HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 33 LEGAL � ��1 ef�►
- ` r�l� , I��-
� P��annir�g �nd Er��rirar�t�enta�t C�mm��sQr�
- � D�partment af Cor�m�nity C�ev�elop�e�t
�'��� �'j� ' 75 Sautf� Fr�antage Raad, Vaif, �Catorado �1b57
r kel: 970.474.2139 fax: 9�'�0.479.2452
�a�w��Ef���c�ve�o�a,e��r� we�b. wwwt.vailgov.c�m
Projeet Name: WILLIAMS VARIANCE PEC Number: PEC070036
Project Description:
OWNER WILLIAMS, EDDIE D. 05/3D/2007 Phone: 3Q3-866-0800
CO 80209
APPLICANT BILL HEIN-WM HEIN ASSOC. 05/�0/2007 Phane: 720-�05-Q66S
CC7 80237
Praject Address: �570 BAL� MOUNTAII� RD VAIL Location: 257fl BALD MOUNl"AIN }�D
Legal Descriptian: Lot: 33 Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13
Parcel Number: 21d1-034-0300-9
Motion By: KJESBO Action: DENIED
Second By: VIELE
Vote: 7-0-D Date of Approval:
Planner: Bil� Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00
. � , ��� ��o- o
T�: Planning and Environmental Commission
�� V:ils.
FF�aM: Community Development Department
DATE: November 12, 2007
SUBJ�CT: A request for a final review of a variance fram Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail
Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to a�law for an �c�ditian witt�in
the west side setback, located at �570 Bald Mountain Road/Lat 33, Block 2, Vail
Village Filing 13, and setting forth d�tails in regard there#o. (PECD7-0036)
Applicant: Ed Wilbiams, represented by William Hein Associates
Planner: Bill Gibson
The Applicant, SVII c/o Ed Williams, represented by Bi�l Hein Assaciates, is eequesting a
finaf review of a va�iance from Seetion 12-6G6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant ta
Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow �n a�idition within the west side setback, located at
2570 Bald CIJIQUntain Road/Lot 33, Block 2, Va�l Vi!lage �ilinc� 13, and setting forth details
in regard thereto.
Based upon Staff's review of the criteria ou#lined in Section VI I of this memorandum and
the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department
recommencls approvaf, with COI1fIifIORS� af this appiication, subjec# to the findings
noted in Section VIII of#his memorandum.
The Applicant, SViI c/a Ed Williams, represented by Bill H�in Associates, is proposfng a
renovat�on af th� west du�lex unit at 2570 Bald Mountain Road. The renovation will
include the cnnstruction of a 293 sq.ft. garage addition (expanding from one bay to �wa)
on the norfh sid� af the structure, an 882 sq.ft. entry and master bath addition (enclasing
the breezeway between the exis#ing house and the existing garag�}, and a 6�68 sq.ft.
second story bedroom and bathroom addit�on (located above the existing and propased
garage spaces and breezeway enclosurej. The majority of these improvements are
located within the required �5 foot west side setback.
A vicinity map (Attachment A), the Applicant's request (Attachment B), a letter from #he
adjacent property owners (Attac�mer�k C), archiv� file site plans (Attachment D) and the
propased architectural plans tAttachment E) are attached far reference.
The subject praperty was annexed ir�to the Tawn of Vail in 1972 and subdivided with
Town af Vail approva! in 1976.
1 '
In 1978, the original developer obtained Town of Vail c�esign review approval and a
building permit to construc# the existing duplex. The originally apprvved buald��ng permit
plans show that the duplex was to be cQnstructecf 16 feet fram the west property
boundary. In 1981, the Town of Vail approved an addition to the residence based u,pon
the original site plan information. In 1982, atto�neys representir�g the ovuners af the
adjac�nt Lot 34 senf a letter to the Town of Vai! indicating that #he subject duplex was
not originall}r constructed in its approved locatian. The letter alsa noted that the
approved 1982 addition was actual�y being constructed on the adjacent Lot 34, rather
than an the subject site. 7here is a hand written note on the �ile copy of that letter that
reads: "Resalutian was encraachrng was rem�ved."
A copy of a 1980 Improvement Location Cer�ificate (ILC) showing the true location of the
subJec# duplex was submitted in a 2QQ2 �etter to the Tow�n of Vai1. Based upon this iLC,
the subject duplex was constructed within the west side setback and has been
encroaching upon the adjacent neighbar's property for at least �7 years.
In 1992, the east uni# of the subject duplex obtained Town af Vail approval to enclase
t�e breezeway originally separ�ting the house and garage. !n 20�7, the east unit
obtained Town of Vail approvals for a new entry awning.
Staff betiieves that the fallowing provisions vf the Vai1 Town Code are relevant to the
review of this proposal:
Arficle 12-6D: Two-Family Prirr�ary/Second�ry Residential (P/S) Distric# (in part)
12-6D-1: PURP05E:
The furo-family prrmary/second'ary residentra! drstricf is intended to
provide sites for sir-rgle-family residentra! uses or two-family resrdential
uses in which one unif is a larger primary resi�fenc� and the second uni�
is a srnaller caretaker aparfment, tagether with such public facilifies as
may appropriately be Ioca�ed rrr the same �one districf. The fwo�family
primary/secondary residential districf rs infended to ensure adequate light,
air, privacy and open space for each dwell�ng, comrnensurate with single-
family and twa-farnily occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residentia!
qualities af such sites ,�y establishing appropriate site dev�l�pmenf '
12-6D-6: Setbacks
In the primary/secvndary residentia! distrrct, fhe rrtinimum front sefback
s�hall be twenfy feet (2a), the minimum sirle set6ack shall be fifteen feef
�?5'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteer� feef (95).
Chapter 12-17: Variances (in part)
92-97-�: Purpose:
A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: !n order fo prevenf or fo lessen su�h practical
drfficulties and unnecessary physica!hardships inconsistent with the objectives af
� 2
. t
. �
this frtle as would resulf frorn strtcf Qr literal inferprefatron and en�orcement,
variances from certain regulafions may be granted. A practical difficulty or
unnecessary physi�al hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of
a site or the lacafion of existrng structures fherean; frQrrr topographic or physica!
condit�ons an fhe site or in fhe immecfiate vicinity; or from other physical
Irmitations, street locafions or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or
inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal campliance wrth a regulation
shaPf not b� a reason for granting a varlance.
Chapter 12-18: No�conforming Sites, Uses, Structures and Sife Improvements
12-9 8-1- Purpose
Thrs chapter is intended to limrt fhe number and extenf of nonconforming uses
and strucfures by prohlbiting or /imifing their err�argemenf, their re�sfablishment
after abandonment and their resfarafion after subsfanfial destrucfion. While
permitting nonconfarming uses, structures, and irr�provements to continue, this
chapfer is lntended to fimit enlargement, alf�rafion, resforatron, or replacement
which woulaf increase the diserepancy befween existing conditions and the
development sfandards prescrrbad by this tifle.
C#�apt�r 12-'f 8-2: Continuance
Nonconforming sifes, uses, structures, and sife imprnvements lawfu!!y
esta6fished prior �p the etfective dafe hereof rnay confinue, subjeef to the
lirnitatrons prescriberJ in this chapter �Sifes, uses, structures, and site
irrrprovements Iawfully authorized by permits or regula�ions exisfing prror to the
etfective dafe hereof rnay continue, subject to such Iimifafions as prescribed by
such permrts or regulations.
Address: 2570 Bald Mountain Road
Legal Description: Lot 33, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13
Zoning: Two-Family Residential District
Land Use Plan Desigr�ation: Low Densi#y Residentia!
Current Land Use: Duplex
Lot Size: �6,483 sq. ft. {1.�67 acres)
I-lazards: Moderate Hazard Debris Flow
Standard Allowed/ReQUired Existin Proposed
Setbaeks (min}:
Frr�nt: �0 ft. 45 ft. 35 ft.
West Side 15 ft. 0 ft. 0 ft. {addi#ivnal
East Side 15 ft. 4Q ft. no change
Rear: 15 ft. 180 fit. no change
GRFA (max): 9,438 sq. �t. 6,255 sq. ft. 7,205 sq. ft.
West Unit: n/a 2,806 sq.ft. 3,�56 sq.ft.
East Unit: n/a 3,449 sq.ft. no change
5ite coverage (rrtax.): 9,297 sq. ft. (20°/fl) 3,764 sq. ft. (8%} 4,'{05 sq. ft. (9%)
� -
� -
Landscape (min.}: 27,890 sq. ft. (60%) 38,494sq. ft. (83%) 38,278 sq. if. (82%)
Parking 6 8 (3 enclosed) 9 (4 enclossd}
West Unit: 3 4 (1 er�closed) 5 (2 enclos�d}
East Unit: 3 4 (2 �nclosed) no change
Existinq Use Zonin
North: Residential T�nra-Family Residential Distric�
South: Open Space �utdaor Recreatian District
East: Residential Two-Farnily Residential D�strict
West: Resider�tial Tvvo-�amily Residential [3istrict
The review critena for a request of this natur� are establ�shed �y Chapker 12-16, Vail
Tawn Code.
A. CQnsideration of Factors Reqardinp Variances:
1. The relationship of the requested rrariance to other existing or
potentia! uses and structures ir� the vicinity.
The existing dupiex structure was nat constructed in its appraved
location, and does not conform to the minimum 15 faat w€:st side setback
requirements. The existing structure was not lawfully established in its
existing location, thus the s#ructure is not "legally non-cnnforming" ir�
regard to the Town's se#back requ+rements.
Staff beiieves the praposed enclosure of the existing breezeway and the
proposec� garage expansion further the Tawn's development objectives of
creating enclosed parking and cannecting residences with their
associated garages io create single unified structures. However, Staff
do�es not believe the praposed construction of a secand story bedroom
addifion above the garage fu�thers any such development ob}ectives.
The neighboring duplex, located to the west at 2550 Bald Mount�in Road,
is sited further downhill (south) fram Bald Mauntain Raac! than #he
applicar�t's duplex. The neighboring properky also i�nclud�s mature trees
and substantial landscaping directly adjacent to th� applicant's proposed
additions. �Msrefore, Staff believes the propose�i breezeway enclosure
and garage expansiar� wifE haue only minor impacts to the ex�sting and
potential uses and structures in the vicinity ir� comparison to existing
However, Staff believes the proposed second story bedroom addition
does not further any Towr� development object�ve and will have a
significant effect an the existing or pvtenti�l uses and structures in the
vicinEty compared to existi�g conditians.
