HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB080067 Design Revi�w Bc�ard
A�"T�ON F�RI►�
# departmer�t ni Gnmcnunity Qc�velt�pment
����� ' 75 South Frontage Raad, Yail, �at�rat�o 8iS5?
t�1: 4?0.479.2139 #�x: 97�.�7+3,2452
��E�c��}.o���� web: �ww.�a[lg�v.corn
Project Name: FISCHER CONCEPTUAL DRB Number: DR6080067
Project Des+criptior�:
NJ 07078
PO BOX 4701
CO 81631
License: C000001843
Project Address: 3796 LUPINE DR VAIL Loca#ion: 3796 LUPIN€ DR
Lega1 Description: Lot: 7 Bloekc Subdivision: BIGHORN 2h1�ADDITION
Parcel Number: 2101-11i-0100-6
Act`an: COfVCEPT
Cond: 200
(PLAN}: A cflnceptual review is iVOT a Design Review Board
Cond: CONOQ�9861
Fire sprinkfer susystem required and shall comply with NFPA
13 R{2002)and VFES standards.
Cond: CON0009862
Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with
NFPA 7Z(2002).
Planner: Bill Gibson
� Additions-Residential or Commercial
� , Applicat�o� for Design Review
__ � ,
T�WN OF V�'L � 75 So t h Frontage I�ad,Va+l Colo ado 1 5� � � � � �'
te1: 97Q.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2 �
web: www.vailgov.GOm ���� � � ���� "
General Irifarmation: _ `��
All projects requiring design review must r�eive approval prior to submitting a bui permit application. Please ' e�to
the submittal requirernents far the particular approval that is requested. An a i�n for Desi n �v" ,canr�ot `be
actepted until all required infarmation is received by the Community Development pa ��-r�'ed
to be reviewed by the Town CounCil and/or the Planning and Enuironmental Commi view approval lapses �
uniess a buildir�y permit is issued and construction cammences within one year of the approval. �
Description of the Request: ���� �iP��-l.._ ��l,�r�/__ o� � �
Location of the Prap�osal: Lot:_�Block: Subdivisian: '���r��4-c�R� 2rtc���,-nd,� �
Physrcal Address: ��(,2_ �l�Pf+��_�V� �; V�� �P �
Parcel Na.: 2-�O � � � � d l bC��O (Ca�ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328°8640 for parcel r�o.) �
Zaning:__�Nl'�1 � �'�o r�;b�u-� - �
Name(s)af Uwne s): � �l � +,,� c�y,�
-Cooa �1�• U� �-f-h. c.coR
Mailing Adc�ress: C..,o� S � � g L.-rcrcr��
Phone: �7� ,� f� —O'� 0'7
Name of Applicant� b►nvi (q �r����ttzc�� � � ��'_�•,.�L��(�
Mailing Address: �o �r�`�,, �{' � C7 � �1a�G L� �� f3 l �'3j
Phone: _ `�7 D �2� C.�'IS��-
E-mail Adde�ess: . � r� . ax: q 7 b �2�� ��9�i
Tl►Pe of Re�►iew and �ee:
�igns $50 PI,�$1.00 per square foot of total sign area.
Canceptual Review No Fee
❑ New Construction $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.
❑ Addition $300 For an additoon where square foo#age is added to any residential or
rnmmercial building (includes 250 add�tions&interior conversions).
❑ Minor Alteratlon $2S0 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
(multi-farnity/commarcial) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining
walls, etc.
❑ Minor Alteration $20 Far minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
(singie-family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining
❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planr�ing 5taff or the Design
Review Board.
❑ Separation Request No Fee
Far Offive Use Only: �s
Fee Paid: "Check No.: By:
Meeting Date: � � � c� DRB No.: -I `-'
Planner: Project No.: `--'� � �`�`°�' �
F: ev RM PermiL^s anning orms _a ido�t_ -2 - 7. oc Page 1 0 1
M�R-�5-2008 ��:13A FROM: T�:479��52 P.2
20�8-�3-Z4 02:88p� From-I�RGAN JOSEFH 16 +20t2183T10 T-106 P.�O2/002 F-186
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Conc�ptua� Review
, Appi�c��ion f�r D�i�n Revjew
.ryti��r��r�+ • oeparnm�enc oP ce�mmun+ar�ent
�URI� r 75 south�ranmpe aaa�,v�i,cniorado ei657
bal;9?4.�79.t128 feoc:470 479.�+451
Q�ter�l Ieltonititf�nt w�b:wwwraigov.mm
M prajer�s requihr�g de�ign revt�r mu�e rtce�ue eppraval prtcr bo�n�ti�9 a bul�ng t�.nnit opptlr�1on. ��e
r�e�r m the subml�l t�equ�m��n'�t�r the par�tar ap�a�ra��ltat ls reque�ed, M app�c�tlan�Oeslgn Re+rfew
c�mati be aaoep�6etf �ttl vll requlred Inforrr�tlon ts reoeNad bY !� Gomrn�Nq/ D�evelopment De�rbr�nt The
project may at5� need 6o be revlew�d by tlti� To�wxl Caun� andJor the �nNn9 �nd �nvironzt�enla! Comnr►L�lon,
Ae�ldn rwl�vu sp�ratiat I�pmeb unk�s� t��pen�t I�k9wGd qnd co�r�6ro�lOn oonl�l�enae�wltl�l�
ene ywrr o�liw�p�roy�b
De�a'Ipdat� o�dN Request�
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�tlOn�CEf tl�e P�+oposal: l,ot:_,�„_Sla+�k:,,�Su�lNis�dn: '�c. �a..�.r.�,,2rasa �rt��er..1
Ph�cal Ael�dro�a o 4
Paroel Na; �[ 61 I l� �I f���(Cont�Eagle Ca. As�sar�t 970-3�8-8640 io�r per�cel no.)
