HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050447 �c� �'� e l���l [ . � . f pt �� � r ' �. `�`�, Design Review Board �� �� ' ACTION FORM T �� � `� �z ��a�,�,� �� 4 :�� .�� � �� ' � .6a �; -�� ' Depa�tment of Community Developmerit T��j'�a�' �r��� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81b57 te1: 970,479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DANTAS CHANGE LOT 12 DRB Numbe�: DR8050447 Project Description: Changes to approved plans application indicating increase in GRFA at the lowest level Participants: OWNER DANTAS BUILDERS INC 08/26/2005 PO BOX 4015 AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR DANTAS BUILDE�tS, INC 08/26/20Q5 Phone: (970) 376-5444 PO BOX 4015 AVON CO 81620 License: 294-A APPLICANT MICHAEL PUKAS 08/26/Z005 PO BOX 4227 EDWARDS CO 81632 Project Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: 1787 ALPINE DR Legal Des�ription: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 21a3-123-1204-4 Commertts: BOARD/ST14FF ACTION Motion By: Actiom: APPROVED Second By: Vo�e: Date of Approval: 09/01/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrikten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review cammittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does nvt constiitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to cor�struction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval o�ti�is project shall lapse and become void one (1)year followi�g the date of finak appraval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced . .. and is dilig�ntly pursued taward campletion. . Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DR8 Fee Paid: $20.00 � � � _ . New Construction ` Application for Design Review �� ,�se }� DepaEtment of Comrnunity Development ���,� ��C �0���� T,���� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 "�j� �� tel: 970.479.2�28 fax: 470.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com �'�� ',l General Ynformation: y �/� �� All projects requiring design review must receive approval pnor to submitting a building permit a�plication. P�ease refer to the submitkal requiremeRts For the particular approval that is reques�ed. An application for Design Review cannot 'be accepted until a!I required information is rece�ved by the Cc�mm�nity �evelapment Qepartmen�. Th� project may also need ta be reviewed �y the Town Council and/or the Pianning and Environmental Cflmmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and �onstructian commen�es within one ysar af the approval. Description of the Request: C� �r-1 ���5 Y) �(�I�l� � Location of the Proposal: Lot:�`�81ock: S�bdivision:_Yh�IC. V<<,Lbh� �•�11�T ��'i � Physical Address: l� b�S fS���l�l� nEr`r� Parcel No,: a,ti n3�Z3 17��I� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) � Zoning: �tkC�(.