0233 Job Address. �'����l�� Status . . . : TSSUED Locatio�.....: 825 W F�REST RD Applied . . : 08/2b/20Q4 Parcel No...: 2101072(}7002 Issued . . , 04/2$/2(?l�5 Praject No : FRJ(?4-0331 Expires . .: 1�/�5/2QOS OWNER VATL CORP 08/26/2004 PO BOX 7 VAIL, C� 81658 APPLICANT R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, IN08/26/2004 Phone: 970-949-5152 P. O. DR1�W�R 5400 AVQ13, CO 8�620 CONTRACTOR }t.A. NELSON & ASS�CIATES, IN08/26/20�4 P. O. DRAWER 54pQ AVON, CO 81620 License: 170-A Descipt�on: GORE CREEI�RESIDENCES-NEW CONS'�RUCTION OF B'{.3ILDING �1, ���-'�-�� l5a-l� UNITS 15 & 16 Oceupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zane 3 V-N 138.55 5, 159 $714, 779.45 Private Garages Zone 3 V-N Masonry 40.46 2, 912 $117, 819.52 To�als. . . 5, 159 �2, �.47, 991. OQ* Numher of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,147,99I.00 Fireptace Inforrnadon: Resfficted:Y I'i of Gas Applianees: 0 !f of Cas Logs: 0 Jf of Wood Pal�er. 0 *r*�****����*�****���x�*��**r*s*+a:�*s�r�*+x�**w�*�x�*���*w�x*�.K**wx�*�w�xwx� FEE SUJ1�fMARY �+#*$#�d:�##�##�I+�#ek�k ek#�k ek*ok:k#*##ffi####ek####*#:*�k##ek####%�#7e*##�g,k## Suilding------> $9,798.95 Resivarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees----> $16,945.12 PlanCheck--? $6,369.32 DRBFee-----------------> $0.00 AdditionalFees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $o.00 Recreation Fee----------� $773.e5 Total Perntit Fee---------> $16,945.12 Will Cal]----_> $3.00 Clean-up Deposii--.------? $0.00 Payments----------------> $16,945.12 TOTAL FEES > $16,945.12 BALANCE DUE--------> $tl.00 �*s��*�**�**s�*****�**a:*�*�r*�t�*�t�**�*****�a�*a:**:**�:*:c**��s*�r�**��r*�*t�*��srea*****�**+�***a*.*****��*�**s*�s*:*t*::**�s*�*:��*s*r*�**#***�r* Appravals: Ztem: 05T00 BUILDING DEPART�IENT 04/28/2Q05 Cdawis Ac�ion: AP Fer Art Hougland plan review services Item: 05400 PLAL�TINING DEPARTMENT �Q/26/2004 Warren Action: DN 03/07/2Q05 Warren Action: COND Item: Q5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT z0/a6/2Q04 McGee Action: DN Administrative Modification not received. Plans do not meet code as submi�ted. Acute �ack of fire dept access and inadequate eqt�,ivalent provisions are proposed. 11f03/2Q04 mcgee �lctior_: AP Approved on basis of fulfillrnent of � � PAGE 2 �*�x*�**�****�x***�*�*�*�*��:x�:�*�:***�*******�=?*x�**�**�x*�x�*x�*****�**x��x�x�x*�x*�x���***�:�**�*�*�*��*�����*�x*�x*�x��x CC�NDiTIONS OF APPROVAL Permit�': B04-0233 as of 04-28-2005 Status: ISSUED **�x��x*�x*�*�x*�*****�*�*�*�***x�***�*x�*�*x�*x�*=�***�*�*�*****��x*�x*�x��**********x�*x�*x�*m*x�*�*m*x�**m*�x*****�*�*�x Permit Type: NEW (SFR,PIS,DUF) PERMIT Applied: 08/2b/2fl04 Applicant: R.A. NELSOhT & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: 04128/2005 Job Address: Location: 825 W F�REST RD Parcel No: 210107207Q02 �k�k�##�##�ic�eak��k��k?l��k*�k�k�k*�k��k*�k&*�k�k*�k#�k*#�k�k*�k#-k*�k*�k�k���k�k�k�k#�k�k�#*�*�k*��k��k#�k#�k��k�k***�k�k�'k�k***�k*��k�k*�*#�k�*�k##�k��k CONDITI0I�IS *�:��:��*�*�*�:***�****:�***�*:�*x�*�*�x*�*�**��*:�*�****�*�*��*****�*�*x�***�:*�*�x*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�***�*���*���* Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE YMPRQVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPRQVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAI�vIE INSPECTION. �ond: 12 (BLDG.