HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050299 � '��,e 1/,"6� � �t-�'i i � at 1 a- !'-^�� D�sign Review Board ACTION F�ORM �epartment of Community Development TOWN OF U�1I� , 7� South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479,2i39 fax: 970.979.245Z web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name; aANTAS 1788 ALPINE DR DRB Number: DRB050299 Project Description: New single-family residence providing joir�t access to adjacent eastern lots 10 and 11; specifications of residence on file and included in plans Rarticipants: OVIIIVER DANTAS BUILDERS INC 06/27/2005 PO BQX 4015 AV�N CO 81620 CONTRACTQR DANT,4S BUILDERS, INC 06/27J2Q05 Phone: {970) 376-5444 PO BOX 4015 AVQN CO 81620 License: �90-A APPLICANT MICHAEL PUKAS 06/27/2005 PO BO?� 4227 EDWARDS CO 81632 Project Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL Loca�on: 1788 ALPINE �R Legal Description: Lat: iZ Black: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 ParCel Number: 2103-123-12Q�-4 Comments: S�e CancVitions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Actiort: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 3-0 Date of Approval: 07/ZOJ2005 Conditions: CQnd: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andJor the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approva�does not constituke a permit far building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel priar to construckian activities. Cand: 201 DR6 approval shall nat become valid for 2D days fallowing the date of approval. Cand: 20Z Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one(1} year foklowing the date . � � of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced • and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007286 Fire sprir�kler systern required and shall comply with NFPA 13R{2042). Cond: C�N0007287 Manitored fire aEarm system required and shall cornply with NFPA 72(2002). Cond; CON00073�9 Prior to Community DevQlopment appraval of the building permit plans for Lat 12, the applicant shall ensure that the access easernent agreement bs recorded with Eagle County. Cond: C4NOOfl7360 Prior ta Cammunity Developrnent acceptance of the buElding permit plans, the applicant shall submit to the Town af Vail professionally-engineered and stamped drawings of all walls on the site that are proposed to be greater thare four feet in height. Cond: CON0007361 Prior to Community Development acceptance of the building permit plans, the applicant shall submit CDOT or professionally-errgineered d�esigns of the guarcfrail. Cond: CON0007�62 The applicant shall appear before the Design Review Bc>ard on August 3, 2005 with a landscaping plan reflecting the addition of appropriately irrigated landsca�ing between the retain�ng wal� bench�s bridging lots 11 and 12. Entry: 08j04/2005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CONOOQ7430 Prior to grar�ting of a temporary certiflcate of occupancy by the Community Develop�nen� Department, the applicant sha�l ensure that twenty shrubs per bench and temporary irrigation �ras been installed between Lots 11 and 12 per t�� site plan dated 07/27/�5. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 1/��e f�ll�� ,�- � � /d-t- r�-- :�:� . Design Revievrr Baard ��� � ACTION FORM '\ �p `��r,� . �� Department of Commur�ity Developrnent T�i,�11�` �� �ti�L��� e'` 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8�657 te1: 970.479.Z139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DANTAS 1788 ALPINE DR DRB Number; DRB050299 Project Description: New single-family resider�ce providing joint access to adjacent�astern lots 1D and 11; specifica�ions of res�dence on file and included in plans PartiCipartts: �WN�R DANTA5 BUILDERS INC 06/27/2005 PO BOX 401� AVON CO 8162Q CONTRAGTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 06/27/2005 Phone: (970) 376-5444 PO BOX 4015 AVON CO 81620 License: 290-A APPLICANT M3CHAEL PUKAS 06/27/2005 PO BOX�4�27 EDWARDS CO 81632 Project Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: 1788 ALPINE DR Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VI�.L.AGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-123-1204-4 Comments: See Conditions BOARDjSTAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlan Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 3-0 Date of Approva[: 07/20/20Q5 Conditions: Cor�d: � {PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andJor the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: D (PI.AN): DRB approval do�s not cons�itute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building per�annel prior tQ construction activities. Cond: 2€71 DRB approval shall not become valid for ZO days following the date of approval. Cond: 2C�2 Approval of this project shal! lapse and becorrae void one (1) year following the date r of�nal approval, un�ess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued taward completion. Cor�d: C�N0007286 FEre sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002), Cond: CON0007287 Monitored fire alarm system required and sl�all comply with N�PA 72(2002). Cond: CON0007359 Prior to Community Development approvai of the building permit plans for Lot 1Z, the applicant shall ensur�that the access easement agreement is recorded with Eagle County. Cond: CONOOfl736fl Prior to Community Developrr�en�acceptance of the building permit plans, the applicaRt shall submit to the Town of Vail professionalEy-engineered and stamped drawings of all walls on the site thak are proposed to be gr�ater than four feet in height. Cond: CON0007361 Prior to Community Developrr�ent acceptance of the building permit plans, the appGcant sha91 subrnit CDO�or professionally-engineered designs of the guardrail. Cond: CON0007362 The applicant shall appear before the Design Review Bcaard on August 3, 2005 with a landscaping plan reFlecting the addition of appropriately irrkgated landscaping between the rekaining wall benches bridging lats 11 and 12. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 � , � s y New Constructian . . . � :, Application for Des�gn Review ��-°���'�� {,. {�' 'A Department of Community pevelopment '�`J `� � �- �-� T�t�n►T nr Tj�iT . 75 Sauth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 �vlv ��t- wt�.