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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,� �w����, ' Town of Vail, Community Development,75 5outh Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.4792139, f. 97d.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUiLD PEFtMIT Permit #: B09-0327 Project #: PRJ09-Ufi39 Job Address; 366 HANSON RANGH RD VAIL Status. . ' 15SUED Location....... Applied . . : 11f11/2009 Parcel No....: 2101D8242(303 Issued ... : 7111612009 Expires . ..: 05l15/2010 OWNER RAPPAPOF2T FAMILY TRUST 11/1112009 16379 SKY�INE BLVD WO�QSI�E CA �4062 APPLIGANT WESTERN SLOPE SKYLIGHT 11/1'4l2009 Pha�e:800-717-3023 27933 HIGHWAY 82 SNOWMASS CO 81654 License: 1026-8 CONTRACTOR WESTERN SLOPE SKYL{GHT 11l11/2�09 �hone:8�0-717-3023 27933 HIGHWAY 82 SNOW�VIASS CO 81654 Licens�: 1D26-B Description: REPLACE SKYLIGHT Occupancy: IRC Valuation: $29,OD0.00 Type Construction:IRC Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ..<,...�,.......,Y.k..�.<,........�.«.,Y,....._..,,.�...,,......................... FEE SUMAAARY ......x....,�......,,...x,,....,�««..,,.,..,».�......�..�.t�.,..».«.........,..,. Building Permit Fee------> $431.55 Will Cal Fee--------------------> $4.00 7otal Calculated Fees-------------> $1,096.22 Plan Check--------------> $280.57 Use Tax Fee------------------> $380.00 Additional Faes----------------------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review----� $0.00 707AL PERMIT FEES------------> �1,096.22 Investigation---------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> S0.00 Payments--------------°---°---°---> $1,096.22 Totai Calculated Fees--------> $1,096.22 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 �....t.�....,.t,.,..,......>...�.,.�................................��...>...,.........t.............>.........,:,....,..,.,..,.,.....k,....,...........,.��........,,.......,....,.... DECLARAT[p1�S I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicakion,filled out in full the informatian requirecE,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is carrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to camply wvith all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tow+ns zoning and subdivision eodss,design review appraved, Intemational�uilding and Residential C�des and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RE�UESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL MADE TWENTY-Ft3UR HOURS IN ADVANGE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 5:00 AM -4:00 PM. �� /�''6v ��� Signature of�wn or Contractor Dake D C� ` 1 Print ame bld_alk_construction_permit_041908 k+ww.exxr�ex�aawx.xwewwwywx...�wre.�.awar...s+ara�.itt+•s..r...trak:a+i•rRSa+�aaa+a.a�aa�aa�wcia+„a+�rrs��x+w+y.�arr�rieryexe+rr�ta�+waw�»w��e�xrR�wwxx�ew��w,e,erwwxw,es�exyRas.w.wR.xw. A�PROVALS Permit#: B09-Q327 as of 11-16-2009 S#a#us: ISSUED e»reR,ew�k�,ew�k;.kwxwwKx�wwwxw•�ex,exw��ww:rr,e�w,rx�w�xxewwwwwx,et�w�eevr>rwrwvr�er»wawxr�++�wrrwwrwr��ere��+ta�errxexyt�waetwwxewsr�wk»s�rrxi��+wkxw.wwa�xw.wR;�xxwwx.ex�*ww,e��aex�+wx�,t�wx�rwwx.xw Item: �5100 BUILdING DEPARTMENT 11/13/2009 cg Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAf�fJING DEPARTMENT 11/12l2009 RLF Action: AP ♦f t#t�Rf xf tra k�.Y ti:W ii xf�#i iw ti W t-.Ywtf af Htiatf ktf tiha�#f R;rt+aYxf rtfaiwi ki�#aYtf H rt�W kiit+}�y�t1rW Ri<;t#+#i t�4 tirYi�t*t#atkf kirtfikii+i k#k+iti�4+t4aY ik+ie+ili#4iM#+itt+i k�.FY�.Fi kiriirf ti�itYf+i k�.Ft�ikf My f See the Conditions section of this Document far any that rrnay apply. bld_alt_construction_permit_041908 .....�,......w....�.....................�......,....,....,�,....,....,,,.,,........,.,..,.,.,..,.,.«..,..,.,t,..,.,..,.,,�,�..,...�,.,..,t,..,.,.,..,x..,,.,.,....�.�..,t.....,.,..,. CONDITIONS OF APPR�VAL Permit#: B�9-0327 as of 11-16-2�09 Status: ISSU�ED Kxex�xxxxwxxr�wwrrxerww:r�w�,t:f t�,�.x+��+,��,tx�a.�t:�r,*,rs,e+**tr,r*,t*a+x�ewxx�+,e,rwxw�wwvrwk:r�,wa�ws,rsw*x:�eerwxw,�rrtrx:ew�r.�x>e,r:rx�e+axwk�,e•���e«w kw�aw•se;�,e.w,r�wxxwx��,exw w.Kxe.».w..wrw��wrw<>w Cond: 12 (BLDG.)