}: FIELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, Cond: CO1V0006961 The use of Alternate 2 for addre�sing does NOT allaw for the elimination of the address marker design identified in Alt�rnat� 1. Cond: CONO(106962 A,ll exterior vents, louvers, and other mechanical pf:ntrations rnust be painted to match the surround exterior material colar. Cvnd: CON()0�696b Ail attie s�aces shown on the plan m�st conform to Section 12-15-3(2)(e), Definition, Calculation, and �xclusions, Vail Town Code, for attic spaces not to count towards Gross Residential Floor Area. A copy of this Code Section was taped ta the approv�d set af plans. Cond: CONQ006968 Approval of this buildimg permit shall not invalidat�; any Planning and Environmenta� Commission and Design Review Ec�ard ap�rovals. Gond: CONO(�7480 Admintrative Modification has not been revised or signed at this Time. The revised AdMad shall be reviewed and siged prior t� a framing inspection i ! agreements made 1]./02/04 ref Gore Creek Resictences and Marriott Garage plans. Fire ala�zn and fire sprinkler revisions are required via permits. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/�1/2005 cs Act.ion: COND Gare Creek bike path reconstruction section: 3" asphalt, 6° aggregate base cc�urse, stabilized subgzade Item: 05550 EN�GINEERING **+�*��****��****���#+,:�«**.*�*��:��*��**�*****«***��:**:�.**���*�:�*:�«�s�*�:���*�**�:***����*�*�:�.:�*�:�**��«*..*:��****�***«�***����.��:*�*��*** See page 2 of this Document far any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filied out in full ttte information reyuired, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the informatian as required is corr��ct. I agree to comply with the infarmatior�and plat plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this si,ructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIpN SHALL.AE NIADE TVVENTY-FO'C�R HOURS IN ADVANICE�Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM&:00 AM-4 PM. TURE OF pWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF • • **��*#****�**�******�*********�*****�****���:***�*�*��,�**************�****�****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORt�O Statement *+**********************************r*******�**��:**�**�******************************t****** 6tatement Number: R05Q0005U3 Amount: $817.12 04/28/2005D2:50 PM Payment Methods Clzeck Init: LT Notation: RA Nelson / 16590 ----------------------------° __--_°�___--___----------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0233 fiype: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel I�o: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: Location: 825 W FOREST Rl� Total Fees: $16,945.12 This Payment: $81'7.12 Tqtal ALL Pmts: $�.6,945.12 Balance: $0.00 ****�***��a��rm**�x��r�*****************��*********+***************�******************r****�**** ACGOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 40.27 RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEES 773.$5 WC q(�1000037.1�80Q WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 --------------------__------------------------------—----------------___---__ � � � AP�LICATION 4NiLL NO�T BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLEPE�O�R�U�NSEG1��O�-Q���Z� �s, Buiiding Permit#:_�Q� 17 97U-479-2149 (Inspections) ,� � ,� �, ?�. ', 'v � L± ��pFy� N LDI PLI_ IDN Se rate �ts ar ' d for ctric plu g, mec ica[, et , �� •� 75 S. '�rontage Rd. � Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRAC R INFORMATION General Gontractor. Town of Vai6 Reg. �Jo.: Contact and Phone#'s: �/� ��Sv,�..J I� i'�O -�I �c�-1,� �-N �!�r � z o v y IEmail address: � � Contractor Signature: / COMP�ETE VALUAT S F�R BUILDING PERMIT (Labor 8� Materials) , BUILDING: $ �� � �f r �3� � ELECTR[CAL: $ /o/� pQ„(' I OTHEft: $ '�_� ���oa� I � PLUMBING: $ fj z C��p, MECwIANICAL: $ �(,'� ,�oty I TOTA�: $ Z � � 4�� g(� I For Parce!# Contact Ea !e Count Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 ar visit www:ea le-count .com ParceE # � ,��D /� �Z� -,'�UC7� Job Name: � � �!� �� Job Address: 2 � � I� O�' G r G/�G� � �(�• �c`�ii /�1 . Legal Description Lot: �-C� Black: ��� Filing: --�— I Subdivision: ����,�c I Owners �Jame:`r/� ���� Address� Phone: � '20 9'`S�. �G''o�, Ga �(5 Z36o ArchitecUDesigner: Address: ,� Phone: �z� ���zr� /� Si. Z�, ��c`tiSV`r�2. I 3a3. z9�• 3�0$ I Engineer�D,U� #.�.�t`c�s�L� I Address: �'U,c� �p P���t(,. S�'9. 9��S f�etailed description of work: � �v�-r2v���n� s�r.�vz"GT-.c.nJ � .�- �t /(o Work Class: New(yQ Addifson ( ) Rernodel ( } Repair( } Demo( ) Other( ) I Work Type: Interior O Exterior O Both (,� Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( } No(X� I IType of BEdg.: Single-family O Two-family(}l) Multi-family O Commercial O Restaurant{ ) Other O I � No. of Existing Dwvelling Uniks in this building: � No. of Accommodation Units in this buiEding: � �oJType of Fireplaces Exisking: Gas Appliance� ) Gas Logs O WoocElPellet( } Wood Burning O No/T e af Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liano�s(W) Gas Logs O Waod/Pe{!et O Wooti Burning (NOT ALLOWED) I I Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes(K) No O —il Does a Fire Sprinkler System Ex�st: Yes(�c) No O *******,�.**�«********«��**«**�***.**�*FOR QFFECE USE ONLY******�**�***��*�***�*��***�*�*�#t**** Other Fees: ( , Type of Construction: � � Accepted By: � � DRB Fees: OccupancY Group�_ � � Ptanner Sign-off: I Publfc VYay Permit Fee: ; ,�at�. Received: � F:1Userslcde�IFORMSIPERMIT518LDGPERM_D�G 02103l2004 . TOWN OF VAIL �PART'h�IENT OF COM1ViUNITY DEVE�.OPMENT ?5 S. FRONTr�►GE R�AD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479�2138 NOTE: THIS PERMI'T MUST BE �OSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTPvIES PR03ECT TITL:E: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERNIIT Permit #: �04-0233 Job Address: Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....; 825 W FOREST RD Applied . . : 08/25/2004 Parcel No...: 2101072(l7(l02 Issued . . , 04l28/2005 Project No : PRJ04p�31 Expires . .: IOl25l2005 dWNER VAIL C�RP d8/26/2004 PO B�OX 7 VAIT�, CO 8165$ APPLICANT R.A. N'ELSON & ASSOCIATES, I1�T08/26/2004 Phone: 970-949-5152 P. O. DRAWER 5400 AVO1+T, CO 81620 CONTRP�CTOR R.A. NELSaN & ASSQCIATES, INOS/26/2004 P. O. DR.AWER 54 0 0 AVON, CU 81620 License: 170-A Desciption: G4RE CREEK RESIDENCES-NEW CONSTRUCTION 4F BUILDING #1, UNITS 15 & lb Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 3 V-N 138.55 5, 1�9 $714, 779.45 Private �arages Zone 3 V-N Ma:3onry 40.46 2, 912 $117, $19.52 To�als. . . 5, 159 $2, 184, 588 .90* IVurnber of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,184,58$.90 F�replace Iniormatian: Restricted:Y !�of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 4 JF of Wood Pallet: 0 *x�*�****�****�w*�**�*x�**x�*�**�*�****�x�*�**�***��*�****�**�**��s****t* FEE SUI�MARY *:n*:��***a��*��x�***�a�*���t**�*�*�*��**�**�*a�***�*��*a�m*�tM�* Building-----> $9,934.UO Restuarant Plan Reriew--> $o_DD Total Calculated Faes-----> $i�,2��.95 P�an Check---> $6,457.10 Recreation Fee------------> $773.B5 Additional Fees------------> $0.00 Investigation-> $o.0o TOTAL FEES----------> $17,277.95 Tatal Permit Fee----------> $17,277.95 Will Call----� $3.00 Payments------------------> $17,277.95 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 **x��**�*�*****�*�**s*�*�:**�:�*�*�******�**********��****�€**+*******�m**��***x�z**t�xt�►���r�*��*****�***�*�*���x*******�*�x�*�*****���*�******�**�*�: Approvals: �tem: 05100 SUILDING DEPARTMENT 04f28/2045 Cdavis Action: AP Per Art Hougland plan review services 10/31/2045 cgunion Action: AP approved owner changes. original plan review by Hougland Associates. Item; 05400 PLANf�3NG DE�ARTMENT 10/26/2Qfl4 Warren Action: DN 03f07/2005 Warren Action: COND OS/23/2005 Warren Action: AP revisions on pink paper approved 09/12/2005 Warren Action: AP Planning has approved the buyer revisions identified on the yellow paper. • � Itemt: �5600 FZRE DEFARTMENT 10/06/2004 McGee Act:ion: DN Administrative Madification not received. PLans do not meet cade as submitted. Acute lack of fire dept access and inadequate �quivalent provisions are proposed. 