�L tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 ""'a�-��� ��N�. web: www.vailgov.com . General Information. All projects r�yuiring design review must receive approval priar to submitting a building �ermft applicatiort. Please refer to the submittal requiremenks fo�the particular approval that is requested. An application far Design Review cannot be accepted unti! all required informa�on is received by the Comrnunity Development Department. The project may also need ta be reviewed by the Town Coundl andJar the Planning and Environmental Commission. �esign review approval �apses uniess a building permit is issued and construdion commences within one year af the approvai. Descri�tian of tFie Request: _ N� ��.IS�{� SIN(��(sJE 1��'l ��,� Location of the Proposal: Lot:_�Block. � Subdivision: Y�I U '�ljfGSrn fC �tl�T, {T.Y�.� Physica! Address: ���15 /�l���lk Q�.lE � Parcel NQ.: Z 2 � (Con�act Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: � Name(s) of owner(s): b�Ths fi�JfL�? S Mailing Address; IS Phone• 3��Ca- owner(s) Signature(s): �--. Name of Applicant� ��G��'t.�4-S Mailing Address: -�Z �dX �zZ� �-+�l�d�� (l� �f�oS� - - Phone: �U� �t3( � E-mail Address: r►ry,c�u.f P_wn����_Fax:_ Zld - D�C{�2. Type of Review and F'ee: ❑ Signs $50 Pl�as$1.aQ per square foot of tatal sign area. I� Conceptual Review No Fee � � New Construction �$'�� f-�or construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ❑ 1'�d�It10�1 ��300 For an addition where square faotage is addeti to any residential or � commercial building (includes 250 additions&interiar conversions). ❑ Minor Altera�ian $254 For minar changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (multi-familyfcommercial) re-roafing, painting, window additions, landsca,�ing, fen�es and retaining walls, etc. � Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (single-family/dup1ex) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, feroces and retaining walls, ete. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review B�ard. ❑ Separatian Request No Fee For Office se Onl : / ./ Fee Paid: � � Check No.:��(Ci� BY: r ( �� Meeting Date: L � � ' � DRB No.: ��V v Planner: Project Na.: 1 TsJ�S� � �� � _ • � � Reaa�'.':+d Way-31-2005 02:10ptn From- To-Gora Ran�e Survayin� PaQe OD1 � LT�P'ol�cy Na. CTAI50005DOG �arna ACllC$Y Cl��p�a Policy'Na►. 72106-4�645a8 a��ra��ro. v�ac�osoo� ��a���. nm�� �a.ss�.000.00 �,���Aaa�: ��ss, �r��arm �77$�.�n�rv�v�n co s�r� � � �-� �°� � '. 1, Fa�licy Da�te: 1u�ly , 4Q4 ac S:QOF Y.M'. � �. iV��me of Ir�sur�d: DANTAS BUTLD�1tS,II�IC., A C�LOIt�►I]O COR.F�x�,TIaN (.�.( � � ..� �� �� 3. T1�e estaEe or inte.r�t in t6e land�cribed or referced to in#his a�'chedu[o snd which is�ave.�ay lhis p�l,icy is: A laer Simgi� 4. Titlt t4 ttie est�tts or i�c�vex�e�by this policy at tlte d�te hereof is vested tn: pANTAS Hl�7.A�RS,INC.,�ca�a�.ant�car�a�a,TTOr� S. Z`6e 1ar�d referred ta in tfus p4licy i�dcscribed as f4Qows: LO'['� 1Q, 1}. AN'� 12, VATL ViI.4AGF,WPST FiLINl�1'�ld. 1, ACGORDTI«�G TQ THE RECG��1 pLqT THF.St.�OF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATG 4F GOLORAI�O. This Po�icy valid on(y if Schedule S is attached. Lancfi T'etle C�arantee CamPany RepreSentiog Chicago Tft[��i�raoce Contpany Recei.