HomeMy WebLinkAboutB09-0247 10-28-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 5 _4:01 pm Vail, C� Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CLUB BLDG. 5 A/P/D Information Activity: 609-0247 Type: A-MF Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: CG Owner: VAIL RACQUET CLUB HOA Contractor: UNITED MATERIALS, LLC Phone: 303-623-4166 Description: RE- ROOF BUILDING 5 WITH EMBED 265#OF RED VOLCANIC ROCK Requested Inspection(s) Item: 534 PLAN -FINAL C/O Requested Time: 08:00 AM Commenor UNIT68-61b2ERIALS Phone: 303-623-4166 Assigned To: BGI Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 10:00 AM Requestor: UNITED MATERIALS, LLC Phone: 303-623-4166 C o m m e n t s: 303-668-6152 Assigned To: J RA� N Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: ✓ Time Exp: I� ;�.� Comment: �—�— Inspection Historv Item: 90 BLDG-Final 09/18/09 Inspector: cg Action: DN DENIED Comment: NOT READY Item: 534 PLAN- FINAL C/O REPT131 Run Id: 10520 IV�T�: THIS PERM/T MUST BE PU►STED 4N JOBSlTE AT ALL TIMES . : �IOWN 0�VA(I, ' Town of Vail, Community Qevelopment, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, �olorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 AQDIA�LT MF BUILD PERMiT Permit #: B09-0247 Project #: PRJ09-0440 Job Ad�ress: 4695 VAIL RAGQUET CLUB TWH DR VAEL Status. . : ISSUED Location......: VAIL RA.CQUET CLUB BLDG. 5 Appried . . : 09/09l2003 Parcel No....: 210112403001 Issued. .. : 09h5l20(l9 Expires. ..: 03/14/2D10 OWNER VAIL RACQUET CLUB HOA 09/4912009 HICKEY, HAROLD-SN�ED, MONT'E fi520 SPAY�KY BRANCH CT DALLA$ TX 75248 APPLICANT UNITED MATER9ALS, LLC 0910912009 Fhone: 3Q3-623-4166 5138 Y4RK STREET DENVLR CO 80216 License: 915-S CONTRACTOR UNITED MATERIAtS, LLC 09/0912d09 Phone:303-623-4166 5138 YORK STREET DEN1/ER CO 80216 license 915-S Description: RE-ROOF BUILDING 5 WI7H EMBED 265#OF RED VOLCANIC ROCK Occupancy: Valuation: $27,467.00 Type Construction: Total Sq�t Added: 0 .....r.Y...�,�..........................................�.,.,�..�..�..��..,....,.. FEE SUMMARY ....,�..,..,....,.,....t,�r,....,,...,..:,.,......,x»..«...............,.......... Buitlding Permit Fee-----> $421.55 Will Cal Fee---------------> 54.40 Tokal Calculated Fees----------> $1,048.90 Plan Check------------------> $274.01 Use Tax Fee-__�____________> $349.34 Additionai Fees----------------------> $4.OQ Add'I Plan Gheck Hours-> �0.00 Ftestuarant Plan Review----� $0.00 TO7AL PERMIT FEES--------------> $1,048.90 Investigateon-----------------> $6.00 Recreatifln Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> $1,048.90 Total Calculated Fees-------> $1,048.90 BALANCE DUE----------------------� $O.DO ...,...«..............................................................�..,..�...,...�,....�..,,....,.,.,...�.t.....,....,..,.,.,....,....,.......,�.,.,R.«,..>.....�ax.,�...,.,,.,....... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknvwledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the Anformation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wikh the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towvns zoning and'subdivision codes, design review a�proved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinanc�s of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSP 10�1 SHALL BE MA�E TWEI�TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH�NE AT 97U.