HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0422 Public Health Dept Report �,`,� Division of Environmental � �,��m� Health and Sustainability ofAi6GcHeah6 DfltC•, �ndF ' ..�[ RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISffi1�NT REVIEW APPLICATION ThisfolmwillbemedbytheHealNDepar�rntforvariousreviewfeesforretailfaodesfablishments Recortl`# az provided in statute 25-4-1601 to 1612, C.RS. Cdorado Departrnent of Public Health and Environment ��'li'IIl ��#. " ��, � Dia�aon oC Euvironmental Health & SY�stainability � ' ' ' � ATTN: Plan Rc�iew Secfiun 4300 Cherry C7eek Dr. Soutly C-1 Do Not N4ite Io 'phu 6piee Denver, CO 80246-1530 FD'��`-`�°° �°� Ph: (303) 692-3645 NameofEstablishment: I}�-� � �j.Q� �(„� Location Address: (�, l � � , � � ��j ���� t(� City: � � \� State: � Zip: '$1 (� -�'j � County: L ,�c.l l�l:. ��g naaress: Q D �O1C 3t�(� � City: � �? \ �. State: � Zip: � ` (,, 5� Name of Owner/Manager: S�L �1 �u�L Phone: ( ���J) � 3 G� � DBA: ` l.; �� �17-C Email: j�PA, U,i �t `L KA t � Gd t'� Type oC Owneisllip (As indicated on your Colorado Business/State Sales Tss Regislration) ❑ Individual (Iju�dividual or soleproprietor owner, you must comp/elet e enclased ajfidavrt and pravide a notarized capy ojan approved identif:catinn) ❑ Gmeral Parhtership ❑ Limited Parhtership Limited Liability Compmy ❑ Limited Liability Parh�ership ❑ Limited Liability Irmited Par4�e�ship ❑ Coiporabon ❑ "S" Cotporalion ❑ Association ❑ Esta[e ❑ Govemment ❑ Joint Venmre ❑ Tiust ❑ Non-proSt 501(ex3) (please enclose copy of IRS letter of exemprion) ❑ Other Non-pro5t NOTICE TO APPLICANT: The Type of review requested aad associated application fee required is indicated in Seclion A below. If a¢ application fee is required, please make check payable to the Colorado DeparGnent of Public Heal[h & Environment and mail the completed applicabon and check to the address abovc Fux for [he acWal review are er.plained on the nex[ page. Name & Tiile ofApplicant (Please Print): ' a fApplicant -�-� 1�� 1� �U \ L N�l� �f' b �L. i � :SECTION A TffiS SECTION TQ"BE COMPLETED:BI'IL�ISP,ECTOR RE�W �YPE x APPLICATSON`FEE , RE�W�EE (NOT �;OEXCEED) r � v 0 $lati Rev�ew (�R) = - $100 00 358'0 00 t F ' s_ ,z ;. . - � , . � ,. � ' a ,e ` + � Ec�wpmentPioducTReu�ew (ER) 3100 00 : � S500 00 ❑ HACCP PdanReview/Wnt[� (IiW) ' NotRec�qued $100 00,' ,` ❑ HACOPP�anReview/Opaahorisl (HO) "� NoYrequir� $40000 ;; �❑ SeevicesRequested' RealFa�tatextenew�(RE) � 57500 -^� ' ` CosrofAcaialT�meSpeni ❑ Spec�al.$veni(SE)�, ��. NotReqwred ' � . ,, ' f % NotRequired � ;❑ SpecialSernce (SS) ` : NotReq,ipred �� NocReqiiired ; ' -❑ Fee �tempt (EX) '�� �: NoYRequired . . 'NotRequiied� . Comments: . DEHS_RF£stAppPacket_2.0 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF TI� STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE I, Scott Gessler, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records ofthis office, The Sweet Spot llc is a Limited Liability Company formed or registered on 08/20/2013 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity idenrification number 20131477284. Tlus certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 08/26/2013 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 08/27/2013 @ 23 : 10:28. I have affixed hereto the Crreat Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated tlus official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 08/27/2013 @ 23 : 1028 pursuant to and in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Number 8627527. �!' �' '� � . r. ' , � • • ��f��'�`-z--- I . • Secretary of State of the State of Colorado •wrrt�taa��:ss+�s�sss++:sr�Wr�a:aar�srarfss�tr�End of C¢tti5catearssaxs+tfftrtrrrr�r�rferrWSe::rrrrr:>���rrrs NaHCe:A certificate isaved electronicolly fr [h C lo d S tarv fSt ! ' W b 't ' fu[[v d 'm d'at ly 1'd d ff t" However, ar an oplion, [he rsruance and validity of p ceRificote abtained electronrcally may be umbliched by visiHng the Certif+mte Confirmatlan Page of the Secretary of State's Web site, hny:/Svwwsos.state.co.zcr/biz/CertificateSearchCriteria.do enterrng Me certifim[e 's cor�rmotion number d'uplayed on the cenifrcate, and follmving [he instsuctions displayed. Co�rminv ihe issuance of a certMca[e is merelv ontinnal m�d is not necusary to the valid and eN'ecnve issuance ofn cern�care. Far more irformadan, vrsit ourWeb site, hIIp:/Fv�vm.sosstate.co.vs/click Business Center and select 'FreqventlyAsked Quertionr. " CERT GS DRevised0820/2008 APPENDIX C - Plan Review Date: 9/7/�f11 � Name of Establislwient: The Sweet Spot, LLC Phone: No Phone Yet 616 W. Lionshead #203 g�; Address of Establishment: Vail, CO, 81657 Phone: Guillory Family, LLC F�' Name of Operator (owner): ShPa [,u�nn r Managar Phone: 850-803-9933 4281 E. County 30A g�y; Santa Rosa Bch, FL 32459 Address of Operator (owner): Phone: FAX: Name of Local Contact: Shea Guillory, Manager Phone: a50-S03-9933 FAX: Name of Contractor: Eagle Country Contractors Phone: 9�0-306-1371 i eggi FAX. Address of Architect: Phone: FAX: Name of Architect: Phone: FAX: Date Consirucrion will begin: 9/25/2013 Date of Planned Opening: 11 /15/9013 New Establishment: YeS Remodel: Type of Establishment (check all that apply): _ Full Secvice _ Coffee Shop _ Baz _ Mazket (Grocery) , _ Convenience Store _ Fish Mazket _ Deli Meat Mazket _ Caterer _ Concession _ School _ Specialty Shop _ Fast Food _ Mobile Unit � Other (please specify): Can StnrP��� irt R RPignPt RhnT Plan Review Packet C - 1 Seacing Capacity (�ndoor and outdoor): Zero Inside Seatinq. 8 Seats Outside if Allowed. Total Square Feet of the Establishment: 541 Sq ft. Total Squaze Feet of the Kitchen Area: 212 Sq fit. Have these plans been submitted or do you intend to submit these plans to other counties in the State of Colorado? _ Yes X No If yes, which county(s): ff Operation is Seasonal, List the Months of Operadon: We will be open year around. Hours may change slightly between Summer & Winter Seasons. Winter/Summer: 7 Days 8 am to 9 pm Off Season: 5 Days 10 am to 5 pm Day(s) and Hours of Operarion: day(s) hours Projected Daily Maximum Number of Meals to be Served: 25 Breakfast 'We are primarily a packaged Candy Store, more alo�g Q Lunch the lines of retail store. However, we will have an Natual Frozen Yogurt Bar & Serve BeignePs & Cafe Au Lait as well. 0 Dinner Number of Staff (maYimum per shift): 1 to 2 Deqendinq on Season „ � - Plan Review Packet C - 2 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE NECESSARY AND MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE PLAN REVIEW. LACK OF COMPLETE INFORMATION MAY DELAY REVIEW AND PLAN APPROVAL. 1. Proposed menu, including a list of foods which will require cooling after cooking and the method that will be used to cool these foods. 2. Facility floor plan. Drawn to scale. 3. Spec�carion sheets of all equipment, including make and model numbers. 4. Shop drawings of all custom fabricated equipment and cabinelry. Drawn to scale. 5. Site plan showing the locadon of the business in the building, locarion of the building on site including alleys, streets and the location of any ouuide facility (dumpsters, walk-in units, grease interceptors etc.). 6. A complete interior finish schedule. 7. Mechanical, plumbing and elechical schedules. Drawn to scale. 8. Water heater spec�cations, including make and model number. 9. Location of chemical and personal belongings storage. 10. Water supply and wastewater systems. Plan Review Packet C - 3 L Menu And Food Handling Procedures: A. Submit Menu (See Next Page for Details) B. Is there a Hazazd Analysis Crirical Control Point (HACCP) Plan/Food Handling Procedure Manual ihat describes prepazation, cooling, reheating, cooking of foods and the handling of leftovers? _ Yes X No If yes, please submit with plans. C. List the foods that will be prepazed more than 12 hours in advance of service. NOne. D. List the foods and describe the methods of how hot foods will be cooled to 41°F (5°C) or below. No hot foods will be cooled. E. List the foods and describe the methods of how foods will be rapidly reheated to 165°F (74°C) or above. No foods will be heated, only beignets fried and served. F. List the foods and indicate how hot foods will be held at 135°F (57°C) or above. NOne. G. How will &ozen foods be thawed? All frozen yogurt will be thawed in refrigerator. H. Will raw meau, poulhy, and seafood be stored/displayed in the same refrigerator(s) and freezer(s) with cooked, ready-to-eat foods? _ Yes X No I. Indicate the total number of re&igeration and freezer uniu: 2 RefiigeretOr. 1 FI'eeze�. J. Will catering be conducted? _ Yes � No K. Will food be transported or delivered to another location? _ Yes X No If yes, what equipment will be provided to maintain food at proper temperatures during transport? L. Will the produce used be washed in the establishment, or will all produce be received pre- washed: All fruit topping received pre-washed, pre-packaged or frozen. M. Will vacuum packaging be conducted in the establishment? _ Yes X No If yes, please provide the required HACCP Plan for each category of food to be vacuum packaged. Plan Review Packet C - 4 Section i. Menu & Food Handling Procedures A. Menu • Beignets — This is the only item we will prepare and cook. The item is cooked to order. We open a can of pre-packed dough and simply fry it for two minutes and serve. The dough is held in a refrigerator. • Frozen Yogurt — We will have one frozen yogurt machine and we will be serving Organic Frozen Yogurt from YokiBliss in Boulder Coloredo. The product is supplied frozen and is placed directly into the machine after removing from the freezer. • Pre-Packaged Candy — We are primarily a Candy Store and will be selling all types of pre-made and/or pre-packed candies purchased from suppliers. We will not he making our own Candy on-site. • Yogurt Toppings — We will also provide about 6 fruit toppings for the Yogurt Bar. These will be received fro2en and defrosted to place in the Drop-In Refrigerator. These toppings will include Strawberry's, Blueberry's, Pineapple, Kiwi, Peaches and Oranges. • Hot Beverage — We will serve Hot Cocoa and Cafe Au Lait, but will not be a full service coffee shop. All hot beverages are self-serve from an Urn. B. We do not have a HACCP plan as of yet, But we will have basic Food Handling Procedures established for properly cooking and handling the Beignets, as well as for handling Yogurt and Toppings. C. No foods will be prepared more than 12 hours in advance of service. D. We have no hot foods to cool. E. The beignets will cooked from a pre-packaged refrigereted state in a deep fryer. F. We will not be holding any hot foods. G. The frozen yogurt will be thawed in the refrigerator. Once removed from the