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B13-0191 plans approved
4 � � � � �� � � �� � � ��� � ���4 � . . y. s " ��''' � �''��,� '� � "� sr� `' r�". �` � "r°� ..� „, . . �� `� «+.�*." v �� 1 . DQ htOT SCALE C�'A��#Ga �i�� � x�°', � �� � � , ���,, . l�' � � , _ � g � ��� � �k/ ■ � � � �V � ■ ' ■ �� ' �d' � `� „" �"3 � ;� , "i; $ }' � 4# fc� � k r : .� � S�. . . . . . . . . . � ��� 'p+ � ' } � .,�.r `�� ` ; ^ . ; �� 2. THE GENERA� CONTRAC7aR F(}R T}�1S PRQJEC�` SNALC COOR[II�AIE ALL WORK WI?H A.aDRESS/LOCATION: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK R(7Ad ��� ,�° � ,y ,,�:`'° `:� . �� �°� �,� SUB-Ct7NTRACTQRS. G.C. SNA�.. GRDER All MATERIAl.S UNLESS �}THERt�11SE NOTED. AL� S11B-CONIRACT(}RS SHAtI VERIFY All DI�IENSIONS & EXISi1NG C�IvUI110NS ON TH� JOB BLDG. D; CR4SSVIEW `� �; , , � � x � � � Sii"E PR10R TO BEGINNlN� ��lY �f}RK OR ORDERING ANY l�ATERlA�S. NO11FY Q4VNER OR � � �� t�AIL, CflLORADO �� � . � x ` " �, ,,, �� �� � �R � ��.F '�'�»^,4X`A � �% ��W � p'�, ARCHITECT C1F ANY C4NFLICT� OR DlSCREPANCfES iN 1NE �QCUMENTS 1MMEDIATELY. �3 � v � OCCUPANCY/ZONIN6: NQ CHANGE TO EXG �`' _� y, �r � � � ,,,��: 3. PLAN �IMENS(UNS AT EX� WALLS ARE TO �ACE {}F FiNISH WALL. PLAN DIMENSfUNS F4R � �� -�..___ . .� <��' NEW WALL5 ARE T{} FACE OF S1UD OR FACE Q� CONCRETE Uf�LESS OTNERWISE N�TED. BUILDlNG TYPE: NO CHANGE 70 EXG �� 4. AL� NEW WALLS SHALL A�IGN WITN ADJACENT EXlS71NG SURFAGES. ALL NEW WA�,S 4CCUPANCY CLASS: NO CHANGE TO EX6 �,.,, �, � � �� W}ifCH REQUIRE RATCHING SNAI� �iATCH EXlSTING �1NISH AND TEXNRE. PAINT cNT1RE �COPE OF WORK: ADQ{T10N AT FRONT EN1RY OF HOME D E S 1 G M1! WAl1 iF ANY PATCNiN� HA� BEE�4 P�R�fIRMED. • Ui�DER EXISTING ROOF. NEW WOQD DECK. 5. AI.L NEW WALLS SHA� BE 4� LNQM.} �J40D STUDS {� 16� �}. C. (�IAX.) UNI�SS NEW TREhICH DRAIN AND HEATED PO Box 9195 ClT�iER�fSE INDICATED WITN t}I�E �AYER OF 5/8" GYP. BD. ON EAGN SiDE. CEMEN1i710US CONCRETE APRON IN FRONT aF GARAGE Avan , Galorado 81620 BACKER B4ARD SHAL�. BE USED IN A�L VdET AREAS. PRC}VIf�E HORfZONTAL BRACING AS DOOR. 970.376.6623 PER htANUFACTl1RER S RECQ�l�tENDAT{C�NS Oh! SPANS f?VER 8 --t1 DRAWING LiST: 970.845.7727 fax � � Imayer@iksmdesign .corr� 6. ALL �X1'ER(�� �'�,l.LS '�HIC�{ M�iY E�� C���2�EQ Ql� T4�� lNT�Rl�R DJRI�G THlS W�RK A1 .1 TITLE SHEET & KEY PLAN SHAIl HA'JE NE�I BAiT E�d�l1LA11�N INSTALLED OF A MINEMJ�1 GF R=�i �EFCRE TNE NE!� � A2. 1 PROPOSED WORK -- PLANS & ELEVA710N GYP. BD WAL� �lNISH 15 ENS i A�.LED. � 7. AL� NEW VdAL�.S SNA(.;� BE LAI� OUT AN� REV�EWED BY TH� ARC9iITECT AND OWNER dN�NER: PRfOR T{? FRAMING. i1M47NY & LINDA STANCLIFFE 8. AGL EXIS13�lG FIREPR00FilVG SHALL REMAIN iNTACT. A�lY FIREPRO�FING D(STURBED 84 BOULDER LANE C�URfNG CONSTRUC110N MUST BE REPLAGED FER ORIGINA� 1NICKNESS AND SPECiFICA�ION. � 8Q�ODER, GO G.C. SHALL C0�7RDIi�A� ALL REPAIR�D FIREP�tJOFiNG, �ONTAGT: 303-443-Q523 9� All NEW DOORS, UNLESS GIMENSIONED 0� PLA�l, SHA�.L 8E C�NT�RED IN WALL Wk�IERE POSSIBLE OR TN� R011GH t��ENING SHALL B� �LACED A MINl�iU�l Of 6 lNCNES AWAY FROM � THE NEAREST ADJACENT WALL. GENERAL Ct7NTRACTOR: ARCHITECT. � i0. PR{1VIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING IN STllD WAl1S AND CEILINGS. L£�GA11C1NS iNGLUDE ASPEN Gi.�h{ CONSTRUCI]ON LKSM DE�iGN, FC � BUT ARE NO`f LIMITED T�} CEILING AN� WALL 1�UUNTED FIXiURE�, CABiNETRY, COUNIERTOPS, P4 BQX 9195 � SHELVES AND RETAlL FIXTURES. AVON, C�LOftADG AVON, GULf}RADa 8i 620 81620 ��" 11 . ALL E�ECTRiCAI ANQ MECHANICAL W4RK SHALL B� PEFZFflRMED BY A LICE�lSED 970.471 -4857 970.376.6623 CONTRACT4�R. � � JONN�ASPENGR4V�CONS7RUC71(?N.NET L�iAYER�LKSMDESIGN.C4f� � 12. ALL WC?RK PERFQR�ED (}N il-fE EXIST�NG SFRiNK�E� SY5'�� SHAL� BE PERFOR�IED �Y CONTACT: JOHN C�.4UATRE CONTA�T: LEAH KS �SAYER ''� A �I�ENSED FI.lJMBlNG CUNTRACl'C'� ,QNC COORDINATE� BY TNE G.�. 13. TNE G.C. SNALL BE RES�t}NSI�LE Ft}R OBTAiNING ALL PERMITS AND REQUIRED � APPROVALS. THIS PR4JECT IS �{}+,/�RNE�} �Y 1NE 2049 INTERNA110NAL BUILDENG CdD� & � 2009 INTERNAl10NAL EI�ERGY CflNSERVA114N GODE, COdE COMPLIANCE !S MANDATQRY, THE t____ CQNSTRIJCTiON DOCUt�ENTS SHALi. NOT P�RMfT W(}RK 7HAT D�7ES NaT CONF'QRM Tt} ALL �..T RELEVANT CQQES INC�UDING ALL LOCAL AND REGIONAL CODES. � � 14, 7QWN (7F VA(L DESlGN REVfEVY APPROVAL NI�S BEEN QBTAINED PRd�R 70 THE � Q SUBMlSSION OF TNESE DRAN�NGS FOR PERMI� R��CEW. ANY CNANGES TO T1iE EXTERi4R , , . _ , � �� � > -; ; ; . ; . ;a, .yF ;� � .< � ,� DURING CONSTRUC1lON SNAIt. NAVE PRIOR APPROVAL �ROM THIS EN71TY. r ti f - , � , � � > ' ' ' , � ,.,,;����' �";.w,z < � C� � �� E- '. � ". £ .: lr . :�' � .ni}. >N. ...a..war.+ri ....J.,irivrv:.wn.ii���: x . .y..... .MirNnw.«F: � •".'�: .. �" y��YF" .4, f,rawYwE��u....'.•ti`d'x•` � � � � $ ' r .... �:�� ,..v �. i ..,.. ? :., `.. i �' n.or:+vr ,.....%+�wr'�..<:rY�ira.rn�n ...... .vt , �..�.0 diu.�n��' .r:..:r�... ,. . ��U3�J i . �'S, f . srr� rH"/X�i KHlkf��i.vr.vu�iKr2:?NA.r. FSh.w�.Xi{�/iiin'A,Yu//fir.2+fNr.V.: c,^..s�^.R+..v/�a�,; . 1/ . . . . ..,i,,. yu r .+r. ` ... <+"� /�y �:� - ��A: J,.° � � 15. IT iS THE 1NTENT AND �VEANING {}F THESE DOCUMENTS `MAT TNE �ONTRACTOR AN� �"`�� �, ,r- � r `�"'°" . ,,�. „ �n _ �f N.t % 'b I.n'-. (' ' � � � � �AiE�IALS TRANSPOR7AT10N SUPPLIES " „ � � �` , '�� EACH SUBC(?NTRACT4R PROVIDE ALI. lABQR, , , , ����,<< `xv.