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HomeMy WebLinkAboutF05-0055 TOWN �F VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPART�VIENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS �'�RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS�TE t�T ALL TIMES SPRIN�LER PERMIT Permit #: FOS-0055 Job Address: 825 FOREST RQ V�iIL Status . . . : ISSUED Lacation.....: GORE CREEK PLACE BLDG 2 Applied . . : 14/l4l2005 Parcel Na...: 210106308007 Issued . . . 03/06/2006 Project Na : Expires . .: �WNER VAIL CORP 10/14/2Q05 P� BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 APFLICANT ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTIC�1�1', T10/T4/2005 Phone: 303-288-3901 6045 E 76TH #�2 COMMERCE CITY C� 60022 License; 370-5 CONTRACTOR AL�L STATE FIRE PROTECTIUN, I10/14/2005 Phone: 303-�88-39fl1 6045 E 76TH #12 COMMERCE CITY C� 80022 License: 370-5 Desciption: G�ORE CRE�K PLACE-INSTALL I�TEW FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING #2 (UNITS 13 &14) Valuatian: $15,606.00 �**w��ma��****�s*w***���*��***�r�w�*�x**�*�**�**x�*�*****�**r**�***�*�� FEE SLJMMARY *�***�����*�***��*a****x�**a�*a**���:*�s*+******+******t�****�** Meehanical---> $0.00 Restuaranc Plan Reviaw--> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees—> $1,013.26 Plan Check---> $350.oo DRB Fee -----> $o.oo Addidonal Fees-----------> $3SO.o0 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTALFECS-----------> $1,013.26 TotalPermi[Fee--------> $1,363.26 Wil1CaF1-----> $0.00 Payment�--------------> $1,363.26 BALANCE D11E-------> $0.00 �***x�x*x���w*�***wx�*r�s+x**��**w***x�x�*��xw**+***�*:z****�:*w+x:�+**sr�*�***��*��*x�**s*r**r�x�**s�e**�***�**��*�x******�**�x**�*******��w*x*rs**�s*�m�r*s Item: Q51�0 BUILDING D�PARTMENT Item: 056a0 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/23/2005 megee Act:ion: AP See FQ5-0054 CONDITION OF APPRaVAL Cond: I2 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. �*�«***��**�*����*:�*��*�*��*��**:��******�*��:*��****�*���.������*��**���*�**���:���+�****�*�*�**�**�*�*�*��*�***�**�**�*�:��**�**��:*�:***�***�*�***� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that � have read this application, �lled out in full the infarmation required, complet�d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required i:s cvrrect, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cnmply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accard'u►g to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approv�d, Internatinnal guilding and Residential �odes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. � REQU�STS FOR INSPECTION SHAL�,BE MADE TWEIVTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. e .��.—� SI�CNATURE C1F OWNER OR C N CTOR FOit HIMSELF ANl� OVVN�F � � **********************************************+***s�*************************�*************** TOWN OF VAII., COLORADO Statement **�***++*��************************�:*****�����*�r*****�******************�w*�***************** Statement Number: R060000198 Amount: $1,363 .25 03fOb/200609:26 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #12317/All State Fire �rotection Permit No: F05-4055 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel I�o: 2141-063-a800-7 Site �,8dress; 825 FOREST RD VATL Location: GORE CREE�:C PLACE BLDG 2 Total Fees: $1,363 .26 This Pa�rment: $1,363 .26 Total ALL Pmts: $1,363.26 Balan�e: $�.04 *��**�**��������**��*****+�x+*+����*�**#�����***********************�*******�**�*�+�**�*��*�� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accouxht Cocie De�scription Currer�t Prnts -------------------- --�---_____°------------------ ---------___ BP 001�40031�.1100 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 1,013 .26 pF" OOlOQ00311230Q PI� CHECK FEES 350.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------�------------- k r Y { � � APPLIGATION Wl�.�.NOT�E ACGEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI �1 ���L� �3�� Project#: ►C.{� �� �� � �� Building P�rmit#: _ Sprinkler Permit#: � 970-479-2i35 Inspectio s� �y����� TOWW OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATI�N Fire Spri�kler sh�p drawings are required at time of permit submittal and 75 S. Fron#age Rd. must include thc�following. Permit application will not be accepted Vail, Colorado 81657 without this information: • A Colora�l� Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. • Equi�me�nt cut sheets of materials. • Hydrauiic: calculations. • A State of Colorado Plan Registration farm. • Plans must be submitted by a Registered �ire Protection Contraetor. CC�NTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Town of Vaif Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s: :37 3 � c'� E-Mail Address: �Contractor Signature: COMP��TE VALUATI�DNS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor� Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ `5� �� Contact Ea !e Coun Assessors Office a#97U-328-8640 or visit www.ea !e-count .com for Parcel# Parcel # Job Name: Job/iddress: Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: � Qwners Name: Address� Phone: Engineer: Addre�ss: Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit#, bldg, #) Detailed descrtpti of work: �; Work Class: New( ) Addition { ) Remodel ( ) Repair{ ) Retro-fit( ) Other{ ) Type of Bld�.: Single-family( � Two-famify{ ) Multi-family O Commereial O Restaurant O Other( � No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: �o.of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes O No O -�l Qoes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O No O *,���,�*,�,�*�*�**�*�,�*,�***�*�*�,�*,�**,�*�**:�FOR OFFIC� US� ONLY*,�**��**,�*��**�*��**�****,���*�*****�* Other Fees: I Date Rece�ived: _. _ __� - Public W�_Permit F�e Acceptetl�•.__ _._.._ ��._._�_ _� . Occupancy Group: ._ .. 11Vai11datalcdc�lFflRMS1PERMIT5ISPRKPERM.DdC �'� �� •� � 7/2412002 �� � � `_. __�_-- . �. - l ?�U� - ..� �.,��