HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0320 Application �""u� �epartment of Cornmuni#y be�elopment �;f 75 South Fror�tage Road ���� �f v���� Vail, CO 81657 Tel. 970-479-29 28 www.�ailgov.corrt bevelopment Review Coardinator BUILDING PERMIT APPNCATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project#: 146 Forast Road DRB#: (Number) (Street) (Suite#) BuildinglCamplex Name: Building Permif#: Con#ractor Information Lot#: B[ock# Subdivision: Business Name: George Shaeffer Construction Company Business Address: PO Box 373 Wor[c Class: New�) Addition�) Alteration�j City Val] State: CO ��p: $1658 rYPe of Building: ' Contact Name: Ste�e Hooker Sing[e-Fami[y�} Duplex�j Multi-Family� ' Commeroial�j btE�er�) Contact Phone; 9�0-79D-9522 ' Contact�-Mail: st���h@gsconco.com Work Type: Interior�} Exteriar Oj Both� ' [ h�reby acknowledge that I have read this application,fifled oui Val�ration of ' in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Work Included Plans Included Work , and state Ehat all the information as r��uired is correct. I agree to 1 comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town �lectrical e�jYes O)No Oa }Yes O}No 15pD0 ,� ordinances and siate laws, and to build this structure according ta Mechanical ajYes O)iVo O'}Yes OjNo 5��fl ' the tawn's zoning and subdivision codes, desigr� review ap- ' proved,International Bui[ding and Residential Codes and vther Plumbing �jYes O)iVo QjYes �jNo 30000 � vrdinances of the Town applicable.�reto. ? Building eOjYes O)No �}Yes Q)No �00000 j X - Value of a[I work l�eing perFormed: $ 2500Qb OwnerlQ ner Rep�ese ti�e 5ignature(Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC 5ection 108.3} Eleetrical Square Footage Applicant]nformation Deiailed Scope and Location of Work: Addition of main ; i App]icant Narr�e: Steve Hooker level afFice on existing decK with new master�edroorr� Applicant Phone: 974"79p"�522 closet above ofFice, remodel existing bath�oom, change Applicant E-MaiL steveh@gsconco.com existing stuc[y into exerc�se roorn. � I Project Information �ubbard Family Investors LLC Owner tVame: b i Parcel#: ��01�7915032 � (For Parcel#,contact Eagle Cou�ty Assessors Offica at(970�28-864U or�isit 1 www.eaglecounty.uslpatfe� ; {use additional sheet if necessary} i �"or Of�cc Usc Only: pate Received: ' Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check# CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp date: Auth # t�-Ntar-2o t 2 � � I State of Colorado Asbestos Testing &Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex- posure to harmful asbestos. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directly for their requirements at the contact info listed below. When is asbestos testina reauired? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing: One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet All Others (commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet Definition of a single-family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including multi-family/condominium units, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified abatement contractor. The air clearance letter or form must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit will be issued. Project Checklist My project falls into the category checked below: � Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. � Tested negative, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test results included) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included) Tips&Facts: • Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buildings of a�n r age require testing. • The "1989 Ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO3 81657. Town of Vail Contact: State of Colorado Contact: Fire Prevention Bureau Colorado Department of Public Health Vail Fire Department and Environment 75 S Frontage Rd Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group Fire_inspectors@vailgov.com 303-692-3158 970-479-2252 asbestos@state.co.us www.vailgov.com www.cdphe.state.co.us Ol-Jan-11