HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5 Lot 9 LEGALf ,___: ..,. . .. ..,.� r � �► • � APPLICATION DA7'E: „ ��'� �g- �°�� ` . DATE OF DRa �1EETi f�G: -�• f�' ' �'a �aQ APPLICATION _ ***THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACC�PTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION I5 SUB��9IT1"ED***** � PRE-AFPLICATLON MCETING: � � A pre�appl�catiorr meeting w�th a planning staff ineml�er js strongly suggested to determine if any addltional infarmation 1s needed. No application will be atcepted unless it is complet� (must inc1ude all items re�uired hy the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibility t4 make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional ,sub�ittal requirements, Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the a�praval process for your pro�ect by decreasing th� number of conditions of apprvval th�t the DRB may stipulate. ALi. conditio�s of ap,proval must be resolved before a tauilding Q�rmit .is issued. , A. pROJECT pESCRIPTION: f�'��"�'IOr^. �'' i��'�� �O �ixt`��tn"''' __ � � ' B. l.00A7ION OF PROPOSAL: . Address �'J�� �JO�'G �''r'��- ��"l1� �h�►'�'� v� L�gal Descri pti on Lot � _ B1 ock 3 Fi 1 i ng t�J�4�p�,, Zonio�q . ��r°"��' ---- . � � r . C. �IAME �D� APPLI CANT: V�1��'��✓ ��1C I�- ���►I�''� Address +Go � � '�'� �� tel epyiane ��2•�(�� D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPR�SEi�TATIIlE: �tYV1aI� ��''`�' �r Address � � • �"�h'�Y�rL ac� �� telephone ���"� E. NAME OF OWNERS: �I�'-ti' 1� ���'►'�+wr � 51�natur� a�'�� Address .���,rD� . . �IV1Y12�a � � � t�lephor�e 'S�Z �LS 58 �. ORB FEE: The fe� wi11 b� paid at �he time a build�ng permit is requ�sted, � VALUATION FEE �� o - � ia,aoo �� io.00 � �v ,�,�` ,�.°'' ,�°� 00 - 50 000 $ 25.00 ��n/ $ 10, 1 $ , $. 5(3,�Q01 - $ 150,000 � 5O.Ofl $t5(},0�1 - $ .5Q0.000 $100.00 �500�001 - $i3OG#�?,000 $200.00 $ aver $1,Q00�000 $300.0� IM�'4RTANT. NOTIC� REGIAR�I�IG ALL SU4MISSIOf35 TU THE DRC�: 1. In a�d#tion to meet#ng submiL°tal requirernents, the applicant must �take the site � tn indicate property lic��s and bvi�ding cvrners . Trees that will be remaved shoul� also b@ marked. This wark must be compl�ted before t��e DRB visits the si te. � 2. The revtew proccss, for NEW BUILDING5 ►�ill normally involve tv�o �eparate meetings of the Desi�n Review �oard, sv plan on at l�east two meetings �r�r their approval . ' � 3. Peop�e rrho fail to appQar before the Oesigri Review Soard at th�ir scheduled meeting and who have not askec� for a postpanement will be required to be republished. � � ' I ' : � �+r � � - : • LIST QF MATERIALS . � �tAME OF PROJECT: �'r� C��d°��-+ . LEGAL D�SCRIPTION: C'� '� STREET ADDRESS: 30 3 C�vr G�r � � i DESCRIPYION 0� PR�J : e T The following informatiora is requtred for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Bvard before a final, approwal can be fiv�n: , A. SUILDtNG MP►TERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR � Roof � � Siding �t02aS � . Other Wal l Material s w '��TVGG•� _ �� ��G'� Fascia �� O �L , �1 So ff i ts �. ^ °I l 0 pt..'"f' ��1�'Lt_—_� ,' � Windows ��-�Afa �? Nt 1'T'� Wi ndow Trim • �'�GGO �Tfa �t..�- � �O�u'} Doors � �N �1�. �°I l 0 6�L Door Trim _ � °'�I� OL''r ��1 - � Hand or �eck Rai 1 s 1Z�jt,� �,4.� �TUt�A�.. F1 ues 1""�t�'[�T� ►'l�T,�-i� �•/�— Flashing$ , GO � Chimneys G�k�"'�t�l��'�' C�P Trash Enclosures "�a�"UC.�,�► �'TD C�.� � lp�.O'� Greenhouses r ' �ther CC� � � �`[ W�l��G� B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer: ' phone: , PLANT MATERIALSs 6otanical Name Comman Naane uani� Sjze* � PRUPOS�D TREES � � EXISTING TREES TO '����TrNr� ''��O �, ' BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for decidticious trees. Indicate height for conifers. ��„�.-� . � .. � � � � ��` V ♦ ♦ . � ' PLANT hIATERIAC.S: Botanical Name Common Name • Quanity Size . (can't) SHRU95 ' - . , EXIS�'I�1G SHRUBS , TO BE REMOVEO �� Square Footag� GROUN� COVERS SQD ' ' SEED � . � TYPE OF •• IRRIGATIQN . `�YP� OR MEl'NOD OF � � � � EROSION COHTROL . C. O7H�R' LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls� fences, swimming p4ols� etc.} Please specify. cs�U � � S� � � � : , � i . . . � . - . , It9 /L 1 �I- 1 February 12, '� 990 Gramm Residences Vail Rowhouses, Unit 9 3D3 Gare Creelc Driv� Vail, CO Qi657 RE: List of Adjacent Property Owners - Mill Creek Court Building 302 Gore Creek I7rive c/o Vail Home Rental 143 East Meadow Drive Attention : Rick Barnes - Clock Tower Building 263 Gore Creek Drive Attention: Dave Gorsuch - Sli£er Building 230 Bridge Street Attention: Rod Slifer - Vail Athletic Club 352 East Meadow Drive - Mountain Haus 292 East Meadow Drive - Town of Vail Park - Vail Rowhouses 303 Gore Creek Drive, Units 1 - 13 � r � � ► PLANNING AND EN�JIRONMENT�L COMMISSION MARGH 26, 3990 Pres�nt Staf� Chuck Crist Kristan Pritz Diana Donovan Tom Braun Connie Knight Shelly Mello Ludwig Kurz Betsy Rosolack Jim Shearer Penny Perry Kathy Warren Dalton Williams The Planning and Envirorunental Commission meeting was calZed ta Qrder at 3 : 00 p.m. by Diana Doa�ovan, Chairperson. Item No. �: Anproval of minutes for March 12, 1990 me�tinct. Diana Donovan asked that, on the top of page 13 , the wording be changed to "the applicants should help find a solution". Motion for approval of minutes with correctians was made bv Jim Shearer and seconded bv Dalton Williams. V�TE: 7 - 4 IN FAVOR. Item No. 2 : A request for a side yard setback variance and a stream setback va�iance for Lot 9 Block 3 �Iail �tvw Houses (Unit #9� . Apt�licant: Walter Gram� Tom Braun presented the proposal for the staff explaining that the applicant was proposing a major remodel to Unit 9 of the Vail Row Houses. The remodel included a reconfigurration of the existing floor layout, an increase in the building roof height by approximately 11 feet and the addition of window seats on the north and south elevations. The g�aposal did nat inelude a request for any additiQnal GRFA over the aliowable. The units were zero setback. The granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege and would riot be detrimer�tal to the pub�ic hea�.th, safety ar welfare. The staff recommended approval of both the side setback variance and the stream setback variance. Diana Donovan asked if there was an applicant's presentation. Ned Gwathmey explained �hat he was avai�able far questions. He felt the staff did an adequate presentation of the proposal. 