HomeMy WebLinkAboutF08-0096 J � TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DE€'ARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTI�tENT 75 S. FRONTAGE RQA�D VAIL, CO 81657 �70-479-2135 NOTE: �'H1S PEFtMIT MUST BE P�STED QN JOBS[TE AT ALL TIMES -� �, ��-� � SPRINKLER PERMI� Permit #: F08-0�9f �t��C)5 -��13�' ]ob Address: 5�1 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Statt�s . . . : ISSUGD Location.....: Applied . . : 1�/31 I2008 Parcel No...: 210107113053 Isse�ec� . . . 12/29/200$ Project No : Expires . .: OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, �7R & K 10/31/2008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 AFPLICANT PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SFRII�TKLER, 10/31/20�8 Phone: (720) 922-9231 373 INVERNESS PLRCE LITTLETC7N � C'OLORADO 8 fl 12$ L�.cense: 759-5 CONTRACT'OR PH�ENIX AUTOMATTC SPRINKLER, 10/31/2afl8 Phone: (720) 922-9231 373 INVERNESS PLACE LITTLETON COLORADO 80128 License : 759�5 Desciption: 1NSTALL WET AUTQMATIC SPR[NKLER SYSTEM Valuatian: $Y3,500.0� ■*�****s*��**�*+*r�e�«*a�**a*��*�+�****M*�*�*****�*.*s*******�+ss++* FEF,SU M MA R Y ***+**+**w+*rr:rrWw+w�tw�r»ersrre*wr*«st«��a+�s��*a*#t�«*��*�*a� Mechanical---> $o.oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.0o Tcrotal Calculated F'ces---> $923.�5 Plan Cheek---> $350.oo DRB Fee-------------•------> So.oo Additional F�es-----------> Sl�i.o0 @nrestigation-> S0.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> $923.75 Total Permit Pee----------> $1,D94.�5 W'ill Call---> $0.D O Yayments----------------> $1,0 94."7 5 BALANCE DU[:---------> $0.09 +**rt+**s*r**rt***rs*rt**+***e*****rtt*+a*��*�+*�+r*rr*�ttt*t*+*s*+**e*s***�+a****�+*k***++*++w+r�rwxwwrwr�rrwrn.rssrs*»s*rt�*�r��**�**a*++*.*►w**r*a*�*• Item: 05100 SUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/06/2008 drhoades Action: DN Reva.ew �e�'minated. The tollQwing is a part: ]. . Plans not Signed. 2 . NFPA 13D used. Redraw using NFPA 13R (2002 ed} 3 . Head coverage shown in calcs is 440 sq tt . Notes on FPl show spacing ot 16x18 maximum. 4 . IVo date of test on water �low data. 5 . Hydraulic graph only goes out to 500 gpm but tlow was well beyond that . No mul1 shown . 6 . Fire sprinklers are requir�d in the garage. Resubmittal requireci. 12/05/2008 McGee Action: DN 1 . The hydraulic calcu.Lations show a 2 . 60 ; tactor. Per Town ot Vail Fire Prevention Hureau Stanclard�, a minimum l0o satety t� required. (Copy attached} r Note: Seasonal t�ow reduet�on trom �ire tlow test (l0o up to �,0 psi) per Div. ot ] k2ules and Regulations (Sectian 5 . 8 .2) cioes not abzoga�.e the requirement to calcul� size ta insure proper tlow. The seasonal reduction is inten�ed to retlect peak dei supgly. The l0o satety margin is intended to account tor domestic use �.nside the ; 2 . Graph should retlect stanclards in NFPA 13 . See Fig. A. 14 . 3 . 2 �d) , NFPA 2002 Ha� Scale on graph �aot shown, point5 not identified. (Copy attached) Head placement app�ars to be OK. Please resubmit w*ith adjusted pipe sizes ancl calculatians to retlect a l0o hydrau. inside the building. Thank you, Michael McGee Deputy Chi�f Vai]. Fire & Emergency Services FSS� 006 97b 479-2135 12/18/2008 drhoades Action: AP Appraved as note�; 1 . Domestie water conneetion not shown. 2 . Add control valve before the PRV. 3 . It Craw�space, shown on iower level, is accessible then add heads (placement a� be determined by engineer of record. 