HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC020031 DRB020066 DRB040089 DRB040120 .��` rt ���� Planning and Environmenta� Commission ��` ��� � ACTIO�N FO RM �`��.ra�,�;;� t ` ,�;� � Dep�rtrnent of Cornmunity Developrrient '�'��i' ��� �;'����i� 75 5outh Front�ge Road,Vail, Cokorado 61657 te1: 970.479.2134 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Reimers PEC Number: PECO20Q31 Project Descriptian; Driveway variance Participants: OWNER GRISAFI, REGINA - REIM�F�.S,]06/Q7/ZOOZ 118 WITHERSHINI� DR CHARLOTTE NC 2826� APPLICAh1T ]ahn Perk�ns Ofi/07J2002 Phone: 949-9322 Box 2Q07 Avon, CO 816�0 Project Address: 3Z75 KAT50S RANCH R�VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lat: 1i Blc�ccle: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VTLLAGE FlLING 12 Parcel Nurnber: 2101-fl23-0100-5 Comments: BQAR�/STAFF AC�ION Motion By, Action: W1T�iDRWN Second By, Vote: Date vf Appro�al: Co�ditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No c�ar�ges to fhese plans may be made without the written consent af Town af Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 � 1 . " < < Appl�cation fer Rev�ew by the � *.r x ���' ��w� ��� ������ Planning and EnvironmentaE Commis�ion TV�'IV U'� �'�������: DepartmentofComr�unity �evelopment 75 South Frontage Raad, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q,479.2452 � web: ww�w.ci.vail.co.us General Informatian; All projects recp�iring Planning and EnviTOrrmental Commission review must receive approva9 prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to t#ie submittaf requirements far the particular approval that is requested. ; An applicatian for Planning and Environmental Commissian review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may a9so need ta be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Desigr� Review Board. Type of Application ar�d Fee: � Rezoning $1300 fl Condstionae Use Permit $650 � � Major Subdivision $I500 � Flaodplain Madification $40Q ❑ Minor Subdivision �650 0 Min�or Exterior Alteration $650 ❑ Exemption P1at $�i54 ❑ Major E�ct2rior Alteratic�n $800 ❑ Minor Amendment to an S[�D $1000 ❑ Development Rlan $1500 0 New 5pecial �evelppment District $60Q0 ❑ Amendment to a Development Pkan $25fl � Major Amendment to an SDO $6000 ❑ Zoning Code Arnendm�ent $1300 ❑ Major Amendm�nt to an SDD $1250 `�ariance $500 (no earterror madificatronsJ ❑ Sign Variance $2Q0 1 Descriptian of khe R�quest: �.. b .. �-- Location o�'tite Proposaf: Lot: Block: Subdi�ision: Physical Address. ��� �� ��1"1�- �0 Parcel No.: ��a'�'��� ��tact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97Q-328-864fl for parcel no.) : Zoning: __ `� � ��� �1���� n �; / Name(s) of Owner(s}, �["'�_-- ����� /` ��� �C.�`�'��� � N1ai[in Address: � �1�• � . P�one: '�' Owner(s) Signature(s): � � � � ` Narrr�e ot Applicant: i Mailing Address. . V ' Phone• � � i E-maii Address: �ax j For Office Us On��� Fee Paid: _� Check No.,�By: � . Applicatio�i Da e: PEC No.: Planner. Project No.: G ` Pa�e 1 of6-01/I8/02 p[j"� `j��� — � Zo�� �1L�� a �y�= x � � JOINT PROPERTY OWMER �`�"��' �x��`' WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ���� P 1�Y4':Y �� VII�� � ' � � � I, (prin�.�ame)�E"��_� r �, a joint owner�f property located at �address/legal � F ► = °� _a description) � � ---_ r�- � y ��;�. d•��`r- � ��.:.k " � `���, provide this letter as wri�ten approval of the plans dated which have been subinitted to Che Town of Vail Corrbmunity Development Department for th� proposed improvements to be completed at the addres5 noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: . � � I further understand that minor modifiications may be made to khe plans over the course of the review prticess to ensure campliance with the Town's appkicable codes and,rEgulatians. . . _ . -� (Signature) (Date) � � � Pa�e 2 of 6-Ol/1&/02 1 � Applicafion for a Varaan�e ��`' , � ;; �' Submitkal Requirements ��� � �gy � To�����r o� �-��1� GENERAL INFORMATIQN Variances may be grant�d in order to prevent or to lessen s�ch practical diffic�lties and unnecessary physical �ardships as would result from the strict inteepretation and/or erlforcement of the aoning regulations inconsistent with the development objectives cif the Town of Vail. A practicai difificulty or ur�necessary pi�ysital hardsh�p may rgsult fram the size, shape, or dimensions af a site or the �ocatian of existing structures thereon; fr�om topagrap,hic or physical tonditions on the site ar in the immediate vicinity; or froi�n ot�er physieal limitation5, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cast or inc�nveni�nce to the applicant of strict or literaf compliance with a regu�ation shall not be a reason for granting � variance, I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS � Fee: $5fJ0.0� ❑ Stamp�ed, addressed envelopes and a list of the ,�roperty owners adjacen# ta the s�bject property, inciuding properties behind and acrass streets. The list af property owners shali ir�clude the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physicai address and legal descriptian of the property ow�ed by each. The applicant is respansib4e for correct names and mailing addresses. This informatior� is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. ❑ Title Report, ineluding Sc#�edules A & � ❑ Written approva� from a condo�minium association, landlord, and joint owner, if appl3cable. ❑ A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulation(5} in�oEved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretatian of the specific reguiation(s} would result in a p�ysical har�s�ip or practical difFiculty. � A v�rritten statement addressing the fallovaing: a. T'he relationship of the requested vardance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniform�ty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and p�blic safety. d. How the request camplies vuith �dopted Tow� of Vail planning policies and develdpment objectives. ❑ Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete s�ts of plans}, ❑ Exis#ing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four compl�te sets af plans}. ❑ Existing and Prnpo�ed Architectural Elevations (Fou�compl�te sets of plans). ❑ Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Faur compfete sets nf pl�ns}. ❑ All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Enviro�mental Comm�ssion members" information packets. o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if d�emed nec�ssary ta properly evaluake tf�e proposal. Pa�e 3 of 6-0 I/18/02 : II. DETAILED SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey: a Wet stamp and signature af a licensed surveyor ❑ Date of survey ❑ lVarth arrov� and graphic bar scale a Scale of 1'"�1Q'or 1"=20'} � Legal description and physical acidress ❑ Lot size and buildable area (buiidable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4fl°lo, and flaodplain) a Ti�s ta existing benchmark, either US�S lan�mark or sewer invert. Ti�is information must be clearly stated on the survey �1 Property boundaries to the n�earest hundredth (.01) df a foot accuracy. D�stances and bearings and a basis af bearing must be shown. Sh�w existing pins or monuments found and their relationshi�to the established corner. ❑ Show right of way and praPerty lines; including bearings, distances and curve �nfflrmation. ❑ Indicate all easements identifled on the subdiaision pla�and recorded against the property as ir�di�ated in the title report. List any easement restrietions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the praperty a't twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot edevations an either side of the lot. o Topographic cond�tions at two foot conto�r intervals ❑ Existing trees or group5 of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or�rnore, as measured fram a point�ne foot above grade. o Rock autcroppings ancf other significant natu�al features (large houlders, intermitten�stre�ms, etc.}. o Al! existing improve�rnents (including fo�ndation walEs, roof averf�angs, building overhangs, etc.). ❑ Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, a�alanche, wetlands, floodplain, sails} a Watercourse setbac�CS, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) o Show alI utility meter locatlons, including any pedesta�s on site ar in ti�e right-of-way adlaeent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and propased service lines from their souree to the str�cture. Lltilikies to include: Cable N Sewer Gas Telephone Water E�ectric ❑ Size and type of drainage culverts, swaaes, etc. ❑ Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of Z50' in either direction from praperty. Site and Grading Plan: � Scaie of 1"=2d'or larger ❑ Pro{�erty an� setback lines C7 Existing and prop4sed easements o Existing and proposed grades ❑ Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. ❑ A11 proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shawn undemeath all eoof lines. This will b� used to talcufate building height. ❑ Proposed driveways, including p�rcent slope and spot elevations at the praperty line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the e�riveway to.accurately ref4ect grade. ❑ A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direckion. ❑ Locations of all utilities �ncluding existing sources and proposed serviee lie�es from sources to the structures. n Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. a Lc�cation ot landscaped areas: a Lvcation of limits p�disturbance fencing Pa�e 4 of 6-O l;I$/0? � � Location of all required parking spaces ❑ Snow storage areas. ❑ Proposed dumpster lacation and detail af dumpster enclasure. r� Retaining walls with propased elevations at top and bot�om of walls. A detailed eross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided �n the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineeTing dra�+vings are required for walls between 4"and 6'feet in height. ❑ Delin�ate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable. Architectura! FCopr Plans: ❑ Scale af 1J8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred ❑ Floor plans of the proposed developmen� drawn ta scale and fully dimensioned. Floor p�ans and building elevations must be drawn at the same sta�e. ❑ Clearly indicate an the floor plans the inside face of khe exterior structural walls of the building. � LabeE floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.}. ❑ �ne set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how �he gross reside�tial fhoor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 — Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. ❑ Provide drmensions af all roof�av�s and overhangs. Architectura� Eie�ations: o Scale of 1/8" - 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred ❑ All elevatians o� the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. T�e elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor pEar�s and b�ilding elevations must be cfrawn at the same scale. ❑ If i�uilding faces are proposed at �ngles not represented well on the normal bu�fding elevatians, show these faces also. ❑ Efevations shall show proposed fln�sh�d eievation of floors and roofs on all levels. a All exterior materials and colars shall be specifed on the elevations. � The fo�lowing shail be shown graphicaliy and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter �ocations, and window details. a Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures an tfi�e building. ❑ Illustrate all deeks, parches and balconies, ❑ Indicate the roof and building drair�age system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). � Indicate all rooftop mechanicai sy5tems and all other roof structures, if ap�plicable. ❑ Illustrate praposed building height ele�ation on roaf lines and ridges. These elevations shouEd coordinate with the finished floor efevations a�cE the datum used for the survey. ❑ Exterior color ar�d material sampEes shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. PRE-AP�'LICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a paanning stafF rnernber is strongly encouraged. No appiication will be accepted unless it is corriplet�. It is the appficant's responsibility to make an appointrner�t with the stafF to determine submittal requirements. TIM� RE UIREMEIVTS The Planning and Environrriental Commission meets on the znd and 4th Mondays of each month. A �omplete application form and all accompanying material (as descr�bed abo�e) must be aceept�d by the Community Deveiopment Department by the appropriate submittal date, whrch is a mir�imum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC �ublic hearing. Approv�l of a variance shall lapse and becorr�e void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and dilligently Qursued toward campletion within two (2) years from when the approvai becomes Pinal. Paae 5 of 6-0]/1 S;C}2 t ADDITIONAl. REVIEIN A. If this applicatian requires separate review by any �ocal, State or Federal agency ather than the 7own of Vail, the application fee shall be inereased by $Z�O.Oq. Examples af such review, may include, b�t are not limited to: Colorado Department t�f Highv�ay Access Perrrbits, Arrny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shali be responsible for �aying any publishing fees which are in excess af 50% of the application tee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter ta be re-pubEished, then, the ent�re fee for such re-publication st�all be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the C�mmunity Development Department to have design, land use or other issues which may ha�e a signifitant impact on the comm�r�ity may require revie�v by consultar�ts in add�tion to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Develapment Department may hire the cons�ltant. T�e Department shal1 estirnate the amount af �oney necessa�ry to pay the consultant and this amount shalp be forwarded to the Tawn by the applicant at khe time of fil€ng an applicatinn. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the ap�licant shall be pa�d �o the Town by the applicant within 3{� days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned ko the applicant upon reaiew tompletion. Pleuse nnte tltrrt ortly cvm,plete applieatinrrs wil!be r�ccepte�l. ALl of t/te requirecl informatian must fie seih»�itted in �rder for the applicatinn to be deemecl camplete. Page 6 �f6-0Il18102 - -� � � � i_� � -f - � - 'i - i � j - - _ _ � June 6, 2002 John M.Perkins,A�A Towr� of Vail 004J E. Beaver Creek Glvd. Planning Commission +�.hristie Lodge Resort, Suite C 16 25 S. Frontage Road. �.p s�X 2oa7 Vall, CO 81 G57 Avo�,Coloec�do$1620 �70.949.9322 fux 970.944.Ob29 RE: Written statement addressing attached Variance Applicat�on L�t 1'I, B�ock 1, Filing 12 I�ear �ommissianers: Jahn Reimers and Gina Grisafi (o�run�rs of Lot �1, Block �, Filing 12 at 3275 Katsos Rar�ch Roadj and I believe thak a varia�ce to the regulatian that a driveway must run thirty fee� at a minimum of 45 degrees is approvable for the following reaso�s: Lot 11 is over 30 % slope. The subject access diagram forces the driveway 8' to 10' into a very steep sfope, requiring unnecessary addi#ional retainir�g w�lls and elimination of existing tree cover. We believe that this regulation is not practical fvr sites of 3Q% slope. W� furthe� believe that Section 14-1-5 variances, which reads fhusly: Varianc�s to the �levelopment standards may be allowed when practicaf difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsister�t with the purpose and intent of the develapment standards exist. Variances from the development star�dards shail be in accordar�ee with title 12, chapter 17 of this code. Th� issuance of a variance shalE not cornpromise the safety of a site or structure. (Ord. 22 (1999) & 8). This ap�lies very sp�cifically to this access regulat9on, steep sites in general, and our s�te in particular. We sincerely hope that the planning commissian will view this application �n a positEVe manne� and grant this variance for a proje�ct fhat h�s been approved by the Design Review Board. an you si erely, • hn M. Perkins, AIA P Architects, Inc. Jun 06 42 01 : 33p �ohn Peter R�imers 7045037835 p. l _. _ _.._ _— •------- -.. —._ _... -- - ,; s --, �- : ', a,A��s�.� a.��� � � , ..,,�s� ,a� .;�a., �e�,,,�,�T a�.��:-�_f -�=. �.s t� ;� r I� �...__. _. _ _ =_ - L: �= AMERICr�LAfVD Tl7"L�'ASSDCIATION OWNER'S POLlCY (IO-l�-9�} .� cxlc � � o T � �r �. � � r� sURA �vcF con� P� � � �� ; ��� ��'� �` � :��. St]S)�CT TQ THE EXCL�JSi01+1S F1t4M COVERAGE, THF. EXCEPTIC)NS FRC71!►�1 COVERAGE c.' r CONTAIN�D I1�I SCHEDULE B ANU THE C�NUIT[ON5 AND STIPULATTOIVS, CHICAtUf] TITL� '� iF� _ INSURANCE COMPANY,a Missouricorparatian,herein called the Campa�y,inaures,as of Dateof Policy shown in Schcdulc A,against loss trr daznage,na exceeding the Amount af Insurance stat�ed in Schedvle A,sustaincd or ,;�; incurred by the ins�arcd�y rcasan of: ;t ' :- �: � 1. Title to the estate or inCerest described in Schedale A bcing�ested othcr than as stated�herein; 2. Any defect in ar lien or encumbr�ance on the title; _ 3. Unmarketabiliry of the�itle; ��� � , 4. Lack of a righl of access to ar�d from the land. ;: -"� The�ompany will also pay the eosts,attorneys' fees and cxpenses incurred in defense pf th�tic�e,as insured,bt�k !�� only to the extent pravided in the Conditsons anc�Stipulatinns. ' ;.�. _ !n li'imess FVTrereaf,CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMFANY has caused this policy to be sigmed and sealed as ` '„;� of Datc af Pvlicy shc�wn in Schedule A,the p�s�Picy ta becorne�aSid when counterssgned by an aut�orized si�natvey. f� i �` �:. I^.� ��5-� �; �. CHIC,4G0 T1TL,�[NS�RANCE COMPANY ;„� $y; �� LAND TITLE �UARANT£E C4MPANY �� �� 1�B S. Frc�ntaqe Rd. W. , Suite 203 � P.�, BQX 357 t�.�. �„� -� Vail, CO 81658 � p�,;�,� I.� (970) 47b-225I ��,�,��suRq�,_ ,�� { .