HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB130293 Warranty Deed Eagle County, CO 2U13146BS TeakJSimonWn 07/18�2013 � Pgs: 2 032534 PM , ' REQ $16.00 DOC: $�0.00 � WARRANTYDEED s�steoaFea: �6go.00 ' ftxoNing Fee: 518A0 , THIS DEED I¢Aaletl Me 78th day of July, 2413, and ie matlabelween ' ThwnaChlldronyTrunll, D�tWD�umWr2R, 7D92 . (w1yeU�oroire, ormo�elhanaw), Ihe "OianiofofllwCOUnh/ of�antlSleteMllfutWserM , Forpvor Tn�at. Dated MaYCh 72, 2DDR ; (wheihor mie, rx mrne thnn onn), tho 'Gmntee", wlpw kqel addroa b rJo EAC Remfdf� 100 FIIIrtrot9 9t., 8la BW, Denver, CO 8620H ofthe CouMy of �eAVefand Stata of Cuforedo. � WITNF&8, thet Ne Gtar�Wr, for end In comiderotion of ine wm d Fiv� M�illan EIpM HuMnd Thousand Ootlats I and No C�nb { N,BGO,GOOAO ), the �ewkM sM sulfictmay ot whlGi Ir Mraby acknowled➢eu, lroraby 9nu�k• . a e i l s, c o n v e e n d c a n fi r m e u n t o t i re Ora ����� Y e n l e e a n d i h e G re r�t e e Y �e i n m d w l p M f o r e r e r. a l l t h e n e l P r o p e r ry.m p e tl u r w i N cnyMprovemBMSlnareon, locatedinthe CaurM1yofEagleantlSU(ppfColantlntlaatrit»da�folloaa; Lat2 Bbck 5 - � VAILVILLAGESEVEN7HFILINQ i Aecording to tha ilnal plat of fiEPLA7 DF LOT6 7A. BLOCK 6 OF VAIL VILLA4E SEVENTH FlLINO, HEPUT ? OF LOT 4 VA14 VILLAOE TENTH FlLINO, ANO QOV6RNMENT LOT 3, � recarded Mey 12, 2p00 as Rac»ptlon No. 728828 � COUN7YOFE4GLE � STATEOFCOLOAADO . a(so knpwn 6y atreet adtlrea8 ae: 1027 Pla�mfpan Roatl, Vall, CO 91967 i TOGETHER wllit all and Mpu]er tl�e he�eoltemente anu ePDUrte+wmet U�Bfeto beknyllp. or In anywi�a appertdNnp. tha rtwrolau� nrminde�s, rarils. hwec antl proflN thereol, enC all ihe eYrte� ApM, tlib� interW� dNm and Aemend . Miaboe.er of dw O+anbr, eNnr Irt I�n u 0quny, W, In and m tne aboue barpa4roC premiwa. wll� the MreNdmenft and appurtennncee; 70 HAVE AND TO NOL6 tno aaW promiaea a6ow barpelmtl snd daecAbed, with the appurteww�, uny qie SG�nleec. andthe0ranfaas'hainond ¢eeipmiyerer. Tha OrarROr. Par the Grpntor entl the GreMOfa heFa eM pexlpm. don �owna�t. 9�� ��. �d e6rov to aM wilh � IheOre�e. antlthetkeMeN07�heantleaNyns:datrt�helimeNtluMteolinOanAdeBvqyottMnOra�r�U, qyOr�nOor : h WBII 68bad Of IhB D�ibes ebave tle6cibed; Irea yood sure. M+derl, 6Walu4D aW fMieYa.ids M4Hr of Inherfla�ce� in ' law. and ln ke almpis; and has pood rtph6 full power aM Ww(ui authwlty to pram, pwp�in, �e0 antl «nvry ih� earcm In � manner entl farm aa aforesaitli antl M�l ihe same ara fiee entl dw Tram W larmer antl dh�r prents. 