�. �"� ' ;.<� ,�,�,' � } ,��� � � r � � U,� >-_:: EQUIPMENT, ETC. TQ CQMPE.ETE THE WORK WITHlN THE RECOGNIZED S7ANDARDS t�F TNE `� ' ` r:�,N:,y� � 3 >, `� �`' �� , �� �'' :� �.>h � �,/ iNDUSTRY. � � ' 3 ,f ' ,� ;. 4� � ,� � l.L. � � � '� �, , ,r :� , , � i t-0, s , : : ,�." ,.... . �.�, i x f... f k �„ � : a � - - � , � , . . � .��'� , n,� . ; ��� /�^� . ; - �v?Y4 ..' , �. � fr,;:n'l`N' "' �°y %, . N � ,� + � rJ�� / ra_' .� r/ � � � � � � ! 7 N „ 'y i_ Y t �f \\ K ' , Y,:N: ,� eNl . / r .x �{frLM� .E n IJ. ( u. .. . . �'� ,Y%�y �, ��M .0 � �� � R+� f<F� .r"r� �r7� �k t� !�� T"'�i` 3i � � � � wwrii �'�O+ � u!"`�•,,� y�. 5; . � 5 bsf i � � f 't: � .t . 1S '# �. / ,y, e � `ti ..ff" r:�. � c ! s Y � b/ g.y; h g F t ��v� �# �. :�:v,^�'�% . . rv �� a � � o- ? y#S�`y5� ' i�� ;;.� f59/�.� �/l � � j n' �{ ���i��'.? �.�. � � �$y,. �. �y . . i'`v.��� � ; y�. � 9 `''y � yumr�� �j� f; ": �ih '/f:. �/Yy n [ �y<Y' � . . Fv" . 4 ! � 4l� �j . ��t .f�` 5 '� .q� .. /' � � � '<� : � F�Y �� � .: Y' .. . � �.o>: .r � mr.J.. �. . . � < < ?� .> � < c � _ �� � 43 �/.%. . . . „ EF;'r � ���f✓fl�� . � �,.: rj r,o�� , /sy . f. '£, f yF ?, ::� ff' ... � i s �s ��v � �' *.,�� i t � �+' ,�,.Y".*h a fn �' j �� .. . '%� $ /� r.'i � i � $: Yj » SF4I�.,�S�"LJ f 9 y _ , };: :, �H' " . , vi"' i . �� 5'� A a f j. � `< r � .: � oQ'.c t _`r � � � ' � }.�'�.� f`"� y�.r�r � ; �, s���� T���X Es� � � ����h.lF '� s ; - � s:<v t l,: r� � � ' ti ,..n' � y ; . ......, . .. w. � /,y,4 N", " , s: 4 z z r :: i .n,�'" �.th,y�1.N� � r :,H:� F - s". . @r . <'°y .y'�� . 5 g Y £� �' oi yi H` u�% �� r�y, ^���i4* '�XG.'YVi+ YS/'�a I �. S J/� . K .:S I`< � � ! � � > 'YW li: S . � f Y. W� HIf f . . i 5S � e� !/" .. �f .. a Yq f � . F � , / y � rr� � � �;P,a•`�3•�l 5^°�'� � 35.,i�4 r � .f r � 3 ``` � �� c u fl�` Rv : /'' ;i �` ?r.'> 1rv�rYL1�^"` � e ! �%��G`..'�,.i 3� .: f: /�/� v+5'Y . . � .EeF` q. � '�FSi y� l� 5 .1 c H� ,y� F h � S�� � M X �'a` f +" i�Y l�f�� . 4�}� �� # f r . � � E'SP�:`�''V �j l �r� � . � �f; .yi°".. : . �t . : �. � wr� �;.;f4, �.,,,��,5 �_ :=a, � � p ff. � ,�► � s� i■�r t�:��� �s e� � � � � ��s �� o �;,� � � �•f6,�:��ly� �"�.� . � v%.v� �i�`� f� � X s,:� „ f' v . !' { ,.:3 ��3,J��5 yy� �� �i. y ',.r�N�'rY t✓:�"'�`� l { �' ��'f,"{ w ^r,t: ') {/�'� [�` ( x (� [ �fI� � �4� ... � � 5F Sy%.. 1. }t � �� I l �� �",i'i/vi/` ��� I lira'�GNI t. 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C ��,�',�� ; � ��"��� .. € i �is ; �� < ���r;� � r� � � �' , SECTION GUT RE�ERENCE DETAIL AREA REFERENCE GRID MAR ER , : ` �=�� ' ,: �' ij ' �t� � � :'� � ;` �' „ ,` ,"j5 IJ... ��✓.h�"�' �e,,,<,� �"' '` 'y r . . ..�.y k�r, - � � ; £�": � � �� . , y/>' � a � . .- tir � Y � . �""f�� . K�{!.!' � : fi" ^' : � � . . �'�r /!'y> � �� � � � .✓r�� .9 � , . � � . �. �.y 'h . . r 5^�, @g � k�43 � n ✓i.�`� � � �� Y � �'�"esY ��`�� � '�Y� ��� i � � ) fR ., � � kg:,;., '� '� � £,v `�,��i4` . „ ��a"^ � ��+ �'i�i„ �� ..` tt , '` . 'HA .. p . v q�'-:. {� � . . A3.01 j��-i- y'�'�.C�t�}/'�-j-\C`} (t � 'j('�t {�('� `(�'rr �g�p.s j ; � � 1eV ♦ VV ��t V�� , L� \��, Si+ l� ''4 ! � } Gunm� � � ELEUATlON R£FfRENCE ELEVAl10N SYMBOL . 5<,, <; << : ����ff � � �.,� �.�'� � �� � y 7 : r ���"?� � s ---+.,,, l � � ,��.,, _ ,».. � �� �,.�.a , �t � f F Y.`�* ") : t � . ��� u .... ., a°s'n+=xa.vuec'..ss�+'e.. � . "G:^� . l M.�� � � � . � .rii. . � l 4b Z�yrcn Y�/ S >ulF:F2 � . . Nm � 10: 12 A ; � ' � t g $ ��-� r � '����� } x �� M<„, pp ��,����. �^' /�[� yY � � � . ; �.r� . F 2" `* v�+,w..^°° ..l�l/1' � . . : : ' fy'' `"''%G a 3 ; :: r �.., ; .. .. y��,�.$�,i .. �s A5.03 � , � � , d � � <. �f� r�.�.��.���.-m.a�_.�.�:��� /' /""► � ;; , ��r ,� t. � � 5 ,. ��° �5. y ;y z � � � ,. � � � � . , . . . � t . � .. � . � �S . . � J' DE7AI� REFERENCE � < � ' : ; v. < � ���; � r � ' ' ,>,� s �' >, REl�SIQN CL4UD ����}� T�i�i ; a, � i n�,;r' . . . , : s ._rr v'f. <,� = •e,� . . � i.S' .. , „^G= 1 . Y j r�' � �'' _ .N . . � . �. � 4 £ � �y�?` +.f� . � .h. .,�.,,.;> z: < . � �icr' �r�i,>� "'°�.°�+„ c ���srv r,.< c . : 5 ,. •.. . : i Xi..�� �, . f • ��! O • �le►JM • • �I�IRfi 4 • ia� • • OII�! • • ! Q �II��II�� • i �� Sl/ � 3 � � i . .. i�i. 4iC. .. ..vWVis imi , l% 4 n � . � F� � ^ . . . . j ,�,. ka,� ,�..�, .. . � � � y� .¢Y+eN.FMIA. .rF+t ..�:s" � .aaiin�y.nM ..,n..v..:.;... . � � .//i'f . �'"u.f r'YX` � �ff � �u.wa+on..+TYR<vFl/.tm.£Nr•+k .�mtv..:tum.,Y y '.:; rr/.�FV� . � ,� . DdOR TAG x,<.;� �ry>��.�,�>�, <.�,. - � „_ , "„' , 4 �s.o1 � REVES1QN SYf�IBOL �� � ,�y, >,,.. . �. ,, ,;,�r � , , ��" , y,�,�� �. ❑ ❑ � �: DIAGRAM SHOWS CHANGE TO EXiS11NG GRFA �ii� RM � si� cov�R�c� a�v�Y � � -��� e � � ��' �' L�i,� - � � ��i C) � � � �� �/�C� F�. � �ssu �a: aA-��: iNTERIQR ELEV. RE��RENCE A1 . 1 t��1' T{3 SCA�E EXG 6RFA � BLDG D = 2,100 5F DRB SUBMl1°fAL U4.05. 13 � RC3(?M TAG NtALL TYPE PL.d��l i�C� R�"� PROPO�E6 GRFA � BLDG D = 2, 146. 75 SF PERMlT & �aNST. 05.24. 13 EXG SI7E COVERAGE = 9.29� �oo� ---�-- c��r � � ��aPOS�� sir� cov��A�� = s.�� � � � �=-a- NORTH ARROW M�tIERIAL CNAt�GE � Exc. SITE CQVERAGE UNDER ROOF' �A� � � ���� (PORCN QVER 4 FEET) = 27.5 SF , � ��� � a a � ADDITIONAL GF�A = 46. 