1 � � + � . � Greta Parks, an owaner at 303 Gore Creek Drive, speakinc� for Units 1-6 exg�ained that after talk�.�g with Nad and looking at �he blue prints, she had na objectians. Greta asked the board to consider sending pub�ic notices to the neighborhood owners, not simp�y directly adjacent property owners. She felt projects in the Coaun�rcial Core I affected the whole neighbarhood. Chuck Crist asked about the roof material. He explained that the plans called for shake and he felt that a gravel roof might }ae more fitting with the adjacent properties. Ned resp�onded that the pitch af the roof restricted this possibility. Ned explained that th�re was anather shake ronf in the raw of buildings. Chuck then commented that maybe th�s wa� a Design Review Board issue. Jim Shearer asked about the fl.00d plain and Tom explained that this was a request for a stream setback and that flood plain was nat affected. Motion for approval ger the staff inemo and the recommendation that the Design Review Board examine the roof �aaterial was made bv Dalton williams and secanded by Connie I�night. VOTE: 7 - 0 II� FAVO�2. Item No. 3 : A request for a setback variance for the constr�ctian af a Qaraae on Lot 20. Block 7. Vail Villaqe lst Filinc�. Annlicant. Peter Tufo Tom Braun made the presentatio� for the staff explaininq that the applicant was requesting a variance �rom t�e front setback requirement in order ta COJ1StL'l1Ct a garage addition. fihe request was to allow a garage to be built within 3 feet of the front praperty line along Forest Road. The reqraired front setback for this �ot is 20 feet. Sa�rface parking was presently being used ir� this area. The proposed plan had received conceptual approval f�rom the Design Review Board. The staff recommendatian was for approval. The staff believed that the siting of the garage had been designed in the most sensitive manner possible, given the steep topography and large pine tree (to be saved) . The staff recommended approval with the following conditionr That a revocable right-of-way p�rmit be obtained for any and all improve�ents on Town right-of-way before a building permit is released for �he garage. 2 �----�' l � M • 1� � /��' � . Appl �cation Date � �- � �"Z �`"'� n � ;. . � PEC MEE;IHG DA7E �7 / 1�— � °f v APPLiCATIOAI. FOft A VARIANC� I. This procedure is required for any pro�ect requesting a varia�ce. �t�e applicatio wiyl not be acc�pted until all informatjon is submitted. A. NAM£ OF APPLICANT I�U � I'�'�✓ ��4G•� �Ir�v►.� � AODRE55 �O�� �rp�f�'�-'� 1��+�� e +k� �'l � . � �o�� � � �- �HOr�i� SLs � �r� ,. �. NAME OF AAPLICAN7`S R�PRES�NTRTIVE �U�j a��RESS 1 �p � . f-1��-f���,� '�.�� ���. � �d � � � PHON E`�'�l�v • �I �� , C. NAME QF OW�tER(S) (tYpe or print) ��a 1'��r ��ric.�c. C�9r-��.� �� Si nature s '��" � " � �.. - ADDR�SS �v'� � '�r�o�,��'�" '���— 5(0�j ��:". . y`'� I h�l,�k� ��� � �D � � PHONE D. La�CA�IQN OF PROPOSAL . ADDR�5S ��,I �+-���USE?`. �� `-�" #�`� ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION LbT K �7 FIIING y��L �!� (--��)c�,,�-,;.• aU E. FEE $100 PAID OD� '� CK # FROM TNE F�E MUST BE PAI ORE THE CQ�iMIJNITY OEVEI,OPMENT �EPAR�'MENT �lILL ACCEPT YOUR FROPOSAL. F� A list of th� narnes of owners of a11 property ad�acent to the subject propert„ �-� INCLUDI�tG PRQPERTY BEHIIVD AND ACROSS STREEFS, and their mailfng addresses. TH� APPLICANT WILL 6E RESPONSIBI.E FOR CORREC�' MAILI�iG ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPL�CATION CONFER�ENCE WITN A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRQ�lGLY SUGGESTED 70 %D�7ERMINEIF ANY' ADDITIONAE, INFORMATION I5 NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEP�ED UNLESS IT IS COMFC.ETE (MUST INCLUOE ALL IT�MS REQUIREi� 8Y THE Z4P�ING - ADMiNISTRATOR). IT IS TNE APPLICANT'S RESP�NSiBTLT�'Y TO MAKE AN APPAINTC�I�NT WITH THE STAFF TQ FIND flUT ABOUS ADOITIOIVAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOT� THAT A COhSPL�7� APPLICATION WTLL STREAMLINE THE A�PROVAL PRflCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY OECR�ASING THE NUh16ER OF CONDITIONS OF APPRpVAL THAT THE PLANNING � AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CQHDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLI�O WI3'H BEFORE A BUILDING P�Rf�1FT !S ISSUED. ' , � IYI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWI�iG MUST BE SUBMITTED: . , A. A WRI7TEN STATEM�NT OF THE PRECISE NA7URE OF 7HE VARIANCE REQUESTED AhtD THE REGULATIQl� INV4LyED. THE STATEMEl�T MUST A�,Sp AODRESS: 1 . 7he relationship of the requested variance to�ather existin� ar patential uses and structures in the vi�inity. 2. 