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HomeMy WebLinkAboutA06-0006 TOWN aF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME� VAIL FIRE DEPA�T`MENT � 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO� $1657 97+�-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERPviIT MUST BE POSTED ON 7OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A�Ob-0006 Job Address: $25 FOREST RD V�4IL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BUILDING 2, UNITS 13 AND i4 Appl�ed . . : 01/05/2006 Parcel No...: 2101072Q7002 Issued . . . 07/14/2006 Project l�o . Expires . .: Ol/09/2007 OWNER �7'AIL CORP 01/05/2006 PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 APPLICANT APEX TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIC7NS �O1/05/2006 Ph�n�: (303) 221-4354 1863 EISENFiOWER WZCHZ'I'A KS 67209 Lzcense: 698-5 CONTRACTOR APEX TECHNOI�OGY SOLUTT�:[�S O1/05/2006 Phone: (303} 221-4354 1803 EISENHOWER WICHITA KS 67209 License: 698-5 Desciption: �IRE ALARM DEVTCES AND PROGRAMING Bldg 2, �Jnits 13 & 14 Valuation: �3,750.00 ***�***x:��:*******�x*******w�:*�*x***s�xx��*�a**�**�s**�*r*�*:kx���**�***� FEE SUNiMAItY *�***�**�s*****�***�:*a��*�****�*��*�*�*�s��x��**x:**�****�****x� Electrical-------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $372.63 DRB Fee--------> $D.DO Additional F"ees----------> $0.00 Cnvesti�ation---> �0.00 Total Pertnit Fee-------> $372.63 Wd]Catl---------> $0.oa Payments-----------------> $372.63 TdTAL FEES--> $372.63 BALANCE DUE-------> $0.QO ***�*�**********«******��*�**a�****�*****�:*****�*********a�>;************�******�***�*�*�s�**�**x��****�+�*****�**�x�**�**��*��*�:******�x**�**�****��� ,l�pprovals: Item: 056d0 FIRE DEFARTM�NT O1/D6/2006 mcgee Act:ion: AP Approved as noted: 1. Revisions and change orders must follow process as developed by RJA and agreed upon by 42/40 and TOV. 2 . Coordinate flow indicator w�.th fire sprinkler contractar. Two different devices are submitted, one by each contra.ctor. 3 . Verify wiring to tamper sw�itches in main water entry room. Plans do not reflect accurate eaunt. 4 . Caution: Plans are insufficient to give guidence in lacating smoke detectors near beams on sloped ceilings {Sheets FA124, 13�, 144, 154, 164, 17�, 184) . 5. Notes from 42/40 indicate pot�ntial conflict in loca�.ing fire detection devices and f�re sprinkler heads in the same lacation. 6 . Nomen�lature (FA201) is nat sufficient to reflect specific device address. Alpha descriptions are redundant. 7. Id location of AC breaker. 8 . Specify monitoring agency ,anc3 means of monitoring. 9 . Plans do not refleZ�t gar��ge flow switch. � 10. Control valves for antifreeze loops may need ta�nper switches. Consult with fire sprinkler contractor for final design„ *�*�*�*�+�:*�**�******«�*��**��*��«******�:���**��*�*�**�:.��**�����*****,��*���**�:*���**�*****��*�«���*******�:���***�:*�****�**�:*��*****��*��:�****�* CC)NDITIONS OF APPRQVAL ��:�*******�*���**�**�*�***���*�*�****�*��**���*�******��**«*��*.**���*..*.*�**��*****�**���*�*****.��**�*��**�***�**��.********�******�**��*�**�� DECLARATIOI�IS I hereby acknowledge tt�at I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all t�e informatian as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infocnnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tl�is structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOI�INSPECTI4N SH.ALL BE MADE TWENTY-I�OUR HOURS[N ADVA�VCE BY'TELEPW4NE A1'479-2135 FRfl . ANi-5 PM. �_.� _� URE OF OWNER QR CONTI�ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWlVEF � � �***��*****�***�****��**********************�****�******��*��**�**�**�*+*+�**����***�*�***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy R�eprinted on 07-14-20U6 at 09:54:01 07/14/2006 Statement *********w*******�*********************a�**�*�*�**��*********��*��#+***�*��+��+����x�x����x�x�x��� Statement Number: Amount: $372.63 O1/27/200602:34 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG ri7ota�ion: Apex Technology Solutions, LLC 5982 ---------------------------------—-------------------------—---——-------- Permit No: A06-0006 Type; ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: B25 FORE.ST RD VAIZ Location: BUII�DING 2, UNITS 13 AtidD 14 Total Fees� $372.63 This Payment: $3'72.63 Total ALL Prnts: $3 72.63 Salance: $0.0� �******�x��x*************�**********a�***�*******************���������*******�x�x**���*��x�r�++�+� ACCOiTNT ITEM LIST: Account �Code D?scription Current Pmts -------------------- -----------------°--------___- ------------ BP 00100003111100 F:LRE ALARM PERM�T F'�ES 140.63 PF 00100003112300 P=,AN CHECK FEES 232.00 ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------