HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC13-0032 Permit 06-23-2014 Inspection Request Reporting , c3,p Page 17 4:26 pm Vail, CO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday June 24 2014 Site Address: 4824 COLUMBINE'DR VAIL SIDE A A/P/D Information Activity OTC13-0032 Type: OTC Sub Type: ADUP Status: ISSUED Const Type Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner HEALY,THOMAS E.&JANE M. Contractor: HORN BROTHERS ROOFING Phone: 303-274-1111 Description: TEAR OFF WOOD SHAKES AND INSTALL GERARD CANYON SHAKE(STONE COATED STEEL) Requested Inspection(s) Item• 542 PLAN-FINAL Requested Time: 09:00 AM Requestor Phone: Comments 303-356-8545 Assigned To GRUTHER Entered By: MHAEBERLE K Action Time Exp: Item• 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 10:00 AM Requestor Phone: Comments 303-356-8.45 Assigned To J ON Entered By: MHAEBERLE K Action met`I a• Time Exp: (1/4(14 Inspection History Item: 542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 14715 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,. 7�WN 0�'VAtL . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 OVER THE COUNTER PERMIT OVER THE COUNTER Permit #: OTC13-0032 Project #: PRJ13-0560 Job Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Applied.....: 09/27/2013 Location......: SIDE A Issued. . . : 05/20/2014 Parcel No....: 210112215036 Valuation.....: $27,030.00 OWNER HEALY, THOMAS E. & JANE M. 09/27/2013 4266 COLUMBINE DR VAIL, CO 81657 APPLICANT HORN BROTHERS ROOFING 09/27/2013 Phone: 303-274-1111 MANUEL ROCHA 2325 S JASON ST DENVER CO 80223 License: C000003523 CONTRACTOR HORN BROTHERS ROOFING 09/27/2013 Phone: 303-274-1111 MANUEL ROCHA 2325 S JASON ST DENVER CO 80223 License: C000003523 Description: TEAR OFF WOOD SHAKES AND INSTALL GERARD CANYON SHAKE (STONE COATED STEEL) ..........................,.,.,........,...,,,,.,....,.......,....,,....x........... FEE SUMMARY ,........,........,.....,....,....,,x,,,..,,,.,�..........,....,................ Building Permit-----------> $421.55 Bldg Plan Check----------> $274.01 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $340.60 Electrical Permit---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $20.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $1,061.16 Payments-------------------------------> $1,061.16 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 .»...,....,.=..,.x...............................................�.....................,,...,..«.......,............,,..................,..............,......xx...........,...,«....x... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. I _ combination permit_012811 �� ■ _. . � r JV�V� I� i .+.+«««.+..x..++.>.......•.•x+..........:.:x:.+...»....x.+.•+.••...:..xx+e+.xe+x...:.x...+.....••x..+•..............+..«....s......•........+.....x.......»...>..•..................x. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: OTC13-0032 Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: HEALY, THOMAS E. &JANE M. Location: - SIDE A ........w,��,...,x.�.................�.....,........,...........,.�..,........,........,.,..........�.....,�,...........................,.,.,,.......,,,,,...........,....,,......... Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. combination permit_012811 a � # �o�o�v� � ****�.*************************************.*****�****��**�*.,***********,.*********************************�,******,****************************..*,** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: OTC13-0032 Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: HEALY, THOMAS E. & JANE M. Location: SIDE A ..,,*,,,,.,*.,.,.....,.,«**************«********««**«,,,.*.*.,««**********,.**...********�***.,.,.,********„****,�,.******.�********.,.*******«*.**�**«„*�**«*„***�„««,,,, Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final . ...x,.>.. combination permit_012811 � _._._ __ _ _. . _ . 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,GO 81657-5639 �OVC .....,,,.--_� e•pTSy$afh vy Si �1"iVC1�J�g S E ���� s _ _ __ _ ___ _--- -_ Au4ust 9, 2013 .