HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB08002 DRB070660 Design Reviev� Bcrard A+CTI�N �(�RM � - ' � Department u€ Communrty Qevelopm�ent ���� �� � 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coloracl� $1657 tel: 970.��9.213�J fax: 970.474.2452 oa+�u�r���E�oo4+e�r� web: www.�ailgo�.cam Project Name: RYAN CHAN�E �RB Number: DR6080002 ' Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS F�R EXTERTOR REVISIONS Par�icipants: OWNER RYAN, JOh�N ALEXANDER, JR & KO1/04/2008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC01/04/2Q08 Phone: 970-471-6122 PQ �OX 7760 AVOht CO 81620 License: CO�OOa1764 ARCHITECT MiCHA�L SUMAN ARCH3TECT, LLCD1/fl4/2008 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO BQX 7760 AVON CO 81620 License: COOQOa1764 Praject Address: 5� BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 54 B�AVER DAM RD Legal Description: �,ot: 32 Black: 7 Subdivisio�: VAIL VILLAGE 1 Parcel Number: 2J.01-Q71-1305-3 Comments: �OARD/STAFF ACTIOIY Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Seco�d By: Vote: Date of Approval: �1/07/`2d08 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P'LAN): No changes to these plans may be made without tt�e written consent of Town of Vail stafF and/or the apprapriate review committe�(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approva6 does not constitute a permit for building. Please cansult with Town of Vafl Building personnel prio�to construction acti�ities. Cond: 201 DRB appraval shall nat become va9id for 20 days following the date of ap�raval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 1Z-3-3: APPEALS. Canc�: 20Z ' Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of�nal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is cammenced and is diligently pursued toward comple�ion. Planner; Bil1 Gibson �RB Fee Paid: $2fl.00 - � Changes To The Approved P�ans Application for Design Review D � � � � `'� '� ,� , . Department of Community Developrnent i' "���r i�� � 75 S�elt 970 4 992 28 dfaxa1970.479 24521657 ��� � 3 2Q0� ; i 1 i web: www,vailgov.com _/ � TOINI� C�� "J,�,I L � General Infarmation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partitular approval that is r�quested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until a91 required information is received by the Community Development Department. The � project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval Fapses untess a building permit is issued and construdion commences within one year of the approval. � Description of the itequest: o .c✓�v � Gs�f�v d� r �} `1 V � Location of the Propmsal: Lot: �Z Block:�Subdivision: �'����J' U i l Physical Address: �'�� � �`-��� �-+�� � �_ Parcel No.: 2Pd/•��[ '/��� {Contact Eagle Ca. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) , Zoning: , !��/��o�ir+��r � Name(s)of Owner(s): ���' �t /' •c�t Mailing Address: +���� d/w � � � 4 e• •��v �` � % i Owner(s) Signature(s): � Name of Applicant: ������ Mailing address: .D. E�dK 6� �/ �� �!'J c�`�/,v ZD Phone: r�• �6/Z E-mail Address: Fax: �0•�� ��,�� �LL'e-�a.ef J"..,�,�.+tG.�ecl�t.Ci.^.�- �e of Review and Fee: Changes to Approued Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff nr the � Design Rev�ew Board. Suhmittal Ftequirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Praject Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Associ�tion For Office�e�nl�t— ,,� � � _ L�� Fee Paid: li�-� Check No.:�By: � y Meeting Date: � '" �� � � DRB No.: � ��' Planner: �� Project No.: �� � � F:lcdevlFORMS1PermitshPlanninglDftBldrb_change_to_approved_plans_1�age_1�-18-200fi.doc *************�*��*��***�*�***�*������**�******��**�************�*�**����*****�*�***�****+��* TOWi*I OF VAII,, C��,ORADO Statement ************�**��+����ww+��*�***+�***��x�x�*******�x***�******x�*****���**********�x�x��x�x�x�u*��x**�*** Statement Number: RO80o00op7 A►nount: $20,00 01/04/200808:57 AM Payment Methad: Check Init: JS Notation: 1645/MICHAEL SUMT�N ARCHITECT, LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB080�02 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Pa�cel No: 