� FAx (970� 476-4634 ''�� M:f �•`y'�Q40q,p �` . I [ppry VtJ� T�,i� •r.� s.I V t' /��y s�D B�- I.�� .. �s�+ J�S11./�� �� ,(� It;y ?� �. �,,.++ • ��d�.�,� / �Q•f/`-(4_... /I � �,�� Ih. � " /fYL�V� 'I`. ��� �*�'� �_ SeCrctary � R�q �S .. . ;'— _.� ..,_'.,s,r_. wr' .?'4r,:�`�tt,"'��..o _'V`-' .W..�=F'-a�.r+-`- r_..��':..� .....�_�°��...... _..._... _...�'r_..,..._..�....._?'�..lt�i �w =° -s FY.�r_��-"'` _--Vu -_ '- a�rao..ne���Poi,�yti�-z�-y2� 05 0057 106 36�4 Jun 06 O� 0� : 33p Jahn Peter Reimers 7045�37835 p. 2 Land Title Guaran�ee Company Date: October 28, I999 REGINA GRISAFI,4I�'D 30HN REIMERS ]t$V1liTHERSHINTJ 1?R. CHAkL{)TTE, NC 28262 EnGlvsed please find the tide insuran�e policy fur your pmperty 3oc:ated at LOT 11 A REStIBDIVISIE3N QF L�T 7 BLK 1 VAIL VII.I.AGE 12'�'H FLfi Ple�se revtiesv ftus palicy in i#s entirety. !n the evemt thaE ycsu Tind�[ty tliscrepancy, or if y4u�ave any questions regardin�your fu�al tide po�cy, you may cvntact Title l�ep�rnneut Piione:970�176-2251 Fax:97��76-ft5�4 Please refer ta our Order No. V267033 5hauld yau decide to sell the property descnbed in tbis pQlicy, os 3f yUU are�equired to p�n;ljase a rnew title co3nnoitme�for mortgage puiposes, you may be entit�ecl to a credit toward fu#ure title insurance premiuu�_ Land Title Guarautee Cvmpany will retain a cc�gy of thi5 polxcy sp we vvill be�{�ie to pcovide futuse grotlucts and services to ynu quickly aud ef�cienity. Tbank yo[t for�iving us the oppommicy to searve you, 3inccrely, I.and Tiile Guarantee Compam�r Jun 06 02 01 : 33� John Peter Reimers 7445a37835 p. 3 LTG Palicy Na. CT'EH267p33 Form AOfCHi 4er Order No. V267033 S�h�dple A Amaun# $190,00(7.00 Prpperty �lddress: LOT 11� A RESU�D[VISION QF LQT 7, B3.,K 1, VAIL WILLAGE 12TH FLG 1. �o��cy naie: October 2$, 199�dt 5;40 P,E13. 2. �ame of l�ss�red: REGINA .r'iR[SAFI AND JOHN REIMERS 3. The csta#e ar irnt.er�,st in 11�e ianc�descri�red or referrec�to 3n th�s Schedule and r�vhEckt is cvvered by this p4licy is: A Fee Si�aple 4_ .T'itle tv the estate or ir�terest covered by#t�is policy at the date f�e�reof is vested in: REG[NA�RISAFI AND J�HI+1 RERviER5 S. The{and referr�ta in this pnli�y is descrabed as f�liows: LOT 11, A RBSUBDTVISI(31V �F LO�'7, BLt3CK I, VAIL VILLAGfi TWELFTIT FILING AC�ORDING TO THE F�.AT THEREOF RECQRDED FEBRUARY 4, 1975 IN BOOK 23$AT PAGE 530, COU?'�'FY �F EAGLE, STATE O�C{?L�RADO. This Policy�alid only if Schednte B is attact�ed. Land"1'ntle 6�arantee Co�pany Represen�ing Chicago Tit�e Ynsnrance Cau�par�y Jun 06 p2 a1 : 3�p John Pete� Reimers 7045a37835 p. 4 LTG Policy No. CTBH267033 Form AQ/CHI Our Order Y�TTo. V26?Q33 5cl�rl�le B This poIicy daes not insure agaiust toss or darz�age(anc�the Com�any will nat pay ca�ts,attoaneys` fees ar eapenses) which;srise by re�asan vr General Exceguons: 1. Right�ar claims of parties in possessian nvt shown by t�e public cecords. 2. Ertc;roachmeurs, overiaps,boutxlary li�te disputes,�r vther matters w�►icb would be disclosed by an�ccnrate survey ancl ii�spection of the gremises. 3. Eaaements, or claiuus af easemcnts,n�t sho�s+n�y the pubiie recorc�s. 4. Any lien, ar right to a lien, for services,labor,ox materixl �eretofore or iiereaft�r fiunished, �posed by Iaw and not shvwn by the publie r�corcts. 5. 1999 TAXES NOT YET D[TE AND PAYABLE. 6. 1.i�AJS FOR UNPAIQ WA7'fiR AND SEWER C�iAi�G�S, T�ANY. 7. 3tIGH'�'�F PROPIt3ETC7R OF A`JEIN�R LODE'TO�X'!'R�CT AND R�MOV�T�IS QRE THEREFROM SHOULD THE 5AME BE FUUNI7 TO PENETRAT�C33i INTERS�CT SHE PREMISES AS T�SERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY Ofi, 1905,1N BC?OK 48 AT PAGE 773, $. RIGNT QF WAY FOR DI'TCHES GR CANALS CQNSTRUCTED BY THE AU"THOWTY QF'['HE UNITED STATES AS RESEIiVED IN iINIT�D STATES PATEI�T�tEC£3RDED twIAY'Qfs, 1905, IN Bd(7IC 46 AT PAGE 273, 9. R�STRICTIVE C�VENAN7'S WHICH DQ NOT CONTAIN A FaRFEiTURE(}�t REVER'TER CI,AUSE, BL,'7 UMIT7'ING.+LNY CdVENANT�DR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE,COLOR, REL]GION, SE�£, HA1�iDICAP, FAMILIAL STA7 iJS 4R NA'F101�1AL ORIGIN U�VLESS AND �ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SA[D COWENAN'T{A)IS EXEMPT UNDER�HAPTER 42, SECTIUN 3607 QP THE UNITEI7 STATE$CpDE dR fS�REL.ATES TO HANl7ICAP BUT J34E5 NE)'F DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICr�PER50N5, AS�O1VTArN�D IN TNSTRUMENT RECQRI3�D AUGUS? 16, �972,IN BO�K 225 AT PAC'r�$$AND A5 AMENDED IN II�TSTRUMEIVT REC�tRDET� SEPTEMBER 25, 19�2, IN�t�OK 225 AT PAGE 475. 1�. EASEMENTS AS SHQWN ON THE RECdRDED �T.AT OF VAlL VILLAGE, TWELfTFi FTLII+�G. **��**��**���**��**�*�*��*�*��***��*��**��**��*�**��*�**��****�*�**���**�*�**�*�**�*�**�*�*� TOWN O�VAIL, C{�LORADO Statement **���*���*����*��**�*�*+�*�**�*��*+��***���:�*�*�***�*��**�x****��***�*�**���**�*�*��****�x���� Statement Number: ROOp002538 Amount: $500. 00 06/07/20D202:40 PM Paymen� Method: Ck�eck Init: JAR Notation: 1042 John Perkins Permit No: PECO20�31 Tyge: PEC -- Variance Parcel No: 210102301005 Site Address: 3275 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $500.0o 'I'his Payment; $500.fl0 Total AT,L Pmts: $50Q.00 Balance: $0 .40 �**�x*�*�*���x��x***�***��**��*�***��**�**********�x*��**m******�***��***�****�*:�**�x****�x�**�*�* ACC:OUIVT ITBM LIST: Account Code Uescription Current Pmts -------------------- ---------—-—---------------- ------------ PU 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION �EES 50�.0� t���i�� R�v���r �+���� � �+��"I��i �[��N1 � D�.��fttFl��l� #k� ��R1I11U�1lty DBVI��t3�Yffii��4� �'��'��� � 75 Sauth Franta�e Rvat�� 1f�aif, �€rlora�lo ��5'S7 tel: 97a.479.21.39 f�x: 9�(�,479_�4�� �,r��rr�vE��rr fiNe�}. Yrr°�V�iAf.W.ai�i��}V[�lm Project Name: DRS Number: DRB0200fi6 Project Description; New single family Rarticipants; OWNER GRISAFI, REGINA- REIMERS, ]03f25/2002 118 WITHERSHINN DR CHARLD"ITE NC Z8262 APPLICAI�IT Charles Acevedo 03/25/20a2 Phone: 949-9322 Johr� M. Perkin5 �ox 2D07 Avon, CO Jmp-arch�a mounta'r�rmax.raet 61624 Project Address: 3275 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: il Black: 1 Subdivisian: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 Parcel Number: 2101-i?23-0100-5 Comments: BOARDjSTAfF ACTION Action: COMCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A c�nceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson I AUG-14-190fl 81�0� �.� I i ' . ; �,.�: Ap��ic��ion for ��9n Re�ri� : ! ,�,-� �� . I . � i s =�.,: ��� of ru�+m�r or►��'�'t i' ���acr,va��cAtarada $165� ; r � :T bel:�74.�7'9.2134 �:17f1-47"4.7�52 ; ���, A�I ,�:,�..,�.�.�.�.� . , ��� ._��: �s�,�a�w��v��°". � ;.�,�,�d�, �,����vv����� �n�aa��u�" Re+� 1�'��°s�a���R�s��e+��av��t �riFarr�+tiort iS �mav�l by ttt��"_�Y °'�"�o�nt�t °���- i� ,���ad tv be� b!1 ti�e Ta�+ Cot�1 ��and ca�� � � 1 i D��'�"�a�dral Iaps�s unl�s b�uldie�g P�� � ;a��'o�dtie#Pi�"°�1. i v�..�� ��'I � ; : ° . at a;�� ; �-t�'�[I�] �� i � , � , + � a 6 _ � t : � . � �:��,,�,,;�: � �,n�:at a.��• �t��--- ' � S a -� � ��� 'z, �►U (CAr�acr��'A�9or ac g7a-�za-�ror paroe+ cto.) i Pa�ll�to-- i ��� � i . . � �qq�a�s�at t7wn�[�)` `'� � � � � � ! , �� i l��g Add�t� phv�� ' , i � � i ' � �p�t'(g}Si9��'�$�� � I ����pp��fiM �i . i . `�r_" � � � r � i :�i�e.,,.r rJJ�am+ � i s•��ufi��iK�M�c�.• �N. � ' � ~ . � j ' E.,,,�;�:nd�•�..�r �• U i ��v�fl�!F!g � .00 0� ivCk Cf IO�R�aTei" � � n� S50 � � � . ' , ��'��R�+new �°� ar d��� For c�vd►wn a�F a ne�^r tx�"idk�9 �ar j � p 1+lew Go�ctx3bn � ���,�,ere sx�uare fvd�9��added tC��1►�ve+'�s}- � t7 � �pmtnenc.�i��9�°�d�d''�s 25(f a��� st�lt� ; � SZ50 FOr n►+c�or�hacrges bo b���'�, � and �oa�9� Pa�• �� i � ��./mmrnenC�afy �9 n�U'', Lo�.�sibe�•�'as' � - � � �'�n �" r�aoo��� �dow �ddi'tio� �► fe� . � � (�uh►Jd"Pi�) �,,;�g w�ll�.� b,y pyar,,,b,g 5t�f er tAe - i � ��pppraMed P�s 3�� ��� alre�dY aovro�ned I �. /,�r�� , �J •;-�,<< � i� . Q �A;tiy brr..elF !we ftc / ��/` 4��(.� ORW�.f1aP°�" I I . ,j,,. �f��(�': �'� F�r�f�ae Us�e Oe�tY� � ��� � � �rs�a1d:�—�- a'��.:"���f�W-: f-� • _ ; , 4 ' � A��°^Oa�' P��'-= �+�., ,� ` � oa bL .� a `� 'h:. 'ar i � j . x° . ',��'n I -� � � � � � 4^ � I � ^ ' AUG-14-1900 e1�07 P.03 � � � ' 1 I 1 . ' . .. I �Y��N� I �� � =�':�=�`�:�:. --s�a3t�rr u���.�� I ',�y'` ••`+�'• "- . I � - -;.#-r�i� . I .:�}_ � . 1 � � �� ���• �..., � � � ' � . ��`�� � � : t7�i M� � ,.��c+'r�[awrrer°f��1'.,���- u ' �.(s�^��--�—N " �` �l � w—.. �� 2'� � t � t � ! . �r�s w!ri�.,�PP,�o�+a'�a�the pl�� . : . i,�' 'lid�t� far'the pro�� . � . . �rtt�ent 'sl�aen sttb�`dt:�d•Ov'�e��wcr�f V�ii C���Y�t ���_ _, ��rr tte catttp�e�e'd at t�e a�d�s��d�bo�ve. I w�'d tt�t�t� � . ._ i �► , . � - I � - � � i . i dp �. . . _ . , ' , . . I . " . j . . • � ' . . . - - . • • , . . . . I � � � I �furt�er u�nd tfi�t m��'f�ab�,�+'��ta#t�e�la �a�er tT��u��`�`� ; , �,e Towt+`s a��and� - . ' ; �m,�,r+�ao�s�pli�ace�h . . . - . . . . . ' � p . :, � . , �. ; . . - . � . � � �..�_ ,. . - � �. r �� � - -� ' �. t � , ; ; ' � c�`'e} { . , ; ; � ; o ' � ; . � q � • � r �i . 1 � ]� 7 � I . ` I ' i . 1 : ' f01l101oQ� • r ��'?Q�� i, � • i � I ' � RUG-14-l900 01�08 P.94 . � -_ � .� ; � , i - I � i � i � --�!P.'�.ik. -l'=. � �T;i 1 4 _�j ,`. 1 ° +� ! TO�N'�OF Y� + 7S f�b Frn�tagt JieAd Dtpere�tte�t ef��6lie Wor�ks/7'r�etPor��ii�� v�,�c�rar��o'rx6r� � 3Q31�79-2lS811��x 309-s79-1IGb , � , . � ' Ju1y 24. 1995 � GaxY dlaen � � �P.a. Dox 3579 ; Vai�. Calorada 57.65� i � � � :To tr�ham it May CanCexn: . ri�. cary ��a�n. Lot 11, a �esubr3fvi9ian of y � .fib�.p��P�rtY owned b�ilxaq� 12th I�iliny has prot�ctian fram Yock �Lat 7•, �1.�ck 1, Vail roteCted hy � ber� constructec3 bY f�ll haxaard. '�h� pr�Pexry is Ia I the Tovan o� Vail» AddxC�.o�d1 mitiqatiori is not ne�e�aa�C'Y• l ' � , Fbr add3.tional q�est i.°�s• p7-ease coa�dct t�te �rov+m of vai1.. a� � � a�.5�e . , I � � � 'ncer�X i i ' I ; _ . ; r6ig a 1 � To�wn� Enqinesr Ta++�a af v'ai1 � . � ��€ ' I � i i i • , I i i � . i I i I i, � i I j I J � � I I � I . �. r . � - TOTAL P.04 f RUG�14-19� @1�06 P.01 _.---- �--- -�— —-�--. �_ --� � _ -�-- ._.. .-�• : ._.. _. _.� �- .,... .._. • �: .- -•- --- - -- - ' ;�i . _ _. _ - -- -� _ -- �� �_�. , ^ , i _........ ....m .._. _�---.�-• -,,-•-.. --_� 1 _: ' �_�. _ .� ..__ __. __ _ r . .. i ' ;�,.� � � ' ; �; Joh��M.Perk�qs, �1h � � „� ; "� � ' Ir�nvi•� t �r���151•:�� �' (�)411=.. � ; I� r.Etreu�il,::�iit�•.t lf. . �:' (.Ini'.�ie Irnji� � �A�CSI�II�LE ;; i��a n<,� )cx„ Avon,[c+�rniu�n fll(,fll i �: ?7l).9��.�'3'2'2 , � f�,x 970.°�7.�1t,7y ��: . i ;� � � � � :� � � � �' .-F � � Pro ect Na. '� D�te:,,,�1 � ��i � f�rojeci Nam�'�, Tci: �, � � i : Tsansmtitting�P�`;:les ittcludit�g caver sheei i�ax�- � �' � i Fr.nm: ' . ; , . i[V�essage: ,. .�.--• _...�. •--�—`;: �°.. i : . � � a; I � � �,� ; i. � � � � ;; � � . � _ � . ; � � , , i i �� �5 �-°� ���� � ' ' ��� � i ����----�---- ��� � � ; , .,_ , � a e clearly. pleasE ca!! (970y 949�9322 � I � ,tF yau dQ not rec�eive a�l p 9 � ; � URGEN� �` � ��� � � Piease�alf 4' � ,�, i --�` I ' � � Mar��opy ta t�allow i . . ,. , . � . � �� 1 , � � � � `� � � . , « ��� �':: � �► ,, � � � , �► TOWN dF YAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-�479-2l38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.u� April 4,2002 John Perkins and Charlie Acevedo JMP Architect PO Box 20Q7 Avon, CQ 81626 RE: Reimers residence—3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 11,Blocl€ l,Vail Village 12�'Filing Dear 7ohn ancfi Charlie, As you are awar�,the Desiga�Review E�aard{DRS)conceptually revicwed the applicatian far the proposed Reimers residence at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road at its Apri13,2002, public hearing. The following is a brief summary of the comments from that review: 1. The DRB was�enerally supp4rtive of the praposed Iacation of the new residence. 2. The plans need to be revised to limit the height o�all retaining walls within the front setback to a maximum height of t1u ee feet. 3. The DRB members had differ�ig opinions and corr�me�ts conceming the proposed design of the driveway far the new residence: • The DRB reco�ed that access to this lot is difficult. • The DRB was generally suppor�ive of creating an amactive driveway that includes boulder walls and landscaping. • Ttte DRB expressed concerns about the amount of site disturbance associated with the proposed driveway design. • The 1�RB expressed the opinion that the regulations of the Tawn Code are intended to discourage this type of driveway design on lots ra+iih steep slopes. � T7ae l3RB understoad the reasaning for proposed location of th�new resider�ce;however, other optians for accessing the propos�d residence sk�ould be exacnined. * Svme board xnembers were generally supportive of the proposed driveway,while other board members were genarally opposed to the propased driveway. . The DRB requested that cross-section drawings and elevation drawings of the proposec� driveway be submitted for r��iew. This proposal has been scheduied for further review by the Design Review Board at its Wednesday April 17,2002, public hearing. Please submit three copies of revised plans,eross-section drawings,and elevation drawings for the proposed driveway by no later than 9.4Q AM on Wednesday April 10,2002. If yau have any questions or comments}please feel free to contact me directly at(970)479-2173. Sincerely, ���-- '� � � B�ll Gibsan,A1CP Planrser I Town of Vail ��.i��'��f'RPER �� . . �, � � {,� .;� ��, 5 �{ � � ' � � � � � O A�a �a •`.� 'fR,i ,� 11 1� �ou�v oF vA�r� Department of Community Development 75 South Frantage Road Yail, Golorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-4�9-2452 wwtiv.ci.vail.co.us May i,2002 John Perkins and Charlie Acevedo JMP Architect PO Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Reimers residence–3275 Katsos Ranch RoacULot 11,Block I,Vail Villa�e 12°i Filing Dear 7ohn and Charlie, The Town af'Vail Public Works Department has recently reviewed the conceptual access plan for the Reimers residence locateti at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road. The follorving is a brief summary af the comments from tha#review: 1. Need a stamped sucvey and site plan. 2. Show on site plan 4 ft. concr�te pan no heat� Pan to merge with curb ar�d gutter. 3. Show oi� site plan limits of disturbance fence. 4. Disturbed b ade on site plar, is uot being raturned to a 2:1 grade--adJust and revise. 5. Must provide single, double and triple stamped approved drawings from a licensed PE for the boulder retaining walls. b. Minimum width of bench between wall is 4 �t.–adjust and revise. This could affect height of wa11s. 7. If driveway exceeds 14°/a gratte when being built the driveway will be required ta be heated. 8. Vehicles backin�out flf east garage cannot turnaround.Turnaround area must be l2 ft. wide and 7#t. ]onger–adjust and revisa. 9. Revocable rigilt-of-way permit required at the builcii�g permit stage. 10. Show locatian of snow storage areas within lot boundaries. 11. Shown on the site plan or provide an erosion control plan. 12. Review by the �'ire UepaRment will be required. Tf yau have any questlons or comrnents,please feel free to contact me directly at(970)479-2173 or Leonar� Sa�do�ai with the Publ�c Works Department at(97�7)479-2158. Sincerely, '"�-c,C�— �c. BiII Gibson,A�CP Flanner Z TOM/Il Of Vc11I ��RECYCLEDPAPER , � � � �`� Desi�n Review Board �.�� ', ACTI4N F�RM . _ ' Departrnent of Community Develapment TV�'1�Y IJ�� �`1`1���" 75 South Frontage Raad,Vail, Colorada 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vaiLco.us Project Name: REIMER REVISIOh1S DRB Number: aRB040089 Projec�t Description; Change to approved plans Partfcipants: OW�IER �EIMEF�S, JOHN AND GINA 03/26/�Q04 Phone: PO BOX 698 V,4IL 81658 License: APPLICANT John Perkins 03/26/2004 Phane: 949-9322 JMP Architect Box 2007 Avon, CC7 Jmp-arch@mountainmax.net 81620 License: Project Address: 3Z75 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3275 KAT505 RANCH ROAD Legal Description; Lot: 11 Biock: 1 Subdivisian: VAIL 1fILLAGE FIL3NG 12 Parcel Number: 2101023010�5 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTICIN Actian: CONC�PT Condikians: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is �l�T a Design Review Board approwal. Planner: Bill Gibson • � � � � ' ��q� Applicati�� for Desig nr Revi�w . � _ ����.� ���� � Department of Cammunity Development ; 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Co�orado $1657 � ����'���;F �'�'�;�,� tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vaiC.co.us ; ` General Informatian: AI! projects requiring desmgn review must receive appraval prior to su�imitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unti! afl required information is received by the Community Development Department, The �ro�ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environme�atal Commission. ` Uesign retiiew approval lapses unle�s a building permi� is issued and c4nstructivn �ora�rnences withir� one year nf the approval. , �.-� � srriptio� tNe Requ t# ' ' �� ^ � 1. � �acatian of the PropQSa1; Lot: Block: Subdivision: � ` �—' �- Physical Address: " J ���� '�rf'���J'•I�� � �`����� ��.-'��� � Parce�l No.: ���J �[J Z..��,� � �-acf�le Co. Assess�r at 97�-328-864� for parcef no.) zo�ing: � � Name(s) ofi owner(s); �� " . �1 � � � = Mailing Address: � tL� � a� Ctl � ��L.. t�L-'� �J�� (��� �' Phone. - -- � %i�G' �� _�� Y'�-- , - Owner(s) Signature(s}: . Name of Ap�licaRt: Mai ing ,4dd ess: � J i '' � ` Phone• _" E-mail Address: Fax: — r ,, Type of Re ' aeW nd Fee: Si �50 Plus$1.OD per square faot aF total sign area. Conceptual Review No F�e _ ❑ New Ccanstruction $650 For constructio� of a new k�uildir�g or demo/rebuiCd. ❑ Addition $300 For an addition where square footage �s added to any residentia! or mmmercial building (inelucles 250 additions&interior conversioo�s). ❑ Ndinor Alt�ration �250 FQr minor changes t4 buildings and si�e improvements, such as, �' {multi-familyJcammercoai) reroofing, painting, window additions, I�ndscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Minor Al�eration $20 For minor cManges ko buifding5 antl site itnproverr9ents, such as, (single-family/duplex) reroafing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls,etc. � Changes to Appro�ed P'lans $ZO Far revisions to plans aiready approwed �y Pla�ning Staff or the Design Review Board. � [� 5eparation Request fVo Fee � � For 4fFice Us�Only: `' Fee Paid: Cheek t�o.: By: "'! ` Application Date: DRB No.: Planner: Projeet No.: ,�a'��,5 :'icac+arti�u� c ti�oati� . � k cea6 c a v=�v :isaiB .