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Casolar Vail Lot 3B Phase 1 LEGAL
• '� � � ��� .. �esign Re►rie�nr 8aard �f �' ►�crroN Fv�r� a ; , - `�� 1 [?epartment af C�smmuniCy FJeevelapment �'��,'�'�i"�' ,��- �r�;"��� 7S �owth Front�ge Roadr Vai#, Cerforado 81557 te1: 470.47'�.�f39 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www�ci,vaiL�o.us Pmj�k Name; HRM�'°i`t7N D�.IVEWAY�HAIN DR�i Num6er. f]RB{140Q59 Prnject Descr�ption: INSTALL CHAIf� ACfi[�SS DRIVE"WVAY Participants: aWN�R GREGC3F�Y N. FlAMPTQM TRUST 0310212Q�4 Pl�one: GREG�RY H. FIAMP�'DN TRI�STEE �4fi I�EfERSC�iV �T ��ORT CC7LLIh�S C(� $D524 LicenSF;: APPLICANT GREGCl9�Y H. HAMPTC]�I lRU'ST Q�/02JZ(]a4 Phcane: G�E�CJ�Y M, NA�'i#�T�N TRUSTE� 405 �'ETERSON 5T F�RT COLLINS CD 8p524 Licens�: Rroject Address: 1151 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Locatian: 1175 CASflLAR DEL �JpRTE DRI11E, LJNIT"B" Legal Des�criptian: Lot: '�Ivck: Subdivision: CASOEAR VAIL Parcel Mumber: 21�31�1{�10�]� Camrnents� W�f}i�RAW1V BY APPLICANT B()ARD{STAF��A+CTI(31'� Motion By: A[tion: WI1"HQRWN :a�cvnd By: Vot�. Date r�f Apprvr�al: Conditions: Cr�nd: 8 (PLAhI}: Nv�hanges tn these �ians may be made withaut the writ�en �ansent of Town of Vail sta�F and/or the appropr�ate rerri�w comrn's�tee[s}. Cancf: � (P1�41�): DR�i approval dc� not con�tit�te� �ermit for building. Pfease consult with Town vF Vail 8uifding persanne9 prior i�s eons�ructi�n activiCies. Cond; 2Q1 C7{�B�pproval shall not bec�me ualid for�(l cfays f�6lowing the dat�c�f appra�val. Cand: 2�]� Approval of th�s project���II lapse and t�ome void vne (1)year foll�wing the dat� of final appror��l, unless a building perrnit is issu�l ar�d e�nstruct�an is�vmmeFl�et� � � � and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: G�earge Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 " ! .;� � app�i�at�vn far ��sign �evievtir ���� ���� � ��4 � I s. R+y�:r.,..�� ��9� ry �.� .. -ii� C Departmec�t af Cammunity Develapmes�t �?y�} �} ;# 1F � 75 Sc�+�th Frontage R�ad,Vail, �olorac3a 81657 1 ���'�l �.J� �'�IIIL te�: �7�1.479.zz39 Fax: 970.479.2�s2 - web: www.ci,�ail.C4.�€s General Infarrr�ation; All prc��e�ts ret�uicirsg design review must �'eceive appr�sva! p�ior ta 5ubmitting a buildirs� perrnit �ppliCatis�n. ple�s�e refer to ihe subrr�ittal requirernersts fC�r Che parkicular apprcav�l thai is req�tested. An application f4r D�s�gr� Review canne�t 62 �CCepted untiR ai4 requRred infrarmatit�� is rec�:ived by the Communtty f3ev�lopm�nt D!ep�rtment. The �rojeGt rnay alsc� ne�d to tje reviewed by the Town Councif dndjor the Pianndng anc� Enuir�nmental Commission. D�esign re�iew appr�val 'iapses un#�s a bu�ldir�g permit is issue+� �nd construt#�on �vmmences within one year of the appra�+a�. �es�r�ption #t�e �e u st; �_ �� /.lsc���-���„�;'�' c+++��G�`�`� ,,rr/''(r'C G..t`ir`��,r. ,�-- Loca�ion af the I�rapasa[: Lot: Block, Subdi�is�on; �AS,��.A�t 1��!