11/03/2004 mcgee Acfiion: AP Approved on basis of fulfillment of agreements made 11/02/Q4 ref Gore Creek Residences and Marriott Garage plans. Fire alarm and fire sprinkler. revisions are required via permits. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/11/2005 cs Act;ion: COND Gore Creek bike path reconstruction section: 3'r asphalt, 6" aggregate base ccyurse, stabilized subgrade Item: Q5550 ENGTNEERING �*��**��*��*�****�:*��*:�******�a�.�*�x*�****��**�«r.**«�***.�*�***�******�**�*�***�*�**��s*****�*************�:*+x*.�***�*w�*.**�«*�*�*w**w******w** See page 2 of this Document for any conditio�.s that may apply to this pexrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha� I have read tYvs applicadon, filled out in full tt�e information required, completed an accurate plot pla� and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree ho cornply with the information and plot plan, tc� co�nply with all Town ordinances and stat� laws, and to build this structtare accord�ng to the towns zoning and subdivisior�codes, design review approved, Internatiana� Building az�d Residential Cc�des and othear ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS POR INSPECTI02�i SC-TALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE�Y T EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR QFFICE�OM$:Op AM-4 PM. � r � SIGNATU OWN R CONTRACTtJR FOR H�MSELF�ND O`WNEF 4 � � PAGE 2 �*�***�*���*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�**����*�**��*�*��**�x*m*�x**�***�x*���x*�***��*�*�x*x�*�****�*�*�:**�*x�*�*x�*��x�*x�*x�* COIVDITIOIVS OF APPROVAL Permit#: BQ4-Q233 as of 11-02-2005 Status: ISSUED �***�x***x�*x�****��*�*�*�*�*�*�*****�*****�x*�*�x*�*�x****�*�*�x*�*�**�*****�*�*�*************x�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�* Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) FERMIT Applied: 08126/2004 Applicant: R.A. �IELSON & ASSOCIATF�:S, I�i� Issued: 04/28/2005 Job Address: i.ocation: $25 W FORESfi RD Parcel No: 210107207002 �*�x*�x*�x*�*********�*�*****�*�*�*���*�*****�x*����***�*�x*�*��:��*�*�*�*�*******�*�x*****�x*�*��x*�x**��*�x��x**** CONDITIOIVS �*�x*�x��*�x*���x*�x�*��*�*****�*�*�*���*�*�***�x*�*��*:�*�***�x**:s*�***�*�*�***�*�x*�*�x*�x*�x*�x�x:*�x*************** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT VVILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY, SUCH S�RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPRQV�D PRIOR T�0 REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTI�N. Cond: i2 (BLDG.}: FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR�;D TO CHECK FOR CODE CQMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0006461 The use of Alternat� 2 for addressing dces I�OT all.ow for the elimination of the address marKer design identified in Altemate 1. Cond: CON0006962 Ai] exterior vents, louvers, and other mechanical pe�trations must he painted to�r►atch the surround ext�rioz material color. Cond: CONOOi06966 ' All attic spaces shown on the plan must canform to Section 12-15-3(2)(e), Definition, Calculation, and Exelusioz�s, Vail Tvwn Code, for attic spaces nat to count towards Gross Residentia4 Floor Area. A coFy of this Code Section was taped to the appraved set of plans. Cond: COI�OOOG968 Approwal of this building permit shall nat invalidate any Planning and Environrnental Commission and Design Review Bc�ard approvals. Cond: CONO(1�7fl8� Adrnintrative Modificatian has not been revised or signed at this Time. The revised AdMod shall be re�viewed and siged prior t� a framing inspection Cond: CON0007654 EQUIFIv1ENT I�AVING AN IGNITI�N SOURC�: IN THE MECI�ANICAL R40M OFF GARAGE MUST BE 18" ABOVE GARAGE FII�ISH FLOOR PER IFGC 3Q5.3 Cond: GOP100Q7655 Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the