--``, Length Diagram Total Line Lengths: Ridges= 210 ft Flips = 24 ft Valleys = 181 ft Rakes = 299 ft Eaves = 249 ft Flashing = 30 ft Step flashing = iZl ft �arapets = 0 ft Note: This diagram wntains segment lengths I (rounded to the nearest whole number) over 5 feet. In some cases, segment labels have been � removed for readabitity. Plus signs preface some � numbers to avoid confusion when rotated (e.g. ! +6 and +9). , ��v�-��l�1�.�� �:�i i�'�t�.�v�=�� Disclaimer:This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT offer an accuracy guarantee. EagleView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurements. � ---w..A-.��..:_<e:..�....._..�,.���.�,� .,m,�...�.._.. %�� r� iTis document Is provlded under License hy EagleView 7echrrobgks ro the requestor for thelr Internal Use Only subjat to the[erms aM mnditlons revlous �•'�����nffia,�� ��� Report. %17�%%1 when[hey regstered for use of EaqkVlew Techrrobgies 5ervices,It rcmains the prpperty of EagleVkw Technobgles and may be repmduced ar�d dRUibuted on�rw[h n[�he re r���r N equator's E G�E V i[W �mpany.Any re0roductbn or tllshlbutbn to anyone ou�ide of the requestors tompany without EagleYiew'S prior written permission is strictly prplVbited.All aspects and handling af M�5 —"--- — _—— report are sub)ect to[he Terms and Conditbns prevbusM a9reed to hy che requestor. ______'___'__�._�,..____—__'_ , __'____..___'—'___--_...�_--_.._'._ — �_'__._._'____'_'_..___`___—�_'_"'_'.__"_.._� orn Brothers Roofing Copyrlqht O 2008-2013 EapleViflw Technoloqias,Inp—pry Riphts Resorved—Covered by U.S.PaLBpt NOS.8�078�436)a,ia5,s�s;s,i�o,840 and 8,209,152.Othv Patents Pendinq. Pd j2 1 c 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,CO 81657-5639 i ,. ,�„ ,. xb #6 �� � Y k � �� x6 �` � . Y � R k� ,,. � �;. ° � 1 , ��'�#��R�'��Report: 7190771 ��mry i �„�� Horn Brothers Roofing R � x6 r � x�� '�. x�` �r y L -�, x6 T � � `� � . 1 . xb� � y�� x , � x6 a' .�;;;._ - � � �,; �._t'' . '+1 x6 Y N 'N � E s August 9,2013 � Pitch Diagram � � Pitch values are shown in inches per foot,and � arrows indicate slope direction.The predominant i pitch on this roof is 6/12. I Note: This diagram contains labeled pitches for facet areas larger than 20 square feet. In some cases, pitcM fabels have been removed for readability. Blue shading indicates a pitch of 3/12 and greater. Pitch Diagram Disclaimer:With Extended Coverage,only the predominant pitch may be noted due to resolution of photo.Refer to pitch table for more information. � T�'�J��� C:C7�'��?.���'�� Disclaimer:This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT ofFer an accurecy guarantee. EagieView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurements. �.,.�._a...a..m.�...__.�, _.�.-sm,_.� ..,r�.,...��.,.�.,..�m,.�,�._..�,...�.o..�..�_.1.__.._.w._,_,o.e....�.�.c� This document is provided uMer license hy EagleView Techrrologies to the requesror for their(nternal Use Only sub�c[to the terms an0 mnditions prevbusly agreed to by Ne reques[or'������ hen they regl tered for use of EagkVkw Tahnologies Servkes,It remains the properry of EagleView Techrologks and may be reDroducetl aM dkVibufed only wi[hin[he requestor's mmpany.Any reproduc[bn or drstribu[bn to anyone ouCtlde of the requestor's company wl[hout EagleView's prbr wntten permissbn Is shktly proMbitetl.AA aspects and ha�Wling of this report are sub)ect to the Terms anO CorMitions prevlousty agreed W 6y the requestnr. Copyriqht p 2008-2013 EapleView Technoloqias,Inc—qll(tiql�ts Reserved—Covered by U.S.PaLant Nos.8,078,436;B,145,578;8,170,840 and i " _l 8,209,152.Other Patents Pendinp. Pa9e Z 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,CO 81657-5639 �, >'� �se '` ,,' - �'� �' �_� ��,, �' � : 3 , �\ '�.� ; �ae ; i : '`., eo �., z�s '' � 4 180 `' 235 '\ r '� ��- 1 i • � \°� \ �.h� `./� ` 3 \� � � � � 83 \� '\ 108 i� �-� t i ° 174 \'� „✓f`• � .- � ` 9 � �i 251 r s�` t�`�`�O�r-� "��J �� . /' .� 51 t � '1 ! r � j - �'f i�..� / � 82 �`�. . � ` �,:'�'' �117 \�,�� % ���� �'" • , °� - l �ao \ `_ 1078 � � , '', '� :�� ,` �� :.` ` � � F�`111 ''.�. ,� .. r.� �� �\ r '' � � � `° � C�� ,s� `.`,> �J°'' y .� Je. ` � `��- •� � `, �_ '� �; •�f � � '� �ss � i z� �. �y`, N w � � � 17 s'r ``___. i �.�,t..