HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 10 Lot 01�Tail Exit
Frantage Road' ~-
Town of . ail
1!2 inch rebar with a 1" yellow plastic cap
Viele L5 91413 �, s
In�ers�ate High�raay No. 70
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Subject Sit�-..
Gore Creek
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112 inch rebar with a 1° yellow plasiic cap
Viele LS 11413 �
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L01" 1 W U.2690 Acres 1/2 of du�lex
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LC)T J. E 0.1820 Acres 1/2 af ��,tple�
7,928 Sq. �+�.
LOT 1 0.451f3 Acz'es "�'atallot area
19,6�aS 5q. �'t.
LELAND LECHN�R PLS 2350� 30946 C4UNTY ROAD �56, BUENA VISTA, COLORA]J4, 81211 (719) 395-9160
Lo� 2
� 518 inah rebar wiih a 1 1I2 ineh
alumi�tum cap stamped " L5 16827 " found
92S �`airw�y I]rzve
9�5 Fairway Drive
Ail symbo�s antl line
typ�s ar� la��l�d.
Know a11 men by tl�ese prese�ts that, Larry M. Al1en, Lori L. A11en and Fairwa� Drive, A Variable-�apital Litruted Liability Company, a Mexican
Company, beirzg sole owners in fee siznple of all ihat real property situated in the Tawn of Vail, Eagle County, Goloz'ado described as follows:
Lot �, Vazl Village, Tenth Filing, according ta �he Final Plat xecoz'ded Apz'il 1 l, 197� at Reception No. 124��k3 of the Eagle County Cl�z'k an.d
Reeorder contai�ing �.4510 acres more or less; have by ihese presents laid out, platted az�d subdivid�d the same into 2 lois as shouin on �his
�nal plat under the name anc� style af Dupl�� Plat, Vail Villag;e, Tenth Filing, A Res�zb�ivision of Lot �., a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle
Caunty, Golorado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for tl�e completion of required improvernents.
.� �� ��� .� °�r`�� ;,:
Executed this ..'.'���______._ day af ��� , A.D., 2011.
Owners: Larry M. Allen a�d �.,ori L. Akle� �
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Larr�r M. All� s Lori �. Aller�
'I'he foregoirzg Certificate of Ownersnip was a
My cammission expires:
Witness my har�c� and of
�tary F'�b�ic
_ �� °� �
Address: 925 Fatrway Drive
Vail, CC) 81657
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lged be%re me �s �`.�' � day of � �' , A.D. 2011, by
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Executed this �== �,1,' day of �'���-�" ^`"' �- ��''�;�.D., 20�.1.
Otivner: Fairway Dri e, e-Capital Limiied
Liability Company, . Mexi ,' ompany
BY: ' �' _..�u�:,' .r. �
Manuel Antonio Cas�ro y Romo
as General Manager
STATE OF ��) j �;�1?,�'i�� �=��...1� �- r2,r-:� I
GOUNTY O�` �'`' ;'% 7�1 C_' j,
j S�
Address: C/O Gariield & Hecht P.C.
P.o. so� s4�o
Aaon., CO 81620
The faregning Certificate of Ovanership was acknowledged before me �his �% ��1� day of�:�l f' ��=`'"�����r; A.D. 2011, by
/�' i l �/t/ �,- � E �:� i. �-i'%,' f C.' �;," a;%u' �" / } � /` / _.'�! e..1 � -_' . (^ i�"i .f. % .
My eomrr�ission expires: /1,,� U� �=. �e,� ,,� r�
Wiiness iny hand and offic
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Address: "''v;f�: %���'� i�'/�;�.�v'�-�, ,� %�,
�'�'"�.;_�-�ii � li �.r .1 �.� i) /1('('�.% ;� �' ;l l ��, �,
1 J Date af survey: Ap�•il, 2U 11
2) Bearings are based on a line con�ec�ing ��e NW coz'ner nf Lot 1 with the NE carr�er for Lot 1 having a bearing of N 68°28'00" �. The rnanumei�ts are
descrzbed on the drawing.
3) Monur�entatian is as indicated an the dz'awing.
4) The sole purpase of ihis plat is to subdrvide Lot 1 into two parcels �rith the divzdzng line being the center of the duplex party wa11 as shown �terearz.
5j The parcels hereby platted remair� subject to existing recorded docu�nents as they may effect this property.
7) Recorded documents utilized in this plat were provided by Land Ti�1e Gua_raritee Co., Ca:tz�rnitment No. VT�50029524-2 and No. V50031042.
S) The parcels hereby platted are sub�ect to a Part�crall Agr���eni z'ecorded at Recepfion No. ir� the Office of the Eag1e
Cnunty Clerk and Recarder.
