HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB130159 REV2 Retaining Wall info Hrp�auili-f.nel:il: l lr�,rcchrni:il, lui.
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June 12, 2013
Triumpl� Development
Attn: Milce Foster
12 Vail Road, Suite 400
Vail, Colorado 81657
n�i it�tilrl�;(uivuh(1n.cuu�
Job No. 113 048A
SubjecC Reconunendations for Boulder Site Retaining Wall Desigu, Proposed Noell
Residence, Lot 6, S�raddle Creek Estates, 1000 Spraddle Creek Road, Vail,
Gent lenten:
As requested, we are providing recoimnendations for design of Uoulder site retaining
walls at the subject site. The services were su�plemental to our agreement for
professional services to Triumpl� Development dated December 21, 2012. The fuidings
of our analysis for flie boulder wall designs are presented iu tltis report. Hepwortli-Pawlak
Geotecluiical previously performed a subsoil study for the proposed residence and
subniitted our findnigs in a report dated April 15, 2013, Job No. 113 048A.
Boulder retaining walls are planned at various locations on site to retain cuts and fills.
Tl�e walls will be one, two and three tieis with a maxiu�um tier height of 6 feeC. The
water feature which will include Uoulder walls will be lvied and have concrete slabs. The
overall boulder wall heights are proposed to be up to aUout 16 feet for the teiraced cut
walls and aUout 12 feet for the te�raced fill �valls. The l�illside slope Uehiud the garage
area will be reCained by soil �i�iling. Based ou our borvtgs at the site, the vatural soi]s are
relatively dense, silty sandy gravel and cobbles wifli boulders. No free water �vas
encounterecl in our Uoruigs at the site�vhen drilled 'ui March 2013.
Boulder walls cTn be used to retain cnts aud fills provided they have adequate section for
loca] and overall slope stability. The �valls cau be analyzed as gravity retainnig structures
and should be provided with au underdrain systent behmd eadi wall tier to preveut
buildup ofliydro-static pressure. A rypical detail for a single tier boulder wall section is
provided on tlie attacl�ed Figure 1. A rypical detlil for a two tier boulder�vall section is
provided on Figure 2. A rypical detail for the tlu�ee tier boulder wall section is pi'ovided
on Figure 3. It l�ave been our experience that properly conshucted boulder�valls �laced
on stable slopes will have adequate stabiliry but walls tl�at are too higl� and too steep �vill
tend to shift and possibly fail. Geogrid reuiforced fills behind the boulder walls conld be
used in are�s to lielp limit wall movemcnt aud fill settlement, and 'u�crease stability.
Parl:er 303-�ti41-7119 • C�7l�,ri�l�, 5��rin��s 719-633-5567_ • Sileer�h��rue 970-46N-1NSy
Triumph Development
June 12, 2013
Page 2
The boulders should be fi�om aUout 2 to 4 feet in diameter (or larger) witl� the larger
Uoulders placed �it the bottom of tUe�valls. The uidividual retained �vall heights should Ue
no more than 6 feet. The base of the walls sitotild be keyed below flie ground surface at
least 1 to 1�L feet. Tl�e walls should bear on tl�e natural soils. Looseued subgrade soils
should be moisteiied aud conlpacted prior to the �vall constiliction. Tlie face of tlie walls
should Ue battered back at aUout Y (horizontal) Yo 1 (vertical) or flatter. The space
betweeu the boulders should be bac]<filled witlt '/ incli drani ci'uslied draui rock. A filter
fabric, such as Mirafi 140 N, sllolild separate the on-site soils fi�oui tlie '/ inch drain rock.
Fuial slope grades beriveen a�id aUove the walls should Ue no steeper than 2 (horizonfal)
to l (veitical). Fill placed behind tite �valls should be compacted to at least 95% staudard
Proctor density. Some fill settlemeut sliould be expected especially for tlie deepei'fill
areas. Use of a select granular impo�ted tnaterial such as road Uase and 'uicreasiug
compaction to at least 98% of SPD could be done to help limit impacts to settlement
sensitive structures.
If wall heights are taller or if effective slope of the overall walls is steeper than we have
assumed, structural design modifications will be needed. We should oUserve coustniction
of the boulder walls Yo evaluate co�npliance with our reconmlendations. Some field
modifications to the wall design may be needed. We should also obseive tlte suUgrade
conditions belo�v the walls, aud test coinpaction of the wall backfill on a regular basis
during consh�uction. Additionally we should review the water feature desigu with respect
to our boulder wall details prior to construction.
If you liave any questioi�s or need further assistance, please call our office.
HEPWOR�� WL�A���y��,flifF��y�NICAL, INC.
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David A. Young, P�. 32-21g �
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attachments Figure l, ��j4/fNISC4�g�e Tier Boulder Wall Detail
Figure 2, Typical Two Tier Boulder Wall Detail
Figure 3, Typical Tln�ee Tier Boulder Wall Detail
cc: RMT Architects—Pat�l Miller (p,wlui�ui�luaur�hitcc_ls.euu)
Beck Builduig Company- Tom Solawetz (fom(ii:beckbuilcls,com)
Mom'oe and Netvell— Craig Can'oll (cc;irr��ll�i_monr��e-iicwell.cun�
Martin/Marfiu Engifieers—Mark Luna (i\ILunn(a ivarf imu<ntin�_inin.com)
Jon�o. �i3oass
Maeimum 2'-4' BOUIdBfS
� . Z Backs!ope to �Typ�
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�J` ' � NaWral Slope,
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Filter Fabrlc '�y 1'��=��
(Mirafi 140N or Equiv.) ,��l � � 1 �
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(TYP) ,�. �� H =6' ma�
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DrainGravel I i��_F.�'�- z�;-��-_ � '`
m'P� � ��� � L �
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4" Diameter a r <;:; \ f����
Perforated Drain �� '��' � '
Pipe Sloped to � 2/3 H (min.) �i
Graviry Outlet �H=He,9ni�n Fee��
P to 1 1/2' (min. embedment)
NOTE: Backslope at top of wall can be graded flatter for pavement and landscape areas. NOT TO SCALE
113 04�A ,�°-��"���� TYPICAL SINGLE TIER FIGURE 1
��FPw<>Ar�.�=„w�,,�«t�„E�,�h��A� BOULDER WALL DETAIL
Backslope lo
Blend in with
� NaWral Slope.
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� ) �� H = 6' max
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4" Diameter �f' . r„4{;, � ����x •
Perforated Drain '� ��� " ��
Pipe Sloped to
Gravity Outlet 2/3 H (min.)
(H=Height in Feet)
1'to 1 1/2' (min. embedment)
NOTE: Backslope at top of wall can be graded flatter for pavement and landscape areas. NOT TO SCALE
113 048A ���`���;�`j TYPICAL TWO TIER FIGURE 2
���_�woH���-�•„w�„K�E�1E�,,,,„�„� BOULDER WALL DETAIL
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(Mirafi 140N or Equiv.) � x -j� � � �' f I�
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Drain Gravel � � � ``
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4"Diarneter �"� �� , � . .
Perforated Draln 1
Pipe Sloped to 1�.� p/3 H(minJ --+�
Graviry0ullet I (H=He'gM1tmPC�p I
1'�0 1 U2'(min.embedmenl)
NOTE: Backslope at top of wall can be graded flatter for pavement and landscape areas. NOT TO SCALE
����waH��-F��w���«to,E���N��:,,� BOULDER WALL DETAIL