freezer, the Yogurt supplier, YokiBliss, states that the yogurt may be held for up to SO days. H. We have no raw meats, poultry or seafood. I. We have one commercial refrigerator and one commercial freezer, as well as commercial beverage refrigerator. J. We will no offer catering. K. We will not deliver food to another location. L. All fruit for the yogurt topping bar will be pre-washed & pre-packaged or frozen. M. No Vacuum Packaging will be conducted. II. Facility Floor Plan: A. Submit Floor Plan Drawn To Scale. (See NeXt PBgBS) B. Floor Plan Must Include Location and Identif"icarion of All Equipment and Areas Including; 1 . Sinks - a) Handsink(s) b) Vegetable/Food Prepazation Sink(s) c) Urility/Mop Sink(s) d) Dump Sink(s) e) Wazewashing Sink(s) fl Other 2. Wait Starion(s) 3. Toilet Facdiries 4. Dry/Food Storage Area(s) 5. Employee Break/Locker Area(s) 6. Chemical Storage Area(s) 7. Water Heater Locarion S. Baz Service Area(s) 9. Indoor/Outdoor Seating 10. Outdoor CookingBaz Area(s) 11 . Locarion Of Laundry Faciliry 12. Recycle/Damaged/Returned Goods Location 13. Location Of All Floor Sinks and Floor Drains 14. Crrease Interceptor/Grease Trap 15. Ice BinsQce Machines 16. Dipper Wells 17. Chemical Dispensing Units Plan Review Packet C - 5 IIL Equipment Specifications: A. Submit equipment specificarion sbeets, including make and model numbers of the equipment. If the specification sheet lists more than one piece of equipment, idenrify the specific equipment to be used. If there is no specification sheet available, the equipment will only be accepted upon a field inspection to determine if it meets commercial design criteria. See Attached B. Submit shop drawings of all ventdation hoods. Drawn to scale. See Attached C. Submit shop drawings of all wstom fabricated equipment and cabinetry. Drawn to scale. See Attached D. Submit the following water heater infonnarion: (See Appendix D for criteria on calculating adequate amounts of hot water) 1 . Make: GE 40 Gal Electric Model Number: GE40M06AAG 2. BTU/IC�lowatt Rat;ng: 9000 watts (Dual 4500 watt) 3. Recovery Rate, 100°F rise, at sea tevel: Not Applicable for Electric Heater.,. Plan Review Packet C - 6 E. Submit installation specificarions. Use the following chart to indicate equipment spacing and elevarion; wluch equipment will be placed on legs and/or casters, quick disconnects (etc.): Installation Methods Equipment Installation List At At Adjacent Floor Wall E ui ment Equipment Make and Model d � .,y � y n y � y � o c � o � a °- � y � � � � c O �..i p � t0 G. ^�' 6 �' (D � O RO y �' � .� �, r o � � � � �� � � � C 0. y ?' "�X f1l a m m a � � N N d �� � �, � � � R z 0 Ventless Hood, HoodMart, AVH23 Ot New No X X 3" X Electric Fryer, APW Wyatt, HEF-30T 02 New No X X Refigerator, Gibson, RR18R 03 New No X X 3" X Freezer, Kelvinator, KCS070G W 04 New No X X 4" X Beverage Refigerator, Frigidaire, FCGM201RF B OS New No X X q^ X Yogurt Machine, Forte, SS-100 O6 New No X X 7" X Warewash Sink, Advance Tabco, 4-3-36 P-1 New Yes X X 3• Handwashing Sink, Krowne, HS-9 P-3 New Yes X X 10" Mop / Utility Sink, Fiat, L-1 P-2 New Yes X X 3" Sneeze Guard, AMD, ES67 08 New No Water Heater, Whirlpool, E2F80HD645V P-4 New Yes X X 3" Grease Interceptor, Dortnont, WD-20 P-5 New Yes 36" SS Work Table 12 New No X 3" X Plan Review Packet C - � I F. Submit the following wazewashing informalion: 1. MANUAL - Include the following for all wazewashing sinks: (Kitcben, Dishroom, Baz, etc.) a) Size of each sink compartment: Length: 36" Width: 21 " Depth: 14" Warewash (3 Comp) Length: �e" Width: �a" Depth: �4" MopSink Length: � � '75� Width: 9.75" Dep�: s" Handwash Sink b) Size of all soiled and clean drain boazd(s)/drying racks: Length: t8" Width: 21" Depth: 7 7/8" Soiled Rack Length: 36� Width: 1z� Depth: 2� Drainshelf Rack Length: Width: Depth: c) Pre-Rinse / Spray Hose Provided: _ yes X no 2. MECHANICAL: a) Make and model numbers of wazewashing machine(s): None. Have very little to few dishes or smallwares to wash. b) Heat or chemical sanitization: Chemical Sanitization c) Booster Heater: 1 . Make and Model Number: Not Applicable 2. Recovery Rate, 40°F Rise, at sea level: 3. Distance from the Warewashing Machine: d) Manufacwrer's hot water requirement (gallons per hour): 29.18 e) Size of all drain boards/dryiug racks (length and width): 24"x21 " Drainboard & 36"x12" Dry Rack � Pre-Rinse / Spray Hose Provided: _ Yes X No Plan Review Packet C - $ g) Soak Sink Provided: X Yes _ No G. Garbage Disposals: _ Yes X No If yes, Indicate Locarion(s) _ H. Refrigeration/Freezer Capacides - Complete the following table: TYPE OF UNIT # OF UDTITS TOTAL PROVIDED CUBIC FEET Wallc-in Refrigeration o Reach-in Refrigerafion � 19.4 Walk-in Freezer � Reach-in Freezer �'2 Blast Chiller Retail Display � � 9'� I. Displayed Food Items: 1 . Bulk Food Items: X Yes _ No If yes, submit equipment specifications for food bins. Include vendor provided equipment. 2. Food Sluelds - Submit the type and location (If custom design, please submit shop drawings): AMD Sneeze Guards, ES67 &EP5 (Refer to Item O6 & 09 on Drawing Sheet E-1 ) 'NOTE: THE BULK FOOD ITEMS ARE THE FRUIT TOPPINGS ON THE YOGURT BAR. THE DROP-IN COOLER HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION AND REFERENCED AS ITEM (07). THE FOOD SHEILD's HAS ALSO BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION AND REFERENCED AS ITEM (Ofi & 09). THE FOOD SHIELD IS A STANDARD FOOD SHIELD / SNEEZE GUARD USED IN THE FROZEN YOGURT INDUSTRY. THE OTHER BULK ITEMS INCLUDE ASSORTED CANDY SUCH AS JELLY BEANS. THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THOSE CONTAINERS ARE ON THE NEXT PAGE. THESE CONTAINERS ARE ON SHELVES AT THE FRONT AREA OF THE STORE LAYOUT. Plan Review Packet C - 9 '� Section III. Equipment Speci£cations Item 1. euik Foods Dispensers 4pma Y .. y.. :. Rp:-L. EI' pmaR:. 41r. A °pfarr�.ctJ &;Fpliqc > fh� S'. r. ° :i.Jpxn :l'alf7�.p�r.ant(4X1lA7 7 � � � ,.� � � �e" � I Acrylic Harizontal Rad�us Bin a � � � s n n . ' � ; ✓� y$ �✓ g UhJllulia�n�r��l * �.�J � �:Fv.ir-1 � I �.eWjj � 9 � .. n , � � „ ...- �� � ` . t '_ Fn[o I.ES) . 0 -^t � f.�il t iltnrr. ;a p.,a se::�cn,� � � � +.IlrinuL• OiJel�]canlif/ `CJC,e47eL . . � '_lOC%%Cllrtl iCJAGJSBPSeI<. Gdrtltmi - �a,.ncC : cer.: I�L' Uf �� .,�.=[nuffleal. ,[:. . , - . x�r�-in; Pi3C? G'C?f•12 ESGfOWI �M � Ncto¢�atl:��nt�atJm:amlooV.nSKY% [cllv: ¢Aa[youmaaC � (� i$cr I.�C9unI:QL• ProtluccDetan CompanyPrcfile Sp¢ci£cations Acrylic Horizontal RaCius Bin - 3.^<5 Gailon Cand�� 3wop 6in - t.�'0 ea51-oCen hln9ed doof5 - 4.5' (L) x2.5' (t��xT (61 Acrylic Horizontal Radius Bin Description: Dimensions: 10.00"h x 8.00"w x 13.00"d • 3.S Gauan C�ntlVGCaoR 31n • Du�bbie8<q�l:c <JOtaine�s [Enhoedupto3.25QaIloMCf<en�/, <2:22t, an0ofh°rdryfp�ppep�yy((5 • Fea:urestxoeasropenhtr,.eddoor_ viiffiacurvedirontmstoaerdearandarcar ;testin; dcor . inc�ueesacs^ ��) z ?.5^ {w� xi° {o� iooescoopv�imaconveniennyrecessednoineronmero.verrign�sitleormemn • �2e<e55�onetldtoeaseoluse, hn�meendthCb:risrisWlappeb� • Sceopisaaachedby � p9asti.- coil �vhichpreucn[5s.ealin� andmiSF�acemento`thescoep • Altpe2canCetliSess?mUletltOreasyslEaniRg �I qf .�. .: .�.. � �� NG-8 , "� i ce-s.ro, rana�,nr, � I: ! ; t` �, a° oxz�•• u , �� � :mmx888mm . .�r 5,' . . e : I� i � !F i -4 N�qaUOn 115dite�) 475"WY18" O % 76"H 121 mm x 45T mm ff 406 mm «+u' V "904 1 . I e C w . o J,fl�l I�* + l + I + — — ` f I. `�— y �,,, J.. � i r � i i i � I ti E ~ M1 II m O. . o I �� a. N Yi � 'r' � s` IWW d �2211 ��`'``' _ � ��BJL -V _ � � c = c � � m � � � N • _ 4�} lil � ,� � ryv � I � L l' ,' ��=ti . � �; � �, _ , : .: ; �-�_�� ; � c ._ --�= -� tii � _.��;_ ..� � _.`� � .,�� r -._. - � ,-� _. __ � � _ r ,, , � „- - ;�— —f� JJJ II � F �a f I + lil; I � 6 g R I��I � �.�.� I � � - ' L �; � , _ _ ''-�- ?—� '' � Section III. Equipment Specifications Item A: Equipment Specification Sheets (Ref Drawings for Location) Plan Ref Equipment Mfg Model 01 Ventless Hood HoodMart AVH23 02 Electric Fryer APW Wyatt HEF-30T 03 32" Commercial Refrigerator Gibson RR18R 04 36" Freezer Kelvinator KCS070G W OS 32" Commercial Display Refigerator Frigidaire FCGM201RF B 06 Frozen Yogurt Machine Forte SS-100 07 Refrigerated Drop In Well Delfield 8132-EF P-1 WarewashingSink AdvanceTabco 4-3-36 P-3 Handwashing Sink Krowne HS-5 P-2 Mop/Utility5ink Fiat L-1 P-2 Mop/Utility Sink Faucet MOEN M074998 OS Sneeze Guard AMD Sneezeguards E567 09 Side Guard AMD Sneezeguards EPS P-4 40 Gal GE Electric Water Heater GE GE40M06AAG 10 36" Wire Wall Mount Shelf Eagle Metal Masters SNSW1236 11 24" Wire Wall Mount Shelf Eagle Metal Masters SNSW1224 P-5 Grease Interceptor (Floor Mount) Dormont WD-ZOL 12 36" SSWorkTable AdvanceTabco TT-243-X 13 Z4" Grill Stand (for Fryer) Resources BK-VEf5-24X30 14 24" Drainboard Eagle Metal Masters 21X24RRDEDB 16/4 P-1 Warewashing Sink Faucet T&S Brass & Bronze Works B-0231-M P-3 Handwashing Sink Faucet T&S Brass & Bronze Works B-1146 15 Wall Soap Dispenser Continental Mfg V444-SS 15 Napkin Dispenser Continental Mfg 991-C 18 Fire Extinguishers Buckeye S lb. 4725ABC 19 Coffee Maker Fetco Coffee Maker CBS 2050 20 24" Wire 5 Shelf Unit Generic I . � ` . . �� �� I� 5�� � �� I� � �"'�" � ��`�ii�'�� � F ti � YDLJ�? Ol'7c aTOP HOOD SNOP �� �j '� ,ti .� : 'F � VirntMwe� �ust Nood S�t�1 „�� . : � J,� i %F� x State-of-the-Art VenHess Exhausf Hood 3yst�t : . �3 � � Duct Freo with No /nstallation Rtq�ui�a+l f ,;; }F 3tate-of-tfie-Art. } y 1i t � FN Sk! Handmert rraw ottefa a completely portable vantlesa axhau�t yri�� Iia��i �ystern, Cu+7�plete with an inteyraled An�ui R-102 wet 73 ���"y�� '� chemic�i fire suppression system, this self-oontained unit and armpacl porlabie design at flx� vontbas hpad poavitf�s the petfect aitemative when venting through a roof or wail ia nat feastble. ' i� Completofy aliminirting tha need tor e�ensive root ' modifications and venting, the ventless exhaust hood system from HoodMart.c4m raquires no roof fana, no duct work, and no hood to hang. Slmply pu►, No Installatian Requ�redt Innovallve tripie-fllior sy�1em with npdratt tachnalogy provides vepor r�movel requlremenls /oT e varlety ot foocl servica applipuons and is designed to trap greas� particies � wfii{e removin� smoke and r�ducinq coaking odocs. �; /lpprovcd for ciccUie equipmcnt �rid fryera with al eFapncitica � of up to 85 pounds, ihis ventless exhaust hoad system offers � pla�t+/ of apace and a�pacity tor {�artable �nd duct-frc@ CbC1kl11�. �, Venti�ss lxhsust Maad Syst.m Feituros: • D�abla and poUshed 18 gauQe Skalnseae Steel constnrc!lon, i1 Baso unit includes romovable sides for aase of cleaning. ?