. t
The owners af the neighboring duplex at 2550 Bald Mountain Road have
submitted a letter of supp4rt for the Applicant's proposal (Attachment C).
2. The d�gree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation
and enforcement of a specified regufativn is necessary ta achieve �
cornpatibility and unif4rmity of treatmer�t amang sites in the vicinity
or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special
The Planning ar�d EnvironmentaE Gommission has consis#ently granted
setback variances for new garage additions to homes that were originally
constructed withvut garages or with inadequate garages, since the
cvnstruction of a garage furthers the Town's devElopment goals and
objectives relatec� to trafFc and parking. The P�ar�ning and Environmentaa
Commission often found that the location of these homes on t�eir sites
created hardships warranting a variance. Therefore, Staff supports the
construction of a garage addition within the west setback to allow the
Applicant to expand the garage similar tfl the east unit of this duplex and
other sites in the vicinity and w�thin the Two-Family Resid�ntial �istrict.
The Vail Town Code requires dupl�x residences ta be phys9cally
connected to their associated garages to create a single, unified
structure. Tf�� Applicant's proposal to enclQSe the existing breezeway to
connect the existing residence and garage achieves this Towr�
development object. In 1992, the east unit of this duplex �nclos�d the
original breezeway separating khat unik from its garage. S#aff believes the
applicant should be afForded the same opportunity. Therefore, �tafF
supparts the construction of an addition within the west sethack to
enclose their breezeway sirnilar to the east unit.
The applicant is proposing a second story bedroorre and bathroom
additior� above the expanded garage and breezeway enclosure. Staff
believes this second story addition exceeds the minimum degree of relief
necessary for the A�plicant tv achieve compatEbility and uniformity af
treatment among sites in the vicinity. Staff does not believe the proposed
second story addition furkhers the Town's devekopment objections. Staff
believes the propased second story addition will have increased impacts
�o�he adjacenk properties ove� a sing1e stary garage addition.
Since the existing duplex structure was not constructed in its appraved
9ocation, it was therefore raot lawfully established in its existing location
and the str�cture is not "legally non-conforrning" in regard to the Town's
setback rsquirements. Therefore, Staff believes the granting of a
variance for the second story bedroom addition would be a grant of
special privilege.
3. The effect of �he requested variance on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation and traffic facilities, public faCilities and
utilities, and public safety.
� , .
Staff does not believe this pra�osal will have a significant impact on the
public health, safety vr welfare, public f�cilities, or utilit�es �n camparison
to existing conditions af t�e site. However, Staff does belie�e the second
stor�r additian element of this application will have a negative affect an
light and air, and will crea�e additional visual impacts due ta adjacent
properties due to its close praximity ta#he property boundaries.
4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable
to the prop�ased variance.
The existing duplex strucfure was construeted under Town of Vail
jurisdiction and was not approved to be constructed in its present
locatEOn. As shown on ti�e original building perrnit plans, the subject
duplex was approved tQ be located 16 feet inside the west prc��e�ty
bo�ndary. Therefore, the existing stcucture was not lawfully established
in its exis#ing lacation and the structure is not "legally non-confvrming" in
regard to the Town's setback requirements.
The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of
a final review of a variance from Sectian 12-6C-6, Setbacits, Vail Town Code, pursuant
to �ha�ter 12-17, VaTiances, to allaw fo� an addifton within th� v+rest side setback,
located at 2570 �ald Mountain RoadlLt�t 33, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting
forth details in regard ther�to. This recommendatian is baseci upon the review of the
criteria autlined in Section VII of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance
request with canditions, the Community Development Department recommends the
Cammissivn pass the folfowing mcrtion:
`The Pfanning and Environmenfa! �Commission approves the applicanf's request
for a variance from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vai! Town Code, pursuanf fo
Chapter 12-97, Variances, fo aUaw for an addition within fhe west srd� s�tback,
lacated at 257Q Bald Mounfain RoadfLot 33, Block 2, Vail Village Ffli�ag 13, and
setting farth detaifs in regard fhereta, subject fo fhe fo!lowing conditions:
1. This sefback variance approval shall only apply fo the propvsed secand
garage 6ay addition and the enclasure of the existing breezeway separating
the hous� and garage. This setback variance approva! does not apply to the
proposed second sfory addlfion."
S�ould the Planning and Environrriental Commi�sion choose to approve this varaance
request with conditions, the Community Development Departrr�ent recommends tl�e
Commission makes the follouving findings based upon a review af Section VII of the
Staff's November 12, 2007', memorandum to the Planning and Environmenta!
Commission, an� the evidence and fest�rnony presented:
. `
"The Plannrng and Environmenfa! Commission finds.•
1. The granfing of this variance, with cond'rfions, w�N nof constitute a granting of
special privilege inconsistenf with th� limifafrons on ofher properties classified in
the Two-�amily Residential�isfrict.
�. The granting of this varian�e, with conditions, wilJ nof be detrimenfal fo the
public health, s�af�ty, or welfare, or mat�rially injurious fo properties or
rmpravements rn the vicinity.
3. This variance, ►vith conditions, is warranted for the following reasons:
a. The strict Irteral inferpretafion or enforcement af the specified regulafion will
result in practieal difficulfy or unnecessary physica!hardship rnconsistenf wifh
fhe objecfives af Ti�le 92, �oning Regulatians, Vail Tawn Code.
b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditians
�pplicable to the same sife af the variance fhat do r�or apply generally to oth�r
propsrties in fhe Two-Family Residential Districf.
c. The strict interpretation ar enforcement of the speeified regulation will
depr'tve the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties
in the Two-Family Residential District."
R. Vicinity Ma{�
B. Applicant's Request
C. Ad�acent Property Qwner's Letter
D. Archive File Site Plans
�. Proposed Architectural plans
F. Pubfic Notice
Attachm�nt A ' �
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� � Attachment B
' Architecture/Pianning
Members of the A�-r�erican tnstit�te of Archi�ects
Mema to: Tawn of Vail
Community Dev�lopment Department
�'rom: Bi�l Hein
W� Hein Associate�
Date: May 29 , 2Q07
Subject : Zaning Variance Request
West, Unit - Two Family Duplex
257Q Ba�.d Nlc�untain Raad
�,ot 33 , Black 2 , Vail Village Filing 13
Vail , Colorado
Included herei❑ is a description of the cc�nda.tions that underlie
a variance r�quest to consider alZawing unit improvements and
additians within the �resterly fi�teen taot side setbac]� of the
abnve refer�nced pre�perty. AZso included is a written stat�ment
response to the issues contain�d in the Town of Vail variance
. app3icatian.
The awn�rs of the West Unit re�erenced above desire to repaiX
and i.mp�ove their unit . Recen�ly major damag� occurred to the
unit because of a heating sys�.em ma�functiorn and subsequent
rupturing of wat�r piping that resulted in unit flooding . Due
to the extensive r�pair required �v all three levels oiE the unit ,
the owners have elected to modify, up-grade and add on to the
unit at this time .
Having made this decision, the owners need to address a problem
that they wer� unaware oP when they purchased i� in 1999 . They
did not know that the building was non-compliant with Town of
Vail planning anci zoning regulations in that the building was
built autside of the allowable building envelope . Thus, it not
only encroached into the required westerly side setback for Lot
33 , but also encraached into th� adjacent site - �,ot 3�, 2550
Balcd Mountain Road.
Because of the building lacation, the �otential ta make additions
and impravements to their uni.t is severely coan�tzained . )n fact
a practical difficulty �xi.s�s due ta the reality that a lazge
3003 East Alameda Denver,Cok�radn 802(34 3Q3-722-84E11 fax 303-6�8-0665
3 •
h '
May 29 , 2007
Page Two
portion of any unit adjust�ent and�ar addition wauld o�cur within
the inf�uences of the designated side setback. Therefore , manp
improvements that wou�d �ypically be allowed, bas�d on De�ign
Review Baard appraval . would be in conflict with Town regulations
because of setback encroachmen� , As a result , a request is here-
by made to the Town of Vail to grant a varaance to allow the
prQpos�d improvements that enc�oach into the westerly fifteen
foot side setback.
A description af the proposed improvements far the subject unit
is as fpllows .
- The existing above grade decks that encroach into the side
setback and the adjacent site wil� be remov�d . The awners of
�he s�bject unit have taken the initiative ta contact the adjacent
owners and work �ut an acceptable solu�ion. In addition to the
deck removal , the exterior design; overall building h�ights,
exterior material usage, window locations , etc. ; have been
discussed with adjacent awners.
- Ext�nsive adjustme�ts and up-grades to a11 of the existing
in�erior spaces and finishes are planned.
- The owners want to recapture the lost and was�ed open area that
currently exists under roof be�ween the exis�ing unit and the
e�isting single car garage. Thas area is a "br��ze-�,ray" that can
easiZy become usable interior space for the unit with no negative
impact to adjacent units . The companion unit in the duplex,
which is similar in design, has already applied for , been granted
and has initiated a similar change. A portion of the proposed
enclasure is within the side setback.
- An addition to the existing single car garage to a11aw for two
enclosed car �paces is pr�posed . A portion of the expanded
�arage falls within the side setback.
- The majority of thc� proposed addition an� new square foatage
for th� project is cantain�d in a new bedracam suite planned
above the expar�ded garage. Though modes� in size , the awners
�ee a real b�nefit in this addit�on. Con�idering all of the
constrain�s that th� existing canditions of the site i�tpose,
there is no other practical Zacation for this improv�ement .
Further , cansiderin� the sloping character of the sit�, the
location af the adjacent units and the extensive tree cover as
well as the mature landscape cover of the site , the addition of
this bedroom suite sYaould not negatively im�act adjacent units
or anyone an the road above .
. �
- ,
May 29 , 2007
Page Three
The �djustments and additions as proposec3 are well -within the
allowable site coverage anci gross residential flaor area for
the site. When cansidered in eoncert with existing candi�ions
plus potentia� improvement possibilities for the comp�nion
easterly unit , t�ie d�velvpm�nt opportunity for the entire site
will not approacY�i maximum bui�d�out limits .
Therefare , the hardshi� imposed on the subject unit by the
exist�.ng conditians resulting �rom the initial incarrect place-
ment of the bui�ding on the site , creates a pr�ctical difficu�ty.
