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DRB130445 Wetlands Report
Wetland Delineation Parecl D, Streamside Duplexes Town of Vail, Colorado Prepared for: Ranch Creek Land Company Mr. David Hilb 1592 Matterhorn Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Prepared by: Daiva Katieb, Principal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 3722 Eagle, Colorado 81631 hold November 12, 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION .................................. ............................... II. METHODS ................................... ............................... III. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA ...... ............................... SOILS....................... ............................... VEGETATION ............................................ HYDROLOGY ............................................ IV. RESULTS .............................................. ............................... V. CONCLUSION ...................... ............................... VI. REFERENCES .................................... ............................... VII. APPENDICIES ....................................... ............................... LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Wetland Plant Species List, Parcel D, StreamsideDuplexes .. ............................... LIST OF FIGURES Page 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Page 3 Figs re Page 1. Project location map .............................. ............................... 2 2. Upstream view of riparian, Wetland A .......................... 7 3. Downstream view of riparian, Wetland A at the margin of uplands on the property ........................ 7 4. View of existing concrete slab crossing ........................ 8 5. View of Wetland B ................. ............................... 8 LIST OF APPENDICES Anendix Page A. Photographs of study site .......... ............................... 6 B. Data forms ............................. ............................... 9 C. Wetland delineation map for Parcel D, Streamside Duplexes .... ............................... 18 r. INTRODUCTION: Mr. David Hilb of Ranch Creek Land Company, 1592 Matterhorn Circle, Vail, Colorado 81657 has requested a wetland delineation on Parcel D of the Streamside Duplexes subdivision in Vail, Colorado. The vacant property (County Parcel #210112229005), currently owned by John Digby Sorenson of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is located at 1284 Columbine Drive. The property is .5202 acres. �'39 ?-Ct /1,pe�' /Aw0 , The site is locaWinS ion 12, Township 5 oath, Ra`ng``e'"`8''0 /West. B`igh'orn Creek and Gore Creek front the near the confluence of the two perennial streams. Total stream frontage is approximatel Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc. (WEC) has evaluated the property for the presence of wetlands and waters of the U.S.; a site visit was conducted on October 21, 2004. H. METHODS: Wetlands were evaluated by employing procedures described in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987). A routine on -site inspection for wetland areas equal to or less than 5 acres in size was conducted. Wetland boundaries were based on the prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology. Section III, Description of Study Area, of this report records the evaluation of the vegetation, soils, and hydrology of the site. Field forms for the vegetation, soils, and hydrology are included in Appendix B. Table 1 lists the dominant vegetation observed on the project site. Appendix A contains photographs of the site. The wetland boundaries were identified in the field with flags labeled alphanumerically. These flagged points were surveyed and the maps are provided in Appendix C. III. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA: Climatic data for the project site is unavailable; however, values have been obtained at station CO2454, Eagle FAA Airport, elevation 6,500 feet, located approximately 32 miles, straight -line distance, west of the project site.. The recorded mean annual precipitation is 10.66 inches and the mean annual temperature is 42.9° F, both values were averaged over 47 years of record (Western Regional Climate Center, 2004). Precipitation is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year, with slightly higher amounts occurring in late summer and autumn. The growing season, days with the low temperature above 32° F, is less than 90 days. Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes Figure 1. Project location map. Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes SOILS The Natural Resource Conservation Service (MRCS) has not mapped the soils in this immediate location; however, much of the mapped sites within the alluvial areas along Gore Creek have been mapped as Forsey cobbly loam. It is assumed that this soil association is continued onto the project site. Other mapped soil units on the banks of Gore Creek include Jerry- Millerlake loams and Torriorthents - Camborthids -rock outcrop. All of these mapped soil series are Argic Cryoborols. The Forsey cobbly loam unit may have inclusions of sandstone rock outcrop, which compose approximately 5 percent of the total acreage. Tlus association is typically found on alluvial fans, mountainsides, and ridges. The parent material is alluvium, residuum and colluvium derived from mixed mineralogy. These soils are deep and well drained with a moderate permeability. The soils observed on site were well drained. No rock outcrops are located on the parcel. The surface layer of the soils were fairly uniform, mostly with only one, A, horizon. Deeper horizons could not effectively be observed because of the rock content in the soil. About 25 percent of the observed profiles were composed of stones and cobbles. No mottling or gleying was observed throughout the profiles. VEGETATION Dominant native, upland grasses characterize a large portion of vegetation on the site. Blue spruce (Picea pungens), willow (Salix spp.), and other woody and herbaceous wetland plants characterized the riparian areas. Woods rose (Rosa ivoodsii), cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium), serviceberry (Amelanchier alniforia), and grasses composed the vegetation within the transition zone between wetlands and uplands. The following table lists the plant species that were observed on and near the project site. Table 1. — Wetland Plant Species List, Parcel D, Streamside Duplexes Scientific Common Family Origin* Wetland ** Name Name Status Achillea tnillefolium Western Yarrow Asteraceae N FACU Achnather-um nelsond Columbia needlegrass Poaceae N NL Alnus incana Mountain alder Betulaceae N FACW Amelanchier alnifolia Serviceberry Posaceae N FACU- Bromus carinatus Mountain brome Poaceae N NL Carex aguatilis Water sedge Cyperaceae N OBL Dactylis glomerata Orchardgrass Poaceae I FACU Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed Onagraceae N FACU Heracleum sphondylium Cow parsnip Apiaceae N FAC Koeleria macr-antha Prairie junegrass Poaceae N NL Phleum pratense Timothy • Poaceae I FACU Picea pungens Blue spruce Pinaceae N FAC- Pinus contorta Lodgepole pine Pinaceae N FACU- Poa fendleriana Muttongrass Poaceae N UPL 3 Wetland Delineation Parcel D Sh-eamside Duplexes Table 1, (continued) Scientific Common Family Origin* No Indicator Wetland* Name Name Facultative Upland FAC Status Populus tremuloides Aspen Salicaceae N FAC Pseudofoegneria spicata Bluebunch wheatgrass Poaceae N UPI, Purshia tridentata Antelope bitterbrush Poaceae N NL Ribes cerceum Wax currant Grossulariaceae N UPI, Rosa woodsii Woods rose Rosaceae N FAC - Salix eastwoodiae Mountain willow Salicaceae N OBL Sporobolus airoides Alkali sacaton Poaceae N FAC Stipa comata Needleandthread Poaceae N NL *Origin I Introduced N Native * *Wetland Status NL Not Listed NI No Indicator UPI, Obligate Upland FACU Facultative Upland FAC Facultative FACW Facultative Wet OBL Obligate HYDROLOGY Bighorn and Gore Creeks are the active waterways that flow adjacent to the property. Both creeks are perennial streams with their hydrographs dominated by snowmelt runoff, because of this it is to be expected that seasonal fluctuations of the groundwater table occur. The confluence of Bighorn Creek with Gore Creek is near the southern property boundary. Gore Creek is tributary to the Eagle River and flows to the Colorado River. A concrete slap crossing spans Gore Creek from the property (Figure 4). IV. RESULTS: Wetlands, waters of the U.S. occurred on the project site as riparian wetland habitats along the margins of Bighorn and Gore Creeks and as one depressional, isolated wetland. Two wetland areas were identified, A and B. Wetland A (Al — A8) defines the wetlands within the margin along the west, river -right side, of Bighorn Creek and the north, river -right side, of Gore Creek from the northeastern property corner, approximately 200 feet, to the southwestern property corner (Appendix Q. Wetland B (B 1 — B7) defines the isolated wetland within a stand of spruce. Wetland B might have been created by ground manipulation some time ago. However, all aspects of wetlands, hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology, was evidenced and the area. This wetland is considered to be a jurisdictional water of the U.S. 4 Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes Wetland A can be described as high quality riverine wetland and Wetland B is an isolated wetland of marginal quality, The approximate areas of the identified wetlands follow: A is 2,473 square feet, or 0.06 acres, measured from the established wetland boundary to the approximate waters edge. However, approximately 1,100 square feet of the identified Wetland A is off the property, Wetland B is 298 square feet, or 0.01 acres. Photographs of the site are included in Appendix A and Field data forms are included in Appendix B. V. CONCLUSION: Background investigation and field inspection revealed wetlands along the riparian corridor of Bighorn and Gore Creeks, and in one small, isolated area. These wetlands were evidenced by hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. These are marginal to high quality riverine wetlands, with an existing impact from the abutment for the concrete slab crossing. The total of the identified wetland areas is approximately 0.06 acres. This report presents the results of a wetland investigation that was performed by WEC for Ranch Creek Land Company as part of due diligence for purchase of the property. No impacts to the wetland areas are proposed at this time. Should any impacts to the identified wetlands be proposed through the development of this parcel, a USACE permit for the proposed disturbance activity will be necessary. It is recommended that Ranch Creek Land Company submit this report to the USACE for a formal jurisdictional determination of the area. VI. REFERENCES: Reed, B.R. 1988, National List of plant Species that occur in wetlands; Colorado. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. St. Petersburg, FL. Stubbendieck, J., Hatch, S.L., Butterfield, C.H. 1997. North American Range Plants, Fifth Edition. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical report Y -87 -1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS Database ( http : / /pllants.usda.gov /plants. National Plants Data Center, Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70874 -4490 USA. USDA, NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils of the United States (http: / /www.statlab.iastate.edu /soils /h dy ric/). Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory, USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1992, Soil Survey of Aspen- Gypsum Area, Colorado, Parts of Eagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. Western Regional Climate Center 2004. (www.wrcc.dri.edu). 2215 Raggio Parkway Reno, Nevada 89512. 5 Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes APPENDIX A Photographs of study site Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes Figure 2. Upstream view of riparian, Wetland A. Figure 3. Downstream view of riparian, Wetland A at the margin of uplands on the property. 7 Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes Figure 4, View of existing concrete slab crossing. Figure 5. View of Wetland B. Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes APPENDIX B Data forms Wetland Delineation Parcel D Streamside Duplexes DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION i. r1 i ,I QgmInant Pin t SoGglas r Indicator 1. / , q Truk 6BL DD. Stratum Indk;ator_ _ 91 11J 6ti Field Observations: ` Drainage Patterns In Wetlands 4, P�i4 r ur�'L- 12. /AGE 13. _ Water- Stalned Loaves 7. 15. 7 FAC- NouVel Test Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC Cp p < ' exGudln FAC• . Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe In Remarks): Stream, Lake, or-nde Gauge _ Aerial Photogrephs _,_. Other No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: yundated Saturated In Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Llnes Sediment Deposits Field Observations: ` Drainage Patterns In Wetlands Secondary indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: f (in.) — Oxidized RootChannels In Upper 12 inches _ Water- Stalned Loaves Depth to Free Water In Pit: (In.) Local Solt Survey Data 7 FAC- NouVel Test Depth to Satuuratted,Soll: (I..) _ Ot her In Remarks) r((Explain +J Remarks: 31& /5 /,7 B2 Appendix 8 Blank and Example Date Forms SOILS Map Unit Name COMM (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description*. Depth Mstrlx Color !Inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) Motile Colors Mottle Abundance/ Twdure, Concretions, IMunsell Moist) Siza/Cantrast Siruciuro. etc. �_, 5 3 cod6� sin Fydrfc Soli Indicators: _ Histosol _ Concretions _ Histle Eplpedon — Hgh Organic Content In Surface Layer In Sandy Sells Suffidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Solis Aqulc Wisture Regime Reducing Conditions _ Listed on Local Hydric Solis List Olayed�or Colors _ Listed on National Hydric Solis List _ Other (Explain In Remarks) /L_avriChroma Romarks: *Pr,&0 S P" e "P eldejoeo Approved by HOUSACE 3192 Appendix 8 Blank and Example Data Farms 83 }y DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Date: Applicant/Owner: County: investigator: State: DO Normal Circumstances exist on the site? NoL Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Transect ID: / Is the area a otentiai Problem Area? Yes Plot ID: If needed, exalain on reverse. Field Observations: VEGETATION p ,,,e Dganant Plant Sopples Stratum hdlcalor Lalum indicator 11 Pc 6 r Q. v w zea Ss 2. fJ m P/9G u 10, o ; 3•Z rQ!'� r /atrt— 11. r — 4. © as , 7ez_, hr4 12. '71110 r 5. 13. B. 14. 7. 15. 8, 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAG Q (excluding PAC-). Remarks: HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe In Remarks): Wetland Hydrology indicators: _ Stream, Lake, or fide Gauge Primary indicators: —Aerial Photographs _ Inundated _ Other _ Saturated In Upper 12 Inches _ No Recorded Data Available _ Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Field Observations: —Drainage Patterns In Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: (in,) _ Oxidized Root Channels In Upper 12 inches _ Water- Steined Leaves Depth to Free Water In Pit: r (In.) _Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-ISWral Test Depth lo Saturated Soil: -- _Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Aqo N "-(In,)/l 74e Appendix B Blank and Example Date Forms SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: _ Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): _ Confirm Mapped Type? Yes W Profile Descrioltom Depth MatrlxColor Mottle Colors Mnttla Abundancel Texture, Concretions, {Inched Horizon {Mu4s tHj WWI Size/ Contrast StlNolure. etc. Hydric Sell indicators: _ Histosol _ Concretions _ Hisllc Epipedon _ High Organic Content In Surface layer In Sandy Soils Sullidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Solis Aqulc Wisture Regime _ Listed on Local Iydric Solis List Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hyddc Soils List _ Wayed or Loovi Chroma Cobra _ Other (E)glaln In Remarks) 1 Remarks: /1 �i'd � 1el- eke /P 'f466 /t0 / )`/4 i HydrophyUc vegetation Present? Yea CGIrcig, (Circle) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydrio Solis Present? Yea I Is this Sampling Point Wfthin a Welland? Yes No Remerta;: Approved by HOUSACE 3192 Appendix B Blank and Example Data Forms 133 �L `i l� DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1967 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION Gorr,no � iVa rr, �3 QgmlQant P return Indigalor I. &ea . V /1 % b"a 2. WOE o 2; 3. i - 11A �_ qC 4. rvn na. vgG fin Stratum indicator e. 81ag 5,OrUG E 10. LYE O e 11. Low 12 r s -- S. i s. 14. 16. 8. 7. —Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Nea Water In Pit: (In.) Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC excludln FAG-). Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other _ No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology indicators: Primary Indloators: _ Inundated Saturated In Upper 12 Inches G Water Narks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Fled Observations: ,7 Drainage Patterns In Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: (In.) _,_. Oxidized Root Channels In Upper 12 Inches —Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Nea Water In Pit: (In.) _ Local Soil Survey Date _ FAC - Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Solk (In.) —Other (Explain In Remarks) Remarks: B2 Appendlx a Blank and Example Data Forms gnii c 3 Map Unit Name � /J (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Dascrinilon: Depth MalrtxColor ftches) I-brimn (Munsell Moist) Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance/ Tetdure. Concretions, iMunsg1!!NbisJ) SlzeLContreat St ructure. etc 1- y 2, 2 - 5 Y43 AS Hydric Soll Indicators: _ WetosoI _ Concretions _ Fgetic Epipadon _ Hgh Organic Content In Surface Layer In Sandy SoUs Suifidlc Odor _ Organic Streaking In Sandy Soils _ Aqulc Moisture Regime Listed on Local idydrk: Solis List _ Reducing Conditions __ Listed on National Mydric Sois List _ alayed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain In Remarks) Remarks: d b y -2 4 WETLAND DETERMINATION Approved by HOUSACE 3/92 Appendlx B Blank and Example Data Forms B3 a DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1967 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) P"-;'le ProjecUSite: �� e �,S A Date: ✓9 AppllcanUOwner: C,- County: Q4 Investigator: D K State: (.� Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ( T��__' No Community ID: �s Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes (�W Transect ID: 2 Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes fQo Plot ID: If needed, =lain on reverse. Field Observations: VEGETATION ro».mYJI7 Yl � I?s Q 13901nant Qant Saacies Sgr tndk slot 2. n 4. rixPl l�fY� d1%') �E'P zq( (Z R 81r31um indicator 10, o r? Primary Indicators: 1 coc U & -SZ2.ol% -- 13. 14. 15. _ ti. B. 7 8 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL. FACW or FAG (excluding FAC- . Remarks: HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs _ Inundated _ Other _ Saturated In Upper 12 Inches No Recorded Data Available ,- Water Marks _ Drift Lines _Sediment Deposha Field Observations: _ Drainage Patterns In Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: f (In.) _ Oxkllzed Root Channels In Upper 12 Inches _ W aler- Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: f (in.) _ Local So(( Survey Data FAC•ldeutralTest Depth to Saturated Soil: ✓ (In.) _ —Other (Explain In Remarks) Remarks: P1 Appendix B Blank and Example Data Forms SOILS Map L.hh Name Q� (Serlee and Phase): / Drainage Class: Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Conflnn Mapped Type? Yes W Profile Descriptiorib Depth Matrix Color (Inches) Horizon (Manse ltAolstl_ (Munsell Mottle Colors Mottis Abundance/ Texture, Concretions, Moist) Size/Untrast SiruLture.etc. D- icatdre: sot Concretions Eplpedon Hgh OrganlcContent In Surface Layer in Sandy Solis k Odor Organic Streaking In Sandy Soils fMWure Regime LAqulcfMWuro ____ Listed on Local Hydric Soils List cing Conditions _ Listed on Atonal Hydrio Sails List d or Low Chrome Colors _Other (E)plain In Remarks) tl �j Q WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes (Circle) (Circle) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yas Hydrlo Sole Present? Yes Is this Sampling Paint Within Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Approved by HOUSACE 3192 Appendix 6 Blank and Example Data Forms B3 APPENDIX C Wetland delineation map for Parcel D, Streamside Duplexes 18 Wetland Delineation Parcel D Sh-eamside Duplexes