� Triplo-liliar eyatem da�igned to trap 9reaso particles whif� removYng smoke and reducing coaking odixes= , � �ully integeafed Ansul-R 102 wet chemicai �re suppression system. ' �'dor-codod, lightod alert ey�lom Incfuded to oneuro ayatem Is running �aloly and oflicl+�ntfy. xlocking atart Ia a atandard fealure and doas nnt bliaw the firyer or haod io operate e�aratefy. � I�corporate swival and locking front and non-swivel back for pvrt�bility, � Ited warranty. HoodMart, Inc. P.O . BOX 96 Tested & Certlfietl k Grafton , Ohlo 44044 http : //www .hoodmart.com � � p� � ' "�' �: ` sales@hoodmart.com NF�► <> ' C811 TOd2y : 1 -$00- 715- 1014 °euaranteedtoPasscoae° fE �e � _.. ._ . . . . .. � � ��� .� � � ����� �� ' � � i°OJJR OJ)L �TOr`� HDDD SNO� :'�' r . 'N .�. ° �'� �� � � 5� , �, �r.'x'=: n �� . ` : k , . }; . }�f� 7 ~ +'�(' yp ° ^ `�' " ihIARCOALfILT[ ANSUL3GAL SCREEN FILTER �\ Cp,EtNET t� 4;` : MFFLEGREASE �� �� �„ (��r � fllTEft ����� � WfCIII1 . <. , � At35tit NOZZL � �oNTAt7�ott Nox l�kiV Cl , ��� ,�i�tnQ1� Qf ThFN Ph�a � /- — — ' d�r(�t reting � I � REAIOVABIE PANECS, ' � � DACk k 57pFS bn. _ _ _ :�MUpo Stainteas Steel .�.,,- :-` OCIUNG4' ItlGIDA" cASriR CASTER ��MMIl;sHoOd: IttGH7SIDE kLEVATION VIEW � 6%hti»t CFM; 750 ; , ��ii Th� Wmtlees �xh�uet Wood Syrtsm Is ep{xrned tar ebddc equiqment and hyert with oll cspaidtks of up io �6 ; pounds; not to exoeed 470 square inches of cookir►g area. � .�.��. _v.s....�_�Y����3 . iff14NT (OYEMIAI �T ww. Fy .«S;�•m- ' i �.. �, �" ' 16• �'"'� � � .:� u..v ...._� .. wwrri taueuW �,s �:;��.' �..::.,, 4 !d�llll� , . � ! � reAmuu 1acA. sTAUat3ssxeR �: ��y_ _ j • � " 'j � � �l y :a. �cour �IYtY�lAltJAltlJ �fH M wl W VCt7AGE 206 / NOY. AC � i,P*�Hr.[��nxav tIHGtl� OR 3 tNA3C EXHAVST 7S0 CIM - _:' � � ,:. HoodMart, Inc. P.O . Box 96 Grafton, Ohfo 44044 Tested 8 Certified http ://www .hood mart.com � � . .O�I. � a1eTod� 1 -00- 715- 1014 "Guaranteed to Pass Code" � � i EmaiL �ee�mas�er hootlmart[om HOMh13R FJP12115[HO00�'St¢IIIS 3R 6112f2t1[22p t0 Pd55 dll SIdt2 311tl 10C31 COtl¢5. TI12 CAfM1E2idl EY.IId115I HpOtl S�'SI&115 Ofl ttYS H'¢�SIIP 3f¢COIIS[N[�Eb trolll a� b m � arqIIFPA96Sbntlards. arzE7LListetlazMCqnpyxiU�VVtOHoodSmndarES. HwQAartortersafu9laieott�eGneslE�haust Hood Systems xA[� Ne qukkest �vay 1� NE f00U S¢ e us[ry. More Questions?�FUtdeBveryapecialisls,GNM1eIp, cliekherenowssa Whalaixa?I.aWcaMs7NSbllns7 � � lI � � . . . ��11�� � . . . . � Models � HEF-30T 208V 0 HEF-30T 230V 0 HEF30T 240V PRODUCT: QUANTIIY: ITEM: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Construcfion: Heavy duty stainless steel body. Fry baskets are . , constructed of nickel-plated steel. 4° adjustable chrome legs. HEf-30T ���� �nformation: Units are wired for hard wiring in the field. Elecfrical Specifications: HEF-15S: 208V,5.7KW, 27.4AMPS �,_,._,� HEF-15S: 230V, 5.7KW, 24.8AMPS _ _ °� HEF-155: 240V, 5.7KW, 23.8AMPS � � Capacity: HEF30T: 30 LBS. (13.6kg) 0 0 � Produces up to 60 Ibs of raw-to-done potatoes per hour. Basket Size: Full Size 5°H x 71/4° W x 11.215° D Overall Dimensions: HEF-30T: 17 9/16° H x 24° W x 31 if32° D (44.6 cm x 61 cm x 78.Scm) Shipping Informa8on: HEF-30T: 1121bs. (50.8kg) FreightClass: 85 F.O.B. Cheyenne, WY82007 `ARNWyottieserves fhe�ight to mod'Ayspecil'cef.ons ortli,uan4nue rrotlels wChait NcuRing obA'gefion. ,��1,1���j/ APWYVyottPoodserviceEquipmeMCompany � 729ThirdAve.. Dallas, 7X75226 Rev.1128116d M T/" (800) 527-2100 � (214)421-7366 � Fax (214) 565-0976 � www.aowwyott.com � infoQapwwyottcom i (qi � �11��� � . • . � �rl 1 � � 0 .. . . . . . . . .. _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madds � HEF�OT 208V 0 HEF-30T 230V 0 HEF30T 240V . . PRODUCT: pUANTITY: ITEM: Designed Smart Compact Design With High Output • Fitsin fightcounter space and is available in a 'iarge haskeC — capadty version ar versa6le 'lwin 15 b° version. - Comes sFandard with hw full s¢e 6askets. Please specify if - requesting hvin 151b baskeLs. - • Reaches frying ternperaWres tast, and mainhains heat levels from one load to the ne�R. Easy to Operate � Yellow cyding light alerls operator ihat unit is ready for ne# 6atch of fies. � • Unit autanaticaly shuCs down if frying corr�wund overhea4s. • Stainless steel euterior is easy to wipe dean. Model HEF�OT Heavy Duty Eleclnc fryer APW Wyott Design Features Reliability backed by APW Wyott's Warranty • S1ainlesssteelconsWction • 4° (10 cm) legs All APW Wyott Heavy Duly CooWine Equiprrient is • Front panel permik easy servicing backed by a 1-yea limited wartanty and a 1 -year on-site • Lift-out, one piece fank with canying handles labor warrant. • Large toaming area above Trying corr�ound level • Irsula6ng a� paket suROUnds lank for irrproved temperalure control • Swing up, pyrotytic hea6ng elements with iwo-stage locking Certified by the following mechanism agencies: � Cold mne under heating elements reduces dreulation of parUcles in frying canpound • Front-localed adjushable thefmosht (200 F /93 C to 400 F ! /♦ '� 204 C) with onloB switch C �L US� l � � YEAR • High-limitpro�ctioncontroicircuit6reakerwhich LIMffED autornatically trips should frying corrpound overheat ` • High femperaWre 392 F (200 C) intemal wiring • Nidcel-piated twin iry baskets wifh front hangers i See reverse side fa-podud sped(cations. �1'�1y��� APWWyottFoodserviceEquipmentCompany � 729ThirdAve., Dal/as, 7X75226 Rev.1f28116d L (800) 527-2100 � (214)421-7366 � Fa�r (214) 5660976 � www.aowwvoH.com � info(�Dapwwyott.com r� � ■ � V Gibson . , . . . . . , , . . . . . . - �'�' � Automatic Defrost Gooling System provides worry-free performance i � - 7/3 HP Gompressor �i Removable Door Gasket � Adjustable Shelves � Trivet L� Self-Closing Door with 90.degree ��� stay-openfeature - Lock & Key protec[s ihe contents � of the unit � � Hea D �.KK�„� �Y �Y Casters r `�m Field-Reversible Door � Stainless Steel Handle and Door Edge Protedor Painted Steel E�cterior & Interior 2-72' of Waii Insulation Adjustabie Temperature Control interior Light � �Q� SAB - � �s Height A (Induding Gsters) �r�.��g• MODEL RR18R Wdth B 32' - P�oduct Line Refiigeramr OverallDepth (Ir¢IudingDoorBHandle) C 31-tle' ��� «O'h'� . . . . . 19'4 Ca6inetOepth 2&SB' AutnmdticDefroStCOOlin95y5tem VM � Compr¢ssorHOrsepower 1/3 OePth (withDOOr90°Open) � 59-13/32' . . . . . � � � � � � Erterio� Fnizh WhiteTe#ured5teel /B Interior Fnish White Poly{�� Ste¢I / Shelves (Number/Type) 3/WhitePOwder{�LedSteel \ Ezira Shelf Trivet Ves PanRackKit - HOldseightl8'x26' Sheetpans CoMro6 Mxhanical TemperMUreRange 32fo44°F Vohage Rating 115V/fiOHz p Run Amps 13 Plug Type NEMA 5-15P ShiPPing Weight (L6s.) 290 Warranry iVear/SYear � ENERGVSfAR� qualified Yez � Safery Certification CSA/UL i Sanitation C_rtification NSP Gihson�" '' ' ' USA • 1020U David Taylor Urive • Charbue, NC 20163 • 1-866-7384640 CANADA • SBSSTerryFOxWay • Mississauga, ONL5V3E/ � Aq��y�� � �s a b.er�moxn/w�er�ve�ncncmev�.,ee�e RR18R11/12 02012EIeco-oliuHOmehoduc6, inc. �^^�+^N'�k��s�olnpmreo�rpowdcxpmmeY�eiyMmrM�ge xR'��n0'm[n Cttmrwlue nv�h v(f/nirt me.2 � � _ _ _ ___ KeLviitatoa-� , _�• COYY' � � � � • - � � • � • . � - _... _ Product Dimensions I — Ezterbr - �� � A-HeigM1t (NdudingGSfevs) 36-11/i6' {. . B-Witlth 35" � . C-Depth (MdutlingHinges) 23-V4' � I, � �. . Interior - I , D-Hetgh[ 28-13/16" ' .. E-Width 30" . � , . � � F-DePN 16-1/2^ . � . G-Height 10• ��' � H-Witl[h 11-V4" c='� =��: _.. � � a � More Easy-To-Use Features Heavy-DUty, NSF°-Certified Wire Storage Basket � NSF'-Certifled For Food Service � Applications NSF"-Certified Thermometer Sealed Cabinet Interior For Easy � . � � � Cleaning � � Accessories NSF'-Certified 29nt6S0p Wire Preezer BazkeN NSF'-Certifietl Therrtromete� 29]O]4200 Bazke[ Dividers 29]I18000 Signature Features �a __� Speciflcations 7.2 Cubic Feet Capacity To[alUpacity (CU. ft.) �.z PowerSuppty 'LekBOttom . E � Connection Lootion Rear Defrost Drain Volta9eRa[ing 120V/SA ��.--H --�� � ; A SNPPin9W�9htIAPProx.) 128Lb5. Heavy-Duty Casters � �I I ; ^ "t'"""_____________J______. ENERGYSTAR• � Heavy-Duty Cooling System, �,,, """"— �eror oa�"°"a' � � NSFE-Certified Performance I��—d NSF�-Certified For Food A���61e1n� Service Applications ;--F � O : : wNte , ' .___"""'___'_____' (� RugType(NEMA) S15P �- ������-----� 'Or�elMYw'M, HeltlsUpTebwBUSkeLc � AcceaoiiesinlortnaGOna✓aDa6leonflre Sitle webatkNniutor.com �• . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. U$ � /fC�6�i�eelOi �:w.w�ww+�bu au.uaram{fmrz2 e�c�rmn..e USA • 10200 David Taylor Drive • ChaAotte, NC 26262 • 1-866-]30-16A0 • kelvina[occom � �d+N�R�gro:moroa.naee xtm�rk..�uro � CANAOA •5855Terry Foz Way - M656sauga, ON LSV 3E4 �'^'°�O"°"°'tl'm"'�"°� *^°�'^� � KC50)OG Q5/�I A 2011 EIMroAut Ibme Radu[[s, IM. � PtiMed in tM U.SA V �l � / � IDEAL FOR FROZEN � � Y� GURTSHOPS � . r� � � - , , �----- - � � � � , � �F � � ° �� "v '; ' Control Overrun with Adjustable AirTubes !�' � ` � �: You control texture based on preference. _ � F ' User-Friendly Digital Display � ;, �= -� Adjust and measure viscosity in seconds Low level notification light, audible alarm option � One-Touch production and clean modes o „���'� Efficient & Quick Production 40 Quarts per hour production Two 12-Quart Hoppers Two 1 .7-Quart Freezing Cylinders Narrow design increases production speed and improves texture. ��� � -. Twin Twist, Gravity-Fed � � �� Requires only 115 Voits �,� , �. , , : «�°i; u_.,. Durable & Eco-Friendly Design + ' � Full Stainless Steel Construction i , `�� �� �� �'��� Spring Back Handles � �� �` , �,.; EEM Energy Efficient Mode allows the machine to conserve energy during the evenings or slow use Hopper refrigeration maintains yogurt product below 41 ° � �� FORTE SUPPLY 4699 NAUTILUS CT, STE 100 y BOULDER, CO 80301 888.610.5520 Iso,9oo� '�°.'°°°, a� � � 4� � ❑� • � � . WWW.FORTESUPPLY.COM.COM C-�„qryDLES „�� � � � � c.�,� Delfield� �� °° puantky O 8100 - EF �'_`�� "�° ° �PP�o�� I Drop-In Self-Contained LiquiTec'" Refrigerated Cold Pans °ie -m Models - 8778-EF One12° x20° pancapaciry � - 8132-EF Two 12" x 20" pan capacity Q • 8745-EF Three 12" x 20° pan capacity � • 8159-EF FourlYx20° pancapaciry � - 8772-EF Five 72' x 20" pan capacity � - 8186-EF Six 72" x 20° pan capacity � � Standard Features Options & � Stainlessneei[opmnsm¢uon Accessories � . �,_r..�,. LiquiTec' mld pans wit� eu[ecUC fluid n ttthnology - Single or do�ble service flip-up O • Flushmountedl2'x2�' ifMividualstainless y�p�g�arAs r." � sreelwNls . RelxatemmPressor � StanAarA 1/Y srninless steel drains with Remote refrigemtion (spe<ify r..t. _ mani(olA re(rigeranp � - High densiry environmenully (rienAly, - p�invalve _ KyomPro[ocolCompluntNOnODP �Omne . 