� �Hlc,� Name(s) of owner(s): }r4 U�Ur'3 S Mailing Address: � Phone• Owner(s) Signature�(s): Name of Applicant: �"�I Gf'1`,�C ���5 Mailing Address: 0 A Z� � �Gl7w,�2f15� P1� �ilo32 Phane: ��•'s�' �'�31 E-mail Address: �+,,c�-,ar� „sdesr�tis���.cnw+ FeX: 2 - � �� Type of Review and Fee: � ❑ Signs $50 plus$1.00 per square f�ot of total sign area. ❑ Coneeptuai Review No �ee ! ' � I� ❑ New Construction $550 For canskruction of a new buiiding or demo/rebuild. ❑ Additivn $30D For an addition where 5quare footage is added to any residential or " � commercial building (includes 25A additions&interior conversions). � � Minor A�teration $250 For minor changes to bui{dings and site irnprovements, such as, (mulki-familyJcommercial} re-roofng, painting, window additions, la�dscaping, fenees and retaining walls, etc. ��� ❑ Minor Alteration $2� For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (single-family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls,etc. � Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions Co plans already approved by Planni�g Staff or the �esign Review Board, ❑ Separation Request No Fee For Offce U e Or�y: �/,,4 r� � �� Fee Paid: �� Check No.: (1/ L By: �� �'� � �- ? � �� ��.�S�o�f�f 7 Meeting Date: ; '�—" �e DRB No.: �."� �.r��t tj� _ ��.t� � Planner: ✓ Project�o.: _�, ( ' #*#####*####*#�###**#****#�*#**#���#*##*****#4*#*********##**##�###�*�***********########**# TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staterz�ent *****+*��*��*,�*****��+*����*��*�x���*****�*�***************�*��**��*:��*****�****���*�******** Statement Number: R050001389 Amount: $20.00 OS/26/200509:15 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 692/MPP DESIGN SHOP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB050447 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103-123-1204-4 Site Addreas: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL LoCation: 1787 ALPINE DR Total Fess: $2O.d0 This Payment: $20.00 Tota� ALL Pmts: $20.OQ Balance; $0.00 ****�r**#*****************s***a:**�**�*****s*r***�*��**�***********************�*�***�******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts DR D�100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � � � T�O�NOF YA� ' Department of Communily Llevelopment 75 Sauth Frontage Rvad Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wri�w vailgov com August 8, 2Q05 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop PO Box 4227 �dwards, CO 81632 (Fax)970.926.0682 Danfas Builders PO Box 4d15 Avo�, CO 81620 Fte: 1788 Alpine DrivelLot 12, Vail Village West 1� Filing� Final P�anning and Environrr�entai Commission review of a variance request �'EC�5-0064 aear Sirs, Congratulations on receiving fina� Plannir�g and Er�viron�nentaE Commission approval of� varia�ce request to loeate Gross Resi�ential Floor Area (GRFA)with�n the front setback at the aforerr�entioned address_ The Commission unanimously approved the request without conditions at their pubEic hearing this afterno�n. You are naw free to receive your building permit, pending resolution of any outstanding B�ailding Department iss�es ar cancerns. Thank you for your patience and caaperation in the varianee application proc�ss. l Best Regards, �� ? ' ���-��'���`� ' i �, E�isa'fieth �Eckel 97a.4792454 enclosure cc: Chris Gunior�; Town of Vail Building Plans Examiner ��RECYCLED PAPER l��e U�����t--� � � /�f-.� t� « i.a- , . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Rauted To: Fire Project Name: Q�n �-�� l� ��j�_.. Date Routed: 07/06/05 for L Routed B : Elisabeth Eckel Pro'ect#: PRJ05-0: ��-��- Date D�ae: Q7I08/05 Activit #: DRB05-0 �� F��� � Description of work: New single f�mily speculative r�sidence Address: 1772, 1778, 1788 AI ine Drive Legal; Lot: 10 - �lock: Subdivision: Vail Village West 1S �iling 12 �`l ��� Status: � Q Appraved �Appraved with candrtions ❑ Den�ed Comments: Date Reviewed: ,�. � _c� ❑ �ire De artm nk Issues. Need additionai review b Fire De artment. !l3IZd G A L1 G '�� ' ! !E'!aYlL S crdLr yi'I'Q '/ r7 7, f tv� �O L t i/f !�-�f/� �� Z D � . r+,✓� : ��lS ,a6 ��x1/i S,f S c w i I�¢Ers N, S�t c.._ i°eer f�Tir ��I� /�! 7� 2d o 1/.r.�e V;1 C�G���--F;r'+►� e I�"��a,ll, I�- �' �/� t r� /� !�-- �owx0�v� ' � r��ro �� ��- Department of Community Develop�ment � � 75 South Frontage Raad Yail, Colorado 81657 9T0-479-2138 f� FAX 970-479-2452 ����� '1'ti�'�I'�1'��g�6�'''" � Michael Pukas � �� Mpp c#esign shop � PO Box 4227 Edwards, CO 81632 {Fax) 970.926.0682 Dan#as 8uil�er5 PO Box 4015 Avo�, CO 8�620 Re: �772, 1778, 1788, Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11 and 12, Vail Viliage West 1S� Filing �n-site meeting to discuss revisions to Limits of Disturbance Fenci�g DRB05-0323 (road cvt application) Dear Sirs, ThaRk you for meeking with George and myseif onsite last Friday to review possible changes that may occur in the placement of the Limits of Disturbance fencing ta being the road cut. The Limits of Disturbance (LOD) fencing that was skafF approved for the r�ad cut �DRB05-0323) is as foliows: • extending from 8056 at the west side o�Lot 12 to 8062 at the east side of Lat 12 • extending from 8062 at the west side of Lai 13 to 8060 at the east side of Lot 11 • extending from 8060 at the west side of La# 10 to 8038 at the east side ofi Lot 10 However, the LOD fencing that was approved by the Design Review Board ak the iniEial time of review is as follows: • extending from 8066 at the west side of Lot 12 to 8075 at the east side of Lot 12 • extending from 8075 at the west side of Lot 11 to 8083 at the east side of Lot 11 • extending from 8p83 at the west side of Lat 10 fo 8038 at the east side of Lot 1� Following our meeking, it is Staff's understanding that the LOD fenc'rng (on Lot 12 only)which was staff approved for the road cut(DR805-0323j may be revised as follows (with changes designated in bold): • extending from 8065 at the west side of Lot i2 to 8075 at the east side of Lat 12 • extending fram 8062 at the west side ot�ot 1� to 6060 ak the east side of Lot 1� • Extending from 8060 at the west side of Lot 1Q to 8038 at the east side of Lot 10 �f course, no changes to the L�D fencing for the entire three lots as approved 'by the Design Review Board will be aElowed. Thank you for your continuec! cooperatior� and patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best Regards,, .r �` ; % � � Elisabet 'Eckel 97f}.479.245� ��AECYCLED PAPER � cc; George Ruther; Chief of PEanning, 'Town af Vail � l T�WN 4F VAI� ' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road �ail, Colorado 8.1657 970-479-�138 F.4X 970-479-2452 www.vailgau�com August 4, 2005 Micha�l Pukas •---• � Mpp �esign shop + ���� PO Box 4227 � ��:� Edwarc�s, CO $1632 ' (Fax)970.926.0682 Dantas Buiiders PO Box 4015 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 1788 A�pine DrivelLot 12, Vail Uitlage West 1�Filing Final Design Review Board rev�ew of a new sin�le-famiiy residence DRBfl50299 Dear Sirs, Congratulations on receiving final Design Review Board appraval of the revised landscaping plan that was � submitted far additional review by the Desigr� Review Board at their meeting on Augus#3�', 20Q5. The landscaPe plan, dated 07/27f05, was submitted ko reflect the addition of landscaping and some temporary irrigafion wi#hin tY�e henches between Lots 11 and 12, Vail Village V'Vest 1� Filing, per the Desi�n Review Baard's request at#he time of the final approval of Lnt 12 on July 20, �005. Yesterday, #he Desigr� Review Soard unanimously approved the revised landscaping plan subje�t to the following condition: 1. Prior to grenting of a temporary certi�cate of occupancy by the Community development Department, the applicanf shall ensure that trvenfy shrubs per bench and temporary irrigation has been installed befween Lots l� and 12 per fhe site plan claf�d 07/27/05. I have enclosed the amended Design Review Board actian forrn, upon which you will no#ice that the condition signifying submission of such pkan has been approved and the condition requested by the DRB yesterday has been added. This will be the form khat will be �needed by the Town at the time of building permit plan submittal. Thank you for yaur continued patience and good humor throughvut the design review�process. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or co�cerns. Be e s, � Eli abeth Eckel 97a.479.2454 enc�osure ` ��RECYCG$D PAPER - ti/�.e v��c.��ct.�a�t--��.-�, R�v�i"ed �iay-3i-Z405 p�:ZOpm From- Ta-�ore Ran�e Survayin� 1�+s1o,r�,lYPa�e pp1 � LT{�Policy Na, CTA,I50005006 F`orm A41C.� Ch��S��alicy Na. 7210fi�b4S4$ �ur Qrd�No. VSOQ05006 Sch��lrile A Amotmt $28Q.�00.(10 �'`r+�pertY Adt�r�.s: 17S$, 1'73Z.41�TD� 1778 ALFTNE D12�VE VA1�C(]SI6�7 � � ,-� I�� �, • 1. PO�ICy 1��8: hlly , Q�4 at S:(]Q P.iuS'. ���..� �. N`xate of Inse�red: �AN7'AS�UTLDERS,INC., A CpI.O�.tADO CORPC)RA�ON L-•� � � � � �� �� 3. The estate or Interest in the land dessrib�c[or rePt�rcd tci en thes S�t�edule and which is cavered by ihis�olic�is: A Pee Sim�l� 4. T�t1e to the�st�te or interest cpvered by this�rolity a#the date hereof is vested i�t: I7ANTAS B1.�1��RS,INC.,A COLaRADQ CORT'C?1tATi0N 5. The Sanci referred to in thi�policy is desccibed as f411nws: ,. ��r��a Tx��ca�n� FLAT 7'�iE[t�OF, C�UN"T7�OF�AG�.E, STA'T'�QF COi.URAI3Q. This PoIicy vslid only if�ett�ule S is at�ad�ed. Land Ti�le Culr�nte�Compst�y Repr�S�niing Chicago TItte Insurance Compamy . Recei:'ad May-31-2d05 OZ:Zdp� Frorn- 'Pu-Grare Ra�ae Surveyins Pa�e 002 y � LTG Policy l'r1n. CTAISOOOSp06 Ferm AO/Qil Chic�go Palicy Nn. 72106-4b4508 O�r C►rder No. VS�5046 Scheduie B 'T'uis policy does �cst ins��ai�rst Ioss or