HomeMy WebLinkAboutB07-0072 B07-0072: Entries for Item:540 - BLDG-Final C/O 12:23 10/25/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke CR 1)INSTALL HANDRAIL ON STAIRS WITH 4 cg 10/28/2009 A000129 OR MORE RISERS,OR RE-CONFIGURE 193 STAIRS SO IT IS LESS THAN 4 RISERS 2)COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF EGRESS HARDWARE ON WINDOW AP JRM 03/16/2012 A000149 547 Total Rows:2 Page 1 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT�F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. PR�NTAGE R�AD VAIL, C� S 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PER1v1I7' MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS[TE AT ALL TIMES N�W (SF'R,p/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B07-0072 Project #: PRJOS-0438 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Lacatian.....: Applied . . : 03/30/2007 Parcel No...: 2]O1071 �3053 Issued . . : �9I19/2008 Expires.....: I 2/19/2007 OWNER RYAN, u�OHN ALEXANDER, JR & K Z2/20/2007 13 WISTE�tIA LN COVINGTQN LA 70433 APPLTCAhiT RYAN, J4HN A. JR. 03/30/2007 Phane: (985) 892-$989 70389 HWY 1077 CC)VINGTOIV LQUISIANA 70433 License : 416-L CQNTRACTOR RYAN, J�HN A. JR. 03/30/2007 Phane : �985) 892-89B9 70389 �IWY 1�77 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 Lic�nse: 416-L Desciption; CONSTRUCTION OF N�W 5FR Qccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Tatals . . . 3 , 958 $1, 600, OQ0 . 00* Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,60a,000.(10 Revision Valuation: $0.00 ■ss+�s.r*..s�rss++�rssrrsr+�t+t*a+*s+ts++*+s*f+sa*�a*sas.ss■+ss.t FEE S UMMARY •ss.sss.xt.ts.rssss+ra«.�s.:s��s*MSS*.ss�»s■ase.sc+wss►ts�s Building-----> $7,798.75 Rest�arant Plan Review--> $0.00 �o�al Calculaled Pees-----� $13,5'J4.69 Plan Check--> $5,069.19 Recrealiun Fee------------> $593.70 Additional Fees-----------> $275.00 [nvestigation-> $0.00 TOTAL,FE£S----------> $13,574.64 TotalPermitFee---------> $13,8q9.69 Will Call-----y $3.00 Payments-------------------> S 13,89 9.6 a F3ALANCE DUE--------� $o.00 *t#�1###4#kf#f####t#i##*#�AR*R#*4*R#iM�lt##F*rtt**rt##fi�k+►i�#MtW4�tWWtM�##ttM�*W#*####t#k##+###*##Y#R9##R###+##t##+###�####4#tfi#t##t#*#*4#s######k###* Approvals: Item: 05104 BUILDING DEPARTMENT d4/27/2007 jplano Action: CR CORRECTIdN LETTER SENT, F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B07-0072\B07-OQ72 .DOC 05/17/2007 jplanp Action: AP BUILDING CORRECTIONS A�DRESSED O1/10/2008 jplano Action: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION AND C] EXTERIOR DECK APPROVED 08/12/2008 mh ACtion: AP REVISIONS TQ FOOTINGS AND ARCH. FOUNDATION 09/18/2�08 jplano Rction: AP COMPLE'T� NEW SET OF STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AP) ON THE APPROVAL STAMP 9/18/08 - 2 HQURS PLAN R�V�EW DUE Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/02/2007 bgibson Action: C�ND the crawlspace below the patia/deck is not (exceeds site coverage limits) , so the patio/deck must be revised 05/24/2007 bgibson Action: AP O1/07/2008 bgibson Action: PA 1/7/07 revisions approved by planning 0�/18/2008 bgibsan Aetion: AP spa vault changes approved by planning witl candition that �he vault space does not exceed 5 teet in height, except where the equipement is taller than 5 feet . Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT 04/04/2007 JJR Actian: DN Address incorrect . Aceess is on Beaver Dam 05/14/2007 JJR Action: AF See conditions . fl6/26/2007 mcgee Action: AP rev�szans dated 5/23/07 Upgrade fire alarm system to current code. Item: 05500 PUBLTC WORKS 03/30/2007 gc Action: DN Provide starn�ed PE drawings o� retaining w< (any wa11 over 6 ' and combination walls} Provide a erosion control detail . Provide a Public Way permit. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit . 06/21/2D07 gc Action: COND Item: 05550 ENGINEER�NG CIVILS �++ET+#tM##�##*#t#Mi#*�3*�t*MRi�ttMtR*wtww#4M#t�*itt;fstiM�i�7M�Yrt#�W*Y�*trt4#*MMY4M##wtY###*w�F�W4R�#rtMi#4iirt4fT*fF4sit►¢T4ittyit*i;#►►it!lty�t�i See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that r�ay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, filled out in full the information required, campleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree ko comply with the information and plot plan, ta comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strueture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Tawn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR iNSP�CT[OV SNALL BE MADE TAaI'ENTY—FOIiR HOURS f�ADV 1NCE B ' HONE AT J79-2149 OR.A'T OUR OFFICE FROM 8.00 AM- 4 PM. SIG TUR WNER OR CON ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � BEST � COPY AIlAILAB�E ., �*�**�***�**�*�****�**�****�****�*�*********�****��****�*****�**�**��*�*�****��*****+�**�***********+*** CONdIT1C7NS OF APPROVAL Permit�; B07-0072 as of 09-19-20fl8 Status: ISSUED �********+************�*�*******************+�****+****�******�*****�:*************�«****��*********�*�*** Permit Type: NEW{SFR,P/S,DUP) PERM[T Applied: 03f30/2007 Applicant: RYAN, J(�HN A. JR. Issued: 09/19/2008 J�b Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Parcel No: 210107] 13053 �*********�****�***��****�***��***��****�************�****�**�*��*************************�+***��******* CQN D[T10NS **��***+************�*********�*�*�*+***********�***�********************�*****************�***��******* Cond: 33 (PLAN)THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE [MPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIQR TO REQUES�' FOR A FRA1'vlE INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR�D T� CHECK F4R CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008819 The applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patioldeck as it is not permitted (exceeds sit� coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be construeted slab-on-grade. co�a: �oNOOOS94� Fire sprinkler required and shall comply�vith NFPA 13R{20Q2) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008943 Monitored fire alarrn system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009094 Provide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Entry: 06/21/2007 By: gc Action: AF ��*�*�*«*�*���*****�*******�*��***�****�******�*�*�***�*�*****�*****�**��**���******�*��*��� T�WN C1F VAIL, COI.ORADO Statement **************�*********************s**x�*�**********��**��****���*��*�*�**********�****w�**w Statement Number: R080001693 Amount: $b10.00 09/19/200801:17 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: LC Notation: CASH FROM JASON FREX Permit No: H07-0072 Type: NEW (SFR, P/S,I}UP} PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1305-3 Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Lacation: Total Fees: $13, 849.64 This Payment: $110 .00 Total ALL Pmts: $13, 649.64 Balance: $O .DO **���**����m*��x�*******a**+***�*�*t��w�t*�*****�**�**�*****��*�*****�*�******���*****�**�**�* ACCOUNT ITEM L1ST: Account Code Description Curren� Pmts --------------—---- ------------------------------ ------------ PF D01000031123D0 FLAN CHECIt �'EES 110.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � Developrnent Review Coordinator - :. n �--�. 