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WHOLESALER Dahl Avon MECH. CONTRACTOR Concept Mechanical, Inc. MODEL NO. �NHN 085 TYPE GAS Natura) Gas Btu/hr INPUT $5000 Btu/hr OUTPUT 79000 NOTES High Efficiency Snow Melt Boiler SMART SYSTEMTM FEATURES >system SensorContacts PTIONAL EQUIPMENT �DHW Tank Sensor Contacts Modbus Communication >SMART SYSiEM Digital Operating Control >Outdoor Air Sensor Contacts Flow Switch >Multi-Colored Graphic LCD Display �Cas�ade Contac[s Low-Water Cutoff w/Manual Reset&Test with Navigation Dial and Soft Keys >0-10 VDC BMS Extemal Controt Contact >Three Boiler Set oiM Tem Alarm Bell p penNre Inputs >0-SO VDC Boiler Rate Output Contacts Concentric Vent Kit >Pl�s Domestic Hot Water Prioritization >p-10 YDC Variable Speed System Pump Signal Input' SMART SYSTEM PC Software >Buitt-in Cascading Sequmcer for up to 8 Boilers >p-10 VDC Signal to Control Variable Speed Boiler Pump' BMS Gatewa to LON or BacNet >LeOd Pae Size Boiler Cascade �Modbus Contacts MuRi-Temperature Loop Contro g >Time Qodc Sidewap Vent Tertnination >Efficiency Optimization >Data Logging >Frant End Loading Capability with Copper Fn II �Hours Running,Space Heating �IRING CODES >Outdoor Reset Control with OutdaorAirSensor >Hours Running,Domestic Ho[Water >M9 Standard Construction >Programmable for Three Reset Temperature Inputs >Ignition Attempts >M7 Califomia Code >Programmable Sys[em Efficiency Optiminrs >Last l0 Lockouts >Nigh[Seffiack >Main[enance Re�einder >DHW Night Setbatk' �Custom Maintenance Reminderwiffi >Mtl-Cytling Contrador Conta�t InFormation `Exclusive feature,available only(rom Lochinvar >Outdoor Air Reset Curve >Installer Abiliry to De-activate Service Reminder §WHN 55-185 only >Ramp Delay >Low-Water Flow Safety Control8lndlcatlon >Boost Temperature 8 Time >Password Sewdry >Three Pump Controt >Customizable Freeze Protection Parameters >System Pump with Parameter for Continuous Operation >Boiler Pump with Variable Speed Pump Control* >Domeslic Hot Water Pump STANDARD FEATURES >Dome�ic Hot Water Prioritization >Ep1ERGY STAR Most EfficieM Recognition§ >DHW tank piped with priority in the boiler loop >95%DOE AFUE Efficienty >DHW tank piped as a zone in the system with the pumps >Modula�ng Bumer with 5:1 Tumdown controlled by the Smart System �Direct•Spark Ignition >DHW Modulation Limiting >Low•NOx Operation >Separately Adjusta6le Space Heat/DHW Switching Times` >field Convertible from Natural ro LP Gas >BuiWing Management System Integradon >qSME Stainless Steet Heat Exchanger >0•10 VDC Input to Control Modulation or Set Point >30 psi ASME Relief Valve >0-SO VDC Modulation Rate Outpu[ >yertiol&Horizontat Direct-Vent >a10 VDC�nput to Enable/Disable caU for heat >p�/�,CPVC,Polypropylene or SS Venting up[0100 feet >Actess to BMS Settings through Gnphic LCD Display >Smart System Cmrtm! >Nigfi-Volqge Tertninal$trip >Condensau Trap >120 VAC/60 Hertz/1 Phase Power Supply >p�er FeaWres >Three Sets of Pump Contacts >Automatic Reset High Limit " >LowYa(tageTerminat Strip >Adjustable High Limit w/Manual Reset >24 VAC Device Retay >8oiler Circutating Pump >Proving Switch Cnntacts >Wall•Mount Bracket >Flow Swi[th Contacts >Zero Clearances to Combustible Materials >Alartn on Any Failure Contacts >t2-Year Limited Wairanty �Runtime Contacts (See Warranty for Details) >DHW Thertnostat Contacts >3 Space Heat Thermostat Contactr KNIGlf1' Wall Mount Dim�nsions & Specifications I �N p�� T LOW VOLTAGE . � I ECONNECTIONS � � I!� HIp/VOLTAGE O� �NE�CTIqNS FUJE � p� RfL1EF � � � � INLET O CONDEtiSATE VALVE �1 ORAIN D E OUTLEf F G I I � � t+—B—+1 � � H GAS I C� J � KNIGHT HEATING BOILER � DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS � e . . . . . �. � . ,. WHNOiS SS 1 i as n ii 44 , ,_ . ,, .;,, , �WHNO&5 fiS 1; _., '0 69 �,, � � wl o- _ . . . - _ ,-., - , � - - - - NMN110 110 22 95.0 102 89 33-1/4"1&1R' 19" 14U2" 143/4' 1-3(4" 7-3/4" b1/4" iU 15-U2' S° ' 3-1i4"3' lo-l/7'2-314" lf1" 1° 3" 3" 159 WHN155 155 31 95.0 14t 125 33-1/4"1&11Y' 17 U-111` ta314° 7-3/4' 7-314'bl/�' 1U 15-VY 5" 31/4°3' 161/1"2-3Id" 1!P 1' 3' 3' 1b6 WHNl49 199.9 40 95.0 185 161 33-ip"1&1I1' 19' 141/1' 11-3/4' 8' S' t-1/4' 10" 16314' 43/4' 3-U4'1-3l4'1�1f1"3° 1/2' t-1/M 3' 3" 115 NMN285 285 57 95.0 164 229 33-1/4'1&1(1' 17 147fY 113/4' S' 8' 1-1/4' 10' 1(r3l�' 43/4' }1/4"23/4'7G7/Y 3' t/2' 1-1l4° 3' 3° i8t WHN399 400 80 94.4 380 323 3�ilY ZS' 213/4'17-1/1' 12-1/1' �tl4' �llY 2-1/P 13-1/4" 21-1lY 9' 43/4"4° 22-1/1"33/4" 3!4" 1-1R" 4 r 113 Notes:tndoor ins[allotion on1y.All in/orma6on subjecf to chnnge.Chonge"N'to'L'for LP gas models.'WHN399 vatue is Thermaf Ejficiency AS � `���Q ' �l' '1'ifi` � H E � ��/ � �R ��.� .. .. N:gh E�rimc�-N'�ler Heaten,Roilen aed Pool Heaterc �`?:�. Lochinvaz,LLC•300 Maddox Simpson Pkwy•Lebanon,TN 37090•615-889-8900/Fa�:615-547-1000 www.Lochinvar.mm (Web Update 1/13) 11/12—Prmted in 11.S.A.