HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC 022309 draft 021909MEMORANDUM
TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: February 23, 2009
SUBJECT: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town
Council for proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master Plan, pursuant to Section VIII-C, Adoption, Extensions, and Amendments, Vail Village Master Plan, to amend Sub-area #4, Transportation
Center, to allow for mixed-use development on the Vail Village Transportation Center site, located at 241 East Meadow Drive/Parts of Tracts B and C, Vail Village Filing 1 (a complete
description is available at the Community Development Department upon request), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080015)
Applicant: Triumph Development, LLC, represented
by Rick Pylman
Planner: Nicole Peterson
The Transportation Center site is currently owned by the
Town of Vail. Any future development proposals on the site will require permission from the Town Council to proceed. This application is not for a specific development; instead the
request is to amend the Vail Village Master Plan to allow future mixed-use development on the Vail Village Transportation Center site.
Staff recommends that the Commission forwards
a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for the proposed amendments based on criteria and findings stated in Section IV of this memorandum.
proposed Vail Village Master Plan amendments are stated in the attached draft Resolution No. 6, Series of 2009 (Attachment B), which include, in summary:
Revised Section VI. Illustrative
Plans – Additional language under the Land Use Plan, Public Facility/ Parking category that allows for mixed use development on the Vail Village Transportation Center site.
Section VII. Vail Village Sub-Areas – Updated description of sub-area and addition of development goals under Sub-Area #4, Transportation Center.
Revised Exhibits that illustrate the
Transportation Center site as one consistent development site that allows mixed use development. Exhibits include:
A. Land Use Plan, Vail Village Plan (Include planted buffer in overall
B. Open Space Plan, Vail Village Plan (Remove portions of the planted buffer)
C. Conceptual Building Height Plan, Vail Village Plan (Change height from 3 to 3-4)
D. Building Height
Profile, Vail Village Plan (Add buildings to profile)
The Transportation Center site is approximately 5 acres (GIS) with approximately 900 linear feet (0.17 mile) of frontage on East Meadow Drive. Currently, the site consists
of the Vail Village Transportation Center, parking structure and a planted buffer that provides visual screening and structural support to the south side of the parking structure. The
site is across the street from the Tyrolean, Vail Mountain Lodge, Mountain Haus, Slifer Plaza, Austria Haus, Village Center and Solaris.
On December 8, 2008, the Planning and Environmental
Commission held a work session to discuss the proposed amendments. The PEC requested more information about the potential building bulk and mass. Winston Associates has prepared a
3D digital model that will illustrate possible bulk and mass of development on the Transportation site, which will be presented at the PEC meeting on February 23, 2009.
Staff believes the proposed Vail Village Master Plan amendments are consistent with the Town’s goals, policies and objectives for the reasons listed below.
with other elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan
For comparison purposes, the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, adopted in 1998, updated in
2006 and 2007, includes detailed plan recommendations (Section 5.2) that encourage mixed use on the Lionshead Parking Structure site for the following reasons: 1) To energize and visually
upgrade the area by enhancing pedestrian activity; 2) Create potential for a stimulating retail environment; and 3) Presents the opportunity for employee housing conveniently located
adjacent to the Lionshead pedestrian core. Staff has used the language from the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as a source for the proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master
Plan due to the similarity in the sites, and thus the relevance for future long-range planning strategy.
Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan
The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan
calls for the street edge to be designed to create an intimate pedestrian scale, where buildings jog to create activity pockets with planters, arcades, raised decks, etc (Street Edge).
Furthermore, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan states that the East Meadow Drive streetscape shall feature public plazas, planters, kiosks, benches and lighting (East Meadow
Drive sub-area). The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan also addresses the street enclosure (building height to street width ratio) and calls for buildings to provide a comfortable
enclosure for the street, with a suggested ratio of 1 to ½ , meaning that the building walls are approximately ½ as high as the width of the street (Street Enclosure).
Master Plan
The Streetscape Master Plan states that the site shall include street enhancements, providing space for public nodes and seasonal vending opportunities to generate points
of interest and pedestrian activity to the west of the parking structure’s central access (Pg. 39, East Meadow Drive).
Conditions have changed
Vail Village Improvements
Since the Plan’s adoption in 1990, and amendments in 1995 and 2005, there have been both private and public improvements to Vail Village.
Specifically, improvements have been made to the Austria Haus (which replaced the Wedel Haus, a small 2-story lodge) and streetscape, the current construction of Solaris, and the Village
wide upgrades to the streetscape and public plazas, which now exhibit the need to improve the pedestrian experience in this area.
The existing East Meadow Drive streetscape from Village
Center Road to Vail Valley Drive is a weak link and a poor edge to the Vail Village streetscape and ultimately is a deterrent to the pedestrian shopping and walking experience in Vail
Village. The existing planted buffer is an in-active open space that deters from the active, vibrant character found on the south side of East Meadow Drive and throughout Vail Village.
To facilitate improved pedestrian shopping and walking experience and to encourage activity and interest on East Meadow Drive, Staff believes this site is appropriate for mixed-use
development including residential and commercial uses.
