HomeMy WebLinkAboutB05-0110 TOWN OF VAIL �EPAF:T1�vIENT 0� COM�1r1UNITY DBV�OPMENT � ���� 75 S. FR4NTAGE ROAI� � �� VAIL, �CO 81657 �, ,y, 970-479-2138 � � ��� NO"I'E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OIV ]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TIT1�,E: I�1EW (SFR,P/S,UUP) PERI+vIiT Permit #: B05-0110 Job Address: 825 FOREST RD V,r�IL Statvs . . . : ISSU�D Location..,..: GORE CREEK PLACE, 825 W. F�REST ROAD Applied . . : 05/19/2�t15 Parcel No...: 2�O1d7207002 Issued . . . 07/11/2005 Project No : PRJOS-01'73 Expires . .: 1�/05/2005 OWNER VAIL CORP 05/19/2005 P� BOX 7 VAIL, ea 81658 APPLICANT R.A. NELSOld & ASSOCIATES, IN05/�9/2005 Phone: 970-949-5152 PO DRAWER 5400 A'VON Colorado 81620 License: 170-A CONTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & .ASSOCIATEt3, IN05/19/2005 Ph�ne: 970-949-5152 PO DRAWER 5400 AVON Colora�io 81620 "�-��-- License: 170-A Deseiption: NEW CO�NSTRUCTIOTT-GORE CRF�,EK PLA BUILDING#4, UI�ITS 9 &l� Occupancy Type - uation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 211_90 9, 128 $1, 934, 223 .20 Totals. . . 9, 128 $1, 934, 223 .20* Nurnber of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail A,djusted Valuation: 1,934,223.20 Fireplace Information: Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 k of Gas Logs: 4 t1 of Wood Pallet: 0 +�*****�************�xr*�x�********a�*r*************�**�**���*��***�x*��* FEE SUMMARY ****+�*a***w*�**���x�x�r*:��r:z�****x��x�*�s��*w*s��*:�w�*��*r�*x� Building------> $9,:021.SD Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.0� ToEal Calculated Pees-----> $2�,016.48 Plan Check---> $5,B63.98 Recreation Fee---------> $9,128.oo Additional Fees----------> $o.o0 Investigation-> $o.04 TOTAL FEES-------�-----> $24,o1b.48 Total Permit Fee----------> $24,016.48 Will Call---> $3.OQ Payments-----------------°-> $24,016.48 BALANCE DUE---------> S o.o 0 ####�k######�k�F 3##############�kt###########*###############k##########*#########:#*#'+k**V�1*Y�*��%c*P*7��KtY�*#####*#�k�k#�##ak**:k�###t��k####�##�k##########�k## Approvals; Item: 051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/15/2005 cgunian Action: COND Per administrative modification as apgroved by TOV. See conditions and red lined notes on plans. Item: fl540a PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/07/2005 i�Tarren Action: AP 08/25/2005 Warren Action: A.P The revisions on the pink paper have been approved by the Planning Department. �9/12/20dS Warren Act.ian; COND P1.ar�ning has approved the revisionS submitted on th� yellaw sheets. Staff is aware of the possible construction of the Ritz-Carlton Residences and the disturbance which may result to the south of the project thereby doing • • PAGE 2 �*�*�*�*���*��**�**�x*�*���x*�*�*�*�x*�x*�x*�k*>�****�*�*�*�*�x�:�x���*�*�k*�k*�*x��k**�***��k****�x**�**�*�k*�*�*�*�*�** OONDITIONS OF APPItOVAL Permit#: BOS-0110 as of 12-07-2(�5 Status: ISSUED **�x*************�*�*�*�*��*��k***�*���**:�*x�*�*****�x*��:�x�*******�x*�x*�***�x*�����*�*�x*���*�*�***a�********�� Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMI'T Applied: OS/19/2Q05 Applicant: R.A. NEiSON & ASS�CIATES, INC Issued: 07/11J2005 Job Address: 825 FdREST RD VAIL Location: GORE CREEK PLACE, 825 VJ. FOREST ROAD Parcel No: 210107207002 �x*�x��x*�*�*�x*�*******�*�*�*�*�*�:*�*�*�*�*�*****�x*�x*�x**�***�x*�*�x*�***�x�:�*��*�*�*�*�*�*�*�:*�*�:*�#*�***�*�x*�x CONDITIONS ��x�***�*�*�*�x*�*�**�****�***�*�*�***�*�***�x��x���:�**x�***�*�*���**����:�*���***�*�*�*�***�*�*�*�*��:**�*��*� Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SUR�EY. SUCF-I SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST F�R A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOIYS ARE REQUIRF'sD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAPICE. Cond: CON0007167 The applicant shall utilize the architectural elevations in order to determine which details and finishes each building