7he degree to which rel �ef fram the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specif�ed regulatian is necessary to achieve compatibili and uniforr�ity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the � ob,jectives of this title withaut grant of special privilege. � f3VER � , . �f•� � , .. (�her's Po�icy � - . American f�an�Title Association Form 8-19701Amended 10-17-70) Policy Number A z 9 417 0 2 MINNESOTA TITLE 0 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVEH6�GE,THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAWED IN SCHEDULE B AiU�TWE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPU�,TIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MkiVNESOTA,herein called the Company,insures,as of�ate of Policy shown in S�fiedule A,against loss or damage,not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A,and casts,attomeys'fees and e�enses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder,sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: t. Titfe to the estate or interest described in Schedule A be�ng vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such tit�e; 3. Lack o#a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Titie Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunta affixed by+ts duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A,the policy to be valid when cauntersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESQTA A Siock Company 4D0 Secand Avertue South,Minrreapoli's,Minnesota 55401 � � �'` .. , �r- �-�. . `. ,, �� gy President � r� t..\ 1.� t V � _ '+---� ' / D Authorized Signatory ' '��� Atiesf . Secrefary T�M Fa�m#i3a e�as z5M TIM awners Form 2312 � ' Polic�o. AZ941702 r � File No. V12945 Amount $590, OOQ. O� SCHEDULE A Address 1. Policy Date: May 04 , �989 at 8: 00 A.M. 2 . Name of Insured: WALTER PATRICK GRAMM ' 3 . The estate ar interest in the land describe� in this Schedule and which �s covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: WALTER PATRICK GRAMM 5. The land r�ferred to in this palicy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado, and is described as follows: IAT 9, RESUBD�V�SION OF BLOCK 5 AND A PART OF GORE CREEK I}RIV'�, VA�� VILLAGE, FIRST FILINDG, ACCORDING Tfl THE PLAT RECORD�D JANUARY 9 , 1963 , CDUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOF�ADO. Page 1 This Palicy valid only if Schedu3e 8 is attached. TIM Gwr.er Far� 2313 �e No. V12945 •olicy No. AZ941702 , SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the �p.uYali�c records. 2 . Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3 . Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any faats which a correct sur�tey and inspection of the premises waul�l disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4 . A�y lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, impased by law and not shown by the public records. 5. GENERAL TAXES FOR ].989 AND SU$SEQUENT YEA,RS, NC�T YET DUE �R �AYABLE. 6. RIGHT OF PR4PRIETOR dF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHO'ULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PEI�ETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMIS�S AS RESERVED IN UNI'TED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 7 . RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STkTES PATENT RECORDED July 32, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT FAGE 475. 8, RESTRICTI�E COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT COt�1TAIN A FORFEYTURE 4R REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTI�G RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELYG��N, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CQNTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Aug�lst 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 9. TERMS, CONDITIOAIS AND PROVISION� OF PARTY WALL AGFtEEMENT RECORDED November d8 , 1963 IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 189, 10. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED Mareh 09, 1966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 227. 11. UTILITY EASEMEI+TT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE QF SU&TECT FRQPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION QF BLOCK 5, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILIP�IG. Page 2 TIM owner Form 2313 �e No. V12945 �olicy No. AZ94i742 ' SC�EDULE B 12. STREAM SETBACK LIMIT 50 FEET IN WIDTH AS SHOWN ON IMPROV�MENT LUCATION C�RTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, �NC. DATED FEBRUARY 22 , 19$9 �OB NO. 1402 . ITEMS 1 THROUGH 4 OF SCHEDULE B ARE HEREBY DELETED. Page 3 r, — -- , , • ExCLl1SI0NS FROM COUE� � of the estate or interes�aid land,to the extent that such litigation is ` founded upon an aileged aefect,lien,encumbrance,ar other matter The following matters are expressly excluded from the insured against by this policy, coverage of this policy: {bl The insured shall notiiy the Company promptly in 1. Any law,ordinance or govemrnental regulation writing{i�in case any acti�n or proceeding is begun or defense is int2r- (including but not IEmited to building and zoning ordinances}restricting or posed as set forth in(a1 above,lii�in case knowledge shall come to an regulating or prohibiting the occupancy,use or enjoyment of the land,or insured hereunder of any claim of tide or interest which is adverse to the regulati�g the characzer,dimensions or location of any improvement now title to the estate or interest,as insured,and which might cause loss or o�hereafter erected on the land,or prohibiting a separatian in ownershfp damage fnr w'hich the Company may be I�able by virtue of this policy,or(iii� or a reducSion in the dimensions or area of the land,or the effect of any if title to the estate or interest,as insured, is rejected as unmarketable.if violation of any such law, ordinance or govern�aental regulat�on. such prompt notice shall not be given to the Gompany,then as to such 2. Aights o(eminent domain or governmental rights insured all liabiliry of the Company shall cease and terminate in regard to of police power�nless notice of the exercise of such rights a,ppears i�the the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, pubfic records at Date of Policy. however,that failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any 3, Qefects, liens,encumbrances,adverse cla�ms,or insured under thss policy unless the Campany shall be prejudiced by such other matters(a]created,suffered,assumed or agreed ta by the i�sured failure and then only to the e�ent of such