HomeMy WebLinkAboutB07-0280 B07-0280: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 11:38 10/30/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP JRM 08/27/2012 A000153 372 Total Rows: 1 .. , , Page 1 TOWN C�F VAIL DEPARTMENT�F COMMUNITY D�VELdPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VA[L, CO 81 b57 970-479-2135 1VOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T[MES ADD/ALT S�'R BUILD PERMIT Peranit #: B07-0280 Project# PR107-042Q Job Address. 108 ASPEN LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: RIDGEVEEW SQUARE TH Applied . . : 08/28/2007 Parcel No...: 2101123D4dQ9 Issued . .. : 08/30/2Q07 �xpires . ..: D2/26/2Q08 O�n1NER RIDGEVIEW SQUARE T�T HOA 08/28/2007 4506 SPURCE WY VAIL CO 81657-47$8 APPLICANT DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING 08/28/2007 Phone: (303} 274-8601 3205 S. ZTJNI STREET ENGI.��WO�D COLORADO 80110 License: 805-B CONTRACTOR DRURY B1�OTHERS ROOFING 08/28f2007 Phone: (303) 274-8601 3205 S. ZUNI S'I'1�EET ENGLEW�OI7 COLORADO 80110 License: 805-B Descriptioit; RIDGEVIEW SQUARE FARTIAL RE-ROOF Occ�ipancy: Type Construction: Valuatian: $10,000.60 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 •*.*sasss***+�a**t*rsr+s*e*s�fs*►s**e**wser*s.*xs+�s++�s+»srt►**�*ss.s FEE S U'VIMARY s►*«M+s*M*�***a�s�**�+x***s++*t+M�*+**��s+s�*+***+�s+a*+**++ Ciuilding-------> $ISi.25 KesWar�nt Plan Review--> �Q.09 Tolal Calculated Fces---� $301.�6 Plan Check----> $I17.81 Recrealion Fee-------------> $0.00 Additional Fees-------> $0.00 Investigation--> $0.0� TO`I'Al.FEES------------> $362.06 Total Perrnit Fee----> $302.06 Will Call------> $3.06 Payments------------> �3�2.06 BALANCE DU[:------> �0.00 #istVt►#4istiie##s#t�tt#s#AY�t#W�+1#�*kM**t#rtt*t###�####t#4##i#f#�##*i�####it#####tY##t##M#�iki�4rttkrtt'�R##4i#7�ii��l4t�ist#h4�i#lsfit*+Y►+tAt�Ri#�Aai4a*�Y#M Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPA�ZTMENT OS/28/2407 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/28f2Q07 JS Action: AP *a++*t+�*rtr+w*++:*+�*++*►+�+**#�+*s***■r*+a�s+s*++*�*+k+**++**.**++*�+i*++*�+:*++**+�****+a�*+**+**+w**+*�rrws�w+*wrsw*r*rr**r:xrts+r**.*s*sa«.rs See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIQNS 1 hereby acknowtedge that I have read t}ais ap,�lication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infarmatian and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances an�l state laws, and to build this structure accordiag to the tow�ns zaning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internationai �uilding and Residential Codes and other ordinances of tf�e Town applicable tliereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S]iALL BE MADE'E''4Y'ENTY-FOUR HOIIRS 11Y ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 QR AT OUR OFFICE FROM B:QU.hAvl� �1 PM. r � '- � _ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COTlTRACTOR FOR H[MSELF AND�W]NER **�***��*�******��****�***��***��**�*�****�*****���**�*�**�****��***�****�***�************�#****�******� �CONDITI�NS �F APPROVAL Permit#: B07-0280 as of 08-30-2007 Status: ISSUED *****�********:�*********��***�+***��****�****+�*****��****+******�*********:�****��****�***********��**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT App�ied: 08/28120Q7 Applicant: DRURY BROTH�RS ROOFING Issued: 08l30/20o7 (303}274-8601 To Expire: 02/26/2008 Job Address: ]O8 ASPEN LN VAfL Loeation: RIDGEV�EW SQUARE T�-I Parcel No: 210I 123040fl9 Descriptior�: RIDGEVIEW SQUARE PARTIAL