75 South Frontage Road ' �,. '` "`��. �„ _ �>�, e �:, A `Jai1,CO 81657 , .:. ,-�.�:. �.�, f �:�. �.:�.. ,.... ,.:_ " r �; . ��� �- . .: z � �" : � _ Phane�:-970-479-212�� . � � � = Fax: 970-479 2172 �� �, £ k ��`� _': I�spectior�s. 970-479 2149 � � �;�� _ � "` . �� � ,�-� �.: �� �; �� Revision/lnformatic�n Transmittal All Revision snbmittals mr�st include the Field Set of approved plans and a capy of the correction letter. No further inspections will be�erformed until the revisions are approved and the permit is re-issued. k --- - _� �.._._...._. .__.� .,_�__ � • Permit#(s) infarmat�or� applies to: Attention: (� Revisions ' ,"��J�� � +�6�� t�y ( � Response to Correction Letter ( attached copy of correction letter ; ( ) De�erred Submittal ; � : ,.. : ..��o.�_,...�n.�..�.���u.r.�_m.. ..�._:, _._ _,_,.,, .� ,,,. _ __. _ _� Project Address: Reasor� for Revisions (include a list of all changes t�at f � � ;�,, x have been made from original approval): ; ` `~ �-� ,�j��F1�� �.���c'� � '. � � ; ; ; : _... _.w._ __..W... ..�.,_�.___�_ .... _.._ _ _.., .____._._ : 5�,� V'Av�� ,��A w�� ua; ' ' Cantact Infarmativn � jl � ' Cornpany: �4'� ��� A IC �U� I ���.5 C�N 0+�--I�1NAL 5ET a�' f�t�AN$ �: � P Campany Ph�����1 -9��' ���� Fax:�° �Z� '1��� rj,� , 4d �. , � � CoMact Name: Oi� �' 4 , d AIC�S � -8 � Sa � Contact Ph: � �3 ` �0� Cell: � x � E-Mail: ,��j�C—�2� ��'�3 ; � ; ; Town of Vail Cantractar egistration No: � Sk'�y�_ _ � X ; __ � , . _ • S�gnatur uired) ' ; ° � � ; , �' �Revised AD [�JALr uations {Labor� Materials) ; ; � (DO NOT include original valuation) ; � s� i [ � �uilding$ ' � Plumbing$ ; j' (Use additional sheet if necessary} � • � Electrical$ , N3echanical �f {� ___._._, . .__.. .. ._ -- �. � _ .__._ ._..�.—_ ._._..__ . _,,.' �: Date Receive : � � � � �,+� IG Fire Sprinkler/Alarm$ � Tp��s SEI � i Z�108 � . : i 4 i..,...��___ '__.__ . _ _. m -..____.-_w-_ . _.___.._ ..... ._.. .; TOWN OF VAIL �� ��.� TOWN OF VAIL DEPAI�TMENT�F COMMUNITY DF.VELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: TH1S PERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T[MES NEVV (SF�Z,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B07-0072 Project#: PRJOS-Q438 Job Address; 54 �EAVER DAM RD VA[L Status . . . : ISSU�D Location.....: Applied . . : 03/30/2007 Aarcel No...: 2361071 13053 �ssued . . . 06I22/2007 Expi res,....: 12/19/2007 OW'I�ER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K 12/�0/2007 13 WTSTERIA LN COVTNGTON LA 7Q433 APPLICAN`i' RYAN, JOH1�I A. JR. 03/30/2007 Phozle : {g8$} g92-8989 703�9 HWY 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License : 4I6-L CONTRACT`OR RXAN, JOHN A. JR. 03/30/2007 Phone : (985) 892-8989 'T0389 HWY 1077 COV I I�GTON LQUISIANA 70433 License : 416-T� Desciption: CONSTRUCTION O�'N�W SFR Occu�ancy Type Factor Sq F`eet Valuation Totals. . . 3 , 958 $1, 600, OOfl . 00* Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation; 1,600,Od0.00 Revision �/aluation: $OAD *+«***+**++arwsr*r*►*»++s++**++**a*r*:*+r**+**+a*s****a�*****t*�«r FEE 5 U M MnRl' +*"`*ss+**«*�*ms*M*a**�+�«*rm*s***�*�rm*a**�*****�a*m**«*a*.