HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 7 Lot 24TOyJNSHIP 5 SOUTH RAUGE SD WE$T V1ClN17Y MAP SCA�E � "= 4Db' LINE B�ARII�G D}STA�lCE L1 NQQ°45'15"E 54.59' L2 589°26�29°� 1.9Q' L3 NOQ'33'31 "E 34-.50' L4 N89'26'29"W 0.50' l.5 N�4°33'31 "E 42.15' SEGTION 5 � > � � � 5ECTION e FND. #4 R�BAR AEVD ALU�. CAP LS ,�16827 .�. �---- � � 5.0'�-- ---�5.0' � UTILITY EASE�I�NT � �� (RN 96382) �E�4VER ��T 2�W a.2�� ac. 194 C1 , l � � � i L_ ___.�� OH � . � � PAVEi� DRIVE � � N LSTAIRS/LANL7 NG � � � � � CONC. PATIO Cn � � �.QT 23� ; � �` � � � BUILDING t�UTLINE � � � � �' BL�3 01� � � Y W� � � � I L � 1 ' D�CIG (7YP.) 1 ! � � L__,.._...,.t � I � i; 1 ,\ !l ! � � I , ,`_�__�� �� � � F"LAGS�'d�� PATIO � � � � I � \ A �._ — _ _ _' — _ — _' — I� f � � � �'NU, #4 REBAR AND � � � � � � � AL�JM. CAP LS �16827 A�1199 HIGHWAY 6 8c 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 �DWAR�S, C0. 81632 {970)949-1406 �r ��, �10`I`ES: 1) Date o� 5urvey: Navernber, 20'f 1, 2} Stewar�E Tl�le Guaran�y Comppr�y comr-�itrnent No. 01330-2900 dctted Nov�rnber 7, 2011 was reliec� upnr� for afl title and easem�;nt inforrnption. 3} Notice: Acco�ding ta Colorrsda !aw you must comrrtence any legal action based upon any defect ir� this survey within three years diter you first discov�r such defecf. In no event, rnay any acfiion 6ased �apon any dafect in this survay be commenced more fhan ten years fram the date o� tha certification shown hereon. 4) 8asis of Bearings is a line connecting faund rnonumenhs marking the West Eine af �.at 24 being NO2'S6'4�2"W, (see drawing). 5) T}�e purpose of this plat is to resubdivide Lot 24 crnd create Lot 24W and Lo� 2A�E, 6) 7he U.S. survey foof is the linep! unit used for the dimensions on this piat. 7) Protective Covenants of Vail Village First Filing, recorded in Bnak 174 at page 179. 8) l.ot 24W and 24E are sub' t ta a Party Wpll Agreement �ecorded under Reception Na r�,�,,,��� �„�_______ 5} The addresses qn this pfat are for reference p�rpose o�ly. Please refer to tha Tawn o# Vail for �rpda�ec4 addressing inforrr�atian. 1Q) �'or zoning purposes, the two lots creafed by this subdivisian are to be treated as one entity. r . � � ��� a� (50' R0�1) C2 PAV�F2 bRiVE LOT 24E 0.26D AC. 1S4 0' 20' 40' 6 Q' � � � � SC�LE: I �i = L�9 �=o�°oa'24'° R=9 205415' L-7 68.49°(PLAT � fi8.56'(CA�.C,) T°�4.38°(CALC. C LEN=168.37' PL�T) 168a43'(CALC.) Bi�G=58�°56'30 E —...�.^,.1 i --_..._----_....._...��-- � n�cx (7YP.} FLRGSTON� r GQEJRT i BUf€�C�ING QUTLINE __i� � i i � �_�_�_w._a � 4 ) I E -� I.__._..__..._..._J � �� FLAGSi"C7N� PAl`IO / � L _ . _.�_ .� i' ! � � _._ _ __ �. _ .� � �' � � v^� � �� � 0 u7 O � FNf�. PLAIN �4 REBAR �ELOW ASPHALT {TIE N48'S3'15"E 0.38' TO CORNER) -�_ --- � ��DGE ASPF�ALT DRfVE �� SET �4 REBAR AND ALi1M. CAP LS #309�6 �� ' S,fl' UT��ITY EAS�M�N�' (RN 96382) $2.28' � � � � r �... Nss•o4'ooMw 1 �a.��' S.a� � � �� �� � — �....� e�.� _ ......�� ....�.� —�.... ..�_ .........� �........ �.. — —... LOT 22 � L�T 25 LRNb SU�IMARY TABLE AREA(ACRES) Parcel 24E 0.260 Parcel 24W D.217 Total 0.477 ADDR£SS � 84 B�aver Dam Raad �94 Beaver Dam Road � LOT 26A e �ZJ�'T�E:� �LA�T � � , � - ' ,, : � ` .. �; � ; � ��RTEFECATE OF q��IGATIOiV ANL? a1N�IERSHIP Know ali men by these pr�s�nts that W�ite Rock Beaver Dam, LLC, a Co�arada Limited Liabiiity Cot�-�pctny being snle owner in fee simple of all the real property si#ua$ed in �he Tawn af Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, describ�d as �allaws: Lo� 24, 61ack 7, V�i� Vil�age, �'irst F'ili�g, ����rdirrg fe� th� rrt�� f�iereaf recarded at E��ception Number 98382 in the office of the Eqgie Caunty, Colarada, Clerk and Recorder, eant�inir�g C1,477 acres, rnnre or less. have by thes� presents laid aut, plat�ed t�nd subdivided the sam� inta pc�rcels as shown on this final pfat under the name and style of Vail Vi[fage, First Fifing, A Resubcfivision Of Lo{ 24, Black 7, a subdlvision in the T'c,wn o� VaiE, EagEe County, Colorado; and cfo hereby dedicate and set apar� all o� the public roads and other p�blic impravemenfs and plqces �s shown nn the accornpanying plat to �he use af the pubiic forever; ❑nd do her��y cfedicate those portions of said real proper�Ey which ar� indicateci as easemen� on the aceompanying plat cs easements for the p�rpose shown hereon; ahd do hereby grant th�: right ta install and maintdin s�ructures ta the er�fiity respansi�Ie for provid'€ng tha services for which the easements ar� established. Execu'ted th is_ ��_day of_�?�� V1'� �'� �.....,.,,.._...,,.._,___, A.D,, 20 � �. C3wner: W�ite Rock, Bea�aer �am LLC Addres�; � P.C1: Box"•3y5��� Lit�kle R '�� ,4� 72���' !1 �, � •.� _, , '� ��, �` - ��"• --�h-,� ...... -.........._M...W..'� ................_...............------•°---- A5: ___-_,�- L� i �'`�� L�.�_���",., �� -----_____.._�.._._ f ---- � — s�'AT��.�p�'"��f�,k �tv�5�.s_,�_.._) � )ss. COUN7Y OF" �..���S�C—`------) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged I�efore me this �S� day of --- .....�t�.?,�t��._----� A.Q., 20��_ Eay ���.�a$�°`.�.......2 __...------- as ___��,���.._,......,.,._._...,,.,.._._._,.____------of White Rock Beaver aam LLC. My Cnmmission expires: __��1_� � 2__ W€tness my �and and seal. � Notary P� li — ---___ ��..............._........._. 2� l� _S (�'� v��R�,�. Address: _____ _ t-��-�-f w_ R.cx.� G 2. �7z �r CE�17�ICAlE QF" DEDICATI�N FOR P�ORTGAGEE �ST HOI.[3ER Know all men by these presents that Metrapofitan National Bank and Qne Bank anc� Trust N.A., being the holders of � martgage or deed of trust on that real praperty situated in the Town n�f Vail, EagEe County, Golorada, described as follows: L.at 24, Bfock 7, Vail Village, Firs� Filing, according to the rnap thereo# recordec! in the office of the �agle Co�nty, Calorado, Cle€�k and Recorder, containing 0.