HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050323 . � t . - New �Cons�ru�ction . � ° �rP apPlication for Design Review �������, �A ,�..: Ra` , Department of Community Geveioprnent , TOi,,�r�� �� �` 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 61657 ��� � � La�� VYl1� te1: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2qS2 web: www.vailgov.corn . ., '•; '-��'�� General Informatipn: All projects requiring design review must receive a�p�oval prior to submitting a building permit applFCation. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular ap,�roval that is requested. An applicatian for Design Review cannot be acc�pted ur�til all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The ,� project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Enviranmental Cammission. Des�gn review approval lapses unles5 a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ��C,�II,! I! � �'lY�1N'/s�'! � � �v,.� Locatio�n of the Proposal: Lot: � I Block: Subdivision: 'Y����f _v_.f�ST � Physical Address: _��`�2; ���� C ���,� .�S��i�� ���,/� � �G— ZIQ3IZ312.U51 Parcel No.: " - ��a3 rz�,-w�2� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-6540 for parcel no.} �2 - Z1 03 1�312dck.� Zoning: � T Name(s) of Owner(s): _, ,�,�,._►��v��S ��tC. Mailin Address: 0 UI vd�l Gd `�I� � 9 P e: 3��- Z414� Owner(s) SignatureCs): � Name of Applicant: �AM� Mailing Address: Phone• E-mail Address: - Fax: Type of Review and Fee: O Signs $50 Pl�s$1.d0 per square foot ofi total sign area. ❑ Canceptual Review No Fee � ❑ New Construction �650 Fflr constructifln of a new building or demo/rebvild. a Rddition $300 For an addition where square fnotage is added to any residential or � commercia� building (inc{udes 250 additions&interior conversians). L Minor Alteration $25Q For minor thanges to buildings and site irnprovements, such as, (multi-family/commercial) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, ete. �} Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, ` � (singCe-family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, windc�w additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to paans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ❑ Separation Request No Fee � For Ofifice Us�0nly: ' ,; �, Fee Paid� �` Check No.;�f��� By: Mee�ing Date• -��'����" �� DRB No.: � �`J' � �` -�} ;,� Planner: �� _ Praject Na.: ��� ******�*****���*��*�*�*****����**�**���*********************��*�***�**�*�***���**�********** TOWN�F VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****aa*��*���*****��*��***�*��x*����*s*****************«�*��*****��x*�xs��*******#************* Statement N�amber: R05000I005 Amaunt: $20.00 07/06/20�509:25 AM Payment Methoc�c Cash Init: JS Notation: $/MIKE DANTAS Permit No: DRB050323 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2143-123-1204-4 Site Address; 178$ ALPINE DR VAIL Location: 1788 ALPIl�� DR Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***********�x*�********************a�***************************��*******��**�**************** ACCOtJN"I'ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptivn Current Fmts -------------------- --------------------------—-- --------°--- DI2 (901000031�2200 DESIGN REVIEW �'E�S 2�.00 -°-----------------------------------------------—---------—--------------- A �-+ • Re.ai�,'ed l�Y-31-Z005 02:ZOpm From- Ta-G�re Ran�e Surveyin� PaQe 001 LTG 1#a�icy Na�. CTAT50005Q06 Farm A41�H7 Chi+:�go P'olicy 1'�a. 72106-0�64508 Qiur(yrder No, VSQOOSOOb Schedtil,e A Amotmk $2$O,Q00_OQ Fmperty Address: �76$, 17"?2�4NIS I778 AL'P'TNE bi�'VE�iTATL CO$lfu�7 � � �-� I'�� �.,, '. 