shall have ,a�plied. Cand: CONa007199 Equipment having an ignitioz►souarce in the mechanical r�oom off garage must be 1$" �bav� the garage finish floor per IFGC 305.3 Cond: CON�0072Q0 Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the tem►ination of chimneys for factary-built firepiaces except where such shrouds are listed and �abeled for use with the specific factory built fireplace systern�md installed in accordance with the man�facturer's dnstallation instructions. (R1004.3) Cond: CON4007201 Party walls shall have continuous 2 hour ratings frorn foundation to roof. No duct penetrations are permitted. See notes and details on plans. , extensive • • landscaping in this area shou�d be associated wit� the Ritz-Carlton �ro�ect. However, if the Ritz-Carlton has not beguri work on the site prior to the applicant requesting a TCO or CO for any unit in Buildings 7 and 8 of the Gore Creek Residenees. 10f17f200S WARREN Action: AP PLANNING HAS APPROVED THE BUYER REVISIONS SUBMITTED ON YELLOW PA�'ER. Item: 05600 FIR� DEPARTMENT 10/26/20a5 mcgee Action: AP Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/20/2Q05 CS Action: AP Item: 05550 ENGTNEERING �r*�:*�*rr�r*�:*�**�**s�***s�*�*.***s*��s��+s*��**r�*ws*��x*r**s*�***�**�*****a�******�*�*w**��***s****�*s�r�*�******.a*��*.**�.s*�***�c*sw******«*� See page 2 of this Docunnent for any conditioiis that may apply to this pertnit. DE�LARAT�ONS I hereby aeknowledge that I have read this application, filled ouc in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that al1 the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tl�e information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ardinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tow�►s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International �uilding and Residentia� G�des anci other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR qNSPECTION SHA,LL$E MADE TWE9VTY-FOUR HOURS IN A�VAN�E BY TE�,EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT pUR OF�IC�FAOM 8:00 AM-4 P9Vf. n f, ��� �✓Vli� SIGN RE OF' R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � , � � � i *�**��******�**���*�****����,��������****���*�#***********************�*��**�******�********* T�OWN OF VAIL, COLQRADQ Statement +k�k*+k*�K�F�k######*##################�#k�k*�k******####*###**�****##**#####�k###+k################*# Statement Number: R0500027.14 Ainount: $738.56 12/07/2Q0502:33 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: RA Nelson / ck #16758 ---------------------------�------------------------------------------------- Permit I�Ia: B05-0114 Type: NEW {SFR,P/S,DUF) PERMIT Parc�1 No: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: 825 FQ�2EST RD VAIL Location: GORE CREEK PLACE, 825 W. FOREST RoAD Total Fees: $24, 016.48 This Payment: $738.56 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $24,016.48 Balance: $0.00 �********���*�**�**�***x�***�****�**+************************���:*����t���****************�*��* ACC�UN`I'1TEM LIST; Account Code Description Cu�rent PmGs -------------------- -- ---------------------------- ---------_-_ BP fl0100003111100 BLTILDING PERMIT FEES 251.85 PF Ofl10pp0317.2340 PI,A3� CHECK FEES 163.71 RF 11100003112700 REICREATION FEES 323 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------—-----___°__ U APPLICATION��NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET�i� UNSIGNED�O S _b �D Buifding Permit #. 1 � �� 970-479-z�as�i�,s��o�s� � '� VIS TO TO �F VAIL B L ING P�RMIT �fVN OF YAIL --Se a P s e r fo� ic m p � q� � p g, mechanical, etc.! � 7S S. Frontage Rd. Vai�, Caforado 81657 GONTRACTOR ENFORMATION General Contractor: �o�vn of Vail Re Na,: Contact and PE�orae#'s: °� ,�l/e 1 s a✓� � 7a — � .��kt Gv���-tr�so� 4'7/-�a1�y ATTENTION: JR,CI-EARLiE,GREG, [?ORIS Contractor Signature:� COMPLETE REVIStQNS EVALfUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor 8� Mate�ia�s __ REVISED AMOU'NT: $ ELEC"fR�CAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUNIBING: $ MECI-ANfCAL: $ REVISED TOTAL: $ 3 7 y Far Parce!