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HomeMy WebLinkAboutA05-0112 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN� VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT � 75 S. FROI�iTAGE RQAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2135 I'�OTE: THIS PERMI'I' MUST BE PQST�D ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES A,LAR1v1 PERMIT Permit �: A.05-0112 �6`t - � ���e Jvb Address: 825 FOREST RD �iAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BUILDING 2 Applied . . : 12/0712Q05 Parcel No...: 210107207(l02 Issued . . . 12/20l2005 Project No : ��� �� _� 3`�� Expires . .: Q6/18/20U6 OW1�T�R VAIL CORP 32/07/2005 i�d BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 APPLICANT PATTERSON ELECTRIC 12/07f2005 Phoxle: 970-466-6166 PO BOX 358 DILLON CQLORADO 80435 License: 716-5 CONTR.ACTOR PATTERSON ELECTRIC 12/07/2005 Phane: 970-468-6165 Pd BOX 358 DILL�N COLORAUO 80435 License: 716-5 Desciption: RUN FIRE ALARM WIRE �OR NfiW CQNSTRUCTION OF BUILDING #2 (U�iITS 13&14) �Valuation: $1,b00.00 ��*****�**�*r�****�*�**�**x�************************�xx*���*�x�*�*�:*�** FEE SUMMARY ***�«***�**�***�*��*�*��**�*�*�*��**�*�***�***�**a:******�*** Electrical---------> $o.00 Toal Calculated Fees--> $292.00 DRB Fee---------3 $0.00 Adlitionai Fees----------> $0.00 Investigauon----> $o.oo Total Pernuc Fee-------> $292.00 Wil!Call---------> $0.a0 Payments------------------> $292.DD TOTAL FEES--> $ BALANCE DUE--------> $o.OD . �*�k�I+�#*Y�t W W�+M*%��k�kY<�k#�*M%���k#���k+*ik######+k�#,k###4###f######=k##k#'######*###########+###�*#k��*+F W#*%�##k 4�*##�**i+s�k*#�#7�#w%��?k�#�k�##�##*#�k*�#�*�zk*##*#d:�k# Approvals; Item: 056D0 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/D8/2005 mcgee Actian: AP �k*#�k:k�k�k#+k��k##�k#d:�k#�:�k�k#�k�k#�k�k#i�k##�k�%#�k$#�k4�kd:*:k*�k#�I:�k%�#�k##9��k:k##�:k##�k#$*#:%#�F###A#��k*#�k�k*&�k it#�k##+k#�k�##$#R##�k###�k#?k�F##�k#�#k��k*%c*��!�&�Y�k#*�#�k�k�k�k�k�k�k*##+k#�k#�k CC�NDITIONS OF APPROVAL **��**************�*********.#*�****�*******�****��****�:«�*********�**�**��*�*****�**�*******�*�***����:*��*����**�*��*�******��*�*****��***�:**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applica�:ion, filled out in full the information req�aired, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according t� the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Resider�tial Codes and other ordina�ces of the 'Town applicable thereto. REQCIESTS E`OR INSI"ECTIbN SHALL BE MAD�TWENTY-FOUit HQUFLS IN ADV C' Y TELEPHONE AT 474-2135 FIidM11 8:0�r1M-5 PM. ;f, SIGNAT RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FQR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ! i �*�**�********�***#**************�u*************���*�**,�,�����*����*���*******��**,�*****����,� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **********************************��***********�+***+��++�*�*��*******��*�******�********�*:�� Statement Number: R050002190 Amount: $292.D0 12/20/200504:15 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC I3otation: #5090/PATTERS4N ELECTRIC CO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A05-0112 Type: ,ALARM P�FtMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-07fl0-2 Site Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Lacation: SUILDING 2 Total Fees: $242.00 This Payment: $292.00 Total ALL Pmts: $292.D0 Balan.ce: $0.00 *****������*��t+*********************�k*+��+*��***************�****t*********�**********�*�*** accovlvT a�r�M LisT: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------°-----°-°----- -----------—--—_--_---------- ------------ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 6�.00 PF 001000031123�0 FLAN CH�CK FEES 232.04 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------