�-77 acres, more or less. as shown on this finaf plat under the name and s�yie of Vail Village First Filing, A Resubdivision nf Lo'� 24, Block 7, a subdivisiort in the Town of Vail, Eagle Coun�y, Colarado; agrees to the dedicarion anc€ setting apart all of the putalic roads and other pub[ic irnpro�ements anc� places as shown on the qccor�panying plaf to ihe use of the publ�c forever; and daes h�reby agree ta #he dedication of thase partions of said real property which are indicat�d as easements on �he accorr�panying plat as easerr��nfs for the purpose shown herean; and does ]�ereby agrea to the granting of the right to install dnd maintain necessary structures to �he entity respansible far providing �he services far which the easema�ts c�re estabfis�ed. �^��, , � � M� � � � r�' � . � .�� � � ,."� Executed this ��.`���G�_� ..,:�ay of _�� _ 4__�4,__..::F�..:..y,��.�.............................._...� A.D., 20-` _. Martgagee: Metropofitcrn ,qN�atfonal, Bank .�, �, F� � AQ�C�!'ESS: __.s "d�='�s.�z.. __�� 3 � ,.i„� vR.";,� �� ��'� '% ,,.. s� _ * .".. .�. �!' re Y � ' � 1 ' � f! �' % N �' :_� .,..., t �..:�"�_fi: � , n � ,� . _ .;'�i �� � Fv,�-:,_ c� _P �.el � , �_ ��_ � , v - ' �, P ,,, , i � ,=�i� � y' —�—..--°— x� �.W —'—'--' y-- r�.'� Fd _''."'� W...,�—.,,.,.,,....,.......,......,.. As: __�.�_�` __� �� ., � .............................�,...._......._____--_�— , �� J I ll I� L[' .�„�����, ��a� �� � N4� e1�T �Y� _�� .�.�.. _ r��..��.�-�`�.�--�� ff �� � ,w � �� )ss. J CO�INTY OF =�`;w�N ���s�,��� 7,�y�.�� �� -- ----��=�-- — ; �F;�,��.f�`^'r, �4�e far�g��ng iristrument was �acknowledg��, before rr�e th�s �'�" _ dcsy af Wf �i } �' �e�- E �'' ' '' �,��? �a,...'� _,...n..,.� ,d,.Q., `ZD ��.� by �;�, �'' i�w'_.?_.� � --`"r' ?����e 1;k,,c�� �...�....v, .............._....,..... ❑S � ,.ild�2'�j.r Hr 3� ; �; '�4^ �_----,--,----._..__.� _ _.... of NEetrapalitc�n Nat�toriaf Bank. �ly Camrnissian expires: }��,;��,�� `��Y.,�w �a�."���w �:y> WitC�e,�ss my �and and seal � �y� " �� F y� 9 �� "�x,. S '�l���n+._: r.��'t'-.,�'.�. 3'by . �n>.�„� �^,,� ! Ym��,�,�v �,��!y.� _ ro�` 2�� VE " � G,�,� .r �' ..�, : .,.. -;:, 4 . —'--- ;.^ .—.w, ......................,...........,..,:...?7'.—�`.,..._—��'_'-----'-- .,, „ �intary Public � � �� r��, y�Ya rn, d � �S � � Address: _ 4 �� �u� � � _ r t � 'a�,��' � �F �� . �. � ,�'� 'J µ� �t;� , � � I k� x,r � �vr� ,., � N � �'—..�...•�..,,...........'?:..-�-.__. �N d��:w'� "''`�c:��°^�.z�,=._---1 °'°�"u.`� +�''%� r" � - � — � _ '��', � �.`,.... �z; � °`�''' �' . .;���.;,�b��;,: � � � ; , ,; . �, �. � . � l ; ��� ��, � , ,G 7 � , !} , , � �,, � �. '� . 1 � h�ortgagee: 0ne Bank q�d Tr� Address: :;�����,'�?` y�.i''��, '��i�: �;`�' ��'i� By: =�.�.A�"� ���:�:�:��;,�,:�:��,y ��� ��� ,� � As _ ��r .Y;,,�r t���-,; (f STATE OF � �: � � � C�� r ` A ' f � , �,�_� ,��..��:�) < )ss. C�UN1"Y 0�' �.......4_�.����>_;,,'�_:�,�,.;,�"_:�__) �r�, ,,;The foregoFrrg instrument was acknowledged befnre me, �his °� day of K;�., ,' ., �E � ..��;,� G�`r,�.,..�---� A.D., 20_"'_%; by �'v �._� � � ..�,,,,, �,�.�„°,•,,,��rr;',_".,���ti,�a�,��.,? ,. � _ as ----- �'~=''�� ':__......