HomeMy WebLinkAboutE08-0301 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSIT►E AT ALL TIIVIES ,. �}WNOFVA�I, ' Town of Vail, Comm�nity Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 p. 97Q.479.2139 f. 97Q.479.24�2 inspections 970.479.2149 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E08-0301 ACO�VI Project #: PRJ06-0474 Job Address: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : 15SUED Location.....: SUITE 704, LAN�MARK CQNDQS Applied . . : 12/17/2�08 Parce) No...: 2101�fi307057 Issued. , : 12117l20D& Expires . .: 06/'45/2009 OWNER �RICKSON, GERALD a., JR. &A 12/17/2008 4567 W 80 TH ST BLOOMINGT4N MN 55437 APPLICANT ECLECTIC ELECTRIC LLC 12117/2fl08 Phone: {3Q3) 522-6770 1440 S. FILBERT WAY DENVER COLORA�70 8p222 �icense: 434-E CONTRACTOR ECLEGTIC ELECTRIC LLC 12l1712008 Phone: (303) 522-6770 1440 S. FILB�RT WAY DENVER COLORAD� 80222 License:434-E Desciption: WIRING FQR BATHROOM ADDITION Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: �400 f*d*i`i<##*++#i�1ii�FiY�F�kitf*+ii*�**M*#***fYd�t�1�1kR1ewYriFwwrtri%%YenMr!li�4YrfYM%# FEE SUMMARY «<,..,.�::,...,,,x��.«,.,�,....w..x.�,,.,.,,.,,,,w,,,,..,..�,,..,��.,�..,,,.,,,,,,.....��«�.,*�«,. ElectricaE Permit Fee�--------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $4.00 lnvestigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees---------> $51.75 Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $Q.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $55.75 Total Calculated Fees-------> $4.00 Payments-----------------> $55.75 BALANCE DUE----------> $O.QQ krtlrt*w�R#�wir�Y*#Mie*,tMrr*w**#,t*,t+,F,t,F#xf�trrxwwrwrrvrx+wxf r:k#xf e:x++rir wwwrrexwr,tfa++.+<t:i,tfi i.trwws#+i+fs�+xk,rk+swr�tlt axrw,rrtx:xrrrt f:Mrrree:r++t:f+frwssw,rxaf a►w�wlr�.ra+�Y s►Rwxxt# APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/17J2008 JLE Action: AP� frf-x+srff#frl++kfe,t!►irrrsxf�tiwwxwfr�#l+irir*a*.t#rf.#�k*+ifr*&+i�#rt�kirir*AirM#it*A#irir^kir*�Yier.*i.#^k**irir*�Y.t►+wfr^k#irwM**,k*,t,t,tirkir*i.#�A**#IrMte+erir�F#i**tr*#i`k�kiFi#*i�ieiFitMtririr�rrrlr�4�l,4,t#+rtr**ir*iitirfiwrrtvww CONDITIONS OF A�PPRaVAL Cond: 12 (BL�G.}� Fi�LD INSPEC�IONS AR� REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. +Fe+Y*1�MinF*,4i.r*Aw#Rx**irw,twwxriw�e Rilw+xwwf f fY tw krxwW�Y W ww�Fr t kir,r�tr�lr#A�Y w wair++a.ittr�Fi 4 klir++rtt+i,ri k,t+#,r#:tirkiF#i rk+,rrf(#��#+�Y iA*�F,t,rsk�4+AA r:4+++:r+M�Yw�ka#wwwsie xrwr k+irrrt:r#.F,t�Y fk t++ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuli the information required, compfeted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correck. I agree to comply with the�nformation and plot plan, to comply with all Towra ordinances and siate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision cades, design review approved, International Building and Residerrtial Codes and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable thereto. REGIUESTS FOR INSPECTF��1 SHALL 8E MAD�E TWENTY-FOUR HOUR5 IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHUN�AT 97a,479,2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. �2 � l�� 0� Signature of Owner or Contractor Da1e � c , 1-�'�-�-- � Print Name elec�rm_041908 *********�****�**�*�*�+**+�+��****����****�****�*�******�*********�****�*�*�*****��********� TOWN OF VA[L, COLORADO Staterrzent ***s***********�********�***�****���**�*�**��**�*�*******�*�*�*****�****�*************�***** Statement Number: R0800p2381 Amount: $55.75 12/17/200803 .33 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: SAS NQtation: visa eclectic electric -------------�--------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E08-0301 Type: ELECTRTCAL PERMTT ParceY No: 2101-063-0705-7 Site Address: 610 W LTONSHEAD CR VAIL Locatian: SUITE 704, LANDMARK CONDOS Total Fees: $55.75 This Payment. $55.75 Total ALL Prnts: $55.75 Balance: $0.00 �*******�*************��*�*:��***�*�����x***********�************�****�*��***********�*�*�**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccQUnt Code Description Current Pmts EF 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 51.75 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTIQN FEE 4 . 