It limits the owners enjoyment of an �.mprovement that would
oth�rwise be a�lawed and tha� has , or has been, enjoyed by
owners of other sites in the immediat� vicinity.
The following stateme�nts r�spond to issues containea in the '�own
of Vail submittal requirem�nts form:
a7 The re3ationship of the requested jrariance to other existing
or potential uses and structures in the vicinity is one of cam-
plete compatibility with adjacent progerties and their residen-
ti�l uses . The only issue invol.ved with this variance requ�st
is for the cansideration to make improvements in the side set-
back that would otherwise be allawed if the proper placement of
the built�ing an the site existed .
b) as sugges�ed in a } above, this r�quest asks fo� the same
cansiderations of the Town of Vail review proc�sses that wou�d
be available to o�her properties in the vici�ity. The original
error in siting the building on the property crea�es the existing
nan-conforming conditian. Therefore no special privil�ge is
being requested .
c} The granting ot this variance request will no adversely
effect light and air, distribution af popula�ion, trans�aortation ,
traffic facilitir�s , utali.ties and public sate�y .
d ) The proposed improvements �hat are subject ta this variance
rec�uest will bring the unit into complianee witl� adopted T'own
of Vail p�lanning palicies and development objectives in at least
two ways . Enclosing th� existing '"breeze-way�� between the garage
and the unit addresses the objective ta 1imi� detached garages
and the �xpans�on of the on� car garage to two car spac�s
addresses the objective to pravide enclosed parking in the
Sep 28 07 07: 59a Tom L�neis 72Q-493-9018 p. i
09/25/2887 19;17 8165616384 R�J 4ALL.A�RD PAGE 91 , .
s '
_ Attachment C
to: City c�f Vai!Plannirx��nd Ertvirvnrnerti#al Cornmissiort
F m: Rocicy Ch�er
Dr. Ronatd WoNard
. S�ptembe�r �9,2007
S � . Pr�aaed E�ion and �t1an of Un��B (w�t unit)
af 2570 Bald Mou�ain Road
Yir c�t�eti txnh urti�oi the dtiplex at 2554 8ald Mlounlain Rvad, imrt�ediate�y
�cf oont and t�fhe we�t o�tt�e subjact propertg a1257Q 8�ald Maunta�in Road.
1N have eacamirned the�xapased expanskyn and rertcwation af the�ubjec;#
.and t�ave beer� �ionned of tht pnoposal. We raovgrtize that�ra is
e wi�cont�ta he an�encroachmenk art our prope�t7v�and we recogni�e thaE
b!�P�Y does rwt co�Tonn tv tha c�ty s�-�ack rulea.2�nd tha�t the ruaw
e�will a�sa r�c�t ooninirre to the citp rul�.
As re�lt�f U�e prapo5�e�c�ng�es, a d�cic area tMat naw entxoac#►es on our
rtY v�tl be rerr�oMed�t�s exterbr of the�u�g wiN be r�nvveted,end the
erea w�11 be�vcp�nded. The pdanned expensian a�tlte garrage,llve
a�cwe the gerege,the new and�r+det!exferi�clec�c an tf�e r�r of
�ding. and the proposed encteriar palio si��d bc�tian ar�e sc�eptable�o
In ite af the is�ues ar�d the t�ontirn�ed e�x:r�aad�mer�t on our �
p ►vre�pport�e ex�a�ion 8�d dh2tnpes prppo�ed for Utrit B af 257Q
B� i�urr�ain Road per 1hQ plans�ubrttitl�ad�a the Vail D�gn Review
Co �t�e and�e City of 1f�1 Pf�ne��ng and Ernvirn�nment�Coretnrissian.
C hQr � Da�e
nald Wdl�d Dat�
. ;
- �
Memo to: City of Vail Planning and Environrr�ental Commission
From; Rocky Christophet-
Dr. Ronald Wollard
Date: September 19, 2007
Subject: Proposed Expansion and Renovation of Unit B (west unit)
of 2570 Bald Moun#ain Road
We own bath units of the duplex at 2550 Bald Mountain Road, immediately
ad�acent and to the west of the subject property at 257a Bald Mo�ntain R�oad.
We have examir�ed the proposed expansion and renova�ion of the subject
property, and have been informed of the propasal. We recognize that there is
and will con�inue to be an encraachment on our praperty, and we recognize that
the subject praperty does r�ot conform #a #he city set-back rules, and that the nevtir
improvements will also not co�form to the c'rty rules.
As a result of the pro{�ased changes, a deck area that now encroaches on aur
property will be removed, the exterior of the buil�ing will be renovated, and t{�e
garage area wila be expanded. Ti�e planne� �xpansion of the garage, the
bedroom above the garage, the new and expanded exterior deck on the rear of
. the building, and tl�e pro�osed ext�rior patio size and location are acceptable to
Ir� spite of the nor�-conformance issues and the cantir�ued encroachment v� o�r
property, we support the expansion and changes praposed for Unit B of 2574
Bald Mountain Road per ti�e plans submitted to the Vail Design F�eview
Committee and the City of Vail Planning and Environrnental Commission.
� �, ,
� � � �
_ ; �s�= �,^c='�
Rocky Chr s opher Date
Dr. Ronald Wollard Date
� � � � � � �
S�I� 2� �007
Attachment D ' �
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West Une-fSalf of 1}vUlex, Lot 33, a ResuUdivision of Lot 27 ,
131ock 2. Vail Village, 'thirteen�l� �'ila.ng, 'I`own o� Vail, rag�e
County, Colora�o.
I Jack tJ. Johnsot�. 1�pre�Y CeT��fY that this imPravem�hp
}.�cation certificate was prePared for Pettee Industzies�survey
i�provement loc�tion beinq based on a �?r�uious propPrty
thaL has �ieen monumented Uy ot�ers and t-hat it is nnt D� pther ' •
re],ied upon fos the establisli��+ent of f�nae, building,
future impravement lines•
I further cerkify that- the iiF�piga�n�exCept���ablty �°n-
cribec� parcel an tHis date, �u�Y ex-
nections� are en�.irelY Wr��2n �h� bpundaries �f t�e p�rcel,
cen�. as shown, tha� there are nnacl�oinin�hQZemisesnnexcec�f.eas��bec1
��remises k�y imiaroveme�tits on �ny l easement
indic�ted, an�. tliat t'here iar�ofhsaircl�oarcedenexcept�as noted .
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r Date ,`` `��'• :Sii`.
*' 4551 '�'
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I herehy certify that this improvament location certlficafe wae prepared for CLIENYS LEGAL�ESCRlP710N
NAME, that It Is not a land survey plal or Improvement eurvey plat, and that tt Is p pARCEL aF �ANO 9EINf 1 PART ^° LOT 33, A ftE5Ue01NStON 6F LOT 27, BLOCK 2, ��
not to 6e reEied upon for the establlshrn�nt nf Fence, bullding, cr other future VAiL VILLAGE THIRTEENTh INC, Tl OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLQRA�O, MORE
I furkher cer#ify that #he Improvernsnts on the atrove described parcaf un DNTE OF �pM N1HiCH ThiE SOUTH4VESTERLY CORNER OF 5AI� LOT 33 BEAftS SQUTH 02 DEGREES � o�
SURVEY, 26QQ, axcept utlllty connectlo�s, are entlrely wlthin the boundarles of the 17 MIt�UTES 36 SECONDS YIEST, 2�7.55 FEET DISTANT; iHENCE ALONG SAID COMMON �g
parcel, except as shown, thol ihere are no encroachrrients upon the descrl6ed WALL NORTH 10 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONOS EAST, 32.80 FEET: THENCE NORT}i �
premises by Improvements on any adJo€ning premlaey, axcept as Indicated, and thot 7g ppGREE5 JU MfNl1TES WES7 48.82 FEET;T}iENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES 30 A�INUTES 00
there Is no apparont evidenca or sign of any easemanY tra�esing or burdening any SECONDS EAS�, 29.42 FEET; THETlCE NORTH 79 OEGftEES 30 A�INUTE5 Op 5ECDNDS E
part of saEd purcel, extept as noted. 1NEST, 24.00 FEET; 1HENCE SOUTri 10 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 5h SECONpS WEST, 26.83 �• ��
Thla cartEficate does not canstilute a t1Rle search 6y Inter-Mountain Englneering to SOUTH 10 DEGREES 30 MINl1TE5 00 SECONDS WEST, 23.69 FEET, TrIENCE ALONC TNE 9a
determine ownerahlp or eaesrnenks of r {�ual,��For„pll inlormntian regarding WESTERLY IJNE QF SAIp LDT 32 SOUTH OB DEGf�EES 22 MINUIES 02 SECONOS EAST, �. ��
easements, rlghis-of-way or tltle af ipg�Ur�l�7 untoin relled upon the plat of 12,p0 FEET; 1HfMCE S�UTH 79 DEGREES 36 MINUTES �0 SECONDS EAST 7.59 FEET;
Commltment Na. VTF272570. dote �A, 20 �nd Ttkle Guaranfee Company. 79 DEGREES 30 MINUIES 00 SECDNDS EAST 24.10 FEET, THENCE NORTH 10 OEGREE5 30 `
� �����d�� MINU7E5 �a SECdNDS €AST, 19.96 FEET; TIIEh10E SOUTH 79 �ECREES JO �AINt7iES 0p
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� ❑ny legol octlon based upon any defect �n this survey SNl CORNER LOT 34
wlthin three years aftG you flra# discover such defect. In L.S. 11A13� 01-00075
no event, moy nny actfon based upon any defect In th3s �
i survey be commenced more than ten yeora trorzt lhe �1 QF S
I date of certiflcat�on shown hereon.
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A#tachment F " '
�'0�9N OF YAtL ��
NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmer�tal Commission of the
Town of Vail will hafd a public hearing in accordan�e with seetian '12-3-6, Vail Town
Cacie, on October 22, 2007, a# 1:Q0 pm in the Town of Vail Municipa{ Bui�ding, in
consideration of:
A request for a final review af a variance, from S�ctian 14-3-1, Minimum Standards,
pursuan# to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Tawn Code, to allow for deviations from
minimum deflection angEe for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10,
Block 9, Vail Ir�termountain Subdivision, and setting fort� details in regard #here#o.
