HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC130011 Lot 6 Spraddle Creek Memorandum and Attachements 051313TOWN OF 0) VAIL' Memorandum TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April 22, 2013 SUBJECT: A request for final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13 -12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the platted building envelope, located at 1067 Riva Glen Road /Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC130011) Applicant: Michael Noell, represented by Triumph Custom Homes Planner: Warren Campbell I. SUMMARY The applicant, Michael Noell, represented by Triumph Custom Homes, is requesting the review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13 -12, Exemption Plat, Vail Town Code, to amend the platted building envelope on Lot 6 of the Spraddle Creek Estates subdivision, located at 1067 Riva Glen Road. The proposal to amend the platted building envelope would reconfigure the shape while maintaining the area of the envelope. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria outlined in Section VII of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with a condition, of the amended final plat. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Michael Noell, represented by Triumph Custom Homes is requesting an exemption plat to amend the previously platted building envelope on Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. The existing envelope would be reconfigured to accommodate a proposed structure for the site. The reconfiguration of the building envelope maintains the existing building envelope area of 22,396 sq ft. Specifically, the proposal would expand the envelope to the north and contract the southern portion resulting in a change in access from Riva Glen Road to Spraddle Creek Road. Design Regulations were adopted as part of the development approval of Spraddle Creek Estates. The regulations were adopted by the Town, but are enforced by the Spraddle Creek Architectural Control Committee. Staff has listed the relevant sections of the document in Section V of this memo. Regardless of building envelope, the proposed residence will need to comply with all applicable zoning and plat restrictions including but not limited to maximum GRFA, height and site coverage. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's written request (Attachments B), the proposed amended final plat (Attachment C) are attached for review. III. BACKGROUND On January 15, 1985, the property comprising Spraddle Creek Estates, approximately 39.55 acres, was annexed into the Town of Vail. On November 18, 1986, the Town of Vail adopted the Land Use Plan which identified Spraddle Creek Estates as being within the Hillside Residential land use designation. The plan identified Spraddle Creek Estates as the single property within this land use designation within Town boundaries. On October 26, 1987, through the adoption of Ordinance 38, Series of 1987, the Town of Vail created and imposed the Hillside Residential District on Spraddle Creek Estates. Town Staff developed the Hillside Residential District in response to the adoption of the Land Use Plan. On April 17, 1991, the Design Review Board granted final approval to the development of Spraddle Creek Estates. This approval was for roadway design, retaining walls design, landscaping of entry and common parcels, and adoption of the Spraddle Creek Estates Residential Design Regulations Including Architectural, Site Development and Landscape Guidelines for the subdivision. On February 24, 1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved several variances for retaining wall height and roadway grades in excess of those permitted. In April, 1993, Town Council approved Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. On July 12, 1993, a minor subdivision was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission to adjust the shared lot line between Lots 14 and 15 to increase the size of Lot 15 to allow for a primary unit and a care taker unit on the lot. Through this approval, the area, GRFA and site coverage of both lots were also amended. On September 7, 1993, the Town of Vail adopted Ordinance 11, Series 1993, which rezoned Tract C of Spraddle Creek Estates from Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District to Single Family District in order to permanently restrict the lot as an employee housing unit (gate keeper house). On April 5, 1995, the Design Review Board approved a change to the Residential Design regulations for Spraddle Creek Estates to allow for glass expanses in excess of 36 feet. Town of Vail Page 2 On June 22, 1998, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved an amendment to the Spraddle Creek Estates plat to allow for interior conversions to residences which complied with the regulations. On June 11, 2007 the Planning and Environmental Commission recommended approval of a request for final plat amendment to allow for modifications to plated GRFA and site coverage limitations on most lots in Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. The request and recommendation was forwarded to Town Council and Council tabled the request indefinitely. This application was ultimately withdrawn by the applicant. Since the recording of the initial plat for Spraddle Creek Estates Lots 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, and 15, and Tract C have amended the platted building envelopes to accommodate the design of the structure to be built on the lots. IV. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS 12 -21 -14 RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES: The following additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development on any lot in a hillside residential, single - family residential, two - family residential or two - family primary /secondary residential district where the average slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent (30%): A. A soil and foundation investigation, prepared by and bearing the seal of a registered professional engineer shall be required. B. Foundations must be designated and bear the seal of a registered professional engineer. C. A topographic survey prepared by a registered surveyor, with contour intervals of not more than two feet (2'), shall be required. D. Structures must be designed by a licensed architect. E. Site coverage as it pertains to this chapter, as permitted by sections 12 -6A -9, 12 -68 -9, 12 -6C -9 and 12 -6D -9 of this title, is amended as follows: Town of Vail Page 3 1. Not more than ten percent (10 %) of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. 2. In order to protect the natural land form and vegetation on steep slopes, not more than sixty percent (60%) of the total site area may be disturbed from present conditions by construction activities. The design review board (DRB) may approve site disturbance in excess of the sixty percent (60%) maximum if specific design criteria warrant the extent of the requested deviation. F. A site grading and drainage plan shall be required. G. A detailed plan of retaining walls or cuts and fills in excess of five feet (5) shall be required. H. A detailed revegetation plan must be submitted. The administrator may require an environmental impact report as provided in section 12 -12 -2 of this title. J. A minimum of one covered parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. K. Setbacks, as they apply to this chapter, as required by sections 12 -6A- 6, 12 -68 -6, 12 -6C -6 and 12 -6D -6 of this title, are amended as follows: There shall be no required front setback for garages, except as may be required by the design review board. Garages located in the front setback, as provided for in this section, shall be limited to one story in height (not to exceed 10 feet) with the addition of a pitched or flat roof and subject to review and approval by the design review board. L. Retaining walls up to six feet (6) in height may be permitted in the setback by the design review board when associated with a permitted garage as referenced in subsection K of this section. TITLE 13, VAIL TOWN CODE: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (in part) 13 -2 -2 DEFINITIONS EXEMPTION PLAT. The platting of a portion of land or property that does not fall within the definition of a "subdivision", as contained in this section. 13 -12 -1: EXEMPTION PLAT REVIEW PROCEDURES PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this chapter is to establish criteria and an appropriate review process whereby the planning and environmental commission may grant exemptions from the definition of the term "subdivision" for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose, purview and Town of Vail Page 4 intent of chapters 3 and 4 of this title. This process is intended to allow for the platting of property where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of this code has been demonstrated. 13 -12 -2: EXEMPTIONS IN PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: "Exemption Plats"; as defined in section 13 -2 -2 of this title, shall be exempt from requirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submittals. Exemption plat applicants may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by title 12, chapter 12 of this code. 13 -12 -3: PLAT PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW: C. Review And Action On Plat: The planning and environmental commission shall review the plat and associated materials and shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the plat within twenty one (21) days of the first public hearing on the exemption plat application or the exemption plat application will be deemed approved. A longer time period for rendering a decision may be granted subject to mutual agreement between the planning and environmental commission and the applicant. The criteria for reviewing the plat shall be as contained in section 13 -3 -4 of this title. SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REGULATIONS (In part) I. INTRODUCTION Spraddle Creek Estates represents a unique residential development opportunity in one of North America's premier mountain resorts. Located in one of the last prime development sites in Vail, Spraddle Creek offers all of the qualities of a world -class neighborhood: a beautiful natural mountainside setting, outstanding views of