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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0045 REV10 permit NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES __ ,. 'IC1�+Pl OF YAt� ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: 613-0045 Project #: PRJ13-0002 Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Applied.....: 03/25/2013 Location......: 384 Gore Creek Drive Villa Valhalla Issued. . . : 09/18/2013 Parcel No....: 210108238001 OWNER JOHNFRY LLC 03/25/2013 333 E 15TH ST TEMPE, AZ 85281 APPLICANT G.E. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO 03/25/2013 Phone: 719-473-5321 25 NORTH CASCADE AVENUE SUITE 400 � COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80903 License: C000003321 CONTRACTOR G.E. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO 03/25/2013 Phone: 719-473-5321 25 NORTH CASCADE AVENUE SUITE 400 � COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80903 License: C000003321 Description: exterior common element remodel, new elevator, interior common area renovations Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: IIIB Valuation: $1,228,000.00 ...................,�.......,...�.._._......................,..._................. FEE SUMMARY ..........�............__................,...�................_..,............. Building Permit-----------> $6,451.90 Bldg Plan Check----------> $4,193.74 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $24,360.00 Electrical Permit---------> $5,060.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $3,289.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $380.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $95.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $90.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $75.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $18.75 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation---------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $20.00 , . TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $45,133.39 Payments-°-°-------------------------> $45,133.39 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ....................................,,,.._......,.,......,.,,,.,,,..._.._.,,.,....,.x.....,,,,,...,....,..............,....,,,,....,.....,,,...,.,.......,.,.........,,,..,..,....,........,.... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. � combination permit_012811 � � , � !ll��V� T� l 4fff��ww'/'4�xii�ktfflel`1`1`1`4i(trir�iF#fili(YMwf�kYlfffYre#YrYr�RRxxlrxfl`RR4f�1`tLirLRf(4Ri!#Yr/ffY'YYfMtt�*teRffld�FirirkYlYrNrtrtrtrt V rtNRfiRfrRefffffRt�t`t�f1`fi�*1(4Y`ff#fYrYriFtri4k/k1(te1(te41�R1(1`4�k'k�4YrY`frRf V tetrtr4fi`44rt'krtY'ffk��f1ef441`*4�k CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF � Permit#: B13-0045 Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Owner: JOHNFRY LLC Location: 384 Gore " Creek Drive Villa Valhalla ,..,,.......,,,,..................»,.,,..,......,,.,,,......,................,......,,..,...,.,...............,...........,,......................,.................,,............,,..,, Cond: CON0013130 Staging Plan Required. Cond: CON0013136 The applicant shall install tree protection measures prior to the start of work, should mechincal equipment(mini excavators, bobcats, etc.) be used to perform work on the site. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. combination permit_012811 � t � T��YN OF YAI� ' *,************..**.**,...*******************,********,***..*,.************.***�*,�********,��***�*„***�*�*****�******,******,*„***************,********� REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES � Permit#: 613-0045 Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Owner: JOHNFRY LLC Location: 384 Gore Creek Drive Villa Valhalla ******.,.,.,*««„«*„*«,*«**„«*.,,,«.,***,,,.,.*.**.****�***********«*********************************�*«***************«*****��******«««***«*«*************«*** Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough 04/18/2013 By: md Action: NR Comments: consultation to discuss changes to electrical service re-location. 05/30/2013 By: mdenney Action: PI Comments: 4" conduits to meter stack. SE cable from meter stack to north units. 06/11/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: Temp 06/19/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: underground 07/02/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: conduits at elevator shaft 08/07/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: panels and common area rough in 08/12/2013 By: sgremmer Action: DN Comments: Provide fuses provide proper size cold water pipe grounding electrode 08/19/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP 08/22/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: unit 307 and 2nd level south corridor 09/10/2013 By: sgremmerAction: PI Comments: 1st and 2nd stair tower and ceiling 09/18/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: top of stair tower and EM lights Item: 00110 ELEC-Service 08/19/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP Item: 00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00410 Special Inspect-progress rept 08/27/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing 07/08/2013 By: sgremmer Action: DN Comments: provide updated plans 07/11/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: Framing at top floor 07/12/2013 By:jrm Action: AP Comments: NEW DORMER FRAMING 08/19/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: east atrium wall 08/22/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: 1 st level decking at stait tower ok per engineer letter and SI reports for wedge bolts 08/27/2013' By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: SI reports for wedge bolts confirmed 09/18/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: stair tower ceiling and walls except shaft wall for combination permit_012811 � � elevator Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation 07/12/2013 By:jrm Action: AP Comments: NEW DORMER AREA 07/17/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: roof 07/18/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: behind CMU wall 08/14/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: sound batts at common areas of all floors 08/20/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: East wall of atrium Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 07/11/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: Top floor � 07/18/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: behind CMU wall 08/22/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: corridor sheet rock and East wall of atrium Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00532 PW-TEMP. C/O Item: 00543 PW FINAL Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final Item: 00010 BLDG-FOOTING 05/07/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP Comments: west footing 06/12/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP Comments: stair Item: 00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 05/09/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP 07/01/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: elevator shaft 07/02/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: elevator shaft 07/11/2013 By: sgremmerAction: PI Comments: 1st lift of CMU 07/12/2013 By:jrm Action: PI Comments: 2ND AND 3RD LIFTS WILL INSPECT AT BOND BEAM LOCATION PER LIFT 07/15/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: cmu 2nd lift 07/17/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: Upper lift to bond beam 07/18/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: lift to bond beam 07/24/2013 By: MAV Action: AP Comments: observed first lift west atrium wall inspected bond beam top of elevator shaft 07/25/2013 By: MAV Action: AP Comments: last lift at elevator shaft Item: 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water 08/13/2013 By:jrm Action: PI Comments: water lines for 7/8 approved combination permit_012811 � ******************************+***++*********************************************+********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-18-2013 at 09:11:31 09/18/2013 Statement ****************************************�*************************************************** Statement Number: R130001479 Amount: $330.00 09/18/201309: 11 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: CG Notation: visa chuck coe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B13-0045 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-3800-1 Site Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 384 Gore Creek Drive Villa Valhalla Total Fees: $45, 133.39 This Payment: $330.00 Total ALL Pmts: $45, 133.39 Balance: $0. 00 ********************************************************************+*********************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 330.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------