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM B:OU AM-4;U0 P :'_ � I .l Signature of Owner ctvr Da e ���� ��d�7�,�� ��C �e�u��r C�u� Print Name b I d_a It_co n st ru cti o n_pe rm it_041908 wYtfRY%YwRWwW%*YWffk��WWiYkWk�+�I;fk�itdtiR+**tkii+it#k+;}ik:Yk#**fk*w*AMfk+**�*1kf*�1kf!**#Ak*!+M**k#�#�#*#+Y**M}kii+Ak*alikik4i*Wk1k�tiYWtfW*NkYtflk�txkYyk*kt�*k�Fkrt��*w!%Rw�*1k>Rx1xAR APPROVALS Permit#: B09-0247 as of a9-15-2009 Status: ISSUED .,,,�..................,....xt.,,,,�.,....,.,..�....,,,�..r.,...t..,.....................,.,..............,�..,..,�,.,..,....,.,,..,.,.,,...�,...�.,�....,....,,,,.....,...,..,...;..,..,..,.. Ptem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09111/2009 MARTIN Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/09/2009 bgibson Action: AP ereseyexaxwv.reyorrewewxiarrw+rera+,r`ias��xra�,tk+�tiraa+irf,�+ttat+t*te��+r�r�int�:..•ar,�ey�++r:iifsait+�+rt�tifrk+aiaa�a.tsa+rrr�r„wa�rr,vewxtararrrx.:wxwxx:xyrt+zxxw:rxxxRSry:wwR�exrrxax�wk See the Conditions sect�on af this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_construcEion_permit_041948 Nk1t�Ry ti ef t fi tf iftH titiiti�iita WiYti�ae+f tstti#itt;ti`kitfi}y�tftt W 11 kiitkkitfi+tiftt�ntf ifi.H'Yitt�tYt�h�2�ti tHfi til+i};}�tyY4ef tEYlYtlYTYfflfiilw%RtYtMR�YrA�itf/nit�<R�lHwR�lrMMfiW Rl1rlf , CONDITlONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 809-0247 as of p9-15-2009 Status: ISSUED #Y!*#i#w*iiFi Y+i ir}!+t*}k;Y t;;y�-;�##Mt�AkAWfi#k:YkTRxitkfi kwf TfRw�ww/r:1R1'M T�1�rr�1r%�Mrtwf e%/r:lRwwew/}Wwief Rf�Y*Mw%Mww*K MMk*+k+�Yk**?Wfi#k+Yir#iFf i*.Y k#t+k+itit+i+ilti#At*kY WYYkMR4fITV tf Wf*Rf+f kf�f HkN�R#*i• Cond: 12 {BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTlONS ARE REQUIRED T� CHECK FOR CQDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL P�NETRATIOhlS IN WALLS, CElLIt�GS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATEF�IAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cand: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. b Id_alt_co nst ructian_perm i[_0419Q8 � � _} � ;_ , . Department of Community Developmer�t� ,� � ,. . . � . , +� �.tr:�� � , � ,��'+� ` � ` .., . ; 75 South Fr ntage Rmati r.. rc � +_ � ',-, � �_� '� ,,,�' * �' �' ,. ,' " . �1�a�1���1�ot�a_c�n.$1657 ,�- • � �ti 4 .' , �°,��` � ,�'>� ;'�'T�3.,;974�4�'�21�� . �, f ,r'�t�. � � Y` ,���� ' ��y.I'�� ',` �,�,���;`�����-'�Q�rJa� . , , . , - � , �_ . ,.' A ,' � , . � _ r ���VI . .iiaiig�.�om. , , eb` vvtrdw rc � ,ti .. .- �: - , � ent-Revlew.Ct�or r ` �' � ` °� '� .w.�a�•-° n�� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ��'��y� �'$ '���' SepaRate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechan� e a� �O�Y Project Street Address: � Office Use: �n • Y�9,5' _4''.�.r� l��eQ;x�..�r ������e, a� t5 Projeet#: 1�-J�-��f UC.] (Number� (Street) (Suite#) DRB#: � BwildinglComplex Name: 1/�A/.c �,�C�, uET C��u ti Building Permit�#: 1��'C.,` � "��-'�"�� _ Lot#: Block# SuGdivision: VT�-/ic!JI Contractor Information: Campany: �,�/�tl�r'�1} �'�A,T�,�/f)LS Company Address:, �%,i.1 /p,tzK �T2tG T Detailed Description of Work: City: ��IU Y E R State: �C} Zip: ��� f (o , j�`F Ajj,,�Q[/�'F,/J Conta�ct Name: �G�tJ`L. IC.p t,tSG �s Contact Ph e: ��- '� � 'e �� � (use additional sheet if necessary) �-w���i �C�iGCL � U.