# Conracr Ea /e Coun Asses�ors O�ce at 970-328-86417 or visif �vrwv.ea !e-counf .com Parce� � 2 � (� , � � �. d � �� �.. Job Name: �O r,e �rG e� P I�c e Job Address: C�L S' W'. �d re 5 f' ,��, Legal Description Lot: �t � Block: — Filing: Subdivision: /�p r'G U S Owne�s Name: ��� � e SOr�'S Addre�s: �O � �c� �YD� G � Phone: �L�s� ,�3�i V ArchitecUDesigner: yZ�y� Addre:�s: 16�r 1S-�ti c�f.,. �� ���V� Phone: I 30 3-2YZ-3j�'� Engineer: /�6t1�C �"�Ue�r✓�°1( Addre�s: �Q n � Phone: 97FJ -GJ�/9')76� REASON FOR RE1/ISIONS: �V 2r � hav�yes Work Class: New(r�Addition ( ) Remoc�el ( ) Repair( } Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior O Ext�riar O Botr { �' Does an EHU exis#at this location: Yes ( } No ( � Type af Bldg.: Single-famiBy( ) �wo-family(� M��Iti-family( ) Camrrzercial( ) Restauran#( ) O#her( } No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No.of Accommodation Units in this building: Z NoIT e of Fir� laces Existin : Gas Appliances( } Gas Logs O VWood/Pellet O Wood Burning O No/T e o#Fire Maces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas �o s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLQWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( � No ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkier System Exist: Yes (� No ( ) **********#*******,.****�*****.**#****FOR iOFFI�CE USE ONLY********�**�,��**�*****,�*�************* - ------- _ ----_- _ --_--- _ _, Other Fees: � Type�of Constrwction: AcceQted�•._�_ � --- DRB F�es: Occu�ancy Group. _Planner Sign-�ff:___—�--- -- — - _�.__�_� _ _ _ � Public Way 1'ermit Fee: ,__„r,l Date Receired: � REC`D OCT • 5 ZO�� 11Vai11datalcdevlFORMSIPERMITS1Revised eldg permit.doc 03/13I2003 � . ' I—J APPLtCAT10N�LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET� UNS#GN�D _ O ( Building Permi##. ��� t '� 970-479-�t49(fnsp�ectian�E � REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDINC PERMIT ���F��' Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATIUN GeneraE Contractor. Tovvn of Vail Re Na.: Contact and Phone#'s: R� �l/e I s o✓1 170 -- �. �1��ke Gv���c�sa� y�/-2ov� ATTEI�7'ION: JR,CHARLIE,GREG,D�RIS Contractor Signature:� y" COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALlJAT10N5 FOR BUiL'�ING PERM1� Labor 8� Materials R�VISED AMOUNT: $ ELECI"RICAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL• $ REVISED TOTAL: $ , Qf,�j For Parcel# Gontact Ea le Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-counf .cam R��,.� 2 � ,p 1 rJ 7 z p 7 D�� Z Job Name: /�O�-�. /-r,��}` P �a ll�, Job Address: C�Z s' w ,�d re 57� ��, C/ C. Legal Description Lot. 8� p Black: — Filing: r Subdivision: f�p r G V S Owners Name: �'�i l e S�r�.S Address: �� � `"Y �,v0 h �� Phone: �L�S - Z S 6 V ArchitecUDesigner: y� /y� Address: I�j Z I ($t� J��'. �O� '�Li?✓E'i Phone: 3 b 3 '�yZ'���''' / / Engineer. /�''/Dh fU�C �"/1��r✓�j� Address: ✓0 �'1 C.0 Phone: 97U _�j'`/�-�7�b'- R�A�SON F�R REV�SIONS: �U � r � �a�9e S Work Class: New (�Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior t ) Exterior= } Both { �` poes an EHU exist ai tt�is locatian: Yes ( � No ( � Typ�of Bldg.: Singie-family( ) Two-family( � Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( } No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 2 NofType nf�ireplaces Existing: Gas Applrances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood �urnin No/T of Fire laces �'ro osec4: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( �,)' No ( } � Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes( �- No O **********�********,��*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******�**************************��*� — --- -- - -- -- - — _ -- _ �_Qther Fees�_, ., , . � _�__T__�_� � Type of Canstruction: ! Ac_ce�led B� ��,,,,,�-� �° , '� -� �"�� --- -- Planner Si t� of� DRB Fees _- - _ _ -_-_ _ �_Occu�ancy Group: _ _ _ �.�---' i Publlc Way Pertnit Fee: I � Date l�Zeceived. , � �-� �� :, � ;� �1C.? 11VaiRdatalcdevlFORMSIPERI�v11TS1Revised Bldg permiLdoc 03/1312QD3 '�'�`'�- �f -_ _ ' . Questions? Call the Builciing T�at 479-2325 � � ' 8uildin4 Permi Submi tal Checklis ro4���� �� k��.�i� �-- Department of Gcmrnunity Development �� Project Name: _�Q��__C�C��--�✓ a'-�'�'-�----�---------------------- Project address: ---�1 s--W'-- rofr jt--�l��s------�------------ � Thls Che k!!s! must b�c�nQleted 4_�f�e a Bul�dtng Permrt aonljcatfvn is �CC@D t @f�• H ,�111 pages of application is complete a Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Rovide a copy of approval For�n e Candominium Assa�ation letter of approval atta�ed if prvject is a Multi-Family complex B Complete site plan submitted {4) e Public Way 'P�arrnit application inducied if applicab1e (refer to Public Works chec'klisk) e Staging plan (4) induded (re#er to R,blic Works chedclist) �!^ �amp�ater �arkfnq or materi�tl - -' ro°d - � s°nd sho IderKwithaut written�.onroval e /�sbestos test and results subrnitted ii demoiition rs occurrir�g e Archit�ct stamp and signature (All Cammercial and Multi Family) e Fui1 �loor plans ind�ding building sedians and elevations(4 sets of plans for Mutti-Family and Commeraal) B Window and door sched�le e Fu�l strudural plans, induding design ariteria �ie.�c�ads) e Strudural Enginesr stamp and signaiure on structural plans{All Commeraal and MuItF Family} e Soils Report must be submitted prlor to foo#ing ir�spectian e Fire resistive assemb�ies sp�ed and penetrations indicated e S�mQke dete�ctors shown an plans e Types and quantity of fireplacss shown ;� ApPllcant's Sfgnatur�: - --------------------- Date af submittal: _______ Received By: ___.�_ IVailldatalcdevlFORlN51PERMITSIRevised Bfdg permit.doc 03/13/2003 � � � Date: 19 August,2005 �o: Tadd Goulding Vail Resorts DevelopmE�nt Company Attn:Todd Goulding 137 Benchmark Road P,O.Box 959 Avon, GO$162Q-Q959 (97Q)845-2369 cc: Randy Hart Scott Zabriskie File Via: Fed Ex Sta�dard!Tube(s) Fram: Terri Kor�sella File 20960.02 _ Su�ject: Unit#10 Qrvan�nos ASI#�R10-a1 —T.O.V.Submittal - Project Gore Creek Residences Pages � Transmit�al �2"4� Message: Todd: Pleas�find enclosed,3 Full Size Ye91aw Sets of Building 4,Unit#10,ASI#BR10-01 (Change Order #1)which are stamped 8�s�gned�or�'OV submittal by: 1.) 42140 Architectu�e ONLY I.D.has NOT been included,per your instniction. Call with any quesfions. Thanks. Terri M:1Gore Creek Townhomes113uyer RevisionslUnit 101tran-061905-Todd_A51 BR10-01.doc ¢z¢o Ar[hitecttire In[. thi[ago denver i6xt Eighteenth 5[reet Suite zoo Denver,Colorado Sozo� I 303 2gz 3388 f3o3 29�3��3�^'4z4oarehitec[ure.[om i 08/03J2006 10:28 FA� 9705134706 DIVI�IONSEVEN C�003/043 • i � 1 PO Box 2016 Phone l97�)513-4705 situerct�o�,e,ea sn�98 �ualit,�lnsula#��o�r S,ystems F�c. �470)5 i3-4706 Awgust 3.?006 _`�� ,� �, Spencer Johnson A�� � � ���� ' RA Nelson and Associatcs, Inc. f� �j PO Drawer 54p0 ;' Avon,�a s��zo '``�,N Q F VA I L J~ RE: Affidavit certifying caviry fill. �� Deer Spencer: This letter is to certify that Dt��sidr,7,Inc. filled tt�e cavily over che garage acccssible�hrough �t►e m�chanical room in unit 4 of G e Cr�ek Flace wich blo1an in fibergiass. Sinc '1y T as J.Miner, ice Presicient Division 7, Inc. r� The forcgoing ste�erner,t was subscribed and sworn�o before me this� day of �,t �' . ,�,006,by Tharnas J,Miner on behalf of Divisivn 7, Inc,4herein n�med,and a�l.�nowledged w me tk� t the corporation euthbrizeci and executcd it. �" My commission expires: � cc. (lvotary Public) My Gonlatls�o��xyf�l0� ��F����i`�f��� r�+'�`�il� �rls`�I I�Srtd�1 2p 2�� r j,,:� ;.a7A�. �i�: � '�i+ :� f+.,''�+�'• !" : �� � - � ��— � '�R7: ' . . . ' l�r�,�� '°�,gt��G ��.4+ r ti *,�`pF �p4�*. '`�■►.�.�.�.. Batt Insulation Blpwz� Insulati4n Saund Attez�uation Fpam Insula�ior� Qualitv insu�ation sy°stems fve yuur 12nnt� 01'ComI14.