230vok,50herizelectriralmemMbn• � Deple[ion Po[entup, Non GWP (Global Warming Potentiap polyure�hane foam � ���usiono/Misopnonwillolter¢I¢[nical m insulationthrougtwutunit spx.ficutionso/theuntt � V • ThermostaHC rempemWre cnn[ml and � expannonvaNestnnAarA - Non-marringpressfrtmP9�et � • Environmentally (rienAty HFC-904A � refrige2nc - e'mrAanAplug � 8132-Ef • StainlesssreNlouverforfieldinsWlation • One year parts anA 90 day labor standarA � wazranry � n � Specifications T� LiquiTeP Cold Vans with Eucetti[ Fluid ttthnology allows NekigmUOn: ryscem uses HFC-904A re/rigeranc Eu[e[ti[ JV footl in food pans m be Oush wit� rop ot counmr. [oltl pan Ouid is used as the �eat transfer medium. Condenzing unit is � mee[s NSF scantla�d ): and can be dropped inxo Delfield Mark suspeMed helaw che mltl pan on a steei frame Temperamre O � �. l, Shelleyglas' or5he11eysteePCOUntersorexis�ingmuncees. mntrol is supplied wiM an ON/OFF swittR Unit is supplied � '� � Te ecezroinlesssreel, wiNObTpbcm� overhan `°��hexpansionvalve. L NSF l� � • p: iz ane-pi g aroundperimeteranddiestampetll9.eTS11.eP (SOCmx Ascainksssteellouverisprovidedfarfieldinsiallation; curout � 30cm) opeMngs wit� depressetl etlges. PormM well below tlimemion is i t"x i3' [38<m x S6cm�. P serond opening 11' � � each opeNng�is 635' (I6cm) tleep wkM1 OS p.3<m) rtainless x li' (29cm x S6cm1 ac ihe rear of the cabinet should be ❑ � sreeltlrainanAmpPe� manifoldEachwell, flushwitht�emp, pmvidedaiinstallncionioallaxforproperai� ci¢ulation. � forFlUShmomtpare �oaaommodatel3'Y20'(30cmz51cm) n ApA ♦ �. pans 4' (lOCml or 6" p5cm� deep zupplied by o�hers. Grotluct ��OI syrtem iz 115V/6pW/IPh wich NEMA 545P plug. Y e � �Nrrr� temperamres of 33'F (1'Q m 4YF �5'q are maimainetl �ni[shavea [oggleON/OFFSwicch. �y� � a[ 8fi4 (30•q ambient room temperature, meeting NSF l � RQYI lT211[S �\ Sitles anA bottom: are insulatetl wich hig�-density � J envimnmentally frientlly, Kyom Proioml Complianq Non O ODP (OZOne Oepletion Potentiaq, Non GWP [Global Wa�miig Vocentiap dosed-cell polyurethane Exrerier housing is /"� gaNanized sreel. 1L V � � 9BOS.IUbtlWRA. Phmc800J33-89YOr9M-)]3-)981 N �-%d�^S µW9°^�� Fsxe00d6406t9 I ��'AelflNtlsom I �anitowoc `�Delfield� �� � h�--, �a,�, � r�—�,���, --� ,—�;�, �, L� L �� «, 000 `r 0�00 PlanYew PlanVew � PlanYew � PlanYew 811&EF 8132-EF 8145-Ei 8154EF , � . . 7 r � � � `"'"'" � ) `'_'__� `_'_'_�' �06an) � ' ._"_% ID3r ._ ._. : I ._' � �R Tl �a"lc� ]a)C `_____ ��. __' � _L � cse�� uL � �F� � IG91' � 364T H0.i' SJ59' (43aN (nmJ (�tianl ll«^7 ElevationVew ElevationYew ElevationYew ElewtionYew 8118-EF 8732-EF 8145-EF 8154EF nu• � �r— usbN —� � r— a�ern,7� < <La0000 �Loaaaoo � a � Plan Vew Plan Vew �j 8172-EF 8196-EF � r : : : : a�,. � : : : : : . � .v+ ._"_ �_�...— i ._ i .__+ R&m) "_"'.. .__ . ._""".+ �—.; .. ' .__ i R&m) '� uzs• �- x.iss• �- � �L � � L � �, v � a�� a,�, � �' tlevationYew ElevationYew H 8V2-EF S18GEF 3 a � �ss Btu Requirements For v ��� ���^� Remote Units Only: c o � T— ivs• � Iifi9' � (59mJ •IawtemprmMn4�gwi�rtq�irtd o (simu ( �_ Modeli BTU U � 8118-EF 292 24� 8132-EF 379 (��1 vvi InsideWellDimension RightEndYew 8145-EF 569 e NI Madels All Models 8159-EF 758 a 8172-EF 948 0 8186-EF 7138 � Spxifications L-� Model CounterCutoutDimensions �Yx20' Pan V/Hz/Ph Amps H.P. Nema ShipWeight W Capaciry Plug I 811S-EF 17.00" X25.00" (43cmX64cm) t I15/60/7 75 7/4 5-75P 18016s/82kg O 8132-EF 30.75°x25.00" (78cmx64cm) 2 715/60/7 7.5 1/4 5-15P 22516s/103kq O 8745-EF 44.25"x25.00" (772cmx64cm) 3 115/60/7 75 1/4 5-15P 23516s/107kg 5759-EF 57.87"x 25.00° (747cm x 64cm) 4 115/60/7 7.5 1/4 5-15P 28516s/130kg � 8772-EF 77.50°x 25.00° (782cm x 64cm) 5 175/60/1 75 1/4 5-15P 29516s/134kg � 8186-EF 85.00"x25.00' (216cmx64cm) 6 175/fi0/1 75 1/4 SdSP 30616s/139kg �. Delfield reserves [he rightto make changes m the design or specificatlons withou[ prior notice. I 9� ,.,�.�u �. ��,c�a����9�.n��s„ �„�N���=.� �anitowoc y�,q��py �y�y��Tgsd lax600.669-0619 p58100Ei I vwwAtllitldmm OS/1] 0 ( , / ,� � STAINLESS STEEL \r SQUARE CORNER SCULLERY � � � BUDGET SINKS ADVANCE TABCO. °aoo• Series "600' Series sM„�r F,.�A�,.r,��- Item #: Qty #: :—�___` Model #: Project #: I ONE COMPARTMENT -----_..._.�r �:", ` i �I �' � '-` � Is� — , ;; T EE GOMPARTMENT � -- `<''' ; TWO COMPARTMENT ';'. i � � 1 �'� f 1 � k� �' MATERIAL: FOUR COMPARTMENT �. "400 Seriss is 16 gauge type 430 Series. "600 Series is 16 gauge type 304 Series. GaNanized tu6ular legs. t^ adjustahle plastic hullet feet. DETACHABLE DRAINBOARDS CONSTRUCTION: • � - • • All heli-arc welded. N_S.g�g Welded aieas hlended to match adjacent surtaces 4a�.,. N-5-18 and to a satin finish. � '" � ��`•>� N-5-24 MECNANICAL: __ . ;= N-s�0 Supply is 1 /2" hot 8 cold. -_ NS36 Faucst hoies on 8' O.G. N-5-48 Wasts drains are 1 1/2 IPS basket type and are N-5424 included. -� '�, NS4-36 Faucets are not included (see accessories). '', Nv`� Four compartment uni[s require two faucets. Drainboards 36' and 48' are supplied with legs for support. Three compartmsnt unRs wRh 24" sink howls require two faucets. � Customer Service Available To Assict You 1 -800-64J-31 ss 8:30 am - 8:00 pm E.S.T. � � EmailOrdersTo: customer@advanceta6co.com. ForSmartFahricadon'" �uotes, EmailTa: smartfab@aMance[ahco.camarFaxTo: 637S8G2933 ADVANCE TABCO. NEW YORK GEORGIA TEXAS NEVADA w,v.¢advancetahm.com Fax: (631) 242-6900 Fau: (770) 775-5625 Fax: (972) 93&4795 Fau: (77� 972-15�8 E-2 � ! 4 DIMENSIONS and SPECIFICATIONS TOL Overall: � .500" Interior: ± 250' ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NPICAL ..-.�.� . ..-_:___�z . . __.�--..� .. __��w.�.....L �.n�-_ , � ---- �-- — --.�n� -- �-_- __- i 'i �� ONECOMPARTNENT �� i S � �B� 7 p T 18' 18' 211/2' 4-81d8 6-81-08 451bs. � �p � *� � 21 ' 18' 24 tl2' 41-18 41-78 471hs. �I f C � /� 27 ' 24' 24 1l2' 41-24 61-24 53 Ibs. � 1 21 ' 3fi' 247/2' 47.96 6Y.46 6616s. y � 1 -J- 24' 24' 27 1/2' 4-41-24 6-41-24 53 I6s. � �� 24' 36' 271/2' 4-47.46 6-4136 6916s. � I':__ _ �; �� TYVO COMPAHTNENTS �� � �B �+ . = , . : � ,�'� � � � � 21 ' 36' 241/2' 18' 42-36 6236 7316s. � ! C A z� • aa• zai/z• 2a• a-z-ea c-z.aa ssi�. ,; i; 21 ' 60' 241(2' 30' 42-60 62-60 'IOOIbs. � � 24' 48' 27 7/2' 24' 4-42-48 6-42-48 88 Ihs. y� j � 24• 60' 277/2• 30' 4-42-60 6-42-60 10816s. � j�_ _ i li THREECOMPARTNENTS �! � �—� - 8 � , � � y 21 ' 36' 241/2' 12' 4-3-36 Cr3-36 781hs. I��:; '+� '�+ '�+ � 21 ' 48' 241/2' 76' 6-3-48 911bs. � ' Ci A 27' S4' 241/2' 18' 4-3.54 6354 9816s. S p 21' 72' 247/2' 24' 4-3-72 43-72 17516s. li g� � 24' fi0' 27 1/2' 20' 4-43-60 fi-43-fi0 10.516s. � i 24' 72' 27 7 /2' 24' 443-72 6-43-72 120 Ibs. � �i.�..r_.____ _ °� _ -I r p y� B FOURCOMPARTNENTS i � r � � F. : � � '� � � � � zi • as• zai�r iz• a�ws ua-aa ssms. � I'' A 21 ' 60' 24 1/2• 15' 4-4-fi0 6-4-60 115 Ibs. �� � 21 ' 72' 241/2' 18' 4-9-72 6-4-72 1201hs. � � ! + � � � �; DETACHABLE DRAINBOARDS � � • � - • � � ' � 6 � �� 2" 18 x 78 Nvr-818 70 1bs. p $1 � 1 1 /2"� F � r � zy xia N-5-18 yy Ibs. �I : � � 21 x 24 NS-24 72 16s. � �� 8�� , , I � �t' � � 21 x 30 N-5-30 22 Ibs. F T' —f �' 33" � 37 1 /2" i 14" 27 x 36 NS.96 25 Ibs. �y tl 41�� 12 -�- 19" 7 ; 2t x 48 NS-4a 28 Ihs. � ° 24 x 24 NS424 18 Ibs. G � � 1 �2° 24 x 36 N-5436 32 Ibs. � � � 24 x 48 N-54-46 36 Ibs. � � X ij ! ___"_"_____ ____ '_ ___ � _"__r____:�___:.—._.e�cz+__c._�—._'___--_�_�_—_____--__—_'_ '_��—'—--..—_"x."—_'_'_I '. � Q � ADVANCE TABCO is constantly engaged in a program o} ppNplllf� TABCO,. improving our products. Therefore, we reserve the nght to - °'°'A°'�°^'- change specifications without prior natice. E-2a 200 Heartland Boulevard, Edgewood, NY 1 7 71 7-8380 q ADVANCE TABCO, JANUARY 2005 T&S BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS , INC . � Model No. Q 2 gppDLEBACK COVE / P.O. BOX 1088 / TRAVELERS REST, SC 29690 � B — O 2 31 em o.: PHONE 800-476-4103 FAX 864- 834-3518 �� Job Name: Architect/Engineer Approval: Notes: � PDA COMPLIANT 12' C/C [305mm] 12 I/2" LESS 1TP IS YALE [31Bmm] THRD. FOR AERATOR �' � [60mm] 21/4° [57mm] 4� �[102mm] SINB BACK . � 3 5�8� i � i [92mm] � j i i [51mm] -�— 8' C/C --� [203mm] ADJOSTABIE FR06[ B-230 BASE FAUCET 7 3/4' TO 8 1/4" C/C [197mm] [210mm] ' NOTES : 1. A1S0 AVAII.�BLE 111TH B-1fH-4' OR B-11H-6' NRLSf ACTION BIADE HANDLFS. 2. AISO AVAIIABLE 1fiTEi YODII. ,�B-SD SOAP DLSH 3. NOZZLE SIfIIiGS 360' 4. ALSU AVAIIABLPs 1f1TH B-199-1 NON-SPLASH AERATOR. ro uc escnp ion: rawn: ec e ca e: MCW SCM 3 "= 1 ' SINK MIXING FAUCET WITH 12 " SWING NOZZLE Approved ate: CA 7/28/95 Q - � �Crowne � ' Model : � Item #: Quantity: Model HS-9 Model HS-1 PfojeCt: �` � � �I��� � • Fabrication: .�-' -- One piece 304 series stainless steel. All seams tig welded and polished. Model HS-2 Model HS-4 • BOWI : Deep drawn with stamped rim on 17" models t �r to prevent spiilage. e� • � • Wall Mounting Bracket: _ - Offset design for added strength. � -� � � � • Faucet: ' , � 4^ OC faucet supplied (wall or deck). • Drain : Stainless Steel. odel HS-5 Model HS-6 • Drain with Overflow: �� Stainless Steel with plastic overflow tube and -- ,_� --_-- _ _ --- inlet. . f � • • Plumbing: 1/2" IPS hot and cold water. 1 1/2" IPS drain outlet. �, . . � ir' � : 1� A � � .,� � Model HS-7 Model HS-8 Model HS-10 � — � , i -- � - � � :� � � . � ,-_ _ � � - `� � ;�� � . wr t Approved By: `'�,�� Metal Corporation Phone: 800-637-0442 257 Verona Ave. Newark, New Jersey 07104 FAX: 973-485-1424 ovos �W,krowne.com sales@krowne.com 2.1 Q -� ��Crowne � ' Model : Item #: Quantity: Project: � HS-9 HS-� HS-2 +r ����—I 12Ibs. ° a•• 121bs. �a� 141bs. � �— r• s^ � 161/4' � I 2.. 113�d A� 1]-0I4° 15' � 10" 'b 113'4' �-5319 -� �-9314"-� 'I g• T' 2,. � 9 �I 9" �� 2.. '� �d. 8.. t&fY. � -�I 5`�� � � 5 - � � � I 4�21P5 i.i¢iPS �--6•�1 �—iC' ��-6°� �-10' � �i.i2ivs �-@-5/9" HS-4 HS-5 HS-6 �—+� 141bs. �—ii• 151bs. ��±� 11Ibs. r —� is �p_ 2' I a Y 15' 1�" �5� 10 ({� OL �� � t94T �I 1&1� t0' � � I 'p• 8•• y � � 1C' 19.. 2" 14° iV'bl2' M �� Z.. S .. � 6" � �� � �.�¢ws �.i2-ivs 658' . g yg° �-83I8•• HS-7 HS-8 HS-10 �—ia=—� 30 Ibs. �—ia� 35 16s. 19 Ibs. I r I z r�� � ir• iw �s• irc• �<• � as• � a-v�° a-ur �� � l.i/1" � ]-119•• � � � 8.5' I � � . x° I I � . 2a.. 11" 1Q 8 2•• u" 1V 8 2 � J � � 18.5'�2' 6 5 �zo• a• T \,.���PS %�" T�>s %�' 1z- �eaa• eye� ' .