��c�oh'�ia^ { �+ + � .�?f 5 �E�.'i-c a+Ev�� 1w+�i" � '�H:Yd�ftl'�PSl.�i rs �. u� �p. . PS � on1K�a�i .urc'3 Li'+i` . '�, ' - W— � �e g . . . 19�1.i6,11�..O1 ' f ����'���a ����a�.G��.����i3� �' j� � ,;, � � ��o � r�. �� , 4 ��� -r��1 `�� . . �U'� ���a'�u�.�' ��� � ° � � � ' � ;' . r ; E t: � � _ f i „ �a '' . ` '� � y �. � � : ; _ �. � g � ' – ��,�� , s, � � I ° � �.� ° � _ � � � Irfi'��3 (3 �'�`I' "� � _�.–' � z � : .� � ,_ —--- � — -- - , _ � � �`�/� �� �L r� , } F � ��,��' ��, " - '.y 1 � I ��°` � ''�F` ���—.r ` . [ /l' � . '� � -�- — , � � � % f �-_ � i � , - ;�:�'- � �� , ,/� ; ��� � ��� ,-�y�� �� � . � ,� , ;� Z' _.�/ ' �f c� ' ' _ . , �s l .��4\��._ f�� 3� �i � � �{�`. I I , � '. �,I ' ;i,�', ���}� � ; �i . �I � � � � ; � ` , ` �� f;--.-� ' � � {�����:. ���, ,_�,=_�.1, , ,� —� , �,� � � � '�`�– -- j _ . ; �!� .'�T� �� � � ;k� � ,���\�r'�� � �� �� ' ! f ' � �\ ;��.��; Ii — , . � WI W �'�V —�\�),- 1 _a_ r� J. �; . � � , 4 , ' r�_ �_., - _ . . 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' • � � �~ �;' Design Review Board ` ACTI�N FORM Department of Comrnunity Develaprraent 1 V F"VtY OF Y�1� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 97Q.479.2139 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Praject Name: R�IMERS SIGN DRB Number: DR6�40120 Project Description: New single famiiy �articipants: �WNER GRISAFI� REC�INA- REIMERSr JO4/1�/ZO04 Ph0112: 118 WITHERSHINN Dfi CHARLOTTE �IC 28262 License: APPLICANT WOODLEY AND A�SaCIATES, INCA4/1�/�004 Phone: (970) 32$-9663 PO Box 1510 Eagle, Colarado 81631 License: 285-A COI�TRACTOR WOODLEY AND ASSOCIATES, INC.04/12/2004 Phone: (970) 328-9563 P4 Bvx 3.51fl Eagle, Colorado 81G31 License: 285-A Project address: 3275 KATS�S RAN�H RD VAIL Location: 3275 KATSOS DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: I1 Block: �. Subdivision: VAIL VILLA,GE FI�ING 12 Parcel Number: 2101023010QS Camments: SE� CONbITIONS BOARD/STAFF AGTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 04J14/20�4 Conditions: Cond: B (PLA�I): Na changes to these plans may be rnade without the written consent of Town of Vail stafF and/or the appropriate review cQmmittee(s). Cond: 201 6RB approval shall not become valid for z0 days fa4�owing the date of approval. Conrf: 202 Appraval of thfs project shall lapse and became void ane (�) year follow�ng khe date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is comrnenced and is diliger`�Lfy pursued taward campletian. � Plan�er: .7oe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $70.00 , � " � � � � Applicat�o� for Design Review ` ;`� �`��`� ��. , , �ECEiUED , _ ' �� � Department of Camrnunity Development '� ���� 75 South Frontage Road,Va�il, Colorado 8ib57 " . ���'�� �� `'`���/ tel: 9T0.479.2139 �'ax: 970.479.Z452 web: www.ci.wail.ca.t�s General Inft�rmation: All projects requiring design review must receive apprava! prior to submitting a building permit application. Please re�er to the submitkal requirements for the particular approval t�at is requested. An application for Design Reuiew cannot be accepted until a!I required information is received by the Community Development Department. T�e praject may also need ta be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and �nvironmental Comrnission. Design re�iew approval lapses uniess a building permit is issued and construction carr�mences within one year of the approval. Descriptinn of the Request: ��� �/ `� ` ' Location of the Propasal: Lot:��€31ock:. .� Subdivision: Physical Address: �J � ��'� !� ' Parcel No,: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97C1-3�8-8540 for parcel �o.) Zoning: Name(s) o�F owner(s): --���1� �� � � Mailing Address. �� �X' �i'� ��'�� � ���� Phon�• Owner(s) Sig�ature(s): r Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: /.�r" � 1,�`� � 1��l ,. Phone: ��`r�.� ��,�' '�,�2� E-mai! Adt�ress: �ax: ��.� �v��—��� ' Type of Review and Fee: � Signs $50 Plus$].0� per square foot of total sign area. ❑ Conceptua{ Review �lo Fee ❑ New Construckion $65Q Fflr construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ❑ Addition $300 For an addition where sq�sare faotage is added to any residential or commercial huilding (includes ��0 additions&interior conversions). 0 Minar Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improuements, such as, (multi-familyJcommercial} reroofng, painting, wir�daw additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls,etc. C� i�inor Alteratian $20 For minor changes to buildings and site�mprovem�nts, such as, (single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, windaw additions, landseaping, fences and retarnin� wal{s, etc. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or Che Design Review �oard. " ❑ Separation Request No Fee �� `' � �� For Office use nly: Fee Paid: �C? � _ Chec�C Na.: ��� � By: d� '� 1��•SaC-• � � �`� pp{�Iisa�an Date, t'` ` .�'a '�-� DRB �Jo.: � � '} Planner: Praject No.: i a • � � �'��'� , �, ° � -° � t � H, � � . �-"�n,����,} � ������������ �� SIGN APPLICATION SUBMIlTAL REQUIR�M�NTS General Infnrmation This application is for any sigr� that is IocatEd within the Town of VaiP. Specific requireme�ts are available frorn the Department of Community Develapment. I. SUBMITT{�►L REQIJIREMENTS A. Narne of Business: �. Building name and physical address_ C. Written appraval fram �ondomi�ium association, {andlord, and joint owner, if applicab�e. D. Type of sign (check all that apply}: ❑Freestanding 5ign �BuildEng Identifica�ion C7Wa16 5ign � Mural �Hanging / Projectin� Sign O Window Sign C7Display Box 0 5ign Program �Daily Special Board ❑ Gas Filled/Fiber Optic �Joint Directory Sign ❑ Temporary Sign ❑Sub�ivision Entrance Sign ❑ Other E. Number of signs prop�sed: � Number of signs existing: � F. Sign message:_ �� hZ�� ,�l� G. Sign and lettering dimensions for each �roposed sign (attach a calored scaled schematic drawing @ �/a" = 1�: H. Ler�gth of business frontage: � I, Height pf sign(s) from grade: � J. Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawi�g or a photograph clearly indicating the propose� location of sign(s)): K. Materials and colors of sign (at#ac� samples): L. Sign lighting plan; _�.,/�.��� .,____ ❑ Indicate type, lotation and number af�3ctures. a Tnclud� height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. ❑ Attaci� a cut s�eet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing haw and where the sign ar awning will attaeh to the building and how the awning will be constructed. Page.i of 4/11/06/03 � � � � . �� 1 �, S f I ! y� uioxl q�dii�:ti+:��,i� � � M � 311 S K at s o�x Ran c l� l�d. l�at 11, Block 1, Filin� 12 p�rrnit � ���-�Z�� c�ntrr�ctor V1���ard l�y S. �►ss�rci�#�s �T� � 32�.�GG3 archit��t JMl' A►r�,hit�cts �7� � 34�►.�3�2 "�OW�1 0�'u'Ali� QESIC`�� �__: 1 �FW � % ST���- r , -;. �,,.:.�°JAL � � L� l�- � — QATc:__.� �_ ... t...__ , �TfiF�:._ --�_� - - , a �� �n � , �� :, �� 1 �, �s � � � � o ! . �� iiir�uc.lql�ue:w.4xP4 � • ' � � « �� 1 Cr, S � �. �� air.nct��diii_�a_e�qi� Date � Friday, March 26, 2004 To Janis Fram Rngelo Veraldi Company Woodley & Assoc. Re reirners.residence lanis - Here is the layaut and info for the sign to go in Vail. size- 48"w x&0"h material- 1l2" MDX qty- 1 pc :: single sided eolors- burgundy headers & border ;: white text black text cost- $ 380,00 + tax Please Iook this over and iet me know when yo�'re ready to proceed, Thanks - Angela ;F,/ �,�� Proof and speaf�cations accepted: (signhere) []as submitted ❑w!changes []new proof In arder to ensure the besi service fae aur customers, we ask that you complete this pre-production checklist, Please review your proof far accuracy of spelling, colors, size � content mark yes iF it is eorrect, na i(it is not. Once signed-off on, errors& the�r carrection are the customers respansibility. ,: Images shown are repres�ntatsons only. The proportions, calors and clarity may vary on actual product, depending on method of fabrication. If you are unsure of anything, please call to discuss. YES NO YES NO correction; ❑ � LAYOUT � � SPFLI�lNG � � SIZE � � GOLORS � � MATERIAL � � QUANITY All cor�cepts& designs are the prope�rty of 1GS and caonat be used rvithout written consenf. � , ,� � � � •i :� � � � �. 5 � i s 1 r„ p iiir�xl��diii.ti a.sRqi� � A , , � � �****�***�**�*****�*******�*�****��**�*��*�'**�***'��***�r*�***�****�*�**�*�****�**�*�**�*�%�*�* T�UWN OF VAIL, COLOR_ADp 5tatement *x�***�*���k****�****�**�*x�**m*�**:�*�**m�x****�k*x�**a:�x****��*x�*��x*�k*�::�**�**�*�k**�x*:�*�R�***�z*�k�*�* 5tatement Number: R040005584 Amount: $70.00 04/12/200411:00 AM Payment Method: Check Init: �TS Notation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ItiTo: Dl�#3040120 `Type: DR.B - Sign Application Parcel No: 2�.OZ0230I005 Site Address: 3275 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3275 KATSOS DRI'4JE , Total Fees: $7fl.00 This Payment; $70.00 Total ALL Pmts: $74.D0 Balance: $0.00 **�*��x�**�*��*******�*��*�*�:�*m**�*****�x*******x�****�****��****x�x:****�**�*�**�*�**m�****�x�** ACCOUNT IT�M LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts --—--------------- ------------------------------ ------------ RR 0010�003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 20.OQ � � �_. � �, , « ���. ���� Tar�roF v��L ��ti 75 South Frontage Road Department of Cor�imunity Developmerrt Ya�l, Colarada 81657 970-479-2138/479-21.�9 FAX 97C1-479-245� Septernber 5, 1996 �i�a��:50II P.O. Box 451 A�zon, Colarado 81 S20 RE: The proposed OlesonlVoliun r�sideance to be located at 3275 Katsos Ranch RoadlLot 1 l, Block 1, Vail Viliagc 12th �iling Dear Gary: As you are aware, the Town of Vail Desigm Review Board conditionally approved your request for a propased single farnily r�sidence to be lacated a�3275 Katsos Ranch Raad. Yaur approval is valid for one year from the date of ap}�roval. The purpose af this ]etter is to iuform you of the conditions pIaced on the appro��al by the Design Review Board. Each of ti�e conditians Iisted below must be resolved priar to application for a building perrr�i{: 1. In order to determine the proposed buildin�hei�ht, please indicate all roaf ridge and eave elevations on the site plan, Existing and proposcd contaurs must be illust�ated beneath the proposcd structure. 2. The applicant must submit revised plans, in accordance with the comments received 9/3/96,to the Public Vi'orks Departrnent far review and approvai prior to application for a building pemut. 3. The applicant must s�abrnit revised driveway plans to the Town of Vail Fire Department, indicating adeyuate emergency vehicle access. Vehicle access rr�ust be growided to tY�e site in order to meet the 150'rule. 4. A construction fence m,ust be installed along the limit of disturbance li�e prior to issuance af a building pem�it. 5. fihe appPicant must submit tbe proposed exteriar building material a�d color board. ��REC'YCLED PAf'ER � � � '� OLESaN CONDITIOI'�TS af APPROVAL 1. That the applicant sul�mit revisec�plans, inaccordance with co�nents reoeived 9/3196,to the Fubiic Works Departmetn for review and appraval PRIC�R to application for building permit. 2. That tbe applicant submit revised driveway plans to#he Fire Department indieating adequate ernergency vehicic aceess. 3. That a construction fcnce be installed alang tlae limit of disturbance linc prior to issuance of a building perr�it. � � �ary Qlesv� P. O. Box 35?9, Vai� Ca 8I658�3579 September 11, T996 Mr. George Ruther Town Planner Town ot Vail 75 South Frt�ntage Road Vail, CO $1b57 RE: Your letter of September 5, 199fi reference the propc�sed OlesonlVolinn residence to be located at 32�5 I�atsas Ra�ch Road/Lot 1 l, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing George: Per 4ur conversation ot�epternoer 8, 1996 it is my understanding that you have a1l required information and documentatinn and that all conditions have been resalved except far item 2. I have delivered yc�ur set of plans to Terri Martinez in Public Works, on Septernber 9, 1996, far her review before i cornmence any fnrther revisions of thc site, grading and utility plans as, I believe, that her camments were ba.sed on an earlier version of the plans than thase we had completed lor the September 4, �.996 I�esign Review Board meeting. Per Item 4, a canstruction fence wi11 be installed at the time of commencerz�ent of construct�on. If you need any further information, pieas�cor�tact me at the abave address, or at 476-2886. Also, if you wautd change youx iiles to reflect the above address for Lisa and me, and if you would forward all future correspondence to us at that address, I would greatly appreciale it. Thanks for your help. Very truly yours, �� � /1 � �,lL�y� (_,/' �.r`" ilZfc+ ' .. .(-'ir� � OIl u�sry�iesvn 'a 97U-476-28�6 IiSLl3Gl96 C➢16'28 �'2,+2 ����� i��� i� �`i4d�l� ' '6 �y��`,,;��:�°I1�1 I �.-'�;��� ��; � ,, ..� 4 ��� >tl �.. ,! " �`1 {^'"Y',; � � � �r: k:' fry .+S' - r.,,�"'� 11 �.:•�� ^ ;�.�G�1�+ ����Tn i�' �r Y" IIJY V�I�W �, � 7f Soxsb Fr��tsga l�os� k�cpar�nen.t of�+rbtic.�r��r,►�'`�r;�;�-a�ttstion YAil, CaJor�da 81�5'7 �.-� '� �a�-�7�.Z1�8�F�lX 303-4T9-21d�t i;�ry C718en �Iy �4. �.995 �.v. aox 357� Vaa.l� Colarada 81�658 Z'e '�hart+ i� �aay Car�c�rn; ��e �,rnp�rty acwr�ed riy Mr. Garv Qisen, t�at 11, � rasubfliviaian of Ls��. 7. �lo�k i, V�i1 Vil�.�qe l�,th Fi1_nq haB gxO�.�Ct�Ofl �rom rock fall hazaard. The �rOp��t� ls pIOtB�t�d Y�y � berm Construc�ed by Llic 'E'�zxa v£ �fail. 7tdditioa�l m7 h i c�A1'ini� 1B L1Qt D8C89��rY� �+�r additioz�t�1 q�.r�etior��, �:aaee con�act the Town af Vail, at 479- �158. S �c�r81 t re� I �'csws� �i��Cr �`�wn af Vai1. I : . � . � � �, _, ravi�rd •/17/9� DBS�GN RSVIBW 80ARD APPLTCATION - TO�N OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DR.S MEETING: �r**��**#* **#*****�r* I. , r , A. D�SC��PTIO�'d: "1 `�'} L 1 G ►�'t 4,.,, � � � x�-. , �y�� _ H. TYPE OF REVTEW: ��_.�Iew C�nstruction ��2t70.00) _�iinor A�.teration ($20. 00) ,,,"�►ddition (�50,aa► conc��t��i Review ��0) C. A�DDRES9: �° "�� � "�_ ��� - � ��� -' � _- D. LEGAL D�S�CRIPTION: Lot _ � I �B1oCk _ � 5ubdivisiOn . ��"�' -� � If property is described by a meets and bounds legal deacription, please provide on a separate sheet and attac�a to this applicat�.on. , � E. ZONING: ''� F. NAME OF AP�L I�CANT: � " �"`"����,,� �-� ,� �. i` ,_. , , ,� � �.,,'15 A L.� � �, ��M 3� Mailinq Address; '' � �- '� � ~� Phone � P�� . G. NAME OF APFLICANT' REP ESENTA IVE: ��`• -' o+.� Niailinq Address : �� =.�`�� � G � Phone H. NAi+�IE AF OWNER(3) : � N� :��',°��;�� ` '�-� S� U�.'��� ' +f}Ih�R lS1 SI(�7NX 1�: . Mailinq Add=ess• -�,- � -� Phone 2. APPL.�CATI�NS Fi►ILL N4T BS PROCS39ED WITH�QT Of�R"9 3IC�NA'I`�RE I. Condominium Approva]. if appiicable. J. DRB FEE: DRH fees, as ahown above, are tv be paid at� the ` time of submittal of the DRB �pplica�ion. Later, when agplyinq for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wi11 adjust the fee ac�ording to the table below, to ensure the correet fee is paid. � Q�. �� � �� • J , 'y g . FEE 3CFIEDULE� S''1fU �,�J VAI,UATION FEE � o - � sa,aao � a� .00 � ia, oai - � sa, aao � �o.00 � 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 �100.00 $150, 00}. - $ 500, 000 �aaa. 04 $540,001 - $1, 00O, OOfl �400.00 � Over $1, Q00, 000 �500.00 D88I� RllYIBW BOARD APPBQVAL F�PTRES ONS YgAR AFTSR FII�TAL , APPROVAL UNLB$g A BUILDING P$RMIT 23 ISSUSD AND CON3TRUCTION SS $'!'ART$D. 1 / ,, . ' ' � � ��� . LI$T Oi� MATBRjgyg ��'� ' , , . .€ NAME QF P1�QJECT• a �. rtw.) °� �� � n..?� ���.�'t���� � � LE�AL DE3CRIPTION: LOT� �LOCK � SUHDIVI9IQN ��+4+✓1� �. � �BTREET A�DRES$: _ _`��."'l' .'r'� ��"�5 C3`.� �"���� ��t�,e`�i� The followinq infarmation is required for submittal to the Design Review Soard before a final approval can �e q�.ven: A. � BIIILDINd MATBRIAL9: TYPS �►F MATSRIAL `.s�.. C�LQR , . � � _ .. � � Roo£ ._ � ;� i��� �'S . . .... .. 1 Siding � � � � � �1 �a5 � � . . ....�„, � -�° ,�:�_:�, Other WaZl Materials � �.c� "r��a�_1�� �, . . Fascia �x��t S�wv► 2.�d� ,. .. � �.. .. �So£fits ,�t ; � �� Windows - �;�� �.r�:���°�' � . £ ��' � � � � �..:: - Window Trim ` "' A " ,-., i3o�ors G . �v�p� �q . Uoor Trim � �'t�5- ��C �,��, `, �and or Deck Rai 1 s ` �.�1�..��� �� � ' �a��l�c.� . 1 V3, . �4 , i! .. . . � .. � . i ...�.. . .�:. �t�}7_� ' ., � Flues � � � � , .. '�(�o� C�A. �dctv'. '��ti�r#�c;�c '��,.,r�oe-� ' �� Flashinqs � _ , __ . ._ _ C�imneys �e,,�,v d��s� ;��c�o� Tra�h Enclosure� �� � ° ` . �Greenhouees �..��t� , , � : . _ + ReCaining wa1�s . n ��� . . . ��,���v�-�',�! � Exterior Lfghtinq ' -��e�e.0 ;�'�-���,.� ��.,�' -� .-� ,� Other �a ��t� � "Sx�r � �_ � B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: �-�,��� .. _ '�� � ��'�1�15 Phone: . �. 7 JUL-2b-96 F�I 07�5E � �AX 1�C�, �2698 F. 09:'� ] P3�ANT MATERYAL9: Hor.d�j��a1 N�tn�g Common Nam� O}�a�t�tv Siz�* � •L PRt}POSED TRELS „ _�. ..,.. .. . . AND ST�RUHS - . . � . . '� . �l'c�a I�ur'v�� �'-U_ S�Y�c� �_'`"�i �I��It G�.f:.$�fl`�C�,l,1G �'�11�� �r Po�. �kv-cw►�Ir�i` c QuaiciL�r,,�.�ne„ `' �- ��.�Yz"ca�t �►-t�s tilun,2— --✓�-1 vu u �!uG s ���I ` �� � �r���75� 'S�Ct'�`�-Ps+. ' �I�'�y� Qt�te���;:�f � . �.._ *Indicate caliper fv� deciduous tre�s. ���- � �Q��c�duous tr�c��a ; �x -�°��' � 1'fIP}1�C� Indicate height for conif�rous trees. t'r+.�a �..�,Y�L�'S:��im. **�ndicate �iZe of prQpoaed ahxubs. ' 5 c�al.lc�n_ � GR4UND COVBRS - �� �G'liaC�" ��h£'��: ,y°:�; =.