prejudice. claimant; {bi not known to t�e Company and nat shown by the pubiic rec- (cI The Company shalE have the rsght at its own cost or�s but knawn to the insured ciaimant either at Date of Polrcy or at the to institute and wichout undue delay prosecute any actio�or proceeding or date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and to do any ather act which in its opi�ion may be necessary or desiEable to not disclttsed in writing by the insuretl claimant to the Company prior ta esta�lish the title to the estate or interest as insured,and the Campany the date such insured cfai�ant became an insured�rereunder; �c)resurting may take any appropriate action undQr the terms of this policy,whether or in no loss Qr damage to ihe insured claimant;(d�attaching or created sub- not it shall be liable thareunder,and shall not thereby concede liabil�ty or 5equent to Date of Policy; or(eI resulting in loss or damage which wou4d waive any provis�on of this poiicy. not have been sustained rf the insured cla�mant had paid value for the Id) Whenever the Company shall have brQUght any estate or interest insured by this policy action or interposed a defense as reQuired or permitted by the provisions of this policy,the Campany may pufsue any such litigatian to final determi- CONDITIONS AND STIPUlATIONS nation by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion,to appeaf from any edverse judgment or Qrder. 1 Detinitton of rerms (el In all cases where t'his policy permits or requires The�ollowing terms when�sed in this poiicy mean: the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or pro- (a) "insured". the insured name in Schedule A,and, eeeding,the insured hereunder shall secure ta the Company the right to so subject to any rights or defenses the Company may have had ageinst the prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding,and all appeals named insured,thase who succeed ta the interest of such insured by oper- therein,and p�rmit th?Company to use,at Its option,the name of such ation oi law as distinguished from purchase including,but not limited to, �r�sured for such Rurpose.Whenever requested by the Company.such heirs,distributees,devisees,survivors,persanal representatives,next of �nsured shall give the Campany all reasonable a�d m any such action or kin,or corporate or fiduciary successors. proceeding, in effecting settiement,securing evidence,obtaining wit- (b) °i�sured claimant'". an insured claiming lass or nesses,or prosecuting or defending such acUOn or proceeding,and the damage h2reun�er. Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incurred (ch "knowledge": acival knowledge,not construciive lcnowledge or notice which may be imputed ta an insured by reason of any 4. Notrce ofLoss–L+�rr�itarro�ofAcdon public records. In addtion to the notices required under paragra�h 3db►of t'�ese Conditions (d) "land": the land described,specifically or by reter- and Stipufations,a statement in writing of any foss or damage for which it ence in Schedule A,and improvements affixed tt�ereto which by law is claimed the Company is lia�le under this policy shall be furnished ro the constitute real property; p�ovided,however,the term"land"does nai Campany within 90 days after such lass or damage shall have been deter- include any property beyond the lines a#the area specifically described or mined and no right af act�on shall accrue to an insured claimant until 30 reterred to in Schetluke A,nor any right,titi�,interesi,estate or easemer�t days after sueh statement shall have been furnishe�.Failure to furnish in abutting streets, roads,avenues,alleys,fanes,ways ar waterways,but sueh statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liabifity of the nothing herein shall modify�r limit t�e e�ent to which a right of access to Company under this�olicy as to such loss or damage. and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "moRgage": mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed, 5. (Jptions fa Pay orOt�erwrse SeCtle Claims or other securiry instrument. The Gompany shall have the aption to pay or otherwise settle for ar in the (fl "puhlic records":those records which by!aw narne of an insW�ed claimant ar�y claim insured againsi or to terminate all impart constructiue notice of r�atters relating to said land. liability and ob�fgations of the Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the amount of insurance under this policy together with any 2. (al Coniinuation oflnswanae after Conveyanc8 costs,attameys'fees a�d expenses incurred up to the time of su�h pay- of Ttle ment or tender of payment,by the insured claimant and authorized by This coverage of tt�is policy shall continue in force as o#Date af Policy in the Company. favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in 6 Determrnalion and Payment of ioss the land,or holds an indebtedr,ess secured by a purchase money mortgage �a) The liabiliry of the Com�any under this policy shall g;ven by a purchaser from such insured,or so long as sueh insured shall in no case exceed the leasl oi: have liabiliry by reason of covenants of warranry made by such insured in (i� the actual loss of the insured claimant; or any iransfer or conveyan�e�f such estate or interest; provided,however, (ii� the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A; or, this poCicy shall nat continue in force ir�favor of any purchaser from such (b) The Company will pay, in addition to ar�y loss insured of either said estate or interest ar the indebtedness secured by a insured a�ainst by this palicy,all costs imposed upon an insured in litiga- purchase money mortgage given to suct��nsured tion carried on by the Company for such insured,and all costs,attomeys' fees and expenses in litigaTior�carried on by such insured with the written 3. Defense and Prnsecutron of Actions–No(i�of authorization of the Company. Clarm to be given by an lnsured Clarmant {c} When f iabiP;ty has�een definitely fixed in accard- (aj The C€�mpany,at iis own cost and without undue ance with the conditions of this policy,the 4oss or damage shall be payable delay,shall pravide for the defense oi an insured in alf litigation consisting within 30 days thereafter. of actions or procsedings commenced against such insured,or a defense interposed against an inst�rsd in an action to enforce a contract for a sale �co��;��do�r�s�debacx napl �I � —:_.:.._� -._..