HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 03LIONS RIDG� L�OP ; ��� �� � � � � � ..� � jl NN��� G � � � �=1 D5'S4'03" R=�0.00' L=36.97' �=26.50' BRG=S 3TD4'1 J" E` C LEN=31.93' 5 89'S4'S6" E �.41' � � WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE � I � 12 � 7 � � R4AD I I ! I I I I I I 1 755 � ��s 1�1CINITY MAP R81 W I R80W SCALE: 1"=1000' ! I � CoUR� �=�3�23'13� FOUND �5 REBAR & R=� � 8.�}�� 1" Y E� L O� I J P U 4 S T I C C A P L=38,.78� L5# 13174 T=19.48' BRG�N 22`35'�0" E C LEN=38.70' � 5ET �4 REBAR & 1 1�2" Ak.UM�NUM CAP LS� 2659�8 d=�2�1 s'oo„�\ R=80.00' L=45.03' T=23.13' eRC=s ��•5a'asp w C LEN=44.44' w� sr tiq V � ,Y _= -__- =-=-_--== __=__ ==__-=_=� 41199 HIGHWAY fi& 2�F, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. B�X 1230 EDWARDS, �0. 8163,� (970)949-1406 �o, ,��� � C SEWER SERVICE EASEMENT CREATED BY THIS Pl.AT AND BY SECTION 1q(d) OF' THE PAR7Y WALL AGREEME�NT REFERENCECD IN NOTE 8 ON THfS PLAT FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 35 ��► S S S�3ry DUPL�X PLAT TQWN �F VAIL, EAGLE C(JUNT'�Y, NOIES: 1} Date nf 5urvey: March, 2012. 2) �.and Titie Guarant�e Cornpany commitrraent No. V5�033�87 dated 2/2J/12 was relied upon for all titke and easement infarmation. 3) €Jotice: According to Cnlarada law you must comrnenc� any legal action based upon any defect in t'his survey within three years a#ter you first discaver such defect. I� no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commencad more than ten ysa�-s from ti�e date of the certification shown hereon. 4) Basis of Bearings: A line between fouind monurrnents at the westery P.C. of Lot 3 and t(�e sou�Jheast cnrner af Lot 2 being S$4'f 7"33"E, as shawn and described hereon. � 5) 7'he purpose of this plat is �o resubdivide Lot 3�nd create Lot 3t� and Lot 3S: fi) The U.S. survey foo� is the linea! unit �sed #or the �Jimensions on this pl�t. 7) Protective Covenants of Glen Lyan Subdivis�ion, were recorded April �, 1978, in Boak 268 at Page 698, and amend�ed Augu�st 25, 19:87 in Book A�88 at Page 447 thru 472, September 15, 1987 in Book 469 at Page 80�, May 2, 799� in Book 528 at P�age 154, nnd March 5, 2007 undeir Reception �o. 200i05601. 8) Lots 3N and 35 are subject to a Party Wall Agreement recorded under Reception Na,-------------------. 9) The addresses on this plat are for referenee purp�ose only. Pleas� refer to the 7own of Wail for updated addr�ssing infcarrnat�on. 10} For zoning ��rpc�ses, the two ic�ts creaked by ihis subdivision are to be treated as ona entity with no more than one t�o-fa�mily residence allowad on the combined area of the two parnels. A1lowable ross residential �Fioor area €or the two---family residence will be cafculated based on �he combined area af the two parcels. 1 1) 7he piat �howing Sewer Ea:sement (8272, P39Q) is not fully dimensianed. LAN� SUMf�ARY Area(Acres) Address �.ot 3N Q.21732 1456 Greenhifl Court Lot 35 0.2795 1425 Westha�en Circle �ota I 0.4827 �OL�RADO CERTIFICAiE OF DEDICATtON AND OWNERSFfIP Know all mer� by these presents that 1456 Vail LLC, a Colorado Lirnited Liability Company, being sole awners in fee simple of all the real property situated in the Town af Uail, Eagle County, Colorr�do, described as follnws: l.ot 3, Gken Lyon Subdivision, according tn the Amended Plafi thereof recorded July 1$, 1978 In Boak 272 at Page 37�, County of Eagle, State af Cnlorado, containing 0.4827 aeres more or less. hav� by these presents laid ou#, platted and subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this duplex plat under the n�rne and style of Glen Lyon, A Resubdi�ision ofi Lnt 3, a subdivis�on in the Tawn af Vail, Eagle Caunty, Cofarado; and do hereby dedicate and set apart alll of the public roads and other public irnprovements and places as showr� on the accpmpanying pl�t ta the use of the publlc faraver; and �Ja hereby dedlcate thase porEions of said real property which are indicnted as easemen�t on the accompanying plai as ea�ements for tMe purpase s�own hereon; and da hereby grant the rigF�t to install and rnaintain structures to the entity respornsible for praviding the services for which the �easements are established. Executed this_�� iiay of _.