�,_. ' �'�, GAGLfV1iW.. Hom Brothers Roofing August 9, 2013 Area Diagram ---- �---- --,1 i , Total Area = 5,534 sq ft,with Z2 facets. Note: This diagram shows the square feet of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest foot). The total area in square feet, at the top of this page, is based on the non-rounded values of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest square feet after being totaled). �'��"��''��'� i��'��c��� ��� Disclaimer:This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT offer an accuracy guarantee. EagleView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurementr. ��_9��..�..�.�.�_�..�._..._.�_.�_�����A.� �m.��..��._ a_.____�.._�.w,s..�_ ���_.._.�,.._,T.�.��.�.��,.,�.�.�� W5 document is provided under Lkense by EngleView Techrqbg�es[o the reques[or for their Internal Use Only subJeC[h�the terms and condltlons prevlousN agreed to by Ne requestor Report: 7190771 he^theY e9k[ered(ur use of EagkView Technobgies Servkrs.It remalns Me properry of EagkView 7echrobgles antl may be reproduced and distrlbuted only within the requestors rompany.Any repmductmn or distributbn to anyo�re oulside of the requestor's company witMu[EagleView's prior written permission Is stricdy prohibitetl.All aspec6 and handB�of Mh report am sub)ec[ro the Terms anG Londi[ions prevbusly agreed[o by the requesror. .��.-�...______—._—__�_�_—..._—_._. Copyrlph[p 2008-2013 Eaq�eView Tachnotoqle��Inc.—AII Rlqhta Reserved-Covared by U.S.PaEBpt NOS.8�078�436j 8�145�576)8,170,840 and �� ` ` 8.209,152.Otlrer Patenb Pendinq. Pa9e 3 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES : �n�+�v� • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 OVER THE COUNTER PERMIT OVER THE COUNTER Permit #: OTC13-0032 Project #: PRJ13-0560 Job Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Applied.....: 09/27/2013 Location......: SIDE A Issued. . . : 09/27/2013 Parcel No....: 210112215036 Valuation.....: $27,030.00 OWNER HEALY, THOMAS E. &JANE M. 09/27/2013 4266 COLUMBINE DR VAIL, CO 81657 APPLICANT HORN BROTHERS ROOFING 09/27/2013 Phone: 303-274-1111 MANUELROCHA 2325 S JASON ST DENVER CO 80223 License: C000003523 CONTRACTOR HORN BROTHERS ROOFING 09/27/2013 Phone: 303-274-1111 MANUEL ROCHA 2325 S JASON ST DENVER CO 80223 License: C000003523 Description: TEAR OFF WOOD SHAKES AND INSTALL GERARD CANYON SHAKE (STONE COATED STEEL) rr�:er��trww�:s.�R+.�wrxwaw�w:s.iie,e�w»�x�r��wx�vw►�xwwi.x:we:urii���:,e�»wwwwrw�+�e FEE SUMMARY •••••«»....«.........,.,,..,.+...,....«..«.....................,,,,...,,,..».,... Building Permit--------> $421.55 Bldg Plan Check----> $274.01 Use Tax Fee-- - > $340.60 Electrical Permit-------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check-------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit-----> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $20.00 Plumbing Permit--> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---> $0.00 Investigation-------------> $0.00 Will Call----- > $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-- --> 51,061.16 Payments---- — -----> a1,061.16 BALANCE DUE – -> 50.00 •�:�.�.:�wx�x�+�r,e:r►xxvr�err,twwwr�+.wx�ww�n.�xxwh�iire�sre��x�ww�ww:��wws.�►txx�s.xi»rrri+e�,r�+r��w+wx++►x+xt�s.wrxwHrrrt�-e��wwxs.wwwww�.wwww�e�:rrrw�xx3wtrir++�k:�r+.www�wwMw�»weiiiieri» DECLARATIONS I I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. I combination permit_012811 r � 1 t���r 1� � •��+rr+��x,tw„�.s.xww�+wx�n.tw�►�ir�rw+,errrrw�xww�+rrr+.y.,�++wwxwwxww,�s.�xtt�►�t�x+xiiii:rrr�x,r+�►�e�rw�wwww�wR�wt:wt�r,H�w�rh����e,errrw,www�w�rRw�����ww::s.ztziree:�:r�.err�xww+��r�.rwx�xxw„� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: OTC13-0032 Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: HEALY, THOMAS E. &JANE M. Location: SIDE A �rw�wrw���ww�:xxw::++xxei»ir:�iwrr»yrwv,�����+www+w�::wsmre::s.,re,r,r�»�w��wer:�x:wwwk+wr�wwxwwwx�:wwir:»e�w�W����xrw�e�::ww�.ww:ww�.:wx:Hirxrxww,e,r�,eeii�rw�wv.ri+.+wwww+.+wwwwwwi+wws.iw� Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PI..AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. combination permit_012811 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ � l T��VN OF YAI� ' .....