�._.. � �,:,..,,,,�,,,,_ ' � ' .? Umitation of Iiability a cla+m;haS?arrse o�be marntainable under this oli �Pafy,aiier having received notice of an al�eged def�e�a��rle�hor ��a�endment of or endorsement to this palicy can be made except by writing endarsed hereon or attached hereto s�gned by �trmbrance insured against here�nder,by litigatron or othen+vise, noves suc�defect,lien or encumbrance Qr esta6fishes the title,�S either the President,a�ce President,the Secreta an urc�d,within a reasona6le time atter receipt of such notice;�bJ in the tary or�'alidating o�ficer or auFhorized si�natory of the�°ms�anyt Secre- �t of I+tigat�on until there has been a final determi�ation by a court of r�petent jurisdietion,and dispositian of all appeals therefrom,adverse to �3 �otr�s lM�ere Sent AA notices requ�red to be give�the Gompany and any statement in writing �itle,as insured,as provided in paragraph 3 hereQ{,a�(�)for liability �tarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without prior ��uired to be fumished the Company shall be addressed to its Home ten consent of the Company. Office,Minneapolis,Minnesota 554p1 8 Reduction of 1�ability Note: �rs�/��y�a��d only if Schedules A and B ar aYmenis under this policy,except payments made for costs,attorneys' and expenses,shaH reduce the amo�nt of the insurance�ro tanto.No e a���'ed � ieni shall be made without praducing this p��icy for endorsemeni af � Rayment unless ihe policy be losi or desiroyed,in which case proof of l loss ar destruction shall be fumished to ihe satisfac�ion of the f r�y. � � liability Noncumulative. i �ressly understaod that the amount ot insurance under this,policy � e reduced by any amount the Company may p�y�nder any policy 9�'���lal a mortgage shown or refeRed to in Schedule B hereof �a�'��o�the estate or interest covered by this poliey,or(b}� ge hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the � x interest described or referred to in Schedufe A,and the amount shall be deemed a payment under this po���y. 7he Campa�y shall � a option to apply to the payment of any such mortgages any that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner �tate or interest cov�red by this policy and the amount so paid deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. 10 AAl,,ortionment i described in Schedule A consists of t�n,o a��o��parce�s which :ed as a si�gle site,and a foss is established affecting one or 3+d parcels but not ap, the loss s�hall be computed and settled on bases as if the amouRt of insurance under this pplicy was )raia as to tfle vaiue on Date Of Policy of eac�r separate pareel �e,exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of 5s a liabiiity or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to ���el by the Company and the insured at ihe time of the ��S Po��iy and shown by ar�express statement herein or �sement artached heretn. 11. Subrog�tron Upon Paymenl o�Sett/ement �CQ�Pa�Y shall have settled a ciaim under this poliey,all agat�on shalf vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the �ant. The Campar�y shaH be subrogated to and be entitled to 'remedies wh�ch such rnsured cla�mant wouid have had �erson or property��respect i�such claim had[his pofiey not and+f requested by the Company,such fnsured claimant shall Y ����Pany���righis and remedies against any person or ssary,n order tQ per�ect such righT of subrogation and shall nP��V�o�se tF�e nar�e of such insured cCa�mant in any litigation�nvolving such rights or remedies. If the payment the loss of such insured elaimant,the Company shall be such rights and remedies in the proportion whicf�said pay. 'he amount of said loss. !f loss should result from any act oi 3imar�t,such act shall not void this policy,but the Campany, �!1 be required to pay only thai part o(any losses insUred 1er whrch shall exceed the amount,if any, lost t�the �eSt so��f the rmpairment of the right of subrogation. 12 1�abilrry(imited ta th�s Policy ��p� �get�er with alf endorsements and other instrume�ts, if A�'�i1�b�e �ero by the Company is fhe entire poN�y and contraet rred and the Comp�ny, �y claim of loss or damage,whether or not based on vhich arises out of the status of the t;tle to the esiate or �ereby or a�y aciion asserting su�h claim,shaN be �ovisions and eonditions and strpulations of this pol�cy .�; � � � 1 .�;LL'— �r l� �'+ J � h .a � � � Project Application /�1 4, Date ""'�/''��/ `�,�,_ Project hJame: �l�l �i ,�'� �/� // ,� -���- ;_ ' , _.� �_� l-, Project Description: . -�-�/, `=� �. T ,�.� l �-�. ' ��UC.� v 1 4 � .,_ �; . Contac# Person and Phvne �-�Z �-�! - ����i � � � � yl Owr�er, Address and Phone: �! s-k? C- '_' r,`.y, � , I Architect, Address and Phone: � �'U � r/1 f�'�� `} ��' �� r � , � j Legal Descripfion: Lot / , Block � , Filing +� r '� � ! � . Zone Comments: Design Review Boar�d Date Motion by: _ "' �? � ,�� Seconded by: ��r �U � h 1� APPROVAL �ISAPPROVAL 3 —� -- / (�cfa �Cc �'�h�'� _ �� � ; S�mm y: '�"� �n�L'1 {-' . '� C_-�- ,�G--!� L,C�-.._C�-✓ •L'_ �,, �-. �, � t1 �� - �-� f: � � 4 �'U �. ;�=�L.