� OPt10I1S: check box(es) for required option(s) ❑ H-104 Wall Mount Soap Dispenser ❑ H-109 Faucet Upgrade ❑ H-105 Wall Mounted Towel Dispenser ❑ H-100 1 1 /2" IPS Chrome Plated P-Trap ❑ H-106 One Side Splash (specify side) ❑ H-102 Wrist Handle Faucet ❑ H-� 07 Two Side Spiashes ❑ H-103 Wrist Handle Kit ❑ H-108 Stainless Steel Skirt ❑ H-110 Side Support Brackets Plumbing Requirements: Insta1136' Warkirg Height Appt'OVed By: 1Y2' Faucel Supply 12' hom Floor 1 1/2' Drain Line 23 1/4' from Floor Due to aur commitment to continuetl protluc� Improvement, specBications are subjecl to change witFqut notice. �,�� Metal Phone: 800-631-0442 Corporation 257 Verona Ave. Newark, New Jersey 07104 FAX: 973-485-i424 avos �,krowne.com sales@krowne.com � � T8�S BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS, INC. Model No. 2 Saddleback Cove / P.O. Box 1088 U� B- 1146-04 Travelers Rest, SC 29690 � ��� Item No. 6Ji5Wl Travelers Rest SC: 800-476-4103 Simi Valle CA: 800-423-0150 Fax: 864834-3518 wrwi.tsbrass.com This Space for ArchitecUEngineer Approval � Job Name Date Model Specified Quantity qpA Complient Customer/Wholesaler Contractor ArchitecUEngineer 4'� 1 /2" NPT Male Shanks � „ [102mm] (Requires � 1 " Cutouts) Tailpieces Not Shown in [25mm] This View. B-1100-K Elbow Kit Sold � Mounting Surtace Separately. Contains (2) � 1 /2" NPT Male 90 ° Elbows 1 /4" [6mm] Max. Mounting 133X-AER � Surtace Thickness Swivel Gooseneck w/ B-0199-01 Aerator 2.2 GPM B-WH4 4" Wrist Action Handles w/ Color Codedlndexes $�� 10 5/8" [203mm] , [270mm] 5 3/4" [145mm] 6 3/16" + [157mm] 2�� _ . �51mm] e 6 1 /2" 150A Tailpiece and Nut Fumished for [165mm] 1 /4" NPT Connection Producf Specificationr. � � Drawn - Checked Approved '� Wall Mount Workboard Faucet w! 1/2" NPT Male Shanks, 133X-AER KJG DHL � Hg Swivel Gooseneck w/ B-0199-01 Aerator B-WH4 Wrist Action Handles & 4" Inlet Centers `Scale: Date: 1 �4 08/ 13/08 Sheet: 1 of 2 � • � • • � � , , Y � �N�.11W 21-12 � � z Ilm('— : I '� . - (swl ,,. � wu1 Rir `' — a� ---�� �-iN 1 ��� �(�. - - tsHl f (vl �—"�1� � � : :. ._ ��P�) __f' ��',�,�. iav�s �.. . . �f� \n/ '. ' � , aa-vrz � '� �i � q ' 85�1 31 ____.._ � �1 _—_' � i _ ... ..__ / : \ H9M � �'S14 I� � �,� 1 I t -ttrz 1 11�DEL � " (�— L-1 ✓ � � � MO�EL Fl. t ID: 20Va" x 17Va" x 13" (514 x 438 330) p. �.�r ���a� CSA Approved ' �u� `�� ' SPEC TI�NS .���, � ID: 20Va" x 17Va" x 13"� � I�? �� � � � � � mi MODELS: L-�, FL-1, DL-1, LTD, FLTD (514 x 438 x 330) ,,,�a, Fiat Products uses a specialized SMC process (Molded Stone�) � / � \ iu� Overall height from floor to manufacture all laundrytubs. Moldings are manufactured , ., in matched metal dies under heat and pressure resulting in is 343/a" (883) �� a homogeneous molded unit. Drain(s) with stopper(s) are CSA Approved furnished as standard equipment. Capacity shall be 76 litres (17 Imp gal) forthe single tuh sink and 152 litres (331mp gal) for the douhle tub sink. Laundry sinks availahle in white 1 � ' � ' . only. Wall mounted tubs are provided with a heavy gauge ,,`�,� ,, F,, � . �, , galvanized - steel 6recket capa6le of withstanding 600 . £ t,i� .uI j51� z ma,,,�,n, pounds. The side fillers and 6ottom tub support,, which are . ,-�- assem6led in field to the mounting 6rackets;�are made of " � � .. white molded plastic polymer. � ', � Floor mounted tuhs are provided with white baked enamel � angle legs that slip into molded socketr for rigid, friction-fit. ' � Easy leveling devices are provided forfast, even planing. This � ry' � . handsome tub is capable of handling 600 pounds. �;'' , , ,' T �,s,� a+.� Model DL-1 tub has 6een designed for a muntertop ; ,. ,, ; installation. k comes with a self-rimming flange, four � " � n„„� „f„ locking corner bars and screws for fast tightening into ID: 22Ve" x 17" x 123/+" I "�' inYegral molded mounting legs and against the underside of (562 x 432 x 324) i — � - 1 the countertop. Underside flange rim sealant � All single compartment laundry tubs are availahle in six- for watertightness supplied by ����°—� packs (L-6 and FL-6) and bulk quantities. others. , ,T A�I produc[s must be installed in accordance with installation i � 'j' instructions provided. Failure to do so may invalidate i � �,,,� ��„� a� warranty at manufacturer's discretion. ;�, z�- � FIAT PRODUCTS� A CRANE PLUMBING COMPANY 255 Hu[chings St. • Winnipeg, MB • R2X 2R4 • Ph. 800-665-7537 • 204-633-6122 • Fx. 204-632-4854 e-mail; inio�at.ca • wehsite: wwva.fiat.ca RuE40pry of CiMI, I.LG Cm�pfmi-Emetoq IL � I� � MOEN S � ecifications Buy it for looks. Buy it for life� There is more thart 7 version o)this model. Poge down to identi(y the version you have. FAUCET DESCRIPTION • Metal constructionwith chrome plated finish • Inlet shanks will accept 3/8" ball nose connections / i OPERATION � / • Mini blade style handles with hot and cold colorindicators � CARTRIDGE � • 1224 cartridge design STANDARDS MOEN' • Designed and manufactured to meet ASME A712.18.1/CSA B-125.1 Two Handle Laund Faucet and all applicable requirements referenced therein rY • Contains no more than 0.25% weighted average lead content • ADA � for lever handles Model: 74998 WARRANTY • Lifetime limited warranty against leaks, drips and NOTE: Designed to be installed through finish defects 2 - 1 ° min. dia. holes 4" on center 5-7/16" (138mm) 6-5/8" (168mm) 4-63/64" 2-7/8" (127mm) (73mm) � � 3/4" (19mm) z ��Z„ MAX. DECK 2" — 2" - (64mm) THICKNESS (51mm) (51mm) 6-7/16" (164mm) CRITICAL DIMENSIONS (DONOTSCAIq FOR MORE INPORMATION CALL: 1 -800-BUY-MOEN ' Rev. 3/11 www.moen.com '' �� (.i � MOEN S � eci fications Buy it for looks. Buy it for life� FAUCET DESCRIPTION • Chrome plated metal construction OPERATION • Smallleverstyle CARTRIDGE Q • 1224 cartridge design STANDARDS • Designed and manufactured to meet ASME At 12.18.1/CSA B-125.1 and all applicable requirements referenced therein • ADA � for lever handles WARRANTY MOEN' • Lifetime limited warranty against leaks, drips and TWO Handle LaundYy FaUCet finish defects Model: 74998 NOTE: DESIGNED TO INSTALL THRU 2 HOLES 1 " (25mm) MIN. DIA. AND 4" (102mm) ON CENTER 5-1/2" (140mm) 2�� 2�� 1 (51mm) (51mm) 6-3/4" (171 mm) ESCUTCHEON 5-1/4" 6-3/4" (171 mm) x 2-3/8" (60mm) (133mm) 1 3-1/8" (79mm) � 3/4" (19mm) MAX. DECK HOT WLET COLD INLETTHICKNESS CRITICAL DIMENSIONS {OONOTSCALE7 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: t-800-BUY MOEN Rev. 3/7 7 www.moen.com � � �� � ES-67 - Self-Serve Project Name: SNEEZEGUAR�S item Number: TEL: 800-690-0002 FAX.• 925-680-7252 Quantity: Length: Specifications: Construction: • 1" Round Tubing • 2" Heavy Duty Flanges Il 1/ ' • Glass Brackets accept 1/4" or 3/8" / . / Available Fnishes: ,� • #4 Brushed Stainless Steel • #4 Brushed Aluminum • Powder Coated Black � y�16•- Glass: • 1/4" or 3/8" Clear Tempered Glass with Polished Edges • 3/4" Radiused Corners Available 14" • Ma�dmum Spacing Between Posts: • 42" Center to Center with 1/4" Glass* • 54" Center to Center with 3/8" Glass* *Tempered Glass Required �— 87/16" --I Options: End Panels: ❑ Left Closed End Panel ❑ Right Closed End Panel Fnish: ❑ #4 Brushed Stainless Steel ❑ #4 Brushed Aluminum ❑ Powder Coated Black Glass Options: ❑ 3/4" Radiused Corners ❑ Standard Square Corners Glass Thiclmess: z eay �mae snowo ❑ 1/4" Glass (Mabmum span 42") ❑ 3/8" Glass (Mabmum span 54") Standard Flange -� °� � � Z.. � o 0 Flanges use #8 screws (Not Induded) NSF www.sneezeguard.com . 1281-A Franquette Ave. . Concord, CA 94520 � � EP-5 - Pass-Over � � �� Project Name: SNEEZEGUAROS Item Number: TEL: 800-690-0002 FAX.• 925-680-7252 Quantity: Length: Specifications: Conshvction: . 1" Round Tubing • 2" Heavy Duty Flanges • 61ass Brackets accept 1/4" or 3/8" Available Fnishes: • #4 Brushed Stainless Steel • #4 Brushed Aluminum • Powder Coated Black 12,�18,�ZZ„ Glass • 1/4" or 3/8" Clear Tempered Glass with Polished Edges • 3/4" Radiused Corners Available • Ma�amum Spacing Between Posts: • 42" Center to Center with 1/4" Glass* • 54" Center to Center with 3/8" Giass* *Tempered Glass Required Options: Fnish• ❑ #4 Brushed Stainless Steel ❑ #4 Brushed Aluminum ❑ Powder Coated Black Glass Options: ❑ 3/4" Radiused Corners ❑ Standard Square Corners Glass Thiclmess: ❑ 1/4" Glass (Maximum span 42") ❑ 3/8" Glass (Mabmum span 54") 2 Bav �mple Shovm Standard Flange � °� O � z., � o 0 FlangeS use #8 screws (Not Induded) NSF. www.sneezeguard.com . 1281-A Franquette Ave. . Concord, CA 94520 � � 1 GEO Electric Water Heater . , i ModeH1GE4DM06AAG FEATURES �1I�T, FuelType � ElecVic v HeightDescrip0on Medium c���� • - Full 2-year in-home warranty; Limited 6-year , warranty an tank and functional parts ISee written wormn[y for complete detailsl • Double 4500 Wott Heating Elements - Deliver 19% faster recovery than Hatpoint� models • - Factory Installed Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve • Patented Resistor Element - Provides longer anode rad and [ank life • Special Porcelain Lining - Provides tank protection • - Meets or Exceeds Nalional Appliance Energy Consefvalion Act (NAECAI and ASH RAE requirements � �Have more questions? Please contadl 800.626-2005 � �! Q � GEO Electric Water Heater . , `r7odeNt 6E40M06AAG APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS (HxDxW) • xx CAPACITY • Unit Capacity 40 Gallons WARRANTV • Parts Warranty - Limited 6-year tank and parts • Labor Warranty - Full 2-year in-hamewarranty • Warra�tyNotes - Seewrittenwarcantyforfull details � Have more quesfion57 P/ease contact 1-800-6Z6-2005 � 1 � �- � 1 �EAGLE Item No.: ; ' � Project No.: � P�ofitfrom the EagleAdvantage� S.I.S. NO.: a m Specification Sheet � � � ShortFnrmSpecitications Snap'il-Slide� Wire Wall Shelves � Eagle Snap-N-Slide� Wire Wall Shelf, model . cn Featuring (Chrome, Valu-Master� Grey Epoxy, Valu-Gard� Mo � Green Epoxy, Eaglegard� Epoxy) finish with open wire design SN pSNSW1224V ❑SNSW1224VG ❑SNSW1224E =° for air circulation. Brackets can mount directly to wall studs, OSNSW1236V ❑SNSW1236YG OSNSW7236E z eliminating wall 6acking. ❑SNSW1248C ❑SNSW7248V ❑SNSW1248YG ❑SNSWi248E � ❑SNSW1260C ❑SNSW1260V ❑SNSW1260VG ❑SNSW1260E ❑SNSW1271C ❑SNSW1272V ❑SNSW1272VG ❑SNSW]272E — y � m a � en Design and Consiruelion Feaiures Q -- -Y = -- • Brackets can he mounted to wall studs—no wall � r ��- = -- —" , backing required. � "—^ ~ y • Wire design allows for air circulation. m �� • Otfered in chrome, Valu-Mastet� gray epoxy, Valu-Gard� � green epoxy, and EAGLEgard3 hybrid epoxy finishes. = wire wallshelf • Availa6le in 12" (305mm) width. y � • Lengths availahle range from 24"to 72" (610 to 1829mm). � • No tools required to attach shelf to wall brackets. y EAGLEGROl1P Cedifications / Approvals AUTO� �i.� �+�� � 100 Indusirial Boulevard, Clayton, �E 19938-8903 USA Phone: 302-653�000 • fax: 302-653-20fi5 Ncr ,,�,� I www.eaglegrp.com `�� KC L Foodservice Division: Phone 800-441-8440 �� MHC/Reiail �isplay Dirisians: Phone HUO-637-5100 For custom configuration or fabrication needs, cantact aur SpecFAB° Division. Phone: 3�2-653-3000 • fax: 3�2-fi53-30.91 • e-mail: specfahC�eaglegrp.com EGQ2.U2 Rev. U4/12 � • . i • � i � � � � � � . � � � � � � . • . i • � � � Eagle Faodservice fquipment, Eag/e MHC, SpecFAB°, and Retail Disp/ayare d'rvisions olEagie Gioup. 002008 by Ihe Eagle Graup l � � �EAGLE Item No.: — ' • Project No.: Profrt from the Eagle Advontage� 5.�.$. NO.: 0 z .