Vail mountain and predominant southern exposure, privacy and security within the enclave of residences, and convenient location within the Town of Vail. In order to maintain and strengthen these intrinsic qualities of the Spraddle Creek setting and to promote value, quality and harmony with all new development at Spraddle Creek, the developers of Spraddle Creek have established these Residential Design Regulations. The purpose of these criteria is not to limit of inhibit the creative design process of individual owners and their consultants, but to establish the bounds within which design will be acceptable to the community at large. The Residential Design Regulations are established to ensure that certain criteria and design disciplines will be in effect which will cause the development of the community to grow in as integrated and compatible a manner as is possible. These criteria have been developed to act as reasonable guidelines, and are not intended to be the absolute limits to design concepts of the custom solution for each and every residence. Town of Vail Page 5 These criteria and standards shall form the basis for evaluation of plans and specifications submitted for review and approval to the Spraddle Creek Architectural Control Committee. IV. SITE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 4.1 Introduction The preservation of the natural characteristics and setting of Spraddle Creek Estates is critical to the overall quality of proiect intent. In order to preserve the inherent attributes of the Spraddle Creek site topography, vegetation, orientation to sun exposure and views of Vail Mountain and the upper Vail Valley, guidelines have been established that will minimize the physical and visual impacts associated with development and provide continuity of site specific elements within the subdivision. 4.3 Building Envelope The building envelope is the portion of each lot within which all improvements must be built including buildings, accessory buildings, site walls, fences, screens, recreational improvements, etc. Landscaping may occur outside the building envelope. The building envelope has been established for each lot based on the natural topography and features of the lot, views, and relationship to adiacent building envelopes. The purpose of the envelope is to reduce uncertainty of neighbors as to which view corridors might be impacted by future construction, and to help insure that structures blend in with the surrounding landscape, rather than dominate it. Owners should refer to Spraddle Creek Estates final plat in order to clarify lot property boundaries, building envelope, allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA), etc. With the prior written approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, encroachments outside the building envelope may be permitted for driveways, drainage structures, utility installations, sidewalks, and garages that meet the requirements of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 4.4 Building Siting All buildings and other site related development must be sensitively integrated into its natural setting. Most of the building sites have significant existing vegetation and varied topography. The natural features of each lot must be utilized in an environmentally sensitive manner, and must conform to stylistic characteristics of the architectural design theme. Buildings, structures and other improvements should blend with the natural setting, in order to minimize the impact of the development on the Town of Vail Page 6 site. Building forms and massing shall respond to the site characteristics of slope and topography. Buildings should step with the site, accomplishing level changes through composition of forms rather than extensive site grading. Exposed building profiles and harsh angular forms which contrast with the natural environment should be avoided. Location of buildings and other improvements must also consider impacts on adjacent and surrounding properties. No structure may be placed on its site in a manner that substantially impairs the view from and other lot. 4.6 Grading and Drainage Lots which have an average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area in excess of thirty percent (30%) are subject to the requirements of Vail Town Code [Sec. 12- 21 -14]. In order to meet Spraddle Creek's goals of preservation and enhancement of the natural amenities on the site, all on -site improvements should be sensitively planned to minimize the disruption to the existing topography. Excessive grading is discouraged. Where grading does occur, the following standards shall be incorporated for sensitive siting of improvements: 1. The maximum slope for areas of cut and fill shall not exceed 2' horizontal to 1' vertical (2: 1). 2. Bedrock which is exposed in a cut slope may exceed the maximum 2:1 slope. The cut surface of the bedrock should be `sculptured' to create an irregular profile which approximates natural rock outcroppings on the site. Planting pockets may be created in the `sculptured' rock for grasses and forbes. 