___�� __...__, A-D., 20_�.�.• � �..___._._ Qwners: 1456 Vaii I.LC, A Colorado Limited Liability Cnmp�any A�ddress:---�0 -�4�--/ �� �...,..___._....._ VNt�- � fbS$ By.---- _._.._........_.._._____ {Titfe)....._._ __�--___.......,. ....�...�._.....� STATE Q F__--�'t� ( o�.�F � ---% �yy� )ss. COUNTY OF ---- �-�!YT'�� ._._......) �-- t 1'he fnrego�'yn,� instrument was ack�nQwledged b�f�ore rr�.this �S _ day of ------v"` _. A.D., 20..L� by _ d*+i` �i, as __ � � _� �._._..___....._._........�....,................ .___....___�.I� - ---------------- of 1456 Vail LLC, A Colnr�ado Limited Liability Company. „ „ �M/ Cornrnission:=sxpires.: �� ���-�f�% ' � WY.�ss rny k�and an .>seal. _ _�A�1lAIVT1-1A BOGASF! � ��, . � �otary �ub�tic n�o, -P�b��c �---- ------ - ----- �'�ate of Colo►ar�o " Ad ss:Y "�•� • �3� � My ComEntsstt�ri Expires Jurre 27. 2015 . . . �►"5.n"r n �C'c �-__��.__ 6Q F'OUND REBAR & 1" R�D PLASTiC 2 � _~ CAP LS# 26526 � � � S56'24`31 "E 0.64' FRC�M CORNER � $� g h �'L�s �,.1 �. q' U'� U 9.��"1�M � � 13.s5' \�`�, ,�� � � 2 6 ��• � �� � ►�o �� 1� � � '� � 20.0' ���'y�� i � �+� ,. ! a�a i� �^ �:� ; c� LOT 1 W � �,��''S���� � t g�W�R EASEMENT��� cT j,, � s�-�0 y,i \{82�2, P37o) � t3� �r5 p' �,/+ /� �� � � � '�5.d' ,i � �� �,y� r�,� �, � 6� / c�, � r '� � sz ;�`� t \ / �� / �� y�;;�j.� � � 3tj \ FaLiNQ REBAR & 1" RED PLASTIC �\\ 23s. {y /� �o�ryo % � DECKS J� �i �� ✓� CAP LS# 26626 �\ � g,,,�"a. / � ���9�cJ � � S40'21 �56"E �.72' FROM COF�INER �� �� � � �%' \ \ � �sros'2s" w /� / BUILQING �' ,'� `� 21.61' / / QVERHANG ,� j � � � / �� r . � , . ., , �.��� �� �oT 3� v ,� �, �` � :2032 AC. .� � � , LOT 35 4� ��` .27'95 AC. S �� 42 ��S �, PEF2PMEfER �� p� SPA fAREA � BUILDING OUTLINE ?S2S� + � � � �� N 45'09'29'� W ` 5.83' . . . � . � , � .� 9 �; � ��`f` � �\�T . '�.�F `�� `9`�'� � � �s , � � ��, �=2T 15'00" � �� R=220.p4' �`. �= � o4.s�' �, T=53.33 ' `, � R C BRG=N 71 "22'27" � `• C �- C LEN=103.65' ��� ( ' �� �. . �oy� � b �w � � 4 , i S ,�`��;3 �, �� O ,�pc^. a� r `:°o• � '?8' �Y . 4 ,c�° 0� 4� � � oo �o� �a� ��� �aT � COt�MON PARCEL SET 5,0' �IITNESS CQRN�R {�$�R�6� 8AN[7 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GAP :C3ESI�RIAN �,4SEMENi (RN 2t?1 Q077D�) 0' 20' 40' 6 0' . '�\ sca�.E: � "= zo' �� .� . . . . 1 \*0�.,�1 �OUND #5 REBAR & 1 1/2'� J�LUMINUM CAP CLAYOO�IB & AS50C." LS � �LLEGIBLE CERTiFICAIE QF DEDICA71qN FOR A�pR"C'GAG�� pR D�ED OF TFtUST HOLDER Know all men by these present that Cnlorada Busi�ness Bank„ being the holder of a mortg�ge or deed of trust on that real praperty situated in the Town of Vaii, Eagle County, Cviorado, described as follows: Lot 3, Glen Lyon Subd�vision, aceording to tha Amended Plat thereo# recorded July 18, 1978 In Book 272 at Page 370, County of Eagle, State af Colarada, containing d.48�7 acres more or less. as shown on this final pint under the name and style of Glen Lyon, A, Resubdivisian of Lot 3, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the dadicatian and setting apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public f�orever; ar�d does hereby agree to the dedication af tFrose porkions of said real property w�.ich are indicated as easements on the aecompanying plat as easemertts for the purpase shown hereon; und does hereby agree to the granting of the right ta install and maintain necessary structures t� the enti�ty responsible for providing the s�rvices for which �he easements are es�ablishsd. Executed this ���day of C"�� ____�__� ..............