��_�� 1'�'`�i Inia-�� ,�_�. ��'' � � - L� I _ sop . . . s�m ��-r: .�; a�.�rr° rl. ��` tl �'��f-vr� - a.r�s TYPE . OF IRRI�',ATrON :V" �C►� � 'TYPE OR METHOA QF '��' �e� � L��-(� . ER(}SIC}N CONTROL C. L�iNDBCAPE �,IGHTII+1Gs If exterior lightan�q i� prapo�ed, plea�e ghc�w the nu�aber of fixtur�s and location� on a separate 1iq�iting pls°►ri. �dentify each fixture frou� the l�.gh�ing plan ir� t2,e spaCe be�,ow and provide the beiQht above qxade, typ�e of � � light •prs�po�ed, 3.ua�en output, 1umi�aug area ax�d � cut sh�et of the ligh� fixture. {section �8. 54.f?5� J� �t:��- . - - .,.��`_,,..,,"�„��_�_��.�n.. ,_�,,,�.��.�_�.. D. �fiHER LANDS�APE FEATURE� (z�etaining w�11s, fez�Ces, awi�lnaing pC418, etC. ) P1��38e 8p�cify. Tndicate heigh�s of re�ai�.�,x�g , wa].1g. Ma�c.im�sm heiqh� of wa�,1a withir� the �zo�n�. �3etb8�k ia 3 ' . Maxi:ccum hei�ght of wa31� el�er+vhere on Ch� gtoper�y i� fi ' . � y, � ;�;J, . . . 8 I ;�� -��-' � L C�..�� , �o ck� �vl vYt�. !� � � � vri.�[.�S � ko�� " l�1-r�pa �rr,�br.��}�1� , I � S �a�-�i►�.-�-i ti�, -�r-u i-N`v Sc� � �� � l[,�� ke, pa�-e'�.-h�I t,� , t�. ' �ldv�cit`kc � �� �5��'d4. ' g�'culur" £°;�°ap-�'r T?�v� , .3 S ► � � • • ` a ,�:� °*'�i����,'�' �)r . ,. , ����.. 11 .. _ �# �' ���� ��� TOWN OF VAI�, �-. 75 Sou1h Frontage Road Depart�nent of Comrnu�tity Development Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 August 29, 1996 Gary Qleson � . P.O. Box 451 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: The proposed Olesonl`a'olinn residence to be located at 3275 Katsos Ranch Roac3lLot 1 l, Slack 1, Vail Village l2th Filing Dear Gary: I have connpleted a preliminary zone ch,eck of your proposed single-family residence to be located at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road. The purpose of this letter is ta inform you of the outstanding issues which rnust be resolved prior to final review of your request before the Town of Vail Design Rewiew Board. Currently,you are scheduled for final rev�iew by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, Septcmber 4, l 996. The fvllo��7n�is a list of issues which rnust be resolved prior to final review of yflur application by the Design Review Board: �: As you are aware, your property is]ocated within a high severity rock€'a�l area. Please '�� submit a Hazard Report prepared by a licensed Geologic Engine�er in accordance with Chapter 18.64 of the Tawn of Vail Municipal Code. 2. A construction fence will be requ�red to be installed priar to the issuance of a building �'� p�rmit, along the line delineated or►your proposed site pian indicating the construction limits. � 3.I According to the Supplementa�Rcgul�tions af the Town of Vail Municipal Code, no walls �---- over 3'in height a.re pernutted iti the front setback. Additionally, ali walls vver 4'must be reviewed and approved by a Ph�sical Engineer. As proposcd, you have walls exceeding 3' in height in the front setback. � 4. � In order to detemiin�propos�ed building height, please indicate �.11 roaf ridge and eave �� ; elevations on the site p�an. Exi;ting and p�-opased eantaurs must�e illustrated beneath the proposed structure. ��RE�'}CLED PAPER i • • • The proposed site plan and landscape plans do not rnateh. For example, exterior patio ��}� cvnfigurations,retainin�wall locations, grading, driveway con�guration, etc., do nat match. Please xesubmit a site plan and landscape plan reflectin�the appropriate designs. 6.,-., Accarding to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, finished grades shall not exceed 2:1. '`°'�'% There are several locations on your proposed re�ading plan where the 2:1 grade has been exceeded. Please amend the plan accordingly. 7. It appears that your proposed floor plans da nat match t�e proposed site plan. Please ����' review�ach. set of plans and rnake sure that accurate information is being illustrated. $, t «'hile no crar�vl space areas are show�n on the progosed floor plans, it appears that some �'��>�; portions of the faundation may have cra��lspaces. If this is the case,please be aware that no crawl space area shall exceed S' in height as rneasured from the�raund below�o the bottom of the structural floor members above. , .: ���' As discussed following the conceptual revicw of your item,the Town of Vail Tire ' ent will need to revie��v and a rove your proposed plans. Please rneet with Fire Dcpartm . pP Q�A,,,. InspectQr J�ff Attencio, to resolve any access issues whieh you may have, as we discussed. ,Again, each of the issues listed above rnust b�resalved prior to fmal review of your applicatian by the Design Review Board. If��ou are unable fo resolve the issues by Tuesday, September 3, 1996, I will have n�o choice but to table your item on the September 4, 199f, Design Review Board zneeting agenda. Should you have any questions or coneems with regard to the infonrnativn addressed in this letter, as always,please do nat hesitate in giving me a call, You can reach me most easily during regular office hours at 479-2145. Sincer�ly, � George Rut'her 7'own Plan�er � GRljr � ZONE CHECK � . FOR SingZe Family Reside��e, Duplex, Primary/Secondary ZONE D�STRICTS DATE: `�,,+� o F' �*'7,3� 1 LEGAL DESCR�PT�ON: I,Qt „��, Blo�k Subdiv�SiOn _\1�a�1 V(1[I��a� � �"' ADDRESS : �2�� • C?WNER PHONE ti 7b. ,�,�.a6_ �` ARCHITECT PHONE ZONE DISTRICT ' PRQPOSED USE � LC}T S I Z E ,�, Q�1 L¢ _�J�'.�c� , �j}3`-I� � 8UF LDAB LE LOT AREA Allowed Exi_ stin�C Pro�osed Total ;,. Height {, � {30) S33) —' � Tota1 GRF�137�� ��.� t �67 = ,.,6�' �- �,���� �� Primary GRFA �' + 4�5 - -- ,_. �, ..._. - ; � 5ec�ndary GRFA �" + q�5 = — —. � --. Setbacks Front 20' Z�. 'S' � Sides �5 ' �S /C7 p�, � Rear 1 tX:cJ�.� _� jS si te Coverage j� �� . .� ��� � Landscaping � ��isr -���f��� S 3'� �{� �� � �at�a.n.�nq w�].x I���,���s � � /� � �! �r ,'� �' r¢a.lr Parking J� Reqrd �� _�Encl Garage Credit (3��D} (500) (900) t1200) '-�'S dr �t ',5`�lS� Drive : Permitted S�c�p� � Proposed Slape �S � Complies with T.O.V. Lighting OrdinanGe Yes Np . Water Course Setback (30) (50) � Da �inish Grades Exce�d 2 : 1 (500) YES NO Environmenta�/Ha2ards : 1) F1ood P1ain ��� � 2) Pereen�. Slape (< > 30�) •C/�}`� 3) Geo].og�c Ha�ards _ a) Snow Avalanche ✓� b) rtockfall N;a►-�, �,�;1.., f� ; c) Debris Flow �' ✓ ; 41 wetlands_� View �orridor EnCroachment ; Yes � No pIL D�7c� i r1.ia t�CjuGSi; i1iVU1V� d L�V HQQ1tlOI1. 1�,_((3 T H�w much o� the alloweci 254 Addition is used with this request? Previous condi�aons of approval �check praperty file� : : ��� ;� � ��� �� � � ' � �. C�. �,�53 4r rYl c.. . �� ��4' � � � ' �. L. l,��id � �----- 5,$9.Z. ¢t = ���y� \ ' � 7 �� . � �i� ' � /� TOI�'�l OF UAIL � Frotn the desk of... Georgr Rutber p�� �o�O¢.S �j"rl.t c.c�Q rd,c����� �vr �;w�uao [-w�¢a�,c �� � �16er. 5►da..��. Sa�,'�- C�-�� Ca��ts \�l i v�o�..1 Cvrsi�l� l ��-�'�� � � ,, . . r . - . J�~' ` _ . j� ' � .T � ,,F �t . . / �', �r� . .'^w�� ' � f`••�4 �� � � � � �I � ' �� � �r� �� ��''�'±� �` - �' 1 - - ' _ : -r 1 � ��� If .. � �.� �� I1r ■w - �- _ � 11 . ■� ���I IN1111� �� =`.- il ' � II�� 111111 �� . � �� il , �- - .� " _ 1 I . . . —. �� � ��� �I - � �1 `���� � : � �� ±�s---. `�; - �- ' � � � _�_ _� 1 1.� II I �� , - __-�- � d1 _ 11� =- `i14. —�^ �l--.t '_ - :q��...��- � -- . _ � 11 . . , �,. .- �-_ . �., - -��` �,,.,�;-p�,�i6;�_ _ _ - � _ . •r . .,+�D� - � _ �� �;�� ! � � _ - _ r.�Y1;n � +�- .. � -`+- - . ` � a.7 � - �r ��pia . ._ �'�' . r �—=- - q'c.'�":� �� � � � � /�' ._ �- .- . � . . , _ ,� . . . _ . �-�v � .. =s x�=�3.�RS. ro►° f�•arc �': . . ' . ., � ` . � - �. .� •""=��= �- �;' ' .� ` , � � ' . ` . ``.' - . . _ .�•.�; t.. . "-..:a,., �. ' . ' , �' � - -, .. r��` ��x 4,R.S. SffPPOfi? R�1/L,' .. . ; _ _. ~ � aTTAG't� Ta WAL.L F�4AMI1Y6 . � � � .. ' .� AS REQUIRED PER CO�E. .3 , ` , `I • ,` . .. � , .y: , . . . . - I ,. , . �( , �2 x 2 RS. fNTERMEl,tiIATE 3. . - RA11S E�7UALU� SPACED ': - .n: ... • . � . _ ' i4:fd ..•-. . � � � - . � , ri:r� � � . ' - • � � . ' MW 570NE •- _ C�P . �i%;����f ��"` �,,;f;y�/ �� ` �- . ��iY/f.��Y / i � i � � ST�1NE . �:, . . .i � JO1NT • �:� . , ... --- REFFR �a OETAIL 2/A9.1 � • �. � � FOR ADQ'LIHFQRMAT/ON EX�ERIO�R �A�L � �_ . .: . - . 1 1/� " � 1'-4' .� ' � � �� � � at.verrR r NGW�EAPNYG .� .�. DRAiNAGE PLAI`�f FOR THE OLES�N-VQ�L�NN RES�DENCE VAIL, C�LaRAD4 HCE IOB N�. 96456.O1 J��ly 15, 1996 Arepared by:. � _ + � Deric J. Walter, C.E."T. ,��������1tN9fNir�n �i�i � �q� RE'G��;��,� ,,,��'°.�'l P/ijj�"��,��.� Reviewed b : t��'�`�� ��rf'�a� . .�S"� ��C1���; � �� '�stj: .°4'.+�� � t . , . . .- �"• ���'� Prineipal En�;ineer �� �%'°•....••'���` , "�'�r r�+����A`,�",��``�,,� 9�23 Caoper Avenue • Glenwood Springs, C� 816a1 Telephar�e: (970) 94�-8676 • FAX: (97�) 945-2555 , � � TABLE O� C41�1TENTS INTRODUCTION 1 OFF-SITE BASiN 1 HYDR�LOCY 1 DRAINAGE PLAN � S UMMARY � DRAV�INGS: Vici��ity Map {8-1/2" x ll") ExistiRg Drainage Map (11" x 17") Pro�ased Drainage Map (11" x 17") Floc�d�slain Map ($-1/2" x 11") Off-Site Drainage Basin Map (8-1f2" x l l°) Drywell Detail (8-1l2" x l l") APPENDIX: Calcu�ations Bure�u of Public Rbads Nomograph . � � 1 INTRODUCTiQN The rroposed Oleson-Volinn Residence is laca#ed in the Town of Vail, Colorado, on Lot l l of th�; Vail Villa�e Subc�ivision, just north af Tnterstate 70. The lot for �he pro�cssed single family residence is approxirnately one acre. Please see the enclosed �+'icinity N1ap for site location. QFT'-SITE BASi3V The only off-site basin that affects th� project is shown on the Off-Site Draina�e Basin Map. Storm r�inoff f�-om tliis ba$in is rather evenly dis�erse� a�ross tk�e property. Calculations showin� the estimated peak stormwater c�ischarges are included in the Appendix. According to the F�ood Insurance Rate Ma� published by the Federal E�ner�;ec�cy Management A�ency, (Community Number 080Q54, Panel Number 0404B, May 2, 1983), this site is in Zone C, which includes areas of n�inimal flooding. A copy of the pertir�ent portion of that map is included in this report. HYI)ROLOGY The I}ydrolo,�ic methods for this study are as outlined in the Soil Cor�servation Service pubtication "Frocedures for De4erminir�� Peak Flows in Colora�io" (1980) and the Soil Conservation Service's TR55. Peak flows for this site may include combined raiitfall and snow melt derived flows since the site is somewhat above 8000 feet in elevation. However, the iaicrease in flows due to snownielt r.vill be minor eom�arecl ta the runoff Prom rainfall. The storm draina�;e system 13as been designed to handle bolh rainfall anci spring snowmelk ru�off. DRAINAGE PLAN The storm runoff flows from this site will, in g�nera�, be quite diffuse and shauld not particularly affect any part of the �raject. The storm runoff flow r�te for the site has been calculated for the 25 and ]00 year, 24 hour stor�ns. Usin� these flow vaiues, along with a I3ure�u of Public Roads nomogra�h, a cross pan has been sized to accommadate f�aw across the �ropased driveway. Stormwater detentian will be accom�lished by means of a drywell pl�eed just east of the driveway. Please see the ealculations a�d nornograph provided in the Appendix. SU1��MARY The drainage improvem�nts proposed far the Oleson-Volinn Residence are designed t4 work together to mitigate the expected impac#s on the site and ciownstream properties. �, i i�' � / ;; � \�` �1 , `,,� - , d i i�J �1���I�II����,i��/c��.. �������y, J ���' r�G . C \ �i ' � �� s� ) �.- �� � i f �� � /, � . �%!�/ /�� , ~,..,� 1 � � ' s .r'✓. � Yn ;�I f�:l���,i4` �� ������ � i:�,���,�� . /r/� f� a - ��j� .� ` � , / �f Z c� + ;� � J �J t � (,r �i i��f ,; � i �/s �;l � � � _ ; , :J � \r-,� _���:`�"� �' � '� ,R/�' , ,�j�/ r,,,�,�� _ ����� `� '�f/, / � , �`� s '�`' � �'J\"__' �� � �' i �� . i �. = � � �' , �� ` �� _ ��� .�� _ ���, } �+ �;'� y_�—� � � t. 1� \ �\� �` �,0 / � �; � , - ' -�- � ��f--.. _ _ _ �` , - � '��".__ _�_;r ({' � �; . 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OLES❑N-�,/OLINf� RESTDEI�TIAL DEVEL�P�IEI�T HCE #96Q56,01 7f12/96 �1�T T� S�ALE . � � APPENI]ii�C O/ � Project ��C��° Job No. �r.�C��o " TRY N��,�� By ��i`� Date � �1 �Ck'd by Date Subject , �I�1-Nf�� Pag� oi ... ,r"' : • : ,j . ! . � . G X ZS:T�,�1..,�'t __ �c�J�l/TJ'?`T1"�i1�,S ��/1/`� �?�i cz , � . . � � ' � . , _ _ . ' ; �oT'��V t' :�r��; �� �' : �� D�l� �t�z�t_ � �. ��53�1� �!�:-�'�Z:. . � . ; . .. ' �Y�E � �o�c� ' , , . ._.:_ _ ; _ �� .. F�. . . : . .. _ . � . .... . . . . -��: l`i �G�r� E...�-! _. _ ...... ��!?�.s�.... ... .:..� .�?.� .:... :. z,��,�.'��.�� ��.Z ....._. �� .. . . ' . . ... .,.... . _. ._ _�?��±�a i,±�-Go�.�C�,,,�� .:. ��Z:�.. : �� . .:. ... . 5�9�. : ' � : . . ._... _. . . t ; ' : . .S -�- : �5 Z1 �3��.� �� ; :_. ; 22,8��/.:Ca3-�'x� ;� , 9 . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . 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S�� VOLUME FOR DETENTION �S Vers�on 2 . 00 Pro�ect : OLESON-V4LTNN RESIDENCE User: DJW Date: 07-12-g6 Caunty : EAGLE State: CO Checked: Date: Subtitle: Dr�inage Area: 1. 44 Acres Rainfall Freg�ency: 25 years Rainfall-Type: II Runoff: 0. 3 inches Peak Inflow: . 35 cfs Feak Outflow: . 2 cfs Detention Hasin Storage Vol�me: 0. 07 inches or 0. 0 acre feet � ���� � Project V L�SoA,I_ Job No. # Rr By mm�J�" Date � ���Ck'd by Date �NCJ�BE£RNG Subject�i�'/9?-��G7 C Page of ,... . `�� ; ;_ ,�' Gi,/�C'L; ; ; : . r . � �.._ , �_ ; , ' f�...�. , . .. . _�. _ _ .. .. . . , , „, ;[��� ; �� '� � �b. �!'i� �d�o� t', ' �� 3Y5 ��-�'�'� . . . � . . ,� . �_ . . � . _ t� .. .... ..;..... - .....�. -.......- . . :. � .... i.. . .. . . -. . . � . , �A � . , . . .:.. _ _. . .... . � ` ; ._. �.. .�_ . . :.. . , _. � � , � ; .. �. .�c��� •° � `rT"r *�j � z. Z�rr:.F� ��`' ...�i° s.� , � � _ . : ; ' ; ; _ ;_..,_ ` � ,... _ , � . �. .� ; . ��rt` 2 _ . : � - � Tr—�a)� � z �. �� 31 °y -�.�� . 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POMi1pM Of CM�I�MEL � NA41M0 WIOTX�� R: '���1 U `i� OETLRYIM� 6l�TX d f011 TOTlL Dl7ENAl10E IN ,QQZ f�7111E SfCTION o. ihfM Ul[ XOYOORI�N iG � �O� ZO O[yE���RL Yi iN SECIIOM C ioll oE�TM � °�'0°��) � a' � •.ra osre�ews«e oisce�wi a D2 � e IN COY►071TE 7ECTION�- � � � �O rouaw ix�rRUCrwN s. �. ,p01 Q fo a�7a�M macMallGt i8 ...�.-M �`d' S(CTlON o AT �61VM[0 '�l��d-d�4 OEPTN d � O/TAIN 0� F07! - SLOFE Ri�10 l� iN0 OL►TN d�� �n6N 0�•0��C� .Q� �R���L7 ��y,� " NOMOGR,4PH F�R FLOW e ��t '� ��s " �-�° �`�s I(V TRIANGULAR CHANNELS �p, a�?. �,� � l,28 c-�s k p(,�SD lol 1�6�1.7�C�c 4mt�X � �` �' C t s �t..c?�J pr4A! �Z=A.)L� �_-- ���,� � ��C,�-�o� ST U� TA � � ��r�Z� 9� l�' ' L�� � � SLGP� - �fllU ,,.:' �.'::�;:.i� .°:�.:.. . . . ' 07/12/1995 12�37 � Koechlein Consul#ing Engr TO �5b19709262658 P.01 K�oeGhlein �on�ult�ng Eng�neers Consu#ting Geo�e�chnical Engineers � ��3�a w.aia�ts �icwy•sune ��•�.�+rooa, tx� saz2s MAIN OFFICE AYOf� SILV�RTHORNE (343) 989-f 223 (97Q) 949-fi00� (9?fl}4�8-6933 (303) �89-0204�AX (g7Q) g49-9?23 FAX (��0) 48$-6939 FAX IRAIYSMITTAL . --, To:��1,..1�,�i��;� �7ace_ 7/���i�/ T' �;�� L'l�f� �'1�,��.� � � t� . F�.XNO. ��� '��� ��-'����CJ JobNQ, ' [sem(s): No. Drscription � _ .. 7 � � � �"� � W�X�(d� � 1�✓ - - -- - - - � Parpose: . r�y�ou[equested srvicw and retuir�t �for your infqrtnatipn� reply to sertder , .. fvr�+�ur approvel Odter(stt tem�les) Remaric�: � Copies: � �� sy + , 07/12/1996 12�37 �i'I Koechl�in Consulting Engr TO �75619799262698 P.02 Koe�hlein �onsulting �ngin�ers Consulting Geotec�nicaf En��neers � 12364 W. Alameda Plcwy�Suits 135•l.�la/waOd, Cd 802x8 MAifV OFFfCE AVQN SIIY�f�,THORNE (�c��) �ss-�223 (sao� �s-socr� ts7a�as�-ss3� �3p3) 989-0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (970)�98-6939 FAX ' July 12. 199d Garv(�Icc��n P.U. Box.i579 Vail,CO 4 i 658 Subject; Qe��gn Recomme�ndatia�s . Pmpc,scd Resi�ence [.c�t ��, $lock 1.F�linp I� Vai! Village Subdivision Vaii.Coforado Job;Va.96-17d As rcqu�ytcd, we prepared this ietter desc�ibing oc�r assumptions and our desa�n recr�mmcndations for Lot i l, �Iock I, F�ling I2, in the Vail VilEage Subdiv�sian. Our recor�irnr:ndations ar�based o�l our site visit��n lvly 10. 1996,ar�d our experienec irf the area. Wc a�c�umc�thak a twv-storv residence of wood frame�nd cast-in-plac+�eor�crete corrst�vciian wi�l bc built an thc 1at. Tf�z lot is very steep; therefore, we a�nticipate that the toundatio�t wiax be st€�ped to ftt the contaur �f ttie lot. We anticipate that the,re will be some below g�'ade construction. �ascd u�� ou�experience and pbseTV�tions, w�. anticipate t�ee matvri�(s exposed in the battom of the excavt�4i�n f01'lF1e CC5id�rice w�ll conSi�t �f a silty or clayey sand and gtavcl witb cvbb�es and bould�rs. It is pnssibte that ti�ere may be some #il1 ��caunter�d at thES sRe due to the construction pt"a roek�all miti�ation ditch that was constructed uphiil of the nesidenre. ln v� ' op��tiort, �hc sand and gra�el soils, betaw possible cxisting fiEl, w�l! safcly s�pport a spread foutin� foundaC�On svstem anc3 slafron-grade flaors. The spread footing faundation sys�+e�n sh�ul� bc �{e:ssgned for a maximum atlowable sc�il bearine pr�ssur'� af 3.�Q0 psf_ ,q�1t exterior footingy �hould �e constructed at ieast 4 feet beneaih the fina� gracle Ro r�duee the r�i5k vf f�vst he�ve. 5i��ce ti}e Ic�t i5 steep, we racammend that the found�rivn be step�ed to fit the contour vf thc tand such that the dept€�af the e:�cavatson is a masimum of 8 feet de�p. To�eduee the ri�k af damp ba��menk floor slabs, we recvmmeRd a [ayer vf 4-inc3� free dsainin� �ravel beneattt tix 51ab to a�t as a moist�ire break. Wacer from sur�ace irrigatiotz and snowme�t frequentty flows t�rough thc irelatively pernneable backfi2l ;ecl.jaeenl co t6e foundat[on walls and collects v� the surfaee vf ttae nleRivety imp�nrrsrable materiais occurring at the bnttc�m of trie foundation excavation. This C�1 GavSC wet . 0?�12/1996 12�37 � Koechlein Consulting Engr TO �56197092b2598 P.03 Mr.Gary Olcsart 3uly 12. 1996 Pagc 2 or maist b�s�ment canditivns afte� c�vnstructivn� To reduce the risk of accumutation of wa�r adju�ent tt, hasement walls.we [eCOmmcnd provi5i4t1 p�8�fouqdatieil��sri. �tYpica!dctai!o�'a drain is s'�t�w'n in the attachcd figure. T�►e �i5k o# wettin� the fou�dation so�ls ean be reduced by caireful[y p�ant�ed anc� �ainta�ne� surfaco drainagc. We rccommet�d ithe �vund surface surrounding t!� extcriar of the residence . be sloped �way frorra the �esidence in all dsr�ctions. We recort�mend a minimum slope of 12 incl�es in tlie first !0 fett. Back�ll araund the foundation walls should also be mdistctted a�d cvmpactad. Bascmcnt and r�tainis�g wa.11s may b�e plant�ed for the residence t�at wil� rec;uic'e ]atcrai desa� press�ces, Wc recvmrnend tkte b�low gr�de walls be desig�ed us�ng as1 cquivaient fluid weighi of SQ pcf. .l1 coefticiertt af friction of�1.4 may be used to ireSist slidicsg. Ttte equiva�tnt fluid wei�hc af�0 pcf'is bas�d on a horizonta) backf l) co�ditivn ac�d does nvt incfucle aflowances fot surcharg� loads duc tca hydrost:ttic pressutes or live loads. The prapased �csidence is in a rockfall ha�ard arex. A rocicfall miti�ativn ditch has been �onstruct�d uphill di the residence to rtduce tlne risk. However,tlte ow'ner shouEd be awa�e ti�ctt is still some ri5k vfrockfalf. We appreciate xhe vpportunsty tv provide t�tis service. Zf we can be of turther sen+ice, Please cantact us. �inserely. ' KUECHLEIN CQNSU�.TiT+IG ENC.,INEERS r $� ��-�'�`�� Seott U.Warner,E�gineer , i , ,� ! r: . x����,�EE� ��=����,��-�-- � �l90� �V✓illiam H. Koechlein,P.E.. President 7-I�-9� �w SDWljc ONlIL $ (4 copy s�:rit} cc; Ric'�Hermes Kim I�vlcCihee � + @'7/12�'1996 12�38�'I Koechlein Consulting Engr TD �619?09262698 P.Od CLAY�aY 6AGKFlI.L 1D � f'�_ � � �f - Z" ; — — � — ,�� _ � �� — � _ — ^ i BE1,01M OAAD� wA1�1. � COMPACTED BACKFI�1. {�E� � fifPORT FUit BACK�L � RECOM►MEP�DAT10N8� ' MI►l�I�FACTt1RE� DRAlI'f � MIHADRAIN �000 O�i E�UIV►AL.EFIT � � M�t���� �ror� a� �. �a�utv�t,�n� � � t���v�� � 1 ,O .a. A .. ,0�•q .p�{j. •44. .o°a°:v a'a:�'� �.4'9 �2' -o:a4�'o.o;,Q9p:p. .o .a'y ;qq? . o' PLA$TI� Sl1EE71NQ PERFaR14T�D PiP� t�' MtN. � �pTES: � 1, ppAlH $HOU'�D 6� AT LEAST 12 INCt�lE3 BELOIM TOP OF F��� AT TFIE HIt�MEBT•P�� Af�ID sL4PE �O�lIfNlrllAl� TO A i�$fTIY� flRAV1YY OVT1E.'T bR TO A 3UMP MfHERE AA'�'�R Q/!N 9� REMOYEQ 8Y PUIMPINQ. 2. TME DRAIN BHOiAD BE �a �� A 81.CP�a RAN�IMd B�'�IEEQ1 !/8 INCH ANL1 1!4 �iCH ppOP PEI4 FOOT O� OttA1N- 3, QRIRV�E� BPE�MF}CATfO}19: wASML''d 1 1/2 INICH TO NO. 4 'QRA� M�i�'M t�8S'CHA1V 3�i PA$SW�3 T1�iE NQ- 240 SEVS. �rY���a� wA�� o�AiN a�-�►rt � TOTFaL P.04 , _ . . � . � . . . Community DeveTapment Plan Routing Form � Routed To: Greg Ha�l, Public Works pTerr� 1Vlartin ic Works ` 1lriike McGee, �ire Return�'o: George Ruther, Cammunity Development Uate Routed: Z� � Rcriirn By: � Project Name: � ,. ` Project Address: �, 7c� Praject Legal: � � � Proje�t Description: s � 1��1�L1 ��''�f E7�1.1 C�. Approve� Denied (cite d�tailed r�asons) Approved with conditions , ....�� � z , ,{� �� ���'`� �� ,� ... .4....:.... .. ..... �i+ . . ....'�.:... �........{ .. .....� .......3......... .. �...�. `.,..... �! - / � , , !� ,_,+�.'�-�� �r,� ,��-=�'��/'..,��.s ��,c..,� .S'i T7 t �-�v.z.� G� er�.� .�- �� J` e��"�`v-�,y� �+. �!'.�a✓/e�..r'��` /C l�� ���(� �lr�� � !c r 5 '� /) /�� �' j J �..ti.-�, �� � ��eii/J-f�'..�7 - � /t/'� ,r'i s.'� ! ✓ �svl7 cr`� � dC'!r .7�+�� �. f i i � s < � a" Iteviewed by: T)ate: f:leveryone�domlwutform : -. ... ,.. - _ ,.-.,. ,, . .. , �. ,.,, - - .. , _ - ,_ ..,.:. _,. _.,. . .:,.,-. , . .,, , „. a� - �.'e. ;�ni , .a ,�.-.}.. � , :_ _ ; .. . �� . �� Com ' �evelopment P�an Rout�ng Form � � Routed To: Greg HaII, Publie �'Vor.ks � e � artinez, orks 1`vlike McG�e, Fire Return To: George Ruther, Comrnunity Devel�pment � Date Routed: Z, � � Reh�rn Sy: Z � Project Narne: ' �. � '� Project Address: �- Praject Legal, f � � � Project Description: � �: � I�� I��r'r�rc� � � �� Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions , ; < , �. > . . ......'..��.�����'� �' \\� . y� i h - ���ca�y�� -,i r�,!, t�r ivv�,,::� us,�a�{�.. rti�n�,,sYk;+��r�i`rv C:�r w,d k-)� i; �`• . �~ ihc, .� �� 1t��r� r7.v5r r�s,�z-h h'`� c�u51,�. �c�c�� k�1��� Yt� c:��ur�ri _ :,r��r��� :d�1S"i�i 1�,. �.t- Z czKS u k� y�� ,.���3 �,:�.�.��: c�� Y� �l r�,��i n i n �at.� �n I�� ►��i� �-'F t7� , � �� .;t� �c7 - cr- ��;,�, te:�{ rr,� �_�I�=� b�.x-uF S'� I r�� � i� clet�l sh�w5 �Jly c�tb'�k �.,�.�Ctr,"�C� C1s,} w�,ll �<��',�� ' �.ti.�t1�S tU c C.:1 i��kc7 ►"i'1'"' id!"L� ` �, � ,� r'�u � '^�C kir�trit� ���-� �- tCcstY�1S C�(��Csl����c:c3�`�fnf�Yl!" �� �-:��c—s,. �,-��"= WO� C uan`�e��'t��:t� t0 i`+rC�C3' �7. �a , � `��;�ai� !�u�� C�� �t��n tte� Frc,nr 5e.r hac� -- 5c� �a+� . r"'�t°r'.�E� Y�;U�c�e U,��v i� �'���: � ;� r'rk�l i r� <x��i:7j'S� �'I�.c��c: Shuw cr3n1���5 �n itve c�n�.' so �� C,r�nc9��rru�.�- ►"�'�c r�s�:�EWa� ' rt�C'. � G�o�rn�,�u:��c�F fu°�a ctre, �ilowc�.d �� tk�c:In�K..�� �SI���e�. (�Jo �j�ru��; o�er (L`�c r�ilc�w�.-�_ �1�, fUm O�rc�Jr'Y�j ���c��y !�4''!�a�r� �r��►U'�ed u%iri� [z ZC?' C.,c'.nCx'�'t,�ir� c�t,�,su; -�.�,_��h� ta`an ��ih�.� :iC1a . �he.�eit�;c:�4'���s.:,c�.� ��-t��� ��c�`, 1r�be;�>r:��r.�cl'�� �G%� ��:C7�,1C.t�o,.� p�riY�.lF za�'�.CJck'.1-�i�;,ti��:� �ycaf,_ � '�i�� C,c.�c�ffUUix w�11 �^6t:C� c� , ° ,��F ;"`''� �;C7�u��`�-r' L.t31'hl ��� :'_�� C!� f�SU�L?.�� ��fv��1,J ��"il�A i' �°ir' (1)i:.�:��'G'+,�" Gztt�ft 5� t't'�ca f°'�� . �. �a�rr�� �r�c:��= +. 4�r� ����� > � � (�&�z�yt� r��s, n �. 03 �� r���r�.�1 ��i� �# r-�t�, � � . Reviewed by: Date: f:leveryon6lAomUou tlorm _.;r,,��, � � Style �1 SS-202 ' Ht. 16" 'k :` 'Wd. 8-3/4" ��� � �, Bulbs 2C ;�; �� � , Style ' �85-Z15 �' ' Ht. E7-1/2" ' ��� ���� � �� Wd. IO-1/2" , Buli�s 3C � � ' Style �85-32�4 Ii�. 16'� Wd. G-t/�" �xt. S-I/2" Bulbs 2C Style #85-325 IIt. 21„ Wd. �i-1/4�� Lxt. (a-1I2" Bulbs 3C F .,� ti��� ;,: � T � '7 �. �.�1� . ��`e ,� ���.i� '� =� i, - ;;�� ';� . � � , . �+ ,�,1� i43[l�S.'U' 'k,� ¢..; ''�, � � ;`,� ,, �y�r'� '� �� - .�_ - �,`_-- � �� .. .,.:�ti? _���j/ -. .. ' _- �: � `� _ ��; Style #85-5 Ht. 2-3/4,� D�a. 6" � ,,,-._ �„� �. � J � ����.�'� �� ; � � ���.._. � �,� � ��"�� 9 uu�y Wiaac�n ��iU-�lo-ttlt76 �i15lD/yD tvl r:tJ� L'1GlI I SEP. 5. 199C 4�;�EFM �EWART TITLE `JAIL N0.338 P.1�6 i . . • � , �ri�!"+�.�le Aaso�iar.ion Com�i difiCd 317fl I ' ��OMMT'Y'M�I+TT FOR TITLE IN�L'RAN�E ISSUFD If'Y' � � L ! � � � T � .i 1 L iJ � GXJ,q� �tAii�TY CQM�' A►nTY , � � STFs�WAF,T '1`iTL� G[]ARAi�iTY' C`f�M�'ANY, A Texa� �'�rp4ratioa, hereitY c�lled rf7a �oaapany, far Vi�11il.I7��i CR1L91dC1'S�1OIli hezeb�� commics t�f�sue ite policy or polaciea af title iasurancc, as ident�ed ia �ched�le A, in.fevox c+F the prop�sed Ia�ured aam�ed in Sc�edule A, �OWIIO�'OT II1DTLgR�@ O�t�@9ZfL� ar interest covered hereby i�, tlae l�zyd doseri�ed�r r�ferred.in in Scbedute A,upvn paym�nt af the ; �rPtttilln]S �Charge9 f�7etCPOC; atl sv�bj�ct to the pravisions of Schedule�11�nd 8 and ta nc� Gc�ndit�o$s a�d Stipuiauons hereaf. I � This Cammitmeat sha11 be effective only wvb.en the id�ndty af t1�e proposed Ina�ared aAd �the amou�t 4f i the poli�y ar �oi�eies commi�tsd f�r k��ve��n i�seru�.d iti Schcdulc A bcrcof' by th� Cnmpaa�, cithcr , �t�1t�timt d�tll�18SUAi1CC Of tfii9 �4I1lIIi:Cffi�i1C DC b}�8ti��E�e�Gat�QtSCLriCiit� Tlus Couxmitme�t is prelimiva�y ta th� iss�a�c�of such p�licy ar ps�licias nf 1it1� in,suraacc au.d all liabiliry aad nbligauons licreunatar sh$11 ccase and t�nuir�ate�1x auuulhs nftcr �he effectiive date h�reof ar Whe�l t�pQIiO�' cn �oliGle5 cammitted far �hall i�sUe, r�vf.iichever �irst occur8, pravided t#�.t t�e '�A31�4i�C LO 1SStIC SIIi'�l F10L4Cy OY�3C1�,14:1Ct! ix uvc ��auit af�iie Comgaay. I Sig�d undzr s�a1 fur ti�a Cuu�pany, buc rhfs �otnmiuneni shall�c�C be valid or bit�cting unni it hears an autbo�ized Couz�ezsigna#u�, � IN '4VtTNESS �0�, ,5�ew€�G Tid� Guauranty �ompaay ltas caus�d its ca�parate nam�c ancl seal ta ' 1�a i,r��cuu�u af!°ixGri by iu duly au�vrized af�i�era on the dat�5#�avvu in 3chcdule A, i i i . � �� w� ��r T � TLE �u,�n�s�cc�r�P:�• , � . �f�'��� ' chairrnsg n! Cl3� 8oa !i i��'�,► 2reaider{g 4� �� pPA '�� t90e�,, � �o�►�=a� . *'�x��� , 4 ori G �qy�tmr�igna�ure , AR7`T1T�.E OP F.f�ial.B COL'NZ'Y�WC, A.f1. Anx 7.bJb �1�1„Colarada 9IbS$ (47D)944-1 Q:i w �� C}rder Na. 95�11fl98 G�ryOleson ss�o-�7�-zse� ��r�r�u �s��r�uz u.�� SEP, 5. 1996 4��7P�1 �RT TITLE VRIL � N0.338 P.2✓6 i .. I i � � cor��oxs � ����on�s � 1. T'he r�rm mortgage, when used herein, �11 include cl�d of tirust. m�t deed, ar � otber sccurity inst�urneat. � z. If the prQpased Iasured b�s ar acquit�s a�tual �vw�edgc of any defec�, �tea, � et�umbrance, advecree cla� ar ather m�tt�r affactir,� t� est�te or int�rast or I mortgage r�ereo� covex�tl by thie �ammitment other fihaa those shnwn in � Scl�edul� � hcrcot', and sh�li fail ta discloso such �nowledge ta tihc Ca�any in writia�, tho� Carnpany �] 1�relieved from �'ia�ility f+�r any lc,sb ox c�mage �s�lti�� froxn any a,ct af rel�wce t�cxean� ta thc eatte�t� CQmpaay is ptejt�cliced by failur� Ga so disclose su�h kapwlcd�e. Tf the propa�e� Insured a� disclose SuCh ktiowled�e kv tbe Ca�Panp� ar if t�e Compa�y nt#serwise ��quix�s � � �ow]edge af a�y such def�ct, li�a, encr.t�br�nce, e��er�c claim or�tl�r watt�r, thG Com�any at its optia� ma� ame�d Schedule B of this Comxnirment acc�rdingly, hut �uch ame�dment ahall. nat reli�vo rh� �c�m�p�ay �rom liability previau�ly incurred pursuant ta���gr�3 af�hese Cc]ndit�an.� 8sd a�' ula.tinnc. 3. Giabilit,y of the Campa.ny uuder" r.his Commitinenc �il I�e nnty tn the namgcl proposcd �t�red an� such patt%�s i��l�ded un�der the defiti�ian of Insured in the � form af policy or palicies Committ�d for and nniy fnr ��n�a1 �osP inctxrre�l in sehiance he.re�a� in undart�king in ,�aod faith (a7 tc�co�pl� with r,�e require�ne�c� 6ereaf, c�r(h)rn eHmin�� excepticu� shoavn i.�Sc�edule$, or (c)ta acq�e ar , �,.ncate the estate or inr.ere�t ar mortgage thor�o��vered �y t�i� �Ummimaet�t. Yn no��v�nt s�ia,U aut�h liabil�ey c:�ceed the, a�au��tuted ia Schedule�f�►r tl�e policy or p�lici�s comnait�ed for aad such liabilit�i� su�jec��r�th�insarira�provisio�s, t�e Canditiona aac� Stipula�inn6, and tbe Ex�alusio� from 4�►vcragc of �hc form af �nZicy or palicies com�itted.for in favor of the gra�o�i T�urt�l�vhich are hereby facorp�rated by re�eren�e �d ur� madc 4 p�t�f t.�is �os�mi�nent eacapt as exgre�ssly modif�d herein. i 4, A�y aCT'tam o��cuons or rights of action tl�t ttte proposed Insured may have or may : �rit�g s�gtiirtsti thc �oix�aany arisir►�; c�vut of dic atmtua of thc titic tD tll�CDIaLC ur irit,�re5t oT t�le 9ta[119 0�rhe�rtg�ge thereon covered by zhis Commipa�e�,k musc be bascd rm and are snbjtct ta tt�pro�isiut�s uf ilus Cuuuui.wucul, ! 9TEWART TITLE GCARAN'�Y COMPAN�'' � All ao�i�es re�uir�d to be given rbe C�mpany and auy st�memt iu writing requ�ii�ed ta be fu,ruished �h� CQymp�n.y �h�l]be addreased[o it a�Y.Cr, Fiox 1.U'�y, Hausto�, Texas 77252, ar�d ideazify t�is commitment by xt�Qri�C4M1►�ITMENT O1�DER NUM- BER which apg�ars a�n ct�e bat[am vf � i�on#af r�e first gage ot'this commiun�nt. UEi'y UIC90n '�974-476-2B9F �9151'�b CS'1 i'U3 !.7 41! � SEP. 5.1995 4�37PM WART Ti�LE '�lAIL rJU,�38 P.3�6 ; , �� +9�'x?`�DULE A. �� I l�rderlVumb�� �5oz,�s�6 � I 1. �sffcCtiVe��Ce1 �eptrjnl�c� t4. �9�5 �� 5:�!7 �P.�4r, �, Policy �r Poli�ies t�a ba issu�i: �maur�#o�Cn.sttrcuica I (a}A,L,T,ri, �0wner's $ ias,000.a� Propos�d Ir�sured.� � {b)A.L.T r�, �,�oan � � Fropased Insured,� E (�)I�c�rehodd � Prapused Insa�red; ; 3. The estate vr interest in tlze lan,d described or re}'�rrEd to in this Com�a�t�ent a.ru�eover�d l�ereir� iv fee s,�a�gla �4. 7litle ta the tee ��r,p,�a esr�ta or interest in sa�,�1r�nd is at rhe�ecrive d�ta h�r�nf ves�ecl i�r� �ss� s. vo�ixa� ' S, ,The lan�d ref�rred to in this Cammitment is d�.arri.��r�r�s followr� $8E AR"S'A�'l�fSD LSQAL D�'S'Cg=PT:rnN i�urpartad a►dci���s: �ST�1T�'MENT dF C��AR('rES Th�,se cJrarges ar�due urul puyra�i�e befare e� ,�27� Kat�oaa �ar�cla� Road Polt�y ccrta be is�rted. s,�si� aa �ss$a i (a9t`�I UIC9011 �970�476•�C885 �yl�l�p u�!'u� L]a+' ; SEP. 5.1996 4�37PM �T TITLE �lAIL �� h�a•�3s F•4f6 �G�l)ULE A i Order ATr��aber.' 9501Z?3� ,L��AL DESC.�',�Tl�N ' ��ac YY, A RgS�Z'V��,�O1VT CJF LaR' 7� e�LrO�'�t l, �L�'L V�TiT.Aw�E T2T'Ft �3�rsNO, �ccord�r�� �a �ha �ecordad p2at �aracf. CO�TY �P' Si1GLS 6'TATB DF COLORApO G�'y C7leaon '�970-475�288� �19l5/5U 4:%1 r'U4 �,7 n1� I SEP, 5.�'�96 4�37P�1 �W�T TITLE VATL �� 'M0,�38 P.�,'6 � SCH�DUI.�$ ' Se�ti�an 1 4'rder Number.� �soz�8�8 � REQUIREME�VTS Tite followireg ctre che r�grrarements zo b�complied w�th,� ; Iter� (a) �'rryn�ent to or for the accvurt of�he grar�tvrs or rnartgagnrs vf th�,#'u1� cor�iderczrlo� far�1��essa��ar �nt�re�L du b�insured, I�err� (h) Proper tnrcrurnen�(s) crea#ing th� e,�tate ar tnterPst ta 8e insured must be exec�ed�nd ��+frie�i for recard, r�wtt; 1. �xectttjo,a o,� �4s��f�aaE� - �t3t�r Tr�aa�eiOr,�2�d:Lv�dual ; Trana��,�o,� aad 3��r r��usr� to tb� a�'.�i+�e. Z. �'�rr�dvtt�a eat.�a�a�c�ory to 3�bear�s� TStIe Ou�,��t�ty �ompatty �1��e� the re��. esta�� Cr���'er tas� a�a�ea�sad by t�e z"aar� of v�,i Z Iaaa beeu psSd ar ti:at �ha �raaea�t�or� �� �rnnpt f�pn aa�[d ta�c, 3. Relesse o,� Ifeti for w►a�e� a�r�d 1rer�'�x etubont oaaEa. na ��vava by �� sodmt Resalutio,� aad No��am o,� 8'�c�mb�aace v£ t7�per 8�g�i� Vi�IIaX �0��o1�3dated sa����b�ats b�a�riat aa� 'v�31 vas�ay Coaeal�da��d t�a�er i7�,��,��a�, �a �fse approxtma�e a�naunt rsi� $'19.�7.97, seCOS`d�d AeCOmbes' 3ti„ 3��Z ia Hook 569 att Pag� 6�� a�w ,Ra�e�ptioa lwo. 4d5746. t�. Ce�����eate �xo� tb� 9eca�tasy C�f S�a�� or eeb�r RF,r.rc+Fralate ofif�aes C� �9t��Q Ot �,�fCQtj'?OY'3��Ct�°ir �l.F1QM�A� �18� CxC�� CO�Y'Y'� Z�ta. � au Tnd�La�� carDara��D� �■ a du.i,y dr�g��,�s�d aad �xs�k.it�y corpora��aa u�dar tIie 1��s af 9tste of ��GO�paYat3ar�. 5. �ced a�x� Crawts Co,�,�, 2ac., aa ZAd�arta aarpor�t�o:t, vee�3�g �'ae 9�IDZe t�Cle 3n L�.sa 8. ve��.*�. 1V'd�E: A71�TA�zGN �!► TFfE ��'C,ALL A.DURSB9 AF' S'�it3�' GRJWT,ES ��� ,i�FFt�?Ll: ON TJ�' �S.ED A9 t�,��1e 1976 �.�l�i�!' TO SxATffTE � 7t8�O1�D7.bfG OF aaans C�A 9H-35-to� !,�}. uiaryv��ei�n ��/U-�76°2696 �9f5196 C�17'05 ;�?f7 i SEP. 5, 19�6 �t��8F�1 �EW� TIT�E V�I 1�+0.�3$ P.6r6 ' � �ti�I7U�E B � � � JS'actio�a � i Ordcr 1Vumber.` 9,"j�9Y 183 B �CEP770N3 � Tlae pvlicy or palr�z�s iv Le tssu�ut witl �onrcrtn exce,pt�vr�s tv the j�o��awir�g untess the s�e ure d.isposed Af tv the s�ti�fc�tian o,,f the Corrrpany: � I. Rigfats �r claims of pnrt��s in passess�on, n.ot shown by ti�e publi�rec�rds. ' 2, �ements„ or�1a�tn,s af�as�m�ents� not sha�un �r th�public rec�rdso ' 3. Discrep�ncies, can,f�icts ir� �u�zzr�dir�e.s, sf�ortr�ge in area, �racroachmer��s, and arry fac�s whach a eorr��cr surv�.y and�t�sp�cxton ca,�the�remises wvuld di�clase aruT w�ich ar�r�t shvwn by �,he pubtic records. �. A.ny lien, or rxght to a 6ien, �or s�rvices, dab�r vr rnat�riad�erero,�iore or �erea,�er j'urrt�aher�, impo,��d by daw anai rter sJ�own by t%e pt�s�d� r�cord�. S, Aefeets, d��r�s� encum�arcc�cex, rulvers� cl�fms r�r� �ther mcitters� if any. cret�ted}�rsd ap�ec�ring irz rhe pu�ldc • record,s ar attaching subsequertt to the e�`ECtivs date l�er��f burp�'ot to �he date th.epraposed ir�r�red acquires o,f'�COrd,for value the �,rt�tte or i�t�re�t�r��rt�a��therean covered by th�s cdrnmi�t, C, Un��ent�d tn�ntng c�ms; r�ser'��#id�rs or excepttans inpatents. or�act authoriQtng ths i.r,rc�uncR thpranf,. wa�er ri�hts, eta�rn,r or tirl�r� �va��re 7. Tbe� elfeeC �� dm�2�s�3oaa �,n aay geaeral o,� sg�c�t�ia �rater aa�eerv�ari�y►. �ire protec�foa, eo�[1 t�o7ai�.CYdt�Ot3 a� o�,h�x diatr�cr� cs �tacrua�.ors ;.� ,�n� war�r ; �ex^P�ae ar �tsae b �praveinem� area. 8. Reserva�aiot�s or axcaptdona aoa���,nsc� 3ts V.a. Fateata, �r imm Ac�B etu�horis�.�g t�ta ,f�s�s�n�ee ���eof. �e�az�eted IMa,y a7, Y9,�6 ,�n �aoi� 93 at �agr 1di, ra�axv�ag I) Rai,ghk,r v� �e p,�rapt�.ieto� af a ve�s� os ,�ods Ga extrac� �d remove h�� s�re �iereftom and s?) r�,�.��• o� aray i�nr ditr�Aas aa� oar�al� ar�strve+�ed uadar �ht au�#�os�t�► af C�Ze �a��sd J9ba�ee. 9. Raatr,�aC�oa� K,���h do 3��C �os�t�e�m s �'or��ituae or rtvtr��,� a��e�,�aa, bu� �mi��.�ag re�Cr��t�ona. �� an�r, i��a�+d na rao�, cel4s, r�3dg�c�, c.a aa��3an��i as�q.�,�. ar �ct�ba�aed ,itt ���t�rumcat �eo��'ded Auguet S6, 397� ia 8�ak �35 ab Paege 68, agd am�r.dnrl ,i��r �natraa�es�t rr�casd��t .�rp6ombas �b, I97� ��a l9ao1� ��S at Pag� ,f7�, 1Q. �slit� �a� eTx's3as��a a�aome�t ses �Is�ws� e.es t�te .i"Ia� a,� �a�d eul�tl'ltryoii.r+� �d �s re,sa�d jA �23�it��� r00O2Y3�d �Ligt78b 1S. i97,2 �A BAOk �35 aG PRgr� 8�• �d r�uri�sd�d ,���trsvna�xt rear�rdtd Ce�a�s�r�+er 25, �9�'�C 3A 9rs�k 2�� at page 47�. 5,�. �"��w�ts, xaat,r�ot�c�sa �sa�I r�,gdsts-o��v�ys se ��r+i.u, vrs �,h,e ,p�a� af 8 Rr�r�lad�v�s�ca vf i.�t 7: Alacic 1, wa�I Y�31age 1�Ch B�,I�mg reco�ded �r� 8c�ok 238 at Pa� 530 s�i �ca��t�oa Na. �3�i5.�",9. � . K __ Towrr oF vAn. ,��pT No. `y'��'o DEPAR'[MF.f�T OF C0IUIUASfY D6,�'EIq)]NENT 1�A117E �/��M�S . ' ADDRESS � DAI'E / /C ( � /� PROiECT_O/P�� � � d T�(l�ut, . ' CAECIiS MADE PAYABLfi TO TOWN OF VAII, � ACODOATNO. _ .�__.._.__.._. .. . . �_.-_... . . �__ . . .... . 7ffi11.:._..,�.__...� .. .__...."_NO:..::._-_TAX..,_...' COE1•LA. _._.. TOTAL.' O1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS �5.00 '" 01 0000 42415 UIQIFORM BUILDING CODE �54.00 ' O1 0000 4241� CTNIFORM PLLJMBING CODE 539.00 • 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 * 01 0000 42415 IF RM IRE CODE S3 .00 • _ Ol 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELEC7'R1CAL CODE S37.00 * O1 0000 42�15 OTf�ER CODE BOOKS s 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS(MYLARS 7.00 '" O1 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES 0.25 � s O 1 0000 42412 SNDIES . O1 0000 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 ' . Ol 0000 42371 PENALTY FEE3 /RE-INSPECTIONS _. 