terr�ination af chirnneys for factory-buiit fireplaces except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for us� with the specific factory built fireplace systern and installed in accordas�ce with the rnanufacturer's installation instructions. (R1004.3) Cond: CON�007656 Party walls shall h.ave caqtinuous 2 hour ratings fr«m foundation to roof. I�l�a duct penetrations are permiitted. See notes and details on plans. � � *�k�k�****##***i#�###*#######*#*####*#�k**#####*�######*#*#####t*#**######***#***#*####**#**### TOWN OF VA,iL, COLORA.UO Statement ****#**�k##*##rik#*########�k#**###*****:k*�k�k�k�k#d���k#�k#,k###*#*3k*8�##########*******#**##********�k#* Statement Number: R050001860 Amount: $332.83 11/0�/200504:04 PM 1?ayment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: RA Nelson 114317 ----------------------------�-----------------------�-_---------------------- Permit No: B04-fl233 Type: NEW {SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-t1700-2 Site Address: Locatior3: $25 W FORE.ST kD Total Fees: $17,277.95 This Payment: $332.83 Total ALL Pmts: $17,277.95 Balance: $0.00 *****�a*a���*���x***************���a����*********�**************************�a*���+*�����*�*�*� ACCC�UNT ITEIvI LIST: Ac�ount Code Description Current Pmts BP 0010�003111100 BCtILDING PERMIT FEES 135.05 FF 00100003112300 PI�AN CHECK FEES �.97.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; � ; E - u P APPLlCATIO�L NOY BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET R UNSIGNE�D ' / Buildin� Permit#: 7 l �2 3� sTa-a7g-2�49(Ir,spe�tior�ej '� REVISION TO_ TOWN (3F VAlL BUIL�ING PERM17 ����Y� Separa�e Permits are required for e�ectrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! ��'"'7 75 S. Frontage Rd. ��� � Vail, Colorado 81657 ! � COMTRACTOR INFORMATION �' General Contractor: 7own of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'�: `� Rp /1/Glsar� � 7U - �l /N,'ke Gu�'�6e�ts� 1-171- 2oYy . ATTENTIOW: JR,CHARLIE,GREG,DORIS Contractor Signature: COMPL�ETE REYIS�ONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labar& Materiafs REVI3ED AMOUNT: $ Q ELECTF�ICAL: $ �} OTH�R: $ � PLUMBING: $ d MECFi,4NICAL: $ 0 REVIS�D TOTAL: $ Q For Parcel#Contact Ea le Coun Asses�ors O�ce at 9T0-328-8640 ar visr! www.ea Je-counf .eom Pan�e�� ,� � � l � 7 2. � �'� !) Z.. -- Job Narne: �E�r�p �r'e�� ��f�G� Job Address: C�Z s fN �r� S � ��. Legal Descrip#ion Lot: I��� Block: —] Fi�ing: � Subdivision: /t/��, �(� l�s Owners Name: yQ�, QC SO�,�S Address: �- Phone: � ! l �on 0 �yS- Z = 6 �;, ArchitectlDesigner: �Z � Address: *r► Phone: ���, 1611 1 S . �o D�.�✓e� �o� -19� �; Engineer:MO�rQt � /��k/2�� Address: /Q(/o (j Phone:� i0 �/ �� � REASON FOR REVISIOhJS: � � a��l �� /���������o � Work Class: New � Addition { ) Remadel ( } Repair{ } Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Sath ( v� Does an EHl1 exist at this Irrcation: Yes ( ) �lo ( +�' Ty�e of Bldg.: Single-famply O Twafamily( Multi-family( } Commercial( } Restaurant O �ther( j No. of Existing DweGling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: L NolT of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liance:� O Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burninq O Na�'Type of Fireplaces Pro�osed: Gas Appliances (� Gas Logs �.)�Wood/Pellet O Wood Burninq (N�T ALLQWED) Daes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( No O � Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes( No � ) «*********�********,��****�*�*********�OR OFFIt�E USE ONLY***�**��*«**********�*�**�****f***,.*** - --- - - -- ----- Other Fees. � - - ---� TYpe of Const�uction � Acce�ted BY� aRB Fees - __ � _ _ __._ �� �ccupancy GroyL._,_�_ Planner Si�off�_ __ Public Way Permit Fee: � ; Date Received: � i P�'� 11VailldatalcdevtiFORMSIP�RMITS1Revised Bldg permiLdoc � 03113/2003 , "--�_ ..J , _