HomeMy WebLinkAboutE06-0026 � � TOWN �F VAIL DEPAR7'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELQPM�NT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA,D VAIL, C� $1b57 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT ivtUST BE POST�D aN JOBSITE AT ALL TIlVI�S ELECTR[CAL PERMTT Permit #: E06-0026 Job Address: $25 FOREST RD VA.�L Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: GORE CREEK PLA(:E, BU�LDING 4 Applied . . : 03f lOf2�06 Pareei No...: , 210107207002 Issued . . . 03/i5/200b Project No : Expires . .: 09/11/2006 OWNE'R VAIL CORP 03/1C}/2006 PO B�X 7 VAIL, CO s�s5a APPLICANT PATTERSON E�,ECTRIC CO 03/10f2006 Phone: 970-468-6166 P Q BOX 483 DILLON CO 80435 License: 208-E CON'I'RACTC7R PATTERSON ELECTRIC C� 03/10/2(}06 Phone: 970-468-5166 P O BOX 483 DILLON CO 80435 License: 208-E Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTI�N-G4RE CREEK PLACE BUILDING l�4, L3MTS 9 &14-TYPE A+B Valuatian: $66,000.00 Square feet: 80Q0 **�**a��sa***r*srr*s**s�sss*s«*+rs�s**s**s**ss�***«s*+�*��*s*s*ss�mss �E SUMMA.ILY ******'�**as**a*��**�***�*��*s*r*�**�»�*�r�*sw****s�r*�sa***�** ElectriCal----> $362.25 Total Calculated Fees--> $365.25 DRB Fee-----> $0.00 Addidonal Poes-------> $o.00 Invesrigation----> $0.00 Total PermiC Fee--------> $365.25 Will Call-------> $3.�0 PaymenLS-----_--_-°°-----> $365.25 TOTAL FEES--> $3fi5_2� BALA?�CE DUE-------> $0.00 **��*«�*******r*********�*s***�**�a****a�****:*a*e*s*****s*�*���*:�*�***�*****��*�x***+*t�+***s���r*s�s**s�ss*��**a�*s*rs**s�s***�*�**r�**�**���*�� Apprawals: Item: 06000 EL�CTRICAL DEPARTMENT 03/14/2d06 SHAFEN Ac'=ion: AP �tem: 05600 FIRE DEPAR.TMENT ��:■*:�**aa*srr*+h��as***�rs�*��a*s:r��ss*x*a��s*ss***s**»**:*s::**�*�*r**r�a���*�t**a�r***�*r�**��**��*�***�r�**�*s�*s�>***�**�**�s***r��:*re*s*:**.*�� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ`•7IRED TO CHECK FQR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONOfl07857 ARC FAULT FROTECTION REQUIRED FOR �4LL 120V QUTLETS IN �EDROOMS PER N�C 21Q. 12 . �::**:�:*�**�*���**�«���***��*�*,.�:�*:+**:��**.*:*«*�**:�*�*�«**�*���«�*»,�.:***�W***����***«*��*�**�**�*�*�*�*:+*.«***��*��*�**:***�****��**�**«*:�* DECLARATIONS I hereby aclrnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed ari accurate plot plan, and state that al� the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Resid�:ntia� Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thexeto. REQUESTS FOR INSAECTION SHALL BE MADE'FWENTY-FOUTt H�URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149�Ct AT 4UR OFFICE FROM 5:00 AM-4 � � P:14. � / , - �_r�.--� � �� SIGNA URE OF O'�V�'ER QR CON1'RACTOIt�OR HIMSELF AND OWNEx i r r � � :�ET RECEIPT RECETPT NUMBER: RU60004248 SET II7: 5000000068 SET NAME: Temp set of Type ACTTVITY TRANSACTION DATE: 03/15/2006 TOTAL PAYMENT: 2,2 3 7.5 0 TOTAT.PAID FROM TRUST: .0 0 TOTA.L PAID FROM C'{JRRENCY: 2,2 3 7.5 0 SET TRANSACTIONS: Set Member Amount ---------- ------------ E06-0025 411.25 �06-0026 3b5.25 E05-0027 365.25 E06-Q028 41I.25 EQ6-0029 319.25 E46-0030 365 .25 TOTAL: 4Z1.25 TRANSACTION LIST: 'T�rpe Methpd Deseripti.c+n Amaunt ---------- -------- -------=------------------- ------------ Payment Check 2145 2,237.50 TOTAL: 2,237.50 ACC4UNT ITEM LIST: Description Accoun� Cade Current Pmts ELECTRICAL PEIRMI2" FEES EP OQ10000311110 2,219.50 WTLL CALL INSFECTION FEE WC Q01000�311280 1$.00 � TOTAL: 2,237.54 RECEII'T ISSUED BY: LCANIPBELL INiTTALS_ LC ENTERED DATE: 031i5/2(}06 TiME: 02:04 PM F f t APPLYCA'tIO�LL N�J7 BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL�R UNSYGI�ED ;f �, `,�� -�� � _ � - Praject #: � - _ _ ��.