2101-071-7305-3 Si.te Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 54 BEAVER DAM RD Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Tptal AI,L Pmts: $2p.00 Balance: $0.00 *******************��*�*�*****+*******************�*�***��**��+***************************** ACC�UNT ITEM LIST: Aceount Code Description Current Pmts pR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.Q0 r I . SUMAN A R C M 1 T E C T S MEMO Da�e: 1/3/2008 From; Michael Suman, A1A Pro)ect; Ryan Resi�dence Subtect: Change to approved pians summaryr Happy new year Bill, The attached Change to Approved Plans a�pfication serves to consolidcrte past approved applicatians and some additional minor changes into large sheet for�na�for t�e permit set, An Qverview of�he changes on each sheet are as faElows; C1.0 Revis�ons address n�cessary grading changes associr�ted with tree removal on �ast and west sid�of residence, Re-grading of approved w�st side terrace also included, L1,0 This drawin� should replace both the L1,0 and Ll,1 in the permit set, The new Ll.0 � combines all #ree removal approvals and associated lar�dscape revisions. A2,2 New plan ir�cludes apprbved spa and terrace design, A3.1 New elevation incluc�es approved spa and terrace design. A,Iso includ�s the addition of a 1'-0" horizar�tal suppart member to the living room (leff side)window group, A3.2 New elevation includes the additian of a 1'-0" horizontal supporfi member t�o the living room {elther side of chimney) window groups, A3,3 New elevatio� includes approved spa and terrace design and detacf�ed equipment I vc�ult location. Also includes revision to windaw 57, 52,01 Revision ext�nds crawlspace east from grid iine E to A. Also includes spa terrace stair foundation waVl on grid J and details. SX 1-9 Spa terrace stair details. michael C�sumanarchiteets.com 221 I North Frontage Road o 970.479.75U2 Suite A f 970.479.7511 Vail,CO 81657 m 970.471�6122 r ' Desig� Review Boa rd ACTION FORM r - 1 Department of Community devela�ment ��/t�T,�� ' 75 Soukh Frontage Rbad, V�il, Calorado 81657 l! V te1: 970.479.2139 f�x: 970.4i9.�452 c�,�;,.,�.�-Yr���,�1�����r,, web: www.vailgov.tnm Project Name; RYAN CHANGE DRB Number: DR6070660 Prdject Description; FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROV�D PLA�JS FOR THE REMOVAL OF 3 TREES ON EAST RROPERTY Participants: OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR&K11/16/20d7 13 WISTEftIA LN COVYNGTORi � LA 7d433 I APPLICANT �IICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLGii/16/2007 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO BOX 7760 AVON CO 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITEGT, LLCli/16/2Q07 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO BOX 7760 , AVOI� CO 81620 License: C0040�Q 1764 I Project Address: 45 FOREST Rb VAIL Locatian: 95 FOREST ROAD Legal Description: Lot: 3Z Bluck: 7 Sabd�vision; VAIL VILLAGE FILTNG 1 Parcel Number: 210�.-Q71-130d-3 � Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motio�n By: Action: AFPROVE� Second By: Vote: Date af Approval: 11/29/Z007 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes ko these plans may be made without the written consent of'�awn of Vail staff and,/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cvnd: 0 (PLAN}: DRB approval does r�ot constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to co�struction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days follovwing the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPE4LS. Y Cond: 202 � Apprvval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date af final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is difigently pursue�i tow�rd completion. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I ' Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review . Department of Community Development �iritu�t�1 tt,��i ;� 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Calorado 81657 1V►t1M VF rt5lL tel: 970.474.2128 fax: 470.479.2952 I web: www.vailgov.com General Inforrr�atian: All prmjects requiring design review must receive appraval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal eequirements for the partieular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infprmation is received by the Community Development Department. The �� project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cauncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construct�on commences within one year of€he approval. Deacription of th� Request: �cd✓�c- �'� �cc a� r` � , �� � Location of the Proposal: Lot. 3y Block:�Subdivision: !/��� f/ � i� � Phy�ical Address: ����'�,� �C� Q Parcel No.: Zld 1 -��'/ '/3� -3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97�-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: ��� ��� _ � , Name(s) of Owner(s): �- � Ma�ling Address: � �a � 1.A,�,� P �r e: _9c°S�1 tu�� �b6� � Owner(s} Signature(s): � Name of Applicant: � `� '-��`"� �''� Mailing Address: . d x (1 Phone: 1�d• I ' �IZ Z E-mail Address: Fax: ��a.��5// f'�cr.�...e./ Ju-cc�sr,..l.�� c�'j, �(7•�.ti Type of Review and Fee: �Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already appraved by Pfanning Staff or the Design Review Board. Submittal �tequirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Associatdon For Off te.�e�� Fee Paid: �V Check No.:��By: K�`w`` y ' Meeting Date: • � i ��_v � DRB No,: J'��� �� �`�'v � 1�`�� Pro � � � Planner. ject No,: _ ---- __- � � ��` � iJ '�`i =� � � F�IcdevIFORMSIPermitslPlanninglDR8ldrb_change_to_approved�lans_i�age_10-18-2006.doc � `� ' ? � 2001 -raw�v aF vai� Y , A +�ut Above Forestry Specializirrg in Foresfry, Arboricu/fiura/ Consulting ond Imp/ementation Since 1983 Novecxtber 3, 2Q07 Ray Mora Mountain Estates Builders 0137 Mail Street, St 203 Edwarc�s, C� 8163� Dear Ray, T"hank yau for contactin� A Cut Abave Fc�restry to address your tree care needs. 1 appreeiate your taking the time t� walk the Ross property with me yesterday to evaluate the tree resource �n the site. The pro�erty is located at 54 Beaver Dam Roac� in Vail, Colorado. The site is a proposed use of the site is approximacely �/z acre in size with .35 �f an acre dedicated to a I "eonservati�n area" leaving .15 acre ava�lable for building disturbance. i The purposed u5e of the site is the construction of a sin�le family home including drive � and associateci utilities. Included i� the utilitfes is the redireition of a 4" storm sewer line that passes through the eastern edge of the disturbance envelape. As yc�u reyuested I inspected and evaluated fe�ur trees on the site the trees dre identified as S, 8a, 8h and 8c. They ��re all l��cated on the east side �f the property. My inspection included a visual assessment of each tree, I did not exeavate around the root system but you showed me where you had encc�untered roats during excavation. The follawing is a summary af my findings: Tr�e $ is a large diaineter Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens). Excavation for lhc patio (as shown on the plans} recyuired rernoving soil to withi� 1 foot of the roc�t collar on the western side of the tr�e. Several roots on th� excavate side are expc�sed and torn. Rovts provide several functions for the tree one being a�chorage by intertwining and bonding with the s�il the rooi system and soil work in harmony to provide ballast and support to keep the tree upright. The roots on the windward side devel�p "hc�ld d�wn" characteristics, which resist �ulling forces. The roots o� the leeside of prevaili�g winds develop hinge resistance and develop characteristics that resist pushed and snapped. Typically, the roots on the windward side provide the lion's share of anchorage for a tree. Unfortunately, the re�ots on the west side are now missing an this tree. Although the tree will undou�itediy show signs �f stress due to loss of starch storing wt�ody roots 1 am more concerned ahout the structural stability af this tree. I cannot say what force will be r�quired to topple this tre�but I can confidently state that the amount of for needed for root and snil failure is greatly reduced from the pre-construction cond'ttian. Tree $a is a 1�dgepole pine (Pinus contarta) tree. An 18 inch dee� trench for electric service has been excavated an the �ast side oti the tree. Yvu told me that yau reopened the trench on the east side of the tree and found no roots damaged by excavation. This tree is a concern because of the hei��k of the crown and the cl�ange in lacal wind patterns after lot clearing. 