00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D��elopment Review Caordinator ' . 75 Sauth Frontage Road Vail, C� 81657 " Phone: 970-�i79-2128 , Fax: �70-479-2172 �;-y� -_ ° . 1 - • . : Inspections: 970-479-2149 1#� ����,� c�� , TQWN OF VAfL ELECTF�ICAL PERM�T APPLICATI4N _ ___ Project Address Project#: ���1f�'��� • � �D w G�n��l�,� C�zC � 7G' . �j� ,r� _ _ � ,.... .. : � Build'mg Permit#: T�� 'W ( � Contractor Informa#ion �nr: �� � T ,n / /� � Electrical Permi##: 7� Company: ����,r�.�. J',�'�'C�G��C __L�- L _. . . . :__:� ,._ ���D � ���( ��� Detailed Descriptian of Work: _f�� '�✓ 1n/�� Company Address: '�/�]�_ Gity: F� I/ - State:�Fax: � IJ�7'���f�"� ��� C�d�£� _ Contact Narne: ��-� Sf�T f f�_ �1F �fi�/ ������� ' Contact Ph: Cell: �Q� ' �2� ����� ` - E-Mail: 1/�'7�� � ��� ���� . C{'�'� _ (Use additional sheet if necessary) u r_ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: � ! — �'� CQMPL.ETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND X �`_ ' VALUATlON OF WORI�(Labor& Material) Contractor Signature (required► amount of sQ Ft �� __ . .. _.... _ -- _ . _. _ _. . . �E Eleetrical $ � ��'�✓ � Property Information � � P1� v6�o71� S7 ., � �.,. . _ ��y Parcel#; �. Work Class: Legal pescription: Lot# Blk# New( ) Addition ( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair( ) Other( ) ; ; Subdivisian� 8uilding Type: Job Name: Single-Family O Two-Family O Multi-Family O � f Commercial ( } Townhome( ) Other( } Owner Name: Mailing Address: Date Received: (For Parcel#Coc�tact Eag9e County assessors Office at 9T0-328-8fi40 or viset www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) ArcF�itect( ) Designer{ ) Engineer( y : (� (� rl j�] � ' Name: � f�' lU7 � ! I 1'I �� ; Phane; ��C � '� c���8 ' Fax: '; E-Mai�: TOWI� OF VAIL ���,�s . f , ���� 1� � Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4 Series of 2005 ❑ Overhead services are nat allowed in the Tov+rn of Vail. o Underground services shall be in canc4uit (PVC} from the utilitytransformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit b�eaker panel. a The main discannect switch shall be readily accessible, and located next to the meter on the �xterior uvall of the structure. All ur�derground conduits are required to be inspected before bac�c-filling the trench. ❑ In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one uni#to another. Comman walls and spaces are exempt. ❑ NM Cable (Romex) can be used on/y in single and multi-family dwellings. Type NM cannof be used in any building mixed wifh Type A,B.E,F,H,1,M&S occupancies. ❑ Aluminum conductors smal�er than size#8 are not permitted. T�WN OF VA1L ELEG7RIGAL P�ERfVIIT GUIDEL.INES o All installatiflns of exterior hot tubs ar spa's require a DRB appraval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy af the DRB approval form attached (if applicable7. ❑ If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa an a new elevated platform or deck over 30"above grade, you must aEsa obtain a building p�rmit. ❑ if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structura9 engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. ❑ If this is a remadel in a multi-family building with a hameowners association, a letter of perrnission from the association is required. o If this permit is�or a commercial space, two (2)sets of stamped drawings are required.�lecfrical one-Iine and paRel schedules are required if load is added or distribufion is alfered. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regardirag the above information ar have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Eleckrical Inspector at J70-479-2147. The inspector can be reac9�ed on Mantiay thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You rnay also leave a voice mail and the inspec#or will call you back, . � ,' 11'JA�NO�VA�" HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please tak�the time to tell us how we performed during#he development review process. We will use this infarmation to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. PEease knauv we do care and wiEl react to your suggestions. Thank you for your com�ents. George Ruther Director of Community Developrnent 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin Building Environment Fire Housing Planning P.W. 2. Was your v�sit today as a: Homeowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Pl�ase rate yaa�r satisfaction writh the foltowing aspects of the Community Developmer�t Departme�t. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means "nat a# all satisfied" and 5 rneans "v�ry satisfied° to rate each of t�e following items. Please use �K {�on't Know/No Opinion) as appropriate. Please cir�le you� response. Not Very Satisfied 5atisfied Friendly and Courteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Kr�owledgeable 1 Z 3 4 5 DK Tim�ly ResponselCalls Return�d 1 2 3 4 5 DK (}verall Exper'rence 1 2 3 4 5 DK 4. Was the review prc�cess clearly explained to you? (i.e., haw t�e Design Review Board andfor Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you app6y for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental h�ealth policy, etc.) YES NO If NO, what additional information would have been h�lpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectatians? YES Na 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meet your expectations? YES N� 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. If you were looking for inforrnatian (i.e., legal adciress file, plat map, plans, e'�c.� was the information in a format that was helpful / user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Gomrnunity Development Dept. information available at htkp:!lwww.vaifgov.com? YES NO T�ar�k you for faking the tirne to complete this evaluation. If indicated below, we will personaffy contact you on speci4`ic concems. If it is your desire, you may contact 4he dFrector by telephoning, 97Q-479-2145. Please feel free to u�e the back for additioraal comments. Name: Company: Address; Telephone: City: State: Zip Code: Date: . � ,' 11'JA�NO�VA�" HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please tak�the time to tell us how we performed during#he development review process. We will use this infarmation to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. PEease knauv we do care and wiEl react to your suggestions. Thank you for your com�ents. George Ruther Director of Community Developrnent 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin Building Environment Fire Housing Planning P.W. 2. Was your v�sit today as a: Homeowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Pl�ase rate yaa�r satisfaction writh the foltowing aspects of the Community Developmer�t Departme�t. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means "nat a# all satisfied" and 5 rneans "v�ry satisfied° to rate each of t�e following items. Please use �K {�on't Know/No Opinion) as appropriate. Please cir�le you� response. Not Very Satisfied 5atisfied Friendly and Courteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Kr�owledgeable 1 Z 3 4 5 DK Tim�ly ResponselCalls Return�d 1 2 3 4 5 DK (}verall Exper'rence 1 2 3 4 5 DK 4. Was the review prc�cess clearly explained to you? (i.e., haw t�e Design Review Board andfor Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you app6y for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental h�ealth policy, etc.) YES NO If NO, what additional information would have been h�lpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectatians? YES Na 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meet your expectations? YES N� 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. If you were looking for inforrnatian (i.e., legal adciress file, plat map, plans, e'�c.� was the information in a format that was helpful / user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Gomrnunity Development Dept. information available at htkp:!lwww.vaifgov.com? YES NO T�ar�k you for faking the tirne to complete this evaluation. If indicated below, we will personaffy contact you on speci4`ic concems. If it is your desire, you may contact 4he dFrector by telephoning, 97Q-479-2145. Please feel free to u�e the back for additioraal comments. Name: Company: Address; Telephone: City: State: Zip Code: Date: