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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0596 permit , ``II li I Gi a 11-22-2013 Inspection Request Re ortin• Page 12 4:45 pm Vail, CO - City Of • 2m d9O i Requested Inspect Date: Monday, November 25, 2013 Site Address: 635 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LION SQUARE LODGE NORTH A/P/D Information Activity B12-0596 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type Occupancy: Use: S-2 Insp Area: Owner PAULA W. POWELL FAMILY TRUST, PAULA Contractor: J.L. IELE CONSTRUCTION INC. Phone: 970-476-3082 I Description: COMMON ELEMENT:ADD STAIR FROM EXISTING RETAIL SPACE TO LOWER STORAGE AREA I' Resroom not included only plans for stairs submitted I I Requested Inspection(s) Item 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor J.L.VIELE CONSTRUCTION INC. Phone: 970-476-3082 5 Comments 977-106 Assigned To JM•t 0' ON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K t Action f A: Time Exp: I Item 420 Special Inspect-final rept Requested Time: 08:15 AM Requestor J.L.VIELE CONSTRUCTION INC. Phone: 970-476-3082 Comments 977-1061 Assigned To JM'∎ DN Entered By: JMONDRAGON K I' Action ICI;J Time Exp: t Comment 'ro '° - re'o s I Comment red: ed report still need final SI report t I Item 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 04:30 PM Requestor J.L.VIELE CONSTRUCTION INC. Phone: 970-476-3082 t' Comments 977-1061 Assigned To SGREi∎M 4: Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action i■ A/ Time Exp: I 1 $q 0 1 t t e i Inspection History Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING **Approved** 08/12/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 09/23/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED `` Comment: I t Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel **Approved** 08/14/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: stair walls only 09/25/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: I' Item: 120 ELEC-Rough **Approved** 11/04/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 11/05/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: I' Item: 30 BLDG-Framing **Approved** i 11/04/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 11/05/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION f REPT131 Run Id: 14911 s i t i November 4th, 2013 Subject: Summary of Materials Testing Services and Special Inspection Services, Lion Square Lodge North Retail,Vail, Colorado Ground Engineering Job Number: 13-6572 Mr. Tony Faulhaber JL Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Road West, Suite E Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. Faulhaber, This letter summarizes the special inspection services GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) performed during the improvements to the Lion Square Lodge North Retail project located in Vail, Colorado. The special inspection and materials testing services were performed at times scheduled by the Owner, Contractor and/or Subcontractors between August 8th, 2013 and September 26th, 2013 and according to GROUND's proposal# 1308-1412 dated August 7th, 2013. During construction, representatives of our office periodically observed epoxied doweled reinforcing steel placement and performed periodic testing on the structural concrete placed for the interior stair well walls and landings. Samples of the structural concrete were periodically tested to determine physical properties and compressive strength. Based on the field observations to date, RFI's received and/or project documentation received from the design team, it is our opinion that the materials tested and/or observed for the reinforced structural concrete was in general accordance with project plans, specifications, and/or applicable RFI's. The observations and materials testing as indicated above were performed periodically to provide data to the Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors to assist them in evaluating the general compliance of the materials and/or work with the contract documents at the times of our observation and testing. We did not supervise, direct or have any control over any of the Contractor's or Subcontractor's work. We were not responsible for the Contractor's or Subcontractor's scheduling of our services, means, methods, procedures, techniques, or sequences of construction, nor responsible for ensuring that any Contractor or Subcontractor performed or completed the work in accordance with the contract documents or construction industry standards. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact our office. Sincerely, Rr GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. ;'` p©'"° Q�S .= • • * •r• 38882 of //2 *se &/4?: -sVa- % • • • Chris Hutto, C.E.T. Reviewed by Carl Henderson, P.E. ROUND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC. 101A Airpark Dr.,Unit 9,PO Box 464,Gypsum,CO 81637 Phone(970)524-0720 Fax(970)524-0721 Office Locations: Englewood • Commerce City • Loveland • Granby • Gypsum Grand Junction • Casper,WY Chen' Mr.Tony Fautheber GROUND2111 N Frontage West.Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Val.cos1ss7 .••' •00.1!E%--- Lion Square Lodge North , Drill and Epoxy Cover Report ?v � _: 9/24// Date: September 2o.2013 Job Number 135672 • ■• :' �, a General Contractor: vile Construction Rep. Notified: Tony As scheduled,a representative visited the project site to perform special inspections for dril and epoxy at locations requested. Comments or Photos: 'AiN ' : -4' - „, :9/ ; i i , a 1 a - I, •\ ". Yes No Discrepancies Reported this Date? No. of Pages Attached: 1 Field Representative: LeeTal Levran Englewood.Commerce City,Loveland.Granby.Gypsum.Grand Junction.Casper Client: Mr.Tony Faulhaber GROUND Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Rd West,Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Vail,CO 81657 Lion Square Lodge North Report Date: September 20,2013 Job Number: 13-5672 General Contractor:Viele Construction Rep.Notified: Tony Subcontractor: - Rep.Notified: - Documents Used: Plans Drill and Epoxy Drilling Location: 1.)Connection of stairwell to retail storage room @ NE side of bldg 2.) 3.) 4.) Orientation(vertical/horizontal): 1.) Horizontal(22) 3.) 2.) 4.) Hole Diameter(inches): 1.) 3/4 Length(inches): 1.) 4 @ N wall 2.) 2.) 8 @ S wall 3.) 3.) 4.) 4.) Hole Spacing(inches): 1.) 18 3.) 2.) 4.) Drilling Equipment: Hammer drill Method to Clean Hole:Wire brush/Air compressor Epoxy Epoxy Type: Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX Epoxy Expiration: 9/2013 Placement Method: Rubber nozzle of epoxy case Reinforcement Type(rebar/bolt/anchor): 1.) Rebar Size: 1.) #5 Length(inches) 1.) 36 2.) 2.) 2.) 3.) 3.) 3.) 4.) 4.) 4.) Placement Method: Hand-set Additional Reinforcing Steel: N/A Field Representative: LeeTal Levran Comments: No epoxy gun Englewood,Commerce City,Loveland,Granby,Gypsum, Grand Junction,Casper t Client: Mr.Tony Faulhaber 0R01.IND JL Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Rd West,Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Vail,CO 81657 Lion Square Lodge North Concrete Cover Report Date: August 8,2013 Job Number: 13-6572 General Contractor JL viele Rep. Notified: Tony As scheduled,a representative visited the project site to perform periodic concrete testing. The locations of each sample are approximate. Comments or Photos: . ., / : i {I. ► . !. Ike 40 404.4 i --- ., \ .g k \ u k y .` i, r Yes No Not Applicable Results within Specifications? `-, n Reinforcing Steel Checked? C' (11 Cs' a` Subgrade Tested? C; r l-' Number of Cylinders Cast this Date: 4 Number of Pages Attached: 1 Field Representative: Joel Smart Englewood,Commerce City,Loveland,Granby,Gypsum,Grand Junction, Casper Client: Mr.Tony Faulhaber GROUPED JL Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Rd West,Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Vail,CO 81657 Lion Square Lodge North Report Date:September 5,2013 Job Number: 13-6572 Placement Date: August 8,2013 General Contractor:JL Viele Rep.Notified: Tony Placement Contractor: s2m Rep.Notified: Mike Concrete Supplier: United Mix Identification: 37010450 Total Cubic Yards Placed: 8 Weather/Temp.: Placement indoors/Overcast 60's/Rain Placement Method:Wheelbarrowed to loc. Finish Method: Hand Item Number/Structure Type: Stairs Placement Location: Concrete landings for stairs inside Lion Square Lodge &Tower North. 