�ad �aY-31�Z005 OZ:ZOpm Fram- Tn�Gars Ran�e Surveyin� Paas Qd2 LTG PaGcy]�o. CT.4I�00�50�6 Farm.A.Q/C,�i1 Chi�o Palicy No. 72106-4645(1S Uur Urder 1rTa. V500f15U06 Schedule Yi 'T'hLs poliCy does nvt irissu��inst loss c►r damag�(Rnd �he Comp&ny w�11 nUt pAy G45[s,attorneys' k�pr expem�es} whict�aria�hy reason��= General�xC�prians: i. Rights or claim�af parti�in pass�ssian nnt shawA by rhe pablic recorrls. �. �S�uencs, nr�lai.n�s of��e��, n�c shaur�hy We pnbli� r�cards. 3. Di�crepa�c.7�s, cnnfliccs in bc��ry lints, sl�rtx�e in area, �croac�nts,and�ty fac�s ww�i�ch a car�saxv�y and iuspecc�i�n+�f� premisea wnuld d�lasc�d wuich are nat Skc�wn by[4�e�ubiiC raat�rds. 4. P.ny lien, as riglit co a lien, for s�rvices, f�r,nr mete.ri,al he�tafpt�or bereafier f�,imposed by law and na�s�wn by d►�public records. S- 2U04 T,P�S NOT'Y�T�3UE AI�I�PAYAB�..E. fi. R[Gl�iT OF PROPRlL7"{?R OF A VBIN(]R LODE TO FXTRACT AND FtENIOVE HIS Ok� TH�kEFROM SHOULD TIiE SAME BTs fi0TJD3A T�PENE'TR,A7'�1�R 1N'T'�ECT'TH�PRE�ilSES AS RES�RVED it�l �.TN7'T'�D S"I'AT�S 1�ATENT RE�ORl�E77(�T�BER Q4, 1918,IN BO�K 93 AT PAGE�Q1_ 7. RTGHT C1F WAY FQR DITCl�S QR CANALS CONST7�UCTED BY'�AIT�`f�TOR�T'IC QF THL UI�TI'ID S'�A7`F_S AS RES.EI�'VED TN U�1lTED STATfiS FATENT RLCORDBI�UCTQ��t U4, 19 I 8, !N Ba4K 9� AT PA�GE 341. 8. RESTI�[CTiVE CaV�NANTS'QVFiICF3 AO N0�'C4NTATN�POR�S"I`CJRfl aI�R�V&R'I'F-3t CLAUSI., BUT CIMITTING ANY COVENANT OT�RESTlt1C'T'XON BASEA aN RAC�, COLOR, RF.i.TGTON, S�X, H,AND1CAp, PAMTLiAL STA�TUS OR NATIOI�'AL ORiG�T UNLESS A�TD QNL'Y'T'C1 TH� �'1'BN'T THAT SATD C4�TNANT{A)IS�IPT UN7a�R CHAPTER.42, �CT10N 36p7 OF ��urrrr� sr��s ca��ox is��r�►�S Ta x�vntca��u�r noa�s raoT 17ISGrtIMTNATE AGAiNST HA�iAiCAP PE�NS,AS CONTAII�T6�JJ TN INSTRUMEN'?RECf�RDBD �CTOBER 2S. 19b�, iN BOQK 178 A'T PACE 149 ANF3 AS A11+IENT�BU TN�TSTR.TJ14IE1VT RECORDSU AECEM�ER 6, 19fx�, I1V SaOK 178 AT FAC�345. 4. RE.SkR1TA'TTUNS dF A T�N PF.I�CENT NON-P`�IRTI�ATING 1ZOY�►LTY INTEREST COhiTAlNED JN WARfiAN'Y"Y I�F�D RECO�ED�GTOB,ER 3U, t96?iIV BQQK 166 AT PAGE�07. ]0. UTTLTTY EAS�MFsNTS 5�T 1N WII.)TH A[ANG ALL RFAR ANA SII�E I.p�'Lt1�t�5 AS RBSFs3t.VED �N T��E PL�4T UF VATL VIl'_LAGE W�i ST.��LIN G riID. 1. . . . Recei,a� �ay�31-1U05 OZ:2�pm Fram- Ta-Gare Ranae Surveyin� Pa�a 003 l..�T�`i PaIIc^,�PBn. CT'AIS(�10SQ46 Fo�A�I� Cbic�Palicy 1'��. 711Q6-46d��Q$ Q�,r Gl►rder Na. '�131]pQi50(lG 5rhedu�e� 11. EASSI+v(�',NT`S, �TSF..R.VATIONS AND I��ST�C'IIQNS AS SH�WI�T+OR�ESERV�QN TI3E I��C4RD&D PLAT�F VArC.V17�..AGE W�ST, FTLING N�. 1. 12. TH.E AFF'�C'�`QF UNMAIN`Y`AIIVF�TU RdAD CUT QR DY"irCH TRAVfiRSIIVG 3UBlECT�ROPIItTY AS SHOWN E)N'"FI3E IMP`RQ'VEN�NT LOCATION CER'I`T�ICAT&PREYA�tfiD�'Y STA1t�UCK SURVBYDAS&�13CiN&ERS.DA.TF.L� 5121a1, JQB NO. 20]-ry7. 13. DEET3�dP TRUS'T I�g,T�D lUY,Y 14, 2004� FROM DAN'fAS BLTILDF�t.S,INC., A COLORAL�O COR!'O1tA,TI4lV TCt Tti�PLI�Y.IC TRUS'1'��OF EAGL.� C4LTN�'Y FdR TIi�USE£1��TRS7"�ANK C}F A'�J'QN'�Q SBCUR�TF�E SUM QF$280,0(3�.flQ RECdRD�D JULY 19,2U44,UN.[��ER rz�c��orr r�o. �$a,a��. IT�M Irt�S. ! THROUGH 3 UF Tlffi GFI�TERAL E?CGFPTION'S.AR�HF.