75 SF NEW WAIL NlGH CAB�NET STQNE F100R � � nRAWN BY.� LKSM /���'L Sil`E COVERAGE = 19.�rJ �J� � COPYRIGHT 2Q13 LKSM Resign, P.C. � (DfFF�RENCE BETV�EN EXG. & �=��` CQUN3ER �iATERiAL V�QOD RANEL CLEC, HEAT MA� �'��� ._ �� �,� PROPOSED 46.75-27.5 = 19.25 SF) TITL�: � ` : � � � ° �� T1TLE SNEET & ��� �` �r'�, KEY PLAN 4 � �,� � ;;, , � [� FA & � lT � C; C)V � RAUE +�� L � IJ �ATIC.� �I ������;� � A1 . 1 NOT TO SCA�E � �,ta���. �� � � ■ � � �� � f ° � " � f SCALE: AS SNOWN PRQJECT NC:� . : �.4�« � ��� � - EDGE OF EXG. ASPHALT �,�,, �� � � ,� q���,� �, � �;t � a� �,� � � � � N` �^" ,aa-es ` �xy �`�;�:A � � b f�,�"� � ��`'zi 4 .r ���'s�. N � NEW DRA(N FROM TRENCH 3 �"� �' ' �' � � � � TO DAYi_IGHT, UNDER NEW A� .2 ---- APPROXl�AATE PRQPERTY � � �: ;� - , , _ ��rs ,� �� �([ : Y # t X Y�� � � � � LINE s �,� � zn x ��� . �>�.k, ' `„ � � ( DECK � �� '�� ,: � �� � � � , . a �},. �,� 4�� >'. � ��«;� �. �� `�� e st � � � 4 � • s �a 4 ae� r s weair�as e v s o a�wsir o • ae�uw • a aee�e e s ae e � a s rs�eia a • �s�a. • a� easaem s w�e� q a a�m► • s s • �e r.+�e • e s • arsa� s • � • s � �r • �awseas r : mr� e • weimr� e«r • wrrwo� • • � • • u�os • • aicre�o e • ��aovr�r e s � • s rsar� • � � o a �ww� • m +�irrr�s o s +�wr� r o s�x r ♦ r�ww • • w�mwir a e wnrow s • arrr� f • wra�w `� �' 8 � � �' � �ev asa �aw r w mw r �t� `zt�" f; '� . � ���ya� �3, � ��F�A �t�fixursx✓+. �A���a��� REMOVE EXG LAWN & � m�`� �_ ...�'' REPLACE W/ DEC{3RAl1VE � �� �� �,�,� � .�� ; � (-- I- --) BOU�DERS - _ .�.-- i i� L J -- ----____ --- INOOa POST ON C4NCRETE L�, � � � � FOUNDATION BELOW qECK � I--- — .— — ---- —�- .— — ..— � — o D E S I G N I I I 1 � � ` � .�q.� PO Box 9'195 i 4 � � I Y � �, � 6„ Avon , Calorado 81620 � � � � 970.376.6623 � � 99 ' - 1 . 5" 970.$45.7727 fax . �,,- � � � ALTERNA�E TRE�ICH DRAIN lmayer@Iksmdesign .corrr � � 1/ , (�+/ SN4Y�viELT} � � � ( s � ( ( R�.Mt?VF" E?��. Ct�CNRE� � � __._.. � � � � � S`�.AB S3EPS �� � � — - � � I �— --��- _ _� _ _ _�-�-�-�—�— —� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ i � � � ,--- REM4VE STONE AR�U�Q � fi � __ �� �._ � � � � � " ! EXISTl�G COLU�SNS. SAVE �. NEW TRENCH DRAIN (Wj � � � � AND �EUSE _.___ ._._... � — I SNOWli1E�T}. EXTEND UNDER � ____ I r .� �. � , � � 9, _ � ,� DECK Tfl DAYLIGhT � REl�QVE EXG. YJf}�D k7ECK P,EI..00 TE �CG. HO5E �IB RE; CIVI� & Pt���` ��l�N�A�fON5. _ FR�VIDE IEMP, SNORIt�G x i L1NE OF EXG DECK W �OR EK�'. R�OF STRJCTt1RE '"`" � y`,':;'� %''�fr'%�;f' f%%;%','��;f; � NEW ASPHALT ON � R£. SIRUCT. EvG. �``�. �� SNOWMEL? {°^� --- EXG. TREES TQ REMAIN, IF �i'�`'� NEW W000 GOLUMN & , �, ;;�{. � �.! REM�VE EXG/ DOOR � y POSSI�LE -� 100 - 0 ! BASE ON NEW FOUNDATION J/w. Y� WlNDOW. �AVE FOR REU54 i%: EXTERIdR WALL FQR NEW 4 A1 . 2 E�ITRY HALL C NEW EXTERIOR WALL ON � REM�}VE PC1R1if1N iJF NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATION � ASPHALI' DRltt�4YAY F"�R � �A�-�- � NEW t�RAiN ,�""' RF: CIVIL Ei�G. EXG. ELECIRIC HEATER TQ �INE 4F ST9NE BASE ON � REMAiN � � WAL.L � i—._. ;�F� � � t�EW TRlM AR(}UND EkG `i� � � �,�. � DOOr� 8t WlNDO�' QPENING ca rs�r � ,�<;�r.% � � � � W � � � � ( LINE QF EXISTING ROOF I I � � � `,,:� C� ` ) � A6QVE � I 1 � W �3 il � � � � � � ( � � � � EXTENp EXG HEA1ING � � � � � � ( I � E�EMENTS INTQ EN7RY I I � �'"'�"" � � �. I f s�A��, I ! 1 � I'� C."? (� `�. � I I � � �E��� Ex� ��oow � i i i W w � t� 0 � N E V� �]L E/S T O N E F L O Q R R O O R. R E I N S T A L L I N N E W � � � � LL {� .J I � � ! �xr. w�� I 1 � ?� t1. � ,..... I � ! I I I � � ; �� I I I I �"'1"� m '� � I f l i I � � m I i I I � � ,�t I E I 1 1 W � � I I I I � I I I I � � _ ..,.._ _ _ _._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.� 1 _ .._ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ __.. _ ._.._. _ _ _ _ _ ._.. ._._ _ _ _ _ ._.. � W � �A��` � AL. iPLAIN - C� � � C� , F'� �`� I � �. P' �.� � - �' �� � � 5lEC� �I� �— A� ,2 112" = 1 '-0" _ � � � �..�—� A9 .2 112,� _ 1 ,_0" `��� � ����� � � v�� INi�ER10R �XTERI4R F�L,AI1� NU�T�-1 � y� 4:��� � ������ � `�° �� ���� �-� ..� __ ___ � . � �_ ll'P. EXTEftiOR WALL ASSEM6LY: � �„ l `✓ ' "� � `u� � �� � �� ��' =�„t�.� � � , - -�. 2x6 WD. 5111�}S � 16 �.C. ,�� "�" » G� , � � �° f�� �,��� ��. �a. � v��o� �a����� o►� �r����o� � ��� � .�. ..�� �. _.��.� � . � � .� �� �� V�D. BASE 1'(3 MATCH EXG. � R=21 BATf INSt11�AATlOh! IN CAV{TY �`��� ; . �Y ,���,�°„„�`� _ t� � � EXISTiNG RUQF, STRUCTURE ' � ` i �2� EXT. PI.Y � � ` _. � � �'""" 1�� RI�ID INSULATION & WOOD TRIM TO REMAIN � � �� � , �°�" �� .a�,. . �� ,�, . r F�NiSN FLOOR W.P. BU(LDiNG PAPER � RE; SCHEDLl�E 1x� CEDAR l.AP SIDlNG T{� MATCH EX�. OR STONE VENEER i'0 �iATGH rXG. PROViDE VENT FROM NEW CRAWL ` I ! �f ! , BEL�Y BAND iRIM 70 P�ATCN EXG. EXISi1NG ROOF, STRUC7l1RE SPRCE TO EXG. NOUSE CAVIIY. � I � r.� & N�aQD TRIM TO REl�AiN VERfFY LOCATION iN FlE�D ; � � <�f ` FLASNiNG TO MATGN �XG. ; � '' '"��' ! I t�, f � NFW �I�dDOW TO MATCH REINSTAI.L EXG WINDOW IN 4 r ,� ^ _. � ._,_ � .� � ..;.,� . � .` / �� EXISTING NE�N 4irALL \ \ � . .4.G •. , < ��� � / \ \ \ � .�., ""�.-r—.,...,_, � � �jN� / � IPaE OF EXG. WALL �EY(lND . t ;��: � ��,1 � �, R��QCAr'� �Xi��lN� 4�1tlOD \ lS�UED: DATE: ;� :::�: : ,. 