1'Vow that the trees are remov�d the winds will not only blow through the site withc�ut resistance they will likely chann�l and slightly increase in velacity. I am also concerned because the crown is skewed to the top of the tree. Wl�en the branches c�f the tree are locate�l in the upper �/3 or higher, the tre� is inclined to whi� when the w�nd gusts. As the tree whips, especially when the �oil is saturated �n the spring, the roots ean mc�ve creating air pockets around the woody roots. The process is like pushing a car out of a snow bank. Each time the tree moves, the air pocket gets bigger and the kree m�ves with more unrestricted force. On the plus side the crown is thin and will allow wind to pass through with less resistance. If this tree fails it is within striking distance of the house and the house on the lc�t to the southeast. I suggest removing this tree or at a bare minimum continue to monitor the tr�e looking for soil cracking, heaving or any flther sign of root or soil failure. Tree 8b is a large diametcr spruce tree. Several large diameter roots were removed for excavation on the north side of the aree. Like tree �3 1 am concerned about the structural integrity of tne tree. If this tree fails it could cause darnage to persons c�r property. I recommend remc�vin� this tree at the earliest c;onaenience. Tree SC is a Iarge diameter spruce tree that forks into two ste►ns at about 5 feet. I could not find any evidence c�f root c1amG�ge or soil distur�ance around the tree. I'lastic fencing has bee� inst�illed around the tree to heip protect thc roc�t zone. I recommend enlarging the root pro�ection zone (the fenced area) to 20 feet in radius or as large as passible as long as it extends beyond the dripline. Place a six inch deep layer of ch�ps in the fenced area and keep cc�nstruction traffic �utside of the RPZ thrc�ughout the project. Recornmendations; �. Ren�ove trees 8 and 8a as the earliest convenience. 2. Either remove 8b or at a minimum continue to monit�r �b for sc�il heaving, soil cracking or other signs �f root or soil failure if any signs of failure are evident remove the tree immedi�itely. 3. Enlarge the TP�fo�tree &c to 2Q feet where possible. Plaee a 6 ir�ch layer of chips over the soil inside of the fenced area and restr�ct construction traffic firom the fenced area. If foot traffic Fnust pas� through the TPZ to accommodate construction, cover the per3estrian path (the arca is already covered with a six inch layer of chips) with 3/a inch �lywc�od ta distr�bute the weight �nd minirnize soil eomgaction. Please contact me with any questions at 970-453-9154. Sincerely, Rick Herwehe Fc�rester, ISACA RM-2 3 95 A Cut Above Forestry P.O. 7133 �reckenridge, CD 80424 www,acu�aboveforestry.com Summit County Fnx 970-453-914b Eagle County 970-�53-9154 9�0-926- 9243 i *�**********��**+�*�******�x***��****�****�*************�****��*#*****�*****************��*** �i T�WN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemznt *�w***************���***�**�*�*�+��**�**�***********************�*�**�**�**********�***»�*�r**� Statement Number: RQ7000�533 Amount: $20.00 11f16/200709:52 AM Payment Method: Check Init: �S Notation: 1346/MICHAEL SiTMAN ARCHITECT Permit No: DRB070660 Type: ARB-Chg to P,,ppr Plans Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-3 Site Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Locationr 95 FOREST ROAD Totdl Fees; $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $2Q.40 Balance: $O.Oo **��***�x��**********��*��***********��***�******�*****+�**********�x**�**�*�t�*�:�*�********** ACCOUNT ITE1Vt LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts �, -------------------- --------------------------- -------�---- i DR 00106003112200 DESIGN �EVIEW FEES 20.00 il illl I ,I I I Ili I�� �, I