��, ,x _ Building Permit #: �`� fl l i C� �Iectrical Permit #: , � '� �:;��'��,,� � � �� � 970-479-2149 (Inspections) �f?W�V�F�'� TOWN OF V�1IL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLIC�ITIQN 75 S. �'rpntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165? COIVTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Town of Vai1 Reg. I�o,: Conta Person and Phone #'s:d6,��� �(,k, � �� =�r -� �C � o�f rt-'�i���'d � ��i'-� f�6 E-Mail Address: �� ��� �,i���r �- Fax#: 46�'�S� Contr or ignature: _� � CQMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND YALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ Fl"IN STRUCTURE: � �L��� ELECTRICAL VALUATI�N: $ .�,� (S� Contact Fa fe Caun Assessors D�ce at 9TQ-328-864Q or visit www.ea le-coun ,eom for Parcel# Parcel # ]ob IVame: , Job Address: j �i�r�l� ����— ��S�cte �S ��'c�� �1�1` Legal Description Lot: Block: ] Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name: ��'D� Addre�s: Phvne: Engine�r. �{-� Address Phone: Detaled description of work: � ��� L ��� � ,� ��� `T-" �`� /`� �`- � Work Class: New Addition O Rernodel O Repair O Temp Power O Other O Work Type: Interior{ ) Exterior O '�3oth� Does an EHU exist at this kocation: Yes O No O Type of Bldg.: Single-family O �uplex�' Multi-family O Gammercia] O Restaurant O Other O No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this ermit for a hot tub: Yes No ( Does a Fire Alarm Euist: Yes O No O� Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( } Na ) ****�x***,��***��r**�**�*******�*��*�****;:FOR OFFICE USE ONLY��*��**����********�**�*�**�*�x******� rv ., " Other F�es: Date Received: ' �' � ��'' :D�B F�s: Acce ted � , � �` :Planner Si n-oft: - � ��� I� �.:� .. _.�,j 3 „ �... : i F:�c�ev1FORMS�PERMiTS120fl51eleetical�ermit_2043.DGC ; JWN O� �/p:�zsnoos � � �� �. s�. k �� � �A�i�P Y�f, ' Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Va�[ Or�iin�nce 4. Series o� 20�5 ❑ Ov�rhead services are not allowed iro the Town of Vai�. ❑ tJn�erground services sha// be in conduit (PVC} from the ul�/ity transformer to �he electric meter, main disconn�ct switch, and to the fir�t electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. ❑ The main disconnect switch shall be readily accessi6/e, and'lacated next to the meter on the e�erior wall of the structure. All undergraund canduits are required ta be inspected befar� back-filling the trench. � Tn multi-family dwelling units, na electrical wiring or feeder Gables shall pass from one unitto another. Cornmon walls and spaces are e�rempt. ❑ NM Cable �Rom�x) can b�e used on/y in sing/e and mu/ti-farrrily dweflinqs net exceedin�3 stories Type NM cannot`be used in any 6uilding mixed with Type A,B.E,F,H,I,M&S occupancies ❑ A/ominum conductars smaller than size #8 are nat permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELiNES ❑ All installations of exteriar�at tubs vr spa's require a DRB appraval fram planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable}, ❑ If this permit is for installatyon of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated plat�orm or deck over 30" above grade, you must alsa abtain a building permit. ❑ If this permit is for instalratian of an exterio�hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structurai engir�eer must rev��w the exis��n�g condition as�d werify that it w�ll �u�part the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the str�ctural engineers wet stamped le�ter or d�-awing with this applic�tivn. ❑ Ifi this is a remodel in a multi-family building vuit#� a hamec�wr�ers association, a letter of permission �rom the association is required. o If this permit �s,for a commercial space, twa (2) sets of stamped drawin�s are required. E/ectrical one-line and pane!schedu/es are requi�ed if/aad is added or distribution rs a/fer�d. I ha�e read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed �f you ha�e any questions regarding �he a6o�e information or ha�e additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-�479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9arn. You may also leave a vo�ce mai� and the inspector will call you back. F:ladevlFORM5IPERMI7'S�20d51eiectical�ermit_2005.DOC l 1C23l2005