2X6 P.T. Sli_l. PLATc, SEALED TO 1 \ `� -� -;� i r '" CONCRE� �OJtrDAT1QN / � DOOR � �, DRB SUBMITfAL 04.05. 13 ,;:$. �, �` '"'�- �, PERMIT & CONST. G5.24. 1 � < : ;/ — NE�N WO�D SIDING & TRIM NEW �I�OD S@{NG & iRIM ; y � � � � � �;� � T{� MATGN EXG. TO MATCH EXG, � � ,� ,A � BUILDING '�1RAP SHALL (7VERLA� � �`� �I q ; ,� �»� � �IEW ST£�NE BASE TO NEW STONE BASE TO lNSTALi� R(Gl� FQUNDATIt7N ::,`�, x � ,,,.a<. � F4llNJATlON DAMP�OdF�NG �IN. 12 / lNSULATION TC� UNDE�SIDE OF FLOQR ..;°' � �-�1 , ,� , MATCH EXG. STONE MATC�i EX�. STONE � STRUCTURE. TAPE & SEAL JOfNT5 ___ � _ _ __---________ PRO�DE �LASTOMERIC NE�t 8x8 WOOD CQLUM3v & NEW 8x8 WOOD Ct}LU��PS & f r OF lNSU�Ai10N TYYF'. - - SEALANT ON STEEL ANG�. ° --f -l�, � F BASE �N NEW FOUNDA110N BA5E ON NEW FQUNDA110N / �� � � � A � ° ° � � � J41�T PRGt�DE BREAlCER � INSTALL 12" BATT lNSULA�IQN IN � �:°:; % � � �: BETtNEEN ST�h1E C� ASPHAI.T __.___ FLOUR SYSTEM � RIMS � °�, � � , � � i .�� � �EW W{}OD DECK NEW WOOD DECK � �. .�:J � �� � �` �� .� � �- - - - � � �» .� � �a � � I - � , � � t �'`� °s,a� � � 'a' . E?„; ` n � / s 4 — � P 4. 4. *k 4 � � A ,5' ���-`-^^'- .. /y'�y' ��x4 � Y . � O ^+.� M� — ._ _ ° .ve f — � a DRAWN BY: LKSM a � � �� ' j.�. SN . � � w+Y }� » � Q b �~'c � 1 �..,__ e \ ����� _ '` ' :1 °� n , � '* i NEW C4NG. FQt;NDA�iQN WA�L _ � � CdPYRIGHT 2013 LKSM Design, p.c. ,zN,'. �, " k � E ��. $�����A� — ---- — _� .<.F: _ __ __ � . v . ,�x� _ ____ ._. CON71NUQl1S POLYETHYLENE ``�---._. FOUNDAilON DAi��PR00FIN6 TG - _ _ ----v---.-- TIT�E: BARRfOR. SEA� & TAPE ALL £: g °° �, , » — - JOINTS. SEAL TO PERIMEIER FOUF�D. �: EX7ENQ MiN. 12 ABOVE GRA�E __�.._._. PRUPQSED W(?RK � , � # � - - ; , E,� ,� . ,� PI,ANS & ELEVATlf�N� �r�su��nor�, �. � ° � �> ��:, .� � �� � �� � � �. �: ; �- N r0U�1DATI0N INSUl.AT1��J , f , f , ���� � � �� ` r o- � `��,, &���� ���,," R-18 �u!iN. � '` ' `�� PATGH ASPHALT i7R1VE AS ����� : ;�� Q ,� f E: UC�f �.. ' > r ' F� NEEaED A � / 1 � ■ ��. , 1 � , � ' a . . .` �i . . 5; 4 � ''`�. '�, , . �' FC7UNDAT{t}N DRAIN � PERI�SETER ;� ; ,r , , � • : �,o� , , < < `''^� , „�, . .-.> . , . , ,_ : ;�, t,.� .�.� _� "`r._._._ �, �� t � � � � ��� � �Q����� ,�� ������� ����� � ��� �E��� ����� ��e � � a �� � � ` � �� � F (J [J �IID�TIQI� C} �1"A � L ��: cEV�� ��co����o,���NS �. �� �:�'" � l� �. �f� � � �"` � �. ����° lC� � — �'' F�C�+ F� � � � C� s��vrME�-r7 s IPAFL' TI ,AL � tJRT �! � LIE�I-�T � fJN � PF�.�? �' {� � � C� ,� �� �����.�. �_ .�.w_ �,� ..� � ;� scA��; �ssNVwn� � A1 ,2 1 " _ '1 '-Q" A1 .2 1l2" = 1 `-t�" A1 .2 1 /2" = 1 �_0'� � �ti� , _ , , ��� PRdJECT NO. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ��i . \v.F � . DESIGN CRITERIA: STANCLIFFE ADDITION JOB #: 13Q4- 19 STEEL HELICAL PIERS: �� �s� � ;���.� � �\ � � e, P6C# � 9 �,` {J / ' �'t R o o f L i v e L o a d {S n o w) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - � $p p s f a. S t e e l h e l i c a l p i e r s s h a l l b e d e s i g n e d a n d i n s t a l l e d t o r e s i s t t h e u n f a c t o r e d d e s i g n l o a d s a s �-� °° �� � "�!� ��� `��` � ``� �`� � � `�' . � �. • v � , t - - - - - - - - --- - - Roaf Dead �oad - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - 15 psf shown on Sheet S1 . Unless atherwise recommended by the manufacturer, the factor of 2x6 STUDS C� 16 " C?. C. W� Y2" r � a� � a� � � Floar Live Load - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 psf safety to be applied to the design loads to obtain the ultimate load capacity of each pier P�YWD . �R OSB SHEATHING 8x8 POST � � � � € ,� Flo�r Dead �oad - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - 15 sf shall be 2. ( ( � �'``� � ��' �. Deck Live Load - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - 100 ppsf b. Installer Qualificatians: Instaliation sf�all be done by an authorized installatian contractor. ; 2x B L K G. B T WN . ( � °� ' Deck Dead �oad _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 15 psf Proof of current certification with the manufacturer, as an authorized installer of the helical 2x12 JOlSTS PER PLAN JOISTS Qt BRG. , TYP. ( ( ,�;J'�.w, ������ iers bein used shall be submitted to the Architect or Structurol En ineer rior to startin 1 E z>r ' %�� e � a"' ^`"� �nd (3 Second Gust) - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- --- - -- - --- - -- - -- - 90 mph {Exp. B} P 9 � 9 P � 9 , �� t ��,��. ' , Seismic Desi n Cate ar installation . �3� � - 2� 2x DECKiNG ( E ) - 2x LOOKOUTS , TYP . ( � � =:= 9 9 Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXEMPT _ . . . IBCjIRC Edition - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - �ppg c. A written installation record shall be kept for eaeh helical pisr, ineluding date of installation , T. O, PLYWD . PER ARCH . � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - location of pier, description of lead sectian , including number and diameter of helices and MATCH EXSTG. 3" ' CONTACT ENGR . DURING SPECIAI. INSPECTIONS: extensions used , overall depth of installation fram a known reference paint and instc�liatian V. I . F. � TYP . �k$ ---- - - - - - - torque at termination of pier. ' M � N . � � � ( � �� � ! DEMU FOR COt� N . , TYP. � � �.