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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0398 CR1 transmittal � �;���, ��€�. Depar�r�er�#of C�r�a�a��e�y Developrnea�# �� � ��� 75 Sou�h Frontage Road ��.1�� �� ���� �;w- Vail, CO 8'�657 Tel: 970.478.2128 Development Review Coardina#or , TRANSMITTAL FaRM � Use this form when submitt�ng additional inforrnatian for planning applications or building permits. 9 ' ----- --- --- This-form-is also used-for-requesting-a revision-to-building-per-r-nits-�A two-hour--min4mum-building re�iew---- fee�f$i iu"v�liii b��:hai�jed iap��i i eissiaaii�e oi i ie pei riiii. __ ...._ ., ._ __...._._ .. . ApplicatianlPermit#(s)information appli�s ,�o: Attention: �Revisions ' (`�Response to Correction LetEer B13-039$ �at�ac�ed copy of correction letter , �Deferred Submittal I Henry Prat�Deck Repairs �Oth�er Project Street Addresss � 3827 Lupine Dr E3 ; {Humber) �Street) [Suite#) . . __.._.. ...... . ., ._..... SuildinglComplex Name: P�'ivate Duplex � Description of Transmfftall List of Changes, Items Attached: ; __.. .:. _ . .,.. . ....: ... . ._ ..' ReWised plan setwifh corrections required including- ,Applicant fnformafion " current code refrenc�d, new gas freplace BTU Ratings, ' (architecf, contractor,ownerlowner's rep) � deck snowmelt zone elec load clacs, skylight U value ; ' Contact Name: �e�bo Construction ,Address: PO Box 3419 " added. Please nate the repair is far a flat deck, '. not a slopped roof-no snow cfips needed , City Vail Stafe: C� �ip: 8'�658 Con#act Name: Warren Krok '., (use additional sheet if necessary) 970-845-'{0�1 ,. , ,.:- ._ ,,., ...... ,<,:,,� ,.. �. � � �,�....<., � .. .�. Contact Phone: ' Building Permits: warren ` Re�ised ADDITIONAL Valuations[Labor�Mater9als) ' Contact E-Mail: @ (DO NOT inc[ude original�aluation) I hereby acknowledge that I ha�e read this applicatian,filled out '` Building: $ ' in ful[the information req�ired,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is carrecf. 1 agree fo '; p�umbing: $ comply with tF�e information and plot plan,to camply with al!Town , ordinances and state laws, and to build th�s structure according ' Elecirical: $ to the town's zoning and subdi�ision codes, design review ap- proved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other Mechanical: $ ' ordinances f f Tow ap_ licabfe fhereto. p � w� �. Total: $fl � OwnerlOwner's Representative 5ignature (Required) i-_.-- --. -. ........ ......... _..... __. ....._...._ .�� Date Receir+ed: For QfFce Use Only: Fee Paid: R�cei�ed From: Cash Chec€c# CC: Visa 1 MC Last 4 CC# ' Authorization #