3. Horizontal and vertical variations in the graded cut and fill slopes create a more natural ridge and valley configuration. Such undulations should relate to the adjacent natural slope variations. Long slopes should be varied to avoid the appearance of long flat surfaces. 4. Slope rounding creates a softer, more natural appearing slope configuration and promotes rapid re- vegetation at the fringe of disturbed areas. 5. Building pad, foundation excavation, and access drives shall be designed to minimize disruption of existing trees and -ground cover. 6. All grading should occur within the building envelope unless the grading is necessary for a driveway and /or garage, or other improvements located outside the building envelope. A master drainage plan has been prepared for Spraddle Creek Estates and a copy of this document should be obtained by each lot owner or his architect at the Pre - Design Conference with the [Spraddle Creek Estates] ACC [Architectural Control Committee]. Town of Vail Page 7 V. a LTM SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation Current Land Use: Geological Hazards: 1067 Riva Glen Road Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates Hillside Residential (HR) Hillside Residential Vacant Medium Severity Rockfall Moderate Hazard Debris Flow Standard Platted /Required Proposed Lot Area 82,050 sf (1.88 acre) no change GRFA 8,220 sf no change Site Coverage 7,370 sf no change Envelope 22,396 sf no change SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING REVIEW CRITERIA The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to ensure that the proposed subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The criteria for reviewing an exemption plat shall be as contained in section 13 -3 -4 of this title which are as follows: (1) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and The Vail Land Use Plan designates Spraddle Creek Estates within the Hillside Residential land use category. The Hillside Residential category states the following: Town of Vail "This category would allow for single family dwelling uits at densities no more than two dwelling units per acre. Also permitted would be typical single family accessory uses such as private recreational amenities, attached caretaker units, or employee units and garages. Insitutional /public uses would also be permitted. Page 8 Land Use Zoning North: Residential Hillside Residential South: Residential Hillside Residential East: Residential Hillside Residential West: Residential Hillside Residential REVIEW CRITERIA The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to ensure that the proposed subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The criteria for reviewing an exemption plat shall be as contained in section 13 -3 -4 of this title which are as follows: (1) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and The Vail Land Use Plan designates Spraddle Creek Estates within the Hillside Residential land use category. The Hillside Residential category states the following: Town of Vail "This category would allow for single family dwelling uits at densities no more than two dwelling units per acre. Also permitted would be typical single family accessory uses such as private recreational amenities, attached caretaker units, or employee units and garages. Insitutional /public uses would also be permitted. Page 8 These areas would require sensitive development due to slopes, access, visibility, tree coverage and geologic hazards. Minimum buildable area of 20,000 square feet would be required per dwelling unit. " When Spraddle Creek Estates was initially platted and zoned conformance with the Vail Land Use Plan, Town of Vail Zoning and Subdivision Codes was verified. Upon the Spraddle Creek Estates plat, gross residential floor area (GRFA) and site coverage were restricted below the maximums permitted within the Hillside Residential district. The proposed design for the structure will be required to conform with the Hillside Residential district and platted requirements. This proposal is to amend the platted envelope on Lot 6 to accommodate a design for the structure on the lot. The existing platted building envelope was located on the lot anticipating access off of Riva Glen Road which is located on the downhill side of the lot. The adopted documents for Spraddle Creek Estates did anticipate that access might come off of Spraddle Creek Road and identified it as a potential access point. The proposed structure is designed to obtain access off of Spraddle Creek Road. The proposed change in access and the design of the structure necessitate the need to reconfigure and pull the building envelope north on the site to be proximate to Spraddle Creek Road. The proposed relocated and reconfigured building envelope will maintain the existing area of the platted envelope. Staff believes the proposal to relocate and reconfigure the building envelope on Lot 6 is in compliance with this criterion. (2) The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this Title, as well as, but not limited to, Title 12, Zoning Regulations and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable; and The proposal to amend the building envelope on Lot 6 remains in compliance with the standards of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, and Section 12 -6A -1, Hillside Residential, Vail Town Code. When Spraddle Creek Estates was initially platted and the accompanying Hillside Residential Zone District adopted and applied to the subdivision Lot 6 was in full compliance. The current proposal is to change the configuration of the platted building envelope, while maintaining the current area of the building envelope. Staff believes the proposed amended final plat which proposes to amend the building envelope for Lot 6 is in compliance with this criterion. (3) The extent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives; and The proposed amended final plat does not increase the number of lots or configuration of the existing lots within the subdivision. Staff believes that the proposed changes to the building envelope for Lot 6 does not have a negative affect on the elements listed in this criterion. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. Town of Vail Page 9 (4) The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and Staff believes this proposal will have no negative effects on the future development of surrounding areas for reasons stated previously. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. (5) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development; and Staff believes this proposal will have no negative effects on the elements identified in this criterion for reasons stated previously. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. (6) The extent to which the utility lines are sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the service area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade under- sized lines; and Staff believes this proposal will have no negative effects on the elements identified in this criterion for reasons stated previously. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. (7) The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and Staff believes this proposal will have no negative effects on the elements identified in this criterion for reasons stated previously. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. (8) The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and Staff believes this proposal will have no negative effects on the elements identified in this criterion for reasons stated previously. Staff believes the amended final plat complies with this criterion. (9) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission and /or Council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. Town of Vail Page 10 VIII. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves with a condition, the request for final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13 -12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the platted building envelope, located at 1067 Riva Glen Road /Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section VII of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this exemption plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Amended Final Plat, Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 6, Town Of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado pursuant to Chapter 13 -12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the platted building envelope, located at 1067 Riva Glen Road /Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates, and setting forth details in regard thereto." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this final plat amendment request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission applies the following condition: The applicant shall record the plat entitled, Amended Final Plat, Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 6, Town Of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, prior to the submittal of a building permit application. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this final plat amendment request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "I) That the amended final plat is in compliance with the criteria listed in Subsection 13 -3 -4A, Vail Town Code; and 2) That the amended final plat is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 3) That the amended final plat is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and 4) That the amended final plat promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. " Town of Vail Page 11 IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's written request dated March 21, 2013 C. Proposed amended final plat Town of Vail Page 12 Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 6 e This map was created by me Town of Vail GIs Team. Use of this map should be for general purposes only. The T n of Vail does not warrant the accuracy of Ne mfonnation contained herein. Feet where shown, parcel line woM is approximate) 0 150 300 Last Modified: April 17, 2013 TOWN OF UAIC 3.21.2013 Spraddle Creek Estates, Hillside residential Lot 6 1067 Riva Glen Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Description of the proposed Lot 6 building envelope change Triumph Custom Homes www.triumphdev.com The owner of lot 6 at Spraddle Creek Estates is proposing to move and reconfigure the existing building envelope. The property is undeveloped and the size of the envelope is not being changed. The existing building envelope is an approximate rectangle shape with slight variations. It is approximately 255' in the east west direction and 110' in the north south directions. The existing envelope is located in the south west corner of the lot, tucked into the easement setbacks. Tight against the west easement set back AND tight against the south setback. The south west corner moves to the north and east to have more of a linear shape as this lot is very steep in nature. With this horizontal shape, the home follows more closely the natural contours. Existing building envelope size = 22,398 sq.ft. / proposed envelope size = 22,397 sq.ft. Reasons for Lot 6 building envelope change The proposed lot 6 building envelope change promotes harmony, reduces impact on neighbors to the east and allows for overall better design with less impact to the steep site. The balance of the lot between driveway access, building bench, ht. and retaining walls was a delicate balance on this site. This building envelope move allows for the best results in the above mentioned items. Spraddle Creek master plan demonstrates access to Lot 6 from below, off Riva Glen Road AND from above off Spraddle Creek Road. The owner has selected the above access from Spraddle Creek Road. This has been discussed and initially approved by Public Works. The new address is 1000 Spraddle Creek Road. This move and associated access is one of the driving forces to move the building envelope. I have attached the master plan showing the different options for access. Moving the envelope to the east and north on the site allows for the vehicular access to come in at a more natural slope following the existing grades / bench. As we raised the design, this allowed the driveway to reduce from 15% to the existing design of 10% through the center portions of drive. At both ends we graduate down to 8% then 6% then 4 %. As we entry off Spraddle Creek Drive AND entering into the auto court this is down to 1% slope. This raise up and lowing the grade allows for a safer entrance and exit off the driveway. P. 970.479.9990 12 Vail Road, Suite 700, Vail, CO 81657 Moving the building envelope to the east, allows for increased separation between building envelope and the adjacent home to the west. This proposed envelope change supports the Spraddle Creek guidelines' intent to create privacy between homes. On page one the Spraddle Creek design guidelines state, "The Residential design guidelines are established to ensure that certain criteria and design disciplines will be in effect which will cause the development of the community to grow in as an integrated and compatible manner as possible... and to promote value, quality and harmony will all the development at Spraddle Creek." This move allows for a 50' further separation between the existing home and the new master suite on the proposed home. The more east west oriented building envelope also allows the house design to better respond to the natural land forms by orienting parallel with the topography. On page 4, the building sitting, "Building forms and massing shall respond to the site characteristics of slope and topography." Grading for the home is currently designed to be a balanced site, no export and no import. As we cut on the north side, this will become the fill for the building bench on the south side. The north exterior walls will work as retaining walls for a portion of the cut. The remaining cut / grade will be achieved through boulder retaining walls. With the proposed new envelope, grading outside the envelope on the southern visible areas of the site is integrated into the landscaping design. Chasing the grades will require some of that work to occur outside the revised envelope. Grading above the home on the north side is for drainage and will be concealed by the home. Significant new landscaping will be planted around the home and enhanced native grasses will be planted on any disturbed areas. Site walls outside the envelope for the garage and driveway will comply with the guidelines' three foot maximum ht. in the front setback and 6' on the remaining site with a minimum of two feet between walls. There are many precedents of building envelope changes in Spraddle Creek, which demonstrate that in many cases the original envelopes were not the best solution for the site and potential home designs. The previously approved building envelope changes have created better homes and promoted harmony between neighbors. If the building envelope is not adjusted, there will be a overall greater impact to the neighbor to the west. The home would need to be taller, with a third story, to achieve the GRFA. The proposed driveway will be steeper as the home would be located lower on the site. Retaining and landscaping will be forced down the hill and steeper to "catch up" with the existing grades. www.triumphdev.com Overall the resulting design would be less successful and harmonious for the neighbors. www.triumphdev.com i i ...e� Optional Driveway 9 MI h e h o/ W LI 2] a A. ►tea -�"��� ,,r �., - �� .w t .,. To Stables k a Vista Bahn Owner's Padong at Gold Peak Facifities m-04 HIM r-.m 0O, .