6aqe��. +eba. Ibm� �ebas, essesemaHt, ancumhrorca� end reshialons otwlwmve�kintl w niWro �oawr, eznptand wbjart to: See Exh161t"A" ihdwhotl hrMO mtl mad� � part h�rw( f Mtl 1he OroMOr shell antl WII WARpANi 7HE TTLE ANU DEFENO tM aboW dewlbxi panlew,bW rnotenyaryok�p � vaceleC streef or af�eY. IF eny. In Uw 9�M antl peemaMe pocaeaucn o111w GnMan, nd 1n� hMn antl meipn� M tla j Oranleee, agaimtellendeVerypononorpqsanalawiuUycklmingyrwlwbaranyponrhxeof. r IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the Grontw hw avealed this deM anu�r tlete wtkM apova. i ! HOMACRILD EN'STRUSTI , TEDDECEM8ER2fi, '1992 � ` � ���� i Marityn J, Th 'a Tru6tee i Skte of Illinels ! Counry of � The Porepoing instrumen[ Was RCknox99tlgud IwfWS me thig� day oiJUly, 2�13 Dy MaAlyn J. ThomB AB S 7rusxeoflheTnom4Chlldren's7rus[ II, DateCpccemper2g, 1982, � : �yyr, �'�' Wftnesa my ha tl antl oficial eeal. �U1Yb1ME11f11fR � � �� �r �� aF� M f1D0 � Nab G db myoommmeronexpirec 7�s' /7 ) ' s�evuNTdaPWNUmwr. 0f93PP8612 Y 1 Y3lA Whftf4tN1Y bEED STCO P� � I �. k . . . . . . . . . . , � � . � � EXFI[BIT "q" DEED EXGEpTIONS � � . 7a�cesioriheyear2013antlatrysubsequentyearenotyetaliendueandp�a6la, f 2. 7ha effeot of Inclusians in am� general or speGfic water aonservancy, fire protectlon, soil conservation ar other �I'' dtshlctprfnoluslonlnanywaterserviceoratreetlmprwemeMSrea. R 3. Resarvauonx or exceptione conlained in U.S, Patents, m fn Acts aUthorizing the issuance thereof, recoMed May 27, 19261n Book 93 at P�ge 146 re6eMng 1) R�qh� of the proprieto� of a vein arlode W exhact gntl � remove his ore thereirom antl 2) rights of way for ditches end cenals umshvetetl underthe authority pf the Untled Slates. A. Rcservationa or excepyons in Patente, or in Acts authodzfng the issuanca thereof, including the reservation oF a nght of way Tor ditches oY canals construcfed by fhe euthoriry of the United SFg�.g, as reyerved in Urdtetl Stetes Peterli ravnrded Oersmber 18, 1997 in 8oak 7a5 at Pflae 892, 5. C�venants for Vail �liage Seventh FGng Yecorded Decembar 17, 1965 in Book 187 at Pa�e 51� as Recepdon No. 102778 �: & All maGers as shown on the plet of Vdll Yllzye Sevanth Flling, recofded Decem6er 17, 18B5 as Reee�tfon Oz . . 7. All matters shown on the plat ot Rep�at oP Lots 7-B Block 5 Of Vall Vifage Sevenfh FlGng, Repelt oP Lot 4 of ' Vaif Vftage Tenih Filing, anq Gwemment Lot 3 recardetl May 12, ?A00 bs ReceoNon No 72g62A � 8. Con5eNa6an Easem911t t9carUed Septembar 27, 2000 �ntlon IJp 740273, . 9. All maBers shown on ihe plat oi Replat of Lofs 1� Block 5 Of Veil Viliage Seventh Ffling, Replat of Lot 4 af Vail Vllle,ge Tenth Flling, anq Govemmert Lot 3, recorded denUary 17, 2002 es RerPnllon No 783756_NOTE: �. F Endorsement 190.2 will 6a issued on ihe Owners Pollcy to fnsure averthls exqption , 10. My rights, easemenfs, interests pr claims which may exlet by reason of or reflac[ed by the following tacb shown ott tiie ImprovemeM Suney Plaf�atad 2!8/OB by Eagle Vellsy 6urveying In�,: wood tia ret wall, wood tie. conc. stalrs &Walkencraaching onto malntenanca easemenk encroachmeM of reteinin9 �II anto adjofning Lot � 1, fance sitting qff ofthe fot line C � � , I 4 �I P. � , � !r. I' . � Stewark'�MeFlleNumber: D1330.2H5i2 � 931AWARRANTY�EECISTGO Pa6e2 4 