HomeMy WebLinkAboutM05-0090 T[JWN fl�� VAIL 1D�PARTMENT�lF �CQMMUNIT'Y DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FR(3MTAGE RQAD VAIL, C� $l657 970-479-21�8 �I�TE: THIS PE�tMIT MU�T BE POSTED C�N 10BSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL P�RMIT Permit #: M(�4-fl£}9(] C�.� -nr��� ,T�ab Address: 9 VAIL I�D VAI�. 5tatus . . . : ISSLiEI} L�cation.,...: Nine Vail Road A�ppli�d . . : �5fI8I2(�5 Parcel No,,.: 21I�1�?14b[]O i Issued . . . fl5I231�f�iS �'raject No : ��� a 3- vJ33 Expires . .: 1 II1912U135 �WHI�R �ARRI�H� I7DRC3THY �I. , GORDON Q5/18/200� 86�2 GREGORY WY Lf]S ANGEI�ES CA 94(}35 APFLICANT RK MECHANI�A�.,, LLC - UTAH Q5/18/2f1�5 Fhon�: f8fll) 3�4-354D 7269 SUUTH 7(l0 WEST MIDVALE i7TAH 8 4 6 4 7 T.,acense: 31�-M CQNTRACTQR RTC MECH�I�sNICAL, L�C - UTAH 05/18/20�5 �hane: (Sall �Q4-3640 7�69 SC}O""�H 7+�[3 WEST M�D�JALE LTTAH $4 0 4 7 License: 3�.�-N7 a�sciption: INST�►LL 5N0�1�V'MELT HEAT PTP€NG IN' DRIVEV+TAY AND CQNI4CECT T�J �XIST[f�G SYST'�11+� Valuatian: �2f1,[f�.fliU Fireplace Tnfvrrnation: itestricud: Y" q of Gas A�pkiances: 6 �i of Gas Lsags: b ;�o€ Wr�ad Pellet: Q rsarasrrr�a��.asxxrerras��rsK�sak*s*#■MS�k��arsars�srts�*x»���s�ssr*sx�ss,e■ FEE SU'.�+I�fAR'Y bM�i�k**�t�F+M�k�+l�i#+[s+F##RF�sRsM�N�kkM#M#�k�#l�A�###i�kA�k�l..kl�##�k#i###***#�## Mechanica3---� $40D,00 Reswarant Pla�Re�iew--� $a.0a Tatai Calculate�i Fees---� $503.O�f PlgnChcck---7 $loo_DO DR�Fee---------------°--7 $O.eo Ac�diticanalFe�3----.--_.°� $o.o� Investi;garion-] $0.DQ TOTAL r`EES � $503.Ufl 'I"nta�Pern�it�ee---------> $5p3.�0 Will Ca11----] $3.Op Paymersts--------•--°•---� $503.00 �AI�ANCE DUE_._.J_�3 $0.qU *####+#*���i�#►6il��*#�if#�##!�######*#k#�#Rt#4klr!#�##*#s��#�ef:#�s+Y#t*##�F�*��M##**#�kt�##ki�t�t*.ktvva*e*##�##+kt�R'#���+k#*stW��ks�tssewss►se�er:�xers*ssaes �tie.�: c�,�iao sv�r.�2�G DEFARTMENT fl5/18/2(}05 J'S Action: AP �tem: 0�6�0 FIRE DEPARTM�NNI` CfJN]]ITIC]IV (7F APFF��JVAL Cand: 12 �BLL?G. ) : FIELD INSPECT�ONS APE REQUIRED 'I"O CHECiC FUR CQDE C"�M�I.,IANCE. Cand: 22 (B�LD�. ) : C(7MBL3STION AIR I� REQIIII2ED PER SEC. "70d. aF 'I`T3E 1997 UMC, OR SECTTt7N 701 C7F THE 1997 TM�. Cond: �3 (SLDG. J : II�7'STAL�.TTCJN MUST C�NFURM 'I'O NlA,NIIF'�?iC'TU�tES INSTRIICTIf}NS ANL} TO CH�sPTER 1[7 OF` THE 19 9 7 IIMC, CHAP'I`ER 1 C3 QF' �'I3E I 9 9 7 IMC. Cox7.d; 2 5 (HLDG. � : GAS APPI,�AN�ES S�IAI,L BE VFNTEI} ACCQRi)IN�G T{} CIi�,PTER S AN!? aHALL