Applicant: Dave Hilk�, represented by Joh� G. Mar#in, Architect
Planner: Bill Gibson
A request for a final review of a major e�erior alterat�on, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7,
Major Exterior.Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow far the construction
of a c�welling unit at the Lionshead lnn, Eocated at 705 West Lionshead CirclelPart of Lo#
1, Black 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC47-
Applicant: Lionshead Inn, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC
Planner: Bill Gibson �,
,�, requ�st for a fnal review of a variance frorr� Section 12-�D-6, Se�backs, Vail Town �Q1��
Code, pursuant to Cha�ter 12-17, Variances, tv allow for an addifian within the west side �('�`o`'�� ✓�
sett�ack, located at 2570 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 33, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13, and
setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0036)
Applicant: Ed Williams, represented by V1lilliam Hein Associates
Planner: Bill Gibson
�, request far a final recommendation fo the Vail Town Gouncil, pursuant to Sectian 12-3-
7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for prescribed regufation amendments to Title 12, Vail
Tawn Code, to require public art for certain development ar�d redevelopment projects in
Lionshead Mixed Use 1, Lionshead Mix�d Use 2, Public Accammodations, Public
Ac�ommodatio�s 2, Commercia! Core 1, Commercial Ccsre 2, Commer�ial Gore 3, Ski
Base Recreation, Ski Base aecreation 2 and Special DeveEopment Districts, and setting
forth details in regard thereto. �PEC07-� d033)
Applicant: Town of VaiE
Planner: Rachel Friede
A request for a final review of a candi#ional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3,
Condikional Us�s, Vail Town Cade, to allow for modificativns to a public building
(emergency power genera#or), lacat�d at 75 Sauth Frontage Road West (Town of Vail
Administration Building)/Unplatted, and setting far�h details in regard th�reto. (PEC07-
Applacant: Tflwn of Vail
Planner: Nicole Peterson
Page 1
_ Variance ApplECati�n far Review by the
' �
P�ann�ng and En��ronmental Camm�ss�an
.' . �
° � Department of Community Develdpment
����� 75 Sauth Frontage Road,Vail,Calorado 61657
' � te1:970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 �
. web: www.vaiEgov.com �
�General Infarmation.
All projects rec�uiring Planning and Environmenta� Commission review must reeeive appr4val prior to submitting a
building permit applicafion. Pl�ease refer t�o the submittal requirements for the pa�ticular approval that is requested. �
An applicatian for�lanning and Env4rQnmental Commission reaiew cannot be accepted unti! all re�uired information
is received by the Community Qevelopment Department. The project may also need ta be reviewed by the Town �
Gouncit and/o�the Design Review Board.
TyPe af Application and Fee:
❑ Rezoning $130� ❑ Conditionai �Jse Permit $650
❑ Major Subdivision $1500 ❑ Floodplain Modification $404
❑ Minor Subdivision $650 O Minor F�cterior Alteration $650
� ❑ Exemption Plat $650 ❑ Major F_xkerior Alteration $800 �
❑ Minor Ame�dment to an SDa $1000 ❑ Development�lan $1500
❑ New Special Development Disfrict $b00� � Amendment to a Development Plan $250
� Major Arne�ndment tn an SDD $6000 f� Zoning Code Amendment $13QQ
� Major Amendment ta an SDD $1250 X�1, Variance $500
(no exteriormodifications) C] Sign Variance $20Q
Description of the Ret}uest. To allow construction of improVements
and additions in the westerly sid�. setback
Loeatinn of�he Proposat: Lot: 3 3 Block: 2 Subdi�ision:Va i� V�1�a crE �'i 1 i nc� 13
Physical Address� �5'�0 Bald Mountain Road
Parc�l NQ.: 21010 3 4�3�0 9 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessa�at 970-32�-8640 for parcel no.) .
Zat�ing: 2 Family Dwellinq
Name(s) ofOwr�er(s): S�FII cro Ed Wi�tiams
Mailing Address: 22 �olo Ciub Drive ^,_ D�nv�r, Colprado 80209
. _.__ Phone• 303} 866-E7800
Owner(s) signature(s):
NameafApplicar�t. Bil� H�in - Wm Hein Associates
MailingAcidress: 85a5 �ast Templ� Drive, Denv�r, Colorada 80237
Phnne: 72Q} 205-5725
�E-mail Add�ess: � Fax 303 696 0 �
. D
for-Offi�ce;U .� ,. �� , , ., . .. _ . .; :.
F�e� PaIcI: � C�iec�e No �`. L ��b gY• `��
Meeting.-�ate: . • � . PEC No:: �
Plann_er:_ . ;. . Praject No.; . . �1�L
F:IcdevIFORMS1PecrrritslPlanninglPEClvanance,doc Page 1 of 6 . 1141Dfi � � '
Variance Applica�ion for Review by the �
Plar�n�ng and Enyironmental Ca 's�si�
�. � �-�. � � � � � 4
Department of Communrty Developme �
��(��`� "` 75 South Fro�tage Road,Vail, Colorado 81 �
t�i: s7o.�a9.�izs fa�: 970.479.2452 n �AY � 9 2�OI
web: www.v�ilgov.com � �
General Inforrnation: . �
All projects requiring Planning and Environraiental CommiSSion re�iew must recei e ap���iN�o��s
building permit application. P1ease refer to the submittal requirements far the pa r approval that is requested. �
An a�plicatiQn for Planning and �nvironmental Commissivn review cannot be accepted until all required informatipn
is re�eived by the Commundty Development Departmer�t. The praject may alsa need 'to be reviewed by the Town
Council and/or ti�e Qesegn Review Board. �
Type of Application and Fee:
0 Rezoning $1300 � .Conditiona{ Use'�ermit $���
❑ Major Subdivision $�500 � Floodplain Modificat3on $400
❑ Minor Subdivision $b50 ❑ Minor Exterior Alteratian $b50
❑ Exemption Plat $650 E7 Major Fxterior Alteration �sao
❑ Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 ❑ Development Plan $1500
❑ New SpeciaE Development District $6000 ❑ Amendmen�to a Developr�nent Plsn $250
❑ Major Amendment to ar�5DD $b000 ❑ Zoning Code Amendrnent $1300
❑ Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 X�I uariance $500
(no extenar modificationsJ ❑ 5ign'Variance $�Q�
Description ot the Request• To allow construction of improvements
and additions in the westErly side setback
Location of the Proposal: �ot: 3 3 8locic: 2 Subdivision:Va i 1 V��1 a cr� F i].i r�q 13
PhysicalAdciress: �570 Bald Mountain Road
Parcel No.: 2101034Q 3009 tCc�ntact Eagl� Co. Assessor at 970-3�8-8640 for parcel �no.)
Zaning: 2 Famiz Dwellin
Name(s) of�vvner{s}• svlT c/o �d williams
Mailing Address: 22 Polo C1ub Drive Denver, Colorado 80209
Pttone• 3Q3) 866-0800
Owner(s) Signature(s):
Name of Applicant• aill Hein - Wm He3n Associa.tes
MailingAddress: 8505 East Temp�e Drive, Denve� , Colorada 80237
Phane; 720) 205-�725
E-mail Address: � Fax 303� 698 �6�6f�§ �(o('„�_
3 v3 - Sb6 - ��OJ �
�or Office Us�_Qnl� ��� !
Fee Paid: �' Check No.:_ �� BY: "
Meeting Date: ►t3 PEC No.: , !
Planner: Project No.:
F:lcdevlFORMS1PermitslPlanNnglP�Glvariance.doc Page 1 of 6 1141�fi
NOTICE IS N�REBY GIVE�1 that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the
Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 9 2-3-6, Vail Towr�
Code, or� October 22, 20Q7, at 1:OQ pm in the Town of Vail NlunicEpal Building, ir�
consideration of:
A request for a final review of a rrariance, from Section 14-3-1, Mirrirnum Standarcis,
pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, fo allow for deviatians firom
minirrrum deflection angi�c for driveway access, loc�ted at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lat 10,
Block 9, Vail Intermountain Sub�ivision, and setting forth detaifs ir� regard thereto.
Applicant: Dave Hilb, represented by John G. Martin, Architect
Planner: Bill Gibson
A request for a #inal review of a major e�cterior alteration, purs�ant to Section 12-7H-7,
Major E7cterior Alteratians ar Modificat�ans, Vail Towr� Code, to allow f4r the constructian
of a dwelling unit at the Lionshead Inn, lacated at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lat
1, Bloek 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-
Applicant: Lionshead Inn, LLG, represer�ted by Mauriello Rlanning Group, LLC
Planner: Bill Gibson �
A req�est far a final review of a �ariance from Section 'E2-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town p������
Co�le, pursuant to C�apter 12-17, Uar�ances, to allaw for an addition within the west side �('�,o� ✓
setback, located at 257Q 8ald I'Vlountain RoadlLot 33, Black 2, Vail Village Filing 13, and
set�ing forth details in regard thereta (PEC07-0036�
Applieant: Ed Williams, represer�ted by William Hein Associates
Planner: Bill Gibson
A request for a final recommendation ka the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section �2-3-
7, Amencfinen#, Vait Town Code, far prescribed regulatian amendments to Title 12, Vail
Tawn Code, to require public art for certain c�evelapment and re�evelopment pro�eets ir�
L�onshead Mixed Use 1, Lionshead Mixed Use 2, P�blic Accammodativns, Public
Accommociations 2, �Corr�mercial Core 1, Commercial Core 2, Commerciai Core 3, Ski
Base Recreation, Ski Base Recreation 2 and Special Development Districts, and se�ting
forth details in regard thereta. (PEC07- 0033}
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: I�achel Friede
A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Secfion 12-9C-3,
Conditional fJses, uail Town Code, to alkow for modifications to a public building
(emergency power generator), located at 75 Sauth Frantage Road West (Town of Vail
Administration Building)/Unplatted, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-
App1ican#: Town of Vail
Planner: Nicale Peterson
Page 1
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection
during affice ho�rs at the Town of Vail Commu�ity Development Department, 75 South
Frontage Road. The public is invit�d to attend �roject anentation and the site visits that
precede the public hearing in the Tawn of Vail Comrnunity Development Department.
Please cafl 970-479-2138 for additional information.
Sign language interpretation is avai�able upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please
call 970-479-2356, Te{�phone for the Hearing Irnpaired, for information. Published
October 5, 2fl07, in the 1Jail Daily.