_ ...................._....._-------- of 0 n e 8.d'n k p n�d Tru s t N. A. — My Commission expires: ____________ ,..— -.::�„-a_,,:=.,-r—..—�,��,�o�,.=:.:_.�.:�L�� Witn,ess my hand and seal. '� ""` �"� ����� , Notary PubE Address: °_ �u�.�a ��Pas� i��ara�av �a�- �r^�;�s •�'ommf�sla� ��q�irss J�;;���-A�.B %r�m,`�alon Ma. 9�3'Pd� ',a�� ,1�..'..�W. ....�.... �..---�_--- °,���.. �,,4s,�,.., 11TLE CERi1FICA� Stewart Title ���a��Company does hereby certify that tE,e title to all lc�r�ds shown upon this finaf plat has been exarnined a�d is vested in: White �ock Beaver f�arn LLC, and that title to such lands is free and cl�qr of all liens and encumbrances, axc�pt c�s follows: Dated th�s ��_ da of �`� Y .� .�....._......:_.....___ �"'rb�----------> A.D., 2� �� . Stewqrt TitEe �rt� Company Address: 97 MQin S�t. Ste. W-201 ,�� � d�rds, C ..�1632 ° � B�� ,�,a __ � _ � �a .���,��W���� j� ---- �- -- a s: �_ SU�VEYOR'S CERTIFlCAT� I do he�eby certify that I am a registered Lrtnd Surveyor licensed under the laws of the Sta�e of Colorado, iha� this map is true, correct and com�lete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condominium map wc�s made from an accurdte sur-vey of said property by me and under my super�ision and carr�c�kly shows the horizontal dnd vertieal lacaiion and dirnensions of the condominiurns, parcels, easements, and s�ree�s oF said candaminium rnap ras fihe same are st�ked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulatians governing the subdivision of land, l��� � ,�, ` ve set my hand and seal t�is ��`""'� day af P ����,' d''°'�.i�., pj "°m k�� .�...e__ .�=� �_i� _ ��'�r�������..�•°l�'� Mi .�ei� J. l�os� ���, o xr � Ca�r,�'�'d&�P.L.�y 3p11�' $� 'F ..,��; �� �� �:. � s. 4�"�.,a. t'ea � ":� � ,�Y' � y � fi ;°yt a`� `'��� � •�� �. � �-� �� ,�DMINISTRAi�R'�;�Tl�CA`fl� This final plpt is h�reby approved by �he Town a# Vail Administrator Fhis .._...�..�.°�° ._.. ciay of _�� �------� A.D., 20,� 4.... ATTEST: � �'��'��,�w���w `� �� ,,,,�,�„ °" ° . ��'--��-----��;....._�._.........._..,..:�.W.�..�. �._���'_"1..�.__ e�'��,�����.T,��., T'�own C.lerk Administrator � Town of VpiE Town of Vaif � � �� ����� � � ��R"�F'�C�'FE OF TAX�� PAf� " E, �he undersigned, do �ereby certify thaf f.he entire a. ount of tr�x�s and � ass�ssments due ❑nd payable ps of ..._:���.�°�=�-.�,�°,,,.� �`��,_,,�.�`��� �---- upan all pc�rcels o� rea� estate described on this pEQt ar� pqid in full. �7ated this ,.,��`�'�.... day of �'��C�����____� A.C�., 2Q..�,..�_. --- �� ����� ����� —�--- �.�_ �� P ' �„w � . .m�w���Y, Tr�asurer af �agle County �^ ��� c����c A�v� RECO�n��`s cE�-n�ic�� This P{at was filed for record in the Office of ths Clerk and Recorder at !�' ��__.,,_„o'c�ock � _.M., on this ��� _day of _�' ���°� „_,.,,,,.,,_..,,.._ is duly recorcfed as Reception No._��� ��°���� _,,,..,,�,.,..... � Clerlc an Record�r� �� a ��— ----��-- gY� ------ � �=' --� � �--------- Deputy 20 � �_, and ,� � - � ��y,;� � � `"�. � �.� �� �. ��m � � � � �� � ��