HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Heights Filing 1 Lot 13 - Duplex Plat;� F'OUI�F� A PLAIN No. � / � (UNPLATTED) LOT 12 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET } 1 inch = 20 ft� ���£ �'���� �ur�����g, �L� � � �C&� i � ��, C� �� b�� ��. ��37�� �74��a�� • f�€ ��7€�� 479-(i�55 i , / �V � p�� • SET A No. 5 R�BAR WI'FH A � �" ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 3009f PROPERTY LINE � �CREATE� BY 7HIS PLAi 6�` ` � \ PROPER'I'Y LIN�� VACATED BY THI� PLAT \\,ji \ \ PARCEL A 0.298 ACRES 2109--W DUPL� X PLAT VA I L HE I��I� F I L I NG N. 1 0 BDI I I N AREV � � �I�TI s o o � T4�N QF VA I L, C�UNT�Y OF E AGLE, STATE �F C�LURAD� Surrreyor's Ceri�fica#e I, do hereby certify that I am a Professiona! Land Surveyor �icensed under the laws o# the State of Golarado, that #his plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platt�d, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows �he location and dim�nsions of the lots, e�asements and streets of said subdivision as ihe same are staked upon the ground in compliar�ee with applicab6e regulations governing the sukrdivision of land. . � d.,,,� in Witness Whereaf, ! have set my har�d and seaLthis �� day of ����Yn/�; A.�., 2013. Samuel H. Eeker Colorado P.LS. No. 30a91 A P�.AkN No. 4 REBAR PAR��L � 0.244 ACRES �i as-� OUTLINE OF DUPLEX � ��� ��. ��� � \ �� S `�s ACCESS EASEMENT CREA'T�D BY TNES PLAT <;. SET A No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 �" ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 30091 (3.00' WITPIESS CORNER) \ / PROPERTY LlNE� FQLLOWS PARTY WALL N 33'18'39" W � 121.14' ��� 20' ACCESS EASEMENl';,,,,� VACATED BY THfS PLAT � ��3�.�, LAN�7 USE St1MMARY PAFiCEL AREA tiSE A�DRESS PARCEL A 0.298 AC. DUPI.EX 21D9-W CWAMONEX LANE F'ARC�L B 0.244 AC. DL�PL�X 2109-E CHAMONIX L.Af�E 0.542 AC. ,k- �,�T 14 r� 'y )r'f�'� r��'� ° � F � 9�� . \ �J J 63'02'25° E — 23.71' � � ` S �6 2��4 Jr � � e _ 43 �� .� FOUND No. 5 R�BAR WITH A i °° RED ��ASTI� CA� P.L.S. No. 26626 ' / � `/ �y$ a� �~ _� . � . ,�y° � / '11'04" W — 37.35' � 6��,� � .r. _. � / � Q � / . �9� �,�g ��" �N � �.00' SET A No. 5 REBAR WITH � A 1 �" ALUMtNUM CAP ' �s 6� / P.�S. No. 30as1 {2.00' w►m�ss eo��vER) / �,�\ •a p S 55'26' 29» W— 24.40'-- . / / y�1 Qa' w `_� ! �'JQ AaV 1 ` �� � O� P� G� F"OUND No. 5 REBAf2 WITH A 1" F2�D PLAS�lC CAP P.L.S. No. 26826 �—s 5� •�s'oo" w — s.00' SET NA{� WITH A 1" BRASS WASHER P.L.S. No. �OQ91 �i=0'S6' Dfi" R=1085.Sd '"�-L=1 i.7'2� ChB=S51'47'�3"W Ch L=17.72' � 2•zo'oo" R=1085.80' L= 44. 22' ChB=S52sL�,oO"YY �=1'47'29" Ch�=44.22' R—� os5:so' L=33.95' C�B=S54'32'45"W ChL=33.95' Certif�cate of Dedicat�on and Ownership Know ail rr�en by these presents that �ric Johnson and Gino Michael Caranelli (owners of parce) A), DBVid Viele and Rachel F. Viele (owners. of Parcel B) being sale owRer in fee simple and Diana K. Johnson as Piaintif on Li5 Pendens (Parcef A) of all that real properiy s+tuated in the 'fown of Vail, Eagle County, Colarado described as follows: VaN Neights �iling No. 1, a Resubdivision of Lot � 3, Tawn of Vail, Couniy nf �agie, State of Colorado, per the plat the�eo# recorded September � 2, 1994� in Boak 649 at Page 752 in the office of the Eagle Countjr Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.542 acres more or less; have by these presents laid o�t, platted and subdi�ided the same into lots ancf blocks as shnwn on