�� Physical Address: .�,���J '�ASot,.�i�?��:�R Parcel Np.: C� (Cr�nt�ct E�gl� Ct�.Assessar at 97�D-328-864CI for parcel no.) Zotaing: __ Name�(s) +�f fl�wr�er{s): ��• v��`"��>'�-' . �--� �-_ `����' � -� -�` Ma�1ing Address. _.._ �"' �`'--�-` `�� ''`' ' - _ �,�,} ,�r`_� � "'.S _ Ph�ne: �� '' ' "` t') 4�rn�r(s) Signature(s): ��- _`- y �-� Nam��af Applic�ntt--?'"� - Mailing Address. Phone: �-mail Add«ss: Fax: _ Type of Review and �ee: ❑ Sigr� ��0 Plus$1.{}[} per squarQ fvat of CoC�f Sign area_ � C�r�ce�stual Rev's�w NQ�ee C] New C�nstr��iar1 $fi5�1 Fc7r constructi�n of a new buiYdinc� as�4ee�o/ret�uild. Cl Addition $30a Fur an additi4n where square f�[�C�ge is added ra any residential a� eammerc�ai buildint}(lncludes�5E?add'rtians&.interiar conversions}. Cl Nfirt�r Atteratiars $25{� For minar char�ges to buildings a��d SiCe improvements, such��, (muiti-�amilyfce�mta�ercia4) rerc�afing, �a�nting, vnrindow additir��s, landse�ping, fences �nc� retai�ing walls,ekc, ,�( Mint�r Alt�r'atian �2f� Far rrrinor C�anges to �uildings and site improverr�ents, s��h as, {sin�i�-family/dup�ex} r�roafing, Ra��sting, vuin�iaw ac�dit's�ns, lands�capfng, f�nces and retairati�g walls, et�c. d C��itges to Appro��ed Pl�ns �2�} Fc�r re�is�arts to pldns already apprE�ued by Planning Staf( or tFie [7esign Review Board. f� Sepdration Req�esi Nc��ee � �� For�7ffi+�e Use�fnlyt d r'� '� c, :`�-�� -� ��,�� �ee P�i�: � �, __.-� Chec4e Na.; ��" By: Cy-� �" �.a �..�� Apptl�arivn �a��: DRB N�o �_� � - — Plar�ner: l'�_� Prc�}e�Na.: �'r� � t7'�� ' R � .. �k�k*##�#�k##3R�k�%�K#�k*�I*�**ak��KyC*�***SkSL�k#�k#�N�k�!°#�k�k�klk�k####�+N�k#�kakak�la4#�M�kskak'+k#�##�F##�I�'#*�#######*�k#'##=k##�F# TC)W`N[�F VA.IL. Ct7L(]RAi�U 5tatement *�*:�*��*��*����*�*�**�**��*�*�z���*�*�*�*�**��:****w*��**��*���***����*******�**�$**��****�** Stat�mera� 1+Tt�mber: R(]44Oa5458 Am�unt: 520.0�] 03j42/2��407:49 ANt Pay�nent Method: �hec}c Init: ss Natatiprs: �ermit No: �RB[]94059 Type: DRB-�Iinor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel �ia: �1Q3127.p1001 S'ltt3 A:df7lY'+E.+S�: 115A "VAIIa VZFW T7R VAIL Loc�tinn: 17�'75 CASQLAR DEL NQR'I'E DRI"V'E, UNIT ���°F Tcat�l ��es: $20.�(] This Payment. $24.OQ Total P,LL Pm�S: $20.0(} Balance: $0.00 �****�*���***��x��**�***�*�****��**�r*�**�****�#��****�*�*�*�**��*x�**�**a�******��w��**�***�w�* ACCdUl�YT ITEM LI�T; Account Cade Oescriptic�n Curr�n� pmts �R aOIQ�p631I�2�Q� DESIG9V R�V�EI� �E€5 �O.QQ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------