�17'E�D i`�tTG.S .,v�r Work Class: Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: g/S' � New( ) Addition( ) Remode['( ) Repair(� Other( j X �, 1Nork Type Contractor Signature( qu�re Interior( ) Exterior(,X) Bath( ) Property Information Type of Building: Parcel#: G��'/ "/Zy —D3o0 �'/ Singl�Family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family('�f) (For parcel#,conkact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or COmmerCi�l O Other O visit www.eaglecourary.uslpa[ie} Tenant tVame: �r�/L E� �` Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes(�) No( ) Owner Name: SSDC� r�,u Monitored Alarm? Yes(� ) No( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist'? Yes O No(�) Valuations(Labor&Material)) #&Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log NNood/Pellet Woad Buming� Building: $� y6`',O� Plumbing: $ #&Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wooc4 Buming Eleetrical: $ �ate Received: Mechanical: $ Total: $ �� ��/ � Qv � `C��. II � � ��f�fi1T�`— � ��� ��4�� � c ��� � �v SEP —� ��Q9 � �/� "1"�Y Y I Y �� !I R'1�� 2 4-M ay-09 ROOF SECIFICATION FOR Bldg.#5 VAII RACQUET CLUB • Remove aggr�gate surfacing and haul from the site. • Remove existing gravei stop and haul from site. • Prepare roof surFace for application of cover board. • MeehanFCally fas#en J" cover board over existing smooth roofing and insulation, • Set one layer of fiberglass base sheet in cold polymerized modified bitumen adhes+ve. • Over the base sheet set Derbigum GP in cold polymerized modified bitumen adhesive. • Instaf! new sheet metal jacks with rain collars on all pipe penetrat�ons. • AFI skylight and chimney flashing will be Derbigum GP. • Embed �65#�of red volcanic scoria in 1-1/2 gallons of cold polyme�ized modified bitumen adhesive p�r 3.00 square feet. • Install new 24 gauge prefinished gravel 5top at entire roaf perimeter. ****�*��****�**�*�*�*�*��***************�*****�****************+*��******�*���*�****�*�*���� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *���������**�*������*����*�**���********�***********�x*:���*+:�*�****�***�*�***�*��**�**�**�*** Stakement Number: R090001214 Amount: $1, 048.90 09/15/200909:35 AM Payment Method: Chec1� Init: JLE NotaGion: 67563 UNITED MATERIALS Permit IrTo: B09-0247 Type: ADD/ALT MF �UII,D PERMIIT Pa�cel No: 21Q1-124-0300-1 Site Addressc 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLL7B BLDG. 5 Total Fees: $1, 048 . 90 This Payment: $1, 048. 30 Total ALL Pmts: $1, 048 . 90 Balance: $0 .00 ��**�*s��*�*�*�****�*������*�**********�**�****�**«*****�**�*��***********�****�************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Aceount Code Description Current Pmts BP OOlOQ0031111D0 BUIL�ING PERMIT FEES 421.55 FF 0010000311230q PLAN CHECK FEES 274 .01 U7' 1100dOD3].�6000 [JSE TAX 4� 3A9. 34 WC 001000031128D0 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4 . 00 ----�---------------��� ------------------------------------------------------