T�RMINA°T� AS SPECIF��I) I�T SEC.8Q6 []F THE T997 �NiC, OR CF�A�'TER � OF 'I`HE 1997 IMC. �c�nd: 2 9 �BLDG. } ; ACCE55 T� HEATING �QUIPMIIQT MIIST �OMFLY �ITH CHAPTER 3 AN� SEC.1417 OF THE 1997 UMC ANL7 CHAPTER 3 0�'" THE 1�97 IMC. Cand: �1 (BLDG. ) ; B�Q�LERS SHALL BE MC]LTNTED ON' FLC}C3R� {7�' N��TCUMB�TSTIBLE C�NST. [3I�3I�ESS LISTED Ff7R MCIUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,QC?Rx1�G. Corid: 3 2 (BLDC, ) : FERMIT,PLANS AND C�D� I�ALYS IS MUST �E �US'��I) TN M�CHANI�AL RQ(}M PRIO;k� TO AN INSk'��C'�"It�N RE4[T,EST. �CC]nC3. 3 C} (BLDG. } : DRATI�IA,�E (�F MECHAI�]'ICAL R40MS CONTAI�iING �IE2�TING GR H[JJT-WATE?R SUPPI,Y BOIL,ERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED W�TH A FL�DDR �RAIN P�R SEC. 1d22 C1�' THE 19�7 IIMC, OR SEC�'Ii3N 1004 .6 QF THE 1997 �MC. n##�k A##�##�k ik#*�k#*##!1�#1��M#**M�#�k f'4#41t#F#R#4�RY��k�k�M�k i t Rt�k�ir#�kt i#��#8###b###t�k��####.t#�#####�*�k##R�#�tt M t##1�.i�Mf�+R1F#i#��t##ik�ik t#*�k eRl��k+l#Prt#4�%##1�#3Y i�R#i�1�$�F P�M# DE�LARATI�QNS I hereby acknow�ledge thai I have read this applicacion, f'riled out in full the infarmatia�r� xequired, completed an accurate plat pl�, a�d sta#e that all the infornaa#ian as required is cc�rrect. 1 agre€ ta cr�m�+ly with the infarmation and �al�t �la.n, to cc�mpiy wit�i a�l Town c�rdinances and stake laws, a�d. ta builcf t�is st�cture according to the �o�,vns zoriin,g an� subciivision cudes, design review a�prvved, Llniform Building C€xte a�d ather�►rdinance� af�he Tc�wn applicable thereto. REQLrSSTS F�R INS�ECTI(1N SHALL BE MAAE"TWENTY-F'OUR H�?UFtS I�I,4DVAriJC�HY 7EL�PHalVE AT 479-21d�[}R A'�OtJR OFFIC FRf?M 5:00 A�i-4 FM. - ' i - -_ � r` `51GNA�,T-i} QF OWI�IER R T()R �UR HIMSELF AND OW�iEF �*t��+����*���***�**********�*t���*��4*���**s*��**�*��+�*+********+t****���**s�s�*�s�**�*�** TU`�JN C7F VAIL, C�LORAI7Q Statement ***t�►�+��a��*+f�e�+�#*�****��**�t*t�*�ts*�st�+�**�***��t�******�*#�+*�t��*���t*f��*�f�rw�+t�����*+* SC�tem�nt Nuittbe�': 1205D000657 Amatuat: �503.00 05/23I�60503 :25 Pl+�i Paym�nt Methad: Ch�ck Init: DDG Notativ�a.: RIC MeChaniCal - Utah 3537 Permit No: MQ5-4090 'I�rpe: MECHANIC� PERNIIT' F'�xCEl rro: 2ioi-o��-a�oa-i Site Addr�ss: 9 VAIL RD VAZL Locati.vn: ,�Zine Vaii Roaci Tvtal �ees: $5{]3.4� Th�.s Payment: $503.04 Tatal AI,L Pmts: $5€)3.