�erC�iCtl,�rnject. 08I0302406 10:28 FAX 9703134746 DT�ISIONSEVEH l� 4p2/003 � � � , P��ox 2416 Phonc (970) 513-47q5 Silvcrthorr►c,CO $049�i Q1Ja1l�,y ITlStf1at10?t SJ/StCI175 F�tx(970) �13,47U6 August 3,�406 , _ '�I��� AU� 0 � luUe ' �� Spencer J�fv�son ,�'� �tA Nelsan and Associates, Inc. - .J� ��C�rawer 5460 � �//��� AWOn, C(�81620 _ . _�_ ��._._._. RE: Affidavi�certifying cavity fill. Dear 5pencer; This le�er is to certify thai Division 7, :;nc.filled the eavi�jr over the�arare accessible throu�h the mechanical roorn in unit t0 o£Gore Cr�ek Plec� with blown in fiberglass. / $inc y — Thomas J.Miner, Vice Presidant Divisian 7,dnc. �The f4regoing state�nent was subscribecl and swarn to before me this day of � ,2006,by Thomas J.Miner on behalf of Division'7,inc.therein named,and acknvwledged to me t t the carpvration authOrizt',d and ex�cuted ii_ ` My commisslon expires: � �, �t�ry Public) My�;om�iasi0n IEz�es Allarch 20�O�Q �y`��t 1����+l�� .�!'`���,�"A• �''�tS'': :`�� '��T��'���t�'"� _ �--- -�� ��r����L��'• . °�` .� ;,��`��•CO�.Q�Qy: �+��trrlftl� �att lnsulation Blav��n Insulation Saund Atrer�uation Foa��x �nsulatian Quudit�� iresuIatinn .rysterns for your horne vr cnmmerrial proj�cc. � � TaWN OF VAIL DEFAF�TMEKT OF COMMUNIT4' DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED �N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: �JQ��b 1VEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Pecmit #: B45-0110 ��D Job Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: GORE CREEK PLACE, 825 W. F4REST ROAD Applied . . : OS/19/20�5 Parcel No...: 2141072Q7002 Issued . . . 07/1I/20d5 Project No : PRJ�S-Q173 Expires . .: O1/0712006 OWNER VAIL CORP 05/19/2005 PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 8I658 APPLICAN'I' R.A. NELSflN & ASSdCIATE,S, zN05/19f 2005 Phon�: 970-949-51.52 PO DRAWER 54�0 AVON , Colorado 81520 License: 170-A C�NTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, IN05/19/2005 Phone: 970-949-57.52 PO DRAWER S40Q A.VQN Colorado 81620 License: 170-A Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION-GORE CI�;EK PLACE BUILDING #4, UNITS 9 &10 Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 211.90 8, 805 $1, E65, 779 . 50 Totals. . . 8, 805 $1, 865, 779.50* 1�lumber of DweFling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,865,779.5� Fireplace Information: Restricted:Y !(of Gas Applia�ices: 0 li of Gas Logs: 4 N of Wood Pallet: 0 *r*a********�:***�e**s*�r*a****�**s**s***s**r********a�**r*�r*ss*�►*s* FEE SUMMARY *�*�*a�**w�Ww�****w+r�*��sw�***s**��x�**wr��**��w��***�s�*****+:* Building-----> $e,769.65 Restuarant Plan Review--> $D_00 Total Calculated Fees-----> $23,277,92 Plan Check---> $5,700.27 DRB Fee--------------> $0.0o Additional Fees-----------> S0.o0 [nvestigation-> $0.00 RecreationFee--------> $8,805.00 TocalYermitFee-----------> $z3,2��.92 Will Call-----> $3.00 Clean-�p I)eposit--------> $0.00 Paymetlts-------------� $23,277.92 TOTALFEES----------> $23,277.92 BALANCED[JE--------> $D.oi3 �*s»****s***a*�*�x�*�**srrs�x*�*:w*�*r�*s�**�r�***r*�»****x**t*rsxs***�*x�*s**�**+*s**�s**����s+r*********t�m�wr�*xs�M�*�r�***ss****���►****s**�***s* Approvals: Item: 051�0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT p6/].S/2d05 cguni.on Actian.: COND Per administrative modifacation as approved by TOV. See conditions and red lined notes on plans. Ttem: 05400 PT�ANNSNG DEPARTMENT 06/07/20fl5 Warren Action: RP Itezn: 05600 FIRE DEPAR.TMEI+IT �tem: 05500 PUSLIC WORKB 06/20/2005 CS Actian: AP Item: 05550 ENGINEERING �4*#M#M*�F#***#**7�M�Ki***�*t#t##�'##%�*i*#�*##E*►ek#4##**#M#*�k*�k##R##*#�#R�#i�#*i�####**#*�*#**#ak*ak#**#**vk��#*Y�'k#**�+k##�k########t#�4##�k#�k�ak�As#�k�#�k#�#*t S�e page 2 of this Document for �ny eondition,�; that may a�pply to this �ermit. � � DECLARA'TIO1�S I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaCion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that