���` % � �'�';; d. Soil corrosivit and re uired mediation shall be determined b the eatechnical en inesr and PEN • E) - 6x1 � V. I . F� dROPP'ED a . Special Inspections shall be provided according to Sectian 17i�4. 1 and the statemsnt of special �' q .Y 9 9 � o � � �-; """i' inspections as required by the Town of Vail . helical pier supplier, respectiveEy. All piers must have a minimum carrosion protection af hot N y- � ` ____ � { E ��( 2 }�2x12 � f � [ � i � � � b. Continuous inspection shall be performed for anchor bolts where indicated on the faundation dip or electraplate galvanization . � �-- { --- ; -.--- ._ _..� . �_ � _�. . �.e. __ ' ? ,� i , ` � � f i �,k� �� �n , e. The steel helical pier syskem shall comply with ISO (Internatianal Organization of Standards} � - - = - - -�- - � - - - - � - - � --� - ' �� ` ' � 4i ' ° ' i ' �, TRTD . � _ � _ _ �... _ ._ ,_ � c. Periodic ins ection of steel construction elements shall in �lude material verification in 9001 . Cartificates of Registration denating ISO Standards Number shall be presented upon y � � � 1- � � ° -' � ; � � . . � � :. v .€�� � C �' r� P , 8394 - V, I . F. ( 3)- 2x12 TRTD . 2x8 DECK Jt�IST �� � � T � ; , F � : : � '�-�� � , � rn � accordance with these drawings, m4nufacturer s certificate of compliance, snug- tight bolted request ta the Owner or their representative. \ - � E - 1 %%x16 LVL � - � ''" T. �. W. � ► SIMPSON HANGER P ER P�A N r� � ) `�l� rn oints, reinforcin steel , and anchors installed in hardened concrete. f. Acceptable talerance for afignment of top af pier shall be 2 inches. Acceptable tolerance for d LEDGER u � � 3 � � 1 9 , ( � � ____. ____ ...._.____ _.______ __.__ _.__�__ .. -� -- - _ ____y � � ( E ) - 1 /4x 16 L VL ( LO W) � 1 a� d. The structural engineer does not provide speciQl inspectians. Periodic observations of plumbness shal ! be within 2 af design angle. Piers exceeding these amounts shall be remaved 4 PER PLAN �� t II � � ' \ J �..� � � � �' canstruction b the structural en meer are not to be considered s ecial ins ections. and redrilled. Do nat farce pier tops into alignment. ' 12" QJ CONC. PIER. � 1 ._ __ _ ._„ .__ _ _ _____ _._ � _ � �{ 3} - 2x10 � • � � - �, � � 2 V. I . F, t3 � '`t � Y 9� P P Q � � �_ �--- _ - �,�-- - � _ _,_.__ __ � _ ___�_. _ _. ' � ) rn � , „ SEE DETAIL. 5 f S1 � j � '� l- >- � , � � � Zt �..,� FOUNDATION DESIGN: i+� #5 s VERT. CaD 16 O. C. I � I � ; �--, .__ _ _____ ____ ,_. � _.� __ ._. .___.._ ___}_. _ ; ; � � � , � � � � � ,� � , ' \ __. -__..___ .__.,_. ._._.._.� _____ .._ _ . ._ , r�-- _._. , � cn ( E � ; ^ ° i � �`°-- � � � � � a. This foundation has baen designed accarding to the design recommendatians set forth in a o ( 1 ) - #5 CONT. HORIZ. � -�_- j � � j�"�' � �� v� ~'� � � � �°rv° _°�_ � � _ °-°� � F- �y geotechnical rep�rt 95248S by Engineering Designworks, Inc. The contractar shall follow the ( � � � [ a �FJ �-' ; � � � � HELICAL PIER DESIGN SCHEDULE MID NT• � � _ __.____ __.___ __, ..r_ __ _ _ � _ _ � _ _ � _ � _ � construction �equirements from this same report. 4" FORM VOID - � , � ~� �F` m � Y y� Q y ��-E �- � �� � i ' � C � i o- �- b. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of grade beams. Contact 2 - 5' s CONT. I � ( i � I i � � �- ---- ---- ---- -----� - ---- ---- ---- -- -----. __ �FJ � N geotechnica{ engineer for details. UNFACTORED DESIGN LQAD : 0 TO 25 K 25 K TO 30 K a { ) # I �- - _� { ; � �' --�- � � i � H t3Rl Z. TOP & BOT. ( 1 � , ; i ��._�__ _.� ._ _. __ _ .. _____ p __ _ . ___.� _.___... ._.___. _ ___ _.___ _ �� � ( E}-�- B E AM ; � � � c. A representative of the geotechnical angineer shall verify saifs conditions and types c3uring SQUARE SHAFT SIZE 1 }�2'� � ���� � I � � i � � -- � ---° - _ -� �-- � � .- exc�votian . Construction of the faundation ma not roceed withaut verif 'n these values. � ':. i � ( � p� Report any discrepancies from original findingsyta structural engineer for �re�evaluation af TUBE STEE�. SLEEVE 2" x2" x�s" 2J'2" x2y2" x3/16" „ , „ � � I ` � � � , ! � -- ----- ---- � -- ____ _�_...._ ..._ _ __ __. � _ w_ . _ ..�_ _ _ `_'-t-b, .� _ _ � �._ ._._ _ ._ _ z � foundation design . „ „ , „ 2 SCALE. 3!4 = 1 - 0 � i , ! # , 1 � \ � . a N c,� d. Verify type af #ill with soils engineer and structural enginaer prior to backfilling. CAP Ft' 3/s x2 x0 - 4 1Y" x2Y" x0' - 4" S� � � � � ( ; ' � ; I ! ' 'ti---- ---- -----._U _ _ __ __._ ._ _...___ �e.___ __.____ _._.__ __..._._. ______ ____ _____ �_ � � REINFORCED CONCRETE; EXSTG. 1 }�x11 � RIM � ' � r � � j ; E 3 ; x --__ ___ _� _.___ _ _. _ .� __ � _� _ ._._ _ ___ m � µ � ` �^ v��_. � `� ( � � � 7 ( � ; , ( � � � __�_.. _.� . . . t.�l _ _ --t�t�. __ ._ s- op (V. I . F. ) � ( �� E , � ` � ` � �,; .__�_ �_ __�_ _.�.__ .. _ ___. _�___ ____. __ l _�__e_ ___._.._ _ . � _ 1_ __ _.___ __. _ ___. � � � a. Concrete design is based an the "Building Gode Requirements for Reinforced Cancrete" (ACI g3g5'_ 2� ; I ; ; � ; r I I "w� � � 318) as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2009 IBC. 2x DECKING PER - � � � � ) �� € � � ; } � t _ _._ _ n _____ _____ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ . � ARCH . TYP . � � .� -I , � � � � � _____ 1-1 _ __ _ i � __r_ � _.__ �. .