R�-ROOF **********�****�***++****+****�******�*********�+* Conditions *******************�+****�*************�**** Cond: 12 (BLQ�G.): FIELD 1NSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR GODE COMPLIANCE. Cand; 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) Sl�rl(�K� D�TECTORS ARE REQU3RED PER SECTIOlr1 R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. ***********************���**�***********�������***�***�****�*****���********�*******��****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****w�*www�**w*�w***�*w*****�***�***�***�����*�*�******************�****�*�*�************** Stat�znent Number: R070001720 Amount: $302 . 06 OS/30/200712 :22 PM Payment Meth4d: C�eck Init: DDG Notatian: Drury Brothers 1427 --------------------------------------------------------------------°_------- Permit hlp: Bp7-0280 Type: ADD/ALT SFR AUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210i-123-0400-9 Site AddrESS: i08 ASP�I3 LI� VATL Location: RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TH Total Fees: $302 . 06 This Payment: $302 . 06 Total ALL Pmts: $342 . 06 Halance: $o. 00 �****s*�*******�***����s**�************t*****�******�a�****�******�*********�*�********�***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1000D3111100 BUIL�DING PERMIT FEES 181.25 PF 00100003112300 PLA�I CHECK FEES 117.81 WC 00100003112800 WILL CAT,L INSP�CTION �'EE 3 .00 � APP�,ICATIflN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN�� L,"""� � � �(� Project#: � ` Building Permit#: � C� i" � 97Q-479-2149{lnspections) 1�4�OF YAIL' ` 7v S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TC}WN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRAGTOR INFORMATIdN Gen Contract . , � Town of Vail Reg. No.: Co et Person nd Phnne#'s: t,a►!� � �• U 'Vt � 1 ' � r�7����'n� Email address: Fax#: �y_ � , ��� Can r Signature: CQMPLETE V TIONS F BUILDIFJG PERMIT Labor� Materials BUILDING: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ ��� ��jj� PLUMBa1�G: $ MECHA�ViCAL: $ TQTAL: $ Far Parce!#Contact Ea le Count Assessors Ofiice at 970-328-g6A0 or visit www.ea le-count .com Parcel# � � �'�' � — Job Name: Job Address: �C' Ptr'�o�� � � ' ` C Lega� Description Lot: Block: FiEing: Subdivision: �� � �4�;,5 ��� j� Owners Name: Address: Phane� t � , � �e Q� r�� 9l/G ArchitecUDesigner: Address: Rhone: Engineer: Address: Phone: Detailed description of wark: �, ��o�c�,�,r — ��//�2 S p,,�d �dc� �., �/�.� � �; +�� -(: � �, � C�. Wark Class: New( ) Addition ( =) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) �emo( ) Ot(�er( } Work Type: Interior O Exterior ) Both O Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes O Na{ ) Type of Bldg.: Single-#amiiy( ) Two-family( ) hAuEti-family( ) Ct�mmercial } Restaurant( ) Other( ) �lo. of Existing Dwetling 4Jnits in this building: �lo. of Accommodation Units in this buildir�g: NolT e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas L s Wood/Pelle# Wood Bumis� No/T e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liar�ces Gas l, s Wood/Pellet Wvod Burnin NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm �xist: Yes O No{ ) Does a �'ire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes( � IVo O **�***�***********#,t,�********�*�►,��,.FOR OFFIC� USE �NLY*,�+��**,���,►�,�,�,�,�,�,t,�«****��**�,.****�**** Date �eceived: � 2 � � � � � Received By: ��'� D f5 � AUG 2 8 2007 h#�;J/www.vaiCgov.fom/docs/dl_forms,lbuflding_permit_4-17-2007.DUC ���NPa���A�� U4117/200i