�Q Ba7.ance: $4.QQ •***�es********************t**�r+�******�***�*s*+***��+*�****�*�r�********s*s��*«*�x*�********** ACCaIINT ITEM L�ST: Ac�aunt Code �]escrigation Current Fhnts -------------------- ----------_,__...._______------- ___-----_-__ MP 041040[7331I1Of3 1�CHAAiICAL PERMIT FEES �#4U.tlt3 PF DQ1�(}O(?311�304 PI,,� CHECK PEE� 1C1[?.Dfl �iC Q01i](}(}�3112SQ6 'W��,L C.�LLL Zi�SP�C'FICII�T FE� 3.Qfl - A�PLICATIQN WILL NOT BE►�IC+CEPTE�I�MNCdMF'L.ETE �C7R UNSIGN' ,p� � � ��"� � Projec##: 1'►� � �ti+ Building Permi�#: +C�7(,� �► Mechanical �ermit #: " � 97'(1�475-?149{Inspect�ons� TD��UF�ATL TC3WN U� VAIL MECHAhIICAL PER�VIIT APPLICAT��hI 75 S.FrQ�etage Rd. Permit will �ot be�cce�ted without the following: Vail,Golora�o BifiST Pravide I�e�hanical �tovm L�yout drawn t�scale ta incEude; • Mecharti+cal F�oom Cfimensions r �Comb�stion Aar Duct Size and Ls�cation � • Flue,Vent and Cas Line Sixe and Lacatio�n � ��y, j � � • Heat Los�Calc�. • Equiprnent GutlSpec Sheets ,�� ,,; .: .;.=,,�. �f'+�''�-�`' � - ^......_ --- �ONTRAC,�'Q�t INFQR1MATiC�N Mechanical Cantractar: Town�f If�il Reg. h�lo.: Contact and Phcane#"s: 1 K C-c�-l� �e��e�r�' �b� �.i �-Mail Address: Cantractor Signature: C�]MPLETE VALUid►TIt�N �t7R MECHANIGAL PERMIT Labor& Mater�a[s M�.CH�4,NICAL: � �t7 pp�p Ca►atact�Ea le �Coa Assessnr� Ciffice at 9i0-328-884D o,r wf�rt w�w►v.ea !e-co�rnt .cc�m fur F�ar�e�# �arcei # { ,�1 � c� �`v o � Jab Plame: (`�+��r� �,�-`+�/ ��� �. Jab Ar�dress:q, I"i .�+'►�i. Y`D / �' � Lega!�lescriptian l.at: �iock: Fiting: Subdivisi�n: Cawn�rs N�me� � � �.� Address: � Phar�e: � . � EngFneer: � ���.�,_ ��aev e�. Address• � � P�none� 7� c�" - �![�� DetaiNed description o�wor4�; �+hS�-t,l ��`-;-��t� �'�^-�"�4t�L"`,� � �v^��-��-'� �r�.,►7� � S S Work�Class: N�w( } Addition � ) Alteratian Repair� ) ath�r( } Boilsr I�c�catian: lnteri�r( ) Exteriar( ) G4tE�er( } C?o�s an EHU exist�t this foeati�on. Yes( ) IV�4 ) __ _ _ Type af Bfdg_ 5ingl�-family( ) Quplex{ ) M�tti-family( ) Ccs�nmercial( � Restaurant( J C7ther( ) Na.af Exis�ir�g Glwe9ling L��its in this buiEding: No. of Rccvmmodafgvn lJnits ir€this buifdi�g; No1T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas L s IlVoodlP�Ilet Waod Bu�nin NalTyp�of Firep�aces i�rnpnsed: Gas Applianr.es( } Gas Lo9s( } W�cxfl�'ell�t{ ) Waod B�urning (NC]T ALL�bWED� Is this a canuers�o�from a uvond burnirtg freplace to an EFA Phase Il device? Yes ( } Nv ( } **�**���*�*�**�*���*��*�F�3R �FFICE E1SE UNLY��*�***�**��****�****��*,���*� - -- -- -- - � dther Fees: Planner 5i,qn-�sff: Acc� ted B ; DF�@ F�ees. Date Received: I�.Vnilldnta�,�de4"�l^[7ltit�f�l!'FRT�lI'I'S1hiF.CI-3PERhLDOC ;'^� � U7i24f20f12 ,�_� I�f - A�PLICATIQN WILL NOT BE►�IC+CEPTE�I�MNCdMF'L.ETE �C7R UNSIGN' ,p� � � ��"� � Projec##: 1'►� � �ti+ Building Permi�#: +C�7(,� �► Mechanical �ermit #: " � 97'(1�475-?149{Inspect�ons� TD��UF�ATL TC3WN U� VAIL MECHAhIICAL PER�VIIT APPLICAT��hI 75 S.FrQ�etage Rd. Permit will �ot be�cce�ted without the following: Vail,Golora�o BifiST Pravide I�e�hanical �tovm L�yout drawn t�scale ta incEude; • Mecharti+cal F�oom Cfimensions r �Comb�stion Aar Duct Size and Ls�cation � • Flue,Vent and Cas Line Sixe and Lacatio�n � ��y, j � � • Heat Los�Calc�. • Equiprnent GutlSpec Sheets ,�� ,,; .: .;.=,,�. �f'+�''�-�`' � - ^......_ --- �ONTRAC,�'Q�t INFQR1MATiC�N Mechanical Cantractar: Town�f If�il Reg. h�lo.: Contact and Phcane#"s: 1 K C-c�-l� �e��e�r�' �b� �.i �-Mail Address: Cantractor Signature: C�]MPLETE VALUid►TIt�N �t7R MECHANIGAL PERMIT Labor& Mater�a[s M�.CH�4,NICAL: � �t7 pp�p Ca►atact�Ea le �Coa Assessnr� Ciffice at 9i0-328-884D o,r wf�rt w�w►v.ea !e-co�rnt .cc�m fur F�ar�e�# �arcei # { ,�1 � c� �`v o � Jab Plame: (`�+��r� �,�-`+�/ ��� �. Jab Ar�dress:q, I"i .�+'►�i. Y`D / �' � Lega!�lescriptian l.at: �iock: Fiting: Subdivisi�n: Cawn�rs N�me� � � �.� Address: � Phar�e: � . � EngFneer: � ���.�,_ ��aev e�. Address• � � P�none� 7� c�" - �![�� DetaiNed description o�wor4�; �+hS�-t,l ��`-;-��t� �'�^-�"�4t�L"`,� � �v^��-��-'� �r�.,►7� � S S Work�Class: N�w( } Addition � ) Alteratian Repair� ) ath�r( } Boilsr I�c�catian: lnteri�r( ) Exteriar( ) G4tE�er( } C?o�s an EHU exist�t this foeati�on. Yes( ) IV�4 ) __ _ _ Type af Bfdg_ 5ingl�-family( ) Quplex{ ) M�tti-family( ) Ccs�nmercial( � Restaurant( J C7ther( ) Na.af Exis�ir�g Glwe9ling L��its in this buiEding: No. of Rccvmmodafgvn lJnits ir€this buifdi�g; No1T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas L s IlVoodlP�Ilet Waod Bu�nin NalTyp�of Firep�aces i�rnpnsed: Gas Applianr.es( } Gas Lo9s( } W�cxfl�'ell�t{ ) Waod B�urning (NC]T ALL�bWED� Is this a canuers�o�from a uvond burnirtg freplace to an EFA Phase Il device? Yes ( } Nv ( } **�**���*�*�**�*���*��*�F�3R �FFICE E1SE UNLY��*�***�**��****�****��*,���*� - -- -- -- - � dther Fees: Planner 5i,qn-�sff: Acc� ted B ; DF�@ F�ees. Date Received: I�.Vnilldnta�,�de4"�l^[7ltit�f�l!'FRT�lI'I'S1hiF.CI-3PERhLDOC ;'^� � U7i24f20f12 ,�_� I�f