� � "� _ - �, �' ¢ b. StruGtural cancrete shall have a minimum 28-day comprsssive strength of 3000 psi. ' �- T, O. P�YWQ . ( � ' ' � � _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ __ _. _____ .__.__._ _�_. _ _ �/ � � MATGH EXSTG. 1 � � i � 's I � � � �- > c. Cancrete shall be ro artioned usin T e I - 11 sulfate- resistant cement. Admixtures containin TRTD. 3 - 2x8 3 i ! � 3 � i �°� °°� � °f°�� µ � - � -�°-� Y �`�' � p P 9 YP 9 � ) �� �� � � V. I . F. � ( � � � ` °(�E -�- BE�AM j � ' j � � ' � � � � � I I ( � r Ghlaride salts shall not ae used. d, Cold weather concreting pracedures shall be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of SIMPSQN HANGER � _- � � ._ ; i � � � "'?' ; �"j'° '4""' , "'�" � 't"' � � � I ""�"' -� ; � Concrete Procticg PER PLAN = _ - - -�� � --- � � � � � s i f ; � E � � � I.!�_ . I __ � �-�'',� � � e. Anchor balts for beam a� d column bearing plates shail be placed with setting templates. - - - - - - - - � ' � ' � ' i ! � i ` f. Ex ansion bolts cand e ox anchors shall be IQCated at a minimum af 6 bolt diameters from � � �� � � 3 ' , = E ? �,�� - � ( , � P P Y TRTD . 2x8 r.�.�i �� � � � I � _ _ � ^ _ _ 2x12 FLOOR JC?IST �--) € � � j = ' 4 ,� �� � r� f� C� R TH � � } cancrete edge and spaced at a minimum of 10 bolt diameters unless noted other+xise, � i EXSTG. I - JOISTS �,,� � � �� � � , ' � ' 7 � -� � �vYm _ 9� P P R 9 DECK JOIST N � ��� � -J---' � � a I SIMPSON HANGER � � f } i t �4, '=.___ _� � --- S � ALE : 1 4 �i = � y - {� " L�.� ' Anchor bolts far wood sill lates shal { be laced at 4'- 0" maximum s acin with one anchar � ��i� � EXSTG. FDTN . WALL 4 , ,� bolt at i2" from each end or corner and a minimum of two ancho� bolts per piece. �� ' ' S�AB BY OTNEftS 4 PER PLAN � � I � � ' i ( � � � [ [ I � -- -_- L.� .-.- - i I ; h . Goncrete cove�age far reinforcing stesl: SlMPSON HANGER I � 1 . Concrets cast against and permanently exposed to earth ; 3" PER PLAN � � � � ( LEDGER PER PLAN 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather. A. #5 bar and smaller 1 1 /2" 12" f� CONC. PIER Wf ( 2} - �5 x � SCALE: 3l4" = 1 , - 0" B. �6 through #18 bar 2" ( ` 2'- 6 GR 40 BARS WE�.DED TO S� E � � ��„ � � r� �j 1 � '�..,J LJ � � I \ l� �Y 1 I � V i L. f'"'1 � �- 3. Concrete not expased ta weather or in contact with ground: r� CAP R AND TS S�EEVE �r-1 A. Slabs, wal{ s, joists {#11 k�ar and smaller) 3/4 B. eeams, co�umns 1 1 /2" � PLAN NOTES FUR NEW FRAMING : CAP R PER SCHEDULE � � REINFORGING STEEL. 1 . EXISTING INTERIOR W�OD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE lNDICATED ON PL.AN THUS� � BOLT PER MANUF. NEW P4STS BELOW (ORIGINATING FRQM THIS LEVE� OR ABOVE} ARE INDICATED : a. Detailing, fabrication and placement of reinfarcing steel shall be in accordance with the A� STONE VENEER ANGLE SUPPORT � Manual of Concrete Practice. EXISTING POSTS BEL�W �ORIGINATING F'ROM TMIS �EVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: � � b. Except where atherwise noted on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall conform ta ASTM HEIGHT OF ANGLE EXPANSION � � NON - CONTINUQUS POSTS FROM ABQVE ARE INDIGATED : � � � HE�lGAL PIER BY OTNERS Speci�cation A615 and shall be grade &0 except ties, �eld bent bars where permitted by note TS SLEEYE PER SCHEDULE VENEER SIZE ANCHORS •- � SING�E STUQ TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BL{?CKfNG BELOW ARE I �IDICATED : 1 on p{an , or bars to be we{ded, which shalf be grade 4Q. ( SEE PLAN FC1R REQUlRED a At spiices, lap bars 44 diameters. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing devices un {ess LOAD CAPACITY) UP TO 8' 4x4xY4 �" � x 4" C� 24" 2. ALL POSTS ARE LABELED AT THE TOP . � � specificapy approved by engineer. - d. At carners, make horizantal bars continuous or provide corner bars. Around openings and 3. E REFERS TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTIQN N REFERS TD NEW CONSTRUCTION steps in cancrete, provide {2}- #5 bars exte�nding 2'- 6'" beyond edge of opening or step. a= � t, NO-fES: ,s { ) { -` - -" -' - ` � , ( ) { � ' ("-�1 r"`� � r�r.�� ��-�1 e. Extend reinfarcing steel a minimum of 2 -6 through cold joints. Unless specificaQy iocQted � SCALE: 3/q = 1 - 0 1 . TH1S SCHEDULE IS FOR NON - BATTERED STONE � � �L� � an pl4n or de�ail �, cQOrdinate cold joint lo�ations with engine�r, �* f, Metric bar size conversion taare: �� VENEER WITH A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 6". � �E�� � #� a #» #� � #� � #�� #2� #�9 #�2 #�� CONTACT ENGINEER FOR oTHER CONDITIONS. N �j � lNCH - PQUN� #3 #4 #5 #� #� #g #� #� � #� � 2. LOCATE ONE E�PANSION ANCNOR AT 6 " FROM � � STRUCTURA� WOOD FRAMING: ENDS 0� ANGLES AND MIN . 2 ANCHORS PER SEGMENT. " � 3. ANGLES MUST BE ORIENTEQ AS SHQWN . g � _ 3}� p F-� .. � R ; dp1� � � ���0 � �-�,,a a. Exce t where no�ed otherwise, all 2" nominal lumber, exce t studs, shall be Dou las Fir-Larch � i � v �. •, � � � �` "� " � �° � "`� ' P � P 9 � ��if��,r�,�`��i,��i,�����r,�, { V. I . F. � � � _ � ��"� �� �' Y ����� W � #2 and better, and all solid timber beams and posts 3 nominal and wider shall be Douglas $3g3' - 65i� ( V. I . F. � ti������' ����������������U�� ' :, l 3 » �j� �' �;� � �� � � �� � � � Fir-Larch #2. � ,;,�,.����iu,�. � � ,. 