�� O o (O I . o��CD ztl�NZ I op ((.4 III II \ c 70 I m \ z I I 0) ° ! Z z co 01 W I,' ° I Co 0) .A \ c> w CD v cn I N IN w > ii D m NC��rMO � � i zc I m I� " pp II II II II �I K X I,i z N CCn Ul W 00 WO O BASIS �OF BEARINGS ' > I I m N 02 °48 30 E I < . 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I o I 1 w m O N a 1 I O W W LOT 14 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT STORM SEWER MANHOLE N 87011'30" W - �j61.13 60.00 yFOUND PIN & CAP^ �3o by 10 a EL= 8549.82' S6' S p 10.0 8576.9 N GUARD RAIL EDGE OF ROAD C S /$575.6 OUTLINE OF BLOCK Ca RETAINING WALLS Sn ❑= 159'19'17" LP ° R =75.00 L= 208.55 1� T= 411.09 ° 8572.0 LC= 147.56 30 0 30 60 90 Feet L ° CB =S 13'08'52" W N � `8570.5 3 ° S66030'46"W 2 567.0 44.39 LOT 5 00 8567.4 BUILDING N ENVELOPE 0 o 565.9 a N N Lu ° t \ _ Iv T !q v Q&. z S0 , . 15.0 ❑= 67030'35 "-," R =50.00 L =58.91 T =33.42 LC =55.56 CB =N 53&26'12" W BLOCK RETAINING ❑ = 46'34'03" R =30.00 L =24.38 T =12.91 LC =23.72 CB =S 42'57'56" E S 66* 14'57n E - 45.64 41199 • ■ • BO 0 ■RD 81632 (970)949-1406 \\0= 58'33'49 LOT 6,, R =70.00 82,050 54 FT L =71.55 WATER V` E 3760) UTILITY STUB a 470.7 DGE ROAD' FIRE HYDRANT A= 10'48'07" R= 505.00 L =95.21 T =47.75 LC =95.07 CB =N 60'50'54" W s•, � g S7 �- gJn00 PHON PE�CABL ❑ =33■ 34' 16" R= 195.00 L= 114.26 T =58.82 LC= 112.63 CB =N 49'43'38" W 8555.6 01 b �ry 8552.9 �. T IL \moo r 0�4 w� 1 , 8544.4 BUILDING Q ENVELOPE ' .ate J ELECTRIC METER /' NQ gyp • , , \ ELECTRIC ��aO� TRANSFORMER 8486.7 •t9���T� F T [boa Ion 8494 V. � J sIj RETAINING WALL BOULDER `40' UTILITY EASEMENT\ '8540.7 FIRE HYDRANT �- �• \ �° 20.0 r. 7' STONE r T o SLOPE MAINTENANCE 8504.3 EASEMENT' 31K 8508.0 8510.3 NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: 11/21/97, UPDATED 12/17/12 2) SURVEYOR HAS MADE NO INVESTIGATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, ENCUMBRANCES, RESTRICTRIVE COVENANTS, OWNERSHIP TITLE EVIDENCE, OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TITLE SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE. 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4) SEE PLAT OF SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES FOR NOTES ON SOME BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. 5) BASIS OF ELEVATION: SPRADDLE CREEK AERIAL CONTROL 6) 1.0' FOOT OF SNOW ON LOT AT TIME OF 12/17/12 UPDATE; SOME FEATURES MAY EXIST BENEATH SNOW THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. 7) THIS SURVEY AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS THE PROPERTY OF EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC. AND IS INTENDED FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE ORIGINAL CLIENT ONLY. ANY USE OF OR TRANSFER TO OTHERS IS PROHIBITED. 8) BASIS OF PROPERTY LINE LOCATION: BLM MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE NW, NE AND SE BOUNDARY CORNERS OF SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES. 4 - DENOTES A 0.3 - 0.7 DIAMETER CONIFEROUS TREE CIE - DENOTES A 0.3 - 0.8 DIAMETER DECIDUOUS TREE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Stan Hogfeldt, a Professional Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this topographic survey was made by me and under my supervision, and that the survey is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sta H •Idt Coll P 3 98�Z3 Date:_ ❑= 24256'56" R= 205.00 L =89.26 T =45.35 LC =88.56 \ CB =S 45'24'58" E ° 8531.7 S 57'53'26" E - 47.58 _ 8529.6 T d =29' 10'26" R= 210.00 L= 106.93 T =54.65 LC= 105.78 CB =N 70'02'03" W �T 8513.2 A= 103- 16 09 R =10.00 L =26.75 T =42.09 LC= 19.46 CB =S 1944'39" W UPDATED: 12/18/12 UPDATED: 11/25/97 PATRICK FILLIETTA2 9/9/97 RMT ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING Architects, PC PO Box 7630 Avon, Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 949 -0916 Fax (970) 949 -1017 www.RMTarchitects.com STAMP V PC C� O P4 4� v "~ PC � O O � o � o 0 ISSUED FOR: No. Date Remarks A 04 -15 -13 Spraddle Creek - Sketch B 04 -19 -13 Revisions D 05 -07 -13 Spraddle Creek Final PROJECT NO: 12406 PHASE: SD DRAWN BY: RMT CHECKED BY: RMT Survey SHEET NAME A1,81 SHEET NUMBER �P O G �0 h1 15' SIDE TBACK / N o �,�o / Ile / & � o - �o� / ooh / / /I Q s G P J p°))' 0 07 EXISTING BUILDING ENVELOPE N\ 15' SIDE SETBACK PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION DISTURBANCE PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE PROPERTY LINE VI �P G� 20' FRONT SETBACK SPRAD ..O� ESE PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION DISTURBANCE CREEK 06 GLEN ROAD (5 0' F - 0 .\N ) 30 0 30 60 90 Feet (5 0 � R. 0. W.) �P 0;�P 20' FRONT SETBACK SITE PLAN, 1" = 20' -0" NS, ".b If,. �D RMT ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING Architects, PC PO Box 7630 Avon, Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 949 -0916 Fax (970) 949 -1017 www.RMTarchitects.com STAMP (u V C� O P4 4� V "~ PC C� � O 0 O o � o 0 � U O ISSUED FOR: No. Date Remarks A 04 -15 -13 Spraddle Creek — Sketch B 04 -19 -13 Revised Site Plan C 04 -29 -13 TOV — PEC D 05 -07 -13 Spraddle Creek — Final PROJECT NO: 12406 PHASE: SD DRAWN BY: RMT CHECKED BY: RMT Site Plan SHEET NAME A1,82 SHEET NUMBER