1. Folicy D�te: 1e�lp s at 5:00 P.M. � _� _ �. 1V��me of I�ured. �]ANTAS BUTLDERS,I1�FC., A C�OI.OIL.4Dd C�R.PtlRATIdl�T �...� � � �-- �� �� 3. The esta�ke or intcr�est in xhe land d�cribc�ar rePc�rrrd ta in thi�S�herlule and whirh is cuvec�ed!�y this polic�i�: A�'ee SimgY� 4. 1�itle#�a the e3tate ar f�terest cavered by this golicy at the d�te herEOf i�veste�fi.i�: AANTAS SITILT��,S,INC.,A C�L�RAD4 CORPQRATIQN 5. The land r�f�rred to iit this policy is d,�scribed as fallows: LQTS lU, 11 ANI� 12,VA�-VII1.AGfi WEST FR-InTG NQ. I, PsCCQ7t�PTi+TG T'Q THE R£CORDEI� �,aT�rx�o�, eaunrrr a�EACr�, sra�oF ca�.a�a. Tl�is�'olicy valid ar�1y�f Scl�edule B i�atfad�ed. Land'iisle Cuar�ntee CBmP�Y R��nting Ct�go'!1f#!e It�+x►�ncx�CampanY 3 • Recai.ad lAay-31-2005 Q2:2APm Fran- To-G�re Rar� Surveying Pa�e DG2 • LTG Policy 1'�Q. CTAI50045446 Fa�►aa�c�n Chicaga 3�o�icy No, 7�106-46450� C1ur Or�er No. `VSQ005006 �'schedt�le�3 "rhis policy dr�es nat i�sure a�ainsc iass or dama�e�a�d rhe Compa� will no�pay coscs,aa�ys' fe�s ar expenses} which ari3�by reason of: Generat F�c�pdons: 1, l�i.ghcs�or c]ui,�of parti�a inp�assessicm n�t stiavrn by d��public� recar�ls. ?. F�s�.�nt�, oc Ctaiu�s af e�cm�uts,n�r shazvn t�y tLe p�blic r�COrds. 3. Discrepa���i�s, conflic[s in bpu�d�y lin�a, s�ortx��i�,aa�a, encrnac�nts.aucl�y�c�s which a ram�t sarvey a�cl. ins�ec�ion uf rI�premiyes rvnuld tii,clasc�.ud wlricly are not sl�wn by ihe publiC rc�otds, 4. A,ny lien, ar right ca a lien, fur s�rvices, tatx�r, ar meic�iai irrretc�ft�rz or heirafrer fLU�ishrai,imposed by law antl no[siiawr+by t1t�public recorcls. S. 2004 TAK�S iVOT'Y�T DL1E AND PAYABLE_ 6. RIGl�T QF P�tOPR1�T0i�.(JF A V�'Il�al� LQDE Td�XTfiACT AND R6M0'V'B T�S OR� THEREFROM S13OULD THE SANIE�E F�T,�ND TO i'�1'ETRA7'E OR Jtr17�SBCT 1�FR�MISES AS ��SERV�.D IN �I] STAT�S Pt�►TEN'I'1ZECORbED Q�TL1B£It[14, 19]8,IN HOQK 93 AT PAGE.301. 7. RTGHT f,)�WAY�OIt DITCHBS C}R CANALS CQNSTRIJ(�"I'ID EY 1"�AYJTH4RITY t�F T,HE UNTTED STATES AS RESER�ED F1'�I TJ1ylTEIa STA'Y'�S i3'A."i'EN?RLGO1tDBD aG7'O�mt D4, I918, iN B40K 9�AT PAC�30l. 8. I�BSTRlCTIYE C{3VENANTS'WFIICTi Dd NO'r CQNTATN'A�4�RS dR REV�RTER CLAUS�, $UT 4MITTI�IG ANY C4VENANT OR R.ESTRICT'TOiN BAS�U ON RACL,COLOR, R�C.IGTON, SE�, H�ND�ICAP, FAM�C.�AL STATCTS QR IVA'I�ONAI..C)�GIN UNL�SS ANLI ONLY T�D TH� �,Ir�'T THAT SATT�Cl7VFsN�iNT(A)JS�MP'T UNt��R GxI,4�'CER 42, SEC7ION 36Q'T Ofi T�]'E UNl"TF.� STA'�`x'sS�OI�E OR(B)�.tEi.,A"T�S TO HAIYbtCAP BUT D4E$P�lOi'I` DI.SG�.tTMTNATE AGAINST HI�NA�lCA�P�EF�Sf)IriS,AS CONTfi,INFD►1TT INSTRUI�F�.1�'�`RECORDaI7 OCTEyBER 25, 14b3. 1N�aUK 17$AT�AGfi 149 ANA AS AMENDED IN iPdS77.tUM�.NT RECQ�BU DECFr11+lk�El�6, l963.1N B�D'K 178 AT FAGE 345. 9, F�ES�]2VATIONS OF A'f�N PII�CfiNT Nt�N-P�It.'�'FCQATLNG iZOYAGTY INTEREST COI+1'TAiNED rx wA��n�n�co��u oc�a�30, ���nv�aa�;�A�r r�cE aa7. ro. uTrtrr�r Eas��rrs s�r,N uv�nTR���r�p•t.c.�v.z.��ro s��E LoT l.ua�s As �sa�v�n ou��pL�T aF wa,r.[_vn.i.A��vv�sr Fa�.ttv�rto. �. j • . , Recei�e� �a�-81-2005 02:20pm Frnm- Tc-Gare Ran�a Surveyin� Pa�e D03 • ]�TG P`olicy I'�o. C'Y`.�SOOOSQUb Form AOIG'H� C[�ie�gn�Yolicy No, 71�06-4b45(�8 Qur[)rder l�tn. V54�Q5fl0i6 Schec�ul�S 1!. E�iSB1V(�N'I`S, RTSER.I7ATIONS AI�iI�RFST�SG"TIQt'�TS AS S�I�W�i f)R�2FSERV�I3 ON TFIfi RECORD� FLAT OF Y�.V'IL�-.ACrfi V4'F�S'I'.FII.ING NC1. 1. 1?. THE AI;FEG'I'0�UNMAIIVTAIl�D ROAL;1 CUT pR DYTCH TRAVh"1�SIl'�G SL1BlEC'T 1'ROP�RTY AS SH�WN�N THE 1MPl�i�'4rE1�r�P�1T L�CATION CER'TTFY�AT&PREpARfiD�Y STA1tBUCK SURVB'YO�S&�.I�TCrTN&ERS.DATED 5/2/Ol, J�B N4. 20y-�'7. 13. AF� �P 7'RUS�`DA`T'�D]�Y 14, 2004, �OM DAN1�`AS BLT[f�E�iS,INC.,A COLORADO C�RPOYtAT�0t�1 TO TIi�Pi7�.Y.iG TRUS'T'��OF EAGL.�Cl�iJNTY FQR T�T�LJSE E3F FI1tS�ANK 4F A'V`Ol�Tf1 SEC��THE SU�i�F$2$Q,f}Od.OQ RECORD�t�JULY 19�2Q(}4, UI�iD�EP RECEI�TTIOlV Np. 88�79. IT�M NaS. I THROUC�H 3 vF'I9:ffi GENERAI- EX�EPTIONS AR��Y DEL�'i'�D. IT�Ivt N o. 4 OF THE GPN'�R-AI-E�CC�.gTtOi�fS IS D�LETED EXCEPrI`AS TO ANY�.1�5 ItE5�1LTlNG�RaM 'VVORK(]R MAT�RIAJ-CaNTRACTED���4R OR k�lRN1S��AT THE REQU�T ()F DAI�TTAS�U1LI)��RS.rNC., A co�ar�a ca�o�Tronr. • COMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT R�U�ING FORIVI Routed To: Public Works Prv'ect Alame: Dantas grading plan Date Routed: 07106/05 for Lots 10 - 12 Routed B : Elisabeth Eckel Pro'eet#: PRJ05-0262 Date Due: 07/08/0� Activi #: DRB05-0323 �escription af work: New single family speculative residence Address: 1772, 1778, 1788 AI ine Drive Legal: Lot: 10 - Block: Subdivision: Vail Uillage West 15 Filing 12 Status: ❑ Approved 0 Approved with condifions � Denied � Comments: Date Reviewed: 7/12/0fi • ❑ Fire De artment Issues. Need additional review b �ire De artment{ � Provide stam ed PE �drawin s far sFn le,double �tri le tier retaRnin walls. Provide wriften a rovel for cvnstruction with in utilit easement. / Show iimits of disturtaance fence. Erosibn control. Gall out 4' an with 2'" invert no heat. Show snow stora e. Call out all weather�urface of drivev►ra . � ����� U� � r � � �/'� �m11 U�'��R.�►-���.P�� � � n / / tf TOWN QF VAIL CONSTRUCTIOI� �p���'E��� . �p ��: �!���f��_rZ��i�r PE�MIT APPLICATION FORM �, D��E. � s- ,��� R � �nr �� ���(` APPLICATION MUS'T BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED �********�********�r*��x****�** PERMI� INFORd�iATION **�*�r**�t********�***********� [e�Huilding [ ]-Plumbing ( ]-Elsctrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Name: ���y.S�,�vw�/Ec.,r Job Address: �/�✓.0 f���i�/E �,Q Legal Description: Lot ��- Block � Filing � SU$DIVISION: ���Z Ui�����s�' . � Owners Name: %'rti`d��s �i� S Address: �`�SS� ����•sf./�C Ph. 5�7� 5K{{/ Architect: '�«'�'{ �'"Q '���5='" Address: i''�a� �atis.���/� �� Ph. `�JLo 9ZZ$ s��,�. General Descript�on: ��U ��a��G�@ c � Work Class: [�-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Xdditianal � ]-Repair � ]-other �lunsber of Dwe3ling Units: �� Number of Accommodation Units: N mbe�- and T��pe of Fire laces: Gas Appliances � Gas Lags Wood/Pellet L� �_�� ��;r- ******�***�*'�r�*���************** VALUATYON3 ***�*��***********��x*****�*****��r BUILDING: � f���'b� ELECTRICAL: � QTHER: � FLUMBING:, � MECHANICAL: � � TOTAL: � ���� -�' ' ��;: ******************** * NTRACTOR INFORMATZQN *************************** enEra]. Contractor: ��u��s2 $cc���f.r,� �y,,�,4 � � Town of Vail Reg. NO. �' . � �- Address: Phone Number: c . � G � i/ Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: �ho�e Number: Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: Mechanica� Contractor: Town nf Vail Reg. ND. Address: Phone Number: ***�********�**�r***********���r** FDR OFFrCE USE ��***************�t**�*�***�*�** BUILDING PERMIT �EE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FE�; MECHAIVICAL PERM�T FEE: MECHANICa�L PLAN CHECK FEE: ELEC'i'RICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: C)THER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERMI�' FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BLI�I,DIIVG: SIGNATURE: Z4N�NG: SIGNATURE: Comments• CLF.AN IIP DEP.OSIT REF[TND T0: �/�iv rr�yS �s �1 S� Gl.�97�za•v�X �.4-it t��(o Sr7 � MEMORANDUM � T4: A�.L C4NTRACTOAS FROM: TOWt� OF YAlL PUBLIC WQRKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, 1994 RE: WHEN A '"PUBLIC WAY PERMlT' fS REQU�RED Job Name: �i`��yS /'��oG,,,��y� Date: 7/�r�/4.s— �� Please answ�r�he fol[owin� questionnaire regarding t�e need for a "Pubiic Way Permit": YES N� 1� !s thls a �ew residence? � 2) Is demolition work being performed J� that requires i�e use of the �ight of way, easemer�ts or public praperty? 3) Is ar�y utility work needed? � 4) [s the driveway being repaved? 5) Is different access needed to site other thar+ existing driv�way? 6) Is any drainage wor�c being done affectir�g the right of way, easements, � or pubfic property? 7) Is a "Aevocable Right Of Way Permit" ,�C required? 8) A. Is the right af vuay, easements or � public property to be used for staging, pa�cing o�' iencing? . B. ff no to 8A, is a parking, staging ar fencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" m�,st be abtained. "P�blic Way Permit" applications may be obfained at the Public Wor#c's office or at Comm�nity Development. !f you have any questions please call Charlie D�vis, the Tawn ' of Vail Construction Inspector� at 479-2158. I have read and answered a1l th�-o�e ques ions. S r✓,� � f Y s�-- Job e tract ig ture Q te � � � PUBLIG WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Burlding Permits: 1) Fill out c�ur check list provided with a buildinq permit apqlication. If yes was answered to any of the above questions t�en a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an applicatian at either Comrnunity Develapment, lacated at 75 So Frontage Rflad or Public Works, loca�ed at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility compar�ies. All utilities must field verify (Iocate) res�ective utilities prior to signing applicat�on. Some utility companies require up tQ a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A cnnstructipn traffic control/staging plan must be prepared �n a separate sheet of paper.An a,�proved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic contral dewices(signs, canes, etc..} and the wc�rk zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..}. This plan will expire on Qct. 15th. and will need ta be resubmit�ed for approval through the winter. 4) Sk�tch of wark being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, wrdth & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. Ef required, Iocates will be scheduled for the Tawn of Vail E�ectricians and Irrigation crew. The lacates take place in the morning t�ut, may require up to a8 hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Gonstruction Inspector will review the apptication and approve ar disappr�ve the pecmit. You will be contac�ed as to �he status and any that rnay needed. (vlost permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please �Ilow up to or�e week t� process. 7) As soon as the permit is proc�ssed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the"Suilding Permit" to be released. Please do r�at confuse the "'Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: '" The above process is for work in a public way only. * Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. * A new Public Way Perm�� is required each year if work is not complete. ��,�eY � � ., �,\i .`. u �ti TOWN OF I�AIL 75 South Fr�ntage Road Depat[rnent of Cornntunity Developnien� Vai1, Coloraa'o 81657 303-479-2138/4?9-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 IiiTFORMATI�ON NEEDED WHEN APPY�YING FOR A MEGHI�NICAL PERMIT 1 . H�AT LOSS CALCULATIOIdS. 