5 4 $ �° � ,�4 414,� � ���� ��' ��� h�"��� �� �, ��� F� �,.,� b. Studs shal! bs atud grade and better poug(as Fir- l.arch or Hem Fir. � T• �• �• , „ Sj � � 1' c. Built- up beams consisting af multiple 2x memb �rs shall be nailed tagether with two rows af ° � � #5 s VERT. C� 9 O. C. � V. I . F. � � � .���, ,- � ��,�.,�;. �m� � �� �� � .� �_�� ^ 16d nails spaced at 12° on �enter, or with two raws af 1 j�" diameter thru- bolts spaced at - TRTD . 3 - 2x8 � � ( 1 }- #5 CQNT. HORIZ. � Q ' ; �� � , �._ r -> � 24" on center. � � � ,�. � Y� o �� � d. Top and bottam plates shal! bs Douglas Fir- Larch or Hem Fir �2 and better. Plates placed 4=' 4" Q MID - HT. �. _ � � `� Y��SMX% � �,,,r � I�-� SIMPSON EPC68, '�,S rL� ���� • � �_� �.��� .� �,� � �4 directEy on cancrete walls or slabs shall be pressure-treated Hem �ir #2. d {° TR . 2 8' s 16 ' 0. . TYP . OF 2 '� �� !-`} e. Ledgers attached to concrete wQlls shall be treated Hem Fir �2. 4 � '„�,, ` f. Except as rtoted otherwise, minimum nailing shall be prouided as specified in the "Fastening � ` ~�„i> Schedule" (2fl09 IBC Table 23Q4. 9. 1 }. �Y � 2 SIMPSON LUS28, �� � g. Bolts used for wood framing connea#ions shall be installed with standard washers and nuts, ( 2) - #5' s CONT. 2x DECK JOIST EA. SIDE �F �P • SlMi' SQN h . A1l lumber used in construction shall have Q maximum moisture content af 19�, PERIMETER DRAIN HQRIZ. TQP & BOT. POST Wf ( 2) - �EDGERLQK SIMPSON LUS28, p,g� �_ � �� i. Framing Notes: PER SOI �S ENGINEER SCREWS EA, INTQ POST, TYP . � � � � � � I TYP . = � � 1 . Exterior walls: � � � � � t f � � �„ �„ � A. All exteriar waNs are 2x6 studs C� 16" a. c. Cap with a double tap p1at� installed to 4" FQRM VQID SlMPSON EPC68, TRTD. 3)- 2x12 � � N , � � � pravide overlapping at corners ar�d at intersections with other partitions, If ovarlap TYP . OF 2 � - � - "" �" " �.y � T. O. W. = 8394 - � R � ( 2)- 2x8 LEDGER Wf V. I , F. �t- is not possible, strap tap plates with metal strap ties {Simpsan ST292 or TRT . 2 8 s 16 0. . � ( � �E � p �p� , \ equivalent}. {2)- T1MBERLOK SCREWS �,,, ��� �- 5 T. O. W. == 8394 - � �, ,� B. Pravide 7/16" thick APA rated sheathing {plywood or OSB) rQted 32f16, expasure 1 , ��� � --_ - '_-" -'� -- -' C� 12" O. C. Wf SIMPSON w {V. I , F, � `°' a# exteriar face �f exterior walis. BI4GIC a(I horizontal jaints and nail panels with 8d HELlCAL PIER BY C3THERS ( (- � � � � � �US2$ {� JOISTS, TYP . iv T. O. W. = $393'- 6 � " cv ��/ .L nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. ( SEE P�AN FOR REQUIRED ('�� �� � �"- � �� �� �" �" �� � ( V. I . F. } S� 4 � � � _ __ � _.___._ _. _ �__ ____ __� p � ( 2} - x12 RIM- . cv /� �.� T. O. W. = $393 6� I 2. Floor Construction. LDAD CAPACITY} SEE A�SO I ( ` ` - � � -`�" �,,� A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" o. c. , tongue and groove, ____ ____ ��_ �_ � � 3 ��- -�- - - - ° - - - - - - - - - - - {V. f . F. } ,� DETAI � 5fS1 � �1 m - - - - - - � � �. � � - - - � ..__ � exposure 1 . Glue and naif panels to all supports with Sd nails spaced at 6" alang � ( panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. Instalk sheathing with long � ._�_ __ __ _._.__..� __�._ _�_� _.._ _ __ 2 2' s C� 1 " 0 C. �� i i v " "" �°' � ° ` ° � h _._�_�_.�� � � �____ _____ _ _ _ _ . : dimension perpandicular to joists and end �aints staggered. 4 �� � � 8395 - 2� � I ( ,� � �p ,�� ' � �r,,,, « � B. Provide solid blockinc, between floor joists at all bearing lacations. Blocking material SCALE: �/�." = 1 '- 0 " � T. O. P�YWD . �� � I DWL. ( N } GONC. BEAM TO � � ° �y � shall mo#ch the floor jaist materia(. S1 ��_...J.._ ._.. _____ ___�__. ______ ____---_. .__._..._. _r_. _. M�TCK�EX�TG. - � _ - - ` - - - - - - - { E) - CONC. WALL Wf ( 3) - #5 ( � � 8" �� �-- �• I � � 4 ( ( ( T. O. W. = 8394 - � I STONEfBRfCK VENE�R: __ ._. ___._ _ _ . � �. _ _ _ � _ " � -_� _._ -. I ( ( V. I . F. � I __. _ __. - --�- -(V:I . F.)� �W � -� - -- - � DWLS. x 24" EPDXIED INTO Ir � o - -r -�- - - - - - - - I ( 3/�.,. 0x6 " HO�ES Wj 3" MIN . � a. Anchored s�one veneer and its attachments shall confarm tQ {BC Section 1405. 6 with a wire ��._._S. .___._�__. _ _ _ ____. __� .____ � _ ____ __. � _____ ____. _. _ �__ ._ �_ ____ �_f ( ( I I E[}GE pISTANCE, TYP . I � � tie to the structural backing far every 2 square feet of veneer. I� I c� 2x10 LEDGER W j � ° � � � "` �`" � � � b. Stane shall be su arted er details an the drawin s. f� _� 2x BLKG. PANELS C� 24" -.--_._ _____._ ._____... ___._.___ ____ c� __ _ 2 _ LEDGERLOK - - --- �� --- - �IMPSON �U5210, TYP. f { ( E ) - �QTN . , TYP . RP P 9 2x6 STUDS t�716 O. C. W/ Y2 � _.�___ o � ) � � � � � � � .� � - _ . � e _ � � � � ._._ .._. __. � � � � � _ i' LYWD . OR OSB SHEATHING 1N �IRST JO1ST SPACE W/ I � ,; SCREWS C� 16 " Q. C. � � I C � � - - - � ' �1 - - ---- - - - desl� ned by R � � GENERA� REQUIREMENTS: � ( 5) - 8d NAILS INTQ EA. ' --� __ _.� ____._. __ _ _ __ _.___ � ._ _ . _ __ ____.. __� _.._ _ � �_ _ � �_ I ( ( � { E ) - FTG. , TYP . ( � � PANEL, TYP . � �- ( I I ( ( I ( � E� T 0 F 8376 '� 6 I I � �-� ( ►� ) CaNG. BEAM TO drawn b RSS STONE VENEER I _.._k. � I I { > - . . . - � co� c. wA�� w � � checked b TDH a. Structural erectian and bracing : The structural drawings illustrate the campleted structure ___.