9) For zoning purposes, ihe tvvo lots creafed by this subdivision are ta be treated as one entity.
10) '�he street addresses and setbacks shown are for re#'erence purposes only ar�d shnuld b� verified with. the Town of Vail Comanunity Development
Notice: According to Colorado Law yo�t must commence any 1ega1 ac�ior� based upon this survey within three years a��er you iirst discover such defect.
In no event may any action based upan any defect in this survey be comtnenced more �han �en years frozn i�e date of certiiicatian shown hereon.
Knaw all znerz by these presents that Red River Ban� being fhe halde�' af th� rno�tgage a�� deed of trust on the real praperty si�uated in tha
`Fown of Vail, �agle Cnunty, Colaz'ado described hereon as follows: Lot 1 W, Vai1 Village, Tenth �'zling, A Resubdivision of i,ot 1 according to
this Duplex Plat to be recarded at the �agle County Clerk ar�d Recorder containing 0.2690 acres rnore or less, agz'ees to the dedication and
ce as shown an the accom an in 1a� �o the use af Yhe ublz
settin a
art all of tl�e ublic roads and other �blic irn ro�rements at�d la s
p Y g I� �
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forever; and doas her�by dedzcate those portions of said real property which are indicated as �asement on the accompanying plat as
easements iar the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right ta install and m�in�ain necessaxy structures to the entity
responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established.
�, ���
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Executed this "' day of .��� , A.D., 2011.
l�ed 12i� Bar�k
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Addz'ess: PO Box 1255
Alexandria, LA 71315
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T e fo e oi e'f� at af � i wa ck ledged before rne t1�is � day af ��� , A.D. 2011, by
. � � ���-� , . . ����,�
My cammission �xpires: � �`� �
� �' �
Witness m� hand ar�.d of��ria�sg�al• � � f� ess: � � �� � � ��� �' � � � �'�'
i�����. ., �� �'�r�����:G�,�,p, �,, ��� A�' ���-�"� �"���� : �� ,9
�, ,� �-�� �' '� �� daes hereby certify that th� title to all lands sl�own upon this plat have been examin.ed and is
vested ir� �� � a�'����"'�'� �'���, � a �� ������= , and that title ta such
lands is free an� clear of a111iens and er�cumbrances except as follows:
�� �� __rn �� �� `� �' � �� � _�� � � ° � ___ __ �. ..__._
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Dated this ��'�'�' day of ���"�' �� , A.D., 2011.
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Agen� �
�^� � �' �'�'�° �`�-���� �� does hereby cer�ify that the title ia a111ands shown upon this plat have been examined and is
vested in �� � � , and that title to such
lands is free and clear of aIi liens and encumbrances except as follows:
F�aied this ���� day oi ����""�`� • p� , A.D., 2011.
� � ��
Agent �� �'
I, Lelat�d Lechner, da hez'�by certify that I ar� a P'rofessional Land Surveyor licensed und�r tkte laws of the �tate of Colorado, that this plat is
true, correet and co� as Iaid nut, platted, dedzcated and shown hereon, that such plat vvas made from an accurate survey oi said
pz'ap�rty by me. � o��c�n�supervision and correctly shaws tla� location and dimensions of the lots, easements, and streets of said
subdivision a �s e�a�� d upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulatio�s governing the subdivision of land.
�� � ,.'�� �. �,~��,,�� ��'�`�� / ��
In witness t��t?f�``��,have se���y h�nd anc� seal this /� day af v�1 , A.D., 2011.
Leland Lec1 n ���� ��Y �---_ -
Frofessional�`�a�����rve�;p� ���� �'3�OC
a����,�Ac� P L �i`S� p,�,:
This final plat zs hez'eby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator this ���°' day of _�`���� ��,� ��"'° A.D.
2fl� 1.
'I'awn af Vail �dministrator � ��
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A�tes� � _ � .� , ��
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To' n C rl�, Town af Vail ' .�. .
I, the undersigrzed, do hereby ceriify that the entire amount of taxes and assessme�z�s due at7d payable as of
�;,�,�,�� ���A,.��p,�,���.�. � upan all parcels af real estate described on this pla� are paid in iull.
Dated this T��� day of � i� G. #'`.�r��, A.D., 2011.
�-��� � '�-��� �:�'::r� � ��,.,�����;� �'��1 �� � P,���
�'reasurer of Eagle Cat� �.
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T' lai was 1ed for recard in the Of%ce oi the Clerk and Recorder at �'�� a'clock ��on this !�"� day
of '"��l 1�a�° is d�uly r�corded at Reception No. r��� ��.
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