* Building-----> $7,798.75 RestuarantPlanRevicw--> $o.oa I'otalCalcula�edf�ces-----> $13,46a.64 Plan Check--> $5,069.19 Recreation Pee----------> Sz'15.o0 $593.70 Additiunal F'ees-----------> investig,alion-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES-----------> $13,469.64 Total Perrrrit Fee--------> 513,739.69 WiIlCall-----> $3.00 PaYments-----------------> $13,739.69 L3ALANCE DUFi-------> S o.o 0 ���**►*��*+*�*��+��s+rs*�**m«*rt��srs*.r�w�rfr��wr*�r��r�****rryt+***+ss++*++�t+�s*+*s+�*++**r*s**�+r*+rtrw�*rw*wn�wrwW�+rrrw►rrwrrwWt�+rr«r�rwrw�wr Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTiMENT 04/27/2007 jplano Action: CR CORRECTTON LETTER SENT, F: \Cdev�,CHRIS\PERMIT.COMM�NTS\B07-0072\BQ7-OQ72 .DOC 05/17/2007 jplano Action: AP BUILDING CORRECTIONS ADDRESSED Ol/10/2008 jplano Action: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION AND Cl EXTERIOR DECK APPRQV�D 08/12/2�08 mh ACtion: AP REVISIONS T� FOflTINGS ANI� ARCH. FOUNDATION Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/02/2007 bgibson Actipn: COND the crawJ.space below th� patio/deck is not (exceeds site coverage limits) , so the patio/deck must �e revised 05/2�/20fl7 bgibson Action: AP O1/07/20�8 �gibson Actian: PA 1/7/07 revisions approved by planning Ztem: 056�0 F2RE DEARRTMENT 04/04/2007 JJR Action; DN Address incarrect . Access is on Beaver Dam 05/14/2007 JJR Action: AP See conditions . 06/26/2007 mcgee Action: AP revisions dated 5/23/07 Upgrade fire alarm system to curr�nt code . Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/30/2007 gc Action: DN provz�� stamped PE drawings ot retaining w< (any wall over 6 ' and combination walls� Provide a erosion contral detail . Provide a Public Way permit . Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. 06/21/2007 gc Action: CaND Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS kt#ffi##M*tki�t#krt###**#!**#d►t4�tRtiti�R*t*.rtRltR►tRRirtt#s**#e#►it##ii3#�tfrtRitMi#eixFt4��i#t►ts*R�#�R4trtwit�#k4tRqeMRfiR*#a*A#**#�rt�k*M��*#sM##rtkk See the Conditions sectian of this Document for any co�ditie�ns that may apply to this permit. DECLARATI4NS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information req�iired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correcf. I a�ree to comply with the infnrmation and plot plan, to comply�i�ith all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision cades, design review approved, [nternational Building and ResidenCiai Codes and other ordinances ofthe To�vn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR[NSPECTI�N S1I.ALL 6E M:�DE'I1'Y"F,VT4'-FOUR}IOURS IN AD�'. NCE 8Y' PI#ON��1T 479-2149 OR A�'OIIR OF FICE FRQM 8:OQ A�1- 4 F114. SIG ATURE O CJR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER **********���***�**���*****************�***��***�*******��***��*******�****************�*****��***�***�* COND[TIONS OF APPI�OVAI. Permit #: �07-a072 as of 08-12-2008 Status: ISSUED ***��******�**�*********�*********�***���*�*�******��**********************�*�**�***��***********�****** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Appl�ed: 03/30/2007 Applicant: RYAN, JOHN A. !R. Issued: 06/22/20D7 Job Address: 54 BEAVEI� DAM RD VAIL L�cation: Parcel No: 2 t O]07I 13053 *�****��********��***�**�*��***�*****�****x��w*****�x�***�************��****�***+**�**�***�**********�**+** CONDIT�ONS *��***�****�x****�**�*�x****�*�*******�****�x*****�****�*******�****�*�x**�***��*�*��:****�**�*�*��***�**�*** Cond: 33 {PLAN) 7'�I1S PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A S[TE IMPROVEh�1ENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL B� SUBMI'1'TED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INS�'EC I�iON. C�nd: 12 {BLDG.): F[ELD 1NSPECT[ONS ARE REQUIRED TQ CHECK F�R COT�E COMPLIANCL. Cond: CON0008819 The applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is not permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be constructed slab-on-grade. Cond: CON0008942 f•ire sprinkler required and shall comply with ]'dFPA 13R(20Q2) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008943 Monitared fir� alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CONOQ09094 Frovide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are ta be consturcted. Entry�: 06/21/20a7 By: gc Ackion: AP ****���*�*��*«*��������**������*«��«��*��**�***�**�****�«**�*+*******�����*��*�*«��*��**���* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAI70 Stateme�t ****************����***e**�**�t����k��*��+******�**�***�*����*�*�***�*�****��**��********�*** Statement Number: R080001374 Amount: $165 . 