this final.plat under the name and styie of Vail Heights Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision o# Lot 13, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Couniy oi Eagle; and does hereby accept the responsibility for t#�e completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart alf of #he public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accornpanying plat to the us�a of the public fore�er; and does hereby dedicate #hose partions of said real property which are indicated as eassment on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpase shown herean; and does hereby grant the right to instail and maintain necessary s#ruciures #o the entity respnnsible for provirJing the se�ices for which the easements are established. � EXECUTED this � day o# ��- � , A.D., 2U�3. ,, , 4 Owner (Parcel A}: Address: 31 Kingsley Ave. �ric ,lohr�so� NortharrEpton, MA fl1060 S�ATE OF ��;�,�1,� � � �S� COUiVTY OF � �°�. ) � The faregoing CertEficate of Dedicatior� and Owr�ership was acknonvledged before me this -� day of �� ��� , A.D., 2013, by Eric Johnson. x My Commission expires: � � �`� � � � � �' � t � �, Witness my hand and afficial seal. , t�� ���tDC� �0 � ��� �r�r i�ulsitG °�: ' � � ' `�f� ��+� �r,�(%I�iE�#.��PAA��4C4fld�� i� ; � � ° u a � ?� � � ° � �v E,�TI;d#�4�&I��a �!r>�s . : �n Natary Public _ ,,. : , ` �n:�� ���� �: r �� � Qwner �P�rcel A}: ..Q}a�i Gino Michael Caranelli Address: 31 Kirtgsley Ave. Northarnpton, MA 01 Q6p STAT� OF '. P ��`::::':��y, : :a,:.. �w) )SS COUNTY OF �'�� r .: � �'°,�� � �, �ad =: a � T�e foregoing Certificate of pedieation ancf Ownership was acknowledged before me this �``� day of _ �° , A. D., 20� 3, by Gino Michael Car�nelli. My Cammissian �x�aires: � � , ����� �:��'��� ����, �� � �. �� �'� � Wi*ness my hand and o�ficial seal: : ��;�; � �� �., �� � �� 9�'a4 ` C31�} � :. n .�. '�,�i4 � Notary Public �����s _ � � . � Ow�er (Parc�l B): Address: 2109-E Ch�monix Lane Dav�d Viele V�il, CO $1657 STATE OF � !� �o ) �a �ss COUNTY OF The far going Certificaie afi �edication and Ownership was acknnwledged t�fare me this ��n�day of DC��cr� �t�l3 , A.D., Zoi3, by David Viele. My Commission expires: d� 03 �/,� �� � �� Wi# ess rt�y har�d and o'' I I. + � � Notary Public Owner (Parcel B): UC/�`�/�(�� � V'1 v� Address: 2109-E Chamar�ix Lane Rachel F. Vieie Vail, CO 81657 STAT� OF �O��a ) )5S couN� o� , � The ore oirrg C�rtificate of Dedication and Ow�ership was acknowiedged before me this ��day of _��v�LIT,_� ,� , A.�., 2Q13, by Rachel F. Vieie. My Comr�ission expires: �3 03 �I --- ������-, �° � - � Witness rimy hand and ofif' i al. ��� ������6.,� ° A��T'��` !� : ' . � � �x-�r�� ��` ° Nat�ry PubliG Plaintif on Lis Pendens (Parcel A) • Address: 2109 A Chamanix Lane Diana K. Johnson Vail, CO 81657 sTA�r� o� �� � �ss COtJNTY OF � �- } Th foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Qwnership was acknawledged before me this .�D� day of , A.D., 2Q13, by Diana K. Johnson. �;~��,;w�5, � �;�> �� � � ^�� My Commission expires: l� � � -� �� � � � �w�k�� ,.�:, �*�� ''a�� � t � ��.,� � :� Witness my h d and aff�cial seal. �" �� � �� ,::��.. _,, � �� �. ; �c� ,, � �P� � 4;;, '� .:' fi"' Y7'...;. Notary Public ���� ;,� ;' ,.o�, „� Title Cert�f�cate Land Title Guarantee Company do�s hereby c�rtify that the Title to akl lands shown upon this pla# ha�e been examined and is vested in Eric Johnson and Gino Michasf Caranelli {Parcek A) and David Viel� and Rachei F. Viele (Parcel B), that title to such lar�ds is free and clear of all lien5 and encumbrances, except as follows: �� ``� �� [��.