���� r .r �_� � � . ,. ;�� � f� "�� � f �� ��� Town Planner Q Staff Approva� Da#�: � �� � / � , �� ' � • " DRB APPLICATION �� .. - ; � - DATE APFLICATION RECEEVED: �/ rI I� � , DATE OF DRB MEETING: 3 f�� *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UIdTIL ALI� �Nk'O�2MRT�ON I5 SUBMTTTED***** I. PRE—APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetinq with a planning staff inember is strong�y suggested to determine a.f any additional informatian is needed. No at��lication will be accepted unless it_ i.s com�lete (must include all items reauired bv the zoning administratorl . It is the appli�ant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval pracess for your pro�ect by decreasing the number af canditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved bef4re a building permit is issued. Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature, �. p�oJ�c� DESCRIPTION: � � 'f��,f r� ST��"''� �E � G4V tzT^ '✓�J�LIf -- f� B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ''� 0 � C�n�.� �i�-- ��1�1'� �' Y'� Legal Description Lot � Black � Subdivision `'�'�61 �ll��a�,v �4t�l�onbng ��� � � C. NAME OF AFPLYCANT: "� Mailing Address: Phone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: 1� ' �� P J��'� � ��G.. Mail.ing Address: �'�'��%'=� � ���'° `.q ' .x°°� In�t`�'��' ��aZ � C^-D Pho]1e `..7�, . � �.:._i E. NAME OF OWNERS: � • �`� � �' '�'-�'1'�!�•�-��--�I� SIGNATIIREtB) s � Ma i 1 ing Add�ess: �v�l� '�r0��.�.�. , e��l ' ��(,�4 ti�t 4�.�-� �� �P+l� Phone `�O � - �-Ca- �I�T S F. Condominium Approval if applicable. G. DRB FEE; �he f�� will be naid at the time a buildinq permit is paid for. VAI,�UATTON �, S o — S io, aao S io. 00 S iv, 00i — S so, 000 S a�.00 $ 5a, 00i — $ i�a, aao S �a.ao $150, 001 — $ 500, 000 $104, 04 $500, 001 — $1, (3Q0, 000 $200. 00 $ Over $1, 000, 000 $3Q0.00 . � � °� � PLANT MATERIALS: Botanicak Name Common Name Quantity s$3,�g*. PROPOSED SHRUBS EXIS'�ING SHRUBS TCf �E REMOVED *Indicate size of progosed shrubs. Minimum size Qf sY��bs is 5 gallon. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS �! �' 1 50D i„�, SEED � � , TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSI�N CONTR�L C. OTHER LANOSCAPE FEAfiURES (retaining wall�, fences, swixnming pools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of reta.�ning walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. �'^�".�f'r$��'�, ,.. : �"'+'+`�r?'i.4:r�t, . „r.?;�+,��'f��r�x,x' ,, r�`'_'��1�!°,: � . ,.,> , �. _ �.�,_ _ . __ _ <. . . _ .. ,a. , . � . . . _. ._, � � � . . � LISfi OF MATER�ALS NAME OF PROJECT: ��`�-"'` F'^- � , LEGAL DESCRIFTION: IAT � BLOCK �' SUBDIVISiON v�t � l ' �`'�'� ���I� STREET ADDRESS: �4� �:--�l"4'�'`�=- 'f-� �-�- C�I W•P.. � � DESCFtIPTION OF PROJECT: �� ` P''��� ��� ��G� � �N�(.dr The followinq information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COL4R Roof "` � Siding Other Wall Materials ��U G�� `�� � �. � r'''�� ���� f�r�`t°' - � � s 4d�,,,�, Fascia �/� Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim � Hand ar Deck Rails i Flues � Flashings f _ Chimneys ' Trash Enclosures � Greenhouses � Other �,�,y �. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanica�. Name Common Name Q�aantity Size* PRdPOSED TREES E�ISTIIJG TREES TO BE REMOTJED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum cali�er for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for aoniferous trees. Minimum heiaht for �aniferous ��ees is 6 feet. :�,�: �y. , . tix G�'_� . �'-�::.��.;x,ta�'�as�^'`�3�:" �_5 .,s K , ,. . . _ . . . . • � �� � � � Project Appl�eation ; Date J�' ' .j O�_�� �. Project Narne: �it`.ra,m�✓r�-- ____ _ , � Project Descriptian: �_�r:�'-�^✓r :+.`' �?�i��r- C�-'�•r�� i Contact Person a�d Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � � Legal Des�ripiion: L,csi ' , Block � , Filing VGt� �D�V�--+.Q-P� , Zane _ � Comments: �-`.. �____� Design Reviev�r Board � �ate .� ' 3 Q ' `�G� Motion by: /n_���+�t:P Seconded by ,� A�+-� APPRC}VAL DISAPPROVAL �. - o - 1 ���� � ��.��.� , :, Summary: i .� r�--� �Q�. • Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: r — . , ��� �" � . Project Application Date ,�� ' � 4 ' �� Project Name: { ��Qc�q l t.(�n Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: �.g.,,��2,Gv � �ac� � � � �,, '/ n Legal Description: Lot _ f, Block --� . Filing ��rl-�.�- ��-tc��, , Zone Comments: 1 r�-c� � 9 Design Review Baard t �ate , Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL - ��n�r��,� /1 4.1w ��/��I( /}�Q�L F7!/f A��� E'd'� Summary: �� ,�/ � /`�,' � 1d - f�rt,�-�� �� ,.�.� , �,�..�, ; ,� , f , Town Planner Il�I.Staff Approval t � Date: 1/'-�D � 9d ;:; � ' `'�._,., � ��,"� � i �� �t /� Q . qPPLICATION DATE: _, ` , DATE OF DRB hEETIS�G: IZ r � r� � -- . �Qv�`�T �"fi�'�,J�• DRB APPLICAjIOiV ���`J�► :"' �• ��IIGa 4* HIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACG'EP'T�0 UNTIL ALL INF4RMATION IS SUat1ITTED***** T PRE�APPLICATION ME�SING: �, pre-applicatian meeting with a Patior��is5neededem�No appljcation wi9l�beeaccepted determine if any additional inform administrator) , un�ess it is co�nplets re55onsibllityato make5an�aQpointmenthwithnthe staff to find It is the applicant P out about addltional ,submittal re4u�ocess�for your5pro�ecttby�decreasing�theAn�mber tion w111 streamline the approval p roval must of conditlons Qf approval that the DRB may st�pulate. ALL conditions of app be resolv�d before a bullding permit .is issued. : � F� I� p�l� ,�P��C�► A, PROJECT QESCRIPSION: ���� �� 1��1'T!� '�� ���� �+� GD�k�lr''4 C� +� �C'C�+�► ,�� -��so r1 w t Nt�uVy C � r������! �. � � �'�4�1 tae�lr� +�. V I C� o GIT�.t�.�� #�' a. LOCA�IOK OF PROROSAL: � �,v� � � ��., �� Ad�dr�ss ��3 � Le al Description Lat Block �i" � _— Fj���9 ���`� 9 Zoning �� `� - . C. NAME OF APPLICANT: W��� � y � telep��ne ,�Sa�` Address � D. N,AME OF APPLICA�fT'S REpR�SENTA7IVE; �� � � �D�Q �a. �Or1'� �• tel ephane ��� Address - . E. NAME OF OWNERS: a Signature � C CL��v--� A�dress ��f�CJ , telephone � F, DR8 FEE: 1'he fee w�ll be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUIITION FE— E � 0 - � 10.000 �� 10.00 � 10.a01 - $ 50,OOQ � 25.d0 �. 