, �, ,
Page 2
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T�OWN�F YAIL "`�" 41
17epczrtment df Community DeUelopment
?5 Sr�uth Frontape I4'a�cl
[-'�zl-, Colorado 8l G57
Barry Rase
4051 W. 124t" Terrace
Leawood, K� ���ng
_ . . ..---- ._._.__ . . . ....... ... . ...._......._..._..._. ..... .. ._._._.._... __. . . .._.. � ��.�. N'i� i ���I 7Ca 1f�PC76�'O"r ``
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M�NLt7 f}A6�'t�t L^� 9��4Cf:c!�—��37
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8��-5 t���Q��i �IlYl1i111I1IIlI)�l14�/1i�1I1IiII11P1P�Fl1l�i)�111113�IIIlIIi�
+ MAY-29-2007 TUE 1���I PM FAX N0, F, 03✓l�
� � .
Losn Poliey af �tle Insurance
�detity Nationa�' �i`utde Insurrince Campany PoN� x,���
n s���c�� '����- 5 C?341
herrin ccNed rhe Co�p,Qny.liuu�,as Qf�te c�Pb!!cy shown►n Schedule A,adol�rs�last ar dmtra84 xot rxr�rdtA�tke 11 mowrit
or lnsrrn�nca stated Jn Sch�dule A. srasfoirced er lncuned by tl�e�»sri►�cd by rmton iRJ:
I. TFtk ta the esmte or tntercsr deseribcd i� Sditd�k d bebsg vrst�d olfur than as stcurut ther+e�r+;
2. A►ry dEf�ct in or!!en vr en�rt�b�nce on the tlilt;
3. Unnrarketabitiry af dee Hr�e: .
A. Lae�af a right of accesa to and from tJre �d:
S, The i►RValidity or w+enjorreabitety of tltie l�e.� af tJu isaur�d mortgaga u�n thr title;
tf 71u prinrity nf a+ry ken or cnaanbrra►ct �er the dia� of the insar�cd martgag�:
7. f.odc of priarlty a,f the Iie� of the in.cuind mortgrrge o�tr arry st�utorY dien for s�rrv�c�es, labor or rnaterial:
(a) urlsl�g from an i+nprrmn+ri�t or w�vrk r�ettrtAd to tJtt-I�cmd whieh is contiacted fvr or comn�eneed prlor_
to Date of Aaliry; or
(b j artsirtg frorn a�t it�prnMer�ent or»r�rJ�nfated to the�td xi�icb ts enntrricted for or a�or�++un�td�sequent
w Date of Ft�l�cy anct�c,lt is�ced in ti++�ole or�n purt by P�pce�ds o}�1s�1�debrednesJ secured by
the insarat mnrtgage xiiich at DatE of Pblfcy du insund lras pdr+anctd or�s obAgated to ad►wncc;
8 Tlie im�altd�fry or une�forreabrGty af cwy nssignnk�t of t�e inru�rd martgage.Prori�td the as�gnment is aJto►r►c
in Scleedr�Ie A, or ti�e faflsre of tht asa[g�tment a6own ln Sclu�ulr A m ve�'t d1k ta the insuned martgaga tn tlte
namrd i,uurrd a�s$grict fne w�d clear of aIl �#tnr,
71tt Comp�a�y w�it c�lsa pay rhe casts. attanuys'fees.and' �xpena'at irecr+rnec!tn defienae af tlie ritk er tlbe lfen of the
[►�suned mnrtgage, aa tnsr�red� but onfy to the �xtent prwtdeod in the Candition,s and 5t�pulat�`or�e.
�N WITNESS F�HEREIDF, FlAELIT'Y NATI4NAL TITLE'IN��lR.4NCE COMFANY heis caused this polfcy fo br s�gned and
seale+d br Jls darly au�horli,ed o�cers as qf I)at�QjPblicp shown tre Sehedu/e A.
. F'�dtlily 11►utiona! Tule Ins�c�+ee Con+parey
�11S1! I�y� � �
� ' SEAL �
�• �
• � �� ATiE67 pnsid�nt
�/� �
Countersig�ed r!& e�'•vry
Authotiud S[�uturc
ALTA Losn Policy(10-17-92)
bTTi7C Rnrsn No_1d72(�ll'9��
MAY-�9-2007 TUE 12��� P� FAX N0. P, 04f11 '
. . �
Fide�ty Nat�onal Tfde Insurance Company
Case Nnmber: Date of Falicy: Amount of Policy Nnmber:
49056 Macch27,2Q02 at $275,040.oa M-14i2-S6734�i
The Folicy Number shown on this schedule must�gree with the preprinted nua�be�°on tha covec sheet. �
1. Name af Inscued: ,
Affiliated Financial Group,Inc.its Successors andlar Assigns As Their Interests May Appear.
2, The estate or interest in the land which is encumb�red by the insured naortb*a8e is:
Foa SimpSa
3. Title ta the estate or interest in the land is vested in:
g,ddie D.1�V'�lliazns and Eddie D.Williams
A. The insured Deed�f Tn=st and assignmenEs thereaf,if any,are described as follows:
Deed of Tmst from Eddie D. Wiltiams and Eddie D.Williams to the Public Ttust�e af Eagle
County for the as� of Ai�iliaGed Fi�ancia� Group, Inc ta secur� a principal sum af
$275,U()0.4Q, dsted March 1$, 2042 and recorded Merch 26, 20U2 at Rece�tion No 740153�
and any assignments therevf.
Assi,gn�rne�tt of Deed. of Trust to Washin�tan Mutual BanIr,FA recorded March 26,2002 at
Rer.�ption No 794154
5. The land referred ta in tliis po�ioy is described as follaws:
First National Titl ervices I,LC
$ :
Aathorized Officer or Agent ALTA Lnan Folioy-
This Policy is invalid un�'ess the oever sh�t and Schedule B are attach�cd,
Schedula A consists of 3 page(s)
` Ffl� �o, p, a�r11
` MAV-�s-�aa7 �ru� ���o� ��
Fidelity National Tit�e Insnrance Caatpany .
A parcei of Lartd being a part of lot 33,A Resubdivisian.of Lot 27,Btock 2,�+'ail Village,
'Tl�irteenth Fili�,g,Tawn of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado,more particularly described as
fullowa,to wit:
West Unit 6
A Parcel of Land being a p�rt of lot 33,A Resubdivision vf Lot 27,Block 2,Vail Village,
'I'�irteenth Filing,Town af Vetil,Eagle County,Colnrado,more particularly described as
fol�ows,#o wit;
Begix�ning at a point on th�e cvmmon wall between twa private residenc�s, from whicln the
Sauthwesterly comez of�aid lot 33 bears South OZ degrees IT aninutes 36 sec.�nds West,
2Q7.SS feet d'astannt;thence along said common�wallte�128 8�f t�t�l�en �Nort�h I�nds
Eas#, 32.80 feet;thence North 79 degrees
degrees 3�U�minutes OQ secon�s East,2�.42 feet;thence North 79 degrees 30 msnutes 04
seconds West,24.04 feet;thenee South I�de�s 32 minutes 54 seconds West,2G.83 feet;
thence South 79 d�egrees 30 rninutes 00 se�onds East,4.04 feet;ttie�ce South l0 degrees 30
seconds 00 seconds West,23.69 feet;thence along the�4'esterly line of sai 0 minu�s 40�09
degrees 22 minutes 02 seconds Ea�t, 12,�feet;thence Sa�th 7�de�rees
seconds East 7.59 fe.�t;#hence Sauth 10 degrees 30 minutes OU seconds West, l�.73 fe�t,.
thence 5o�th 79 degrees 30 minutea OQ aeconds East 24.10 feet,thenc�e North lfl degrees 30
rninutes 00 seconds East 19.9fi�eet;�hence South 79 degrees 34 n�inutes 00 sea�nds East
12:62 f�et;thenc+e SQUth 10 degrees 3�min�tto the PpINT OPeHEG �INNING.ence South 79
degrees 30 sninutes UO seconds East,
Tog��r y�•lth an undivided Y:interest in all of Lot 33,a R�subdivision of I.o{����v��
n ' � Coloradt�,e�cc,�p
ya31 Village�een t h F i l i ng,Tow�arr of Vail Ea le County,
descrrbed above a�d the East Unit describe�i as follows:
East Unit
This Folicy is invalid ualess the cover shect and Schedulc g are attached.
Schedule A cansisls af 3 pag�(S)
MAY-�9-2�07 TUE 12;D3 PM �AK �0, P, 06/�1 '
° � �
Fidelity Na�ionai Titte Insurance Company
Beginning at a point on the comman wall between two private residences,from which the
Southwesterly comer of said Lot 33 bears South U2 degree� 17 minutes 36 seconds West,
207.SS feet dista�t;�h�nce along sa�d cammon wall North 10 degrr�s 30 m.irrutes UO�econds
East, 32.80 feet;thence South 79 degrees 30 mi.nutes OQ seoonds East,28.95 ffeeet;thence
North 10 deg�ees 3fl minutes 00 secvnds 29.6$ £eet;thence South 74 d�grees 30 minutes 00
seconds East,24.OQ fe�t;thence Soukh 10 degrees 30 min�tes Ofl sec3nds West 26.82 feet;
thenc�North 79 degrees 3U minutes 0(D secoads`lVest 4.00 fcet;thence South 10 degrees 30
rninutes 00 secands Wec:gt,35.40 feet;th�rce North 79 degreea 34 muinutes OtD ssconds West,
11.?5 feet;thence Sauth 10 degrees 3C}mi�utes 04 seconds W est, 15.54 feet;North 79
de�rees 30 miaute.�OQ secands West,24.14 feet,thence�orth 10�egre�s 30 rninut�s 00
sectinds�ast, 19.9d feet;thence Nort�t 79 degrees 30 minutes OU seconds Wes#, 12.66 feet;
thencs South 10 degrees 30 minutes 00 secands West,4.b5 feet;then.ce North 79 degrees 30
minutes fJ0 seconds West, .45 feet to the PQINT QF BEGIl�dNING.
'Tfsis Policy ie invalid unless the cavcr sheet and 5chedule B.are af4ach�ed-
5chcdule A cansistg of 3 page{s)
I �AY-2�-2007 T�E 1��03 P� FAX ��, P, Q7/11
� � ,
Fidelity National Ti�tle xasurance Campany
Eu�eptions frvm Cavera�e
Case Number: Date of Potieys Policy 1'�wmber:
49Q86 Mar�h 27,2402 at M141256734I -
7:04:40 AM
The Policy Number shown an�is schedule must agree with t�e pre�rinted numbe�'on tIa'e a°'ver sheet.