Employee Housing
Employee housing has become a more critical issue since the adoption of the Plan. The Transportation Center
site is large enough to accommodate a significant amount of employee housing that could include a variety of home sizes and price points. The amendment will allow residential uses on
site and foster the opportunity to bring local working citizens back into Vail Village, which would bring much desired vitality into the Village in the shoulder seasons.
The plan is
in error:
While the current Vail Village Master Plan is not in error, Staff believes the plan would be more comprehensive with the proposed amendment. Currently the Vail Village Master
Plan does not address future mixed-use development on the site nor does it address the potential redevelopment of the Transportation Center, which Staff believes should include a mixture
of uses to encourage employee housing and commercial uses along East Meadow Drive to effectively extend the vibrant, active character of the Vail Village.
The amendment is in concert
with the Vail Village Master Plan:
The addition of mixed uses to the site including residential and commercial, will add activity and interest to the East Meadow Drive streetscape.
Future infill development or redevelopment incorporating mixed uses will provide a sense of arrival as guests exit the parking structure. Today, upon exit from the parking structure
main exit, guests tend to walk straight across the covered bridge instead of exploring East Meadow Drive, because there is no sense of arrival upon exit.
Staff believes the proposed
amendments will provide clear and specific guidance for any future infill development or redevelopment of the site. The proposed amendments will adopt recommendations that are in concert
with the plan. The applicant has submitted a narrative that addresses each of the six major Vail Village Master Plan goals in context with the proposed amendment (Attachment C) for
the Commission’s review.
The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council
for proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master Plan, to allow for mixed-use development on the Vail Village Transportation Center site. Should the PEC choose to forward a recommendation
of approval, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion and findings:
“The Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation
of approval of the draft Resolution No. 6, Series of 2009, for amendments to the Vail Village Master Plan, with the following findings that are based upon criteria outlined in Section
IV of Staff’s February 23, 2009, memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented:
(1) That conditions have changed since the Vail Village Master Plan was adopted
(2) That the proposed
amendments, to allow future mixed use on the Transportation Center site are in concert with the Vail Village Master Plan and Vail Comprehensive Plan.”
Vicinity Map
Resolution No. 6, Series of 2009
Applicant narrative
Series 2009
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2005 the Vail Town Council adopted the updated Vail Village Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, Section VIII-C of the Vail Village Master
Plan outlines a procedure for amending the Plan; and
WHEREAS, on February 23, 2009 the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of _______ to the Vail Town
Council on Resolution No. 6, Series of 2009; and
WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the Vail Village Master Plan amendment is in keeping with the goals, objectives, and policies
prescribed by the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the Vail Village Master Plan amendment is in the best interest of the Town as it promotes the coordinated and harmonious
development of the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the Vail Village Master Plan amendment to allow for mixed-use development on the Vail Village Transportation Center
site will improve the success and vitality of Vail Village by visually upgrading the area; enhancing pedestrian activity; creating potential for a stimulating retail environment; and
presenting the opportunity for employee housing conveniently located in Vail Village.
WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the amendment to allow for mixed-use development on the
Vail Village Transportation Center site, facilitates the orderly and comprehensive development of the Vail Village.
Section I. Text Additions and Deletions
The Vail Town Council hereby approves the Vail Village Master Plan amendments, as illustrated by text additions stated in bold
italics and deletions in strikethrough.
Section II. Exhibits
The Council hereby approves the Vail Village Master Plan amendments, as illustrated by the following maps and figures attached
to this resolution as exhibits:
A. Land Use Plan, Vail Village Plan
B. Open Space Plan, Vail Village Plan
C. Conceptual Building Height Plan, Vail Village Plan
D. Building Height Profile,
Vail Village Plan
Section III. Chapter VI, Illustrative Plans shall be amended to read as follows:
Public Facility/Parkinq: The only property in this category is the Town-owned Transportation Center.
parking structure and adjacent surface parking lot. Existing uses include: public and charter bus parking, transportation facilities and a limited amount of office and retail activity.
Potential changes to the character of these uses would be the introduction of other public purpose activities such as a visitor center, performing arts center, etc. The primary purpose
of the Transportation Center site is to provide public parking and to serve as a primary multi-modal transportation center for the community. Mixed use development, including residential,
commercial and office uses shall be appropriate in accordance with the goals, objectives and action steps set forth in this Master Plan.
Section IV. Chapter VII, Vail Village Sub-Areas
shall be amended to read as follows:
The only existing facility within this sub-area is the Vail Village Transportation Center (TRC). The TRC serves as the
transportation hub of the Village and the entire community. There is potential for future expansion of the parking structure eastward along with other ancillary development potential.
Foremost among these is development over the expansion of the parking structure.
The primary purpose of this sub-area is to provide public parking and to serve as a primary multi-modal
transportation center for the community. entire Village area. The priority of any expansion to this facility should be to maximize the amount of additional public parking available at
this site. An important consideration in future expansion of the TRC is the view corridors as depicted in the Building Height Profile.