54.001 - $ 150,OOa � 50.00 �15�.001 - $ .�aQ�d00 $100.00 �500,�Oi - �1,OQO,OOp �200.00 � Uver $1,0OO,OaO $300.00 IMP4RTAN7. NOTICE REGARDIN6 ALL SUnMIS5I0NS TO 7N� DRQ: k� In addition to meeting submittal requireme��s��StheTc�esithat will bearemoved5ite to ir�dicate property lines and bui�ding co shou7d also be marked, This work must be ��mpleted before the DRB vlsits the. site. � 2. 7he review process for NEW BUILDINGSoniat least} �wo�meetingsV,foretheireappravals of the Design Review Baard� sa p1an . • 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meetinq and who have not asked for a postponement wili be required to be republ i shec�. . � � � �. � LIST 4F MATE�tIALS , . � ��b',,,�,,� 4 ,��1E OF PR�JECT: �K ,, �,�� q�gCRIPTTON: � rREF7 RDDRESS: :SCRI PT IQN 0� PROJ • • 1'_ _ . . � ��,r,�.�, 1 0� f llov+in information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review h� ° g roval can be fiven: • aard before a final aPP �q�OR , gUII.DING MATERIAk.S: TYP'E OF MATERIAL Gi'1��� '�'�� � � ���-�,,,� Roof � � �?ClQhl ��� �iding . Other Wall Materials Fascia , � . St�ff i ts � Windows � . . ��., Window Trim � � . Doors Daor Trim Hand or Dec'k Ratls Flues flashing5 . Chimneys Trash Enclosures �reenhouses 4ther a. I.ANDSCAPING; Name of Desphone• . Si ze* PLANT MATERIALS: Botanieal Name Common Name Quanity � PROPOS�D TRE'ES � �� � EXISSING TREES TO BE REMflVED � *Indicate ealiQer for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. {over� � J � � � , � � Size ' pI.ANT h1ATERIALS- gatanical Name Conrmon Name Quanity _ . (eon't) . SHRUBS ' . . EXISTING SHRUBS + 70 BE R�MOVED �,� S uare Foota e . �"},� GROUNA COVER5 ��/1 t2� � 1 k4f/�J�'S �-��J��, � � , t.►v ' �v �l r ' ��'' � SQD SEED . , TYPE 0� �� IRRIGATION • TYP� QR METH4D OF E�tOSION CONI'ROL . � C. OTHER' LA�DSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa115� fences , swimming pools, etc.) Please specify . �� � �aac� Tt� �nn,"4-�,r - � � � :� � ��,,,,'f'�•` �'�+.,w4 l �� ` , � ,' � • . ' r' �` � V � •- � • � � �I � � � ( � �w � ` I , '` � � � � .��'.� • � � t� � �� ' y• � � . �,� s b , �► . � � � � u * � . '� yr d,� _ 11 � � � 11. �� .a '� �i 4 � � � � � Z $ � o Xa �, � � � �� p � � � � a4- -- �-� � lU N � � � J ��I �- � �' � � � � � � � � . � � � Q � Z � A� � � � � — � � � _ v � � � � ��. , � � - - 1�+.+ `�z��! �r �� � .. �� �� e . � � ' 1 _�� ri:' �w }' i '� ' • � . �.,,�'J � , ' • . . .`� i.i.c-���•��� � -� j . 1 � �`' . � / . ��' i j '�;, �.I / � � '� _. � � � / • � � � ' r I / I '-.• � J �' • . • �r,G' • -- _. � � . �, � � `�� '+ �.,� _,. � . , , . . . . . . .,, � •. . ��� . }� ; ��-� � . � . . . , . .. l F� � � � , .� I � '� � � • .:� , '� ` - . . .�� � . . . -- , �� �� . ;� ,� � � � . ,- ' � � \ . . - , , � r � � y . . '.. .,�.,.,, \ . . . 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" f � � ! �4 4 • APPL�CATION DA7E: � ` ' . ` . �ATE OF DRa �I�ETIIdG: 5• °3�� �d DRn APPLICATI4N _ *****THIS APPLICAYION WILL NO1' SE ACCEPTED UN3IL ALL iNFORMATTON IS SUBt�1ITTED***** � I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: � A pre-application meeting with a planning staff inember is strongly suggested to . determine if any additivnal information is needed. Na application will be accepted unless it is camplete (must include all items required by th� zoning administrator} , It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appaintment with tt�e staf�F to find out about addixional ,submittal requirements . Please note t�a� a COMPLETE appZica- tion wi�l streamline the approval process for your project by decr�asing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipuTate. ALl CO11d1�1flf3S of approval must be resolv�d befare a building permit is issued. . ' A. PROJECT DESGRi P7IQ6�: �' �- �O X� 0 � B. LOCATI�N OF PRO'�OSAL: � ��#— �°� Address �7D � �O�f� �� ��� L�gal Oescription Lot °� Slock 3 Filing �'y1 c��'VOt,�,C Zoning �"{��� C. NAME 4F APPLIGANT: . ��I��✓ ��iY1�-� ��� �''' Address �q5 �'rc�-��" 1��1/�1�-�'"}� ��� telep�ane ��2�5�a�-� D. NANiE flF APPLICAN7'S REPRESENTA7IV�;_�V1,�Ic� ��'��`"� �r� � ►� D G� , ��py�-{-�� ar� (,/`,I• telephone ��](a • ���'( Address E. NAi�1E OF OWNERS: ��� 1G�I�- ���►'►''�'► S�gnature a'�� A�ddress {v � +r -�� � � I I telephone �SIZ �� 58<< F. DRB FEE: Ti�e fee wi�� be paid at tF�e time a building permit is requested. YALUATIOP� FEE � y o - � io,000 �$ io.ao � 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 25•p� $ 50,0�1 - $ 150,�00� � 50.00 $150,Ofl1 - $ .500,000 $�OO.fl 0 ��n�.oc�� - �i ,ano,oc�� ��oc�.00 '�': - _ ' { � • , • LIST O�F MA�'ERIAIS . ' � p ftOJ ECT: CD raw�rv� �-e sa cla�cr✓ F I L NG w � NAME aF � T BLOCK 3 . LEGAI- UESCRI PTI ON: �o� �� ��-te. Pr� t�,�� � S�REET ADDRESS: � �T' D�5CRiPTION OF PRO�ECT: . The following information is required for s�bmittal by the applicant to tfie Desigr� Rev�ew goard before a final approva� can be fiven: GQ�pR �-Z�,,�,��� A, p��LpING MA7ERIAl.S: TYPE OF MATERIAL � ��� y,.:,, c.-��v�t� _ , � �o�o f . � �_��� �,� . � �� . - + ��-4��� �-� �e � Siding Wall Materials S�UGC.�4 �.�` � � G4 � �D Q -r�,,- Other �t 1� # (b`�o`� '�'�IGG� ���''� W�} c�tj '��T�o o�Y �`�t � t-1 U�-��1 ' , Fasc;a y _ . SOffits . �1 t� o�..`�f r-�.:r- � • G L�� �J �4 4 wt ndows +d W�ndow Trim � �"N GC.a �To � p2°�� poQrs ��� � � °f � O �L �°1 . , � � � �� poor Trim _ p �J�l4 � Hpr�d or Deck Rai 1 s F1ues �� r't�T �f�1=— Flashings , � Chimneys G� ���� � �v7tlGt� �T� � 1 o�-O3 � Tr�ash Enclosures � - ' Greenhouses r Ot'�er e � �� g. LANQSCAPING: Name of Oesigner: 1� - p�one: � ' Size* PLANT N9ATERIALS• Botanical Name Common Name Quanity� F�:OP05Ep TREES — � � _ Pr4ject Application Date �{ � ��� / � Project Name: . Project Descri�tion; ��!� c4�—r.( /tf>lt+,r-r.�O�C_ Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: '¢�l�'—��'P Legal Descr'iption: Lot � , Block � , Filing V� ��—��"�Q , Zone I Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: �� �� .,!'