00 OB/12/200602 :37 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DDG Notation: credit card Jason Frey ---------------------------°_�_a_-__�-_------------------------------------°_- Permit No: B07-0072 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1305-3 Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $13,739.64 This Payment: $165. �� Total ALL Pmts: $13, 739.64 Balance: $0 . 00 *****�****w�**+k*�**��*�+k***�***���****************�**��x*�******w**�x**�w*�xw�*��wr��w*��w******** ACCOUN�'ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr�.ption Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 165 .D0 --------------------------°_-----------______�_°_---------------------------- _ . ., __. :..,. .. .,...: �;.mz:. .. t�=:. _ = _ . ,, _ � �, -�.-..� . �.« . .� .. .v ,.. ,4: ���, . . � -• - - � - � � �� � ��. �� � � � ?,.� � �:�;� D�veEopment Review Coardinator . , ,_ ��; �� , � , �� � ,_ � . • " ` °° • 75 South Frontage Road ' � :�� �. . � t F� , Vail,CO 81657 , � . � ,° . � - - � '� � : � <� � ,� r . P ne 9TQ�79 �128 ho . , M1. � <���� � ,��� _u .� . � e�.Fe: ' .�� ° �, F�x, 970-479-2172 - �'� � - � �� ,� � x `;�: � �'' ��i���� ����.,� 9 �:-°.:.. ..s �_, .s _ �„� �`����-"r' Inspect�ans 970-479 2�1�49 . .,�-� ��-�::�� �r��� ��.�� �, � �,�,��.�, � Revisionllnformation Transmitta! All Revis�on submittals must incl�de t�e F�eld Set of approv�d plans and a cvpy of the carrection letter. No f�th�r ins �ctions will be erforrned until the revisions aze a roved and the ermit is re-issued. i . .. .__ .,�,..,,. . . . ._..,.., ..,_. _,.._ ....... .. ...__..,..___ _.,.., . . ___ . E'_. . .._. .._._. . .............. .............._.,,......._r _._ _..__�. ..,,._,... _,_..._._.. , ..,......... ... ............., EPermit#(s) information applies to: Attentior�: �F�evisions i � � � �� �� � � _�'"' ( ) Response to Correction Letter � � � attached cppy of correction letter � ( ) Deferred Submitta6 T .T __� _ __ .�. �„ ,,..�.���,. �.h,a...��..�.x� �. .,._�. .. � .._... _� F�roject Address: Reas�n for Revisions (include a list of all changes that ' have been made from original approval): � � : � ���� ��� � _.,_ _ __.� _ �_��__� __ �_.___�__ ���,�,.�,� � ���_ ; - Contact Information i � 1 Corr�pany: I� � o � cZ, tv ✓�1�� G ? Campany Ph: I v�(� t't�� �� Fax: ��ta �' /�O I E � �''� ,[, f )� � ' Contact Name:�, c�-' �G� �r� /� ,�2�//��ONRi/c�. = Contact Ph:��� ���1 Cell: ��J `�o��/ � � E-Mail: � G '� f ,�. �0' �� � 1-�_!� � Tawn of V�ail�Contractor Re�strati�hlo��� ��� r� ��� ' � � X �� r � � �, Signa ul'e �required) � _ -_, _ , , _; ; Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8. M�terials� � (DO NOT include original valuation} � ; _� . I Building$ • ' E ; Plumbir�g$ -- - � ;I ; (Use additional sheet if necessary) ? " � Electrical$ ; ; ._....�,__.1 . ` � __ . _..__.. _.r._._.�.._..�_ �.���. : Mechanical$ -rv - Fire SprinklerJAlarm$ Date Receive ' � � (� (� � F� ; D I_'�,- LI I -��- TOtal$ � � AU G 0 8 2008 ' . .���.�.���� ,_.___...�..__ ._m._.. _._._- _, .... �Q � TOW N �F VA I L