0] 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE S4U PER HR � O 1 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES O1 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES '' O1 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 520. 0 �= Ol 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAG EE S 1.00 P R S .FT. '' O1 0000_42440_ VTC ART PRO]ECT DONATION Dl 0000.413;1 P PA[D DE51GN REVIEW BOARD FEE Zop-� �a .e __ a -'�'cTiGqTIC�N FEE(BUILDING) 31 000045110 Tt3�'F � ���°, ��;.;� _= O1 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPArER DISPENSER FUND " O1 8000 21112 TAXABLE(w 4.5 STATE) � * 01 0000 41010 TAXABLE 4.D7 TOWN _� O1 QO00 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION " OTH R . A __ _ _ `: . O1 41330 ADDI IONAL GRFA "25 " 5200.00 - 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USL PERMI7 5200.00 _, 01 0000 41330 EX7'ERIOR ALTERATION LESS THAN ]00 S .FT. 5200.00 Ol 0000 41330 EX7ERIOR ALTERATION MORE THAN 100 S .FT. 5500.00 . O1 OC100 4133 SP IA D E OPMENT DISTRICT NEW $1,�00.00 - O1 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OR ND 51,000.00 O1 0000 4]330 SP CIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INOR AMEND 5200.00 = O1 0000 41330 S BDIV Sl0 O 1 Ctfi00 41330 VARIANCE �250.00 O1 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 O 1 0000 41330 RE-ZONING 5200.00 OTHER OTHER TOTAL: conutFxrs: CASH.I t CK.a� ��M.O� , REC 8Y' Z � � � , _ _e t�-f �s {_F s- _-t—r s.� 1"II=C+��.l.�i ueCiv� C�=l1 `��, ,.::+--�;�. ��6 .�:�=,-,� 't a a ��A {.l '}[_�1:��!'t:+�,,e '__=�.i.'�L� 7Y .�.. ._ _ I.:��R;�°.f 1�..;L 'Y i_.€'-. ',�-".Y ,�r_1�!E , . (r.-��• ' i�rr,ijGT-•,C;.r.rr.�rr-. r�iriC, rrr- . ..:'t�:. r;�.r�.K .._ , ;=.cr- .__ ��r•.,_� �°c.�_ 1�1.;rii�._!I-�f i::sr�:;,��'��� ��; . �`.i_'f�'Szfi_�F,� I t�st� ������ i-lrr�r,���ot� �-�i{� �_t1�:��`iE;�:<��4";_r,;,��i>_it.-, y�G�ii1F t�it9 _��"�°'.�-Ir_j,-a r-F^S't_!S I_i�jj"� . r.�y �.i;v� . �'�fi-��`��"_;. '-�'��_� � '�r'i:�E_it- a.�al`�:i�r ��Iu>I , � � . . ,k + �i� �y T�II 1� V�I�� F:' � 75 South FronF�ge Road Departnient of Community Develo�rmertt T�ail, Colorado �1657 970-479-213�/4�9-2139 FAX 974-479-29�52 Januar� 17, 1996 Mr. M�lc I�onaldson Victor�A�ark Donaldson. P.C. P.O. Bo� 5300 Avon, E"olorado S 1620 Re: �►leson/Valinn duplex sep�ration arequest appea ��� � . :�' Dear N��r�r, Thank�t�u far appearing before the Vail To«-n Council with your Design Review BQard separalis�n request a�peal on January 1(i, 1996. As yo� are aware, the To��vn Cauncil voted 4-2 (i�avas, Johnstan) fo uphold the Dcsign Review Saard'�decisian af Deccrn�aer 20, 1995,to deny the Oleson/Volinn duplex separation request. Like the Desi�n Revre�W Poard,the Tawn Council w�as unable to find evidence of si�ificant site constraints on the lot. As we c�iscussed after the Council meeting, please do not hesitate in�iving rne a call shauld yau have ar�y questions as you continue to explore desi�m alternatives for the duplex. I would be happy ta meet witl� you to discuss possib�e alte�atives. If��ou uTauld like to scheduIe a meeting, I can b�reached mast easily duru�g regular of�ce hours at 479-�13 S. SincerEiy, K�.��--�� George�tuther Tovvn P�anner ���RECi CL�Il PAPER � � . , � VAIL TOWN COUNCIL � EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 19g6 7:30 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS � AGENDA 7:3fl P.M. 1. CITI�EN PARTICIPATION. 7:35 P.M. 2. Cansent Agenda: A. Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1996, seeond reading of an ordinance, First Amendm�nt to the Town of Vail Police and Fire �mployees' Pension Plan. B. Resolutior� No: 2, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating Colorado National Bank, as a depvsitory for th� funds of the Tvwn af Vail Pension P�an as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Calorado. C. Resolution No. 3, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating Calorado National Bar�k, as a depository for the funds of the Town of Vail 4a7 Pension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ord�nances, and the statutes of the S#ate of Colorada. 7:40 P•h/1• 3. Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996, second reading of an ord�nance amending Mike Mollica SpecEal Develapment District No. 30, The Vaif Athletic Giub, and Michael Barclay amending the development plan ir�accordance with Chapter 18.4Q of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard ihereto. ACTI�N REQUESTED OF COUNCI�: Approve/modify/deny Ordinance Na. 2, Series af 1996 on second reading. BACKGROUND RATI�NALE: Please see the attached memorandum from the staff to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated December 11, 1995 and Exhi�iits A-F a#tached ta that memarandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996 as presented. 8:1 fl P.M'. 4. An appeal to the Town Gouncil, pursuant to Section 18.54.090 of t�e George Ruther Murricipal caae, af the D�sign Review Board decision td deny the OlesonNolinn du�lex separation request for a propased residence to be constructed on Lot 11, Resu�division of Lat 7, Block 1, Va�f Village 12th Filingl3275 Katsos Ranch Roa�d. ACTI�N R�QUESTED OF CUUNCIL: Upt�old/averturn/overturn with modificatiQns the Design Review Board's decision to deny the OlesonNolinn duplex separation request. ' BpCKGROUND RATIONALE: On December 20, 1995, the applicant met with the Design Review Board to request a determina#ion of significant sit� constraints and the apportunity to separate the duplex structure proposed for Lot 11, Block 1, Uail Village 12th Fiiing in accordance with Section 18.54.450(I) of the Municipal Code �see attachment 1}. Upan review by the DRB, a motion was made ta deny the applicant's reques# since the DRB could not find evidence af significant site cartstraints. The motion passed unanimously (4-0). A letter fram the appficant dated December 29, 1995, appealing the DRB decision, has been attach�d (see attachment 2). In the applicant's letter, he refers to the intent vf t�e Design Review Guidelines (Section 18.54.010) as a possible basis for averturning the DRB decisian. A capy of 5ection 18.54.010 from the Municipal Code has l�ee attached for reference (see attachment 3). . • � � . . T�WN COUNCIL AG�DA F�EQ�t ' �, . (Request form�be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by�:40 a.m.T ursdavs.} MEETING DATE: ,january 1fi. 1996 ' � (Prepare a separale Agenda�tequesl lor each agenda ilem. II the aganda f[em will be discussed at bolh a Work Session and an Evening fNeeting,be certain to check both boxes fn this section and indicate t9ma needed during each meeting.) Work Session TIME NEEDED: XX Site Visii TIME N��E]ED:��,�u� XX �vening Meeling TIME NEED�D:2Q inin WlLI.THERE BE A PRESENTATI4N QN THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON-TOV STAFF7 NO. XK YES. S,pecifics: Andrew Abraham, ProJect Architect WI�L THE PRESENTATION 4F TH1S AGENDA IT�M REQUIRE Ai�Y SPECIAL EQUIPMENTI xx r�a. YES. Specilics: WlLL 1'HERE BE MATERiAL TO BE 1NCLUDED It�COC7NCIL PACKET FOR THIS iTEM7 . NO. , XX YES. li yes,�is the mater;al alsa for oublic distribution? Yes. XX N0. ITENfR'QPiC: An appeal lo the Town Council,pursuant ro Seclion 18.54.09D o#Ihe MuniCipal Code,of khe Design R�vlew board decision to deny the OlesonlVol3nn duplox separatian request for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 11,Resubdivision of tol 7,81ocEc 1, Vail Village 12th Filing/3275 Katsos Ranch Road. ACTION REQ�ES7ED UF COUNCIL: Uphold,avertum,or ove�#urn wiRh modifications the Deslgn Review Boatd"S decislon to derfy ihe OdesoNVolinn duplex separation request. BQCKGROUND RATIONAL�: On a�ecember 20, t995,the applicant met with khe Design Reuiew Board to request a delerm'rnation al signifieant site c�nstrainls and[he oppartuniiy to separale Ehe duplex structure propased for Lot 11, 81o�k 1, Vail Village 12th Filing in accordance with S�c[ion 18.5A.050(!�ol the Munlcipal Code(see attachment 1). Upon r.eview by the E7RB,a motion was made to deny!he appEicanCs request S�nce Ehe DRB cauld not lind evidence ol signifcanl site constraints. The moli0n passed unanimousMy(4-0�. A letter fram the applic�nt da[�d December 29, 1995,appealing tho DRB decisian, has heen atiaChed (see attachment 2}. In khe applican!"s letter,he relers to the inten�ot the Design Review GuideHnes {Section 18.54.D1 a)as a possible basis tar overtuming the DR8 decision. A copy of Seetion 18.54.b�0 trom the Municipal Code has been atxached tor reference(see attachment 3} STAFF RECOMMENDATIQN: Upnn review ol the applicanCs seraralion request,slalf recommQnds Ihat the Town Council uphold Ihe DRB decision of December 20, 1995,ol denial. In slalYs opinion,t�e applicant has not demonstrated the exlstence o#significant sRe constralnts on the lot as requlred In Sectlon 18.54,050(I)ol ihe � Municipal Code. o-�'�� � Employee Slgnature/De artment • I:�e�eryoilatt6unCiMequaslabf9aan.�19 . . � • ° - � 303/449-5240 � - FAXJ949-52Q5 � --- VI�TOf� MAf�K DC�NALDSC�h� Af�CHITECTS, P.C. f A1�CHI�ECTUI�E • PLANNING • INTERIORS E3ox 5300 • Avon, Colorado $1620 12129/95 The Vai�Town Council via George Ruther,Planner Community Develapment �11 South Frontage Road � ��~� � West Vazl, Colorado � �._' � , Re: Oleson/Voiinn Residence >'� ' �' 3275 Katsos R�nch Road DEC 2 8 t995 ' ��- �.at i i !! �'�"-, Resubdivision ofi,ot 7,Block 1 ��Y . ����i ��� ���� Vail Village, 12th Piling Dear Cauncil Members: With the eacauragernent af the Design Review Baard, we are making an appeal to the town cauncil in accordance with section 18.54.090 ofthe Vail Municipal Code. On December 1, 1995 I met with George Ruther and reviewed the process of sub-dividing the site in accardance with seciion 18.12.Q50. This site complies wi�h two of the ttsree requir�ments to subciivide by ha.ving 202_72 linear feet of frontage and by easi3y holdirrg two 80 foot wide squares within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, preliminary calcula#ions show the buildable area at less than the 30,000 square feet req�ired to subdivide. Qn Decernber 2Q, 1995 we met with the Design R�view$oard to request a deternunation for site constrainis and the opportur,,ity to separate the two family residences zoned for lot 11 at 3275 Katsns Ranch Road in accordance with seetion 18.54.054�I}. O►ar request was denied noting that the slope was not extreme enough nor the eacisting grove of trees significant enough. Rela#ivity aside,we understand t�e kir�d of precedent an approval wouId provide. We da not agree with the results based an the Intents established in tt�e Vail Municipal Code under seckion 18_54.i110. The abjectives of design review shall be(paraptu�ased)as follows: A. Recognition pf interdependence of weifaze and aesthetics to benefit citizens and visitors. B. Development af property in harmony with desired character of town. C. Preventian of unnecessary destruct�on of natural landscape. D. Frovision for a harmonious reiationship hetween the residence with the immediate environment including natural la,ndfornts,native vegetat�an and existing and proposed develapments. E. Protection of the neighboring praperty owners and provision of reasonabie tra�ic,drainage, sound and sight buffers, and other similar effects. We can assume that the praposed residences r�ill be designed and constructed in pursuit of the well-being af bath citizens and visiiors and with the appropriate appeal to fit within the immedia#e context of the Katsos Ra.nch Road as well as within the Iarger context of Vail (A). We can also ass�me ttu�a�gh the desigm review process that the neighbors wFll not be adversely affected by the produci(E). i?ur appeal is based in the rema.ining three objectives wt�ich were si�nificant factors in the developrnent of the design conce�t. According to the records available from the comrnu�aty deweloprr►ent affice,ths Iot is significantly larg�er than all other lots on Katsos Raneh Raad. (A list ofthe lot sizes are included in ti�e attached in#'ormation.) ATTACHMENT 4�2 " ' ` � � � . : IfL�4_O10 Intent_ Vail is a to�•n u�ith a uniquc naturai setting, internationally � kacsu:n for its natural beauty, alpine environment, and the ' ca�patibility of man-made strvct�res with the environment. �Ttazsc ehara�teristics have caused a signi�eant number of visitors � ta�me to Vail with many visitor5 evenivally becoming perma- ne�tt. resider►ts paniciga[ing in cominunity life. T�iese factors constitutc an important economic base far tt�e tar�rn,both for those who earn their living here and for those who vic�ar r�t tou��n as a precious physical possession.The town eouncif . f�ds that new development and redev�Iopment can have a su�stantial impact on thc character of an area in which it is located.Some harmful effects of os,e land use upon another can bc��evented through zoning,subdivision controls,and buslding cades_ Other aspects oC develagment are more subtle and Iess . aartnable to exact�ruIes put into operation without r�gard to sp�ccifie development proposals. Among these are the generai fo�a of the land before and atter dcveloprrient, the spatial' ref.atio�slzips of siructures and open spaces to land uses within the . i v�cini�a and the tow��n, and the appearance of buildin�s and aptrt � sgaees as they cantribute to the area as it is being de��eloped and � re�devc3oped. In order to provide ftsr the timely e�cercise of judgrrxnt in the public interest in the evaluation of the design of . " new d�ti��lopment and rede��elapment, the town couneil has cs�ated a design re�°iew board (DRB) and design criteria. ' �refore,in order ta preserve zhe natura]beauty of the to�vn ' an� its settin�, to protect the welfare of the comrnunity, zo rnainc�in the values created in the cammunity, to prouet and en3ian�..e lanci and propercy, for the promotion of he3lth, safety, and ge�eral«°elfare in the community,aad to attain the obJectives � set oe�� in this section; the impres��ement or alteracion of open space, �xterior design of all n�w deti°elopment, and alI modi�- eauoas to existing develoQment shall be sub�ect to design review as spe�cfied in this chapter. ' R �s the intent of these g�zidelines to leave as much design fretda.a� as passible to the individual designer while at the same time rr�aintaining the remarkable natural beauty of the area by . creati�g structures whieh are desianed to complement both their � . i�divic3ual sites and surroundangs.� 1� abjectiti�es of design re�iew shall be as follow�s: . A. To recognize the interdeper�dence of the public welfare and . a�hetics, and to pra��ide a met3�od by which this inter- c�e�endence ma�+continu� to beneft iu �itizens and visitors; B. Tca ailaw for the d�velopment af pubiic and private property uc�ch is in harmony with;he desired character of the iown as dc�ned by the guidelines herein provided; _ C. To pre��ent the unnecessary destruction or blighting of the n�ura# Iandscape; D. T�ensure that the architectural design, location,configura- tio� materials, colors, and overall treatm�nt of built-up and Qges� spaces have been desiened sc tha[ they relate harmo- uiaa�sly to the natural landforms and native vegetatioa, the . to��n's c�verali appearance, with surrounding deveiopment a�a3 tivith officially appraved plans or guidelines, if any, for tIs� areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. E. Te3r�ro�ect neighbaring property owners and users by making sga�.- that reasonablc prpvision has been madc for such rz,r�tters as pedestrian and vehicular traf�ie, surface water � . d�inage, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light an,d air,and those aspects of design not adequately covered by � : az�er reeLlations which may have substantial effects on _. n�hborin�land uses. . (drei��9(1983) § 1.) Attachment 1�3 � � ' � � . . ! VAIL TOWN COUNCIL fi WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 199fi 2:00 P.M. IN TOV CpUNGI� CHAMBERS EXPAht�ED AGENDA 2:aa I�.M. 1. Vail Valley Marketing Board 4�verview. Ross Boyle ` 3:�0 P.M. 2. Housing �ackground and Update of Status. ,4ndy Knudtsen Steve T�ornpson � Tom Moorhead 4:00 P.M. 3. A request by East West Hos,pitality, developer of the Covered Mike Mollica Bridge Building, to �roeeed through the planning process to allovu Peter �ann far the expansion of a private brick paver walkway onto Town of Vail Land. Lacation: Southwest corner of the Caverec� Bridge packet park in Vail Viffage. ACTION REQUESTE� JF COUNCIL: Approve/deny the applicant's request ta proceed through the planning pracess. If approved, the applicant would be authorized to proceed t� the Design Review Board, ta obtain design approval fior a "mini-plaza" adjacent to the residential condominium entrance, located at the narthwest corner of the Covered Bridge Building, (see attached site plan). BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The proposed "mini-plaza"wouVd encroach � approximately 5' onto Town owned properry..This property is one of the Town open-space parcels, and is currently zoned Outdoor ReGreation District. Althvugh staff does not believe that the "mini-plaza"would negatively impact the Covered Bridge poeket park, staff believes that the use woulcf be inconsistent with the p�r;pvse section of the Outdaor Recreation Zone Qistrict. 5ection 16.33.014-Purpose states: "The Qutdoor Recreation District is intended ta preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive develapment while p�rmitting a�tdoat recreatiorial activiti�s that provide opportunities for active and pas�ive recreation areas, facilities and uses." STAFF RECOMMENDATlO�1: The staff recommendation is far denial of the applicant's request ta proceed through the planning process, The staff does not bQEieve that th� request for a mini-plaza, dedicated solely to private residential use, wQUld be consistent with the purpose sectior� of the Outdoor Recreatior� Zone District. . 