HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0101 REV2 transmittal Department of CommuniH Development 75 Sou[h FronGge Roatl Vail,CO 81657 TOWN OF VAIL ` Te1:970.4791728 www.vailgov.cam Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM llse ihis form when submitling atltlifional mfo�mation tur planning applications or�uildinq permits. This form is also used for 2ques�i�g a revision to buliding permiLS. A Mro haur minimum builAing review (ee ol$110 will be charged upon reissuance ol lhe permil. ApplicatioNPermit IWs)intormation applies to: AXention: p Revisi�ns �Response lo Correction Letter B13-0707 plan reVieW �attached copy oT correction IeHer Q�eferretl Submiilal �Olher Project Slmel AdOress: 133 WillowPlace �� (Number) (Sireet) (SuiM H) BuildinglComplex Name: Riva Ridge NOAh Descrip�ion of TransmillaU Lisl ol Changes,Ilems Allachetl: Revised simcNral plans Applicanl Information (arc�Recq contraclo�,owner/owner's rep) Conlact Name-. SRE 8uilding Associales Address' Cily Slale: Zip'. ConlxlName: Steve (useatltlilionals�eelifnx.ssary) Conlacl P�one. 97�-390-5776 Builtling Permits: . sleve s�ebuilds.com Revisetl ADURIONAL Valuations(Labor 8 Materials) Conlac�EMail. @ (DO NOT inclutle original valuation) 1 heieby acknuwledge that I have reatl ihis applira�ion,filletl out Builtlinq� $0 in fulllhe informalion requiretl,compleletl an accurale plot plan. ane slale ihal aIl Ihe information as required is wnecl. 1 agree lo Plumbing- $ compty wi�h�he inturma�ion antl pinl plan,lo compty wi�h all Town ortlinances anG slale laws,and to builtl this slmeWre acmrtling EJectrical: $ to Ihe lown's zoning and subdivislon mtles. Aesign review aP pmve u�emalional Building and Residential Cotles and o�her Mechanical: S ordin cesp own apP�icable Ihereta. X � ,�� Tolal: $� Owner/Owner'sRep e rveSgnaWre�ReQUiretl) Uate Received- For ORac Use Ilnly: Fce Paitl: Nxziva�l Fom: Gsh Qle[k# CC: Viu/MC lasl9 OC k a0�tlate: — AWM1arvdtion k_ —