This policy,do�es not insure against loss or damage(and the Goznpany will not PaY costs► attorneys' fees
or exp�enses)which arise by reason o�
1. Covenants, cenditions,restricti.ons,reservations, set forth in the!)eclaratian reearded Apri12,
1979 at Recep�.on NQ. 180052.
2. Notes and�asements as shown on plat�f said subdivision.
3, Taxes for the year 2fl02, and subsequent years,a lien,not yet due or payable,
ALTA Loan Policy- 1992(Am�ded}
'I'hi�s Policy is issvalid unless the cflves shtet and 5chedul�H ere attached.
sck�eaute B 1 consista of 1 pas�($)
�lAY-29-�007 TUE �2�U3 P�I FA� Na,
�, oar 1 i ,
' � i
Fidelity Nation�Title In,sursace Campany
LoAav roL�c�
Part II
In addition to the matters set forth in Part Y af this Schedula,the title to th$esta.te or interest in tha land
deseribed or referred to in Sche�e A is subject ta the followin�g matters, if anY be shown, but the
Company insures that these matters are subordinate tu the lien or charg� of the insu�d mortgage upsraa
the estate or interest: �
ALTA Loan Policy- 1'992(Amended)
This I'olicy is invalid unless the cover sheet a�sd Sc9�iduk 8 are attached.
Schedule H2 consists of 1 pagc(s)
MAY-2�-2�a7 TUE 1��04 PM FA� N0, P. 09/11
� �
Fidelliy Nadonal Title�osurance Company
Agent Pile No: 49Q86
Insuced: Affiliated F'snancial Groug,Inc
Policy No: �.,67��1
Palicy Fat�: Char e
ALTA Owner's Poticy 1�D-17-92 ` C��894.Q0
x ALTA LosnPalicy 10-17-92 Chazgc
Other Form of Policy
'The�udo�semeats indicatod be4ow are sttar�ed to tho abave cefere:acect Pvllcy:
x �ORSEM�I3T 8.l(�nviranaycs�tal Pmtection Lim} Charge35.00
x �7JDORSEMENT 100(Comprehensiva) �harge35.00
ENDOItSEMEIVT 100.29(Mineial Itiglits) ��'ge
Ermox�Erv�rr�'ioa3o{�����} ��°
ENDORSEIKIIV'r i 00.31(MinCral Rights) ��S°
ENUORSEI�IVT It}3.1 (Eacroaachmmt) ��e
ENDpRSEMEN'I'103.2(Encroachmemt) ��$'�
ENQ�RSBN�NT 10�.3{Encroachment) Chargo
EHDQRSELViEiVT 110.1(Delctioa of Standard C�ge
�IyppItSEME1�1T 1 I0.7(Variable Rate} �SG
�'NDpRSEM�NT 115.1 (Condom�ninm) ��°
EI�DORSEMENT 115.2(PUD) Charg�
ENDORSEMENT t l6[Lz�nd Locatio�) Charge
EI�TDORSEMENT l l 1.7(Liae of Credit) Charge
ENllORSEIvviEENT 126(Usury} ��'g�
�IVDORSEMENT'110.9(Neg.Am) Chargc
MAY-�9-�007 T�E 12��� PM �AX N0. P, 10/11 `
- 1
� CO Comprehenatve Endor�emcn#200
SERIpL]3[]MBER M�141�-5b7341
M '
Fidelit� National Title Insur�nce Compa�y
� ������o��
Order No:�908b
The Company hereby insures aSainst loss wWch eaid Iasurcd abalj sustam by tcasan of any of th�e following
1.Any incorcecmess in the asau�a�ace which the Company hereby gives:
� {a)That there aro.no cflvenaiuts,canditioas,or restricda�na�uader which the lien of the mortgage orDeed of
Tr�st referred to in Sch�ula A caa be cut off,subordi�nated,or oQharwisa impair�;
b)fihat,caccept as ehorvn in 8chcdule B,tl�etn are no p�violatione un said land of any tnforceable
covonants,conditians,or restrsctions;
(o)'That,cxcept as shown in Sch�edule B�therc are no esiaroachmeats of buil�in�s,struc�res,or
improvementa localec't on said]and,onto adjoinivag lande,nar an.y encroachmeats oato s�id laad of buildings,
strncturea,or improvements locatod on adjoiaing lasids, .
2.Damage to cxisting improvemanta wtuch are locatcd ar encroach ttpon tbat gortiot►�f tha lend subjact to
any easemoat shown in Schcdute B,wlsich dams�e�asults from thc exercise of tho right to uso ar maintain
such easeraent far thc}�rpvses for which the same was gcanted ar resarved>
3.Auy final court vrder or}udgmeat requuiag removal from any land adjaia�ng sa�d lan�i of eay
�� encroac3�ment shown in Schedula�. �
Whanov�r m this endorsemtni aay or all of the words"covenema�,conditiaas or restriciaons'�appear.thaY
sha41 not be deaan�ed to rcfer to or include the torn�s,covenanta snd conditions cvntainzd ia eay lease referred
to in Schtdule A.
FO!pl1TpO8C8 8f tI138 Cn�0I5CmCIIt��18 WQI'a8`6COVCD&YlfS���"Cflll�lfltT118°O!"ICBkriCtl01]fi��8}l�t tlOt bC�C6x11P�
ta refer fo or iaclvde any coveaants,�anditions or s�eatriotions relating to envimnmental protection,r„xcept to
the extent that a notice of a violation or alleged vioiation affecting the land haa been racozded in t�►a public
reeords at I}ate of Policy and is not ta�ctpted Ln Schcdule B.
'This endaisement is made a part of tha palicy and ia subject ko�11 of the termm and pmvisivns thet+�of and af
` anY prior endocaemcnts therata.Ezc�t tao the extent eapressly stated,it neltl�er modifiea any of t8e ba�s and
provisions of the policy aad any priar endorsemenf�,nor doea it oxtend tho e�fective dato of the palicy aad.
any prior endorsemcn�e,r�oc�oes it increasa the face amnunt thereof
Sigued uader seal for tha Camgany,but ttus endorstment is ta b�valid anly when it bears an authorized
� Counteraigned Hy: 4�� �� "' � -
MAY-29-2D07 TUE 12,05 PM FAX ND. F. 11/11
i � .
AI,TA Fornx 8.1
SERIpi,NUMBER M 141�-5673d1
Fidelit� 1'Jatio�al Title Insurance Company
Order Na.;44086
Tlae inauran;ce affordcd by this endorstment is anly e$ective if the land is used or ia to be used PtimarilY for
residential purpos�s.
� , "The ComPanY�xsures the msvred against Lass or dama8e suatained by reasan of lack of priority of the lien of ,
, the inaurad mortgage over.
(a)any�nr,rironmental protection lien which,at De�e of Poliey,is rec�rded�those reco�rds established under
state statutes a,�Date of Poticy for the gurpoae of impstting coastructive aotice of raatters relating W real
pr�op�rty to pu,rchasers far value and`uvithout lmowlaige,or filed in tho rxords of tho cleric of�ho United
Slates district court far tho di�trict ia which the land is located,except as sek forkh i�Scliedule B;or
(b)any envimnmental prvtection lien grovided for by any stake�tatute m�effect at Date of Poliay,exceQt
eavirotmaental�trote�tion liens providcd for by tho following atate statutes:
This enQarsentant is made a part of ihe policy and is subject to afl of ihe tcsms and pm'vssions therevf and of
anp pcior estdoisements tbereto.Exc�pt to t�e extent expressly stat�d,it neither modifies anY of the terms and
pxovisions of the pulicy and agy prior endareements,nor daes it eXtend thc effective dafe of thc p�licy aad .
any grior endoiscments,nor daes i#ia�rease tt�e faco amount thereof.
Signccf under seal far the Cam�pany,but dua emdarscmenk is ta be valid ottly when it�rs an authorized
� cauatersignatute.
CouatersigncdBy. �%�
Authorized Signatvry
Application for a Varianc�e
- t` Submittai Re�quiremer��s
1��V� `
Wariances may be granted in order to pr�vent or to lessen such practical diffculties and unneressary physical hardships as wo�ld
result from the striek interpretation and/or enforcement of the zoning reg�lations incansistent with the development objectives of
the Town of Vail. A practi�a!difficulty or unneces5ary physical hardship may result�rom the size,shape,or dimensions of a site or
the location of eicisting structures thereon;from tapographic or physical conditions on the site or in the rmmediate vicinity; or from
other physical limitatians,street locations or condidons in the immed{ate vicinity. Cast ar inconvenience to tf�e appli�ant of strict or
fiteral compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for grantirog a variance.
❑ fee: $500.00
❑ Stamped, addressed enveiapes and a list of the property owners adjacent to the subject prQperty, including
properties hehind and across streeis. `i�he Ilst of property awners shall in�lude the owners' name(s), corresponding ma�ling
address, and khe physical address and legaf descriptior�af the property owned by each. The applicar�t is responsible for correct
names and maiAng addresses.This information is available from the Eagie County Assessor's office.
❑ Title Report,includ�ng Sched�les A&B
❑ Writ#en approval From a wndominium association, landlard,and joint owner,if applieable.
0 A written descripkion of tF�e nature of the variance requesGed and the speeific regulation(s)involved, including an
explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpreYa6an of the specific regulation(s) would result
in a physical hardship or practical difficulty.
0 A written statement addressing the fallowing:
a. The relabonship o€khe requested variance to other existing or potentiai usQS and structures in the�icinity.
b. The degree ko which relief frpm khe strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is necessary to
achieve compatibility and unifarmity af treatment amang sikes in the vicinity or to attain the ob�ectives of this title withaut
grant pf special privilege.
c. The effec-�of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traFfi�facilities, Gtilities, and public
d. �ow the request cnmplies with adopted Town of Vail planning po]icies and development objectives.
❑ Stamped Topographic Survey(Four complete sets of plans).
O Existing and Propased Site and Grading Plans(Faur wmplete sets oF plar�s).
❑ Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations(Four complete sets of plans).
❑ Existing and Proposed krchitectural Floor Pfans{Four compf�te sets of plans).
❑ ,411 plans rn�st also be submikted in 8.5°x 11"reduced f�ormat. These are required for kt�e Planning and Environmental
Commission members`informativn packets.
❑ Additional Material:The Administrator and�or PEC may require the submission of additional plans,drawings, specific;�tions,
samples and other matenals if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal.