4:�0 P.M. 4. Informa#ion Update. � 4:30 P.M. 5. CounciV Reports. 4:40 P,M. 6. Other. 4:50 P.M, 7. Site Uisat re: an ap�eal to the Town Council, pursuant#o Section GeQrge Ruther 18.54.090 of the Municipal Code, of the Design Rewiew Board decision t� d�ny the OlesanNolinn dup[ex separation request for a propased resider�ce to be constructed on Lot 11, Resubdivision of Lot 7, Black 1, Vaia Village 12th �iling/3275 #Catsos Ranch Rcad. ACTION REQUESTE� OF COU�JCIL: Visit site. � � . , � VAIL TOWN COUNCIL � EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 19g6 7:30 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS � AGENDA 7:3fl P.M. 1. CITI�EN PARTICIPATION. 7:35 P.M. 2. Cansent Agenda: A. Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1996, seeond reading of an ordinance, First Amendm�nt to the Town of Vail Police and Fire �mployees' Pension Plan. B. Resolutior� No: 2, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating Colorado National Bank, as a depvsitory for th� funds of the Tvwn af Vail Pension P�an as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Calorado. C. Resolution No. 3, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating Calorado National Bar�k, as a depository for the funds of the Town of Vail 4a7 Pension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ord�nances, and the statutes of the S#ate of Colorada. 7:40 P•h/1• 3. Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996, second reading of an ord�nance amending Mike Mollica SpecEal Develapment District No. 30, The Vaif Athletic Giub, and Michael Barclay amending the development plan ir�accordance with Chapter 18.4Q of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard ihereto. ACTI�N REQUESTED OF COUNCI�: Approve/modify/deny Ordinance Na. 2, Series af 1996 on second reading. BACKGROUND RATI�NALE: Please see the attached memorandum from the staff to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated December 11, 1995 and Exhi�iits A-F a#tached ta that memarandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996 as presented. 8:1 fl P.M'. 4. An appeal to the Town Gouncil, pursuant to Section 18.54.090 of t�e George Ruther Murricipal caae, af the D�sign Review Board decision td deny the OlesonNolinn du�lex separation request for a propased residence to be constructed on Lot 11, Resu�division of Lat 7, Block 1, Va�f Village 12th Filingl3275 Katsos Ranch Roa�d. ACTI�N R�QUESTED OF CUUNCIL: Upt�old/averturn/overturn with modificatiQns the Design Review Board's decision to deny the OlesonNolinn duplex separation request. ' BpCKGROUND RATIONALE: On December 20, 1995, the applicant met with the Design Review Board to request a determina#ion of significant sit� constraints and the apportunity to separate the duplex structure proposed for Lot 11, Block 1, Uail Village 12th Fiiing in accordance with Section 18.54.450(I) of the Municipal Code �see attachment 1}. Upan review by the DRB, a motion was made ta deny the applicant's reques# since the DRB could not find evidence af significant site cartstraints. The motion passed unanimously (4-0). A letter fram the appficant dated December 29, 1995, appealing the DRB decision, has been attach�d (see attachment 2). In the applicant's letter, he refers to the intent vf t�e Design Review Guidelines (Section 18.54.010) as a possible basis for averturning the DRB decisian. A capy of 5ection 18.54.010 from the Municipal Code has l�ee attached for reference (see attachment 3). . • � � . . T�WN COUNCIL AG�DA F�EQ�t ' �, . (Request form�be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by�:40 a.m.T ursdavs.} MEETING DATE: ,january 1fi. 1996 ' � (Prepare a separale Agenda�tequesl lor each agenda ilem. II the aganda f[em will be discussed at bolh a Work Session and an Evening fNeeting,be certain to check both boxes fn this section and indicate t9ma needed during each meeting.) Work Session TIME NEEDED: XX Site Visii TIME N��E]ED:��,�u� XX �vening Meeling TIME NEED�D:2Q inin WlLI.THERE BE A PRESENTATI4N QN THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON-TOV STAFF7 NO. XK YES. S,pecifics: Andrew Abraham, ProJect Architect WI�L THE PRESENTATION 4F TH1S AGENDA IT�M REQUIRE Ai�Y SPECIAL EQUIPMENTI xx r�a. YES. Specilics: WlLL 1'HERE BE MATERiAL TO BE 1NCLUDED It�COC7NCIL PACKET FOR THIS iTEM7 . NO. , XX YES. li yes,�is the mater;al alsa for oublic distribution? Yes. XX N0. ITENfR'QPiC: An appeal lo the Town Council,pursuant ro Seclion 18.54.09D o#Ihe MuniCipal Code,of khe Design R�vlew board decision to deny the OlesonlVol3nn duplox separatian request for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 11,Resubdivision of tol 7,81ocEc 1, Vail Village 12th Filing/3275 Katsos Ranch Road. ACTION REQ�ES7ED UF COUNCIL: Uphold,avertum,or ove�#urn wiRh modifications the Deslgn Review Boatd"S decislon to derfy ihe OdesoNVolinn duplex separation request. BQCKGROUND RATIONAL�: On a�ecember 20, t995,the applicant met with khe Design Reuiew Board to request a delerm'rnation al signifieant site c�nstrainls and[he oppartuniiy to separale Ehe duplex structure propased for Lot 11, 81o�k 1, Vail Village 12th Filing in accordance with S�c[ion 18.5A.050(!�ol the Munlcipal Code(see attachment 1). Upon r.eview by the E7RB,a motion was made to deny!he appEicanCs request S�nce Ehe DRB cauld not lind evidence ol signifcanl site constraints. The moli0n passed unanimousMy(4-0�. A letter fram the applic�nt da[�d December 29, 1995,appealing tho DRB decisian, has heen atiaChed (see attachment 2}. In khe applican!"s letter,he relers to the inten�ot the Design Review GuideHnes {Section 18.54.D1 a)as a possible basis tar overtuming the DR8 decision. A copy of Seetion 18.54.b�0 trom the Municipal Code has been atxached tor reference(see attachment 3} STAFF RECOMMENDATIQN: Upnn review ol the applicanCs seraralion request,slalf recommQnds Ihat the Town Council uphold Ihe DRB decision of December 20, 1995,ol denial. In slalYs opinion,t�e applicant has not demonstrated the exlstence o#significant sRe constralnts on the lot as requlred In Sectlon 18.54,050(I)ol ihe � Municipal Code. o-�'�� � Employee Slgnature/De artment • I:�e�eryoilatt6unCiMequaslabf9aan.�19 . . � • ° - � 303/449-5240 � - FAXJ949-52Q5 � --- VI�TOf� MAf�K DC�NALDSC�h� Af�CHITECTS, P.C. f A1�CHI�ECTUI�E • PLANNING • INTERIORS E3ox 5300 • Avon, Colorado $1620 12129/95 The Vai�Town Council via George Ruther,Planner Community Develapment �11 South Frontage Road � ��~� � West Vazl, Colorado � �._' � , Re: Oleson/Voiinn Residence >'� ' �' 3275 Katsos R�nch Road DEC 2 8 t995 ' ��- �.at i i !! �'�"-, Resubdivision ofi,ot 7,Block 1 ��Y . ����i ��� ���� Vail Village, 12th Piling Dear Cauncil Members: With the eacauragernent af the Design Review Baard, we are making an appeal to the town cauncil in accordance with section 18.54.090 ofthe Vail Municipal Code. On December 1, 1995 I met with George Ruther and reviewed the process of sub-dividing the site in accardance with seciion 18.12.Q50. This site complies wi�h two of the ttsree requir�ments to subciivide by ha.ving 202_72 linear feet of frontage and by easi3y holdirrg two 80 foot wide squares within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, preliminary calcula#ions show the buildable area at less than the 30,000 square feet req�ired to subdivide. Qn Decernber 2Q, 1995 we met with the Design R�view$oard to request a deternunation for site constrainis and the opportur,,ity to separate the two family residences zoned for lot 11 at 3275 Katsns Ranch Road in accordance with seetion 18.54.054�I}. O►ar request was denied noting that the slope was not extreme enough nor the eacisting grove of trees significant enough. Rela#ivity aside,we understand t�e kir�d of precedent an approval wouId provide. We da not agree with the results based an the Intents established in tt�e Vail Municipal Code under seckion 18_54.i110. The abjectives of design review shall be(paraptu�ased)as follows: A. Recognition pf interdependence of weifaze and aesthetics to benefit citizens and visitors. B. Development af property in harmony with desired character of town. C. Preventian of unnecessary destruct�on of natural landscape. D. Frovision for a harmonious reiationship hetween the residence with the immediate environment including natural la,ndfornts,native vegetat�an and existing and proposed develapments. E. Protection of the neighboring praperty owners and provision of reasonabie tra�ic,drainage, sound and sight buffers, and other similar effects. We can assume that the praposed residences r�ill be designed and constructed in pursuit of the well-being af bath citizens and visiiors and with the appropriate appeal to fit within the immedia#e context of the Katsos Ra.nch Road as well as within the Iarger context of Vail (A). We can also ass�me ttu�a�gh the desigm review process that the neighbors wFll not be adversely affected by the produci(E). i?ur appeal is based in the rema.ining three objectives wt�ich were si�nificant factors in the developrnent of the design conce�t. According to the records available from the comrnu�aty deweloprr►ent affice,ths Iot is significantly larg�er than all other lots on Katsos Raneh Raad. (A list ofthe lot sizes are included in ti�e attached in#'ormation.) ATTACHMENT 4�2 " ' ` � � � . : IfL�4_O10 Intent_ Vail is a to�•n u�ith a uniquc naturai setting, internationally � kacsu:n for its natural beauty, alpine environment, and the ' ca�patibility of man-made strvct�res with the environment. �Ttazsc ehara�teristics have caused a signi�eant number of visitors � ta�me to Vail with many visitor5 evenivally becoming perma- ne�tt. resider►ts paniciga[ing in cominunity life. T�iese factors constitutc an important economic base far tt�e tar�rn,both for those who earn their living here and for those who vic�ar r�t tou��n as a precious physical possession.The town eouncif . f�ds that new development and redev�Iopment can have a su�stantial impact on thc character of an area in which it is located.Some harmful effects of os,e land use upon another can bc��evented through zoning,subdivision controls,and buslding cades_ Other aspects oC develagment are more subtle and Iess . aartnable to exact�ruIes put into operation without r�gard to sp�ccifie development proposals. Among these are the generai fo�a of the land before and atter dcveloprrient, the spatial' ref.atio�slzips of siructures and open spaces to land uses within the . i v�cini�a and the tow��n, and the appearance of buildin�s and aptrt � sgaees as they cantribute to the area as it is being de��eloped and � re�devc3oped. In order to provide ftsr the timely e�cercise of judgrrxnt in the public interest in the evaluation of the design of . " new d�ti��lopment and rede��elapment, the town couneil has cs�ated a design re�°iew board (DRB) and design criteria. ' �refore,in order ta preserve zhe natura]beauty of the to�vn ' an� its settin�, to protect the welfare of the comrnunity, zo rnainc�in the values created in the cammunity, to prouet and en3ian�..e lanci and propercy, for the promotion of he3lth, safety, and ge�eral«°elfare in the community,aad to attain the obJectives � set oe�� in this section; the impres��ement or alteracion of open space, �xterior design of all n�w deti°elopment, and alI modi�- eauoas to existing develoQment shall be sub�ect to design review as spe�cfied in this chapter. ' R �s the intent of these g�zidelines to leave as much design fretda.a� as passible to the individual designer while at the same time rr�aintaining the remarkable natural beauty of the area by . creati�g structures whieh are desianed to complement both their � . i�divic3ual sites and surroundangs.� 1� abjectiti�es of design re�iew shall be as follow�s: . A. To recognize the interdeper�dence of the public welfare and . a�hetics, and to pra��ide a met3�od by which this inter- c�e�endence ma�+continu� to beneft iu �itizens and visitors; B. Tca ailaw for the d�velopment af pubiic and private property uc�ch is in harmony with;he desired character of the iown as dc�ned by the guidelines herein provided; _ C. To pre��ent the unnecessary destruction or blighting of the n�ura# Iandscape; D. T�ensure that the architectural design, location,configura- tio� materials, colors, and overall treatm�nt of built-up and Qges� spaces have been desiened sc tha[ they relate harmo- uiaa�sly to the natural landforms and native vegetatioa, the . to��n's c�verali appearance, with surrounding deveiopment a�a3 tivith officially appraved plans or guidelines, if any, for tIs� areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. E. Te3r�ro�ect neighbaring property owners and users by making sga�.- that reasonablc prpvision has been madc for such rz,r�tters as pedestrian and vehicular traf�ie, surface water � . d�inage, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light an,d air,and those aspects of design not adequately covered by � : az�er reeLlations which may have substantial effects on _. n�hborin�land uses. . (drei��9(1983) § 1.) Attachment 1�3 � � ' � � . . ! VAIL TOWN COUNCIL fi WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 199fi 2:00 P.M. IN TOV CpUNGI� CHAMBERS EXPAht�ED AGENDA 2:aa I�.M. 1. Vail Valley Marketing Board 4�verview. Ross Boyle ` 3:�0 P.M. 2. Housing �ackground and Update of Status. ,4ndy Knudtsen Steve T�ornpson � Tom Moorhead 4:00 P.M. 3. A request by East West Hos,pitality, developer of the Covered Mike Mollica Bridge Building, to �roeeed through the planning process to allovu Peter �ann far the expansion of a private brick paver walkway onto Town of Vail Land. Lacation: Southwest corner of the Caverec� Bridge packet park in Vail Viffage. ACTION REQUESTE� JF COUNCIL: Approve/deny the applicant's request ta proceed through the planning pracess. If approved, the applicant would be authorized to proceed t� the Design Review Board, ta obtain design approval fior a "mini-plaza" adjacent to the residential condominium entrance, located at the narthwest corner of the Covered Bridge Building, (see attached site plan). BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The proposed "mini-plaza"wouVd encroach � approximately 5' onto Town owned properry..This property is one of the Town open-space parcels, and is currently zoned Outdoor ReGreation District. Althvugh staff does not believe that the "mini-plaza"would negatively impact the Covered Bridge poeket park, staff believes that the use woulcf be inconsistent with the p�r;pvse section of the Outdaor Recreation Zone Qistrict. 5ection 16.33.014-Purpose states: "The Qutdoor Recreation District is intended ta preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive develapment while p�rmitting a�tdoat recreatiorial activiti�s that provide opportunities for active and pas�ive recreation areas, facilities and uses." STAFF RECOMMENDATlO�1: The staff recommendation is far denial of the applicant's request ta proceed through the planning process, The staff does not bQEieve that th� request for a mini-plaza, dedicated solely to private residential use, wQUld be consistent with the purpose sectior� of the Outdoor Recreatior� Zone District. . 4:�0 P.M. 4. Informa#ion Update. � 4:30 P.M. 5. CounciV Reports. 4:40 P,M. 6. Other. 4:50 P.M, 7. Site Uisat re: an ap�eal to the Town Council, pursuant#o Section GeQrge Ruther 18.54.090 of the Municipal Code, of the Design Rewiew Board decision t� d�ny the OlesanNolinn dup[ex separation request for a propased resider�ce to be constructed on Lot 11, Resubdivision of Lot 7, Black 1, Vaia Village 12th �iling/3275 #Catsos Ranch Rcad. ACTION REQUESTE� OF COU�JCIL: Visit site. r n Review Action F� � � � _ . 9 TOWN �F V,�lL ` f Category f�umber - Date �Y�UJ��—� � :J` ����/r::1 i � ;=- _: __�. Project Name: �;�/ �:.: ,� ;. � : ��_„ : _ ... , Building Name: Project Description: '.Y,'�F'. . _ . Owner, Adcfress and Rt�one: _ Architect/Contact��Address and Phone: _ . 1y�f�c:.s ����_��I���:�;<�,�` � ' ,� �. -r. _ .�-!- - ��C:C�� Legal Description: Lot �fock Subdivision ,af,,� Zone District Pro}ect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Ma#'son by: Vote: ';�-c��� Seconded by: __ ❑ Approval p Disapproval ❑ Sta�f Approval Conditians: � J� � - r Town Planner Date� DR� Fee Pre-paid . D�ign Review Action Fc� TOWN OF VAIL _ Cate�ory Number Date r���'rJI I� � Project Name: _ � , � , . ; R. _ <>.� . � � �_,;. ti� Building Name: �, Proj�ct Description; � ;� , �. � � � � � Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phor�e: -��' � . _ . .. , �: ::; , _ --,-, ,: - � j i � � � ^� : i.-� e�``� ,ti.+-_ � e .,, .,. ��. .� � ���_r ;. r' �. < ;,;_ r'- �"`./� J :".�' � �� -y / ,!�r°� � ,L-C i'� L / .L--�..' Legal Description: Lot ,�`�' Block J Subdivision � : � ,� i�,,� l.�M t� � �, f,� -. Zone District -.'�-=� � Praject Street Address: Comments: ___t��Y - Board / Staff Action Motion by: �.M.�-, �_._ Vote: Seconded by: r�. � , , , ❑ Approval �_ Disapproval ti ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: ; . � - �- � , ' Town �lanner Date: ' �' QRB Fee Pre-paid __ _ raviaad 8/17/94 � , � " ' DESZGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATI�N - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ��_ DATE RECEIV�D: � DATE OF DRB MEETING: ��r*w,���*** � INCO,MPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SGHEDULED FOR REVIEW. ,�,�*wwww�,r* � . k'ROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRZPTION: A����.-� �'c� �!s '�r� ca.����� �-c�wn.a�t�. -� ti '� 't-�E '�� ��Zti�y �S..S�o�L'a-�t3. 'g�I.s..iie'�, i.�j 6�T -T�' .V\tK�. B. TXPE �F REVIEW: _ _ New Cozastruct�on ($200 , a0) Ma.nvr Al�ar�tic�n (�24 . 00y Addition (�50 .4Q) _ � Con�eptual Re�riew ($0) C. ADDRESS : !y��t ? 1�.h•.�T�� ��.�t`--�-•T�� D. LEGAL DESCRXPTION: Lot B1oCk � Subdivision ��:t»�'��w`a ta� �t Vs.�i. v�v���L�t��`tt� .� �£ property is� desc�ibed by a meets and bounds le�al descrip�ion, please� provide on a s�:parate sheet and attach to this application. E, ZONTNG: `t'�-�• ��•w.��r ���t���-� F. NAME OF' APPLICANT:.V'���- �1�- �'-�'��� �'�+'�'��'�►"� tii.C.. Mailing Address : Pa 5 ��"'�.'_�" � , .�3s�75�. .�� Phane 7a• Q�1Q • 52a� G. NAME OF APPLICANT' � REPRESEI�TTATIVE: Mail.ing Addre�s : Phone H. NAME OF OWIVER (S} : l.• . V ��t+-� � WNER I NAT E - '� Mailing Address : c� S- � '� 'f `J Phone -� - � _ �� "� APPLTCATIONS WIL�L NOT BE FROCESSLD WITH4UT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I . C�ndominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abo�re, are tio be paid at the time ot �ubmiC�al of the DRB app�.ica�ian. Later, when applying far a building permit, pleas� identa�£y �he accura�e valuation of the proposal . The Toum of Vail will adjust the fee accarding to the tahle below, to ensure the corr€�ct fee is paid. FEE PA�fl: $ CHTCIt #: DATE: BY: F�E �SCHEDULE• VALUATION FEE � o - � �.o, aaa � �a . o0 $ Z0, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50 . 00 $ 50, d01 - $ 15Q, f}QO $��0 . 00 � $15D, OD1 - $ 500, aao $200 . 00 $500, 001 - $1, 04D, 440 $400. 00 $ Over $1, OQ0, 400 �50Q . 00 DESTGlv REVIEW HC}ARD APPROVAL E�CPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPRO'VAL UNLE55 A HUILDIN�G FERMIT IS ISSUED AI�TD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. �� C�: ?�:;. �-�{l�y} �",,� � � �9' .It�( �.' . ��_x�F�r'w R, � ', :, � � ` �� � aFC s �ss� . .��� � �V� � ����4 ���1 ��� . � � �Q3/9d4-5200 FA7V449-5205 -- VICT��, N1Af�K DONALD5C�N ARC�IITECTS, P.C. . Af�CHITECTURE • Pl ANNING • WTERIOf�S Ciox 5300 • Avan, Calarada 81620 12/8/95 George Ruther,Planner Community Developinent i 11 5outh Fron#age Raad West Vail,Colorada Re: 4leson/Vaiinn Residence Lat 1 i Katsos Ranch Raacl Resubdivisian of lot ]1,Black 1 Vail Village, 12t�Filir�g Dear George: Due to significant natural site features and in pursuit af design ca�npatibility with the nei�hbochpod,we are requesting a determinatipn from the design review board for site constraints and the opportunity to separate the ltwo family residences zoned for lat 1 I csn Katsos Ranch Road as addressed in t 8.54.050(i). Ptease a��ept our reyuest and applicatitrn for a conceptual desi�n review. I8.12.050: Lot Area and Site Dimensians. This sit�complies to twn of the three require�nents to s�bdivide by having 2�2.72 linear feet o£frantage and easily holds two 80 foot square shapes within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, prelim:inary cal�ulations show fhe buildable area as less tt�an the 30,a00 square feet required to subdivide_ i8.12.090� Density Control The allowed GRFA for twa dwellings on t�is sike is 6867 square teet. Seing lar�er than any other residence on Katsos Ranch Road,the massin.g of a du�lex af this size would not be harmonious with the etusiing deve(opments unless the dwellings are separated. 18.54.Q1Q: Design Review Intent We would tike to prevent unnecessary desiruction of the natural landseape by building to the east anc�west of the most mature trees located in the center ofthe site. The central pc�rtion ofthe site also has khe steepest change of,grade between the road and both the property line and the setback iine. This slape encourages the street aceess�oeatians ta be at the east and west er�ds of the site for economy and ea.se of construction. 18.54.050(i): Duplex and Primary!Secandary Development The intee�-ity of botH dwellings and their reiationship to the site and neighbvrhood shall be defined thraugh the unified architectural and landscape design as described in this section. The dweilings will be designed concur�ently using the same architeete�ral vocabulary wikh development thraugh#he fJR�agproval process. Thxnfc you for considering our reguest. We are currently gathering information from the neighbvrhood and have been contacting the nei�hbors for their com�zzents and to request their presence at the review. We look fo�rard to working wit�you on this project. Please contact me if you lta.ve any yuestions or concerns. Sincerely, � / L��`�' " 'y _ Andrew 7ames AGbraham,Project Architect Victor Mark Donaldson Aschitects,P.C. f ; . � � `� chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECF�NlCAL ENGINEERS 96 SQUTM ZUNi STIiE€T�DENVER,CQLOAA00 6022]• 7a7iria 7105 February 17, 198� Subject: Preliminary r'�nalysis of a Rr�ckfal l Hazard, Iot �1 , - • Slock 1 , Vail Village, Filing 12, Vai�., COlo�ado Job Na. 25,474 Mr. Joseph Pellar Box 175(} Hxghland IN 46322 Dear Mr. Pellar: This letter presents the info�natiQn discussed with yr�ur architect, Mr. William Pierce, by phone on Febrc�ary 10, 1983. �e requestec3 that we make p�eliminary calculations of potential f�l�ir�g rock characteristics arx3 �valuate possible rockfall mitigation teehniques far the subject lot. W�e reported our f�.ndir�gs of a geologic hazards recc�nnaissance of the subject site i.n a letter dat�d January 26, 1983 and co�cluded the site has a relatively high rockfall hazard. Mears and 7.bwn of Vai� ( i977) indicate L�rt 11 is in Level � rockfall and debris flow hazard zones. Level i is categarized as b�ing a rrxx3erate hazard level. Their Level 2 is a hi� hazard level w�th estimated annual probabi�ities af events being bet�aeen 1,�'2� and 10�;. It is �.nferred that Level 1 events have estirnated annual pr�babi�ities of less than thase af Level 2. The mapPing is snall sc�e and regional and therefore may nat accurately describe the sit� specific hazar�cl at Lat 17 . This in£arrnation, if c�orrect, provides the best quantification of a rockfall takir�g place at the property. R�ckfall Maciel Used in Anal sis: Calcula�.ions were rnade �a estimate the theoretic�l velo�ity af a rallir►g rock at the paint of i�rcpact an — th� �phill side of the pr4posed house. Zb da this, we sr�lve� for a triction or drac� c�oeffici�nt whicah dynamically satisfies th� �onditions �� zero velaeity at khe sc�urce cliff and at the downslope runout limit (Piteau, 1977) . 'Yfie drag c�e£f�cient which acts tc� sl�w the rock inherently includes th� ground r�aughness, vegetatian, rock size and shape and it is based on the histaric rockfall c�onditions. Af ter obtaining an average drag c�efficient, the velo�ity oF a rol�.ing rock can be estimated for any point on the slo�ae. �e s�op� profile used zn the rrodel is shown on Fig, 1 along wi�h �rhe calc�lated theoretical velocity curve. As can be seen frcm these OFFICE5: CASPER • CULORADO SPRINGS � GLENW�OD SPRENGS • SALT LAKE CITY t ` � � Mr. Joseph Pellar February 17, 1983 Page 2 diagram5,� the racks a�celerate imtil the �irst slope break just u�slope of the north property Iine. Negl�gible deeeleration oecur� acrass the lot. At the house, the calculatc�d vel.ocity is about 88 fps ar 60 m,ph. Rec3ucing Rackfal3. Hazard; As c3iseussec3 in our J'anuary 26 letter, mitigation measures are limited. A partially buried structure is probably the most teehnically feasib�e means af construction which would reduce the risk of damaging rackfalli 'The roof of the s�ructure would have to be eapable of suppartirg a rock at leas�. as large as the largest block of rock which can ibe seen to have �allen frcxn �he c3.iff in the past. The approximate w�eight of a large block of sandstone observed downslape of Lot 11 is saa t�ns. There is not enough space to cror�struct an e�fective earthfill catchrnent berm on the lot. A vertical imp�.et wall just upslape or as part Qf the huildir�g is another g�ssible m�thad of reciucir�g risk af structural damage or personal injury. However, it is rx�t likely t-hat an i�act wal� can be designed whic:� could stop a 500-ton baulder moving at a speed of 60 mph. If the o�wner is aware there i� a risk of damag� and personal injury if ineasures are not taken to stap or c�e�lect the maxim�n size rc�ck, the risk can be rec�ucec� by �raviding pratection frcro snaller rocks. By reducirag the rn�mber of p�tential],y da�na9ing rocks reaching or ac�versely affectir�g �he structure, the frequency and therefore the ris�C of darnag�causing event� can be r�uced. A statistical anal.ysis o� the existing rockfall debris cnuld be used to evaluate the e�cisting and modified fr�quencies or annua� grobabilities of darnage�-causirg events. The potential far a snall or �edi�un size �ock �damagir�g the structure -can be reduced by construc�ing a wall to withstar�l the impacts of the �11 to mec3i�r► size rocks. For a preliminary feasibility estirna.t� of an impact-catchment wall, we suggest a rock - weight of at least �0 tons and a wa�.l, height of at �east 15 feet be assu�nned. T� wall should be cagab�.e of stoppirx� a rock o� this weight travelling at 60 mph. Because the �ynamics of the impacting rock can only be roughly estimateci, a cc�nservat�ve safety factor is rec�rmiended. T'Y�e rack should be a5s�r�d to be bounding and that it may hit high on the wall. Zfie wall should exterx3 at least the £ull width of the structures anywhere dc�s,�mslope of the wa�.l ar abc�ut 150 feet according .- � � Mr, Joseph Pellar February 17, 1983 Page 3 to the schematic "d" plan giVen to us. If the �11 is not designed ta stop the rocks, but anly 'to deflect them, or if a buriec3 structure is used, there may be �otential liability toward others' prop��ty in the event a rack crossing modifi�d natural conditir�ns on the site damages others' praperty. The legal raanifications of these factors may zequire evaluation. Priar to fina� design of the impact wall, we reccxcurend additional fielc3 wark be cc�nducted to refine data on rockfall sizes, runout limits and cliff jaint spacing. The fieJ.d work must be cnnducted after all t�e snaw is gone fram th� vicinity. This new data should be used for analysis for fina3. design parameters including rock weights, velocity, bounding heights, debris flc�w sedimentation removal ar�d the limikations of the analyses. I� desired we could also esti.mate the site sQecific anraual proba3�ilitie� of rock£all. I f there are y� fi..�ther questions, please let tas }mow. �,��H��=��'O� Sincerely, ��o,y�£fiE�-4 .� �:�� 9 �,� CEi�N AND ASSOCTA'1'�S, INC. . ���y �� ! ` U 6 11.:� +�� ��?O � � � � * t'°,� �,z:-� By * MP:FS `:;�$Sk��A�96�v`� Mare s J. Far , P. . � `��R T E C��c��� ReV: RM QT �.. c�: Mr. Bil� Pierce, �`�SChitect REFERENCES 7bwn of Vail, 1977, Geolagic Rapid Mass Wasting Process, M� and Legend Source: Arth�r I. Mears _ Piteau, D.R. , 1977, Sl.ape stability analysis for rockfail problems: T'h� cor�uter rockfall m�d�l £or simulatirx,� rockfall distrit�utions, Penrose Conference, Vail, Golarado • DRAG CdEFFICIENT = 0,�+2 .-, 1 fl0 � � 80 w " 60 � 40 � o ZO J O W } NORTH 2 SOUTH 9ooa J r �- w � a w p d J �.owER Q � � � � sauRCE � � CLIFF W 88d0 y F- ca � z o — ca z o ¢ J O ^ — �C a� � � m 2 �1 � '��a � C] 'Z �"`� ' � Q c/'/ � � 86�0 � �, Q ►_ � Q o d � � � � �W y,� w 2z� q 18 0 �- i Z $��0 � /!�� — �o �� o B 200 V=o v=II8�ps V=87 v=IIS �=73fps v=0 fPs fps fps fps HOR IZONTAL AND VERT ICAL SCALES: 1"=20�3' . �5.474 chea and associ�tes, ��C. SLOPE PRQF I LE AND VELOC ITY CURVE �s. 1 .� � � . i `� chen and assaciates COhJSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 96 SOUTM ZUNI SiRE£7•DENYER,CQLORAQ4 B021J- JOJ�74��71Q5 January 26, 19B3 Sub�ect: Gzologic Haxards Recor�na is sance, Lc�t 11, Slock 1, Vail Village 12th Filing r Vai]., Colorado. Job Nc�. 25,474 Mr. Joseph Pe11ar �ax 1750 Highland, Inciiana 46322 Dear Mr. Pe11ar: As r�uesteci, we visited the subj�ect site on January 25, 1983 to perfarrn a reconnaissan�e of the general geologic conditions prirru�riiy with respect ta potential rock fall hazards. Th�s letter pr�ents our observations, opi.nions and reeoRUt�nda�ions based an the reconnaissa�zc� and our P�{perience. Site Conditions: IAt 11 is situatec3 an the north side af Block l, Vail Village 12tti Fi�.ing, on the north side of the Gore Greek valley. The lot is directly upslo�e ot the cu1��-sac at the end of Katsas Ranch Etoad, There is abc�ut a 10-foot high roadcut alang the eastern twn--thirds of the southern edge of the property. Fran the top of thi.s cut slope, the natural ground surfa.�e sloQes up to tl�e north at about 30$ for an approximate horizontal dis�ance of �b0 f�et. Beyc�d that, the slope steeper�s to appr�x.unately 40� for a distance of �.�t 5a0 feet, horizontally. At about ��.evaka.on 8$20 feet, 4p0 vertical feet above the sa�thern edge of Lot �.1, is th� base of a cliff whfch has a near�rertical face, about 50 feet high. This cliff is co�rised of well-c�Zta3 sandstone of the Mintt�rn Formation. It is u�derlain by sa.�dy silty shale and limestones which crop out at the �ase of the cliff and ir�- several areas on the slope just below t�e base of the cliff. Another sequer�ce af shale and sandstone averlie the cliff and the upper sandstcane czeates another near-vertical cliff of appr�imately the sam� thickness as the lower one. �he bedding attitude of the sandstones and shales strik es abou� N�0°'vV and aip 5° to the nartheast. Prami.nGnt joints trend east-west (parallel to the c�iff face? ancl north-south. bath sets t�ing near- vertical. A third inajo� set is rcughly parallel t�o the bedding, near 1 OFFICES: CASPEA • COLORA00 SPRINGS • GLENWODD SPRINGS • SAIT LAKE CITY / ` � � January 26, 1983 Mr. Jose�t� Pellar Page 2 horizQr►tal. Jaint spacing varies fran a few feet to as rRUCh as about 40 feet. ° '1 `tial G2oloaic Irr�cts: The joints in the rc�ck mass separate intact cemPSted sandstone blocks. As the c)�iffs �rode over long � pericris o£ ti,r�, these joints open due to relief of confining stress and frost wedging. �uentually, as underlya_ng support is r�ved by natural erosive processes, bloeks of rock beccYne detached from the cliff faces. "Ihis is an intermittent process but cflntinuous over Zong `. periocis (hundreds to thousands o£ years) of tiure. 7ntense precipitation or snc7w rr�lting probably accelerates the rock fall activity. Due to orientation and s�acing of joints, mueh af the sepa.rated pi.eces of roek are blocky (angular and relatively equidir�nsianal) . Mar�y o£ the pieces are alsa tabular, du� to w�akness along bedcling planes. Sorr� pieces detaci�ing as blocks tend to split into tabular shapes upon i�act while mr�ving downs�ape. Considering the shapes �f the rocks ori th� slape, the steepness af the slope and the position of rock fall debris downslope, it appears tha� the tabular gieces predominantZy slide dowrisl�ope. Zhey oniy move sk�ort c�istances downslope under their c�wn in�ertia,af ter det�chment, Second�ry movem�nt due �o debris flowage arx�Jor soil creep transpc�rts th�n further downslope. T�-ie other rock pieces being blvcky, and i.n same cases, subangular, �constitute a higher rock fall haza.t�3. �hese rc�cks are more likely to roll and bound down the 1ang, steep slope below the cli�f. The larger blocks, less affeeted by dra.g due to the law brushy vegetation, couZd easily reach the building site, the road and beyor,d. Tl�e rock �all nanout is evidenced by rocks strewn on the slopes frcm the toes of both cliffs to well dawnslope af F.ot 11. Bauls3ers bur.ied in the colluvial soils e�ased in the roadcuts indicate the process has been ongoing for long periods af tirr�. Observed rock fal2 bonlders vary frcxn less than one ta several hundred cubic feet. Conc�usians and Recexm�ndatians: In our og'nic,n, a conventional,ly constructed sidence on this lot would e s�l to a relative�y high rock fall hazard. Rock falls have occ�ra� at the sit� and can i ions are suc that future roc a are e y. is no pc�ssi le ta precise y ev ua e e pr ility of future rock fall events, howc�ver, w� ju�3ge the proba:oility significant for residential eonstruction. Based an the sizp and en o past rock falLs similar future rack fal], wau e nuention 1 residential structure on the 1ot _and pres�nt a ri�k nf in��,r� � i�G �c-u�ants, � Judging frcm the site conditions, it appears that feasible mi�igation measures are limite3. pne possible rr�thal whieh warrants , � � � Januaxy 26, 1983 Mr. Joseph Pellar Page 3 further consideratian is a t�elow-grade stzucture designerl such that rock falls wc�uld pass over the building without causing n�jar damage. Other methoc3s, such as eliminating the hazard by scaling or cliff stabilization, do not appear f�asible because of the size and inaccessibility of th� source zcc�ne and the near'�y e�tisting struc�ures, Def lection or catchrnent bern�s also do not ap�ar feas ible beea�se of th� hill slflpe steepness, size of the rock falls and the nearby existi.ng structures, If these are any questions vr i� we may be at fwcther service, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ��5 JOf,'/!J '��L� CE�I`I AND ASSOCIAZ'�'i, INC. � e�°seco.c /C.J��``\ -i C�Q'�' �y,t•r°.i��.a'�,r,'�. , , . " . C•'�� {._ r�} `c'� ;-. � . _,' ;' / / �` �L.f ,� �i :� ��o /.. . . ^'�= T r ,� $y �f..f f~Jl� 6 , 1 �� c n . _ •�- f� S, J. Pd�d],�rfP.E. ,� , :�� r;,, 4 .cf t�, ,- ... Re�/. By: � ± �:_.._ - '';...'.�: MJPfram ,'. ��`�.� ��� ce: Mr. Bill Pierc�, Architect .` �� ' . \ / � � l \ f r i � f i f r r i i i i i i i � i i i i i � i . . � . � : J � . � 'M T�H�' � -_ \ � .' iiiir �(�/ ��r fr�}i .p�fp�.�� riiiii � i� � . �� y�' w� i k�i i� �Gc 1�Lc�l,l�Ek r f i f i i� r i�f ,- , � / �r� �' \�``�f \ /f f f 1 Y /t I�,/ /////� `� . \ \�, �. \ � , \ ��� i �`l7I� ��PV4+�� �Ct.�i i lr a i1.L.�itY'V. / : i . ,• i f f !i /� i //! i i , ' I � r � ri� i � ii � � ,� � � - �� I �•�" / . lrr�l/�/ li / Fr /i f � r � �� : � , ii �/ � / � i � ; : � i ' � t � \ � \ 'i \ ' _ �, ' . . r . r. . . ,� ; , i �� � , ! � / r ♦ /f//I i // ! r / / / / / / / 1 J i / i / ! • / f J; � � : /�/ / /!/ 1 / / � / / ��M ` \ f 'J/J / F/ f /�.�N-.� / II���RL�f�f.../�� -iil���Vff / // / / 1 / / � i ' � f .�/ l / f .'f . IJ � / ! / 1r / /� ! f 1 / f / f ! / / � / � ' 9� ''�••••. , ' J / / ! � !J / l / / r _ ;. .'�,• ' �s � . 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