_ FIELD 6NSPECTIONS ARE REGIU��RED TD GHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: �6 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF TF#E 20�3 IRC. bld_alt_construction_perm9t_D41908 ���******�**���***�*�*��*��*�������#*�**�**�#*�****�***�******W*�*�**�*�*W**��*#*��*�*�***�** TOWN OF WA1L, CQLORADO Statement *******��:�*�*�*�***�*�*******�:�:**�*�*+*******�*�*****��**��**+���****�**�*�*�:�**�**�*�*#***� Statement Number: Rp90001651 Amount: $1, 096.22 11/16/200509:56 AM Payment Nlethod:Cr2dit Crd Init: SAB Notat.ion: VISA-CLAY STR�B --—-------------------------------—___-__-_____°--------------------------- Pe�m�t No; 809-0327 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel I�To: 2101-082-4200-3 Site Ad�ress: 366 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL LocatiQn: Total Fees: $i, 096.22 This Payment: $1, 096.2� Total ALL Pmts: $1, 096.22 Balance: $0 .00 *��*���»»»���*:a*�*��****�*�»*�*�������������������*����**��**���*�*���*����****���*�**��*��* ACCOUNT ITGM LIST: Accaunt Code DescripCion Curr�nt Pmts -------------------- ---------------------------_°_ ------------ SP 0�1.00003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FE�S 431. 65 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECIC FEES 280 .57 UT 110000031060D0 USE T'AX 4� 380.00 WC Q0100003112800 WILL �CALL INSPECTIaN FEE 4 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- �'�s�£�,�� �_� �, e �� . � '�'� Department of Cammunity Develo�ment' A- ��'9° K fT m.. ,�- ...� iE' J,S, y � ,.- ��. �=`' � �� � # �� � �;� ` �� � x 75 Svuth Frontage Road � ��' �4 ti..� ���,,.�� �, �:�� � � ",�� f r�� Vail,C�o.Eoradt� .816�i7 , �_, �,...y „ ': ��� � ��a' �,��§ �� � <a ��'��, �" p,,,��,T�l ., 9�'�0-479=212$f:�r � ��;. � F�, �,�'� � �� _ , F�x:��97��479 24�5� ���'_ �°�,'" �, ..��...,, � �;,��<� _ . 1Neb wvvinr,vailgov c+�m -> .� � , � ; �. � r � � ,+t . a . _ _ De��lopmen�..R�vi��tv �ao,rd�na#��"� :, `� �, , � � �. �a��� g , , �� , , , . � �,� Y � ,„ �. . , ,. .:.;��„? .� u . �: �'� ° `..�._.��.�;:.���,�r,��_.,..�w���� BUILDING PERMIT APPLlC�4TION Separate permits are required far e9ectrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. P���Stree#Ad�dress: � �� Qffice Use: �a��.5vc. � ��4J �� �'V� ! i (F9umber) (Street) (Sui#e#�} Praject#:�� BuildinglComplex Name:�>!� ��o����.,� �RB�� • ������D Contractor Information: Building Permit#:��—��� Company: �.���Ee.rl'� _��C�� �lc� �' dr��' /5 � Detailed Description of Work: � d=Y u� � `l� �e E�° ..,��� Company Address: .G ��!�3 �/ct` Uvc g z �' `� ' e � L� �� �� ��f°-fdl�� G°uo'� �/�s` �, City: S h�i�< s.� State:�Zip: ��� T�' Contact Name: � (_Gi� -S'�"h��� Gontact Phone: �I 7 C7 '� 7 '�J��/ ���S (use additional sheet'rf necessary) E-Mail S�f�Sct�QSt'�(�t[.`'P�' Gf�'��f�s�oy�.S�C�v�S�.t'r�� Work Class: Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: II�,.�.-F?`�C3 New O Addation ( } Remadel O Repair(� Oiher O �� � � �j�� - � Work Type Contrackor Signat e(requiredy Interior O Exierior(�, Boih ( � Property Information Type of Building: Parcel#: Single-Family,�J Duplex ( ) Multi-Family( ) (For parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 97D-328-8640 or �omme�cial O Ot{�er O visit www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) Lot#: 69ock# Su division: Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes O No ( } Tenant Name: ' � Monitored Alarm? Yes O No O , .. _ Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes O fJo( � �r,vner Name: � u > �<J JOC-"�" #&Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances O Gas Log O Wood/Pellet( y Wood'Buming O Valustions jLabor& Materialj) V #�Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances{ ) Building: $ � � ��}� Gas Log( ) WoodlPellet{ } Wood Buming( ) Plumbing; $ Ekectrical: $ Date Received: D � (� � � n/"j (Z Mechanicatl: $ � L/ �� � Total: $ � � �� NOV 1 1 ���9 TOWN QF VAIL C:lcdevlformslpermitslpupldinglresidential_building�ermil_100109 . ._-__-;�.rn-�..r�-. .�,n.;,,�-��...-��._,s. �...�;rfr,.. .'.. 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