Zonlnps ��,
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Pt�on�: °�,��?���'�„2�
E-mau�ddre�� �r: �"Id ��. �R3 -
�af R�vlew�nd Fees
� �9+� �0 E�:1.t70 per�Naot aF hob! slpn ae�a.
� Cc�naepkuai Re+Aew Nd P�e
CI Nqw Can�truCtlon �650 Far ext�ctlon oP s new 6u�dlr�g or denso/'re�fld.
Q 14ddt�Un �3(1Q FOr�� �ddR10�1 Wher� s4umr�fook�ge i� �Qd�d bD�ny nelidential oT
cao�►m�ie!eulldrn� ci�audas zsa addrttons&�meMor oanvr�a�-
O Mi�mr Altor�tlon #25p Fpr n�i�nar dwng�es�o�►uHdingS and�kn�rowmor+tr,s��as,
(muld-famiry/�nmendal) re-roofin9, patntln9► windaw addi�� lards�pl�g, �ano� and
tetalnt�p vu�lls,ebC.
C] Minar A�ti�on 4�0 �or minor chenpes bo tndldin�99 a�d s�te(�nObvefr�e�s,�M.
(5tngt��an��y/dupl�xl r+e-�ooflng, Pa�MIA9� wlndaw �dd�onsy lands�ap�n9� f�naes end
r�t�ininp waQ�,e�c.
� Ctl�ngrs tio App�u�ed plans �?D I�ar r�rtsio,►s eQ plero �le�y � b1► p4nnhng 5t�if ar t�e
Oe�tgn R�.wiew BO�r'��
� Sepe�bOh R�f10s� MO�i!
Far v��s u�v�uy�
Fte Pald: [�ctc Na� _ _ 8y:
Meetln8 dabe• Di1B No.:.
Pianrter, _ pmkc�hlo.: _...
,�.,� �!�'1
TOWh� 0� V�I�
General Infarmation:
This applicat�or� is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA{gross residential f1oor
area). This inciudes proposa�s for 25U additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter
15-Gross Resi�ential Flc�or Area far specific regulations.
❑ All pages of Application is complete
❑ Checklist 6s completed and signeci
�Stamped Topographic Survey*
� Site and Grading Plan*
❑ Landscape Plan* /� �11,�!►�
� Architectural Eievations* (1 set of�edlined elevations)
❑ Exterior colar and material samples and specifications. A'� ��� �-
� Architecturaa Floor Plar�s* (1 set of Redlined floor plans)
❑ Lighting Plan* and Cut-54ieet(s}for proposed fixtures ��-I wht-
CI Title report, including Schedules A& B to verify ownership and easements* lk�C'F1�1�L
❑ Photos o�the existing site and adjacent structures,where applitable.
N�O Written approval fram a condvminium association, land�orc�, and joint owner, if
❑ Site-specific Geological Haaard Report, �f applicable* ��.{ Q�C��S WtLL �}�rtJ�F3
❑ The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addikional plans, ���
drawings, specifications, samples and other mat�riafs (including a model) if deemeci
necessary to deterrriine whether a project will comply with D�esign Guideiines or if the
intent of the praposai is not clearly indicated.
Fleasesu6milthree�3�coprer of�'he ma�erialsnoled wilh arr�eri.rk��
**For interior conversior�s with na exterivr changes, tF�e submittal requirements include a
comple�e set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a
condominium as$ociation, iandiord, and joint owner, if applicable.
I have r�ad and understand the above IisGed submi#ta�l requir+Qments:
Project Name: � cN t� V� s i �
Cantracbor Signature
Dabe Signed � � �� ' � C�
F:�cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning'�Old forms�drb_addition_8-28-2007.dac Page 3 of 14
. ,
� � ��� �� � P.0.6ox 4101 Phone: 9i0-328-059I
�Ie,w eic� �; 974-378-Q543
WWMR]�1�IL�11 ���� �
Zoning Summary
Ta: Bill Gibson,Towrr of Vai1, Planning
Fnonr. John G. Martin/Jeffrey P Manfey
Da�e; 3/19/2008
R� Lot 7,Bighom Sut�division,2nd Addition(3796 Lupine Dnve,East Vailj
Su6j: Town of Vail Zoning Summary
Zone District: Primary!Secondary R$sidential
Lc�t Area: .9 acres x 43,580 s.f.=39.204 s,f.