__�._,...., A.�., 20.��. �lortgagee: Coforado B�usiness Bcank Address:ODSC,� �oGJ�?IQfl�_ ��e-��►� ��V�• � �tJ��� ��8 FO�AR�S� [��_SJ�m � 2 �Y� - - ---- ------ �ti� �G � l� �S�T J.. )------------- STATE OF....������� ___....) )ss. cou�vrr o� �`�� L �----) �' fo gaing instrurnent was dcknawledge b�efore e this i�� day of �� A.D.� 2052 by �L w—_------ as ��i�� ____�___ _., f Colorado siness Bank. My Cammission expires: _1_�.� [S __ Vli� i'l SS �Yl hQFlC� L1fIC� 98Q�. .ti��aas-ssw�-c��-�>,o.>�,A.,��rw_�. r �������% �. ��91"4�i��� � � t Pu �----------- �9€��F�F�� F���3L0G A ess: a-��C °�d.,.jS�tt�O ���.�� �� �o�ca���� .�� ti���S����^---- �� m���«�..��.�� �� 0�1�15 � T1TL,E CER'TIFlCATE Land Title Guarantee �Co. does hereby certify tlhat the title to �!I kands ahawn upon this final p`�at has b�en examined und is vesied ir1: 1456 Vail LLC, a C�olorado Limited Liability Company, and! that title to such lands is fre� r►nd cl�ear of ail liens and encumbrances, except as follows: ...��s� �v�,t�r j"d �Di tYAda� '[�..1�' _v,� 4� �t�k. __—� !��'�� �� ; ] _4 4 , i�l l CA� _��c�'i�V► �b __-- _ __ �1 D � � �i, -- �.._........,.._..__.._...........,._..___.___ �'' Dated this �__ day of �.� _____..�.._.,_. ._._,..,...___, A.Q., 2(7 `'�N" . Land Title �uprantee �Cc�m any 6'10 W, �.ionshead Circle �200 Vail, Co. 81657 By: ��...�..K_ ..............._.._.,......_.___ ��.__ �i9.��.�,._�__�__ Q5; ��� _ � ��.a. StJRVEYOR'S CERTlFICiATE ! do hereby ��r�ify ihat I am a Professions�l Land 5urveyor IieerssCd ur�der the laws af ti�e 5tate of Colorado, that this plak is true, co�reet �and complete as laid out, {�lattsd, dedicated and shvwn hereon, that such plat was made �fram an accurate SIJN@j/ of spid praperty by me and �nder rny supervision and correctly shows t�e location amd dimsnsians of tFt�e iots, epsements and streets of said subdivision as the sar�e are staked upon the g�rournd in compl�iQnce w,t�h aPplicable regwlations gaverning the subdivisi�on af 'iand. ' N.�tia ���� �„ , � REr1: "., In witness ther A�et�'� ����d and seal thNS 1`��� day of .�_.�..c� _ .�'���.�, ��� � Stan Hog�eldt - - - Coloracko P�S Profeasipnal La eyor ��`�t �� ADMINI51RA1'QR CERT1FlCAlE Thls firral plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator this _,17�_ �day of -- -----. A.D., 2�1�.._.. ��--- ATTEST: . _ ��__ _. ��� �"�-!r` �— aw Clerk �4dministrator iown of V'ail iown af �fail � ', .. CF7RTIFl�AIE �DF TAXES PAIb i, �the under�igned, do hereby certify that the entire amaunt of iaxes anci assessments due and payable as of ..J��?�h��� �[ai_1_Y__�_...`____.�,W.._ upon alll parcels of real estate described an this plat ar� paid in full. DatetJ �his i� v,�~ day of ��l �_------, A.D., 20 ��-_. �oltf.¢v� ��Q,.,O�._�4X ±a�C � s.pa 1�0i�h Treasurer of Eagle Couniy p j(�� CI.EF�K 14tVD R�CqRf��R'� CEI�TIFIGATE � ( � � This Plat was fiied for record in tfie Office a€ the Clerk and Reeorder at `�''��? __o'clack _L_,.•M., on thia��5�_day o# __°_" a __, 2Q l Z, and - �, �� � �f � is duly recorded as ��e eptin ' ---- � �� ��'Q �, � ,� rt -,. , ,,:�� ".�� � ' � ��r� �,,. .� � � �' � � � �.�°�-�� m � °� � _� ,_��__ � i�. � � .: Clerk and Reco der —r-�� ___ � � ��� . r �'�ao��� $y: -- --_��`�-�._�__�_ -- ---- �._ .. Depuky � � � �a,� � �c� �c1��on � l 210���7