ail tfie information as required is correct. I agree to comp�y with the information and plot plan, to comply wiih all Tvwn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zorung azid subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ardinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TVJENTY-FQUR HOURS VANCE BY TE NE T 79-2149 AT pUR OFFICE F'ROM$:00 AIwI-4 PM. SIGNATURE O W[VER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEL� AND OWNEF � � FAGE 2 �*�*�*�*�*�***�***��**�*�x*�x*�x��x���*��**�*�***�*�*��*****:����***�***��:�**�*�*�x:��x*�x*�x�*����*�x��x*����:*���** CONDITIONS OF AFPROVAL Permit #: BQS-Oi 10 as of 07-11-2005 Status: ISSUED� :��:*�*�*�*���*�*���*�*�*�*�:*�*�****��*�x*�*:��*�*�********�***�*��*�*�***�**���*�*�*****�***�*x�**�*�****��* Permit Type: �1EW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERM�T Applied: OSf19/2005 Applicant: R.A. IYELSON & ASSOCIAT�S, INC Issued: 07/11/2005 Job Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Location: GORE CREEK FLACE, 825 '4V. FO��ST ROAD Parcel No: 2101�7207002 *��***�*�***�*���:���*�*�***��:*��******�x*��:�**�*x�*****�x**�*�*�*�**�****�:�**�:��:*x�*�*�*�*�*�*�*���*******�� CONDITICINS �*��***�******�*��**�*x�*�*�*****�*�*��*:�*�:*�*****�:����:�***�**��:******�x�***�*****�*******��***�******��:��x Cond: �3 {PLAN) THIS PRO]ECT WILL REQUIRED A S[TE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AIVD APPROVE� PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.}: FIELD INSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI�ICE. Cond: CON0007167 The applicant shall utilize the architectural elevations in order tn determine which details and fmish�s each building shall have applied. Cond: CON�7194 �quipment having an ignition source in the mechanical room 4ff garage must be 18" above the garage finish floor per IFGC 305.3 Gond: CQN(}007200 Decorative shrauds shall nat be installed at the termiriation of chunneys for factory-built fireplaces except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specifie factory built fireplace system �utd installed in accordance with th� nnanufacture�'s installation instructions. (R1U()4.3) Cond: COI�(0{)07201 Party walls shall have continuous 21�our ratings frorn foundation tq roof. No duct penetrations are permitted. See notes and details on plans. � � **�**�*�*+�*+*�**�*�*****��*�*�****:�***********�*****s*�****�******************************* TOWN OF VA1T., COLORAI�O 5tatement **�k**�k�k#####�k#######�k#*##�k�k****,k***;k�k�k�k#�K###�**#*####�##�k+k?k�k�k+k*#**###*W*=k=k***#*#�k########*#* Statement N�unber: R05�001035 Amount: $17,964.3607/21/200501:48 PM Payment Method: Check Tnit: DDG Notation: R.A.i+Ielson 1097$D -----------°----------------.._--------------------------------------------°-- Permit No: BD5-0110 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP} pERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: 825 FORESr RD VAIL Location: GORE CR�EK PLACE, 825 W. FOREST ROAD Total Fees: $23,277.92 This Payment: $17,9E4.36 Total A�LL Pmts: $23,277.92 Balance: $�.00 ***���*******a*****************��***�***�*�*�*+***********�*�******************************* ACGOUNT ITEM LIST: Accaunt Code DF:scription Current Pmts -------------------- --•---------------------------- ------------ BP 00100003111100 BLTILDIIVG PERMIT FEE� 8, 769.65 PF 00100003112300 FI�AN CHECK FEES 386.71 RF 11100003112700 RE:CREATION FEES 8, 8b5.d0 WC OO100Q0311280D 1WI:LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .QQ -------------------------------------------------------�_______-------------- � � *****��x�x�r��*�x��********�*��**���,x�x�***********�********�*�**��*�**************************** TOWN OF VAIL, G�L�RAD� Statement *******�*�++**�***��x***�x*�x#�r���*******��*****�***************************�+*****�*********** Statement Num�er: R450000�i31 Amount: $5,313.56 05/19/200510:T9 AM Payment Methad: Check Init: JS Notation: 108357/RA NELSON ---------�-—-----------------------------°--------------------------------- Fermit No: 505--0110 Type: I�TEW (SFR,PfS,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: 825 FORE�T RD VAIL Location: GORE CREE:K PLACE, 825 W. FOREST ROAD Total Fees: $13,491.26 This Payment: $5,3:13 .56 Total ALL Pmts: $5,3�3.56 Balanca: $8, 177.70 ***************���x����x��x*��*�����**�_********�*******��****�****************************s�**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Dascrip�ion Current Pmts -------------------- -----—-_-_-__---------------- ----°—----- PF 00100003112300 F:LAN CHECI� FEES 5,313.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �-v v �-c�a� 0 � � APPLICATIQN WILL N(�T BE AGCEPTED�F INCOMPL�TE �R UNSIGQ Project#: � �0��� Building Permit #: �� ! O 970-47�2148�Insp�atlorls} ��y�Fy�, '� O F !L IL I MI APPLICATION e �re re ' ic lu ing, mechanical, e#c.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CG�NTRACTQR INFORMpTIUM General Cantrac#or: Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s: ��f _ Z�,g4 � �,�1' Email address: G ;�a � 2-.� . c o•-� � s Contractor Signature: � �� �� CQMPLETE VALUATIOIVS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor& Materials BUILDIN�G: $ � g ELECTRICAL: $ �p f a �, OTHER: $ 5'������� PLUMBI�lG: $ �a y � � MECHANICAL: $ �,� � TOTAL: $ � -�� Z For Parce!#Contact Ea le Count Asses:sors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-count .com Parce[ � lGr !� �2� 0 � Goz Job Name: Job Address: Gv.2.r cnrc� � �.4-��= f�z.� �..,/. c��..,�s-T r Lega� Description Lot:�g ' Block: .� Filir�g: _ Subdivision: � o Owners Name: Address: Phone: 11A-� l� rZ-F 6/y i 5 P•Q ar' ✓o�•c <O �U--� Architect/Designer: Address: Phone: 'f 2 Cr '�-. �d 1�.� S� oo -� ✓F�L _ y Engineer: Address: Phone: F��.. o :,,.s s�.z T A- ✓o.�.f G Detailec!description af work: c�,-• - � C c,�►-� �r5 r G o�F G,z�= L, Vlfork Class: New(� Addition ( ) Aemadel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior O �acterior O Bath (� Does an EH�1 exist at this loca#ion: Yes O No (�C) Type of Bldg.: Single-Family( ) Two-iami�y�O Mu�ti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) Alo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: _�_ � No. of Accommadation Units in this building: _�_ _ � No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances Gas l. s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin -O- No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliance:� (<y Gas Logs(g-) Wood/Pellet( y Wood 8urn�ng (NOT ALLOWED) Daes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (?t) No O � Does a Fire Sprinkler 8ystem �xist: Yes (X) No O .********#**�***.******.*.�******��«**F�R OFFIGE USE ONLY**�**��*�***********�*.«��*****�*.�**� Other Fees: _ � Type�of Constructia�: Accepted By:. DRB Fees: Occu�ancy Grou : � Planner Sigr�-QH: � � P ! 11 r F � • Uate F�ecei�ed: F:1UserslcdevlFORMSIPERMITSI9LDGPERM.ppC Q2/03l2004 � JUL/14/2006/FRI 07.27 A� ��CC� FAX No, 9704681�0$ P. 001 � - � ���hw�st Co�arado Counc�l of Ga�vernme� .� � �L�VI�Tt7�R PER�►�l�T AP'�'LI�►�'"��3N ��� . �����;o� "� y �'���� � s � . . .. Perrrit# � - � _..�.. Applic�ation # ------ -_�- . ]ob Address � � �c�r �s�' 1�a; . . � �� 8�eiltding or I�i�tn�o�rnet-`s Name ���� ���� 1'���� � ���i'� � -- Owner 1�a t� '�ZP..�or'�S—�L�.���'t�'.�i'� �' M�iling Address ����,�,�c�vn��t � yor�J CU $�l��D - - Phorre # , �r] -,��!�! - �`l,�� ,� . Faa€# '��'�� �?`� � .. .--�----� --- —__.._�__._.__.__..---��------ ----_..._..._..�.__...---�- -��---........_......._.. _.._._..__ _. ..---.._—.._..___._ .__. .....-�- ---...___ . ._. EMe�rator Contaac�t�ar Caioradc�,Custo�tl U�R �nc.. _. ,�, �, . ,�-,—� � � Maifing Addrt�s �Q �9 Ra�ad _ 1 � 4 PhQr�� � ���245�-44?2_ , . ' FaX # r��a�2�i-73TX -- - - Class o#Work: r�_ N�nr �s�E�atior� h�lajor A�eratiar� 1��5C,t^��11�+DNC '�.P Si'r.J��b+l.fi� � +�. w��'W'�!