4 . Separate contro� valve with tamper required tor the heacl located in tt�e elevat� 5 . Top floor, area above fireplaee may not have adeq�aate coverage . �CONDITIQN OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ###t4fi#4##r%###tt+tk+�#tY#*##�+##+##++####tt##tf#i*#ti##*}##t##+�#*#####f4Wt#5tirt4#MW#kM�F#Pi#/##r1�i*aiiritw#irt�#i##4M+YtMM*�krt*#rtt##rt�Rry##*#4ii#f# DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that [ have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot qlan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infor�-nation and plot plan, to co�nply with all Town ordina�ces and state la�vs, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin�and subdivision codes, design review appraved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applacable theretn. REQUESTS F'OR INSPECT[ON SHALL B� IVIADE SEVENTY-TW HOURS IN ADVAI�CE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM -5 PM. SI NA i�E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *��*��********t�*******�*****��****�**************������*�s**��***�*****�*�***�**�**a****�** Tl7'WN OF VAIL, COLOR.4D0 Statement ******�x�***�*�x*�************�*�******�*******�*�**�*�*****�*�*�**��*����*��**�************** Statertnent Number: R080002407 Amount: $1, 094 .75 12/29/200812 :�2 PM �ayment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 1950 PHOENIX AUTO SPRINKLER Permi� Na: F08-OQ96 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1305-3 5ite Address: 59 BEAVER DAM RD VATL Location: Total Fees: $1, 094 .75 This Payment: $1, 094.75 Total ALL Pmts: $1, 094 .75 Balance: $4.D0 ****�**�************��***��***�***��*******�*****�************�*s�******�+*******��********** ACC�?UNT I"f�M [.IS�: Account Code �escrapt�on Current Pmts -------------------- ---------------__------------- ------------ BP 00100003111100 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 689.75 CL Q010�00312300� CONTRACTOR LICEI3SES 55. 00 PF Q010000311230Q PLAN CHECK FEES 35�. 00 � APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPT'ED IF INC�OMPLE7E QR UN IGNED �rojec# #:� ��c.��� � ��� Building Qermit#: � - �-��� , Sprinkfer �ermit#: �p � TO'WNO�VA�L � TOW�11 OF VA3L FI1tE SPRINKLER PERMTT APPLICATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of,�ermi� se�bmittab and 75 S. �rontage Rd. must include the following, Permit appli��i�n will not be accep�ed Vaif, Colorada 81657 without this information: • A Colorado Registered E�gineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) starnp. • Equipment cu# sheets vf materials, � • Hydraulic c�lculations. • A State of Coborado P�ar� Registration form. + Plan� must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protecti�o� Contractor. C�N'I'RACTOR INFORMATION ��� � C S' '� �? .� Reg. No.: Cantact and Phone #'s: Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Town of Vaii X U! .�-`,� ,� J� ` � �� l�-f .�L� � ��ZS C'��7c� �-Ntail Address: � � ,,� ' �c < < .�, Contr COMPLETE VAlUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (L.abor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler� $ ���j(�— Contact Ea /e Coun �4ssessors U�ce at 97U-.�28-86�10 or visit www.ea /eeoun .us for Parcel'# Parcel # "�� � � � � 3 0 � � Job (�ame:'� �1 , � ` �-�'� c ��� �,� JoEs Ad�dress: �/ y� S� G'�- �l fJ�t 1/�� �l.��rl �1..� . Legal Description Lot: Block: �iling: -� Subdivisian: �J'�,�� �f�/���.� Qwners Narne: �Y�� Address: Phone: Engineer: ` Address: Phone: � � r�a�IQ �lC�� �s���.�' StSr L�-�n��,� � .�3- 2i- �61 z� - - - Det�iled Location of work: (i.e., floor, �anit #, bldg. #} �� �,�� �/�'� . Detailed description of work: -�,��✓s�// Z�e_;� �-;�l9��'fiC � �/��J.�G� �"�i����L, ,��' % Work Class: New � Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retra-fit( ) Dther( ) Type af Bldg.: SRngle-family � Two-fam�lyr ( ) Mult�-family ( ) Commencial ( ) Restaurar�t( ) Other{ ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units irv this building: � I�o. of Accommadatior� Units in th�s building: Does a Fire Al�rm F�cist: Yes O No boes a �ire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( } No ,��*����'�r*�*�r********�x**,x*,c,r*�**���FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**,��,�**,�*��:*,�*,��*����,����**��***�r*,a�* - . �� � � � ; OGT 3 0 2U08 � � � � ��x�,l ��,�,,,.1__ w -.' � • � y.f t��,� �: . _:_;....<.. - ��—_,_.._._�..t F:�cdev�FORMS`Permits�Firelsprinklsr�erm_IO-19�06.D� lOJi9/2006 �,.