• GRFA Allowed: 46°!o bt area{ 10,OQ0 s.f.= 4,600 s.f.
38%lot area< 15,0{}0 s.f.= 1,900 s.f.
13°10 lok area <30,�Q0 s.f.= 1,950 s.f.
(�%lot area (9.2Q4 s.f.l= 552 s.f.
Total= 9,002 s.f.
• Pnmary/Secandary GRFA Split: 60%=5,402 s.f, 40%=3,600 s.f.
• Site Coverage(20°/a) =7,840 s.f. (includes rvof overhangs over 4'deep)
PROPQSED=�24 s.f.FQOT PRINT+240 s.f.OVERHANGS=5,168 s.f.
• Height Lirrti+tation=33 feet(as measured from existing grade directly to ridge above}
• Setbacks:
Side= 15'
• Setback excep6on: Garage may exis#within front setback on 34%average slape lot�,
however, no living area or GRFA is allowed within the front setback.
• Retaining Walls: 3'max.walls in front setback, exoep#6'walls allowed along d�iveway/garage
edge. 6'max. walis ailawed elsewhere.
• EHIJ(employee housing unit)aflowed. Beneflk: extra GR�A,extra Site Coverage(5%7.
• Drnreway requirements: 4'fla#pan at edge of rcaad
8%grade first 10 feet
10%grade to garage(12%�f heated)
24'ciearance to edge of road.
• Snow Stacage: 30%driveway area unheated, steeper than10%driveway area heated.
PROPOSED drive ma�c Slrade=8%
• Parking: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit=3 spaces(2 inside, 1 outiside)
•Page 1 f
Eagle County Government- Properiy Assessrnent and Tax Information Page 1 of 1
Eagle Caunty Government
.w..�.�.p�j��i��������N.��$ Pro�erty Ass�essment and Tax Infnrmat�an
Acsount Ilt�nibe�: R011D35
P.0 cel Il�imbe�: 21 01 11 1 01�006
Tax Ar ea: SC1 d3
Mill Levy: �5.571
awn�r Ilame:Address: FISCHER,STEVEIV K.
Lec�31 Description: SUB:BI�HbRN 2N€7 ADDITIOt�LOT:T
BF(-0247 PG-046D BK-Q469 PG-08�45 V4D
09-15-87 R6�9621 t��C7 07-20-98
Phys�c�l Address: 00379�5 LUPINE DR
Acres: 0.9
Actual Value Assesse�l Yak�e
Land 900U00 71640
_ � .. f��xt> Recard 1 of � Taxes Printable Page Done
3�ttp://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/ind�ex content.cfi�n?accauntnurn=R011(l35 3/14/2008
__._. �---._ ___.
(03/31/200$} Bil! Gibson - Fischer Residence ([7RB08-0�67) Page 1 �
From: Bill Gibson
To: .�ohn G Martin
Date� 03/31/2008 11:�5 AM
Su�ject: Fischer Residence (DR608-Oa67)
Hey John,
FYI: A fire sprinkler system will be required for the new Fischer Residence at 3769 Lupine Drive.
Bfll Gibson, AICP
Town Planner
Town of Vail
75 So�th Fr�ntage Road
Vail, CO 81657
(970} 479-2173
(970) 479-2452 fax
�._� ___- —_ � � _T__ �....�._. ._�_.�.----. , - ___ , — -
� (fl4/02/2008) Bill Gibson - Lupine Dr. DRB08-0067 Page 1 I
From: JR Rulapaugh
To: Bfll G�bson
Date: 03/31/2008 5:57 PM �
Subject: Lupine Dr. pR608-0067
Has been reviewed and approved. Fire sprinkler and monitored fire alarm system required.
3.R. Rulapaugh
Fire Inspector
Vail F�re&Emergency 5ervices
42 W. Meadow Dr.
jrulapa ugh@vailgov.com
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Page 1 of 1
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Bill Gibson - Fischer conce tual Public Works comments �� �
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From: Bi11 Gibson
To: John G Martin
Date: 03/28JZ008 2:55 PM
Subject: Fischer cvnceptual Public Worics comments
Hey]ohn and )eff,
Here are the Public Work's preliminary comments far the new Fischer Residence at 3796 Lupine Drive:
1) Provide Debris flowJ Aualanche Hazard analysis and proposed mitigatian
Z) A 4' wi�e concrete pan with a 2" i�vert is required between drivervays and asphalt roadway.
3) Show snow storage area.
4) The turnaround area on the west driveway needs to be a minirr�um of 12'.
5) As it is shown on these plans, the turnaround area doesn't functior� per the Town's required 20' minimum
tc�rning radius requirements.
If you have any �questions feel free to contact me or Chris Delles at 479-3507.
Bill Gibson, AICP
Town Planner
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Va�l, CO 81657
(970) 479-2173
(970) 479-2452fax
file://C:1Documents and Settings\Admini5tratorlLocal SettingslTemplXPgrpwise\47ED06... 03/28/2048