� ; Snap-n-Slide° Wire Wall Shelves _ 0 �. � U U U] L1 � m O � " " y-+ cC U LENGTH y d T�P ��EW > ao r y 3 LENGTH 12" � a� � � � �� a J3/4 � � " L w j 0 NTURN UPTURN c a FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW ta c y SheIT Shel} weight chrame Vatu-Master� Valu�Gard° EAGLEgardd width length weight eapacity` mo model # model # model i{ in. mm in, mm Ibs. kg Ibs. kg W SNSWIYY4V SNSW122<VG SNSW1221E 12" 305 24" 610 5 2.3 70 31 .8 12 SNSW1236V SNSW1Y36VG SNSW1236E 12" 305 36" 915 7 32 105 47.6 C SNSW1248V SNSW1248VG SNSWITISE 12" 305 48" 1219 9 4.1 140 63.5 ' SNSW1260C SNSW1Y60V SNSW1760VG SNSW1260E 12'" 305 60" 1524 11 5.0 175 79.5 SNSW1272C SNSW1272V SNSW127YVG SNSWi27YE 12" 305 72" 1829 14 6.4 210 95.3 ` Weight capacity pertains to eventy distri6uted weight. EAGLEGROUP iQ0 Industrial 8oulevard, Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA Phone: 302-653-3000 • Fax: 302-653-2065 www.eaglegrp.com Foodservice �ivisian: Phone 8�0-441-844U PrintedinUS.A. 02012 by Eagle Group MHG/Retafl �isplay Divisions: Phone 800-637-5100 Reu. 04/12 � • . � • � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � . • . , • , i � Alihough every attempt has heen made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, we cannat pe held responsi6le for rypographical or printing errors. Iniormation and specifications are suhject to change without notice. Wease coniirm atfime of order. i � ��='-�7 WD-L Series p�� Certified Low-Rough-In Dormont Grease Intereeptors SPECIFICATION: Dormont WD-L Series PDI Certified recessed or Boor mounted -_ - _ _ _ epoxy coated steel low-rough-in grease `- � _ =� - _=- interceptor with gaskefted solid steel cover, = - � hex head center bolt(s), removable baffle � assembly, deep seal trap with cleanout, no hub connections (standard), and external ` cast iron flow control 6tting. '� Secured � Noo-slip Cover Clean4ut Locking 0 (lagtn) z E (MVM) Plug Device � I Neopprene GasYWY AirRelief � Bypass AOnepiece Nohub 1 Removoble �NH��MI) Mp Balfle q��7lnlet & SmHc Oudet (`� F Waler g Level Inhgml Deep Seal I Baked Epoxyy Tmp I Coared Body Sed enl � 3/8•�10) � N°te. Optional Threaded InletAnd Oude1 B0� AirSpace �includes Threaded Flow Conhol) �� p�. � A B C D E F t�� csM uu 1y O�i�ei t.��wx T� �°^9� Wrid�h tteiyh� WD-Y 20 40 3°Q6) 7-12"U911 41/4"11081 �'78" 88 17- ° 5 i 35 70 �°I171) 7"11781 �•1/2"�114� a7/8"11038) 32-7/8"I�� 17-7/8"1�21 ' . � . }Wtr50i 50 100 1°1101� 8•1/4•(t16) 5-1/4°I1�0I 55"11397) 33"1838) U"13561 f� N07E: NOT PDI CERiIFlED '�. 5 1 � STAINLESS STEEL � TT, TTF & TTS Series Work Tables ("y� ADVANCE TABCO. �.ro�- _ _ _ Item #: Q[y #: l��_'"�,� Model #: Project #: Fulty Adjusta6le Flat Top Shown Leg Collar TT � TTF Series 7TS Series � All Stainless Steel FEATURES: FEATURES: lT Serles rop is fumished with 1 5/8" sanitary ro0ed rim on tront and rear Top is tumished with 1 5/�" sanitary rolled rim on front and rear; and square ends. and square ends. 7TF Seriea tap is furnished with 7 5/S" sanitary rolled rim on frant and and Two die famed hat channels are attached [o underside of work 1 1/2" backsplash on rear. table top to reinforce and maintain a level working swface. Two die formed hat channels are attached to underside of work table top to Leg Collar at undershelf corner secures leg shelf to legs and is reinfarce and maintain a Isvel working surtace. fully adjustable. � Leg Colla� at undershelf comer secures leg shelt to legs & is fully adjustahle. CONSTRUCTION: CONSTRUCTION: All TIG welded. Exposed weld areas polished [o match � �� NI TIG welded. Exposed weld areas polished to match adjacent surtace. adjacent swface. Tap is sound deadened. Top is sound deadened. Die tormed galvanized hat channels are secured to top 6y means of Die formed gaNan¢ed hat channels are secured ta top by structural adhesive and weld studs. means of structural adhesive and weld s[uds. Gussets welded to hat channels. Gussets welded to hat channels. MATERIAL: MATERIAL: TOP: 18 Gauge Stainless Steel Type "430" Series TOP: 18 Gauge Slainless Steel Type "304" Series SHELF: 78 Gauge Galvanized Steel with GaNanized Steel Gussets SHELF: 18 Gaugs S[ainless S[eel with Stainless Steel Gussets LEGS 7 SB" Diameter Tu6ular Galvanized Steel LEGS: 1 5/8" Diameter Tubular Stainless Steel Steel 1 " Adjusta6le Plastic Bullet Feet 1" Stainless Steel Legs & Bullet Feet FLAT TOP y-y�z" BACKSPLASH FLAT TOP Single Single Single W � 0ndershelf �• W � UndanheM �• W � Ilndershelf �• 24" Tf-242 261bs. 24" 1TF242 2616s. 24" TTS-242 2616s. �. 30" TT-240 3116s. 30" 'ITF-240 311hs. 30" 1T$-2q0 311hs. - q3 381ha 3fi" �7F-243 381hs. 36" T�$-243 381hs. 48" 1T244 531bs. 48" TTF244 531bs. 48" TT$-244 5316s. 60" TT245 6216s. 60" 1"fF-245 621hs. fi0" 1TS-245 6216s. 72" 1"f-246 711hs. 72" 1"fF-246 711bs. 72" TTS-246 711hs. 84" Tf-247 881hs. 84" 1TF-247 881hs. 84" 17$-247 881hs. 96" Tf-248' 1001bs. 96" 17F-248' 1001hs. 96" TT$-248' 1001hs. 30" 1T�i00 3916s. 30" 1TF300 381hs. 30" TTS-300 3816s. 36" 1T-303 431bs. 36" 1TF-303 431bs. 36" TTS�03 431hs. 48" TT�304 6716s. 48" 1TF-304 6116s. 48" 1TS-304 6116s. � 60" TT�OS 751bs. 1 60" TTF305 7516s. � 60" TTS-305 751hs. 72" 1T�06 8316s. 72" TTF.306 8316s. 72" TTS306 931us. 84" Tf�07 991hs. 84" TTF�07 9916s. 84" TTS�07 9916s. 96" TTti?08* 1251bs. 9fi" 1TF�08' 1251bs. 96" TTS-308' 7251bs. 'e' tables Nmished with 61eps •8' tahles fumished wilh 61egs � Customer Service Available To Aesist You 1 -$��-64$-31 ss 8:30 am - 8:00 pm E.S.T. � � Email Orders To: customer@advanceta6co.com. For Smart Fahricatlon'" �uotes, Email To: smarlfa6@advance[a6co.com or Fax To: 631-58E2933 ADVANCE TABG0. _ __ __ �� F��T_�- NEWYORK GEORGIA TEXAS � NEVADA w�mv.advanc_�a6co.mm Fax: (631) 242-6900 FaX: (770) 775-5625 Fa7c: (972) 932-4795 F�: (77� 972-1578 l2 DIMENSIONS and SPECIFICATIONS ALL OIMENSIONS ARE lYPICAL TOL ± .500° All UniGS Shipped Unassem6led (K�) for Reduced Shipping Cosis. TT � TTS Series Flat Top Work Tables I-- Length � I � For Future Drawer Installation, Order TA-90 Drawer Adapter Width With The Drawer � —I 4" (TYP�) � � 1 5/8" 1 ! , . 35 1/2" IAd ble L Undershelf � '! � I, ': TTF Series 1 - 1 /2" Backsplash Work Tables f----- Length --� � For Future Drawer Installation, Width Order TA-90 Drawer Adapter � � L With The Drawer i ' � 4�� (TYP.) 1 � 1 1 /2�� ( � 7 5/8" � � � 35 1/2" � Ad� su' table Undersheff —� � ' � � � ADVANGE TABCO is cans[antiv engaged in a program of /�V/��.'E T/�Cr�. improving our products. Therefore, we reserve the nght to 6^^^a* F^�A��- change specifications without prior notice. 200 Heartland Boulevard, Edgewood, NY 1 1 71 7-8380 � ADVANCE TABCO, AUGUST 2013 , � � a� " o � � _ _ o �. � � � � � �LL " o o � ; � _ � P� o � CYi = - m lJ - � O Q _�/' m W 3 CO �— ���w 3 — � W � � J — � Q i � C_J f� Q � � N � � N 2 O N > � o z cfl w w _ � � � � — I— � � � N — — � �.., � _ � J � ZfY r m NZ � ZJ o � — � Q Oa � ad = � a - om � �p N U — M • - `o � � J - _ _ � t �... ;e _ � � 2 �- - p � UW a M (V cD Wf _ � d - O �� . � a _ � � �W a - CO w 1�W o _ � . �- E � \ Q Z� p � � M U < � �.n — cn m 2 � _ � ' f < .Y� 00 � � C o 0 N �"� �O - � �Z X W � Q � � � N T tf� N � 3.< "� - e _ •S > _ • s � m � � � . . . . (V _ 2Y x < _ I =� O � E� 2 � �EaG�E 1� Item No.: � � • Project No.: � Profit frnm the Eogle Advantage� S.I.S. NO.: � m Specification Sheet �: � � shon Form spe��f��a,�o�s Optional Detachable Drainboards � Eagle Detachable Drainboard for Utility Sink, model for Utility Sinks � . Constructed of type 304 or 430 stainless � steel with die-stamped rolled rim construction. Left or right MODELS: z hand operation. Fumished with easy clip on installation. � ��BRRDEDB ❑ 18x18RRDEDB-16/3 •° ❑ i8x24 RROEDB ❑ 18a24 RRDEOB-16/3 ❑ 18x30 RRDE08 ❑ YSx30 RRDfDB-16/3 ❑ 8RR8 • ❑ 21X18 RRDEDB-i6/3 — �*_. RRDEOB ❑ 2fY14 RRDEDB46/3 _ 21x30 RROEDB ❑ 2Yx30 RRDEDB-16/3 `�'�' ❑ 24xIB RROEDB ❑ 24XI8 RRDEOB-16/3 ..- r>- . ..^ ,, '�"',,,�. ❑ 24a74 RRDEDB ❑ 24a24 RRDEDB-Y6/3 ❑ 24r30 RRDEDB ❑ 24x30 RRDEDB-Y6/3 O a ... 0 0 m O m �' °' n ti � i � c m i��. i��,� O Y °t• Design and Construction Features: a • Unique die-stamped rolled-rim construction is fully o°, detachaWe drainboaro reversible--can he used for left- or right-hand operation. o, rn shown attached to uGliry sink� • Features easy clip-on installation with two support brackets o that bott to sink gussets. � • Available in heavy gauge type 430 or 304 series � stainless steel. � � ' SeeSpecSheetslEG20.13AfhraughEG20.13Utorutilirysinksavailahle. • Drainboards30" (762mm) longarefurnishedwithlegs. v� 3 � y EAGLE GROUP ` � A�OQUOTES 100 Industrial BoulevaM, Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA Phone: 302•653-3000 • Fax: 302-653-2065 �,,,,�� www.eaglegrp.com KC � Foodservice Division: Phone 800-441-8440 ��,,;� MHC/Retail Display Divisions: Phone 800-637-5100 For custom configuration or fabrication needs, contact our SpecFAB° Division. Phone: 302-653300D • Fax: 302�533097 • e-mail: specta6Qeaglegrp.com EG20.13E Rev. 07/08 i • . � • � � � � � � � � . i � � � � � . • . � • � � fagle Faodservice Equipment, Eag/e MHC, SpecFAB°, and Relail Displayare divisions ofEagle 6roup. 0O200B by the Eagle Group _EaG�E � Item No.: — ' � Project No.: Profrt from the Eagle Advantage� $.�.$. NO.: 0 z � Optional Detachable Drainboards for Utility Sinks _ � 0 13/a' 45mm � � U � U � IC � � � _ _ O � r-_ „a � LENGTH c� V � - - �— — � Wi�-rH H Y I l__ _ C c� � 3" 76mm ,�. I GENERAL — R,4DIUS � � L ° TOP VIEW N 7 i l6 O � C j •..R. _L C � m � ( . . . R T `r� 1 '/s" � L'/s" 22mm 48mm ca d FRONT VIEW O io a 0 c '16 gauge type 430 16 gauge type 304 � 0 stainless steel stainless steel width length weight I model # model M in. mm in. mm Ibs. kg 78x18 RROE06 18x78 RRDEDB-7N3 18"� 457 18" 457 19 8.6 18�r24 RRDEDB Y8x24 RRDEDB-74/3 18� 457 24" 610 23 10.4 f81r30 RROEDB� i8x3-0 RRDEDB-7f✓3 18" 457 30�� 761 27 122 21x18 RRDEDB 21x18 RRDEDB-16/3 21" 533 1g� 457 20 9.0 27Y14RRDED6 21Y14RROEDB4f✓3 27- 533 24" 670 24 70.9 21x30 RRDEDB 21r30 flHDEDB-1CJ3 27" 533 30" 767 28 12.7 24x18 RRDEDB 24r18 RRDEDB-1fiJ7 24" 610 18" 457 21 9.5 24Y14 RRDEDB 24Y14 RRDEDB-YfJ3 24" 610 24" 610 25 11 .3 24x30 RRDEDB 24r30 RRDEDB-7f✓3 24" 610 � 30" 761 29 �132 EAGLEGROUP 100 Industrial Boulevard, Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA Phone: 302-653-3000 • Fax: 302-653•2065 www.eaglegrp.com Foodservice Division: Phone 800-441-8440 PiinfedinU.S.A. 02008 byEagle 6roup MHC/Retail Dfsplay Divisions: Phone 800-637-51U0 Rev. 07/08 � • . � • � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � . , � Atthough every attempt has 6een made to ensure the accuracy of the iniormation provided, we cannot he held responsi6le tor typographical or printing errors. Iniormation and specifications are su6ject ta change wi[hout notice. Please contirm at time of order. �.-- Continental Commercial Products 305 Rock Industrial Park Dr. Bridge[on, M063044 Phone:+� 314.656.430� Email: JaniCS�contico.com • Website: www.continentalcommercialproducts.com Item # V444SS, Vertical - All Purpose Vertical - All Purpose _ _ _.