d��un��e(and die Comp�ry w71 not p�y Costs.atiarneys' ft�s cYr�xpe�nses) which ariS��y t�svn Of� Ge�eral Facc�pciuns: 1. TTighcs ar clui�s of gartirs inposse�ivn�c sY,ovvn by r�e public recvrc�s. ?, �cs, or Clai�s�s of e�em�s�, ndr shvtivn by ti�e p�biic r�rds. 3. I)iscr�panci�s. envflicrs in bou�dary linea, slu�tt�e in area, �nt��clm�nts,�nd auy fsccs which�ccYric�c sarv�y a�d inspeccion �f�pr�n9�e�wnuld di,cclasc�d w3�ich are�at skcawn by rhe publi� rc�:ards, 4. Any 1ien, Ur righf[U�}iCJI. for s�rva�es, lahcu, nr material her�tofart ar�f�er fin�isl�cd,im�osed by law and not si�wn by tl�public retoras. S. 20Q4 TAXES NOT'Y&T DUS AND PAYABLE_ f. RICf�T OF PROPR.t�TQR OF A VL�T�T C7I� LQDF TO FXTRACT AND R�0`VE HIS OR� TH�R�FRal�ri 513D�R.D THE SAME BT FQUAI�TO PENETRATE�R J1w1TEfiS�C'C"T'Fi�FREMISES AS RESETcVED iiv � STAT�S 1°ATF]�TT REGORDED �CTaBEtt U4, 1938,T�V B40�C�3 AT PAGE 301_ ?. RTGH'i'QF WAY FOIt DITCI�S 4R GANALS COI+TSTRUCTID BY 1"H�AUTHQRITY OF'TH& UNTI�D S'TATES AS RESEI:'VEU�1�T UI�lT.Eb S'Y'ATfiS FATEIdT R�CQRn$D C1C'1''Q��It U4, 1918, 1N B4�K 93 AT PACr�301. ' 8. RESTRLCTIYE C��EIrTAN7S'WF�CH 1]41*!OT CONT.�►lTi A FQR�F.TTURB OI�REV&R'I'.�R CLA[�5�, DUT OM1Ti'1'1VG ANY C(}VENANT OR RESTRCCTTON�ASEA ON RA�� C�T,.(}R, R.�.iGTON, S�X, HAND1CAp, fiAMTGCAL STATU5 QR NAT�OI�TAY.O1�iGiN UNL�SS AND O�TI.Y TQ TH� =�� �XTgN'1'THAT�AID CC3V�NANT(A)JS &�MPT UlYDE1�GHAP'['�R 42, SF.C`TYON'36fY1 OF 'T�E iTNlTED STA'�'ES CQAE OR(B)RELA7'&S TO HANI�ICAF BUT T�QFS NOT DTSCRIIvIT�TATE AGAINST HAN�iC1!��'ERSONS, AS GONTAINED TN INSTRUM�N'�'RECOR�BD OCTOE�R 25, 19G3, iN BO�OK 17$AT pAGE 149 AND AS AM�IV�ED IN lNSTRUMEI�1'T RECO�BU UE�F.Iv��R 6, [9�.�1V BO(}K 1?8 AT I'AG��45, 9. RF..S�R.VATIC]I�l'S aF A TBN PER.CE1'�T NQN-PARTI�Tf'ATING�LO�'ALTY TN'!'ER.EST CONTAWFs� �r y��p,�p�D RECUR�ED aCTOBER 3Q, 196�'{'f�T�QO1C 166 A�"�'AGE+d07, ]0. [3't'fLTTY EAS�NTS 5�EE'I'li�) VfTII?TH ALANG ALI.1tEA�R AND SIDE.L()T i..1N�S AS RE..S�RVF.D ON THE�LAT OF VAIL VIL3.AGE W�ST F1LIIVG NO. l. i Rseei�a� I�ay-31-2005 f32:24pm From- Ta-Gara Ran¢� Suiveyin6 PaQe OA3 * �T+G�`�Eicy 1"�a. C'T'AT�OOO��pd Farm AUIG'� -- GGic�go PoIicy No. 7'�iU6-4645A$ E?ur Clyder No. V�OOQ500�'s ����� 1�. EAeSEMEN7'S, R£SERVATIQNS A.N�D RES'T12YCTTflNS AS SHORrN QR�tES�RVF�aN T� R�CQI�i�7F_D PLAT OF'�lAl�!-Vi11-AGE R�ST, ��'G N('�. 1_ i3. THE AFFE�'T OF UNMAB�1'Y`AIlVFU ROAQ CUT 4tt UI7'CH"IRAVF's12.SI1'�G 5L]BdECT pRQ�'ERTY AS SH��+'N C?N'THE IMFRf,�V"F.1v1�N'T L(}CATTON CERTTFYCA,7`�PRE�ARfiD�X STAI�UC.'TC �UR'�YOR� &�NCrTN�E12S� DATE.D 512101, JQB N4. 20]-?7. 13. AE� O�TRUS7 DA'r'�A JYJ"LY 14, 20t?4� �ROM DAN'�AS BUII-DF�S+INC., A GaLORAL7Q Cf]RPORA.TIC?ir]TO TH�PU���G TRUST�F OF�AGL�COUNTY F()fi TTkT�USE O�FIRST�ANI� 4F A'V"aN TO SECCJRE THE SLTM(]F$2BO,QOA.001 RECaRD�D 7ULY 19,2004, UNDE3� It�CE�'TION Pl'4_ 88�179. 1TFr1Wi�tOS. I THF�OUGH � �F'I�ffi GEI�;ERA[.EXCEFT"I(�I�TS ARE H�REBY 1�fiL�T�D. �']'EM Na. 4 �F THE GENERAl.��CCBP'TI�IMfS IS D&�� �XCEPT.AS TO ANY F�T�NS RESUL'I'ING FRC�M WORK OR MAT�itIAL.CONTRACI'ED�'�R OR FURNiSl�n AT THE REQUEST QF DANTAS BUiLD�FCS, INC.� A COLt�P�AT3�COIZPQR.A'II�N.