HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 03Bl/1L�ING OU�INE' LOT 3-1� R�'SIlJENCE BUlLDINC DUJUNE LOT 3--A RESIDENCE SECiION A DETAIL OUTLINE RESIDENCE LOT 7 au�cQirvc aurciN�' cor .�-.a R�siv�NC�- 6'UILDlNG OU]ZINE LOi' .� A 17E51DENCE .5EC iION B DETAIL OURINE RESIOFNCE � 8C!!LO/NG OUTL/NE LOT 3-A RESIlJ�NCE 9U/LOING OUTLINE LOT 3 .4 RESIDENCE � � � � � _ . ,.. , _ , � � ; � ,. . . � ... ; � :. j! , � � .:: � � ;?�► � � �. LOT 3-A LOT 3-B LOT 3-A s�crroN c oEr,��c s � O r� FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/ W.4SHER L. S. I � � 2183 � � _ � � � � - � �� � ��. � °g � �, _ _ E � � f � i � N�1 �� � �3�aa � � � � � �� �� �� � i T� EAS����T � � - �71L� � / �' � � � � � �l l` �l ` LOT 3-.4 , BUILD/NG OUTLINE � l I � �a�Nr ` � MEGHANICAL 0 1 \ ARE.4 c,; l � � l � ` 1� �� LOT 4 , � o � aL � �,� �. a r .�-� ° cl A 3--•D/MENSIONAL P�,4CEL � � 0.223 ACRES =�l SUF2FACE BOUN�ARY � n� l b �� ' / a=z5:�� �'s" �� R=r�soo' � � � �l L=50.d1• � S���rvr Tan=25.B3" / A �, C'� S$ �� � � ck=s�a7f �z^sr i ra i� r.3-- [3 { Ch =50 4D.% � / I / • �l �r.si'��� ��,���,w 6�• � ...�- � �a . ., � w• LaT 3-B BUILOING DUTLINE LOT 3-B .4 3-DIMEN510NAL PARCEL A a.263 AGRES 5URFACE BOUNDARY AE1O1/E GROUND BOUNO,4RY L/NES �J� (SEE .SEC�IONS � .�tg�%�E� U -m. ,� � S� � °,59'�..� ��� �� 5ET 5/8" REBAR Wf PLAS. CAP P.E. & P.L.S. 25626 �TYP.� v Sr R��D (50 R.�� W� FORF ,G.,�- OV �.G / 9�.L tJ /1-�.JV�,CJL/9 L = 45. 00' T 22..5�' CH� �4. 96' 9 CB=SB�"7�3'73"W n�or�s• 1. THE PUf�POSE CJF TH/.5' PLAT IS Tl1 ,SUBD/1/IDE LOT 3 INTO LOTS 3-�! AIVD 3-B. THE LOT 3-A RES/DENCE ANO THE LDT 3-B RESIDENCE ARE PART OF S�ID LOTS 3w--A ANO 3-B. 2 BASIS OF BEARINGS:• MONUMENTS FOUN� ON THE E"ASi PROPERTY LINE DF LOi 3(SEE Dr4AW�NG). 3. DA TE OF SUf21/EY.• JUL Y 2011. 4. THE UN/TS OF LINEAR ME,4SUREMENT ARE U.S. SUR1/EY FEE7: 5. STEWART T/TLE COA9MI7MENT Of?DEf2 NUMBER 348141 DA TEO JUNE 2.� 201 f WAS RELIED UPON FOR ALL 77TLE AND EASEMENT INFORMA TION. 6. NOT/CE.• ACCaRD1NC iO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST GOMMENCE ANY LEG.QL .�CTIdN BASEO UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURI/EY WITHIN T'Hf?�E YEARS iQFTER YOU FIRST DISCOI/ER SUGH DcFECT. IN ND El/ENT, M.4 Y ANY ACT/ON BASED UPON ANY DEFEGT /N 7NI5 SUR i/EY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DA TE CJF CERT/FICA 170N SHOWN HEREON. 7. LOT 3- AND LOT 3-B A�� SUBJE�`T TO TH.4 T CERTAIN PARTY W.�LL AND OUPLEX DECLAR,4 770N IJA 7"ED ` ,� 2a t$ AND f? COR D IN THE REAL PROPEf�TY RECOROS OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO AS REG'EP770N NO.,,��9 � 8. �"h'F ADDRESSES ON THIS PLAT ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO THE TOWlV OF l/A/L FOR UPDA TED ADDRESSING /NFORMA TTON. 9. FOR ZONING PU,4POSES, THE TWQ LOTS CREA)ED BY THIS SUBDII/IS/DN ARE TO BE TREATEO /�S ONE ENT/TY. � �'��s�. C. �r� C�,�`�' �. t ` �� � � � � Q � � � � � � LUT 2 � O � N O � FOUNO 5/8" REB.4R W` PLAS. CAP P.� dc P.LS. �G628 (TYP.% BUILQlNG OUFLINE LOT 3-B RES/DENCE x 9UlLDlrVG OURINE LOT 3-A RESfDENCE f3UILDING OU711NE L p 1" ,3'-6' f7ESlDENCE � INE TA BL E � �NE e�a R�N� o�s rA Ncr� ! 1 ._.�^m^N69 SU'02 E _ _ �3.07 - L2 S20 02'S6'E 25. 95 � L 3 Sfi 9 27 36 "fiV 23 11 L 4 S06 °47 'S3 "E � .35. 99 GRAPHIC SCALE zo o io za ao ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. car .�-.� Lor ��-a sECr�oN o r�Era�c aa CERT/F/CA TE OF DED/CA 770N AND Db�IVERSH/P.• Know all men 6y these presents thof Forest Raad �evelopment, LLC ond U.S. Bank Nationa/ �issociation, 6eing sole owners in fee simple, of a/1 that real property situated in the Town at` �ail, Eagle County, Colarado descrrbed �s follows: Lof 3, Blnek 2 �arl �llage Third Filing, Eagle County, Ca/rrado contorning 0.�486 acres rnore ar less,• have 6y these pr�s�nts Iaid out, plafted and su6divrded th� same into lots and 6locks os shown on this final plat under the name and styie of Duplex Plat, Vail �Iloge Filing Na. 3, A Resu6diuision af Lot 3 B/ock 2, Tawn of I/ar/, County of Eagle, State of Colarodo; and do here6y accept the responsi6rlrty for the campletion af required improvements,� and do irere6y dedicate and set apart a// of the pu6lic roads �nd ather pu6/rc rmpravements and ploces as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the pu6lic forever, and do hereby dedicate thase partions af said real property which are created as easements on the accompanying p/at to the public forever as easem�nts for the purposes shawn herein, un/ess otherwise expressly provided thereon,- ortd do hereby grant the right fo insta/I and maintarn necessary structures to the entity responsrhle for providirrg the services for �vhich the easemerrts are esta6/rshed EXECUrEO this ���oy of ������ � , A.O., 2D17. � � 1 .,, �'" �r'",� ..�._.m.�.---."� �F�rest f7ood v pment, LLC c/a Triumph e vslapm en t 81.2Q Wood �fon t,4 ve., Sfe. 8D0 Bethesda, Maryland .20814 STATE OF CDLORADO ) > ss COUNTY OF E�GLE ) The foregoing Cert�:�cote of Dedica�ron ,an.d Ownership was acknotrrledged 6efore me th�s day af ��' ' ,,4.D., 20T9, (Jy ��.�! r. ', . .i �..: i � ; 1� i..`-., , �i .:..' OS I i , �,' ' �,. �, ! ��..�.� Of FO!'B5f Rodd Development, LLC. My carnmission expires '' Witness my hand and offcia/ seal. � � ,�� No tory Pu,blic � - ��� .�� a m ����� ��� �� �^° �.,�,�A.w�.,w� , ��������. ��:m �`� -���.a ��.,� �� ���,�������.�. U. S. 6ank National Associatron 8401 E. Belleuiew Avenue Den ver, CO 8D237 S'TATE OF COLORADO � ) ss COUNTY OF E�GLE ) 7he foregoing Certrficate af Dedieation a�d Ownership wos acknorvledqed �� ;��,;���S�sT���M , A.Q., 2C711, be�ore rne fhis�__day of,�, ;..�° 6y ��"'�� �a s� �� � 1� as `�,_.__�-�-� ____- af U.S. Bank National Assaciotron. My cammissian expires �� � �� �'� � �"��' � �`� � Witness my harrd and offieial secrl. �� R h � ,ry�� ,,,f � � f �.�r�� �'� s ,�d �� �^ � yr �'h,� �� '�'"'°; -S�� r ��•.__ �� r� � �, � . .����.. p��� � ... Nn dry .� � � .. .,, �� � _ . z�, : �.-.�� s,:.. _. .. _. �1kL�. A�� � �` �l��i�� :`� �'�,'.. .' �,O �9'�;�.�,� ,�����' ahy Commission �xpir�s ii1�-��i� LAND USE SUMMARY LOT ADDRESS AREA 3�--,4 405 0.223 ACRES ,3-B ,335 0.283 ACRES TOTAL 0.486 ACRES 1 "--500' TI TLE CER'77F/CA TE Stewart rtle Gr�r�rrt�c Company does here6y certify fhot it has examined ths Ttle ta alI lands shown upon this Plot crnd that �'rtle to such lands is vested in Forest I?aad Development, LLC, free and clear af all liens and encum6rances, excepf as follows: �� � r� � "�����' �° � ��`°� � � `����� ��a`��s��'�s � ��� ��'�� h��o ���"� pated this�day of �'�' p ,��. , A.D., 2017. � ;�'�� ����`�� .