__ __.__.__. _.._,___ _ � _ ____ � _ .�_. _.____ _____ .____.. � ._ _.__._ _____ ___ __ �_ �� I � � � � E ( ( �_ f t � _ # � with all elements in their final ositions, ro erf su arted and braced. The eontractor, in �'ER ARCH . 8395> _ 2}� � E � " p P P Y PP _ �- ._.__._ � � � � ( I � � DWLS. x 24 EPC�XIED INTO iSSUed the proper sequence, shall pravide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction „ „ , ,> �� T. O. PLYWD . f ---�-- _____� _ _ __� __._.__ _ _ _..._ _ __... ____ _. __ _ __ ___ _ _ __� _�� - -' ° � - - - � � � 3/�" f�x6 " HOLES Wj 3" MIN . to achieve the final cornpl �ted structure. Contact structural enqineer for cansultation {not in �z 0x10 A , B. s C� 48 O. C. � MATCH EXSTG. � � I I \ / I I � � � ( ( � ( � � I � ( I EDGE DISTANCE, TYP . contract} as required. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 �' V. I . F. ��___�. _____ ____ ___.. �____ ____ _ �____ _ __ ___ __� \ / � � � � I I � ( � � PROGRESS 5f 22 /13 b. Dimensions: Check all dimensians against architectural drawings prior to canstruction . Do � � � I � f � � ( ( � � � � ( ( not sca{e drawings. 8394' - 1 V. I . F. �_ _C_. ___..__ ____.. __.__ .__.__ _ __. _ . __.__ ___ _.�. ___h_� �/ I I X � � ( ( I � � r _J L � I ( PERMIT 5 /23�j13 c. Constructian praGtices. General contractar is responsible for means, methods, techniques, ( sequences and procedures for eanstruction af this praject, Notify structural engineer of T� �• �• � CRAWLSPACE �� I � � � / � � I ( � � ( I � � I omissions ar conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate ° .� ____ �___ ___._ --_--_ .__.__ �_ __.._ _,__. / ( � � � � � requirements for mechanica{jefectricaljplumbing penetrations through structural elements with Q 2x12 J41STS PER PLAN � ( Tl r � I I � � ' I � I I structura( engineer. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. All methads � .__C__ ...__._._, _.__ ___.__� .___._.. � _ __.___ ._ _.___ .____ _�_� 1 � ( � � � used for constructian shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the IBC/IRC. {2�-�SR� CONT. HORIZ. �� ( � N OR TH + ( � � ( � � � d. Details not specifically shawn on the drawings shall be canstructed in a manner similar to the � • �$EE DET 4fS1 } � � �° -� � � details that are shawn for fike conditions. These items shall be brou ht to the attentian af `%�`i�`i��`i ' � " ' " t h e s t r u c t u r a l en ineer as soan os ossib{ e far a roval, A roval shall be obtained rior to `�%�i�i��i � SCALE : � 4- - � - Q � � � ( � � I ( I � 9 P P p P P R i�,i , „ „ installation . ��� 4 ° �- . �'~---- (1 }--�5's CQNT, HQRIZ M N O R T N e. All waterproofing and fla�hing is the responsibility of the architect and contractor. CONT. L PER SCHEDULE � �� � �E'(' •4 � 1 V 1 � ( � � � �..! � I \ � � � I V 1 � � � � � � � � C� l.,! �I D A Ti O N � � � � SCA � E » � �. >: - ,� y - � 3? f. It is the responsibility of the cantractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropriate SEE SHEET S2 �%' ������ { ^ l } time to perfarm site observation visits. {7bservation visits to the jabsite by the engineer are ;,y � -�` t2}-�5�8 GONT. HORIZ. for determinatian of general conformance with the eonstruction documents a� d shall nat be �� .. ���'' (� p�, 4�� � P �AN NOTES �� ��t canstrued as insPection . PLAN NOTES FOR NEW FRAMING ; g. Though every effart is made to provide a complete and clear set of construction documents, PERIMEI'ER DRAIN PER ° �5' s VERT. C� 16" O. C. 1 . E�EVATIONS OF CON �RETE FOUNDATI0�1 E�EMENTS fNDICATED ON PLAN THUS: discrepancies ar omissions may occur. Rel �ase of these dreawings anticipates Goaperation and S�lLS ENGiNEER 1 . NON - CONTINUOUS POSTS FfZ4M ABOVE ARE iNDICATED . � 0 T. O. W, = TOP UF CQNCRETE WA�L T. O . F, = TOP �F CONCRETE FQOTING continued communication between the contractor, architect �nd engineer to provide the best possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use af q qualified contractor �t , experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted . 4 FC}RM VOID { 2) - #5 s CONT. 2. ALL POSTS ARE �ABELED AT THE TOP . 2. STEPS IN TOP OF CQNCRETE WA�L AND C4NCRETE BEAMS ARE INDICATED . ` h. Existing structures: Contractor shall be respansible for verifying dimensians, e{evations, HaR1Z. TOP & BQT. ----�...�._ framing , foundation and anything else that may affect the work shawn an the drawings. 3. NEW FLOOR SHEATNING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURDIFLOOR, EXP. 1 , SPAN RATING 24 Q. C. 3. DO N �T SCAI.E DRAWfNGS. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing structures shall be the responsibility of the cantractor. 3 3 4. NEW WOOD BEAMS AT THIS LEVEL ARE FLUSN WfTH F�OOR JOISTS UNLESS N4TED (DROPPEQ) . 4. A�L STRUCTURA� HELICA� PIER DESIGfJ LOADS SHOWN ARE UNFACTQRED TOTA� VERTICAL SCALE: /4" = 1 ' - 0" LOADS. ULTIMATE �QAD FACTOR SNAL� BE 2x LOADS SHOWN , 1 K = 1000 Ibs . S1 5. {E) REFERS TO EXISTlNG CONSTRUCTION ( -- -- -- - - - ) , (N ) REFERS T4 NEW CONSTRUCTIQN ( ) . 5, STRUCTURA� HE�ICAL PIER LOCATIONS INDICATED: (� 6 . (E) REFERS TO EXISTfNG CONSTftUCTION ( - - --- _-_ -- --- - --- ) , ( N } REFERS TO NEW CQNSTRUCTIaN ( } . � O � � � � {� L�- - '� �