^ . ��+s L,� r� �T�� NOTIGE !'�EW�Iwi�"i'AtLATYi'fIN FEE� I h�reby�thatl haWe read�axrci ex�rrilneci th� f�a�seng��r,or#reight ele�vad�-,�scala�a�,mo�xi�9�rali� appii�rt�r� knaw the s�ame#a b�tru�aryd o� Up ta and including�.50r'�af val�ation = $�SO.E}0 AEt�S6aui�nns oF t�rnrs and ardinanoes governi�n�this tY�' Over$5d,000�va�uatian = �3�fl.00 p[us�6.00 faE-each Of work wf!!be c�npli�d vVit11 W#�tk�'Sp���er+ei�t at' ��.,O�f1.(3D�o�frad�sir��f ove,�$54,4t}O.A�3 nat Th�a grar�ting�f a perm�t draes�tnt presur�r�to gtve � aut�ori�y+t�viaiate or�ancd th�e provisions of�r�y�rther tfR.t7�mbwaib�-ar pr�ne�i.de�ea��levator= sEabe or k�ra6 lav�r regui�ting G+onskru�on ar th��. U�a#r a41d indtlditt� ���,t�DQ aF valuai�n = $?SQ.OQ }�nrma fi oonstruc�iQn. �ver$2p,0�0�valuai�� =$250,00 plt�5$3.U0 fvr each � • .��.,Ot�l.�#U vr fr�+Gt�1#her�f aver$�E}�O�p,AO �-%�'��" siy�a e+�f cn a-auti,ome�i agen� (a�) u�e�nR e�.-rERa'1ZarH F�FS: Fees far�najar alberafzans shall be as s�fiord� in 7a61e 3-A af tiro�E�r►�rEn I4cErrlini�trat[ve�ar�a6ie f A. � . . s!€�nature o€own�r � (��) 1lA�LL�A'�TilN�/b C�D""' -- � �� ' � �� � � Da�e Pa1d �Pt� Ta��:al F�e �t��n P��by ar�r���►y Plan �ew Appro�ea b� � +._. • Post-ir'�ax idote 76�1 °�'�f I'�-b�P Pa��` �levafior�fan r�vtc�v and f,�eld i�o�s vwilE 1�:c�oriduzbed d. �o �� ��m ; � �'.�--�, be fnrwardeci�14V11CCAG far review and�pprawa�. Schedul � � � . ,� 970-45$-029a�ck X08. Wease make c�ecks�yrable i�NW � co/De�• �p,'L Ph0119'� Phon81� � FF�xx#,r�l'n_f�"11��rIL1��.. �# ' � J�L/14/2006/FRI 07:27 AM NWCCOG FAX No. 97046$1 08 P. Oa2 N��hv�es� Cvlor�do Council of Gov+�r� � E�.�IAT�R f�E�MIT APPLI�1;'�'�C�i� �� ����,� ]�risdict�on � � �' � � �. Applic��ro� # ._._ -- . Perrrt� # � � ]ob A+dd��ess_ �,�,..'-� �I/ s�" ���r�es� . t 'U�a;� C�fl �1��� _ $c�ilding ar Ho�i nea�+r @r's I�a�lrie �'' r , ���G ' " `� � �� Owri�l' Vdi�� '1��5Qr'�'S ��;�J N't �lT �f.� - -— I�c�I��RC� �E��'�.S I� � �� dfsrof�l t� ���s:�� _ Phone # �i'p �-�'+U���l,��. , �ax # �'7LS -�G' - 43`7� --- -- _ __ �_ _. _.__.. .. ��' .___._..._...._..__.,....___..-.- --...._. .--. --._._. _ _._......_._ .__ _ .... _.. ._.. .. ._...�fevator�+�n�ac�ar�i_f"oiado;iC"us#oR�,C�f�. �-._ ; . . . Mailir�g Addr�s �2U 2�„Road, Csrand��r�,�--�-��15 Photle � (9��� �45-447� FaX # �9�,� Z4�.-��77 -- �C�as.s o�vlivrk: �_New �nst�itation � Ma�or Alteratiori aescr�be IAror�c ����ic�ewf�.. �---� �bW�; cr s �. ,'� :•�T�� N�TTCE ' l�EW 3'l�STi4LLATI0111._FEE� Y E�erebY+�e�t`tE1at I'hav� reac!�[rd�xa�mic�d;t�iis Pa�g�r,or fl'�ght el�.�rat�,��tacyrr ittovttwg'�ralk; �ppiir.�tivr�and [uruw#'►e same to be trUe and vatr�t. Up�o and induding�S4,�f0 of vafuat�lon — �350.0� All prn.wi�i��u of Eaws and ordir�nae�governi�th�s type Uv�`�SEl�oqO ofvalu�a�tion =�350.Ofl ptus�6.Ofl for eacii �v�rork wtll be cosnpi€e�with����he�n�or �1r+UDD.�Q S?T�I�C�DI7�C�Qf�Y�d'�5�1.00�-t�A not� The grar�ting of a penr�it daes�tvt p�urrti�ta�Eve atithority to r�oGate ar canc'�i t#�pmvi�ia�s af�rry U�.�u�nbrvaiEer oir'pHvate r+ealde�tce dov�ar. z er r �e nr tacal taw repu4�tin9 cans�ruc�nr�or t�: Up t�and�.idudt�$"1Q,000 of valc�iar�= ��.� per6ormar� crF nsf�we�on, , C�+v�r�.�,0�0�of valuatfa�n = $750.0�plus$3.0t}fnr Fac� , ..$1,UO�.OD.or fr�dion#�er�eof wer�2A.(Ti�.Cl�i —/�? ��� �igna qf con ar au�orf�ed agent (�a�� �,urs.�[fR ALTERA'iTQN �EE�: � Fe�:for maj�r al�ralzons stzaEt be as set fo�h in T�ble 3-A+�� i i�e U�ri�rm Adrretn�Cart�4��TaUte �.MA. Sigtyature of awoer �C�ate) yi'Atl�AT��D �f� DC7�` ,��� f'-'L�1'�`G►l0 �.-� T To�al�ee ',pat�e Pald Reoa�p�# Appiiwtio�Praaessed by �►ppro�d b�► � . �+'lan Review Appr�rvad by � �►at+a � . , . ��v-abor plan re��+n►�nd i'�el�lnspectivns�nriil b���duc�ed by t�e Northwest Calprado Go�ncif ef Gwerri�ents. Pfans will be fvrward�d ib I�IWCCC7G for rev�e�n►a�nd�'oval. Sc�ectu}e inspec�ons by contactirx,�the N1NC,.�O�Eleva�tar Inspecbor at 97Q��t?285 ext�1�6. Pleas�mak,e checics abie tn NWC�.Y]G. . i � � �