--�,�. 40 oz (1 .18 L) 4'13/16" x 2-11/'16" z 8-3/1B' H (1222 cm x 6.8� cm x 20.78 cm) Stainless � � : F, �, � v51� SPECIFICATIONS CMC Rem Name Soap Oispenser - All Purpose Vertical -- B��d CMC Stock Rem Yes 413/16 x 2-11/16 x 8-3/16 in Size �2.22 x 6.81 x 20.78 cm Reservoir Capacily 4� °Z Pack Case 6 Case Weight 'I'I.7fi 16 Case Cu6e 1.140 40 oz Capac'rty 1.18 L I Unit af Measure Each Carton 4uantity 6 Carton US Weight ���76 Carton LIS Cuhes �-14 9/8/20�3 � Page 1 of 2 i � Carton Me[ric Weigh[ 5•Z9 Carton Metric Cubes ���z Master Carton Quantity 6 Mas[erCarton US Weight ���76 MasterCarton US Cube �•�4 Mas[er Carton Metric Weight 5.29 Master Carton Metric Cu6e 0.032 Modular Carton Quantiry 2� Modular Carton US Weight 5��� Modular Carton US Cu6e �-72 ModularCaiton Metric Weight 254•�2 Modular Carton Metric Cube �•�z TI �Z HI 4 UPC Code 0 20027 01468 2 11CC Code 1 00 20027 01468 9 9 x 17.5 z 11.75 Inch Carton Dimensions 22,86 x 44.45 x 29.&5 Centimeter 9/8/2013 � Page 2 of 2 Continental Commercial Products � 30.5 Rack Industrial Park Dr. Bridgeton, MO 6304d P h o n e:+1 314.656.4301 Email: JaniCS@contico.com • Wehsite: wvnv.contlnentalcommercialproducts.com Item # 991C, Combo Towel Cabinets Combo Towel Cabinets y r�� � For GFold and Multi-Fold �+�*��� -� - . . �,�, 1 'I-1/4" x 41N 6" x 1 S3/8" H (28.SS cm x 10.31 cm x 39.07 cm) � >�4 zyKx Y . � . 'i SPECIFICATIONS CMC Item Name Camba Taxrel Cahinet Brand CMC Stock ftem Yes 11-'1/4 z 41/16 z 'IS3/8 in Size 28.58 x 10.31 x 39.07 cm Pack Case 6 Case Weight 6.4316 Case Cu6e �'�� Color Chrome Unit af Measure Each Canon Quantiry 6 Carton 11S Weight 6'� Carton US Cubes ��� Carton Me[ric Weight z•� Carton Metric Cu6es 0.015 9/8/2013 � Page 1 of 2 . � Master Carton Quantiry s MasterCarton US Weight 38•� Master Carton US Cube 3.3 Master Carton Metric WeigM '17.36 Master Carton Metric Cube ���z Modular Carton Quantity 108 Modular Carton US Weigh[ �4�'M Modular Carton US Cube ��4 Modular Carton Me[ric WeigM 312.5 Madular Carton Metric Cu6e ��6� TI s HI 3 UPC Code 0 20027 01371 5 UCC Code 1 00 20027 01371 2 14 x 23.5 x 16.75 Inch Carton Dimensions 35.56 x 59.69 x 42.55 Cen[imeter 9/8/20'13 � Page 2 of 2 � 1 BU�� . � . , ; . . 5 LB ABC MULTIPURPOSE STORED PRESSURE EXTINGUISNER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Buckeye's 5 LB Monoammonium Phosphate fire Buckeye's 5 LB ABC Stored Pressure Fire extinguisher is designed for use in combating Class Eutinguisher meets ttie following specifications: "A" "B" and "C" type fires. . Capacity: 5 Ibs 1227 kg Commonly known as an "ABC" fire extinguisher, Buckeye's ABC fire extinguisher has many uses . U.L. Rating: 3A:40 B:C including homes, office buildings, warehouses, motor vehicles, farms and woodworking areas. . pluminum Valve (This unit is NOT recommended for use on . ShipWeight: 9 '/z Ibs / 4.3kg delicate or expensive equipment or computers.) . Height: 16 '/ in. / 41 .6cm FEATURES . Width: 7 '/ in. / 18.4 cm • Manufactured to ANSI/UL 299 and ANSI/UL 711 . Diameter. 4 '/, in. / 10.8 cm standards. • Range: 12-18 feet / 3.7- 5.5 meters • US Coast Guard approved for Type B:C Size I. Valid Only with Bracket No. A-6. . Discharge Time• 14 seconds P/N 700270. • Cylinder: Steel . ABC extinguisher provides tt�e widest and most practical range of extinguisher protection coverage. ORDERING INFORMATION • ABC dry chemical is available in 50 LB pails for recharging Buckeye ABC extinguishers. 5 LB ABC with Wall Hook: P/N 10914 (Refer to the Buckeye spare parts list for replacement parts.) I I 110 Kings Road, Kings AAountain, NC 28086-0428 • Te1704739-7415 � Fa�c 70473 9-74 1 8 • www.buckeyef.com �� -- � -. COFFEE BREWER CBS 2050 CBS - 2051e 1 . 5 Gatlon Brewer The is easyto program and simple to operate. This unit comes standard �a�ith our patented Cascading Spray Dome'", v:hich helps delivera consistent, perfectly balan�ed cup of coffee even� time. The pulse-brev: intermittent sho�ver bre�:ing system letsyou control the tength of time the water is in contad with the ground coffee for optimal eztradion according to yow� recipe. ' � Cascading Spray Dome*" - � .I111J I 1 P� � 1 R i ( Y ^ ! ' n: i f' r� II . �- . � ,'�s.�� c� � . � IFE'ic0 �'1� � � Pulse-BreivSystem 1� �� . I � � � � , it � � ottr t . � �� � t �. :��r.�. � t , n-. ii ;t . 0 • „� � � �.� t Y : 1r � — � � F ;n - : 7 � .r rr �:,n_ _,� ' . ., ' � � DigitatInterface �-i; l., � � _ _ t � �., 1 �� � .. _. .�' .t i Ff iC0 � � I : ; ) t iJ � �• C.� (� y � � � ' � I . i .' r � , : �� „ �° a ' _ � Pre-Wet Cyde I r -� . � �n I � :,ntir � h i .� ��� rt • ��� � � ;tri � ._ �r, -r , , h � h: _�t !a. ��t�r._ th. h . . � Ir i ,�; �� _ . . . � _ :�;uu. ' � tl •. . �� � — --��—� BYPassFeature • +�+ � � �,� r. _. ,;e• .j � ra:tbal�totFe , 1 =. Ue- ' . - ! � , : �=r [h.- �.i !r, �� nj -. 'n • f�..� h� r:�. t�l' �. _. , SD'o��'ir �;� •.�r y CJ'�ti�l� ':, 3iiF!.J-C2Yt�r� t:.t :�. BrewTime & Bre�v Volume _ � �° i;� r�c � rJarGru�r�ir�rv.��ii �hi�.: ` [_ a�':��a� i aEi .'.cfl':-h3lnnrr.l .�.. . . . F �' . i . i � , P, . n .nh t "v � Ci st �� ivr. _ . -- •' �� � �� �� " � � DripDelaylr,r. �:� �.�.� -.�trh� !1^< <�.t :em tn.- ��nd ( ` tP.� �/ ti .:�.:, : � ielthr: _ . .n�:4, nq � < <_t ihr hrr-. b?°l:rt n.i 'nr� ea_eo' '�� .rt, - FETCO DRIVEN TO INNOVATION � 1 � 1 1 � ' . � IWaterInlet MimmumFLowRate WaterPressure 3/ainch Male Flare 1 gpm [3.81pm] I 20.75 psig [139-517 kPa] � . � ConfigurationCode Heater VoLtage Phase Wires KW ElectricaL MauAmp GaLlon[Liter]/Hour Configuration Connection Draw DOMESTIC i CANADl1 E53016 2x3.OkW 120/208-240 1 3+G 4.6-6.1 Hardwired 22.1-25.5 11.5-15.5 [43J-58.9]�'> EXPOR7 E53026 2 x 3.0 kW 220-240 1 2+G 5.1-6.1 Hardwired 23.4-25.5 13.4-15.5 [50.9-58.9]�'> � � � (1) Basedonstandardfac[orysettings: 4.Ominutebrewtime; 0% prewet; 200°fwater. IHeight Width Depth EmptyWeight FilledWeight ShippingWeight 37'/�in [94.6 cm] I 12'/a in [32.4 cm] I 20'/ein [51.1 cm] I 551bs [25.0 kg] I 81 Ws [36.8 kg] I 59 lbs [26.8 kg] SIDE1lIEW FRONSVIEH! SYMBOLS 20.1/8in 12-3/4in I [51.1 cm] [32.4 [m] /r+ Electrical[onnector u On�OffSwitch � V TankDrain 37-1/4in � WaterInlet • • [94.8 cm] V DISPENSERS Brewer on be used with: L3S-15Thermat �ispenser � with Serving Station L35-IS-20 3-1/4in """ [83 cm] tt 22-5 Sin Q � L3�-SSThermal [57.5 cm] hY Dispenser � � V ITP0.15Thermat Rispenser 31-3/4in 4in I 4-1/4in . [29.8cm] [30.1cm] [30.8cm] ��. FFtfb'Is aa ac W e m ember of O�O� C E ���i� �N�uEnn , . , R www.fetco.com , +3847.7193000 V FoodEquipmentTechnologies[o. 1.800338.2699 USA 600 Rose Rwd v +1847.7193001 Lake 2urich,IL 60047 .,_..,._.,. -.< ...a.. , .. _ .. .b, � ,.._ r . , .. .... . . . , U511 . . _ . ..:_ ._� . ,.... ��..�... . . .:�. .�: �,_. .,. . . .'_. u.,.,�.�;u....i � r � . . � Section �II, Equipment Specifications Item B: Ventless Hood Speci£cations Note: This is a ventless hood system with a completed integrated fre protection system. The system does not require return air as it is designed in a ventless manner. __ �V � ��� � � _�� �t� �' !� � �rr�, � �. � � �� I:1F I, � � ! ^�� �"� �z r��t, .�; :�o;.,a on_ � rca �oc�.� sr+�aa � s ;� ,� z ; I � . 3H L . ��i ,�� "`�«� `� "�rE�a '� 1�.� �;�� :. �+. �ti��++¢�+h� 'i „y,� �, a_ .t `T11+ .?0. .:� `/�11��ls EX�N:t MO� s�i�Al'�'M a�`� ' � ' �' x.�Y t �i F Sfate-of-ihe-Art VenHess Exhaust Hood System � � Ducf•Free wifh No /nsta//ation Requi�dl ' "�'n� ; ( , � ; St�,te of-tha•Art � 1Ir,:+rir*tart i�i>av r�fler5 :� :'em��;IW1�,�lY Pf�r�ai;b, vF��r7tli�cs :�x+t�+u�t ' ' �G'.�17 :.Va�eai �. C:u: it�;lel�: v�111F �- i ttiie:�idleil Ar �yUt R- 107 tivYt �;f1F'fllif.ii� (I(@ Sli�)�ift!StitUfl tiy'5lftlil . i111ti tiP��-f{711�.9if1HC� UR1� .]� �i� i-;?� 7l{ :..� �:? � >�7rl;tl �'r� i1a•;n.lis t7f il .� � br. � �'a . � , tlt:n :nJ S �I � iV�t.i �.'. tltti por`�Lt alter�talive svhun v��r.tir�q th!u�+� h a �oUf ut �n•�tl �5 11F)T (i"1Gliitlllf: � i;�: nipl�tr_.iy t:Gmin;ttitig itlr tir. _r.�� �iif rea (>�n�lvr_. :n��� modifir�tions �nd v4nting , the veni�ess c:xhaust hr���d sfstvm ftnm Hrinilfv4,irt i:!7�`t er+i�nlrrS I?i � !o�'�( f�� , . tl�^. dut'� vtn=k , ;t��C1 �tn hn,7;! �p �� mc ��mipbr fi ��(, Nn i � ic;� i �i.i�u ��� kt�c u�red ! hm<�yrrirv+� ir:pl<� � tilt+ar systtvii ,v:ll� :ii:_1r>r(1 !r,�:hn�+lnc��y � . � j.:I1Nl::!7A Y.'1�.`JI !t.'i11VYN) IH.IUIf!^ il!.G'll¢S {�_11 cl Vc111!•�) :t� 1(�t(ii; . s��ti �c� ap� i . a:v_,r �, � i�f i:> ii� ti� � l�cd It> tv<)p •� �U<s5e p��riiCle;; . white: ri��tuvii�g smnk� ��r1G �eCi�[.ing Crvukine� ;.�ory � - as �t4J��T0'JCC� f..f C�CCIFII cquiDmcn� ,.�n� �' � C !_. Wt�fl '7!� CelFllt;i�IC � �� � ��f � r�? ��� !�'i � ryunri-. ,h �s venlle . s r. xha � . t ha.ri sti tarr �ffar� � �iF� { Ir ity �1 r�l�, �' it .mrl < � �{ .: �t �,�p fnr ��nrtnhl�� .tnri ri � � : l fr,-r• _�� i,t 1(13ti I r�i{ �:.> Ventiesa Exhaust Haod System Festures: #M (Jt�table and �If�itC!�! 18 ��cig� St�in►�ss St��1 aanstrttclsgn. � Bas+ s unit iaciudcs rarnuwabla sic�� for uasc� Qf c4eae�ing. +» Ttipla�-4i19e�r �ysl�zn� d�?s�gntxt� tr� 1���r � r�r�sc�� ��rtis;I�� vrlri'.+� E+cmcwinc� siv�takr? �nr.i rcads�<:int� ctacykingi r�d�t� � `;O �ully integraietf l�nsul•R 102 v�e4 chemica! fire su�ptession system. k �k ��lc�r•wciod , li��httad al�irt �y�3icaiYa {n�:iue��e[ ta �.���ssure� �y:�se.'9» i:, runn�r7q ,,3tely r�r�Kf c.lik:i��r,t�y, C�y. i�,��ti�rlrsck�nq stx�ti is � atarrdard iN�atur�! �nd dGe:� np# 91l,;��rr ;Ere Ir�er c�n c�=;�t� to a{�eaz�:e Ke;at�rbthty. r�'� i! � i:n�orpQrate svfive� �nd iocking frant and n4n si;:iuel Caca� i�r �rrt�bilit}�. : O � �Mti1L�a3 warTat�".y. �x No�dP9art , Inc. '� P.O . Box 96 GraRon , dhi0 � 40 �; �9 Testetl & Cerfified � � : hLtp : / i sv�;lsv .ttoodmart.rUrtt � � �� n ;; ., sales!a� ho�drtzart . carzi NFPA �`!!� �;a:: ' C211TOd "dy : 1 - g00- 715 - 1O1Q "GuaranteetltoPassCotle" '�i�; �. . . . �� - - __ � .. .�b� , . , , , �4 5H �� ��- : � � �� � . , �.t�. , ,�' ,4� ;�au� cn� s�ro� xe�� s�ro� , �m s �° ������ �`� z `` ,��x ,- n � _�: i � . �. X��� VNttliss �chaust Nood a�/stent � � � � � , �- �.: :>. �; �31c�r+s; , a A1�Q11f: ;.uS.��� L! I;`1iLl'l"1�1L f I I.xl:' ANiI/I. ? i'v:V a ' �-� t=� � . SG�€EN }ILtEV. �\ c�-�$It�tt � eighi (C?weralfjk �°;y�Y ►"� ;' t�aF�i.scuE��;� �� �� �=.•' E Dapth: � ,, ,�m� � � rn,it � ����� � �f}1 �� � � ��,.��`fli� �7�5�'L k�L�ill� ' Lj' tiON"1:4::1UF Pi7,�' :�F ����� yV�' . ��� � � � `�I#�� �51r�1� or T1�raa Pfi�e� i � � � �Fryer`s t�tr�nt ratir� � I s ' REAtp1��aRLi �'ANECS: N - � � � � I I NACKd� SiPF5 bnc ' `''���al�pe SfisinFess Steel — — — — �C)CktNCi :t°� ild[elf.> 4° ,j '` CAStI:k G13TER ; ' Y�1ti�si Naod: RIC;H"(' Sli)� ELEVA`I'ION 1fI �W f F.�thauat CFM: 750 .�_�_��.�_____.