HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC13-0032 OTC13-0033 PLANS 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,CO 81657-5639 Horn Brothers Roofing . E August 9, 2013 Length Diagram Total Line Lengths: Ridges = 2101't Hips = 24 ft Valleys = 181 ft Rakes = 299 ft Eaves = 249 ft Flashing = 30 ft Step flashing = 121 ft Parapets = 0 ft Note: This diagram contains segment lengths (rounded to the nearest whole number) over 5 feet. In some cases, segment labels have been removed for readability. Plus signs preface some numbers to avoid confusion when rotated (e.g. +6 and +9). c 7'' lVDE C-OVER B G E D Disclaimer: This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT offer an accuracy guarantee. EagleView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurements. for then Internal Use Only subject m the terms and c-dltiom previously agreed to by the requester �- xrty of EagkVkw Tech.loyles and may be reproduced and distributed only within the requester-s my wrttions P io sl-y prior written permasbn rs strictly prohibited.All aspects and handling of this Conditions ly agreed to by the requester. ---------- Copyright p 2008-2013 EagieVlaw Technologies,Ina_AN Rights Reserved-COVend by U.S.Patent Nei.8,078,436;8,145,578;8,170,840 and 8,209,152.Other Patents Pending, -� Page 1 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,CO 81657-5639 R x� .0 T xo x6 x6 a xs T ko x6 'C 1 �.y 1 R xrn s 'Is 1 1 x6]r N xs 1 N �+W E S August 9, 2013 Pitch Diagram Pitch values are shown in inches per foot, and arrows indicate slope direction. The predominant pitch on this roof is 6/12. Note: This diagram contains labeled pitches for facet areas larger than 20 square feet. In some cases, pitch labels have been removed for readability. Blue shading indicates a pitch of 3/12 and greater. Pitch Diagram Disclaimer: With Extended Coverage,only the predominant pitch may be noted due to resolution of photo. Refer to pitch table for more information. EXTENDED Co11PRAGE,�p Disclaimer: This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT offer an accuracy guarantee. EagleView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurements. This document is provided under License by EagleView Technologies to the Report: 7190771 when they registered for use of EagleVlew Technologies equester for their Internal Use Only subject d a terms and conditions previously agreed to by the requests, bgies S e of the It remains the parry of EagleView Techrobgks and may be reproduced and distributed only within the roquestor's company.Any rcproductbn or distribution to anyone outsWe of the requesters company without EagleView's Prior written permission K strictly prohibited,All aspects rtA6lf VIf W _ and handling report are Subject[o the Terms and Conditbns Drevbusly agreed to by the requestor. of this Horn Brothers Roofing copyright o 2008-2013 Eaglewew Techrw ------ — ----_ 8,209,152.Other Patents Pending. �t�'Inc—A0 Rights Reserved—Covered by U.S.Patent Nos.8,078,436;8,145,578;8,170,840 and Page 2 4266 Columbine Dr,Vail,CO 81657-5639 f ' 155 ,. 145 zts N 180 \a \33 i-- 108 251 r° ;\ , l I 235 i J �\83 !\ 174 \ i W E�_ E S August 9, 2013 Area Diagram Total Area = 5,534 sq ft, with 22 facets. Note: This diagram shows the square feet of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest foot). The total area in square feet, at the top of this page, is based on the non-rounded values of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest square feet after being totaled). EXTENDED. iOVERAGEZD Disclaimer: This report was produced using EagleView Extended Coverage Technology. Due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: tree coverage, Poor images, low photo resolution or other blockages; this report DOES NOT offer an accuracy guarantee. EagleView recommends that anyone using this report field verify the measurements. This document is provided under License by EagleView Tech i Report: 7190771 when they registered for use of EagleView Technologies nO��to the mquestor for their Internal Use Only sub)ect to the terms and conditions previously agreed to try the requestor ��'MT_p'T logms Services.It remains the property of EagleView Technologies and may be reproduced and distributed only within the requestor's \ GAGL.V itw- company.Any repmdnxtion or dlstributbn to anyone outside of�reC u�tai'company owithoout E gieVieW s prior written permission Is strictly prohibited.All aspecCS and handling of this report am sub ..---p b agreed to by the requester. om Brothers Roofing — ----._-.� ___----------____- Copyright O 2008-2013 EagleView Technologies,Inc.—All Rights Reserved-Covered by U.S.Patent Not.8,078,4381 81,145,578;8,1701840 and 8,209,152.Other Patents Pending. Page 3