� � � �o �� C:. i� ���ra �'! � .� f � 1,� �� Dated this � day of �C.�iD�.f , A.D., 2013. Agent signatur c� � Address: 610 West Lionshead Circle, #200 Vail, CO 81 fi57 Agent namec�,cflu�. `n@� . �� P���Z G�N�RA� No�r�s: y� �n`r� Q� �u�v��r: e�w��'�M��� an��, 2} BEARlNC�S BAS�D UPON'TH� L1NE CbNN�CTING TH� MOiVIlMENiS FpUND IN PLACE MARKING TFlE EAST6RLY BOUNDARY OF LOT 13, BEING S34°38'27"E (SEE DRAWINCx). 3) MQNUMENTAT�QN AS INDICAT�D HEREQN. 4} THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO VACATE THE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 8E7WEEIV PARCELS A AND 8, AND TO vACATE T}�E EXISTING ACCESS EASEIVIENT TO CREATE THE iVEW PROPERTY LINE AND ACCESS EAS�MENT AS INDICATE� HEREON. 5) THE BOUNDARY DfMENS101VS, EASEM�NTS AfVD RIGFETS OF WAY SHDWN HEREON ARE PER THE R�CORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROP�RTY AND TITLE 5EARCH PERFORMED BY LAND T1TLE GURRANTEE COMPANY, ORDER Na. V50036971, DATED AUGUST 12, 2013 Ai 5:00 P.M. 6) NOTIC�: AGCOi�DING TO CDLORA�O LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEG;4L ACiiON BASEb IJPON ANY DEFEGT lN THIS 5€JRVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU F1AST DISGOVER SUCH DEFEGT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY AGTiON SASEE3 UPOPt ANY DEFECT IN TFitS SURVEY BE COMMENCED AAOR� THAN 7EN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CEATIFICATfON SHqWW HER�pN. 7) �OR ZONING PURpOSES THE 2 PARCELS CFi�A7ED BY THIS SEiBDIVISIpN ARE TO BE TREATED AS QNE ENTITY. 8) THE PAI�CELS S�iOWN HE�iEON ARE SUBJECT TO RESTRfCTNE CAVENANTS RECpRDED OCTOBER 10, 1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 7 �. 9) PARCELS A AfV� B AAE Sl3BJECT i0 A PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORbED SEpTEMBER 12, 1994 IN 800K B49 AT PAGE 753. 10) ALL REFERENC�S TO RECORD DOCUMENTS ARE T� TWE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE CLEAK AN� REG�iiDER'S OFFICE OF EAGLE COUNTY, CQLORADO. 11) THE ADdRESSES OM1i THIS PLAT ARE FQA REFERENCE PIJF�PQS�S ON�.Y. PI.EASE REFER TO ThIE TOWN OF VAIL FOR 11�DATED ApDRESSING IPlFQE�MATIDN. Administrator Ce�tifica#e � This final pfat is hereby approved by the Town of Vaii Administrator this� day of �¢��� , a.d. 2013. TTEST: �. � � Ovv�,� � T wn erk, /� ��„�. .„�„ Administrator To ail, Calarado ''�e' r Town'of Vail; .Cqlorado , .�� � �• r�,� i � ` � � ���� + , � , �� M ��''"�.a.�rs'�� . . `��°� o�a� Certificate of Taxes Paid �����- I, the undersigned, do hereby certiiy that tF�e entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable upon all parce�s af real estate described on this plat are paid in full as,o#� b ! � �ated this __ __ l i day af ���0� , A.D., 20t3:�,�:="������, Tr�ea�su er of� Ea��4!_'c,.....�_ C1�� ��� . r� gle ou ty �,O�l'�3� ������� Clerk and Recorder's Certificate l�'� ��- This Plat w� iled for record in the Of#ice o# ihe Cier#c and Recorder at o'clock ��, on this�� day of � , 2013, and is duly recorded at Reception No. ,Z. ��,:, .�-_. . �a.�C .� S�rna�-}�n^ - : - �� , ; Glsrk and Re�dsr � � � . . . .< .. �r N . � � , .� � �� ,„ ,j�,�� r� . ` By: ((� �"""U"�'" � � DePuty �'������ Oi4ANN BY: 'SE DA7E.• 9/Zc7/2013 �� s�. SE ��� ,�,�; 13-716resu6 ��: 13—/16 sr�r 1 a� 9