I have read and understand the abo�e listed subrnit�al requirements:
ProjectName: 2570 Bald Mountain Road - West Unit
Appticant Signature. o+�°J
Date Signed: � � G. ,. � �
� � �f� -�
F:`cdevlFORMS1PermitslPlanninglPEClvariance.doc Page 3 of 6 1/4/0fi
App�ication for a Variance
-- �" Submittal Requirements
'�l`���Y� "
Variances may be granted in order to prevent or ta lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary�hysical hasdships as would
result fram the strict interpretation and/or enforcement of the aoning regulatians inconsistent witi�the develapment abjectives of
the Town af VafL A practica!d�fficulty or un�ecessary physica!hardship may result from the saze,shape,or dimensions of a site or
the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in Ehe immediate vicinity; or from
ather physical limitatior�s,street locations or co�dit�ons in the immediate vicin�ty. Cast or inconvenience to the appl�cant of strict or
literal comp�iance with a regulation shall not 6e a reason far granting a varisr�ce.
❑ Fee: $500.00
❑ Stamped, addressed envel�pes and a list pf the property owners adja�ent to the subject properly, including
properties behind and across streets. The list of properry owners shall inelude the owners' name{s), cQrresponding mailing
address,and the physical address and legal description of the propert}r owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct
names and mailing addresses.This information is available from the Eagle County Assesso�'s office.
❑ Title Repo�,including Schedules A&B
Q WVritten approvaE from a condominium a5sociation, Y�n�llord,and joint�w�er,if applicable.
❑ A written description af the nature af the variance requested and the specific regulation(s)involved,induding an
explanation af why the variance is required a�d why the strict or literal inkerpretation of the specific regulation(s)would result
in a physical hardshEp or practical difficulty.
❑ A writEen statement addressing tF�e following:
a. The relakionship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity.
b. The degree to whicfi relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to
achieve compatibility and uniformEty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without
gra�t of special pri�iiege.
c. The efFect of the variance on light and air, distribut€on of gopulat+on, kransportadon, traffic facilities, utilikies, ancl publie
d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development abjectives.
❑ 5tamped Topographic Survey(Four oomplete sets of plans).
❑ Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans(Four complete se#s of plansj.
❑ Existing and Praposed Architecta,ral Elevations(Four compiete sets of plans).
❑ Existing and Praposed Arch9tectural Floor Pla�ts(Four complete sets of plans).
❑ Ali plans must also be submitted in 8.5"x li"reduced format. These are reguire�for the Pfanning and Environmental
Commission members'informatian packets.
❑ Additiona! MateriaE:The Administratar ar�d/or PEC may require the submission of additiona!plans,drawings,specificatians,
samples and other materials if deemed necessary to prope�Ey evaEuate the proposal.
I have read and understand the above [i�ted submittal requirem�nts:
Project Name; 2570 Bald Mountain Road - West Unit
Applicant Signatare; fr' . � ��
Dat� Signed: � � �
F:lcdevlF�RM51PermitslPlanninglPEClvariance.doc Page 3 0►fi 114/D6
Ma� �9 07 1�: 31P Doug & Alison 970-4�6-4953 p. 1
Bili Hein 3d3-698-D665 p, t
� � ,
,�`�T�' � -�� ����-
�oit��aoREar�r awN�R
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I,(pr'ir�t n,�me)����1 ��•'�:���� . a joint awr�er of property 1QCabed at(aridr�ssJlegal
descriphion) �5� �'"''�-`��*'"N ��� ��� �/�,
� r��rf �
� �-� rJ
p�ro+vide th�I�as w�ritten apprcriraf of khe�ans dated ��r �- which have
been su�nit�+ad b�the Town a�Vail Cornmunity Devetopmerrt T3epartment fo�the proposed
irnproverr�nts to be compEeted at the addtess not�d above. I understanci that the praposec!
impr�vements inclttde: ( A
�l� �1C�� �2'�� G%i_. �� �b�" �1'�'� '�if�G�1 !��� �
� IJ�k- � '�''���{
�further ue�d�rstar�tt�t minar madfuations may be made tn t�e plar�s csver the aaurse af the review
ptnGe.SS bb er�,wre oomp�ance wetl�the Town's ap�slimbte oodes and regufatiorts.
[;1;� ` .5 -��'`���
{s�9�� j - �t�aoe)
F:t�cdevlFORMS1PertnElslPlavwig{WE�ianoe.daa P'ape2dS 1!4(08
Cwnsr Unit Addre�s M�ifin�Addness Clty Sta�e ZipCod.
VI14lLARD, RONALD R.8 MARILYN S. 2550 Baid Mounlein Rd East 5$2�S1'ATE L1NE RQ MIS310N HELLS KS $92[i8
CHRIST�PHER, RO�CKY S. �8AR8ARA K. ZSSO Bald Mountaln Rd UVes� ���0 BALD AAaUNTAIN RD VAli. CO 81857
SCHAD,TiMCTHY�G.�CYN'fHIA E, 7SE6 8efd Mountain Rd Eaat 2806 FREDRICK S E GR.AND RAPID8 MI 4�5D6
. ��
NIkON PATRICIA M. 2565 Bald MounEalrl Rd 1Nest 258�BAI�MO�NTAIN RD Vi41L CO 81QS7
JDHN80N, DQUG�BR�NT,ALI8C5N ___ __ _ �5i0 Ba�d MaunE�in Rd�st 2570 BALD M4UM"AIN RD VAI� Ca 89b57
WILLIAM8, EDDIE D. (3V�13 257n 8ald Mountein Rd West �2 PCL4 CLUB DR DEN'VER CO BO�D
RQaE.BARRY �dald Mountaln Rd Farst �1061 W t�TFi TERRACE �.EAWOOD K8 i6ZQ�
TH�aIAULT.AI,UWNE?RA ��8e1�Mor�rrtain R_d Weat��Lf FORREST ST , DENVER , CO 8Q?2�
ROi3�RS, BRUGE A. 2605 @ald MouMaln Rd�ast 441 PIERMGNT AVE p1�RMQliV�' NY 10968
HILL�.iAMEB R. &ALEXANDRA N. �606 9alti Mount��n Rd W�at 8312 8 FtGDL�R&GREEN CR 3TE S90N ENaL�W00p CC� ,,, 801�1
NAVA$,8YBIl,1.R. Zb1 D Balt!Mouritein Rd�s� 2810 BALD MOUNTAIN RD�13T SID� VAIL CO 81dB7
CR06BY,G, CHRlS71AN 2618 Bald Maun_taln Rd We�t 21p�AftFI�L.D ST , D�N1t�R CO 9t�2p4
Property lncated �o the sau�h of 2570 Bald Mountain Raad � N �
is part of Town of Vail Open Space �• ��:
. �
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RECEIPT-The Tawn of Vail
nA� � ��- �' , �o � � �%� 58698
�cE�vEn�a�r �� �
—C C�.�` �"C.���� --
�� 4.u.��C �.
Permit Numbers PoIice R Numbers
, � HOW PAID—Cash ,Cheek L�`� By �
Statement Numk�er; R0700Q�815 Amount: $500. 00 05/3b/2Q07Q8:41 A�t
Payment Method: Check Init: JS
Natation: 1310/SVII
Permi.t Noc PEC070036 Type: PEC - Variance
Parcel No: �101-034-03fl0-9
Site Address: 257fl BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL
Location: 2570 BA.LD MOUNTAIN RD
Total Fees: $50p.00
This Payment: $500.00 Total ALL Prnts: $500.40
Balance: $0.04
Account Code Description Current Prats
PV 00100(343112540 PEC APPLICATION F`EES 500.00
Calculations for 5ite Coverage and
Gross Residential FZoar Area (GRFA) - continued
Page Two
Gross Residential FZoor Area GRFA CaZculations
Site size - 1 .47 Acr�s/46,61�9 sq.ft . �1���($3�
46% of first 10,Q00 sq. ft , -- 4,600 sq.ft . y�f,r�o
38/ of next S ,OdQ sq. ft . = 1 ,90� sq.ft . � ��
13/ of next 15,000 sq.ft . = 1 ,950 sq.ft . '
46 , 649 - 30, 000 = 16 ,509 sq.ft . ����
6% of remaining 16 , 609 sq.ft. - 996 s . ft . q$
GR�A allowed = 9 ,���b sq.ft. �',���
West iJnit - E�isting & Praposed
Living Area
LOWez LeSrel - 1 , 350 sq.f t .
Main Level - 1 , 37] sq.ft.
Upper Level - 1 , 850 sa.ft .
4, 589 sq.ft.
Garage 515 sq.ft.
'I'ota� 5, 104 sq.ft. 5 , 104 sq.ft.
Garage Credit - (600 sq.ft . )
Basemer�t Cr�dit -
1 , 360 sq.f`t, . x 55/ �74$ s . ft . )
West Unit GRFA = 3, 75�i sq.ft .
East Unit - Existing
Living Area
Lower Level - 1 , 35fl sq. ft .
Main Level - 1 , �19 sc�.ft, .
Upper Leve3 - 1 , 399 srt.ft.
4, 278 sq. ft.
Garag� 560 sq.�t .
Tota� 4, 838 sq.ft . �, 838 sq.ft .
Garage Credit - (600 sq. ft . )
Basemen� Credit -
1 , 360 s�q. ft . x 58/ (789 sq. ft . )
East Unit GRFA = 3 ,449 sq. ft .
Twa Family Dwelli�g (Duplex)
2570 Bald Mountain Road (East & West Uni�s )
La� 33 , Block 2 , Vail Village Filing 13
Vail , Calorado
�alculations for Site Coverage and
Grass ResidentiaZ Floor Area �G�FA)
Site Coverage Calculations
Site size - 1 . 07 Acres/4�,609 sq. ft.
�overage allowed - 20%
46,b09 sq.ft . x 20°� = 9 , 322 sq. ft. alZowed
West Unit (Existing and Proposed - including Garaqe}
Living Unit
�ain L2ve1 - 1 , 179 sq.ft .
Garage - 287 sa. ft.
1 ,466 sq.ft . I ,466 sq. ft.
Praposed Addition:
Livang Unit
Main Level - 201 sq. ft .
Upper Level - 106 sq. ft . (cantilever/overhangs )
Garage - 228 s . ft .
535 sq. ft . 535 s .ft .