�� e� a'�'"� � �� � ,.�� ,....,� A�J"�I7 � " �'' � �? CLERK AND RECORDER CER77F/C�4 7�:• This p at was /ed for recor m the ' e af t�e �erk and Recorder ,. _ at��.'c/ock�rLi on this�day of � , A.D., 2011, �� ��m,� and rs duly recorded at Recep tion No. �� � � '"'"' ���'�� � � 0 � �� � �� � � ' �' � . �,�-� a` d ec " r ' . �.��14�r���.='°� � � ����,. Eogle Caun ty, '. o/orado B)!' � ��� - - Depu ty � cE�r���cA r� oF rAx�s PAio: l, the undersiqned, do here6y certrfy tho�,,the en�ire amounf of taxes and assessmenfs r-Iue and paya,6l� as of�� �.���� ���� ��� � upon all parc�ls of real estate descri6ed on this plat are paid in full. oQted th,s ��°" day of �,��,��.d. ����� `�.o., za��. , �,x r ��R 9����{` i4 � „ '�„e%. �T�f � � , � ��„ s �y'' �n��.��m.�',��'"� •F� ��a_-a�"*t,.�� �� `�yi �'. � i�,�,��,,�. d�',,�.�,n°,r�L�'�'g� �'g�' t Treasurer 'bf Eaq/e � ty � '�"���°"� 9v:,.,, SUR I/EYOR'S CER 77FfC.4 7�E:• l, Duane D. Fehrinqer do here6y certify thot I am n Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws af the .Sfa#e of Colorado, that this p/at is a true, correet and complete duplex plat of !/ail �illag� Filing No. 3, Lat 3, Block 2 as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was mode from or, accurate survey af said properfy by me ond/ar' under my superuision and carrectly shoivs the lc�cafian and dimensions nf the lots, easements and streets of said su6diuision as the same ar� staked upan the graund in camplionce With applica6/e requ/ations goveming the subd�uis�al�..�.af�(and .. "� , In Wi es here , I have s�t my har�d and seol' th��� day of , .�. �., .�p�"� : � � �,� . �r^, i �.� 4� ;° � , �f � ' F.' ,'> �1�� � �,� A, � � .,. ,_ � „ � . Uuane",,l.��".te��ing,e:,r_.,<,-°' ::;:�x" Pra�ess�o'�al• Lr�n.d,�SuFVe r.�, �p� �`;o o � �.� ADM/NI.S'iRA T�R CERTIFICA TE.• This final plat rs here6y approved by the Town of I/orl Administrator this f�.� day of �:5:�'��"�'�o ��� , A.D. 2011. ,a r�sr.- ��� ,� d tr ;'�v���� � ��'� �,�� �'�,��' m. - .. � �° ,..�� .�,��.,�,.���� �.���»�...r�,_ ''T��vn 'Clerk Admrnistrator %wn of �ail Town af 1/arl � m z n � � w � � a � O z c N N � �� �� n�,�� c; �; ac `: %�� � �'oc r��.�.N� ��..( h �'s � �r O�pS ���. O � �� U � ��E !� a�o k � � � '��Or ��� ��M� ,,V��� a ��� �N� a °���s � a ���� � '?�� � a ;o-�r�t ���� '�r,�� a a o u �� 0 �V � O O � 'p � O a�.���� a� a� ow•y �.v ���.� 6 m v� ��'`� � �����•LQ ,a'� ° � pt� �-- �ca°`�a� o,fiC mm � � �w ° �'o 0 � �.a�°b��, � � �ou,an�j ���,c�r O� `� "�-' � b � Y� J �.������ m ��� W y � U -,'�•, � O ,v+,,.. +O �C � ��y�.1„�.CV� � o.N � �o m .�, o .c_ r � � �� a � ° m �a°�OOw � a u� � o � u�i��y �CL �C 4� � �.h.y�w � � a��m�� C1 "�C+ y � U � ���='�p �� O � a� v �' � .� .� �,o`��� v� oa o o,� � ��C•�y� V �ma.N � � 7�i G a C � �C � �� o 0 oEU ° o U 0 CC O M O U 0 � � � ~ � (� Z � Z � � o � o Y � w .� J � � � � � � J W � ..� � �.F � �Q � � � � O Z O H DESIGN�b BY: DRAWN BY: S�� CHECKE� BY: DDF on� issuEO: � � _� 6-11 PROJE1T00 DOO� i SHEET N0. 1