35 W.Lionshead Place. Specifications Specified Strength(psi):4,500 Air Content(%): 4.0-8.0 Slump(in.): 2.5-5.5 Temperature(°F): 50-90 Concrete Field Properties Slump/ Air Conc. Unit Water Test Truck Ticket Batch Spread Content Temp. Weight Added No. Sample Location Number Number Time Test Time C143 C231 C1064 C138 (inches) (%) (°F) (pcf) (gal.) Top landing NW corner of room 1 6390 33500149 11:45 12:25 5.5 4.5 69 143.6 3 Compressive Strength Results(ASTM C39) Cylinders Cast on Ticket Number: 33500149 Total Number of Cylinders Cast:4 Laboratory ID:5172 Cylinder Diameter(in.) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Cross Sectional Area( 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 Maximum Load(lbs.) 49,620 65,500 67,050 Compressive Strength(psi) 3,950 5,210 5,330 Test Date 8/15/13 9/5/13 9/5/13 . Test Age(days) 7 28 28 H Fracture Type T5 T5 T5 Average 28-Day Compressive Strength(psi): 5,270 Field Technician: Joel Smart Comments: Notified Mike of s2m and Tony of JL Viele of close results,ok'd to continue. Englewood,Commerce City,Loveland,Granby,Gypsum, Grand Junction, Casper Client: Mr.Tony Faulhaber GROUND Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Rd West,Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Vail,CO 81657 Lion Square Lodge North Concrete Cover Report Date: September 26,2013 Job Number: 13-6572 General Contractor: JL Viele Rep. Notified: Tony As scheduled, a representative visited the project site to perform periodic concrete testing. The locations of each sample are approximate. Comments or Photos: 5 VV Mi % . I NA a.- v4 000 ". •_ V S ' +4 l ` t 4 r ! „�{} , # > maS'`?.' t., ♦ .. k ,F '# !a, s r .. w Yes No Not Applicable Results within Specifications? l: c ` l Reinforcing Steel Checked? C (! Subgrade Tested? C C? ` Number of Cylinders Cast this Date: 4 Number of Pages Attached: 1 Field Representative: Shelton Adams Englewood,Commerce City,Loveland,Granby,Gypsum, Grand Junction, Casper , Client: Mr.Tony Faulhaber GROUND Viele Construction 2111 N Frontage Rd West,Suite E ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Vail,CO81657 Lion Square Lodge North Report Date:October 24,2013 Job Number: 13-6572 Placement Date: September 26,2013 General Contractor:JL Viele Rep.Notified: Tony Placement Contractor: S2M Rep.Notified: Mike Concrete Supplier: United Mix Identification: 37610444 Total Cubic Yards Placed: 15.5 ordered for site,2-3 used Weather/Temp.: Clear/70 Placement Method: Pumped,vibrated Finish Method: Hand Item Number/Structure Type: Interior walls Placement Location: E and W interior walls for stairwell Specifications Specified Strength(psi): 4,000 Air Content(%): N/A Slump(in.): 4 Max Temperature(°F): 50-90 Concrete Field Properties Slump/ Air Conc. Unit Water Test Truck Ticket Batch Spread Content Temp. Weight Added Sample Location Test Time C143 C231 C1064 C138 No. Number Number Time (inches) (%) (°F) (pcf) (gal.) Ewalt 2 6003 33201144 9:30a 11:OOa 3 3.7 75 139.6 5 Compressive Strength Results(ASTM C39) Cylinders Cast on Ticket Number: 33201144 Total Number of Cylinders Cast:4 Laboratory ID:5268 Cylinder Diameter(in.) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Cross Sectional Area( 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 Maximum Load(lbs.) 51,930 71,150 69,540 Compressive Strength(psi) 4,130 5,660 5,530 Test Date 10/3/13 10/24/13 10/24/13 Test Age(days) 7 28 28 H Fracture Type T5 T5 T5 Average 28-Day Compressive Strength(psi): 5,600 Field Technician: Shelton Adams Comments: Englewood,Commerce City,Loveland,Granby,Gypsum, Grand Junction, Casper $Fp 5 NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL TIMES ,. ��ao���i t Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0596 Project #: PRJ12-0700 Job Address: 635 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Applied.....: 11/06/2012 Location......: LION SQUARE LODGE NORTH Issued. . . : 10/23/2013 Parcel No....: 210107204029 OWNER PAULA W. POWELL FAMILY TRUST 11/06/2012 1300 MARLIN DR NAPLES, FL 