****.,...**.*....*.**.,*...*****.*.**.**.*****....,*.*..**...*..............*.......*.*..**�.**,,.............,,*..............*....,.#*.*....,..* REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: OTC13-0032 Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: HEALY, THOMAS E. &JANE M. Location: SIDE A .«�..««««.*«**.*.,*...«*.,«...«..«.«....*«*.***«.....«..�***«««.....�«««�.*,.,....,,�****..««.«...«««*«**.,.«**«**..«*�«*««*««*****.*..*.........*.,,►.**..«. Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 s�***r****************r*��*********�*****�******�*�******r*****r************s�************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **..*******�********��*******�*****�***�*********�����*********�**************��************ Statement Number: R130001572 Amount: $1, 061. 16 09/27/201303:50 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: SAB Notation: VISA-JOSUE JASSO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: OTC13-0032 Type: OVER THE COUNTER Parcel No: 2101-122-1503-6 Site Address: 4824 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: SIDE A Total Fees: $1, 061. 16 This Payment: $1, 061. 16 Total ALL Pmts: $1, 061. 16 Balance: $0.00 *�*****�*»********r**��*******��******�******r**s*s****rr*�*r*r****r***************���*��*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 421.55 DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 274 .01 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4� 340. 60 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i� r L �� Community Development Department �. � 75 South Frontage Road West � Vail, CO 81657 j�WN �F �A�� � ��O � Tel: 970-479-2128 Community Development www.vailgov.com Department Development Review Coordinator RE-ROOF PERMIT APPLICATION (This permit is applicable to one and two family dwelling units, multifamily buildings) (Permit fee=standard building fees and design review fee) Project Information Type of Building: Owner Name: Thomas Healy ,---- -- Multifamily(! ) One Family(; ) Two Family(Duplex)(! � ) Parcel#: 2�0�-�22-�s-oss �For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Offlce at(970328-8640 or visit . Joint Property Ovmer Written Approval Letter(duplex or www.eaglecounty.us/patie) multi-family HOA) Project Street Address: • Two(2)plan sets indicating: a26s Columbine Dr. A • Site plan showing location of balconies, decks, stair- ways, sidewalks, pedestrian and vehicular exits from (Number) (Street) (Suite#) the building and utility meters • Roof plan showing pitch and slope Contractor Information • Snow retention method and location. Multi-family Hom Brothers Roofin building snow retention is required to be designed, Business Name: 9 signed and sealed by a licensed engineer 2325 S.Jason St. • If heat tape is to be used as snow retention, load cal- Business Address: culations must be provided �i�, De�ver State: Co Z�p: So223 • Material type(i.e. Composite Shingles Class A)and color Contact Name: .tosue • Full view roof photos of the entire building • Note: Roofs with a horizontal dimension less than 48" Contact Phone: 303-35�85a5 are exempted from snow retention Contact E-Mail: Josue@hombrothersroofiny.com Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Tear-0ff wood snakes and AppliCBnt InfOrnlatiOn(fill in if diffefent f�'om Cont1'BCto�) install 31 squares of Gerarci Canyon Shake(Stone Coated Steel) Applicant Name: �� �oeso AppliCant Phone: 3D3-3Sb $�ys (use additional sheet if necessary) Applicant E-Mail: Valuation of Work Induded Plans Included Work I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Electrical ((-�)Yes ((��)No ((�)Yes ��')No and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to guilding � )Yes (��)No (!��)Yes �( )No comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to Value of all work being performed: $ Z?��Q _D(� the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- �value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3� proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of th Town applicable thereto. Electrical Square Footage X Date Received � � � Q � � wne/Own r's epresentative Signature Required(typed or digital D s n ure) ( � ) Checking this box indicates you are electronically signing SEP 2 6 2013 this application and agree to the above statement. TOWN OF VAIL For Office Use Only: o� 7"KS 1`���S C!