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HomeMy WebLinkAboutE05-0072 TQVi�N OF VAIL �DEPA�tTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAG�ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NO�E: THIS PERMII' MUST BE PQS1"E17 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIM�S ELECTRICAL FERMIT Permit #: E05-0072 �, `��=`I � c� h ��Z�-. 7ob Address: Status , . . : ISSUE�? Location.....; $25 W. FOREST R��AD-BUILDII�TG 2, UNITS 13 A�pplied . . : i�5/12/2005 Parcel No...: 210107207002 . Issued . . . 05/13120�5 Project No . �' �� ; �� `i �". �� '`'�� ,-,��,, �- Expires . .. l I/09/2005 C-.�c Z7`Lz `-� ��c, �y - `( '. �.1 OWN�R VAIL CORP 05/12/2�05 PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 APPLICANT PATTERSON ELECTRIC CO 05/12/2005 Phone: 970-468-6166 P O BOX 483 DILLON �CO 80435 License: 208-E CpNTRACTOR PATTERSQN ELECTRIC C� 45/12/2005 Phone: 970-468-&166 P O BOX 483 DILL�N CO 80435 License: 208-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FO� IVEW C41�iSTRUCTION iDF BUILDING #2 (UNITS 13&14} Valuation: $60,000.00 s****��r��*sr�*s**�***s�a�s�***s**�*r*�s�*sa�s*w���*swa���**s���+�x��s�x�** �'EE SUMMARY *��**�*a:�r*�*x**���**�*a�s*�x*�*r*�***�*****�s**�******�*�rr* Electrical-------? $316.25 Total Calculated Fees--> $319.25 DRB Fee--------> $0.00 Additior�al Fees--------> $0.00 Invesdga[ion----> $o.oo Total Permit Fee-------> $319.25 Wi11 CaEI--------> $3.00 Payments--------------> $319.25 TOTAL FEES--> $319.25 BALAI�CE DUE-------> $0.00 +�****��***�**��***s***w******»*s***w**�*�*****�*�r:��*a�**�*s**�*r*s»�e*s***�***�**s*******s***�*s******a*��:****�*�****sss**�**�**x***���***�*x:��*� Approvals: Item: 060Q0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/�.�/2005 JS Action: AP Item: 056D0 FIRE DEPARTM�NT ###*##�k*#��k*��k*�'+k 4�*i�M�'�Y*�k'Y�M�kY�kY��1�Y�tW W*t�M�tf��KttW�W�K#4�kiY��Y�k*W:t�7�►*i�k4##M 7�*�ti�ki#*fi#�##1�#*�YR##fi�:#�k+k*####�k#�k'k�k*Y�K�#�#**�kYS#�k#�K k*�k*7�####�k�k1:*�7��k###��:��k�* CO]vDITIONS OF APFROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDC. ) : FTELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQiJ�RED TO CHECK F'OR CODE COMPLIANCE. Z�*��k�R*�Kd:��k#*�k�F*#�M�k�R�M�K#�M�K#+F#$#�*R�F�F�R#�M�K#!k#�+k�Ii#%R�M�R#�k�R�R#�M##A��Rac�N�F�R#1M�#:k�M#�R�F+k#�k�F#$##�#�k�M�k$�Y��*k��k#y!*R*�*��k###�KR�k�k�:#�H�N##*$#+F##�k#$�F'+M$#*#*�M Y=*�K*$'%k�K**�N��k�*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowYedge that I ha�e read t�is application, filled out in full the informatian required, completed an accurate plot plan, ar�d state that all the information as required i,3 correct. I agree to comply with the information aald plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according ta the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approaed, Uniforrn Building Code and other ordinances of the`�own applicable thereto. REQUESTS FdR INSPECT[QN SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOi:R H4UR5 IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2144 OR A UR OFFICE FROM 8:04 AM-4 PM. � s *�k��***#*****+k*********#***�k****#*�k*k�**�k�k��k�k�k�k***�k**�k**4******##*��k�k*#+k�k***�k*****�k�k�k�k�k�k�k�k�k#* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �k#�k+k#��k�k*�k*#�k****#####*####*#####*�k#+l�+k####�k###i#####*##*#*#####*#*##*##��k#*�#####t#*�k�k*#�k#�#�k Statement Numbe�: R050000579 Amovnt: $319.2� Q5/13/200501:1�, PM Payment Method: Cheek Init: DDG Notation: Patte�'som Electric 1756 ----------------------------�------------------------------------------------ Permit No: EQ5-0072 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210i-072-0700-2 5ite Address: Location: 825 W. FOREST ROAD-BUILDING 2, i7NITS 13 Total Fees: $319.25 This Fay[nent: $319.25 Total AZ�L Pmts: $319.25 Balance: $0.00 ********************w*************�******************��*���#********�*�x***+�***************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Cade L�escription Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ -----°-�---- EP OO1000Q3111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 316.25 WC 001000�3112800 WILL CALL INSPECTIOI3' FEE 3.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------___-_� APpLICATIO�WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETi E aR UNSIGNED �,.. - ° � Project #: r�•1 b Building Rerrnit #: �l- ��� Electrical ��rmit #c ���� ,' �� � � 9�'0-47 -�149 (I�rspectians) �1WN�F�'AIL � WN OF 4 EL R L PE���T AA .Li���'I(J11I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado $16�7 � CONTRACTQR INFORMATIOIV Electrical Contractor: / Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: - �f��'�'�c-x.) �(��tG�c__ F�d �9(0�-!� 1!� y'` '�`c� f/�n E-Mail Address: � � � �— Contractor Signature: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUZL.DS and VAL.UATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUf�T OF SQ FT IfV STRUCTURE: �j � �' ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ ���:���_. � --- ._._,—.- �— Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors Office at 970-3Z8-8640 or visit www.ea le-cQUn ,com for ParcQ!# Parce! # Jab Name�-- �� � ��� S Job Add��� , � �f� �J?� e.S c Lega� Description Lot: Bloek: ] Fi�ing: Sut�diwision: Owners Name: Addre:�s: �hone: Engineer: � � ��� Address: Phone: Detailed descriptiQn oF work: G��- ,�i.��. �� �Z �� \ Work Class: Nevv (/} Add�tion ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair { ) Temp Por�ver ( ) Other{ ) Wark Type; Tnterior � Exterior O E3oth �' Does an EF�U exist at this location: Yes O No O Type of Bldg.: Single-farnily( ) Duplex �j M�Iti-family ( } Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( } No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. a�Accommodatian Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) (Vo ( Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes { ) No ( � Does a Fire Sprinkler Syste�n Exist: Yes O No (,�' ,. �� xxx,�x:�x�-��:*:�x�*��:�x�F>:�x,���:*x,�xxx*�:x�**:�FUR ClFFICE USE ONLY��;:�*;:x��*:�xx�*�x���xx��**:��,�*�:x�::��::�x ;,1��� � �. Other Fees: Date Received: ;.� DRB Fees; Acce ted B : Planner Si n-off: 11VniP�datalcdevlF�(7RMS1Pi�RMII"�'S`,ELECPER�l.DOC 0712��120d2