�Gss�cp . 5econded by: �idM-'w— APPROVAL �_ �y _ �+ DISAPPROVAL . � �f ,..�,�.�.� , /�� ,����_.�,.� Summary: /l� �� a �tP�t�r�_r,�� � �c��.�l'T�irvC1 �_ . - =�.�_���` ,�Q� r�l��—� , , ���e �''� .� _' Town Planner � ❑ Staff Approval Date: '`�� /ll ' f C� � . ", � � � � � w . � ��. � � February 12 , 1990 Town of 'Vail Planning and Environmental Commission .;.,,�- 75 So�th Frontage Road /��� Vail, CO $1657 RE: Gramm Residence � tY' � . Vail Rowhouses, Unit 9 � 3Q3 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 The variance application requests r onsideration of Town of Vail Section 18, 20. 060 re arc�ing minimum side ard setbacks. As the lot width is only 21 . 58 ' , the 20 set ac ordinance would restrict any improvement wi�hin the property. The request to add 4. Q ' to the south of the existing building footprint doES not encraach the 2� ' mi.nimum front se�back as the lot is presently 41 . 3 ' deep in the front. The rear footprin� rernains as is. The addition to the frant and to the overal� height of the structure would b� in campatibility and uniformity of the immediate adjacent praperties. Building ou�lines of Lat 8 and Lot 10 are presently constructed further sauth than Lot 9 (approximately 12. 3 ' ) . No special priv�.Iege is requested for relief from the regulations. The effect of the variance on ].ight and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic faczl.ities, utalities and public safety is negligible t4 the adjacent groperties. Respectfully submitted, A OLD/GWATHMEY/FRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. r Ned Gwathmey r�c/ad • ' ' � � � - �'���'-�'�r�' � �t �+! � ` �� �J 11 ! 1 JI J�� lu1J !1 S 4 �,1J �S1] ' 1 L.�;c� �_J '�J� .�r 1 rl � � �, �i j y � � � �� .,.J�1�1.�� ,�:;, ,�t� # ��I ! 15L ___�-'t' • , 4 � .�l1 1J ���� '=- ,,,��L�� i� — � ' l �!! � �' - . ��_ �' ���- � ��� i��uT � ' . . \��`�;, , �, , ;� �. _ � �� �'� 4 � �>> s .�- - . �� � �..� ,� ��� i� • - � . \� � �1'l�C-� -- .�!��l.� � � - � ° ---,-- �,�c-"�a, - - . ' - . . ' • �JNER 6�� _�--- � --- , � � . . � --- �y�-�i.�- - cs�.�'��-�"'-_-=_` �z . --- - - � - ----- -- _ . ___ _ --- - - �— - . _ __. -,- - —--. � _. __._. . . . _-_ _ ,---- — _ � � - - _ (1� , �. _ _ . L.�vla. ��fi`- �5 , � , ' - ' ��Z n — ------- - . �7 6��5 7 �,,�,� - _ - - ' _. . _ � ����f +._ t�r-�A�-' . - � � . -. - � --.:-�-�----_ � C�`�_- � =-- � 1-� � �U ..._ .._ . � . - - � , � �I� �i�'�-- - - - - -. _ - �Vtr�#�i.��'�. -- _- -� _ _ �, . - , . ,, . . . � _- `� - . • _ _ '. ' � ; �1. . 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' ' IQO-YEAR FLOODP�_-� f (June 1975 Floodplaun S�udy� �`f / BANK ��. a�° 15� ,� 25.57' 10� ��` `�� :M ENT 8i�� 5" PI N � � � � m ti .�T4Q pj \ � 10� Pi N E CV �` 3 ! � \ � \ : `r DECK � �4 PI 1 � l2.7' cn SET6ACK L1MIT� ' :.�.�.;. ;.�.:-:•:.:.�.;.�,. ... . 6.2 3.6" \ � ' ' � . • 0.7� 7.4 ` �� � • �' OECK ' m_ �i J ' ��' �U 4.8' , I � 1.5� '`�:-:-��.�- . . ti z - N 80° 15� W 4.00� ti 3- LEVEL a TOWNHOUS� ,� �` ^r� z - o ° � � �V :�� C� OF PARTY WALLS MAY NOT B£ ' vi � IOENTICAL wiTH PLATTEp LOT LiNES. �� � 0 �.J �p �,(� _� � � N � � 0 d1 '•� - .+3.4' ��:� ��� . �`��� a ' � � '��6�:•' � .2nd FIQOR DECK � � �-- DECK 6 O.fi , � i.a' � � ,r�'. ��' � � '1� ,� '�� �� � '` �, M ENTRYWAYlDECK' ,�, 3 �� �T�� x �• �� `. � u� �L�( f 1'� �C 5 -. ;�. � � ; ,, --� �: �� 'Inn��' - . �['��- °�`�'� �,.�1.� r L�U%�L v' �{r ,. } �G •� � FEi�CE x i f � ��x � • . � � x ' � . x x-�� � `�{jIJ 61...� '� M �OT 9 �� J } 238T 50.FT. ^' �+�fl � �"�'�',�,��r� �.�0548 AC. M ���;U �\`��lt t _ � .---�-.� �_� N 8 p° w �� �� � � r, �.,���_ 4 .Sg' -� , �3E3 � i 11� �� � 2! .. � �' ' r1 +_ '/ 'v �_ � � ` �'���+ v;_ / . , _� Y `;•�a} � , � �- / . � � ' � • � . � �,� � � . February 12, 1990 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Cammission 75 Snuth Frantage Road Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Gramm Residence Vail Rowhouses , Unit 9 303 Gore Creek Drive Vai�, CO 81657 The variance applicatian reques�s reconsideration of Town of �ail Section 18. 20. 06� regarding minimum side yard setbacks. As the lot waidth is only 21 . 58 ' , the 20 ' sethack ordinance would res�rict any improvement within the property. The reguest to add 4. 0 ` to the south of the existing bu�lding fvotprint does not encroach the 20 ' minimum front setback as the iot is presen�.ly 41 . 3 ' deep in the frant. The rear footprint rema�ns as is. The addition to the front an�1 to the overall height of the structure would be in campatibility and uniformity of the immediate adjacent properties. Building outlines of Lot 8 and Lot 10 are presently constructed further south than Lot 9 (approximately 12 . 3 ' ) . No special privilege is requested for relief from the regulations. The effect of th� variance on ligh� and air, distribution of population, transportation, tx�af€ic facilities, utilities and public safety is negligible to the adjacent properties. 3tespectfully submitted, A OLDfGWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. r Ned Gwathmey NG/ad � . � � ;�-� s J' 11 4 � r �� +� ������ �� _ ' - ��,� 1 1 �1 ly !1`�� y�t 13 11 l � l ��, �J 7 ' � ��1 �...�1_'LJ'{1�1 �!t _J1 �� 1� �.1J�li 1:�� /-.-`� si�� 1�.1! f 1 �L � '� , f � l�l �1 �,�._ ``'\�1�.��� ti�--�.,�� - � ��!! � �- . ;� . � � , :_\; I ���f �i�u� 1 i� 1 � '~ t � 6� ��1,� 1 ) 1!J � � . _��� l ! � �� � ' - � � �� - it�. . �. � � ' � .�.��t.tj • . - .- - ' .._.i . - - . • � - _ . • .__..� ��,tN�Y _�----, � _.._ - ' ; . _ � - �,��,� .�����►-�..__ . � . _. _ . _. - -�--- -- -- __- __� -�-_ _ . � � . . , � - _ � � ' �►�� , . . . • I � �N t,��x;z - � 1 . - -_! _- • � �5� - � ���� ��'- _ -- - - � _ _._ _ � _ . � �� ���� � ��� - � � �_ �_ !-�� � �� _... � ,. : v�- � —� � � '� �ix� �c. _ r . 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