�� Pr �ed#: Fee Paid: 2 ? Received From: Building Permit#: OTC.I J — ��c.J� Cash Chedc# CC: Vsa/MC Last 4 CC# Auth#: Lot#�,�Block#_ Subdivision: �l Ct�lO.e.t� �L1.6 13-Jan 18 R Sep 05 13 10: 16a P. 6 � TOWN OF VAIL'� J4fNT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint prope�ty owner approvat for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condorninium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or simifar written correspondence, must be com- leted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home ovmer's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant buifding.Al)compieted forms must be submitted with the applicants compteted appiication. �. 1, (print name} / rr✓tr.s � Q JA9we i-(• T7��+ l , a joint owner, or authoriry of the association, of property located at�2-f 6 _ G t,ryvt 6�r� � �i v �,. , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the prdposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand th�the proposed improvements include: G � ^ C'�• Zeo°�✓\ r�Pn'1 pr�7� � T�. /� p' i C�a�%+ �cZe' I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the 7own's applicable codes and reguiations;and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an applica� results� the applican#agreeing to this statement. � � � �j��'• � a2 v�3 . � �' Signature Date l�Gt�v<<'s E, f�� a� Print Name •✓� � �. t�p Q/�- I I:� HORI� BROTHERS 2325 S. Jason Street R O O F I N G Phone: (303) 274-1111 Denver, Colorado 80223 Toll Free: (877) 898-1996 Fax: (303) 462-1176 September 25, 2013 Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S Florence Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: 4266 Columbine Drive Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: We will be installing a Gerard stone-coated steel roof, per manufacturer installation specifications, which carries a Class "A" rating. Sincerely, Josue Jasso Horn Brothers Roofing, Inc. QUALITY ♦ INTEGRITY ♦ VALUE hornbrothersroofing.com 9l24J13 Pdar BloxSnawGuards � sign in sign out shopping cart Order Status '�� � � � F � 800-298-43Z8 � � � �> 814•b�9'?��'� j �f r � F ���� st�a�.�W G�Ut����� � ����� . �.���.��� ����� �� N.,�`Y�`;� . . ...... - nv-:�' S&'""".�.:�,� �[°i^�7R$Y16�s�.�y ...,m�'`^'RleY�ti HOIv1E INSTALLATION PROCEDURES CONTACT US SNOW GUARD PRODUCT LINE a MSDS I SPECS Install Information 1. Determine desired location of Polar Blox per manufacture's recommendation. 2. Apply a transparent silicone adhesive to the base unit. (Use a non-Acetic acid type on Galcalume or Galvanized roofs.) 3. Use two self tapping #14 screws with neoprene washers under the heads, screw through the Polar lox and roofing material, into the purlin or structural support. 4. Make a seal around the entire perimeter of the snow guard. 5. Each Polar Blox should just up from the roof's surface perpendicular to its slope and face diagonaily skyward toward the ridge at the top of the roof. Directions for Adhesive Mounting D [� (� I� � M C 1. D e t e r m i n e d e s i r e d l o c a t i o n o f P o l a r B l o x p e r m a n u f a c t u r e's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n. 2. Clean the surface with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. Allow to dry completely before install ��� � � �01� 3. The Polar lox should be placed with the holes down toward the roof. 4. Smear the adhesive on the bottom side of the Polar Blox, covering the entire surface to be mo TOWN OF VAIL 5. Press Polar lox on roof, making sure there is no air trapped underneath. Squeeze-out is the recommended finish. 6. In warmere temperatures it may be necessary to secure the Polar Blox temporarily, until the adhesive firms. 