Building Total �1U �
Decks - 45� sq. ft . (existing & new)
Patio - 400 sq. ft . (uncovered)
$50 sq.ft . $50 aq.ft .
Grand Total 2 , 851 sq.£t .
Eas� Unit (Existing and Proposed - incZuding Garage)
Existing :
Living Unit
Main Lev@1 - 2 , 519 sq. ft.
Garage - 559 sg.ft.
2 ,078 s.q.ft . 2 ,07$ sq.ft .
Proposed Addition :
Covered Porch
Main L�veZ - 26 sq.ft . 26 sc�. ft .
Building Total �r1f34 st�.ft�.
Decks - 949 sq. ft . (existing )
949 sq. ft .
Grand 'I'otal 3 ,027 sq.ft.
� Zone Check
Date: i�����7
LegaE d�escription: Lot 33 Block 2 Filing 1�u-'1 v+1��,� f 3�
Address 2S�o �k�/ ��;,, �
Owner SVZ� (�,aasf .,,f�, Phone 3a�-g�� _ 6�cao
Architect �;�� I-l'P.rn Phone �tr,-2e.�_ 57z�
Zone district ' � Proposed us� �.�ecd�°�r�•.
Lot size �j�I�3 �{7 �i.a�� .GU�s) Buildable area ,�r�!,q-
Allowed Existina Proposed Tatal Remaininq
Total GRFA �'�?�
w��, �r y3K �z°„� --�
�ryFGRFA - � � —N�_
----Secvnr#�}r GRFA * - 3,tiy4 c, },yyr �,g_
• , �-?
y,la� s J��
Site Coverage y�2g� + ��r ^ �� �
Is more than BO% of the site beir�g disturbed (per Section 12-2�-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive
HeigF�t (30) (33)
Setbacks Front 20' ys �3.�
Sldes 15' b��a o St
Rear 15' �g d
Landscaping Minimum �� $yo 3 27 3S,27$ � o, 38�
Retaining Wall 3' I 6' Z � 3
Parking Required l� � 3�;�� ,� �,�)
Garage Credit (300) (600} (�00)�
Drivev►ray Permitted Slope P„c;s�"s►w % Proposed Sfope %
Complies wi#h TDV Lightin.g Ordinance Yes ,� Na
Are fin�shec# grades lass than 2:1 (50°/a) Yes ,/ No
Environmental/Hazards 1) Percent Slope �< > 30%} ��
2) Floodplain �► ,�
3) Wetlands y
4j Water Course S�tback (30) (50) N/A
5) Geologic Hazards
a) Snow Avalanche
b} Ftockfall
c) Debris Flow rn.,��(��(o Nuzar�'
Previaus conditions of approvai (check property file):
Is the Property nor�-cQnforming? Describe: �rc��,.�r� ��,,,;/f ;;, ,��anq Jh�;�„
Qesign Rev�ew Checklist
Scale S�ale
Legal description GRF'A
Lot Size 250 additional GRFA
Buildable Area Crawl /Attic Space
Easements EHU
100 yr. flood plain � Scale
V1Jater Course Setback Color 1 Materials
�nvironmental Hazards Roof Pitc�
Utility locations Existing trees
Spot elevations PraPosed trees .
Scals Conda Approval
Building Height Titie report (A8B)
Encrvachments Utiiity verification form
Setbacks Photas of si#e
Eaves / Overhangs (�"} Building material samples
Decks / Balconies G.O. Verification
Garage conne�tion Sun ! Shade Angles
Site Grade ! Slope Utilities (underground}
Retain�ng Walls View Carridors
Fences uarianees
Parking / Garag�e Pla# restrictions
Turning Radius
Driveway (access and t�rade)
Snaw Storage
�ire Access
' Desi�� F�+eWiew B+�ard
� [��p�t�tment �f Corrorn�nity �evela�r�ent
�}���� j�� ! 75 �o�uth Fr�onta�� Road, Va�l, CoEaracfo 81657
,X lj �' tel: �70.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452
- _ —
�,��,�,�;��o�.��c��,�>�F web. raww.vailgc�v.com
Praject Name: WILLIAMS CONCEPTUAL DRB Number: Df:B07�261
Project Description:
OWNER WILLIAMS, EDDIE D. 06/14/2007 Phone: 303-866-08d0
22 POL� CLU6 DR.
co sazo�
APPLICANT BILL H�IN-WM HEIN ASSOC. 06/14/20Q7 Phone: 720-�fl5-0665
CO 80�37
Project Address: Z570 BALD MOIJNTATN R� VAIL Location:
Legal Description: LQt: 33 Block: 2 5ubdivisian: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13
Parcel Num�er. 2�f11-fl34-03�0-9
Cond: 2fl0
A canceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approwal.
Cond: il3
All develapment applicat�pns submitted to the Town after
the efFeetive date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall �be
subject to the pending employee housing regulations in
whatever f�rm they are finally adopted; provided, how�ver,
that if the Town fails to ado�t the pending emplayee
housing regulations by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall
not apply to such development applications.
Plann�r: 6ill Gibson
„ . _ .:;
- � : .:���.�6 K.��:;�_ „ _ ,. , , �.�; u. �-.a � ...
`��� j ' �� �onceptual Review
.: � ,
, Application for Design Review
��/� ! � F3�partment of Community Development
tJ'��� 75 5outh Frontage Road,Vail, Co�orada 81657
te1: 97Q.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 �
web: www.vailgov.com
General Information: �
�,II projects requir�ng design review mu�t receive approval �riar to submitting a building permit applitatian. Please
refer to the subrriittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for �esign Reuiew �
cannot be accepted until all required infqrmati�n is received by the Community Development Department. The �
projQCt may also need ka be reviewe� 6y the 1"own Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.
D�sign re�iew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within
one year of the approval. �
Descri tion af the Re� uest: ������'�� `-{”` ` ��-S�rE�� `�''� �� � ��� !.��L
p 4 � 7 �
Loeafion of the Proposal: Lot:� Block:� Subdivisian:VC�.�� v� � -r " � � �
Pitysical Address: � .S l v ��- �ca l ' I c:��l� T�^-��, �='��-�
Parcel N4.�� �� U��'Q � �� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97�-328-8640 for parcel no.)
Zoning: �. ��+�n� �i�
Name(s) of Owner(s): � U I G�� � � I �o't� w� ,�
��� � �. i� ��t.,��� , �- � `' "� c�z���r
Mailing Address: I.° � � �
_ __. -- -- , -
Phone:"__-- ., ,. C� �j � C-,
Owner(s) Signatu�s): - -
- �( _ �� �
Name of Applicant: �` l - [�c� �'G,�-_--°�' '�, t,t � { lr� .-' O�.i« �� .�
� —7� I �
Mailing Address: c-"����--' � �,..- (�.a..�tc� �� �U� �It e� �C'� ��C ,�_�
._ .. - .
Phone• �2� �_ � =-,,� .._ /�
E-m�ii Address: Fax: . � �'"
Type of Review and Fee: �'—
❑ 5ig�s $50 Plus$1.00 per square foot of total sign area.
�onceptual Rev+ew No Fee
� New Conskructian $b50 For�onstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild.
0 Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or
commer�9al building (includes �50 additions&interiar conversions).
❑ Minor Alteration $254 For minor�hanges to buildings and site improvements, suCh as,
(multi-family/cammercial) re-roafing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retainir�g walls, etc.
❑ Minor lilteratian $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
{single-family/duplex) re-roofng, painting, window additions, la�ds�caping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.
O Changes to Apprc�ved Plans $20 For revisians to plans already ap�roved by Planning Staff or the
L�esign Review Board.
❑ Separation ftequest No �ee
For Office Use Only:_ ��
Fee Paid: �'`° Check No.: By:
Me�ting Date: �O" � . �� �RB No.� �� � � �
Pfanner: 1�-�7 �7 project No.: � � � �
r � a* �
n � , �
Variance Applicat�on for �tev�ew by the �
Planning and En�ironmental Co ' � ��� � �
- � �� �epartment of Community Develapmen � �� c � � �� i
` 75 South Fror�tage Road,Wail, Colorado 81 �l � 1+
������ f I
t21: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 ���� � g 2��� `u
web: www.vailgov.com � � �
�General Infort�atian: �
All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Cammission review must retei�e ap�����o��s �
building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pa r approva�that is requestea.
A� a�plication for Planning and En�ironmental Comrr�ission review cannot be accepted untif all required infarmation �
is received by the Comrnunity �]eveloprr�ent Department. The project may also need to be revie�nred by the Town
Council and/or the Design Review Board. �
Type of Application and ��e;
❑ Rezoning $1300 ❑ Conditional Use Permit $650
0 Major Subdivision $1500 ❑ Floadp9ain Modification $4��
� Minor Subdivision $650 O Minor Exterior Alteration $650
❑ Exemption Plat $650 ❑ f�ajor Exterior Alteration $g�o
❑ Minor Amendment to an SDD $1�00 0 Development Plan $1500
0 New Special Deuelopment District $6000 ❑ Amendme�t to a Development Plan $250
❑ Major Amendment to an SDD $5000 ❑ Zoning Ca1e Amendment $1300
❑ Nlajor Amendment to an SDD $1250 X� Variance �S�Q
(no ex�`eriormodificatronsJ ❑ Sign Variance $���
Description ofthe Request: '�o ����w Construction of improvements
and additions in the westerly side setback
Location af th� Pro�osal: Lot: 3 3 Block: 2 Subdivision:Va 31 �T�l lac�e F i 1 inq 13
Physical Address: �570 Bald Mountain Ftoad
P"arcel No.: 210103�03009 (Contact Eagae Co. Assessar at 97Q-328-8640 for parcel no.)
Za���g. 2 Famil Dweilin
Mame(s) af Owner(s): SVII c/o Ed Williams
Mailing Address: 22 Polo Club Drive Denver, Calorado 80209
Phone: 303) 866-0800
4wner(s) Signature(s):
NarneafApplicant: Bi11 H2in - Wm i�ein Associates
Mailing Address• �505 East 'I'em�le Drive, Denver, C41.arado 80237
� Phone: 7��) 2a5-5725
E-mail Address: � Fax �303} 698 0665 _
�or office Use_On11C; f�l �
Fee Paid: �� � Check No.:�By� �"
Meeting Date• "" �,S-a � PEC No.: ~
Planner: Project No.:
F:lcdevlFORMS1PermifslPlanninglPEClvariance.doc Page 1 of 6 1/4lO6