34102 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION INC. 11/06/2012 Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 S FRONTAGE RD W#202 VAI L CO 81657 License: C000003254 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION INC. 11/06/2012 Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 S FRONTAGE RD W#202 � VAIL CO 81657 License: C000003254 Description: COMMON ELEMENT: ADD STAIR FROM EXISTING RETAIL SPACE TO LOWER STORAGE AREA Resroom not included only plans for stairs submitted Occupancy: S-2 Type Construction: IA Valuation: $50,000.00 ..............,.........,....,..........,...._.,.,...�_�..,,.......,,............,,, FEE SUMMARY ....x....._.,._.,,,.,�............»..,...,..,.,...............x,,....,....<.,..._ Building Permit-----------> $643.75 Bldg Plan Check----------> $418.44 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $800.00 Electrical Permit---------> $258.75 Elec Plan Check-----------> $168.19 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 I nvestigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $20.00 f TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $2,309.13 Payments-------------------------------> $2,309.13 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 .................�,............._........>,,.,....�...,,,,......,............,...,.........��......,,...,,,,..»...,,...................,..............,,,..�....,.......,.......,.,,.... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. I combination permit_012811 , � r ����� !i� 1 x�w»+........m.....+w.,v,r��v.������,r��r+�v.s.�s.����s.�xaw....,�axxa.:veee�v.,ra�v.,r,r�av��ww,w�s,w�,r+w�r.�+,rxxxw.xxxe:x,r,rx�a,rw,rv,rw,r,+��+�wv.w+r.+.w��v.��x,rxvr�v.x,rxv„etr.�v.ea+wwswr+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF 1 Permit#: B12-0596 Address: 635 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Owner: PAULA W. POWELL FAMILY TRUST, PAULA W. & Location: LION SQUARE LODGE NORTH .....................................................................................................................x.........,........,..».............,......,,..........,,,,...,. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY � WORK CAN BE STARTED. combination permit_012811 ■ � � ��►t1 Vr �111L * **.*..*<*.***.**.,***,,.,,,*„*.,*****�*.**..*,.**«***««****.,***.,.,********„***.*,*******,,,.,..,*****„*«******„*************„**,*,.,,*.**,.,,,,.,,�*,�*.,.*****„*« REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES i Permit#: 612-0596 Address: 635 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Owner: PAULA W. POWELL FAMILY TRUST, PAULA W. & Location: LION SQUARE LODGE NORTH **.,*«*.,«***********,,.,*.,.,*.,**.,**«**********.,.,******„*«**«««*««„*«*****.,***,.******.*�**.,,****«*.***««*«*****«„*.,******************„*****.*«*««**.,**** Item: 00010 BLDG-FOOTING 08/12/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP 09/23/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP Item: 00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 08/14/2013 By: sgremmer Action: PI Comments: stair walls only 09/25/2013 By: sgremmer Action: AP Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00420 Special Inspect-final rept 09/25/2013 By: sgremmer Action: DN Comments: Provide SI reports Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 i *******************+*****************+**********+**+**+**********++*****+**********+******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************+* Statement Number: R130001796 Amount: $426. 94 10/23/201301:51 PM Payment Method: Check Init: CG Notation: ck 2889 jl viele construction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0596 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0402-9 Site Address: 635 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE NORTH Total Fees: $2, 309. 13 This Payment: $426. 94 Total ALL Pmts: $2, 309. 13 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************�************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 258 .75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 168. 19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------