7.The minimum application temperature is 50oF and the full curing time is 28 days. For further assistance or questions, please call and ask for technical assistance. Recommended Adhesives: Surebond SB-190 for Kynar painted roofs, Surebond SB-895 for Galvanized or Galvalum roofs. Universal Guard Installation o ta Z��z In a staggered pattern, space guards 12" on center horizontally along the eve line. Place one row for every 50' of the roof's run from eve to ridge. For roof panel �� � widths for 9-12" use one guard per panes per row. For roof panels widths of 12- 24" use 2 guards per panel per row. 3/12 to 6/12 Slope � � One row of Polar Blox staggered perlin to perlin or 12" on center horizontally using glue for every 25' of roof. FIGURE: length of roof divided by two plus one for each row required on each side. /j�/� /f� 6/12 Slope and up ��• � // (/ One row of Polar Blox for everyy 12' of roof from ' / � /� j� , //� / eve to ridge. Place guards 12" on center in a �'i � � j // � straight row. FIGURE: one for each foot of roof ,j�. / �,l// plus one for each row required. v �; __�_ _ � General layout recommendations. Snow load �p� � � variations must be considered. Please call for a �'� � customized layout. w�nnw.polarbloxcaNtechinfo.asp 1/2 .9/24/13 , Polar BloxSnowGuards Standing Seam Guard Installation l. Tools Needed: Standing Seam Guards- 3/8" Ratchet and 3/16" Socket with Allen Wrench Attachment(as sold by Polar Blox); Original Standing Seam Guards - 3/8" Ratchet and 5/32" Socket with Allen Wrench Attachment(as sold by Polar Blox) 2. Place first snow guard approximately 2'from edge of eve. Tighten set screws with a reasonable amount of torque, but do not over tighten. Set screws should be preset to keep panel centered. 3. When using guards only, keep guards at an even space from eves which shouid be over bearing walls. 4. When using optional ice bars, place bar in end of installed guard and place new guards on opposite end of bar before installing it. Continue installing in this manner until entire edge is covered. 5. Be sure the required number of rows are used to ensure safety. Design Considerations 1.) Make sure all panels are securely attached to the roofing structure. 2.)The structure must be designed to carry the additional load created by Polar Blox guards.This is extremely important 3.) Do not install Polar Blox on overhang.They should be located over bearing walls when possible. 4.) More than one row may be required depending on area snowloads. Check with the factory for recommendations 5.) It is the responsibility of the buyer to verify that aIl design loads and requirements are met before installation occurs Owners must be made aware of the possible extreme conditions which may be created by stopping hazardous sliding of snow and ice. If the extremes are resulted they should be physically removed from the roof. Slate or Shingle Installation Vertical spacing between each row is 12"to 18" depending on the exposure (i.e. 7 A'/a exposure would yield a 15" vertical spacing) Horizontal spacing is 24" on center. First row of snow guards should be placed on the third row up of roofing. Three row layout pattern is needed for every 15' of the roof's run. � � Minor Rib Guard Installation � D to 2/12 Slope / In a staggered pattern, � space guards 12" on center horizontally along the eve line. Place one row for every 50' of the roof's run from eve to ridge. For roof panel widths of 9-12" use one guard per panel per row. For roof panel widths of 12-24" use 2 guards per panel per row. 3/12 to 6/12 Slope One row of Polar Blox staggered perlin to perlin or 12"on center horizontally using glue for every 25' of roof. 6/12 Slope and up One row of Polar Blox for every 12' of roof from eve to ridge. / `�� Place guards from 12" on center in a straight row. FIGURE: / one for each foot of roof plus one for each row required. General layout recommendations. Snow load variations must _f'C/ j be considered. Please call for a customized layout. i� / � Copyright �02013 Polar Blox Toll Free: 800.298.4328 155 Gilbert Hollow Road Local: 814.629.7397 Hollsopple, PA 15935 Fax: 814-629-9090 wvwv.pdarbloxcom�techinfo.asp y2 � _ _. ..... ._ y�...... _._.._. _� Y. __.,.e.>� � �� �.��� �� � � - = ; � � � � .�' , ,__._.. � . i ��c;+l; ;�5:_ r�1��� r .. . � i • ~� 1 ` ." _ . r .s� � � r - .'�K ,^ , f ti � .'��j� `9.1 is� sLT~�}.a.� '��`�'A �`'1F d . 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