2 . T� SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT I��tAWN IN TD SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3 . SHOW SIZE Alv� L�3CATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4 . ATOTE WHETHER �LEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVID� TFiIS INFORMATION WILL DELR% YOUR PERMTT. � � ` �� - tow� of �ail 75 south froMage raad office af community devHopment vail,colorado 81fi57 (303�479-2138 (303)479-2139 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OiWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new constructian sites hav� adequately establi.shed praper drainage from building sites along and acijacent to Town of Vai1 roads or streets . The Town of Vail Publi.c Works Department wiTl be required to ir�spect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary ar permanent culverts a� access points from the road or street on ta the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior 'ta any request for inspection by the Town af Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call 479-216� ta request an inspection fram the Public Works Department . Al1ow a minimum of 24 haur notice . Also, the Tawn of Vail �Public Works Lepartment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation wit� xesulting road paLChing as necessary . Such appraval must be obtained prior to F�.nal Certiticate of Occupancy issuance . � � . ��lti tow� of uai �� _ T5 soulh troritage road vaii, colorado 8�657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ofAc@ o! community developmeni T�: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOW2E OF VAIL PUBLIC W�RKS/CONIl�l�JNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTIOI�' PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No, 6 states that it is un3awfuZ far any person to litter, track or deposit any sail, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portabla toilets and workm�n vehi,cles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereaf. The right-Qf-way on all Town of Vail streets and Z'OdC�S is approximately 5 ft. v�f gawement. This ardinance wi11 be strietly enforced by the Town o� Vail PubZic Worlcs Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Departm�nt will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to canstruction, maintenance �?�.- repair pro�ects of any street or alley or any utilities in the �ight-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Buildinr� Department to abtain a copx. Thank you fo� your cooperation on this matter. Read and- acknowledged by: � � � ition/Relationship to Pro 'ect i.e. cantr 7 ( actor, awner) `_- S� Date � � �i� �, 1y tUWE� 0 Val � - 75 south irontage read vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 a�fice of community developmenl BUILDING ��R�9IT ISSUANCE TIME FR,4f�1E If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent A��roval , Engineer'•s �.P�blic Works} reYiew and approval , a Planning Department revi�w or Health Department review, and a review by the �uiiding Department, t�e estimated time for a total review may take as lang a5 three weeks. All commercial (large or small ) and ail multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentzoned maxim�m requirements . Residential ar�d small projects should take a lesser am�unt of time. Hawever, if resider�tial or smaller projects �mpac� the var�ous above mentioned departme�ts witf� rega rd to raecessary r�view, these projects may also take tFie ttiree week period� �very att�mpt wi'11 be made by this department to expedite this pe►�mi�t as_ saon as possible, ' I, t�ie undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time � frame, � _ to y. � �`�� � o��� Project Na ��� `�S�' Date Wvrk eet was turned into t e Community Development Department.