�tESY DfiL&TED. iTEM I.VO. 4�OF T.EiE GPNE,RAI-fiXCEErITONS TS D&��7' �XChsP'�'AS T�ANY Li�NS RFSUL'�II+�G FROM WQRK 4R 1VIAT�RIAJ-.CONTRACTED�OR aR FURNISHB�AT THE REQU�ST' c]F!7A'NTAS �UlLDERS,INC., A C4LC�ItAD�CORP(?R.ATYOl�t. PROPOSED LAMDSCAPING ;�t, �,r�;r',fj �-j2��� Botaraical Name Common Mame uanti Size PROP45ED TREES Cd',d21� LL��CC„r�� ��_ Z��-aG ` AN� SHRUBS r� , r � �, ", , '/b ,�.�'""rfClf �(��-- V -('� '_y�, � �jr �7^4d� �-(�-1�{A M /�f"�_ ✓ ✓� -1�� .. ��+y! �`�J h �a�aa• EXISTING TREES T� BE REMOVED Minimum Req�rirements fQr Landscaping: Deciduou5 Trees—2"Caliper Coniferous Trees—6` in height Shrubs— S GaL Type Square Footaae GROUND COVER SOD SEED ��ll�- �v,�l(�'1�f� }�lX I�RIGATION � � TYPE OF EROSION GONTROL SlCd.. �r•►C.�. Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 8 of 14/05/'20J05 PROPOSED MATERIALS Builcfina Materials Type of Material Color Roof ,/�SP�vc� S�+r���'� �v'L���IrtFc.�� �w� Siding w�t,�oa �.a�cn�i�i.� �.+r" `�$}.3� " 1�ACfS KaGk " Other Walf Mat�rials Fascia 2x � ��,�+ ShN� F�� �,�dryArr� �Fc.�cl.i Soff'its t x t �l� C�h��r f�-�-rl Windows ��, b�.��rr�os� r,c.s-� �33� Window Trim • srvao— srrxca Ylk� su. rjuH "u � c{�+N' � ����— '�� ��7,, Sr�� �'��i,w, � C�h(�t �c�tl ` Doors �ku� �H��►o}� C�r �Z„�� Door Trim S�� ,6,5 .�tKf,krc� Hand or Deck Rails �� � ��Z�,�,,, �f� Flues , Flashing �q�p�C� Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls �'►-�cQS, Sl��' l�ca�ck r✓isc�S Exterior Lighting Other Notes: please specify the manufacturer`s name, the color name and nvmber and attach a calor chip. Page 7 of 1�4/05/20/fl5 � • I . � C(3MMUNITY DEVELOPNfENT ROUTING FORM Routed To: Fire Pro'ect Name: Dantas Lot 12 Date Routed: 06/29/05 Routed B : Elisabeth Eckel '�ro'ect#: PRJ05-0262 Date Due: fl6129/05 Activit #: DRB45-0299 Description of work: New single family residence Addr�ss: 1788 AL ine Drive Le al: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: Vail Villa e West 15' Fi�9n Status: � 0 Approved �proved wifh condrtions ��'�'�nied Comments: Date Reviev�red: ❑ Fire De artment Issues. fVeed additional review b Fire Department. .¢C S'Q��✓e c.�1Z :�,r��C w� �;Fs�u. L'Aw-�i�, r/'�r�f �t,r�°�.� r3 y�.� 2 , f-2�d��r p,a� �� ,'r�cn,ce.� � r -....� ✓-,�z a ,/�.�/� Sr+�s�� C�,�rc� t �^'�T!f �!/"/l°ra' . 7 Z- Zoo . �##*#&#*#**��*�##�##****##t#�#��****##t######*#�####&####****��##��*#**������#�##t�*###***#* TOWN OF VATL, COLORAD� Statement �*����x�**���**+�********���*+�+��**�**�x+*�***�*******�***********����*���****�++�+***��+++�* Statem�nt Number: R�50000942 Amount: $550.00 06/27/200502:52 PM Payment M�thoc3: Check Init: J5 Notation: 6069/DANTAS BUILDERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB050299 Type: DA$ - A7ew Construction Parcel No: 2103-123-12�4-4 Site Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: 1788 ALPINE DR Total Fees: $650. 00 This Payment: $650.OD Total ALL Pmts: $650.00 Balance: $0.00 *******�*��x�x*++******���******�*��*���**********�***�**�*�********�*���*******�****�x�x��***** ACCOiTNT ITEM LIST: Accaun� Code Desc�'iption Current Pmts -------------------- ----------------_-------------- ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW F�ES 650.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------�,___--