�..._,_.. _,�.,.. The Ventle�s ExhAUei Hood 5yatem la epp�ovad tor electric equlpment and tryere wiih ol! capedtM� of up io 8S pounds; not to exoeed 470 square inches of cooking area. � ___ ..� _._..._.__._._ __.__� �_ _ 11FIGH7 (04LFAA441 �7' ••.•, �.•.-.1 ,� � s .�.�:, .aw.. �: :..n.s� � _ n�PM '114' ' � � ,t.` � _ ,� WIiYfN �O1Y191hti,j 16�9' � d :ww � � r ,�,� . f � . � HAiFA1M 18 GA. SYMMfSS S7EtL �� • � . �'� . � '�.�.. � � .�.- . . . , .. .... . _ ` � - �, �ire�r �rus:.tiewi�tr � �. . ��' avr • .. � vOtrAGE 4C61 NO V. AC I I llrtpifinN.�`NNI�„'� 'I 81N0.E 00. 3 PNFS[ � � EXMAU9T 7S0 C1RM . . _.. ,r::;. .: , . HoodMart, Ine. P.Q . Box 96 Graftan , Ohlo 440A4 TesteO & Certlfied h ttp : //ovwav .haod mart.COm � �� sales@hoodmart.com ��l�J. .O�I. � Call Today : 1 - 800- 725- 1014 "GUarenteetl to Pass Cotle" Section III. EquipmentSpecifications Item C: Custom Equipment or Cabinetry Note: We do not have custom equipment or cabinets, but we do have 3 countertops that will be placed on top of stock base cabinets in the retail area. I IV. PREMISES: A. Submit site plan which includes the following: Refuse Enclosures, Compactors, Outside Walk-in Cooler(s)/Freezer(s), Locarion of Water Supply, Sewage Disposal System, Grease Interceptor, Alleys, Streets, Pazking and Outside Storage Areas. B. Water Supply and Wastewater Systems: 1. Water Supply: a) Community/Public: Name of Disuict: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District b) Non-Community/Private: PWSID #: c) Well: Spring: If it is a well, indicate the depth: Method of Disinfecrion: 2. Sewage Disposal: a) MunicipaVPublic: PUbIiC Name ofDisirict: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District b) Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS): Plan Review Packet C - � 0 Section IV. Premises Item A. Storege Lockers ra �esti cr.o-= �4 —�--!+Fx.sresa:ne �,u+alr6 ��� LA[�. Yl�snN � 1qU`✓: �fi_ _KCfI! l]p.� C�4h9 . .. 4Y . . ' CNIRKiIFf . . . . - Ytftl• 1� �° . ��, , �� �-. - � ...� --= ti � u � "°�. I :� � � � v _ � �� +I 'tw I I�4� \� Employee Storage Lockers on Basement Floor. Not to Scale. Section IV. Premises � - - - - - - - - - - Item A: Site Plan � Waste Dumpster � � Outside of Back of � - - --� . . Parking i Building i � . . . i i F • � Grease Dump � +� : BUSSTOP _ � � � a� Barrels ;:s & waiting Area " • ' � I I • .j ! � I I C �� . . � ' � � � � � , ' 1 I ' � to ' •n• �I � � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . .. . ` �Q� _ i� � . . - � � � _ �. .�e1 � �r . Y �� ' • •wl1 � :�� ••� ' - • • . .. � � t :aa y � � TheSweet WaterSuppiy ' '� �. : _ SpOL & Wastewater � • � • � is One Meter 7 - a• • 1 � Q & Service for . � '. c Entire Building rn ' x . ; . ; ^ � " p ,____�„ ._ 7he niner _ Shared by �- ;� � y ! � Tenants. � � � 'p -- e-t: m : ' � O - ,. ,�. .� . � . p � 1. � � f�p ' �a , � . • 3 � ;r �, a �c.. � z - J � e t „��'• m . � , Q ' � ` µ '. : 6 _ _ 3 � �_�_ _ _ _ _ - - PublicRestroomsProvided , -�'-- Ay � � 0 ,r , � � � = +�, � f : � ' Ref Sheet R-1 in Drawings _ , .. � � � C , E � ; „ ` .. Moe's 884 s n . � f O �� � �r ... --- .--'- --_ .. _ . . :� � � � . � + �� O f � Back of Building . � : � t , • { - ' i i �b.. . . . .. j -� - (Ouuide) . � �` �� I � � + � � ' : ' Lions Head Main j • ` -- - � - r - , - -- ' ' . Area (Skate Rink) . j 4 f ' _ I 1 • L�_._.�_._� ` . ---_.�, ' , . s x y m o t � C � o O i^ �CN. E t .y ul °o U E N N 4 � N m U F �i. J+ '^ y C� Y (��' m .� .- U ,A � U '•~ Y 3 � RS C o � ¢ e+ � �'�'.a 3 .�., y � � O � s ,L a' � o m o "c E 'w" �n " e � °��' o ` tC R G p N � W �e� � Q � c L t y � M m �R1 / K � LL � � a � a ° R � w � LL � 3 ° N � � c N m a j op�i, o m o z w � a y � d m C y � d N .�' y .[ w y � m N � ,C �'' "' a a � - > > � K K _G y v 'v i .� a U e a� � z�" -a � w k' •� o � �a .a r:. ^� °' y a � N 2 c o Q a a W `r3' U � " fA U V1 �{. � � m 0 y fn � '� R m 0 �� �.y i^ �^j U f] . 5 s z F � a o w ^ o-'i U U i w w O � �i. .�.. Q 0� `r w m •°•' ti O R � -' `° ° m ,� � � a z � � a a c � m 3 E � .c ° _ °' O � W "' U � � � R�1 :C OxJ rYi Y < � a VI. Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Schedules: A. Plumbing: 1 . Submit the location of all floor sinks and floor drains. 2. List all the equipment that will be installed with an indirect waste pipe. 3. Submit the location of all hose bibbs. 4. Submit the number and locarion of all toilet fixtures (Including handsinks, urinals, and water closeks). No Restroom in Store. Common Area Restroom Provided See Sheet R-1 .. 5. Submit the locarion of the grease trap or interceptor. 6. Submit the make, model and locarion of all chemical dispensing unit(s). 7. Use the following chart to list the locarion of all bacl�low prevention devices, including all vendor supplied items: EQUIPMENT INTERNAL EXTERNAL PROTECTION PROTECTION Warewashing Machiaes Yes. Air Gap & Gre se Interceptor Water Wash Hoods (NOn ) Chemical Injecrion �None Towers Soda Starions (None) Coffee Ums Yes. Backflow Valv Ice Makers (None) Dipper Wells (None) Commercial Disposal with Pre-rinse None Tea Dispenser (None) Iv1op Sink Yes. Air Ga Hose Bibb(s) (None) Reel Lines �None) Steam Kettle Faucets (NOn ) B. Mechanical: Plan Review Packet C - � 2 1 . Submit a complete ventilation schedule including e�aust capacilies (cubic feet per minute ratings) for all hoods and the location and capacity of all make-up air diffusers. 2. If the ventilation hoods are iJL listed for lower air flows, submit the informarion located on the manufacturer's UL lisring cazd. 3. Include ventilation systems in resh�ooms. C. Elechical: 1. Submit the locarion and type of light fixtures throughout the facility, including the fixtures in wallc-in refrigeralion/freezer uniu. 2. Submit the type of bulbs and/or sluelding for each rype of light fixture, where required. 3. Indicate the location of transfo:mers and electrical panels if located in the food prepazariou/ food storage azeas. Plan Review Packet C - 13 APPENDIX D - Worksheet for Calculakng Minimum Hot Water Requirements The following worksheet is provided to assist operators in calculating hot water usage and sizing of the water heater required for the operarion. I. Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixtures: A. Three comparlment sink calculation of water usage: 1 . Measure dimensions, in inches, of each comparhnent, if compartments aze not the same dimensions see note below. Length = 12^ Width = Z� � Depth = 14" 2. Insert measurements into equation ( t2 x 2� x 14 x3x ..375 ) = 231 = �7� � 8 Length Width Depth Water Usage Note: If all the compartment sizes of the sink aze not the same, then 3 is taken out of the equarion, and the above calculation is done for each compartment. The volumes aze added to obtain the total gallons per hour of hot water used in the sink. Enter number into the attached "Table to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixwres," found on page Appendix D-4. B. Utensil soak sink 1. Measure dimensions, in inches, of the sink Length = Width = Depth = 2. Insert measurements into equarion ( x x x .375 ) = 231 = Length Width Depth WaterUsage Enter number into the attached "Table to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixtures," found on page Appendix D-4. I Plan Review Packet D - 1 C. Dishmachine and conveyor pre-rinse water usage: Use manufacturer's raring in gallons per hour Enter number into attached "Table to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixtures." Clothes washer water usage: Use manufacturer's rating, or 32 GPH for 9-12 pound washer, or 42 GPH for 16 pound washer. Enter number into the attached `°i'able to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixtures," found on page Appendix D-4. D. Use the gallon per hour rating for each type of fixture found in the "Table to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fixtures" and the number of fixtures in the operation to determine maximum hourly usage for each type of fixture in the operation. Total water (gph) required by all fixtures: 29. 18 II. Calculate Maximum Hourly Hot Water Usage If gas water heater is used �o to Step A; if electric, Step B. A. Gas Water Heater. If a gas water heater is to be used, calculate the maximum hourly hot water usage for the faciliry by adjusdng the total water required by all fixtures for altitude. The altitude adjushnent is 4% per 1000 feet of elevation, or 20% at 5000 feet. Use the following equarions to determine the maximum hourly hot water usage when a gas powered water heater is to be used: (.04 x = 1000 ) + 1 = elevation of facility adjustment factor x = adjustment factor total water required maximum hourly by all fixtures hot water usage For example, if the total gallon per hour usage for an establishment at an elevation of 5000 feet is 100 GPH, the adjustment factor is 1 .2. Therefore, a water heater with 120 GPH recovery rate would be required. Use this value in the equation to calculate the minimum BTU rating of the water heater. B. Electric Water Heater: If an electdc water heater is to be used, the marimum hourly usage for the operation is the same as the total water required by all fixtures. Use this value in the equarion to calculate the minimum Kilowatt rating of the water heater. Plan Review Packet D - 2 C. Insert the value determined in step A or B above in III D (3), Appendix C, Plan Review Form, Page Appendix C-6. Tlus value is the minimum recovery rate of the water heater which should be provided for the faciliry. III. Calculate the minimum BTU or Kilowatt rating of water heater: A. For gas water heater, calculate the minimum BTU rating: (Mas hourlv usaee as calculated abovel x (100) x (8.331 = minimum BT[J rating .75 or use manufacturer's the�mal efficiency B. For electric water heater, calculate the minimum Kilowatt rating : 29. 18 (Max hourlv usaQe as calculated above) x (100) x (8.331 = minimum Kilowatt rating 7.12 kW 3412 C. Select water heater based upon BTU or Kilowatt raring. Make: GE 40 GAL ; Model #: GE40M06AAG BTU or Kilowatt Rating: 9.00 kw (Dual 4500 W Heating Elements) Recovery rate: N/A gallons per hour at 100°F rise at sea level, Plan Review Packet D - 3 Table to Calculate Total Water Required By All Fistures. Water Usage Number of Maximum hourly water Plumbing Fisture usage per type of fisture (gallons per hour) fistures �g��ons per hour) example: wazewashing 50 1 50 machine example: handsink(s) 5 4 (5 x 4 = ) 20 3-comparhnent sink 17.18 1 17.18 3-comparhment sink (baz) N/A 0 utensils soak sink N/A 0 wazewashing machine N/A 0 wazewashing machine N/A 0 conveyor pre-rinse clothes washer N!A 0 hand operated pre-rinse 32 0 sprayer handsink(s), include rest 5 � 5 rooms mop sink 7 � 7 gazbage can washer 35 p showers 14 0 hose bibb used for 35 0 cleaning Total water (gph) required by all fistures 29.18 Plan Review Packet D - 4