The existing improvements on site include the
Vail Village Transportation Center, parking structure and a planted buffer that provides visual screening and structural support to the south side of the parking structure. Any infill
development on the southern portion of the site shall replace and address the structural support that the planted buffer provides. Any infill development on the site shall not interfere,
restrict, hinder or alter current operations of the existing transportation center/ parking structure and/ or the redevelopment of said structure. Any infill development shall seamlessly
integrate with the existing Vail Village Transportation Center.
The goals for development in this sub-area are as follows:
Provide for a year-round, world-class guest experience
at the vehicular entryway and transportation hub of the community
Improve the existing pedestrian ways with public spaces that add activity, interest and vitality
Encourage a wide variety
of activities, events, and street life
Meet public parking demands and screen parking and transit from public view
Concentrate transit activity at the periphery of the Village to minimize
vehicular traffic in pedestrian areas
Improve streetscape circulation corridors
Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements by private developers working in
cooperation with the Town
Encourage a variety of new commercial activity
Encourage development of affordable housing
INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _____day of ___________, 2009.
Richard D. Cleveland, Mayor
i Donaldson, Town Clerk
EXHIBIT A: Land Use Plan, Vail Village Plan
EXHIBIT B: Open Space Plan, Vail Village Plan
EXHIBIT C: Conceptual Building Height Plan, Vail Village Plan
EXHIBIT D: Building Height Profile, Vail Village Plan
ATTACHMENT C: Applicant Narrative
This section of this application narrative addresses each of the six major VVMP Goals in context with the proposed
amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan.
Goal #1: To encourage high quality development while preserving unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustain its sense of
community and identity.
An infill development in this location will re-invigorate a tired parking structure and potentially provide a vibrant new landmark portal to Vail Village.
The specific project architecture could and should celebrate and enhance the established character that is embodied by Vail Village and solidify the architectural and pedestrian connection
between the Village Parking Structure and Bridge Street. Creating an active edge on East Meadow Drive will provide much needed and requested vibrancy and act as a link from Village
Center Drive to Bridge Street and the core, reinforcing and extending the Village. It will upgrade the appearance of an existing facility and provide much needed additional housing,
office and retail uses. This will be a public improvement with the participation of a private sector catalyst.
Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-around
economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole.
A design with a mix-use philosophy that will infuse vital employee housing, residential, retail and office
space into the heart of Vail certainly meets the spirit and intent of this goal. A well designed and executed building here will enhance a visitor’s experience of the overall Vail Village
area. This infill site will re-invent the arrival and departure experience at Bridge Street, one of the most important and memorable experiences in Vail. This plan will also establish
an everyday population with its attainable residential and office components that will provide an economic boost to the existing and future businesses.
Goal #3: To recognize as a
top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village.
By encouraging a variety of retail and office activities, new street life along East Meadow Drive will
be generated. A worn down berm and exposed concrete structure would be transformed with a family of streetscape elements, including storefronts, signage, lighting, stoops, sidewalks,
landscaping, furniture, urban gardens and intimate plazas. In scale, massing, form, height and architectural design, the new commercial construction would take major design cues from
traditional architecture: long, continuous streetscapes of side-by-side glass storefronts placed in a common setback; a lively variety of facade design with a wide range of architectural
elements; separation of facades into discrete "storefront" units that read as pedestrian-scale multiple facades; and building heights that support the perception of the district as an
intimate pedestrian environment which is friendly and inviting. A primary goal of the building design would be to avoid the "blank walls" make a streetscape considerably less attractive
as a pedestrian environment. In addition, the design responds directly to the multi-level nature of the structure by providing retail and office on multiple levels with simple and easy
connections throughout.
The conceptual design proposal envisioned for the site employs a traditional approach to design in its residential components. The placement of residential units on upper floors or
in ‘brownstone’ scaled buildings is a standard tradition in urban areas large and small to create rows of modestly scaled attached residential units.
Goal #4: To preserve existing
open space areas and expand green space opportunities.
The Southeast, West and North sides of the parking structure would be maintained and enhanced with organic landscaping elements
to transition smoothly into the Vail Village core area. Open plazas should be maintained as urban gardens, entertainment squares, and outdoor dining patios. This area is currently designated
as a “planted buffer area” in the current version of the Vail Village Master Plan and is not recognized by the document as an important open space.
Goal #5: Increase and improve the
capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village.
An infill development in this area should be accomplished without major closures
of the parking structure and may in actuality fix many of the existing structural problems currently existing. Any infill building here should remain independent of the parking structure,
which would allow for future expansion of the parking structure. Locating mixed use program elements in the core of town and adjacent to public transportation encourages maximum pedestrian
circulation and minimal vehicular traffic. The expansion of private parking for the project can potentially occur via access through the existing parking structure and underground of
the new buildings.
Goal #6: To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village.
This amendment would allow for a project that will address important
community needs and Master Plan considerations without precluding future options for the Village Parking Structure. It will allow for the continued operation of the existing facility
and allow for future development with the potential of additional service and delivery facilities. In addition, the gateway created will enhance and improve the guest experience and